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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Nov 1891, p. 6

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Woploi=v e bheinl Ulr' ~ I& au"tyJasper, howlover, ba" nett eped= 00seBlivèea vy- laid hlm, sian ulhlm inaacainalay to drop litobis office sud bave a dinit, vib h v eo t lng ontt rom hlin l l th *ventés oet iat nlghi. Bariy was on bis vay te a lawn-tenise pariy, sud vus arrayed Ila sflannl suit m--y colons, vih bis omail, whte face near- ly bidlon under a largo strav bai. Being of a social tmm cf mind, hbe iIInot refuso Blivers'a invitation, but vaikel lato lb. dusty effice sud assste. biméeoif Ubrafly te lb. whisky. "lHene's fun, old Sck 11" bo said, la a tree sud easy amner, rasing bis gloas 9 bis lips; "xunay yotir sbadow nover be lus." Slvurs boped devoutly ihai bis shadov neven would b. leu, au that would involve ihe lots cf several aiher limbe, whiab ho coul l lu apare, se ho hanored Mn. Jaq>mr' toast wih a raaplag Uîtile laugh, sud pre.- paroI te, ialk. Ii's vony kid et yen ta came sud tal> ta su old ahap like me," sadSltiBvons, ilaus amiable s tene as ho coul cemmaud, vhiaii vas net muai>. "Tou'ne snob a gay youug Mr Jasper ackuevledgod madesiv that ha vas gay, but that ho aved certain luties te meaety, and ldte b. mildly social. "And en bandsoine Pl croske Slivens. Mr. Jasper decided ibat Slivens vas su unugnally dicaruing persan, sud vorthy te tall< ta, so prepanedt t mako bimsilf aires- able. IlI voader vbai'a becorneetfVIliers!" mail Hlivers, artfully pusblag lb. whisky bottio tevard Barty. Il'm sure I dont knov," said Bariy, luas lauguld, uel.up set o volvo, pourlng hlm- self ouitsente mure whisky, " I havin'i se hlm sinco laut Mouday v eok." IlWbore diI you leavo hlm on tisai ugbtt» ask.d Blivons. IlAi lb. cerner et Sbut and Lydiard Bireots." "Early ia the. mernng. I suppose!" "yes-pretty ealy-abont ivo o'cloo>, I Il And you neyer sav hlm aiter tbat!"' "lNet a slgi> of hl," replied Bariy; "but, I »Y, why aL Ibis ihuamrl Il'il tell you mter yen bave ansvenel my quemiops," retoteta Slvers, rudely, "but I'rn net aaklng eut af cunlsty-ii's businesa" Buniy theugbt that Blivers vas very poonc- lian, but dterminel te humer bln sud ta t,.>. bis leave as ely es possible. "«W.], go on," ho saId, dnlnklnghisvbhisky, ll anaver" "Whoeavs viii> Tou'sud Villiers nau ti>ai ulgbi 1" usked Slvens, in a magliseial kMal ot tanner. IlAÀFrench fellov callel Vandeloup." "lVsudeleup 1" echoeel ilvers la surprise; "oh, indeed 1 vbat tho devil vas hbe bing l" "lEnjoylng hitnasef," repliel Bariy, coeoUy; "he camee laie tho theatre and, ViDilo nl- troducel hlm te me, thon Mn. Wopples>- id us al to, suppel'. 'Taou woni, ut course!" "lRaLlier, cil ohap; vhst do yen take us ."IWbat Urne diIIVandeloup lbavell" seked Hlivers. "About iweniy minutes ta ivelve." "Ohb1 1 suppose ibat vas because ho l te dirive oui to the Pactolusi"' "lNot such a fool, dean boy; bc tayel al night lu towvu."l "Oh t" ejactilated Blivens, ilanauexitel manner, druniing on the table viii> bis fingers, Ilwbono diti ho sisye" "At thce Wattle 'rre Hotel."1 Slivers ïnontally matie a note efthiis, and doteininc-d to go tbers sud flrai finI eut vhai tirne Vandeloup bel contehorno où lb. nlgbi ia question, for tiFi auspicieluâ olI mmn bal now gati h lie bis head that Vsudeloup