~h~18O1 g t" :4 'w .1~ la it rev arugig al in.ohébeak« ci Meit a. Pomnpey'a pIlla is ahors, iabcu 1 dhu d i oet iiigii, its baie urtouado byouhllti scudtiqcr' I wvasWg b escape jetoau a ir UsaS vasbreatlsable. TM lover va. bult imenr if Diocletian fa sparing the. reblious citiu.a Atter havin toclareti that hc V014 make the. blec rua Weilu larse'Ikaeeu anti hie horse f1.11 v it hâtle. ithbe o anti hic knoes eu otenodthé setyrans tocS I for granledt t wu a s .hehouisoti the nasaacre, anti soo " OPznmoM*ki biii piliar te) bis m*rc. This la 5h. .ity 6 vhicn Osar 'cmain ter buildIng 'butt huntireti eeu m nIdee#reylfag Wl thousanti temp ands tci U s-le honaw vill ages a tie.ls, Ye* 'lBg lu M a eviimseS etofern, ci k ofei cati a vootion plate--c*Il hicSho hmSel forim»uei-asall.thliton vileShok lmitet i blscf for mesS t, fhie Mm uie breati anti vator. Wu orsee .oUM other man a dolâSlll<a 1~fm stnange, se voitd, 5gàè e~ O'U* ig ty, se <caS, a.e ie1nè In hs iy wvas , -sesment ede tures tise-Weilti 0 ie e eM tise lueso 4Iý Wtu 1.5abU; mion., ct etiq' ,55w6 bv the treeus nt»J e ei iegli Ioe TABERNACLE_PULPÎTi. 'OR. TALMAGIS SEC4ffiO «IW f4 O00 MIS OLD WORLD JOURNEilyS- ne intid ufrmêe i i wtmv the senlptus-es ilateIe TeBImeor 0thé citios ad River.an4 Finlam o ýz duo. BROOKLYsN, Oct. 25.-The r.ndoring ci tic Flrat Sonata in D Miner, by Guilmant, on the gieat organ etftthe Brooklyn Tmbor nacie tua momning, by Professer Hcnn Eyre Bruwne, the organist, heldt tie vant conigregation spelîbounti with pi'eteund émotion. Dr. Taimage preaczied on "li- lng Up the NitIeÇ'"thé second isermon cf.tise séries entitieti "Froms theoPyramide ho thse Acropolis; c, Vhat I smv in Egypt anti Oreece Ceufrrnatery ofet tii. watres." ic text vas Ezekiel xxix, 9, "TiseRiver hu Mine anti I Have Matie IV'" Aba! This is the, River Nile. A broya or yeilow aor silver cord on visicis are hua4 nie jeweis cf thhiiing intereat tian onà any river thiat vas evcr twiste in xthse suit. t hine. It mpples througts tise book of Eze- hiel, atnd flashes lu the beýks cf Deutero,- osny ant iIsaah amud Zacisaria anti Na- hum, anti on its banka atood tihe migbtieu cf inany ages. It vasthe. crystal crasll. ol Mouies, ad on ite Lanhe Mar~y, the refuge., carriedth ie infant Jésus. To id tue birth- s la cetof thi4 river vas the fscinaticu and esfea texpeditions vithout nnrnber. Net many yeams age Bayard Taylor, eur vmach American travelier, vrote, "Since Columbuss lirst looketi upon San Salvador, the carth lias but une émotion of triuunpl loft for lier bestowai, andt tsoh. mairies for hinm who shl iret drink tram the fouastausas of the fflite Nule tnder the cnov filds ut Kiiima.Njar. " But the. dlacoviry of the sources efthtie Nil. by met peopLe vas considereti an impouibiity. Tise ma- larias, tise vilti beasta, the. savages, the un. 4imrbssble steeps, the vast distances, toppeti ait tise expeditiens for ages. An intelligent native naid te Sir Samuol W. Baker ant ivie au they veme on thilu lmy te accosuplisi that las viicis othe bal taileti: "Give up tho mati schécme of the Nile source. Hew wold it b. possible Io; a lady young anti délicate Se endure isat vuuld killtise trangeât maxn? Civ. It up." But tise verS vent on until Speke QdGrant anti Baker toundth ie tvo lichu visich are tise source cf visat vas caloti thse White Nule, anti baptixoti tise.tvo lea viti tise namea ot ictoria anti AI. bt. Theme tva lakes, filuet by greaS rain. fails anti by accumulatoti nova trout thse ateuntaiuîs, pour thin waters, lad.. vilhi agricultural wealth such as bleuse.ne othet :Ïver, on davis aven the cataracte, e. b.