sb IeY Om Imm lmie00 - I I. .1 lez-I OUM ir v0wmUR f thé a . baoga tuLe -U.-pilta pte* hLis .f th "Ma âed if e Immedl@ tlemena Te s&MM* ocufoit sud souveulSUOof uttmà lie noeemau90 Oomuluth as oc M posile by openuu icde Prcvtlug Oshools sud glvig emi 7meut o fl le wcrS, hI t.,. b colonies . wtorlb famillteset.tlIng logoîbelinuthb."Mie' township. As large iùmbei trom our mnrthoîn townships sud HalodoB a" emIgratiDE lo e 1.ortbve ud olbefIM §gaaes, I thoughî aS olony mafibti ballet-1 bd to mke a siait. At the Sutuietlumot se Oonamissioner of orovu , îtappwov- bd or launoi001, I veunt op tb vlw lb. ,»*.try sud make & .elutou for uotie- ment, if satiofaoIOiy. Alter si prily tborou&h lnv.o3tlg&tiou at Ibes. différeut luit& 1ou fully endoim e h, TOry ayt lie description, pubbob' by Mr. Prmut ïYigb, by directionlof Bou- A.-B13-ardI, in 1890, and thé Hou. Mr. HSud" 60 aount cf hi. viIIthoe slaut Augut. AT LA! PORTA&B. Leavluig Toronto ou Thurida, I auved soilat Portaxe on th. fcilowilig Mondlay whs'. I met My old aldgb@i.Mr. Wus. Ilgrgaob, the popular sud oeuetilO vu "ber agent, who lied juil r.turuad froux au ,zlendsd tour Ibrougf th. ire.saM »étons, Sud from Whom I sot vrY une hil informationl uan dVloo. Afier àa lessntma9i on lb.steamer *hamro*k dowu lb. b.aUIUI Lake cf lb. Woods 1 rsamb.d Bd@uy ivet sud peoded op îtreaux over fowIz miles, lsndlng at @hort luîsrvls ta nlmd up. Vîiel for sottiesm ho esme ilagpoupe cf ton lo tw.uty btea evibeth .Tb.p vere luvariablià gond ua1w .dhappy end ootentad ob ng people,se. ,ueh se Ibit I old not bell". ébat 1 vau monsgit the pions.oeliletU bravlug the Ipiyionus ad hardships ecumon ta soer clae. The river le baulitai, about bal( a-mlile wlde, wllh hlgb, elean out batiks. Like &Il the waters lu Ibis dis. WWIt et. of a d.sp iye ooler, but pleaitaut te arink and very vholesome. Biurge@D' white £ab, pike and other lsh aboufld, whlb, with the abundaume cof gainsud, uild fruit, uupplp thb. ettleus vIth sme ci tb. luzuicuof ie wthout mouoq sud gllhont prise. MI firat &aventure luland vas et thlb.osot tcf lb."eraipide, in th. township cf Morey. Aooompauled by Mr. Marsb, the locai l oovalaud agent, (whbo wish his kind wile entertained ne rsghl heapliabivduîmng My slay in lb. township), I marted Ihrougfthe Ba ub ha Ibe goveruiment road uow under @on-, etution and urrived aetlbomp ai noon. Ali l oue lh. road are sitlers ocufort- ably oosetd, with nustand oosi-looktait dwellilge sud onibnildlflgo. As fat as tomplosed the rosadviliicompare fayot- ably wih ont boul roide, lu Vietona un ty, Il là lntended b .eued li throaub the tovuehlpIbthezoitmsmmer, uhen ea8y sse in te .Who[@ townsbhip eau ho made. Mr. Y. 0. Gamsby an Oso. Duffild, who weut tram Bturg#'on ]Point thia f ail, are oomfortably sotlmi bere and wsll satifafed wIth Iheir move sud 1h. -future prompeetis.. Prom thb river te a mils or c beau thlanid io eompariatlvoly flaI snd hosely limbered yith wbàite popular, blroh, situ, cedai, tamaarats sud ouk, ail of wbisb eau lie turned into ash wIlh si fair aMountI c profit ta the mattier. About tvo milst baek it comences to ris. gradusliy