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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Oct 1891, p. 6

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;Mawatchng the house from fr e 7U. su ed ho mAsoknew that PluTe as 'mié- Ing Viliers wth all the insatiable dosiraetma wil basaI for blood. The inoon r ve% a grosI efldof ilver, snd a&l th. POMu strewn wth the aerW e hodown of Ibo trou. The wtud slghed through the branches ce th. wattles. sud madie their golden blosmam. tremble in the moonllght', whlo baud In hand tbu loveras grollod dowu the path or over the diort., dry grass. F«r away iu the distance they heard a woman slnging, aud the hlgh, swoo<i voc floatoti oftiy toward them liirough the cloar air. Suddenly they heard the noise of a chair b eing pusboti back luside the bouse, and knew that madame wua gettlng roady to go. They moved simutaneous1y toivard the door, but in the porch GJaston pausset for a moment, and caught Kltty by the armn. "Bobe," he whispeped, aoftly, "1when mea- dame Iogon I amn going down the bll b Ballarat, so you will v.aJk with me a littie way, will you flt?" 0f course, Kitty wes only too delighted ab being asked to do so, and readily consonteti, thon ran quickly into t hoebose, followed by Vandaloup. "You horer" cried îuademe. lu amurnae, pausing for a moient 1in thre act of putting ou hem bonnet. 1"Why are yeu net at tire theatrel?" IlI amn going, madame," replieti Gaston, ealmly, "lbut I thougirt I mouid ceme np In, enter te assit yen te put tire nugget lu the trap."1 IIOhirli. larcirursl veubtihave don. liaI," said madame, muci r gatifled aI Van- tieloup's attention. I'min orry yen shoulti miss yeur ovenlng'a pleasuro for tira." "Air, madame, I do but exclirsge a. leOler pleasure for a groaler onie," aid tire gallant Frenchminan, v1tir a pleasant snulle; "lbut are yen sure yen mwii net vent me 10 drive yenl home!1 IINot at ail," nsid madame, as th"ymi vent outaitie; I am qulte m8te." "81111l, vlth this," salti Mr. Iarchurat, bmnglnug up tirerear, vith tire nunet nov mfely jlaceti in Ita mooden tex, I"yen mlght b. obbed.11 "Not I1" replieti lra. Viblers, brigitly, as tire bora. and trap vere brougit round 10 the gate by Brown. "No oe now ev 'y gel t utirehei-sp, anti, baides, ne eue cam catch up witir Ro-y viren ire once starta." liarcirurst put tire nnggeî under lbe seat ot the trap, but madame vas ut raid Il rnlght slip out by soma chance, so ah. put lbe box ccntaining it lu front, sud bren ber fot on the box, se thal il vas absolnlely impossible Ibat It coulti getlesat vlthaut lier knevlng. Tiren saying good-bye ta every eue, sud 1.11- ing M. Vandeleup taehe ai tirhe Pactalus b.- fore noox tire next day, sire gatirroth ie reins anti tiiove aoly dovn tirebiW, much toe ltigirt of Mr. Viliers, vire vas gel- lug tireti et witilig. Kitty and Vandeleup mlmlled off in tire moonligrt. virile Miar- churst; mont bacir ta tire ouse. Villiera arose from iis biding-plaos, anti looketi Up savageiy t tire srene moon, vicir vas giving far toc nmach liglir for iis scheme te succeed. Fortuiiatelv, however,hie sawa groat blackr cid rapidiy advancing viici threateued te bide tire moon; s0eire set off dem thre WiiU t a ruu lu aider te catcir bis vite at a naty part of thee raid soma ditance toma, where sire would ire compefled te go slowly, and thus givo bim a chrance ta apring on thre tirap aud taire ber by. surprise. But qmicir as ire was, Pierre vas quicker, anti botir Viuîleloup