vas la smre vay reeponsible fer Vhflerss disap- pearauee. "lW hene litiVilliers aay b.ovas gong vbsn h.a1.1 t you f" beoaâkel. "lSiraight humae."1 lHuph t Well, he dlda't go berne ai ail."l lDIIn't ho?" echoee Barty, In soe asten- isi>ntn. "Thon vbat's becone of hlm? Mon don'i disappear la ibis mysienlous vay viib- oui soine nea4ol." "Ah, but thene in a reasan," repliel Sliv- uns. "lWiy!1vi>ai do yen thln> in the reason!" taltered Bariy. "lMunder!" hissed lb. aiher ibrougi> bis thin lips; "'bs's been murdereti." "ILord t" ejaculatel Baty, jumping up thai, yen rmgbop."This lustinlaallusion te Baniy's pictureaque garb. 'y. t ouaI eut &Il I vaut frein yen, andi l'iltrac> ber lava, -and put ber la juit, sud bang fa en-haug ber f111 ah.'. as deal as a door nail."1 Havlng givon vont te ibis pleast senti- ment, Blvers put en bis ýbat, sud, teklng bie stick, walked outohi eisoffice "Ijf," aruaI HIvmrta hiasltas ho psg- gel bravely alaug, "if Viller a vntai to etgsi nIdfethlb.nugget he'd bave coe tt me, for ho kaev I keep quiet anI tell ne tale. Weil, bh. dlt came te me, sud ibero' e nse du ho coul go te. Tbey'vo beon oa>lng fer hlm- mIl aven lb. .hop, sud tbey osu'i fini hlm; ho cant b. biding onr he' bave lot me luuov; thir'.o oly cma expkato-.'s bien mmreo-buznetfor tbe.gol- hdean, n-fer uody bai' hobaiMdil. WCo vantai humoui t r*f ayI-b Wis.. Woubl ahéi tick aat ytbbIgt-I'1d"MMu Ifsbauld. S&o ftà a heroit. ThÉel Z estoulsdl& sh 4oh9eramul o utyt I My ,depaty, 'cause l m do t asla a iIWo W4d ms ,1141Suebom m àabide. bMWl W*ý brt 1h I-bu vin M~ rabued «ason, MoroVi5 fare est i ier od non r Whore*yonwder bed, mhtUj4y. "Aaleopr' uapped that dgas., Jitklug hbEed la tbe dirctiSo ftbêlW oi': "vt do youwa'it" very dUMWalufufltSt. "A ' til" civiity l luora e," ed sws ruduly. T6on wicked aid wretob," mald Mas Twez- by, vlclously, "go along viii You1, and1k thati rreligtous parrot vib Y011, Or 1111 W=k MY par. " ,,Ho von't thank you for dbilng s," ruplled -eUvons, coofly; "l'y. called ta MO hln about some new shares juat on the manket, anti if yon don't treat Me wih morSrespec Fil go, and he'U heouou faS goad tling."1 Nqow, MIEa Twoxby knew thai BUvonswua lu the. habit of dolug busno.vih ber par- out, and moreover vas a pover la the maro market, go abs gracously asked Blivuun vbait he' hopleuedohave. b"Whisy," n vers, curtly, leanlng bis chlia on bis stick. 'II saYl" "Wofll"aaked Min Twexby, eomlag froln beindithebar vith a gss and abotile of whisky, "6wbat do yen nyt" "N1ov'. ibat goad-laoklng Fronchmaal ame Blivers. "Nlov shoul. I kuowl" suappil Montba. angnlly; "be comausbhm.te se. tuai fMoud of bie, sud thon abers out whibhout as mucb as& good-day;. a niaesosrt a!f flýeud, lndeed,"l wratb!ully, i"siapplag bere nearlY ti eek sd drnk anl the tlpe; he'l hoe bavlag olln- ous timminga before hbu'. done."1 "Who viii!" nid Blivors, iaklng a slp Of hi.l Whisky sud vaier. "6Wby, ibat other Freacbrnan1l" netoriol Kýaniba, golag ta ber place behlnd the. ber, "tPeter semeiblng; s low, black wreich, a&U beerd, wih no tangue, sud s ihiit M1. "O0h, the durnb mn."- Xim Twexby noddid. Ir"Thihm," ah. dilumphsuily; "' bien bore for the 1"ai io veeka." "tDnunk, Itiink yenid t" renaked8llv- orsl, poliioly. Martha langbod scomfnnty, sud Saab out Mome sowlag. 14I1aeomld jusi iblnk se," as eretorted, taie- ing bier ieed; "b.e dose nothlng but drink al day, and runa afer people wfth thatimitéf.