sud ta qui@ dry. Tht skuovu slbe barut land and l a eily éleared, bolup etly eoveted wîh smnil undeibrugut The burnt land eau be oi.ared suid msi ready for medtiag for #5 an asie, whilq 1% ouata $015 or $20 tb demi 8h.elimber. mou'. There l. but cue opinion iaboul Ilg po' native qualilie. cf the mii, sud Ihà, bil san nôlte, ezoeled. I lha a. dar: Ioamy, oalcous cday, euîlrely fis. rou atone, asud se deep Ihl Il lu aimes lauzhauetible. OLIMÂTU. En fat a. I aould l1ma.from uelierm Il iimai. resembles our owu, ezeeps Ih winter, whîis a imai sud froty vwit Iight, dry suc,, Do Ibiu. somme statua and frotta are ririe. I dld Bc ksart of a aiigle instance of damaget wheat or vegetableis by tract. 8SOHOOLS AxDoUDIONES. la tbe townships 1 bave meoled f theobaut land ueotot4 - iM imlles bokk hou *ëite i-.,,zal to bave aleasem *M'Md a m 040 JW i*à -i Gi G G C< t ~e tA .k*. That iI o thIr leusa Ced hiver aol. w:v tA.ek:. Thatit h mh &Wonder- lu, ,«h tks. hatit ui;tbu et reiedY for CrwMtOl 2pa samU, Co tLhafl4CO Descire ots baU rugg15in wat ,Mor_*?pr,- soldby &UDrugist, a Ils r, go ýe lit bd 6r, )0 01 et id be ta De à I;h Iti ai Mc b t fi: le ýe] ka ti la loi ti loi ià iti ai P.. teste. mm m1 vsue t oni uone~ jAo6 q» saebuse.bmO"W P. C>ie&Coa f ajOswat.B?')eu ab mookug . - ne lpoe a mre., Mise leseg erguoiibus b... re-e- lisem wosa lhBre k bol Or seYl lesnpm» m.=1 l BOT. OuonGteemeof (Mais .Osoisésd lu 81t. Pauls lest Bundai. H. asV il liksd. B". IMe. MiCas pv.aesSlu Many eompiDbUlS bave beau t'von OU lb. ezoulieus sermon by Bey. Sldn Jobustoi luat Il a Mr. A. Thboruon of tbe Bîantfid Ps, &#()a ]zobaugeIl e uitlua Omemes friands, altber Lou bs eof si Veena. ]3o lohs veil. Mr. Me 0'HslotsU iee.uly bought 16 anusjv tojourcl f ah omblie ticambl. Johin Bell cf Douutord. Geod vwalet aud food <ieé food besf. The tegular meeting -oh Camercu LOL. viiib. ou Mondai alghi, Nov.2. On lb. uihî eof Nev. tb., a ski%*W~ u skia uamsop. M sal aaiimuo9 ltw c bat,. f ou *@m tie 0 %f gun ~ 14 an timeUsd oi C elsieemmbool 0<Mad .Fui, uaiOam ts immmi t M 1E.r opfl-g, 5ia Du..s,"S pss A» SuoIaIoa 9i l0*uilBoeal. NO Rbuinatiz about Met -. lute Masoumi La ,Waa laebtmi"l.a1bu. * sIà1O. Ol s " oneas n ~ OPU LAR te Ï0 0onunsUia 0 sete 0le n t à NI< de". Nov 4-1 nie ng» uabouet a m MéDj TO THEe 00 to 4 tevu t. et i.m% lut 96 tel 00 Omt e d -a cf o o bbm dI 10 ffm 17uu... .ti. fN0ADf OuerlVÂLDaoaaed Notu -om...... ..... 0 U o e n t0 -M 0mfSeta 4-18(là" " a i 0 isgit te 0 ao Wsa DmaI*Itt ..à"..non"e j@ h.Turgmgimto< sertelo Fme @ ".Ou 15h. 00S 5 qrm h *@ it he dd ey ostiaud ama OI v. vsa ...... . . .. p. s tosees .ssnoeitis.old5ddoUobSboithY AGENTitu Dodo eS.. ... ......... goNte 000 U1tIUUlmofAit persaM .......- - 00 O o aefrte" » rM u hrooM .................... . e0uos 0 = te » 01 o cit a m5 BOUMs R pi ..... ..1800 55000 ore 01............o N 021 itMUS IiMO B".& dd.smasMoDgIhO 0 MTHET par bs a sA. ... 0 a te 0 m o s.owIh et.sah b forye beau giveC.n. -. gpseoa........ 7 o10 Db h mdy et.. te KntOt. U Ayop oeentC. P.BR., bm<. -.... 