sWvise ram pw nau0S fa"itim coua render lbe.. Bushdepartmoinet m cu* XkUnddi>aojad belmg mutai, b frehasos sMd oomp-ewavu o round elsemee Nain. ay lise you plu"Massd us s'i show Tou a larger and mons duw»Mb varleby W chocs. Imonm »ymoc mayvierm edusin tht. Ao"&Wt. Wh.u the. qumity of <ocde lM rigst Md the. prions aue rightà la am lotdimmlu t b pleame our custonsers, Ths ful w. have the. goodi in grester varlety and profusion than ove bier.. As tW W.ddiug, BirthdM msindimir preetation coda w. &» amy chaud of ail; and the. tante or need that oamnot b. hors suppled muet b. unuul Indeed. la every lno vs show elégant snd uneful articles that have been -bought s'itii a special visu te this eud because occasions *hen friends muet b. "reniembend" in à materlal manner are oontantly roeurrilig. The.,,trouble" uully begins with an enffagement ring ana continaus wth but littlelaternismiuun Wtii.elI«Mmc" coin- memsoratea the ubsequent wsddlug'on ita golden nniveruary. Suc i irIe. coins and ose. tiie.thing Eybody muet have a watoh nos'. adays. Oaa tgel; along ver7 iel uithout one; mnd mien a watoh costi no l11W. end la mnocoavenlent s'hy hould n trY t0 get a&cIgr ithout ont.-W th monev a mchol girls&pend& for ocandi.. end tutti frutti in&a fei montis would buy her a watch; and a mm throirm miay the. prioescf a tiaiepieceon ciarshal-- dernen tnes a ym an md t2-knoti. &bout it. Of course .veryone muthv à iratcii and our stock cout"las at evorone iranta at reamonable prneu. Our' soid gold. filled gold, and silver ira toi..for ladies domprise nmis of tiie prettiet thinga ire have ever hédud ire are ieli to tie fore as regardealal clase of iratches for men. Our special "The. Midlandal'sit 1kothe. lead for Bmilway men and others who rsqufre a srn dut proof, higii grade article of un- doubted acuracy.j In uatch repa irg e anerigit at at home. We have eà tools, the. akili, and the experienoe. lb la no sxaggeration9 Wo ay that there in not a botter equipped1 store in Canada iu tht. respect th"n ours1 and our repair business u a Iage one. The numbor of matches ire receive by mail and expremsa abus for repaira lrom customers ut a ditance (tmre of theà latter being beyond Manitoba) in In 115- self an evidence of eur favorable reputa- tion.t Watchea sent in this manner always have as caref '21 attention ai if brought by the owner in poison and are rsturned by mail or express ai oon sai possible. Distance makes no differsuce with us and orders are attended te, just the. maine whether the sonder lives 30 or 3,000 miles sway. We use over $30 worth of pontage stamps per year in sendinq reprsori, to, say nothing of express parcela, and oui trade in teedily increasing.1 cost before beginniug tie mok. Bring or sund your rspmirinR suri W I Register your parcs.. Addrema, Brîtton Bros, Lindo 'v. Ont 29ýh, 1891 'ticic4*tat,Îa 4tagin PBIDAY,NOEBR618. A union cf heartmsud a Union .1fbada à uniou non.#cun "ver; A union cf homes and a union of Lundi Amd the an, Bamas.UNIoN. forwvs.t' MR. WMINJRZGHrs ,~rTo bTA IIT Befors tue North Perth Blocdon court lait iros Mr. WaianrgiitAest. Osu. eral Manager Grand Truni pnsented tue follomang staternent of bihe deotio c countswith Cie Grand Tnuni. Grit Tory J. A Ohapleu.... Sir Oharles Tupper Thôrnas McGreevy D'Âltou Muoarthy Oousrmtives Nap- ane, et.... Bir John Macdon- &Id........ W. T. P. Pmston.866 38 Judge Dauduramé 1,160 85 E.PmanUd ......1.241 30 John Eu"n. i.. I1,908 ltb ilb.nodussihou liaiq Ifai &Umq selolâdm.m taut Ob Chari" ?per brisa hlm tbTerontommi meet 8fr John N M'uWAmh' ea tiari h te the Post Office. £ 4~ 5JèMND 7*3 oi a Ma roof* S 411 66p " ladom, Anglami, laut iresk, lin Hem Tyler, th.peslda.tropoted verr um- profitable bal-yema'm businees sud a gl.omcy outlloi, sislin statmentea comparaît i tiitheO.P.R. reporus. Âmong muai otier noveZlinformmtion for the upbulding of thé romd s'asone strang statemuent, vis: if omble reporta ane truc.air Heuwys firmt plan W méke tiie romd ,Pay t. as folloms:-".Wz siiM Our à" Wi OAS Our ON !mm OANADUI pilolm. t ia cnrr.ntly npcrtdthat thé. ques- tion cf Cmnadian fraeitrat"ala la Mmd ns.d cf overhaun or of investigation. if it la tue tiat the Grand TrunkI Rail- uay bauls grain Mmd frelgiit gonerally frein Ohicuqo to tie se&boord for aisles' rates as an psld from Llnday, tien there la mach injutce dons. if as i amorted, bto, certainfavored irmshave R8OZAL rates, even la the Mlidlmnd dis- triot, wmincigive an advmtage la theyer of a oomfortiable inoorne ovsr mat tii individual farmer, mood-dealer or mai grain dealer. puy, then it la 1mlleatiy unir. W. cm.Msily sae miy a rslmay com- pmny chould give nmorn polal laver W a mmufmturinc Am mmii croates treighb; but Wo favor a grain deale. a woOd- merdhant orether person, simpl;y motJug ce a muidle mman labouling the producs s'ilch lnauamevent m'ould anddamuat Sid a market, la d.cidely contrmww titheboat interues orcfthe ountry. là la againattheisrâilway comapamys butI laterests toc. Under their present policy they layon the Margedealer@ te the lanry cf bhi ialler cnes. Thot gives a handi- cap Wtisth very mm uc sieuld b. handicapped. lb favors tie oesbust able W do mithout favori. That Imsoldealer fa aluayueaes, mmd h. uses bhieIiI- gotten mealth, W cornsr the marieoeamd reduce prios for uiimt ho buys from the fanes. For instance the large shipper pays "mY the cmre freigit for 750 bushers of grain Le a certain point ai the. mali dealer doos on 500. That in, ho virtually pays ter 500 the cmrnesaitbis mal buyer, but gets 250 carried free, or la other mords gets every third bushel carried Iroc, a bond- corne profit loi mny buyerinathe country. iu a loir years ho oau éaaily corner or drive off Ch. markets th. ammlibayers, aud then eut the farmn r hmtire te tisee cents per busiel ai suite hie fancy. Thue the. nioùopoliat maies at bath But wmers doe the.raiuway eompaiy gaini Noeie. Frslght metan md sil alirmys Sund sale. Il the bayera on Lind- ay markets mers Wo becerne angels te- morren', th.y couid gaze don, or per- hapa op, tii. next morning où other equmlly good men purehaaing in their place. It irould b. rnuch botter for any rmilmay compmuy tW have rnany good buyerm on tic country's marist& than have a feu mho would oppreas tie faim- ens If farmers are ground demn; if tue iundred thouamni dollars an annually tmken hemi the farmera cf Victoria oounty by grain inysis paylng lms than tiie average provincial