cand Kitty coulid sie tire lv black- figurei runuing rapidly ploug In tire "Who atre tirosef" asked ICtty, vili a sud- don start. "Are tirey geiug atter madame?" "Little goose," virispereti ber bover vilir a laugir, "if they are tirey nover vili catch Up le tiraI b ýrsi-. It's al rigirl, Bob," vwith a reassuring smiile, soeing tiraI Kitty atllbilok- id soînewhat abarkned -, "tiey a-e eniy some mr'rcrs out on a driiioken frolic."1 Tirus pacifleti, Kitîy augiret gayiy, anti liroy manderai abong lu the moonligirîtalkming ail tire fond and foolisir uonsense tirey could thinkofe. Meanwirile tire great blaek ciouti iai cern- plelely iiden lire moon, sud tirevirole landsc'apo was quite dark. This annoyeti madame as, depending on tho moonligirl, tire lamps of thre trap Nvere net ligirtot, anti ah. couldti lsoa u luthe darirnes boy ta -drive demn a very amirvard bit et moed that sire vas nov on. It vas very steop, and tire. as a higir banir on one ide, wviile on tire olirer vua fall et about ton foot. 'Sire tait aunoyeti aI tire tarirnosa, but on looking Up mv tint tire cbouti vouiti soon pais, se drove on aBowiy quite content. 'Unlucxiiy sire diti net se. tire figure on lieigir banir vinai ran aiong stenthily besitie ber, and virile turnlug a cornIer, Mr-. Villiers-for it vas hoe --droppeti suddonly from tire banir on ta lie tmap, sud caugirt ber by lire liroat. "M oi'criedth ie unfortunale voman, tairen by surprise, ant i nvoluntarily tigirten- ing tire reins, tire herse stopped-;"miro are youl?" Villiers nover saiti a word, but tigirtenoti bis grasp on ber thmoat anti ahotenid bis stick te égive ber a blow on tire ired. For- tunatly Mine. Midas ssii ins intention, anti Manageti te vi-encir ieraelffree; go the blow aimeti at lier oniy siligitly tauciroti lier; other- vise Il voulti have blileti hem. As it vas, however, sire feU toi-yard, hait stunneti, anti Villiers, irurriediy droppeti iis stick, bet dawn anti seizedth le box wbich ho fot under bis test and inlultively gniesee containedth ie nuggol. With a ci-y et triumph he irurled t lout on le lie oati, and spung out aller It; but the cry voie iis vite trom the semu-aupor luto vicirsire d falon. Hefb-,ead toilt duzzy anti beavy trom tir, blow, but stitlisire hati ber senses about he, andtheir moon bursting eut froin beinutia alenti, nondeme th e nigirî as clear as day. Virierad pioketi npthe box, andi vu standing on lie edge et tho batik, Juil about te beave. Tire unbappy vornan recognulud heu huebauti, sud uttereti a cry. "lYen! you!" ah. arieketi, vildy, "oew- andt dastard! Give me back Ibat nunggst leaning eut etftire lrap lu her eagerneas. "il nI e you tamnid irat," etoret Vil- lien.a, rnov lbai b. vua cogulssd, vwu urily reobleeis mu th&liamsl. W' 1*~" sa.mud, ln a stupor, feeling Mr i&Wum.!" e*hoti selna a"ti »rhie, mWho -mre bath stading bccking torifeci at q»c "gYes," nid ]LMr.Villiers, lu a ireiov, whiOper, baulng forvar4 sud grasplg Archle's oet, 1"l'y. killeti my lasant," Md vitret nt oioert ah. feR tautlug te lie smoun& At the smm lime Vandsioup sud'PLume walked lubo the bar at tire Wattbe Tres Hoiel, sud ach had a glass ot brandy, atter vhich Pierre vent 10 bis beti, sud Vsutiloup, hummlng a gay song, burmotiou bis hoel adi vent te tire Itro. CH3APTER ZIII. HI" 1saya Thack- emay, -Pathre- tically, t"Pragnlu j a pleasest City, but vs alllioue Our vay te it lale la ThitWopploa fainlly vers traie boiriaus, sud hati net yet bot their vay ta tire peaast