045 te il . ~~~~17len t.Lnsy pol ae o Bar. Mr, KcLeed of Sonya prmabel lu sund&Y i4 GIeuaiMb Plc e oy p for Tan Wà.i"E Don'l be 0Itht . authbbumoeu. lit. james T.emb eue of NerWbyIlOorWe but ilissus spen't gaudi, i town. Thon la arrearu for ubmoiP"ltbO TEE WAIDEisvin inaluli uy np t18a unsuin vem. Mr. Anlrev Tanuer or., of Emily, spotb ILMUndai lu leva ve sbisu Y o0,,Imadi veO@m.d hlm. D'ad the noeud ltter from Mr. F&iblti, Ml.P0, on bis ýtrip othéIbm Nrti.Woo la sootber oehumt. Bei. lMr. Ourtle of Quesn'i, Étingutouson0 of Ihé venérable relue4 Petioceu P ed BODY& puolpit lats andiy. i'bomms Mabobett lq-st, Ylet'i àvrt»y burea la Fid"%P ie isdangbbfl, MIs- Oad. W*i cf Ourlebon Plce A "loe aber eple ddJaY and Victoria abbededIbmOltnstIa Edeaor conveniton la peteber litwvek.. The cltlu'm baud be e urel theservices 09 Mre. à. W. Hugbei, m beadmaste, Mr. Hungbss hisinRarrive4 lu bovm u et.rd"a Mes. Eovmalof pension EaUs yited hber danghtamtMi.j. Msyuerd liat veek on bier v&, te ÏTorobcB<>wmfile Statesman Examinetbe label on jour WMAJRMd iffltnidcaas YOU inMorefoi joui aub- uoiptlon, kindl Rnd 801811 ament due un t s urydate Tn Wsz»ER vii tevimu the queston "The Administrtiton af Justice la victoria Vomatr.n moliosme data arn belg srriugode Mr. MuberlFairbitue 'MLP., the PopuJhr member for Soutb Victoia r6t urndo Ssiturdav eveuing fron suaetended toue in Mian toba ad the NOrbb.W @A5I.nfod The mewuberu cf L .L. No. 96,.usfr latend coiebratlag Ibmésnniveruary0oftlb guib,,by a plot ou Thurady, 5ovOmber Rmv. Newton Bill, pisterofh the Qaeun st, muthodist cburob, wiii Pruaob it bcth servicée au Sadai, Nov, lat. Momnln subjeet, .&eitjgxsminstion,,lv" eg -Tobéco and on Dec. Srd. thbméecion prolest againsi Mr. John A. Barron, M. P., *111 be trled lm Lindsay. The grits offéed both South Vie b oi a d Makoka for a '%av fl but thl effet was rutuaed. lira. Armotrullg now bouse lu the Nortl rapidly approacing compeiou, Thon Jan.tvilhe's Joe vili be Lindsay'a gain d ams Armstronla hDot a smInoRer te muT il tbis district or Durham. ()U Ofi ad Kr M. &. Baker cf Ingoldeby 'lsold seversi tubs of prime butter on Saturday Lé Ur. 0. Biokweil the iucky puTchaser Id The. waters of bbe fine Haliburtenl akeu ai re atrums guéanteu geod butter. la M. Geo. T. Iaiubifs ad amily, of Rf A boro, bave to-day Frlday, Oct. 30th. Ic 18 Moosomin, N.W.T.. te rade. Tbey take Id car load f stock. etc., ith thoa. May on( le celasattend Ibsu i. thé vlmb of every an fi: Ig snob à vortbY h amili. b. Ur. and lit. Ellh, sud lina Bill i le -Otawa, cousine cf Mr. Jobistous £Ilis, si le vlsltlmg vlth Mmns Joaenb Hakins, Op Ue. BUis$sad bis cousin .ohnoetene, maku ti eh DoupUflSînchW aliu utlng party tual vu ho northlu eteda. aht W@ e a sd le notice in the Torai ýk, papers tuai eue eld bevnumau Dr. Ooibur, i ,M nid the patenit b. holdo, for theétiolais ýI mnted by him te a firm in New York t $500000 of vblch $100,000 14 paid docv Congratulationsa Docter. hi During tb. puti Ivo weeka v@bave lm li sedlng eutaccaunts la those of eur un Iscriberm vhe arm in attestesinadventaut lb overlooked any ve trust tbev viii mt te L'o ' ffnded but consul the label on theit pap 10 and reQi