- "Véry dangerous," obievedOlivons&, grave- ly shaklng is bond; "vbhy don'% you gsi id 09 him #" "go vo are," nid Mme Twexby, biting Off a bit. of oitton, as if ah. wsbed vo-e Pierre', beed; "hoi la golng dovn te Mel- bourne the day mter ia-rnorrov."1 Blivor got voary of bearlng about Pierre, sud plungot i rght off liet the abject. Of bis Tisit. "4That Vandeloup-"l he bogan. "lWen r'"snid Mis. Twexby. "Wbai Urne di ie houloenshorn e .nlgbt bo stopped ber. 1" IlTvolveo aclack." IIGei along wltb you," naid Blivons, la dis- guet, IIyou mean ibre. a'lock."1 14No, I do'i,"' reiorted Mariba, indignant- ly; -tyou'l beho ilng me I dan't know tho timo nLexi." ',Dld h. go oui again 1 "No, ho vent. ta b.d." This quit. upset Slivpr.'eis des. "4Did the othor stav e ,ail nlght sal" MissTwexby nodde'i 'Bath la themae raom," se.answered. "Wbai Urne dld tbe dumb chap cora nel" "'Hait pai fins." Here vas anoiber facor for alivers-as k could not bave beon Pierre "1Dld ho go te bedl" "Straigbi." "'And dld net leave the bouse againl" "0f courus nai," reiorted Mins Twoxby, lmpatiently; "de you tblnk I'm s fooll No on. eiher gme in or eut efthiis bouse viii>- oui rny kaowlng ht. The dumb dcvil vent ta b.d ai baif past nias, sud Mr. Vandeloup ai bal! pasi twelve, and ihoy neibher of thon> carne oui of ibeir rooms till nexi mernlng." "NHov do you know Vandeloup vas la ai twelvefl" skptt Blivers, silil unconvlnced. "lDrat tbe man, wýha's hoe worryin' abouifl' rejoineti Miss Twoxby, inappIahly: III lot hlm la mysl."1 This clearly loiel lb.he uhject, undSlrons arase ta hie fot la greai diqgusi, upsttilng Bifly on ta the feaor. "Devl"1 abriekel Bhfly, as ho dropped. "Oh, my precleus mether. Devil-devil- devl-you're a liar-you're a liar-Bendigo and Baflart-Balartan sd Bendigo- Pickles t" "A nias pair yen are," muiiered Marihae grmly. 111 wlmh I bad tbe thrahlag et you. Won't you sisy sud ame par!" ah.e aalled oui ua Blivers deparied. l'il come ta-morrow," anuvered Blivora, angrily. Ne stumpbel borne la silence, tblin ailS& ;mrnedn trou> balsizel au n loOuote akelea u ram a muow u d haotly ovued a with pmrcmtim.no Sednudidnlaa rumity black, voeu diugy, cotton glvis, cul- riel a Ilg, vblte ubr Masd urry.d tbo woekI irougi> the medium of a pair ci huo apeetcle. HI. lobi vetO cr- .iaatly ocaning undoas, as hoeornol 9h ouaof buitous, and preternsd pins, w".e vers lway sesoraing bis hapla Ho Se e véry latin, à"Sud v -*uAgi -la 1np mu enuie voit on "Tlin AtifPiol inasu Bongla rt nlvame cmnens'4iet mamm* nbfilassevmtILaSM Van4ul- ed baet sDr. O*m dtlb $d, ibeaigi 6 wpwmsy4" la asm= Thsw* *, t§ ý cé' obkba " yonu WUe5 OWB 0" « ~nepbmfl4U4Uion- lasilence, bi$t liarouig, hd t1' e l' ho e O ltit cet hlm Scapaon, vai 1h ajývte failS ise odleem, b0t vet M~ i u aa mati mine 1"-Ah, my dean frisui," b. id, puéiiblD hb staw bat back on bis tair huaI; "bom gSon tbo grSeari n>? "4Capialy," reinnu e bdoctow ua camplaconi smile, ,jut fuimbel 'Caiarh3e 1 de medlcl'-WoIdwf nI vomen, air-quit. a misiress of the art of pelaenlag." "6Humph !" returued Vandseup, lbongbi- fulyI ligbtillg a cigarette, II do not agras vith you t bore; ih Was hber auelu tlO- ger, Ruggieri, Who prepared ail ber potions. Catharlue certlnly bl, the PO««e, hut ,Ruggieri pomssed the science-a v01 tfar division