pries, and if biat moe.y t. pied up bistheciedit of nmre giasing monopolist, it inevident th. rai maya companies mil.wu tbeisnl- hreighb on neanly tire hundrcd houaand dollas orth cf goodm t hs country; for farmers, 1k. obicrs, usually puy out on the. average the extra prie.. noeived for grain. IL irould repret far mone than la- frsight on tire iiundred thouand dollars, for hat sumin circulation uould la a féeu moutiis represent upirards cf a million dollars; and tic goode thu purciiased irould mli puy Ireight lirarde. .If rallmmy companies mould but examine thia question la the. correct ligit they vuW»ec tiat by fao nmanoeptin l Canada or tirough =tlgibrom the fMr Wrest tiiey are seriossiy inj bhil sev mili. th" would loa1 tiey chargefor througi frelghb, and giva abi d»eï isuhg mnd liAsqual »r amd privileges, tbl sould quily s.stde benefialteots. Th i amssm oulé Mi ocs boemt in the néued or sqIuM. Gooda te iloboia etWmugi - ta ove tâw - asié 1wuê IL gâbal , Gond li b, oim sa cstBt ti ti a] el b b 09 di b 0 v ooa~*b bth XMa. Mëk MdO James Troir the.. w or he. t f1o~m unE. . l te MW arassat o critiosl im ta.The. hip cftii". Weoru Party =u*sW ied &Umlibut dlpq"Ubld Mmd the on escptng liprhImni mply fhrough *a i leno f the jqd#es t.la mmd oaret tW tii. pruotitsà l"l gae North Perth it transp*u tatthon. mmds cf dollars Worth Of rmilâ tioksts s'en frsely given aira b par n d otiier oorrupt mots pwroen. judges have reserved thelrdeoàinpnd MW exa4mination >f the. lau cmni.thé ticket question Tii...are »A exhibitions for a oL- moutbed Party euh e s thé. gFunsare Thé. Tories mamie Do ptence te a<ust purlty; tiiey.-admit thonr have boee n d msybe reoorrurtmo inl their ramis;, bu teyamno oundenor gthefa mu o bperjure theiiuelve. ' ina siobier columan rl b. e u Icm. fou llst of the. trials ith dates MdPlaces axed. TIM Haddi I HMRDWHIPPAft One.of the leaders of the 4"t part" la Ireàamaiu tht. mbUhldd by & youag mm m md MoDermott, a nepiies' cfthielate Parnai Immnin a late Sundmy harague et Loord wmer. tiiousaads irereassembled, Hemll am& lie la conteniptibleUlagismssand Mma ParneIL This atwac on the. name c f iromea wua ver ProParly reesmb.d poung Né- Deriot4 Who gave the. mretch Healy a boumd birehing. ii. mau ecwurdsh. mmdc litl.effort at meI-defence. Ir- Dermnott gave hla card mnd addr.ms b a policeman but ho mai not ams«ted. flow closely Helys rawhldlng beau a rememulancew mat would have beau the fate cf John "6Abset Barre., but for that m.ei's sjouru lan the country duri' te buy heurs cf the &Moion cf PrlIa- ment la Augeuat. The. yeung lady Who irwai loking for hlm could nob Sud hlm ai readilY as MoD.rmott did Healy. lilt mie would have ramhided hum had she geL hlm. LAIDLA W BROTHE1RS STOCK SALI. With cominendable onterprise Lasidiair Biothers are coutinuing ln enlarged fortu the annual sales inaugurated y.mrs&go by their houered father, George Laidlmu. Tht. Yar bhe "boya" have a mpiendid lot cf cattle, shoep and houa W offer; and the. attention of farmers ini Victoria, Durham aud Ontario counties miiesi Wmim uulargsly circulates in îespeotfully directed te ti. comiug maie at "The. Fort," Victorsa Road. Tisse males resemable the grest aunual gaticneno cfamilin