thelie neeury. tic Roy. A. Vrie of Soni iccenti delilver a lecture cn bis "*Tdp te Beautés Sotisnd"1 tb. Ladies Ail Society of Somys preabytort fr chaulab. Rebu laseeved invitations ted en liter his lecture ou thèt subjoot tuu char pisc aiY d if ahusii viPermit, PUrpessuacceptiv nt. Thé menhirs à1 Hartlsy L.O.L. No. il ibe wiii celebrate Ibthe ohuudroth and elg id - sxth aunnvelaY ob tbe guauovdet plot, s0. àemaebleg, &ad addrm sb y several Be gentleman aid othèe, et Hërbhsy ont .venlg of Thuréday November tIs.Tes bo smtvred aI 0 o'occk, addrus m media aie ly afwe. DonI bail to alteud. on,. Mr. James a. Lemuon vllb bis bumllv, bué on Tuesdy tberooed, he hu foie Oui te réside ia future, bavtmg pnrchmsd1 atm Becket hotu ptcperty lu thal village. 10-d aiets"nyte les.Jini irom Lindeai, ai £1, vu«lb.éslght sort of a !on; Wve-b!v" affa uuur4v.;l kF 4 - M no tmi In operation the veir round. lighest price paid in Cash for WOOl. 2 CENTS EXTRA WREN TRADED. F ULL CLOTH9 TWEEDS, FLANNELS, Etc. WALLACE &CO. ftis,191170 FOR~ TE 3PIC> 1 OIT A. erles of one way excursion parties foi Vancouver snd other Pacifie Cas poiinte viii leave on the followin)gdates t October 7, 21, November 4, 18, 1lýecem ber 2, 16. A. Bach party vil ho persgonally conducted and no effort wiii be spared to maake thé trippleasant aid enjoyable. Fen eyury information appiy to P. C. TA YTk1t. Ticket Agent. Exp-s- lfi Lindsl SHILO!IFS CONSU M PTION CURE. The snccess of this Great Cough Cure i vithout a parallel in the history of medicul& Anl drnggists are authonzed to seil it on a po01 itive guarantee, a test that nio other cure cati suc- cessfally stand. That it may becorne known, the Proprietors, at an enormoULS e\lpense, am placing a Sample Boule Free jiio e eury home in the United States and Catiad, . If vouhave a Cough, Sore Throat, or Brnc. s e it, foc 1it viii cure you. If vour chilé has Lýhe CrouP, orWhoopi>g (ou£!h 'use it prom. *1V. and relief is sure. If pou dread that in'iffou.i; dlsa.SC Consuimptian, use it. Ask your Pruggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price b i -t., 'o c S. andi $z.oo. If your Lungs are sore or 1;ack lli use Sbiloh's Porous Plaster, Puice 25 ctrý Knowlson Bros, Real Estate, Insurance anld Financial Agents. Idr. aris mthr o * unmlib-THE-CYLD SA ON WORD,' WOMAkN." Osiage épu«doss....... -outos Mii Hut, otercf beainW1lb~bmg..... ... 060te 0e 00R SN SOIU S qd organut cf OuMbrîdge t.utlbo1042dist "ady" Booms amby-Pambylab and Su' y p soi ............... ca0 te 0 te ohurob, vas thie vntk a gueut vitS bei gestiru aifils and Paîbelowa. Pal, par ds.. ..... ........ s te 00 Mr. 3ackson tobher cf Poutypool bas Weted, and doms ot amack of bnsiness. lit .......... - 0-0e G te 1 001 beau apblei te CMbrtR le otl. m "'ady aoi ona iikysda oethin f tucaverage sowing o«> aiI ur . .... 