a! labor for retting rld or peopli, I muai ay--but vhat bave yen uiobm.!" naddlng tavard a largo book wilchgolpock cennled under bis arm. "Flor yen," swuered th. other, teklng the bock slovly frorn under bis arm, sud thons. by osusing suôther butien ta 11Y Off, "quit.. neWwork on taxicolOgy-." "éThank yeu,"1)ani Vandeloup, taklnglb. beavy volume sud looklng ai lbe titi.; "Frencb, I seo!1 I'm sure i viiib. pleaset. realng."i The titi.efthlb.book vas "Les EmpalBMai nrs d'Aujourdhui, par Mm. Prevol et Lebrua," aud it bal only been publlshol lb. previous year; go as he tunnel over the beaves careesly, M. VaÈdeloup caught si -et of a namo whiahho knew. III shah enjoy ibis boak rm«esoy," ho nid, toucblug lb. velumse. Dr. Glpeck noddid sud chuaokin aà habou, rattllag klud of way. 648oI abeul thia>," ho answorel, vith suather sharp look, "Iyou area very liver Young mury friend." Vandeloup ackaowledgod the complimnt viti a bow, sud vendsred mentaily vbat ibis old ma muni. Gaston, hovever, vas nover vithout su asuer, se he turnnel 9 ofllpecka> gl in ii>a nonchalantamalle On bis handioxue lips. 'So kladof yeu tatbllk veil et MO," ho nid, coofly flicking th. ami effithe end et bis cigarette vuth hslutle finger; "but why do yen psy memsuch a cempllmmni" Goflipea> ansvenod the question by asking unother. "6Wby are yon go fond ut tology" h. nid, abruptly. Vandaloup sbrugldhlm abuldirs "lTo Pante iUre," bhe sagdcarObemly, "Itbailsil ; ovin office ver>, Orelilng as k lu, becernes wearlaoe, mc I muât takO up sone ubjecite oamuse myef." "Ceunlous tast. for s Young man," roman>- ed the docier, dnyly. "Niature," nidM. Vandeloup,I"daismont. ternu men ail on lb. Mme patierfi, sud my taste fer iexlcology basai liast lb. chant et noveliy."1 Gollipeck bcoked t tilb.yeung man gala la a sharp inauner. 'II hope you'il eujoy th. book," ho nid When b. vus gene, the mccklng smalle se habituai te Vsuleleup'a ceuntenanco fadid avay, sud bis tucea aumod a iboughtul ex- pression. He oponed the book sud tunnel aven lb. leavos rapidly, but vithout fanding vbai ho vas inserc> of. Wllb su uneaay lsugh he shut lb. volume vibh a muap, sud put it under Isaart again. "Hel'ans enigma," ho lbought, reterrng te lb. docior; "but ho cannot suspect all- thlng. Thecmsmay b.in tblsbook, but 1 deubi If aeuon iis -nianvth the barbarous narne can conneci Gaston Vandeloup, of Ballerai, vlth Octave Braulard, et Paris. N is face resurnel is usual gay look, sud tbrawing avay lb. bal! srneked cigarette, ho walekd litoe . ouse sud t ouad Mme. Midas seatel la ber artn-chair n.mr the via- 1ev lcoklng pale and illI. "Goal-day, madame," snid lb. Frencbten, advaucig te the table sud puting bis bat sud lb. book dovu on i. I"Nov are you ta- day!" "lBetter, mucb better, thaak ylu," naid madiame, vltb a fint smile; "the docter as- sures me I saal be quite Weil la a veek" "tWllb perfect rosi sud quiet, et course," interposel Gollpeck. IlWhlch madame dae not soin likely te get,"1 ob.erved Vanleloup, dryly. 4,Ou, ay," nsid McIntosb, siopplng la trant et Vsudeleup, vi sa flue expression ot aconn. 