- tvion frovning mounitaina, on b.tw.uu oiemo living anti cities deail, on for four ts puant intilies anti through a continent. But the White Nil. vaulti do littlo foi E ptif tiseeoail. Il vouit Seep itu aniand Egypt vonit remain a dosent But fretin Abyssinie tiser. coines visaS la calleti She Blueo Nue, vhicis, though diry or sesrly dry hall the y est, untier trernentieus raina about the mitdle cf June rimes te grest monscntunr, anti thia Blue Nil. tias titi saudtieu influx imb ithe White Nilo ,qbich ln consequence riséesthirty teeS anâ thelr conbineti vatqrc inunte Eqypt vitis à rici s .011 vich drops on al the.fieit% andi pademsas 1h la cenducteti by ditches andi Eme.anti cans eevery viitiier. The greatest dama ge Shah evcr came te ~gpt caime by tise drying up of tise Rivet Nila, andtheii greatesh blessing by lia isealth- $qil ansd abuntiant fiow. Tise famine ln loseptî'c Utnie camne trom.tii. ack et auffiol- *ut inundation freintise Nule. Net enougi Ml*o asdrongit; tee mahNil. la fromiot sd plagu.. The. rivera et the esrtis at lie mot liera ot its prosperity..,If by coma convulmion ot nature hi issippi sould b o takoîs train North America, or tise Ama- Sfrein South Amreica, or tise Danube CM Europe, or tise Yeniâei from Asi- risat hemispiierio caiamitv! Stili, thona ire otiser river tisat couiti fertilize anti cave tiue ocountries. Ou r own contixnent is guicîsot in laibboneti, laglorilieti by innumerabie vater courses. aut 4gypt iss oniy oe great river1 andti â inalaharneese ti S trav aà tho proapeities et recluse in acreage semi- lafinlito. Wisah happens tu the Ndle, hap- puni te Egypt. Tise Niioxueter wai ho mi very suggestive as we went np anti dovu ieo dmmp atonse stopcantiav tise pillai uisrked ivti netches telling just iov hlgâ « 1ev are tisa waters cf tise Nilt. Wh"a tho Nule la miing tour criera cvcry mona run througb the atyanasauncitlg baw u= fot tise river bas tison-ton teet, ffttee aeot, tu enty teet, twenty.four teet-asdf Wheas tlise igist hoght of wiater la roaohod tise gteM Ofthéii.canais&Mmefiuug open aOU Ibo liqu ijd andi refresiiing bénédiction n lapà1 àouric.d on ail the landi. Ire MUEVEN MouTif H iHÀgE. poédà for fh. - _d o o h n h ftat Thaakuglving mominîng n the. Nil Tvwo groat nations, Egypt anti Greeo, ave groundmmooth on Ifoitobzv87esJan$LOOe- »Vnid@VON-mmil.Div m ww Ienn my t Iftody haraonmtàltinr yfo tigThe luesfe rOttWa....le IP'4LIu . _1L1__ MMt=I'ahUrne0 TeSbo Dk fthsCmay antb Id tors et to-dm edanti ainSct came te battisle. ured ormuhig wugase o ArIieo s.. f8f-n.LSl fer on* .bock, acopy of "sbyin i. tl aa telescopec microscopes s ctea .. .1 Li- a _ DtGO~ro~u~~ - for.108 L t0L.Bndfo irutr. id citri oprdt h rgno i&6 . 81ai -y. te E ti an kingtsi.. misai anti' ýdthesoii anogront n tiseti h îmia, s m .llgwsŽaflirm o Te ortthoc eak Sli CBeorany caSbm x be poptaflus uggested by.thie crooodiles my tieAgyexaang, deratithalgass_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ useiwto'pWahie books of suis rve. nIi ti ie aetr h is RpZàEDY.IADE<lOTI0, hies, P deeois, kgcf he nt up te Athena, Ghleffcoto borr.WAs Avile d teOdkMÂTH.,>g -'-PUEISHIUJ.