00teoi been apu»ldh ic oroia Scovcies 0jj wh f. ie egosaips mecî te ria Ry p"w ...............13W te 15 00 willfoliv toir éede gr ontheii r ru. haesww cet.......0-te 0.600«MIE5m Ind ersdlighted ho se.afn.on aMlghbors. Lt . bc lainBoard of Woes....... l............. -- 0W tEnatte estlone sioilH Batuidai. Mianagrs T t old-fashionied y rd laosais M ?k Ç 4 ow ur.a. fMa 11k. opoket-kn'fe,wih 3 A metngvii khed u b. arcicfgood muougb. ides, it mcans s.emethiIbo~ . sud*u p 1lb.. &stUcarrimdon shoulder. Oise maraDwo tbe Suipuoneithis Frldsv eyeuàtuaI vt hioh la more t .cieauho sdftoi Wmd&Bo s...... ..8 W 4W US WOlImacine o cm fis 8 a'el0oo lte vine lb. Cbrimlj Minotrol bain. The ver 'lady' las soover-vonkes Bueh"oIapu prlb 80s> n 6s ,%, yayWU ma= N~ftIiOlCad.Fr clbai Ie idbad smdasmaynev Ibse dyth&t i bau gene mIe odure ut& "OOlPw...800 1 e. uom AHN clb,âsl h od eaesu a mnymt 1 :,oumon te goal, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ onea osbeaeivtdt %e. Tbereisooth& n usgestive of wa ci 1,c..................0 175 an u as p s ib e a e n i ed h ll m . t adernes aq . s e gt om bined w i -8,gen. . ..... .. 8 0 W0 OO.bC NR. am ob om n. Al Ihe tribut e te th. eis....Pe .............. .. 05W e sém ofwomn ea, pere'ls........ 01OOi apow te ra rdW'. Nez i hegreat ntors of litenature are ad- DtieW, iss... 350 O....CHUiH PRAI>-Dlvine dressdte vamn, not lady.' Imagine iambe-Pr b . .............go 5 servie at Christs e burob, Cobooocak, on Boott vrlting: HasLwt it, peu' ast-........'0 'tlu Badar, Nov. 81b.8 aI 8 Ip.m. Mimbers 40 'lady,' inthno hour of 'c.ue. @as ver b ........... ;... e . o 0e AE RIAGE of lb.s ordet îoeustéd te aebl etaI Unocortsin, 'oy, aul liar, tu pleases, oaIv.ah ai, good te caie..... s00 0 Guil River lodue et2 p. m. Mowbers of And variable as the shaât ()Oeis.......... ........ 10 3$JIC00S B Ibm ii;ht, quîvcring aspen madu.-7- liser ledgteu repeotfnlly teqnssted ho Pi saJ 9. ww te bo attend. t h _pingananguia hown h ~oTouchburn &Preston. Iltli clear t b t the substitution of 'lady' GRAVLVHUN82'. for vomanin the. aboye wonld rin the diRI NOPOUE .B A LILN 8 Y affli t IV~. a'-. ibt of th. limes. GANADPOUET E L .LN S Y ON Wadupeday, the 21.1., as enogineer «180Otway: Firimau vas goiug uerth ou the ableznooflego vemaii, oveiY woannature formel 'M E R JH A N T 8 train, above Troul sîeek a shot distaus e Totemper ma. 3%,90» Md U aa mmm.s ho Ibougil h. elrnok someothîng on the ,<'Thus Shakspearetb aktprmpi e %n f& ube îîaok, but bêlet I gbl heo ould se 'i Ibeauty liat doms ot makis vemea n sa.tCP~Icfipl Salkaiu vbeoit bad gene.cmlua umth lhe prend;__________________ agi Mrzneý o ep ashrplokos Tis virtite lust does make thein most id.- b tuZTON. BOUT. tovmBH UIRRAH FRe nextmerlngbe epI shtp eekfil mired; sleug thbel wvhers ho suimlued same- 'Tii modesty that makes thonmséeus Te F.xMQM tbmet had coeuired tlb. ulgil bebere. divie. appaienl I ptetly badiy oippld. Hc "But grant in public men sometimea are M acDoneli & (Jowdry etopped the "tran d vent cff on a deer ahown, BKRADCTRR haut Iaking witbh hm several of ooaduc. A woman's sean inprivate life &loue;ar now presparei te bur at tise toi Benneluaut ua e &uelOur boider lalentie f * full life diplaya, Rvn teondhe services f an excellent endustor Bennett, baggageman Dixon,' uTiteioe ara n h hd. Fret WarObouse e507051 the lie m okpasîr!baker, I1arn now readIy te vith au axe, expresu meumEer