City. Tirey acceptod goti anti b.d fortune vlth vontierful equanimlty, sud if their pecbets vers ompty on. day, thero vas alwaya a possbilty oft tieir belng full thre next That the Wopples family vere favorites vîit theBeharat folk vas amply seen by th. crwed b ouse which assemblot ta meo "Tire Cruel-Stand."I The audience vere vory Impatient for the curtain ta ise, as lbey did net appreclate tire overtume, vbich con- sisteof etaira troin il La Mascotte," adaptoti for th. viollu andti pane by Mr. Handel W»opples, wro vas tire musical goulus et the family, sud sat in lire conductor's seat, piay- lug th. violin sud contiucllng the orchestra of eue, vhlch on tis oocésleu vas Miss Jemi- ma Wopplea, vire presidetetathlie piano. Tha Wopples famuily conalted oet tiolvo star artistes, boginning viti r . Theedome Wop>- pies, agodt fity, sud onding vitir lastor Sheridan Wopples, age t tn, vire did lb. servante' chai-actera, tielivereti bttera, torn-- id th. backagroundtinl tableaux, and matie himaSltgonoraily usetul. As tire castloethle comedy vas only eigirî, to of the family acteti as the orchrestra., anti the emalnlng tvo teck mouey st thre door. Wiren their duties lu this respect were over fom tire nlgirb Iirey vent into tire pIt 10 leati the appiause. At theonofAetdIL. the orchestra play- id theeIlWopples Waltz," dedicated ta Mr. Theodore Woppies by Mm. Handel Wop- pies, and turing lire performance eft lis Mr. Villiers wabked inta tire theatre. Re was a little pale, as vas only natumal afler sucir an advonture aisire hd been on- gageti in, but otherwist, seemeti ail rigit. Ho vaiked pUtte lt smevof lthe stalls, sud tok iis seat boside a young man et about twenty-five, vire vas ovidently mucir amuseti aItire performance. "Hlloo, Villiers!" said lhis yc'ung gentle- man, turning rounç ta tire nov arrivai, "vira't d'y, think of the pay VI "Oniy jmat gol lu," mturuoti Mr. Villiers, sulkily, looking aI bis programme. "Any good'-in a more amiable tan.. "WeU oll, ad," retumnedth le other, pull- ing up iris. colar;1 'I've sSoeu inlu obourne,' yen know-the original, I ma; Ibis lsaa very second-hand affair."l Mr. Villiers notideti, andi becarno absorbed lu bis programme, so, seing ire vas dami- clineti fer more conversation, tire. young gentleman tumneti iis attention te lire "Wop- pies Waltz," viricir vas nov being playoti tait sud furiouby by tire idefatigable orchrestraetfIvo. Bartholomow Jasper-generally calid Barty by iis f riends-was a bank clerk, sud hati conte up ta Balarat on a visit. Ue vas vol lRev lu inMebourne seciety, sud looketi upon hlmebt quite as a leader of fashion. Ro vont everyvirere, dencoti divinely-se the ladies aai-sung two or tbree littie songa, and playedth le same acoompanlmenlta oeacir et thei, vas seen oonstsutly at the theatres, piunged a litle aI thre races, and vas altegetirer aut extreme- ly gay dog. Just as tire orchestra vere making their final plunge luta the finale o el"Wopples Waltz," M. Vsudelonp, cool and caim as usuel, stroblet i mtirte theatre, snd, soing a vacant seat besie Villiers, valketi over sud tob IL. l'Good-evenlng, my tiend," ho naid, taucir- lag Villiers on tire siroulder. "Enjoylug lb. play, eh ?"I Villiers angnily pusiret avay tire Frenchr- man's baud anti glaroti vindictively aI hlm. "Air, yen 51111 bear malice fer tiraI itIle episode of tire ditcir," saiti Vantielonp, wlth a gay augir. I"Corne, nom, Ibis is a mistake; lot us b. friends."1 "Go to tire devil 1" grQwlod Villiers, cross- ly. il igit, MY trient," sai Mr. Vaaatie- loup, seenely croaing ii legs. " W.'l ail end np by paylug a visit ta that gentleman, but virile ire are on earth vo may as veil be pleassut. Seen your vite latoly F' Tiis apparontly carebes lqulry canaSt M. Villiers le jump suddenly ontut fhl meat, much tothelb.astonisirment oftBarby, vho titi nol bnov for viral reason h.ovas 11, ài Tlio ~,ouielumiem ah. came le ..