-101 R1Fai a i n h u:s'o i ~ ~ aet k soid.. d u 7« 4,7 1«»Ms, e.el* c pplé, MAI-- A ~ T ' D V N h t i m ri e a c s i A d I *à d .llar. ofo u.ve- £<smt. C E O CIà aY TiI! W  E E ff, Q A 8 W BT an re ces, Suc i an maieIîe»Von ii utooa hian eddete..soflbese5nekw. l bass GRAND TRUNK RAILWAYS UIUNBTlAPECIAMT.Cti- " anb eo have man ti or auieh f .aw u kide ooivoitheaookbut e-,IN= b appyi Wl11 e=teroturn that u'hlc eis b.bal so- -' »rEOUWStlmusI . shrt stes rie svot stck Itdtb s.a@MW,',a iannti - 1 elWi àauevtou umiTisuts IeMdu oeteà cekn au1 =etTa & rkm"eaotOf ~brn i th MupO mdt fhiy rivera. , adh efli b Vtthoumad PMvuiruetue nos 34.ians 1rekl L u w 5di ato isud idollars. 0e lg.& % Mntiaite r u t he a 8 0*b a l b. t y " el I m d ed - .of , riz Me~ O I&Oe asr ii av r st u-PBIC9 25C. PEN S9 0« l seau, rakg tàal o.e"BoastIft at teEp5 .*pMd.istqfmA. BL H. CARL, Soldby &B.ld xdtt t00Ite *àotW"&d>SOI btljn wl(et c -MA Sknov ,that lI arn-**, Loed becom tu onu, *sis$ haîea rct}--Wkes duit"mau tcriiée;n ~stiuU5. o à "at saim onora i ; lton .mad c fd hu vhG __ ' -__S s* et U~ut ab6w, ý 1 . ' t I ___ ; 100% . el SprCit? NarnessShop, Lindsay. the J1011* .mwmîdouqrle An bc JAIMS LITTLI.> PROPRIETOB0 flueCati. irtbigki f , te s ndredtm 1 Re haa %uired a pptit fr ive buM -for toom p lini g è tM ~a m o f he lar e ltea _ _ _ tiiw a o thcm nt d a nt m rtu ruy .s o ae cordiiig tWthtu ttfeî tii.7were on tbe w&y from PE yt'o an roTw was s Uesta c of Raineses, we.... tbat eve wus oaoked. Bwad I vwtwt wua to me Mnatt m l.g an iecuMe tiser. are o iAO raes UEgp in Thhnre iht-en m Ausnome nJhnrrSto adh amuse it wb.d boe d. ite oai t1s "" . e ~S i ~ 'd i g tramsprtdfroni t inies tvoïhundr.d2podb ixko u e or hp.Tik n aie doas.Iýw mbe a rosident of this piam à library Mte n the rver . worme d riles away and wu afe bt t vs et teilr..ITell ýuimas, ___si.- --.W-m - .lae a ow. Ba" de d5coller@a aq»"I tbi e faut htthe art of priutîug lsadl noS buflo and the. cattle or kine te drink. And mmo'dern nmacW z-.I * How wore thoren tl ..~tt o ,Ufg .I'h.EIahb~ gseuiéa ~~ n m h~ft h agi eoo baaivcte.Seven thouae.sdit vws the.aneets ofthese cattie that i frock, standing etThebs, basknv.~'CP~5 en volumes a.nd ail the vork of a eUuiwmdsn pired Pharoah's dream cf the lban kine vtmaimesnpea. b O O wn. yvthjei ve e aaW51broIlyium= m. o . foegse Uplace. 0v. Meps e. cmii. But downu it ail went uuîder the torch;i andthefat kine. artist'. ped of the peet day? Tellus, _ .oud vie feaie a1 vag"popy os m% oeteplc.Gv m al besioeus. Buit again and destroyed aggof Hors vo disembark a little wvile for artiste of the. N*h te en Utar.Te hî h cl z* laf aiv n asi -A M 7IT LE BulIt e.gain, but the, Ârabâ omaln ferMemphis, off frorn the Nile to the ighk . dead cities f0 f er m s e l h~ ave b Qm keup. On W.e dy cf ltJ M W I T ii iùs final démolition and the fonr thousa. Memphis founded by the firat king o1l lat enogh piliars olstatues eorsep1ches v.k thi e ttvas made on a bpt of 81, fivé il.y e.11.itIU bth. of the city wee heateti with tho« n Egypt and for a long whie the capital. A or templne ruina t te th