Quinin, "4Not a word ab xit '.'lady' ini the whole Bridge. suppiy lb. ciiens of Liindsay with a ft vih à revolvur, &fouit vitb uuveîsl oîueecatalogue. The-examptes migit b. multi- claie lime of bt Thome of the. sex who have made them-CA E an STR beoe o assitancecolab. îende»t evs eivenent are aludcd to as women, net Red and Alike Clover, oh te laleat American styles. Charlotte ouine Frmuha catuedte ee:ladies. s vu- hkseresw. CAHpl a h toeoi.Russes and Jellies mafie ta order. Parties d log viii M . Gl, vbo bad aa si061 M u&, W . side to George Bllot sugse lm n hd opui Im dc'W k o Saearesand daitse~su Su nssuppiied on shoret noic. bouamer, toget ber viti hi. jack.kaibe, pt omnè Sarah Siddons as a noble wo. Lindsay,. o-pt. 11, 1800 -9-i Pedding Cakes a specialty. .thoy vorv soon oommited thestoi ofmn, Joan f Arc as a hroic woman. But Not4oe te Credîtors. W.18B, Mer d Haerr executioni. &Onlueelgatien l vas die-. *p.ciallin business affaire dossthe tenra W.18BakeUrPHdYatr. covoreil tb.éIsur b.d alg broken w iembl 'lady' aemm namby.pambyih ad suggstive «__________________ 1 prventa hi fro jum i e héfonce ohitls and furbe owa, Observe that it in lit theMaUer ofet .1 otJORN ,sud' getling ijuote wooda. The deer:the 'Woman's Relief Corps,' the 'WemanW@ DOvd aW 9 s roiga Mission Soiety,> the 'Woman's sud, r4t soulh River, vhile ceduoor Cistian Temperance Union.' These mia Nele. lm nby givu, pursuant te tie statat.In at e imilu r ogaiz&litis fever e* écu tisai beiai, teit ait peemsoe abvins agno" Benett sud mai l oerk Bvsu 800ok 1 lote ihei îitlau it boarding sohool nom- these sat, of tishe W Ms1 XDona h »Un Book, Stationery ana Fanoy breakfast,thieet cf tbesaffdreeel aod enclature. Impressed witb these' viewe 1'civL t SI c& 4 oa he nwUit alr t i rsipbi Gosbo ) Veigbed lb. Od$«n vbOIb lbd Iv. vm, therefpre, mar o uMrs. Presîdieml = " v herSn tEs oe éx u r heintise d- Goe cfo.e hundîed sud fort? paunde. IleIsalm osh Pamer, te abnuke ont le w r la y 5 bar, s Mt. t o te lOes . Ptise lià> do s tu IKe t tr et L nd a rnomdlesss te dd lb. lraiùr n'ru uime. subtilute themefon the good old OMMxca b er, fr Isat om esonald Oltsir, PrtxKn tet i e 'vd,«oman. '"-ýChicago Tribune. Pofté 11e ona ea Dnaecte nit te loalà h h eapeut place te buy Geais ati. oD tise usea ti uels f t ise B b0is The Oomlng MunilipalileRctIoR. Uesu.mbured th. Patchswork Qui~f, Dmlt ni dmd JPataluso uas1ma o- à lady vho formeriy Iived in this Basta elmn tsd P aTEE8ON & 0805111, jPanay Books only 15c. e M-h. WELLINCTON BEEST but lu now a reident of Ohio, was ridin on SotAcitor for AdmlantàUatx. Lindauy. Oob. 26tb,S. . Bailu Eighth street cahie car yeaîmrai port ParI7, O016 lotis 189L X ethods' HymnB oDly 80c, each. 1T2o the AOUepaes cf LA.Touoiof Lttsdmi. oasualiy glaucing etthle bousesma sheHow the Roy al Cana- Bibis, PrayerBooks sud Oatsailmsln griot variiy. r GUTLEKENR,-M7 attention vWU pI & in oe of the yard.sise 55v wdà 1 a"e ou baud thesOOuest lno of SUND AT SOU OOL aa.y quilt hangiug on a lino. Insasntly di n urance Co'y mniLlm.s« i-us otu v wile ndisg«Ithér"part of anmeeing oh theu @o otoff lie car, and