~- liaI Il v.' oliorelue, mmdi. ft~odtuibodtaa'vury W1~tAUl frm~~ ~mm a~v. A NIWDBU~1ta~ kuocklflg et ia. do«.rUt 'mw,% boom", dOiRt."OibO M4la, " 1* .ào& sa ed maDrier UiaMLtmade them s#1 jud9. On emlerng the rom ath.Y *YMd Mr- c ples, dresotinlua light tweed suit, Md M piittfgon hie oul. 1Mr. Vilirsaod ho had brought two gentlemen to lutuOduoê to hlm, at Wb"ch Mr. woppieo wum doeh-ll* asnd on thieitndod otte*ýflhIe, .ua both Mr. VauddlumVMd, tï iai * Lt* u cm of tbe prueimosat'Mhm I to& " howodw"s uSrd M n Od to visftors.neswum*Donureade,"snd preod- ed th party oni of the room, 1hen ho stop- ped, truok wItAia suidemiidea. "I have loft th gas burnlng la my drosu- lng-room," ho sald, in bis rolllng vol0es, "'sd if youwill permit me, gentlemen, I Winl go back and turn it off." This was rather diffleut to mnanage, lues- much ai the ataire; were narrow, and three people bong between Mr. Wopples andi bus dreuling-rooni, ho could flot squeeePOaL Fùny the difflculty was settled by Vil- liera, who waa lait, and who went back andi turneti out the gai. Wheu ho came down ho tounti Mr. Wopples waltlng for hlm. III thiank you, ir," ho saad, grandly, "snd will feel honoreti if you wlll glve me the pleaure of your company at a modeat aup- per, consstlng principally of cold beef and pickles." 0f courue thoy all erpressed thenmelves delighted, and as the entire Wopples family hati already gone to their hotel, Mr. Wopples, with Mis three guests, wentout of the thestre, and wended thelr way toward the same place, only dropping into two or tbree bars on 1he way to have drinks at Barty's expenhe. They soon arrlved at the hotiel, and havlng entered, Mr. Wopples pusheti open 1h. door of a roomn from wheuce 1h. sound of laughter proceeded, sud introduc- ed the three strangers to, hie fainily. The whole ton, togethor wlth Mir@. Wopplem, were present, and were seated around a large table plentifully laden wlth cold bee sud pickles, salade, botties of beer, and other things too numerous to mention. Mir. Wopples presonted tbem fir-et t1 bis wlfe, a faded, washod- out looklng lady, wlth a perpetual sinper on her face, sud clat inl a lavender mualin gown wlth rlbbons of the same descrption, uho looketi wondwr- fully light sud afry. "This," saici Mr. Wopples. in hie deep voico, holding his w1fe's band as if ho were afraid she would float upward tbrough tb. oeiling lire a bubblo-a fot unlikely thlng, seoing how remarkably ethereal she looked -"titis le my flutterer." lir8 Wopples fluttered clown to the grounti in a bow, sud thon fiuttered up again. "Gentlemen," she said, lu a thin, cloar voice, "you are welcome. Did you enjoy thre performance?"' "Madame," returued Vandeloup, wlth a smile, "Ineed you aik that1?" A sbadowy amiàle floated over lirs. Wep- ples's indistinct Matures, sud then ber hus- band introduced the rost of thre f amilyinlua buncir. "Gentlemen," ho sald, wavlng ieisband to the expectant ton, who stood in a lino of five mie and five fomale,,"tire celebrated Wop. pies famly." l'he ten al l multaneously bowod at thia as if they were worked by machinery, sud then every one sat down to supper. Prase ol'each others actin.