etiiutc-Momhs et h i-toeta volumes,, the fuel sigsix monithe, and cityof marble and gold. Home o e Migd limji,,Zo hèe, Semphi, = tebroug pret Te u foclrget on. tua vu-e ever ires knled tgsuolfefi o0t Pharnuli. City i>teenmiles ircu m, at , al f T ie.deei , Gohn, vohias hrot, adho vas torge W va I.tat re yard olonde trug icreek on thse Harris fart a mal enough te W ifl artyrdn of beokal How many of imposuig Procoasso» miarche<î. lire steod, ue ia fi Thyhae v> _down. Re placed the frog head fiat ini thora have peedovnu inder the. rag e le Po f he Suu, tueli in brillilcy a lt1. ire= 1178,of11esu î a thon. Lamouth, ahoved the.remainder in vuit iio TheisGosoee oon anot er - u a e Thebeale- Yigens, and in an instant the amphibioua nations. rg o uaao nby vaoor o s indivil fnisl ;0 national fI~ fh I .I~ f I~ Only one book hau been abie to witisatanti power over a thousanti one bhundred yea.re, charactor. Let ail living citios irnow animal vas eut cf sight and probably jump. I the boýmbartimont, and that han gene r neary ton f tures as long as the United that pomp andi oul ea ePormîpro ro i tea onch adwt in 11 W II IU m U4 through vithout umel cf fire on islai do. u cam"lve oCaÂLeti. litre ie a recumbent £ 1ev tiaye there as a n14berNofSdoO No sword or aper or niusket for las defense'statue seveuty.five feet long. Bronzetipniyarào euntTestoryîthefe atns ad a ntivithinofVIV*U**E V An uarmti ew Tstaent An naretigatevays. A necropolis calleid "the have. 17 MOÉAmLq ]CNE,&LL 18 LOBT. Toaeve owtaadn h n Old estmen. Ye inulnrabl an ~-of the blest. 'lHtre Joseph vawu rm Thos ancient cit a lacked nothing but doubtedintegrityof thewitnesses, did net b.. OldTesamet.Yetinvlneabe ad ti-minister. Hiere Pliaraoh receiveti sob. gooti morale.. Diasation andi six art lieve that Stowe would swallow a live froi niant heeela bassnthngsuer Ail possible aplen dors wre bnilt up inte lialteti, they wilseome day slay eut cf their selection. Stowe vas wiiling Wo try _______ nairlaot it. Conqueror cf oksl this royal city. Hosea, Ëzekiel, Joremiah modern cities, anti Iîeave cur palaces of the thing again, and winking, se te speair, Mcnro etboka!Ai tie ock c ai ti.andtitsaiah apeak cf it as somiething wonder- merchandise and i er gaileries of art andti W his frienda, took another bet and appoint- a il u a the libraries outahone by tis one fl u iyhl lti h ut-sw on dtedy nMna h eodfo bookmwie vhîch aryt hu n oe did I visit a city wth such exalteti Memphis on the. atternoon of that Thanks- vas swslevwed, and tise witnesses present Bukt.S togt al arryte hesoh nticipaNover an aue d ritdy.hAlldasfatheche w wtheeus as tii. daO ounday thwe iseen fno Alhxandrian libraries. tiens dro no' fiat. Net a pillarnstanld&e. nation will go down. "Oh," voi an5v, "that any time te swallow a frog on a bet, and am gButg up aboard the tain rail train Net a waI1 in uubroken. Net a fountmâin la impossible; vo have etooti«,, o lng-ea, the froge are numerous at reLzent, he scoops im ~IjIt R 1 .1in u the banka bofLoc o ssacs in the.sun. Even the ruina have ever a hundreti years as a nation." Why, ix lots of dollars frnui wor nmen with vhom i vftT indow and ns these cainels kneel- beed rmmcd and I al that romains are chipe vhat of that? Thebes stooti five hundreti iie cernes ix contact. He says ho doos net jj In e heipstino herlao.At f marble, eaial pieces of fracturoti sculp. years. Memphis stood a thousanti yeans. beel any bad effects, as they are dead short.T U IU P 1 RE I think ve migit take frein them a lesn turc and splintered humais bones. Her ome d tdoes ot forget. On. day vith the ly atter landing in the stomach.