laSoctland, Eng- land and lrsland, mand mmih have don@ -no muci Cc bnmnq te.cattis trade of the amoCher land tW a profitable issue. Faim- ors corne hrom hundieda et milesand moeurs anlmala for winier teeding or fon Christmuai maniot. Pernamtooremoe t Wdrive to theamie ean rsadilv rMch %'The. Fort" by train the previeus night to' Victoria Road Station miene aretireo excellent hotels, the tJohnstone," and tie "Ohurpair." The noît rnerning a ml of a couple cf miles mill bni bis intending purohaier to "The Fort,' Che hospita&Ue home oh the. Luidlair Brothers; on bis beautiful shores of Balm lakte. The immense state, onslsiting of tieusands of acres cf fias ranch ing land stretching mmay to the noti amd eaut, mien -grass, and obier rmtritieus herbage, and çure irater are abondant. The. <nat ours mmd mttention of the iierdsmennder bic supervison ,f Lieut. George Lmadlmm, one of tic Miîdlanders' bravest officernd md n beamg honorable. mounds rscaived la battle fer i& .country, anmdhiea brother Iiisut. Jas. Laidlmr, a ex-uoe osehei limens "RPoyalBýoots" coupled miti thc oongenW l urrouadingm, produoe the beut resulte. Ronce. lie superler produce of b.e Laidlwranchies. Thom. froma Victoria oaouWtpconmsl drire, te csale, tebieu"atuo re i . i being about twmty miles, and frein )aimccd about sixtéen. Thc date s'il b. annmncd next wasi. XITQIIZAL Norge5. Irbe Qu.bec boodle expceuauontinues ticuseadaofidollare »wtee e i o lm bond"sthe Domiuimubsléy. Tb* GOVauMes«âmu f ssi le aag ofbof ib.P"m49qopi t OMd ta osit We1ait i tanaS, UMMY aa *o the vnshaffle pseve hWl to desta, sud tbbing Ihoir tlngers sw or. e It 04clotleslaa iihrif OB d dretins this Bsp Ia moui of *01 work for dihea nd me.the.hoée. from sU*an, sud t4e lotbes Mmd bauds from n ij#y. !'" s up pur mid o tgyitIs e 4i Lait Wndoq évening members of dui lleermwy sa otIn the. asembly halà su il ly mig Tii. minuttes Il. metiag iwre te" Msd ado Fit ,pruted m te ar.M Md CslIe*u m véral of l*e youngaillemom teW odebate, dm athe corch MaL The. &est mube, m roram f <MR a"choir. ing horera.IlWbomaa Tii. debalrmes u cmflduo pove tiaudieno. w er orntti em tislve upon hbu nre issemblano. tu aplate thon tomsa ThneTi sup- porersof iim*ratije irereMoeus. Omatr, auner md l.anmd for the. neaative Memm. Hors,, Mehmanmd m %rIe. Athouqi the. ariens speeches cfths Doucqgentlemen voesnet ai ielleotarai tii. migit have been, if they hmd bhid mors Urne for preparation, tbsy ire extrsmely ludierous. Au the. voting mai doue mcording Wo the spoeehes and nut by suy opinion cf the hearers lb mai unsauinoualy crrled that the esrth sé utidoubtedilfiât Mi. Smith thon favered the members with a oloegin lua style Chat shows unm te b.o& a mololst cf ne littie power. Rie rseived ho&rt applaume. Mr. Fitzgermld's aome ws on tiie pro. gramme fur a &)Io, but oiwlng W or ne slhght rnt.uuderstmndinq h. dad flot corne prepared te render iL, but promiaed te laver.the audience at nmre futurs turne. . The. progrmmefor tht. evenlnue iaout and asiIt in an exceptionally fine ue, thc members anre.xpcbed tW ho prese nl largenumbers. ubsonîptions fer the . "collegiate" mmici mere not pid lent tarin mii b. thar.ifuUy received by the treasurer of literury socaty. B"olty Notes. Isqular meetng of Iode. No. 77 A. Y. sud A m. ibis rdey aW 780 0,6100k. Y. W Bro.0. 