- formed the staple of tire conversation, andi Vandelonp came to the conclusion that thre Wopples family wai a mutuel admiration society. However, ai it was now nearly twelve o'clock, ho rse to tare iris leave. "Oh, you're flot going yet?" saiti Mr. Wopples, upon wbieh ail the fan;ily ecboed: "Surely, not yet!" in a mnost hospfitable mnan- uer. "I inuit,"1 said Vandeloup, with a smie. 'II know madame wil excuse me,*' with a bow to Mrs. Wo plpes, who thereupou fluttereti nervously; 'but: 1 bave to ho up very early lu the mornlng."1 "In that case," saiti Mr. W'opples, rising, 'II will nlot detalu you; early ta bed and early te rise, yeu kuow; not that I believe in it much mysoif, but 1 understanti i lel practiceti wltir go resnîta by soine people." Vandeloup shook bands with Mr. sud lMra. Wopples, but feeling unequal to taking leave of the ton star artise i te sa ne way, bebowed lu a comprehensive mauner, whero- upon tire whole ton arose from their chairs sud bowed unanfinously lu return. "Gooti-nigirt, Messrs. Villiers and Jasper," sald Vandeloup, golng out of thre door, I wiil see yon to-morrow."1 .Ho walked slowly home ta tire bots!, smok- Ing a cigarette, snd tinking deeply. Wiren ho arrveti at the Wattle Tree ho saw a ligit alii burning in the bar, sud, on knock- lng at the door, was admltted by Miss Twex- by, who hati been making up accounts, sud whose vlrgin heati was adorneti witir curi- pae sa.iIi anowe ieswhm gX 9WIbila iah w "My ur mada," sis tladlmmy, golng oher emn)w, ah atrwt "lit±r no"gro MPli tsb ilfla thmshandn rtio ;"irbdii ' . b» ad 'h.'Was " bero b ug forYes a oti Iblie t heni mdam, #b.- wn hem linoreti lut1 "Mybdar d yon esuinsloedmam, ioaing ofer t br'«, if# thoua ate rlppit 1h.a t ber c arSm mIs1o ýtavel" h "isfancoursehai e gau Vadeip& a- butbn bo er bas bepeitr cromteneli "'s,%o e anIistreuhi taid madamu em é chai r l doai aent suprsetllavingàtmati,.mntba gowuvtye ah. aletremand1esd aam oo e viei. Vsuwadloup hat ben ude illan therfuof ber cvaa; hpg she l aoutli "mobrsd hon to1" hIm l euuabu blu hesmeemeutq, oýeu tat nlght. Bbia chairetin tbom lfu agai, ~dmevno vaâ wuletolvi a homoditegoicIn- Ohno, yndb.wa," ha ail, inaboutetime "Hbe'yadtnuk" epid Windeoupauty "sud hra'. llely etop tat gm el ura "ell about rIubt," sand Mm. Mltouh, wurattinItaultbden gevk o' a vuxb "Ilwh' thewt, h nlort'sluba', nid Vn- haverdoe wlltb t t's be laieno." licîtor vanaout ack 1em osarply a madam's dvoi,1 es vas iroad loup, hmlm- lia. Viflr. vas ghatb pae ut tforoa vas a lobeetboet elaonaout r. whcIrtO wahed t'It a. as uon ka u em il Polt ng tetatse anelds Mhennit, ah.an- t Vdelop: S aePer ioe-fIb "Teli ma e vertingtathapeneI wfrent bae tciIltIyen it n oolgirtn." "lIy th," replit V andeonp areblya takntre seat, "iintheainmcir te n- Madae' oies KlIty ud vent em teBa- "Hema vas Il dyern ldnt aisutmeron lb. vayl" tat eti aae, quikty fiSng he porcing t eyes n lm."I trovf e saidy vae lng cler theasm lf y eou,"bsa4d cimby"twen t"Me oth drein lustead cf tire un wy, tai lva the shortIlteroe l t m.pch e Ia sartaplu11 . "Tir'aed amers y , m fxig e,"lu "Ierbal ys onmelg ee' II rera," pursue Rue bouepe "antithnvet oteaire hear. Youmb"e ugni cae Mlutaard tire entt tire pteroratnce udstext &th a e." "TWa ire ailrigirtl" kedmaame,"lin.a Vepsdbop shugdbs. oioa 'uId a ceom ietsinet t enj y ir. playe ani attenad vien irent onlthuper