'II ken veel 'ils me ye are gloWuenil a-did ye ne kon vhai's lb. mator vi' me!" "'Net belag lu yen confidence,"1 replied Gas- ion. smoibly, iaklng a seat, 'II cSn banly say that Ido." "hIt's just ihai Peter o' youns," nsid Ai-chie, viii> a snt; 'la puin veecked unbaptizel chilI o' Satan 11" "lArabil!" inierposed fmadamne, vllb seme aeverity. "TYour parden'. b.gged, ment," naid Arabie, seurly, iurnlug te ber; "but as for ibat Peter body, lb. Lord keep me tangue tra' 1e . "I am uit.1pr-a-ed t bon m- .cl7ls a*kutisqm inm" beSm»U i.usndIfds*f Ibuul&U B ke..d timi r n dai vs 4o0 lbv vP» a 6.1 ,ttrV il* 1»a ie ý " __ mlpht . ialgotto to*4uowo, sud : gel hlc, 4W5Y la urn. i prepose 1» buy hign àboX *M Qclame, ýas h eu%- toiiinly wI.. tcpbe gtt- gIimhm "Tyon bavesa kinI monsieur Vande- A tifid l lugi> ea b. doce, but Ms ho vumsunbau y eccetrlc lndivi- duel no on. mindel "6Cote, mausteur," IVandebu oin to theloo, -eius o tehc m ne. boy muai i.du.e y tiend," sud vith shbow te madame, h.ontout. "À bnav seo r mutiered Arabie abe tlovl "Quiat. gal for hlm," ntatil Dr. Wolpe heov hurd hm.. Arcbie bokelat apolulnadilc hlm hiad, sud wvont. u io beFnochman; bat madame, beua vrna u oulee sakel.doctthe baimuant. Hlm reply waspeoulsw. IlOur trienl," ho ai, puttingIse baud- kerchlet la bis pooc>ui *01 soisng his e ey old batl "ur tdmd lbulleve libmthegreaest uumber.11 4"Mil vhai la thietisi numbeil" a*e, madmeinnocmtly. IlNuciLber ouel" rtortl eb.doctor, sud toc> hislsave al1ruptly, leaviag ivo butions aud àmnl pluson tii. faontracesoft is Visâi. TEE UIT V METE R E 1 union; sud if Dr. Gollipea kb ald irui opinioncet Vandiloup te0 hlm, ne doubi tbaioleveryoung nuan vould bave mamevi> am u- berauud, usa greai deal ot a mua', peut hisiery mua found oui by the sipeplan et putlng o and ivo together. Fortunately, hovever, Gaston, ibes iv gentleinen nover met, GoUI]pook camne me lb. conclusion ibai b. coul see netbing te blaîne la Vandeloup'a eocduot, ibougi> be oertalnly misrusiel litansd determinel mnially te >iop an eyo on bism tevemonta. Wbat led hlm ta b. uuplcous vas the aurl- oua rosemblance mi>e appearanceofet ib young mabai tote iai eta crimlaal, les- cribed la tb. "Les Emnpeoineurs d' Au jourd 'hu," as bavlag beeu iransportol ta Nov Caledonla for lb. crime of polsonlag bis misiroas. Evenytinlg, hovever, vas vague anti nacentain; so Dr. Gollpeak, vi>ou he arriveI borne, care ta the. above-namel con- clusion ibat ho voulti vaich Vandeloup, and thon, dismlsslng hlm trot bis minI, vent te ver> on bis favorite subjeci. Meaenvilo M. Vandeloup lepi the sleep oftlbe juat, aud nexi morng, mter maklug hi lquirles mter lb. lpalth et Mme. Midas --a lblag ho neyer negliotil 90 do-b, veut late Ballar in laerch et Pierre. Ou arrîv- lng ai lbe Wattle Tre. Notel ho vas recélv- adlby MinTwxby indgnifiedsilence, for threai astute dammsel vas b.ginnlag te regard the faaalnatlng Frencbm-a s a youag tan vho talàol a greai des! sud assaut notilng. Nîe vas andaclous onougi> te vin bon virgha heart and thon break t, se Min Tvexby theught tlb. viesit iag vould ho te keep hlm ai s distance. Ho Vanîeloup's brigbî malles sud merry jokos tailed te eaU forth any nuupense tro tlb. fuir Maniba, vhoBast %lently la 9h. ben, locklng 1ke a cnabbed "hj my frieul Pierre il a."aked Vende- loup, leing seras. thé coutor ald looklng lovlngly ai Miss Tvexby. Thai lady latimated, codly thai b. vus in, sud bal boon fer the blait io veeks; aise ibai shé vus sic> cf hlm, sud .b.'d thank M. Vandéboup t90 amr hlm out-aU et vbhli amumol Vsudoloup mlghtily, ibougi> b. stili continuel ta malile oooliy on thoemur-tacu damasl betore hlm. "6Waald