8. RyrmuG 8D.. in .poctd to bu prss-at sud deliver su adOreu n ury. lagular me.ung ot L 0 . Ne. 557 cm Toau'dy nit, l0%h faut. The ruqubar monthly meeting .1..P. Nu. 24 mli 11b. hald ou Filday neit, Nov. Houme Mêle No 84. sifi hold thoir regular motiIy meeflng on Mondey nezt% 101"ua; à ful attendace la requeut.d. On Toud.ly avsmftgmter the basinés.of the. reguiemthly meeting of L O.L.No. 810 Valeutia, b.d bépum dlsoaed oethsIoda. vua raised te the R A P. degis. uben elit candidat.. mors sdvsud. At the. requut of the. W, M..Portons Omq o'd, district mter of Naripoma, ool ebsir the mandidates bdo lmgctped andinatructed by Brou. Jobua Soit P »D'V.- ariptus. sud J4hn KelwyofalT»s Wîavmi.PO0.11, ef Vwietri. A largo nuwher et vwstor. ueo. presatJamuileOreuel, LttIe atu sud Llndaaybelag rmm.ued. Alter the luums.-4u li. mu. cf LAmes-At Oste~4>sI~ utc ut Un. U. W. LuI*< 'ei~'L1 uts Ne,. l~ uf~umbws. 5J~J K.n alwool Fulcloth Pawtis. FOR $2 CAÂSH Iowm i lv a Boyle good Tweed or Serge Suit. FOR $2.050 CASHBlne. We mill give a good pair alwmoi White lnea oFOB $3 CASHI W. wMi give a good Fur Muff orbÂtrachan Cap. FOR $3.50 CASHI Wc wili 51v, a Bov'. Tweed Overcoat with Cape. FOR $4 CASH We wiii give a good al vool Tweed effect Lady'. Costume. FOR $4.50 CASH ape W. wMi give ï, Missa. Tweed Ulater withCae FOR $5 CASHI W. wil give a Man's Tweed Suit or Overemt, T3RMS CASH: 106 Kent St., Opposite the Post Office, Lin7dsay. Linduiy,0(W. 2fth, 1891.--1802.1y. The We have aiways made Tesa ur Ieading article at leading prices, and we need flot that our stock was nover better assorted than at present, comprising ail our popular1 favorably kuown throughout the whole county say more now than brands, so well and STAPLE LUNES 0F GROGERIES & PROVISION88 OUR CHINA, OROOKCElRY AND GLASS WARE DEPÂRTMENT This department is replete with a varied and extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our Fancy Cia and Glaasware are ail new and beautiful designs' and at such low prices as were neyer of. fered in Lindsay before. A. OMBL Lindsay, March 4th, i8gz Importer, WhoIesale and Retail Dealer in Wines, Liquors,' Bottled Beers, eand General Groceries. No. 67 Kent St., and 2 and 4 Wiliam St. Bonded Warehouse ]No. 4 William St. Gooderham & Worte' oelèbrated - Od Uye and Màalt Whiskies; Cognac Brandies; Old Tomi Gin; Iràal and Sootoh Whiskies; Champagnes, MJarets, Ports, Sherries, etc. IMPORT. ORDER8 THIS WEEKB Poe . P.R. isamr Epru of Chin& ansd aOain Paoiflo R. B '50 ohests ohoice Japan Tes, my ovu brsnd. 5SwýXQll hw, cl. e aodA RadisPrime sultanse, extra fâne Patrs anmd Voetizza Carrantz; Orange, I~Moad citron PMWO IMPeri lMmLd LU"laer. o1~ .iheackli ýdhc. of quality at th. Jarnaicm& "am superseding Brandy when- uf Dundee, maye of it:-I Cou- r TUÂT HÂs (OIKE UNDE& BISCUITS. ~SON. 1-e1uy~' g.'- iW,,e ve a1,. 7W1i Li of B. and ab ean as] 0ale mli ,*bar cord lok Othe 4he No .euL No X o IL PR short People's Grocery 1 Arch OUR Campbell. bath ends. TEK DEPABTIENTI JOHN DOBSON, 172 00 86 57 50000 1 îý - Ahno Per, S . Olipoodl.., froraDundees 8¶tbjtI, '25 casesof hb 99 - Bree'7 il 1 Il L oqp"