villa tire acerarhoncerany sat et h e."i o yonselou madame yuhirhulbanila ut "wirat tiarIle midyneavte j h"sie pay,- eand atterardpause ewn o uprw theAbout tvonly mainuet v es a IvivfoI ant Iedmn I thlktti.tnt y in rubsle valk therm.dame orhVibadaloppti self." "Enln bimd u eatvieimnklug hlmk ede aft, vaslge. i leai ;I vAb uaou i Wa Ibmints tman a monI sudlr, go ban auseent tire etI ereti etvahem ite rhat sah.ouawl vlb ghlly ciluchei hanta su ryVilles stolg e Vdeionp'as mngeitai. ieal n;i bain bIs s thi "1h ndealos aler bis sml as omin, a riepturomudt anmoy waatrsu emant te xi doon n' lfl suk iatd lb. Violiers eo inese."gs "oAntiberhw d as en rpse b hop isat Vdoupuket adlouflpaty "Pel hm i Mr. Tolbosh th fotrab-nin "A v Ierysnsyie "theuggsK oks atd em- biWhnatsdo e ran ay, madame an as il vms n w r - ha bs.4~tI.qapeared, bilaiga Is-ieek a~~jous. Tire- liaI kebol *r *fanIemd Children. omme emes 01,0 O. RCoEUn ft Stomack4 Dlarhe utMI SuUÔo amWorm,, givosu ep, a&"iprou»sdbu Tum COUVA=e COMPUIT, WMurmy Stre, i .. Au Invitation. lYs inviteeveryonme t» SaRiand'oee our NEW.AMERAN WAT0HBS In Nickels Solid Su-ver, and Gold filled. We are convinced you have. neyer seen their equal. Just fancv, A Solid BitTer stem winding and stem setting &1merioan Lady'. Watch for $7.50. A 15 year gnaranteed, gold filled watch, for $10 50 Gentleman's solid iver watoh for $9. Gold filled for $11.50 These Watches muet b. seen to'b. convinced as to their quality and merits. Only to b. seen at S. Je PERTTYPS, The Jeweler.. *sttm eÏ - bck l lai aitul tb. afsrnooa fu sirtmwbo lmut ti ou eo M ivm'awam n mI goI&go t 1w u ac wam violty l*rom, opun, am unta, raw4icsodl utsro tu a vssy ated MOr. Damo& la.4 duity hlb1 go90W» wU w IMpebouma otod sokow on bhr rough hala', I" lady Umpgd on BliUYu' table a linge umbrefl atidomandeti vhe T" dubera vas.r vcind t"Idau'wk IÎOM"a7dlles loemy "Doa't sar st me, you woodoe-logged bIlle mniter," oriedt h. virago, vithimn- oObp-bang Qithi Cmbreila, vhich alseti snck a oboud of &dut latI t narly mde lvese Umm bis hud ocf. '*R. sin'I been homo ail. habit7U, norhsmdlibertine." "HamaI beum homo aU inght eh? mid 811v- M'a, slfttng np quickiy, whie Bill7, Who ho4 boeouslderpUy alarmed at the ganit te-, malo, retiredto the .fire-place, sud tliAk d ceeu himslf p th. chimney. "May I1ask Who yon are?" "lYen may," mid th. angry lady, foldlng heS armesud holding the umbrella lu snch an avkward manur that ah. issarly pokoti Slivorss remalnlug eye out. "Wefl, vh e mo yen" appeti Blivors, crc.ly, atter wmitiug a reaicunable time for san aor sud getlng non.. "illm bis a£Uady," retorte the i.otber, villa a dellant mort. lMatilda Cheedle ln my naie, an" 1Idon%1 cure vho kuowu Il. Il'm net a pretty name," marled Blivers, prcdding the ground vith hbiswoodem lkg, as h. alvaya titi vhom sugry. I"Netier are yen. Wbat do you muan by banglng labo =y office 1k. su Insne giraffe tis il Unlu- ton to Mma.Cheedie'. helght. "Oh, go oui1 go oeil" uaithat làdy, defisut- ly; "Irve beardit allbefore; I'm usedti tlb but haeo I sit umaI1 you teil me vher. my lodgem lasd mltlng the action te the word Mmra Cheedle sut dovu lu a chair vlth snch a bang that Blly gave a screeeh cf aIarm sud saiti, "Pickles!" "«Pickles, yen 11111. bsg ef boumai" cried Mmra Cheodie, who thought tiraI lhe word had proceetied frum Blivera, 1"don't yen oeil me 'lckles,-bub Iluse nioti IlI'm a loeywomaqý ince Choodie vent to th. oemetry, a Pus maivays belng Insulted. Oh, my