yen minI goag sud iellug hlm I vanit o n. hil!" ho ked, ouagiug te the docn. "Mei" sbhe>ed, Martialu a abnill volce, si>cotlng np tram behial ithe cunter 1ke su laturlatel Jack-la-tim-boL "«Ne, I eban't. Why, tl.1aitirne I ssv hlm h. uerly out me likosa bamnuanvich>vith ibai kute of bis.1Iamrnont," pursuel Miss Tvsxby, tunh- oumly, 'Sa bas! of bruni te b. oui, neiher arn 1 a plu-cushian te bave ibinga stuc> lio -'luI f 'vi am es erni itp pvI' 90 Us. nain. ~ bàbad ~ ~ -~ plomabut #r as "4oh, a<$,"Om UidK y, gravely àin laie 1uBd; "tmm-ted - are IWM pluasutertha= thos arraugedfor *iWs »mq aydheappoltmnt about the=" "cli, tbats your experlerncs, lu liVl a- swered ber lover, with au amumed Mle, pufllng ouitbms cgarette-Cau. 44Wi,94uSp pos you rewmd me for my accidentai plo- mmuce re, and light a cigarette for De." Kltty wua of courue dellghted, and teok tb.t case while M. VandelouP leaned back la the seat, bis bande bebind ie head, md ared rufieetîvoy ai tho eadacol ore ky. Kitty took out a cigrMe tfm tIi. cmm, placed à betwoma ber pretty lipe, sud havlng obtainod a mjatch from orn of ber lover's pockes, procoodod to light ft, whicb vas net dome whout a gruai du i of choklng and- pretty oofu*lou.At longth gsemanaged k, ad bendlng over Gaton, placed h la bis mont, u ana hmsa"o athu marne mu. "41f pa knew I 1 d ib is be'd expire wltb borror," abe ald, aa901Y ndlgber hesd. "Wouldn't homuchloi If ho dld," repllod VMWWooup, lazly, glanclng ai ber proty facefron undorhIe ey*elbs "our tather bas agroat many faultt, dean." 4Clu, 'Ths ]Klece'tuhln m perfect." mud "hrom uior point or vlew, perbape ho 19t"i rotunnod Gastan, wtb a taaitmuer; "but hol. nôt a man given 90o xubSvmat MÙIL" 4"Wefl, bols ratbur dbanul" auonisd Kitd;y, doubtNuly. "'Wouldn't yo U k. to lmevhlm and 1usid a jolUer MIte"sasked Vaadeloup, artfufly, "la. Meibounno, fer Inulnco."A Kltty looked ai hlm, half afl "II-I don'i know," aeo taitered, looklng 61lt1do, Bobo" wbispere<i outon, put- ing bmsammround ber vawlutyou vould G 1k. t0 como whbme." "hlAmy mOi gant m' rim' la Ti dlsmay. Vandi"op nodded "«I tink Ispoke about ithis boforo," ho mid, idly brushing somo cigarette muSi off bis wslsctcs. -4 "Tes," roturned Kitty, "but I thought you dld flot mien i." "«I.nover say anytblng I do not meun," amuavero Vandeloup, wlth the rosdy lie on his lips i a moment, "and I bave gotkltbterom France vith money, noI amn going to lbave the Pactolus."I "And mer uald Kltty, ieerully. «"That deptuids upc. youruelt, Bobo," ho nId, rapidly, premng ber burnlng cheek' againat bis ova; "your father would never consent te my marriago, snd I can't tae you away from Ballarai wihout susicions, W.-" 44"Yser said Kitty, eagerly laoklng ai hJLm "Tano muai rua away," b. whlapened, with a cgrusang malle. "6Alonef' "For a Urne, yus," b. anmwered, throwlng f away his cigarette; "llisten-neri week you musi moot me here, and I will give you m money to keep you in Meibourus for somo trne; then you must leave Ballerai at once and wait for me ai the Buttercup Hotel in Gertrude Street, Carleton; you uderstandP' "Yes," faltered Kiity, norvously, 111-I understa.d."1 "And you will corner' he asked, anious- ly, looking keenly ai het, andi pressing the litile band beheld in ii l own. Just as sh. vas going te enswer. as if warning ber of tii.fatal stup sho was about te tae. a low roll