- anti, isteaticf tryig te sand ungt at there a lette of norne elaborate in- Lord la a thousanti years anti a thousanti The food, ho says, is excellent, andi people cur own trength, become oonhcious foiarpisate or car cfritteehtoc easl n day. eat much worse things evory day. They veaknea andi neeti cf divine iielp belon, vo stooti in niche of palaco vail. Ezekiel YRum anti tibauchery anti bati poitica are juat as good as live oysters or live tako upon ucthe heavy duties aI the year propheieti its blotting eut, anti the proph- are more rapitily vorking tise destruction clams, of even live scallops.- To physiciana I L B RS N C or th w esk or thée day, and se kn.;l for ecy baus been fulfiiled. "Ride on,"1 said of aur American citieo than sinief any kind Stoeel a puzzle. They cannot understandW LL BFNTT te burdon ni myat p'<>t'neiofday'c o our party, 'and tion't vait for me." ant I al kinds worked for the. destruction hov the atomach can retain the fereign andkboutas on tse ahomste vich tii Antiu I stood there mioe the city o Mem- ot the cities et Afric*, once no mighty and matter, anti are skeptical. They know that perk nbtnu ftae hoesa ,ter tii. mte phisIirth lr o acnuresreturneti., nov ce preetmate. 'But their goda were imilar thiugs have been taken'into the. prt isovels cf muti. But tiser. inssoethix ed bate ruash er chariots, anti idols, anti coulti do #othing excopt fer de- eomrhabt s , why t la onvtinue Pc~~~~~~~~~~ teacnththougîyeîts the daaiioetlher tountains, and the conviv- basinment. Our God imaoie the heavena violent pains anticada hc cniu P1J la these neltty cf rtchenaatiascno ityofer palaces, atud aw the tiunken anti sent ic sson ta r.deem tise nations. until it us reinovet, but Stowe's aoal in he ovet-yof rethodueanda seuenobes ollon hefiacre of moeiac, wvile Anti our aities viii idot go dcvi, anti cur apparentiy retains froga, anti digeste them, at pioturesque rage. For thousauds cf years in startling contrat amii ai the regalities nation wiii net per*h hecause tise gospel toc, vhich in stiil more astonishing. tuis landi ha been undier a veny damnation o f the. laceI saw Pharaoh lock up unto the. la going ta triumph Forvard! ail acheola tien vili rail back tise influences vhich are ing, 1 Hov olti art thou?" rolormatory anti. ionary organizations. sCnupi crbe theE iat Thre rtga saie t Th lten sggetins orcurngconum- UNTIL JANUARY9 1893 "cciinti. gyhas. Tse. r gar. Porvardl ail the. uences mm ae it i.lta ugsin o uigcnup ue an palaces, ut *by bolong te i.T.be thevcd. tormemErpa tien are opium at eoiec yrgn riers. But back tiste Nil. anti on andi uptIll anti Amenican ctl listen te the voici cf The former agent is recommendeti by an About here under tise veillant Muradi Bey, y u reach Thebes, in Suipture caUssi> the hsanitali rureedadbyEgs ndheatrb nAmic o- thse Mameluk., viso are the. fineat herse- City ef No. Hundreti gateti Tisbea. A haseanintcitI d rowrrete hacnti orngisani