nerves are abattemed under such treatment"ý-tbis lait because she mw tire whisky bottie on the table, andi thonght she might get some. Bliyera teck thre hint, and filling a glass wlth whisky sud vater passed ti t110er, anti Mnr. Chootile, vlfth msuy protestations tirat sire nover lonciretispirits, drank Il 10 the lait drop. "Wus Vilira always lu the habit cf cern- ing home?" lho saketi. "'Always," replieti Mra.Cireedfie; "h'. bin wltb me eighteen menthesud nover stopped out one nlgirt; I ieho had-grixly-"'d bave knowvn thre reason of bis rampagin'." "Strange," saiti Slivers, thougirtfuily, fix- lug Mrs. Cirodile witirnis one eye; 'when did you m iin lasîr" 'About tbroo o'clock yesterday."1 said lira Cireedle, iooklng sadiy at a boblu i one of ber cotton gloves; "bhis condîict vas mout extraordinary; lho came bomne aItit un- usual boum, changed bis linon clothes for adark suit, sud, af 1er h. bat salon emone- thing, put on another bat, sud walked off writh a stick undor bis arm" "And you've nover moen hlm alucet"' "'Not a bleed sigirl of hlm,"l replied lir. Choodle; '*you don't thmnir any bai-m'a came le hlm, sire Nol. as 1 care macir for hlm- tho drunlien wreicbi-but stili lieos a lodger and owes nme rouI, soI don't know but viral ire migbt ho off to Melbourne vithout psy lug, sud leaving his boxes ful cf bricka b.- bluti." "rlbave a lok round, and if I1ss hlm lil sent i hm homo," salti Slivors, rLiing te latimate lthe interview vas et end. "Very voil, mind yen do," said the wldow, rising and putting, the empty glass on the table; "1send hlm home et once ant iMPH poak le him. And porap," witir a basirtul glance, "1yen woulin't mind seoing me up tho treet a short way, as I'm asienud un- protected." "Bluff!"11retorteti Blivers, ungmaclously, "theme's plenty cf llgbt, sud yen are big enougir ta look af 1er yourei." Wiren ah. hlidgone Blivers bocked up bis office, sud sallieti forth ta mid tire mlsslng Villiers. "If," said Slvera, "hoe doesn't tumn np te- morrow lPil bave a look for hlm again. If that dcn't do il tel l th police, sud 1 ahouidn't -%onder," vont on Slivera, musing- ly, "I ishouldt w onder if tiroy calieti on Madame Midas." 0lTIÀPTER YV- BLIVEJW IN SEABOF EVIDENCE. 'Auquot th 81 Orgaxi Repaired -and. Tunied. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Orders hy mail promptly attendedt . R. N. SISSON, 1801. -LINDSAY, ONT. On Deok Again And sales larger than ever. A clear sweep of the Cô.nadian mar- ----- -ket for 13 yeas. OLD ENCLISH CONDITION POWDER Containe orne pound iu ,very packate4 and every p.ckage itbe samA ýeûr in and year cul, Not injurions. Raia or ahino it won't hurt any anhual. 25c. BACE, OR, 5 FOR $1 00. A.HIGINBOTIA M, Druggist, Liiudssay. THE MANU FAOTUH ERS' LI FE&ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPÂNIES. Combined Authorized Caipital and other assets ..............$3,000,000 J. W. WALLAGEn Agent, Lindsay. W. A. HORRINS, Dittriet Manager, Peterboron LKRDINE -MACHINE - IL, THE FAMOUS HEAVY BODIED MACHINE OIL MADE ONLY BY MoOOLL BROS. & CO,. Toronto USE 1T ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER> 4 MOCil01s' Fam,)usC~yinder Oi. Finest in Canada for Engine Cylinders ASE FOR .LARDIN-E! f 1782.-ti. pc>_ cJheap FURNITURE GOTO &NDERS"ON, NITGEN Ti &Cô. KENT S.TRIEET, LINDSAYB Jn4e~1e1ers d Cabinet Makers. S" No $rouble to show it. NL NUGENT a cou W ardbre Nex&ý-dou-r tb the Daley _House. Kent street.

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