goingte lthe hous%,P ays its L oases. ia& e u .t, S lS D e a r taxpuveisof Toronto, sud I likevsova wu eb ,ang the doon bell, sud aiief fmrm BlMald&e Indmg lmes res lpiessein obeving Ibat tien vwho took pat lived thene. On reoeiving an affirimiveC» l Pu &I&t- lupl abbe te-e an to old friandea yré W. have plmesaul a ucismld __ e laediacnoi lds îuua rpyaectrd u vtu fuit of our olalu nuisit Use Royal leu rus a blo aIl .ba8deecf :miÎW nonchatllng ever ctd lames. Ix»e., roultinc froua thm rucent big finelas Oua» This greul gatharlug bus bin brougt about 18h. mid she laid nmognisèd the quil m vu -aon mowut tardy la eompetta<or .daIm mben Pausy 15c. ediilon ut G. A. lietheess. affara b. msmaugeenî i le cîty"ionesah. had ceeu hem friend maikeinOss- pes, but Ushe ompayiaupald aur embih.GelmmszNO s6 os uhi ai adeire aunlb.e ftbeof aiW. ILmMRai ilgiteen yeBorgeuinoNos.A1ladd'2 YIbabllsts c f devilugMaus vhorsby ,tebaljust came frome n Btb t%ùnîalug Irenady fthi *vils cemplaned et aseras quitb, vhloh wua ne proui, Fome.Oi. U, 31ir mi*e t Thé courue oi procoeue usferlu adptinaudt aeii l.Ei ieldi yotullp ami ibm contenta voeu bueni by E ~E ,TheoRate *Ys Aoladm" bau certulay " e ath tRieit, This wu *tishexpcoston o etra omnouthe IlhBO t hept G O A. M E r EI h1.lvel alofa t o diy togethom. IknevîheaW " baya chaeque forthe H.mb of TGOEEBTOpposite nov Poot OMMce conclusion muat pies. beneflolsi. bye twquiluia lilitaI ii the vend, i&M *iyu$ e5.h. 1W. AseAgntfoul. OlerieltTbndg Nov, lu viev et lb. cemlng éectionse aid 1tasiutl ouluudtaIbis Mn burmelou S gsdentderteasou Ploiu su dpe ' suoli action bsvlng bien dummed netow ua tOrglbandMedelsoh Panddu Sige la the civ of Torom s aYvOl l M , Zf!'1tvda8ty imie. fw b« 1y u SuRlaS d mena wn m. onThIsA es2'Xhuwlng machine. la e&uilma ool itam u lo1e -da I didMusol ' 185. v- . IBIIS[Lais'S GOt1OhaILOALq uni atontaudue lcoiegn uimfs h o oa o qdie hst rc u la M d sa e rson a i civ stth i ti n b. f.i. Ldne ruu, . nug la sis iebI nM ID I [ NMmi;,leel mofe *tabmtm a Agents. ~Uyo. , fixe f *0 e lav a eumy h etret. VII IYQBIWRE 8 G1 . ...H ST N A.m .Dus à, r, twSt qpa t55.-O.U. s»MQ»à Aés Phauut Kh P"ak-LIR, k»Mche Biléa B are the fievfeeperin l*Ib Aibeautitel sud perlent-8a.sveopftoau t.èu »8ý ~b, md sofadjutute waho evey c _ 1 -i a..w ewwu p rnm per annurn, sitnated i centre 04 tovun. A good iuvestment. $4000 will purchase onefî the fi est nesidences in North Ward, wt W acres Of laid. $1700 wili buy 14 storeV briý dvchlimg and additions, con veniefltlY uste i n North Word. $12M0 will buy either of two briCk dv'eilngs 8 and 9 roome, in South WIXI $850- wiIl buy brick C1ottage MI South Ward, five minutes walk froai Poil W. huve for sale arsd to rnt solid brick, bW vemeeed and frame d511jflgs aukabris loba in asl partse oh th. lown, at prices s teu= te sinlt the ants of any lut ending Pr' ohamor. Caii andose aur liste. INSURANCEO W. roproseul several of he st .raflgOst Ko Bahb su"AmeomsuInsurafle onSO e 0 -Phce Pire Liue sMd A.idmSll isk àt IO rate&. ~ats fer the ENAYB KNOWLSOX ]3OS e CIIIRM IRm SUwm. MO -Kni v' 1 . ol b 8 6induy, JUIT 8t] m