the ate rebJoan AGerdcan de mon ru thse voriti, came 1ke a hurricane quadirangular city faim miles îrorn limit to hamer tihsp el icrvarb cn- eanti.tHeer aesetJohn GroDifl FR 1.00 I acicetisevoieftthon ancient Cition vocates a modifieti torrn cf opimsmoking, i upon Napoi.on'c army, but they ver. hïmlt. Four great temples, tva eft tiem pelei ekreak niX emr epciey r l d beaten bock by the French in ène cf the Karnac anti Laxar, once mountains cf ex- là hoare tram tise ewoeure of forty cou-1 anti hie methoti is ta soak tobcoieaarn fieraient batties cf ail. time. Thon the. Mam-. quisite sculpture anti gorgeons dreams turion anti th.y a4centuate slovly 'vlti opiumn tincture anti cause it te ho smoked elukes turneti their herses' heath tis her sclitilfiet inluatone. Statue aI Rameses I pstI.vr p ie o aebut ail ta- by the. consumptive. It linito e at as a vay ati n espraionbahet tem igit unret ati evnt-seven tons in otier thase citiesalni the Nil, intone palliative if net as a cure. It vas observed againat the. Frenchs troope, hoping ie vih nicvnt-iele gbthen o nse vcrtic: "fear us, fer vo are very olti, by Dr. Dill tisat in districts cf China vhere herses voulti kick the life out of tise rench falien anti scattered. Walls ablocm vitis anti it lanisard for us We pak. W. ver, conaumaption vas prevalent tisat opium regiet.Ti.Mm'kefii gitise battiefielda cf centuries. vise long betor. Athens 7eamned ber firet simokers were te, a large extent Iren froim plunged inte thic Nile anti wr. drovned 1 The uurrounding hila cof rock isaloved baceon. -W.miledi aur eh'~ whl. v et the malady, hence bis experimenha an tise lb.Frecisfortiss f.isng ehi td ' into sepuichres on the wail etfvisici are navigation vas unbenn. Tiis biia alue of the drug in case ftbeclss bodies etftthe Mameluk-es to got tihe valu- chiseait in piciaire anti hieroglyphica tise these pyramide, thonse talle. pillara. tie.Dr.- Heliner asserts that a dose cf peroxide SB C I EA NE ables upc. their 'deati bodies, Napoleon, confirmation -et Bible story in îegarti"to ivrecketi temples, the. colossi et black cf hytirogen, 9-0 dr'ops ini water every day, at tise daing eft tiese Mlamenkes, ex- the treatment of tise Israelites in Egypt no rante, these vrscked sarcophag untier wil do mnore toward curing consumption ciaimeti, "Coulti I have uniteti the Mam- that, as explorations go on vith the. v.rk, thse brov cf 5h. his, tell yen eofi viat I than aisYthiugpeiuyseifrtatu. eluke herse te tie Frencu infantnIj, I tise valîs of tisese seeulcisres become coin- vasin grandeur anti cf vhat I arn c.ming pose. Hie further st ates that 60 drapa viii vouiti have rockoneti myseif master of thé. mentaries cf the Bible, the. Sriptures cri- diown te be. We sinneil anti vo fefL. sterillic a ilý.rt of inilk anti rentier 1thbarm -____________________________ ved. inally wrihten upc. prchinent hcn ot Orlann ol e aeu. a es hlrn-T nappîysng eroxde R1TVLE AIAINCM ber. OurTHEearuing coultTHnet saveo uv.rSu.ilgsatone. Theber migItisans a------T'ReaThVnL EYANYI(ATIONz00)A dvAd virt P. inn TT h e uW ab d e r rua îouuinv~ TE NLE. ntoevenastng hane Thbes ighy athionsehall obliterateti bieroglyphios on cf ht:og :5teuobler usestanbeAI-,LITE> Thlcridealung tie Ni. luenodfoti nentv ls ufilent cr f e el' r-yonder