of thunder broke on their eara, and Kitty sbrunk back appalled frorn ber laveils embraoe. -Nol nol no!" she almosi shrieked, by- utericqlly, trying to tear hergeif away from his arma; 111 oaa fot; God is speaking." "B1ahl!" enoored Vandeloup, witb an evil look on hlm handiome face, '.He speeks too indlstinctly for u, Io guc--s what He means; what are you a! raid of f I will join you la Melbourne in two> or ibree weeks, and thon we wil I b. niarrioti." "But my fatheç," ae hbimpered, clauplng ber bot banda convulalvely. IlWell, what of binI" asked Vaadeloup, aoly; "h. le so vrapped Up in hlm religion ibai be -will not miss yen; he vili never fLnd oui where you are la Melbourne, and by the time ho does you wil b. myvife. Corne." heesid,ardontày, wbl- perlng thbe tptation in ber ear, as ifboe vas afraiti of being heard, "you mzust on- aent.ay yus, Bebe; say yes." She f .lt bis bot breat.b on ber cheik, and feu raiber iban saw the scitillations of bis wonderful eyes, wluch sent a ibrull througb ber; uo, uttierly oxhaugted and wora oui by t.he ovorpowerlng nervous force- poussod by this man, ahe surrendered. »Wv abut six o'dock, so Veudeloup vont 4oW taianr;thea puUing Pierr and bis b.x bM ethe cab, stsppid ha-hiuuol ma Tt* poules-of rail u tii. pfernoon wm MW fUlifuwe, a"d it as pourbnt la toireii95. ttnta l aVàadw1oup, wltbka shlvoe, n 1ltu ~* 1ou onthe stton p1dornu, 'W"a U51 *s cIW q watt f«r hm, an4 ha'.- pm"m Wogtox ina M- ltudVanioup to PierINe,.n h « bkgoe h *w Infants end ChIldrefl. .m.O,*IIPr..eIIo St omach,-Dlarrhoe, lu-cuaai ~a~,m." i.à. ~xi>.,~ oms, gie sen Mp, &" p1romdu. TM C.IAVE 00»A", 77 MumyrIY teý N., Âu Invitation, We invite everyone to eaU and we our EW AMERITGAN TWATOIIBB In Nickel, Solid Silver, and Gold fifled. We are convi.need you have neyer seen their equal. Just fancv, 1Solid Silver Stem winding and stem setting À&merican Lady's Watch for $7.50. k15 year guaranteed, gold fllled watoh, for $10,50 Ientlem&n'a moud silver watoh for $9. GoId filled for $11.50 rbes Watches must be seen to be convinced as to their quality and* menitz. OnIy to b. deen at se Je PETTYS, The Jeweler, Neit door to the Daley House. Kent Street. )rgans iRepaired and. Tuneci. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Onders hy mail prot tatended te. R. N. SISSONt - - IANDSAY, ONT. On Deck gi And saleq, larger than ever; clear tiweep of the Canadian mar. ket for 13 yeais. C>LD ENCLUSI'400NDITION POWDER Contains one pound ilu every packieo, sud every peckie e 1 the @mre vear iw and year ont. Not injarious Rain or shino it wo't hurt &ni animal. 25ç. EACB, OR S5FmR $i00. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Drufirist, Lindsay. THME MANU FAOTU BERS' Li FE & ACCIDENT * INSURANCE COMPÂNIES. Combined Âuthorized Capital and other assets...........$00p J. W. WALLAO Et Agent, Lindsay. W. A. HORRINS, District Manager, Peterboron LARDINE -MACHINE -OIL, THIE FÂMOIJS HEAVY BODIED MA.CHINE QIL MADE ONXLY.BY McOOLL BROS, & 00O, Toronlto USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. fCOOIls' Pimons Cylinder Ofl. %iest in Canada, for Engine Cyidr ASK FOR LÂRDIN.E Ohea.p FURNITURES GO-TO AND-ERSON, NIGENT, L&Co* -K«NT SlU* T. ,LINDSAYs, tJ 4 CmIIax~d :Md Cabinet Makers. io»L No trouble to showit Ume mNUGENT & 00. 'T'.- Wardef. 'OWMU

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