vail. Our architecture coulti net hair, for w..ich purijose it bas been prinos-_____________________ Thsr d iteNl noeofthéwm j on n ufimet fEzkcla r cave. us. 8.. the. paintoti columna et pally used.. ment coiernu an impressive rudes oail my pheyonceming tise City of No, v.ach Pile, andthte. uiattereti temple of Esneh. - 1891. TIllE TABLE 1891. al, C A V E P, L Y, lite time, anti eut erotions ticepen ui theO va another name for Tisebes: -I Wil1 exe- Our berces coulti net Bave us. Witn.au TALK OF~ THE DAY. CO0MUCING MoNDÂT. smP. 2. F ICTORIA BOAD, ovurtains cf the.' night fall upon ailisur auto jutigment in Na. I viii cnt af tii. Meneq, Dictionisa, Rameses anti Ptoiemy. japeae t ufl ro n i g . B ut w s hall n "ê -h. satiafieti m ulttu des f N ." Je eiiais aise prept .- O r G d a A m n an d i ris coulai n et T e a e a e w f a e t s h r h s a dF RITRE A isD t sU N ly T A until vsre am takea hisd p ue t t . ti, -'Tissaiti tise Lord,!1 viii punlis cBave u,. Ses their talle. temples al along The verae vif .a M tA'sh-huneuban8 pntioss. ontirous waters an~ enttslliuese o. hundimiles of Nl.Oh @ for money, andin s mcst cases he bates ho have es[Wiii ,far nctw's A fui' s- pF> < 11n'SE~s crvedvti is tory e t he m isiiet Tee s ialtseoftNo."tisefour lie.nOh, ye ta aiscodiwt h tr fe- Ti iyo hbsadalteohrmodem. cities get tome ether Goti; a Qed her. prepsrud te suppiy uvoertaking lu &Il it" branchs prsdeati citiegs et Esivt itersite anti reiterate tihpi a wudu atni t Smàfull uppý ui k uruiture atway-s on band. Plict vise wh can heip, a Goti vis can pardon, a Qe Capeva ordn as h, ad laE 8TBA&Efraneibg don. a» usuat. Accertiing te the leati pencil mark ia my thfs veraaity o rthe. Scriptures, telling vise can myVe. Calle i ppc. as vo are for a Martisa. "Yes-but a tittie too tigistiy, 1 I T ES.RAER Bible it vas Thanks«iving day morning, tieseamne sbery vhich Moues andtihie littie wvil ogv etmaante tik"si tll "ewud' o1 Nov. , 199, tat wth myfamiy an' bacp tisese are oiogsca c onfirdma- ndu cf the désert viii bury lis. "Aches "TahItabout,ýtri1ing a tender chord,"»s- E U R 1O 0entis e stophonoard iii. steamerocfirmpt to asies, duste tinaut?" Anti as thesee hboquizeti the tramp at tise vootipie; "tus r7w" PLTINQýBEMWEE1< LINDbAY tise NIl.. The. hammaden clli to prayers tions efthtie Bible until cur hlme, when the. vouces et perpiiyry an ti ie ceaseti, ail la onof thse toughest cords I ever stmnck." hati bean souadeti by thse priosta ut that te- air la ful et unbeliet about tise truthfulies tiesearcoh 'initer tue hills espontit ie.-Fak hwd en1k i a Lindsay, Mu' eli " h pis :a gru if -&FrnM Aho dR B l LEth WY OreF Pl KS.an iligie., th. Mduessins, tram thse four hun- et the derm ad book? H. vaited until tise 14 Atheaho'as e.?" andthei capital of a lotty eur- nov lanndry girl does Up your collai'. Bobc. >geotM B EI!R dreti moequescf Calte as the cry went ot : nting prose hati bee. set up in ihc pr- oclnrnn 1.11 grintiing itseif te pe#tiet and uifsr, Frank--oh, first-rate! firt. ltdmo u uffos "Qdasgec. I bear ltes that eM a eceishpMynith nbfae aiqvsLsqve BoBOÂYOZON dsUly etS8.00 a&m.sC ne Goti but Qed. I0a iueatsiM- 1raid, anti the vonîti vas intelligent enuh amentis okat epnin,"Dc >rt.Se ie hnau rw Tboy were talkiiig about trees. "fi u eve LUU>SÂ'Y 8. Pm.la proffled tota urtIib ihsteopf. ut Lisiissyc haammetith ala ti ofi. apoe t ctppreiaetteGod.iony0anmthn h0«itth appreciate, obl, tii.st testimPoitoey, anti tisainD7 s h MON tiN" ndt ray er Cin te slvutiGon. Cd ra ec5. sure cmdte seainciti4Ie t he eathntiHOW LEN8ES ARE MADE gventeaisle sain is te ak. "But l a s nbe, '1o2tng n sturgeon Pbaine t eh wl3. lnge, auat v it ndMEGranitsud.U be~~~~~~~~l or favoriter" "Yev," he eplied. Lind" t&0P. ise f&0P)uo botere lis thonaep ut. e. rae s ea omanp da monMemphio na Io____cf8.0 .m)n ofmnftuigsetalsR-arrivai et Toronto train., Estmteo prumpts'. given on aL kinds et oeunt Tis ky and41%y ad palm graves andi Tiebes, in thse Bibie truc 7" "Truc 1" ré The Art fXnatuigSctceE. Weeka-"Wefl, how are thinLs over IDluk rvraipn ebbtid i h ight. 1 s ndMemphisandTee."ayoi u te a Science. 'Boston? Have te nameci any nwpe g l ikbbtenLnu n Sgnov wr. al opWhTp, atlPe vas mt mu .1.eraî tisa ve oaltSti.tii. ock t Dalel mo?""Truc!" ro Ts-atetmi pctacles, umye the Ântotie yeti,)" Wentuan-6No-o. But 1 75 cents, relut. tickets&. $l-.ly wtul net at*of hait nan w cf o te otsBbyoniel"Ruaoaestine ati i. Bîntoa ï oraPlt o.glge Tickets between Lindsayl nd Iturgeen Peint rr»i %orks- abl ,henidci m e- It wudne eiado anytat of adcatrn Itfrvea rna l enevRunaofTaest ent atu î Popniar Science Menthly,hau been reduceti board à maxton iorPtesn 3. 5 cents. return i tICe 50 cents. .,nacptare rcalbfrc uch natlyhad ut 11of1admpration.tfor tFwein t~he einTstaltewtrmh sineIFebt tgas eb frei Vistors- ou se., I'rn distantiy relateo single Tickets betweeis Bobcajgeo m tren ~ cmaepi. uos nrsn ie ruait"tro a scitence. Theickbita ofEculanneTickts aS Oppcel. M I n ear o eac k et o a.id tant agreuntiandt Se u»âcre jumpeti inte thé S0nnite thse DeaiSemanti tram Jerue&- Itu a lena lanlastoeetby meana cf pitcis te ioinmoei.1fam, aae ie Po wint4 ickets ad in iett ist 0o-st.. We- Op KS-i ruattow' pc s k eing on azbrdg 8 r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o aae nio icrueudr uhdbi'< a mal block etfisard rubser se that it May bot nyva. l ae"er ; duoed ratei cm b. ptocused a9 thse PO«T OFFICE, we. d u toir syh etgayet uporama h a t a mcy saS. .tsimn f~.b.more readily isandieti. It la grount by i'cv very dreadfui t Yen should take comne BOUC&TGEOt, and on the boat. ]ROBT. CUAiUBEES. votdocut ! w at aloc aeu queon cui at iîa mol on h lvsnti. wbeing p » pese inoixt a rapidiy reolig e r Blubber's specific;. it's thse boit ting oWrpntsmn te e fo ran. 't s aS e _______________ gio .at dk01 tt cf apt uot aiot lb. Biies soilysil eti. Andet hivrsmétal tool, vios. curviture le equal and jin the vend for tise biood."cs'u spments nmUse made fonry vrain trm Nil.? Id. lu at aie othlB ibii o e intiltis e& Act is Scrp- * te tethat doret inixthe Ins. Tisa' kyCourse.-Gimet-"The old Desm fr x*nmamnaaibmd neytvrbeji Jnda lie&Sh aevn atiisehee tel" antylaf the ' cr1Y fe OPctripmitens ramât i.Srism NIW 1 The pf"ide n sight, thé té»» .. - «_ - la rlown sa the 11rogh to"ad am" nid iast night tst Iwes tise vors ciek r teratlb etr"ru aSetu F riueC . ii if piios t nàah nv a anane. the il- Sures vl be sascertain tWaIl senibl. e non a - Tmon . l mutei ua vrtiemi---e u..r Ati 'df yI;-carne rouIà0M ndaaxht TV. ,sygo îuêgl4 u flflfo s.d bui