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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Dec 1891, p. 3

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anod u tiSegbot=oa Do CU, furlD.u U biegui fetrda baAyr gt meuaiedMW M aià &W AMI w i'When alim'8 M ps»MWvi la th oterdlté e Loi aarb 1s cîdo Wa oubî tr - lom rem.dlee, vel sud 5pitlsd ilaiddiso Ciadnes, but Ib in. rém ib Ste otak .AerSrsallmtn botwties o dti mdili ar cau ina tb@troubledt om boi b [o. lCiaTi eg IL0,lalno, 18ive 8 doensr Saraparillwas2 Inededto e fr atuD aitu TèdOIT. l'MW ,)r. j. 0. Ayr & 00-P LOWafiMU&a , rie#Si s1si boes, $6- ath 1» & luoli flIDATVOEBB .101 I ~ t ma#. m»~ fommoaa'og OSmh ad'O@m :r i *Msd ,te 1o avm i Pmo - biiaof 'w. Sol.. w mamazaleità From QuebSO 0o PrinosIdward UukSé. - .uzos o, t ITh rad 4ai@ f tSM t Quu " on lîmiving tbe bl.tol ty ai Quoso M vome at I@ilîd ooseu te river le Polo% Le6vie «bore que b rded 1theLIfu 15 al ihsi for limosl, IB. Tb@e mbue03osb@ lutehoOlOnil lare oomfoîîsble sud voe sog"dl wei ii 6ud, evîdînoliglb.epopulaIl*lof hi » . g ibis route. indeed, aB nmbii etnées iS.llpà -b. ou -tombés bàd la b.otmsobd on Ibli oaesMm glas la secuamadate tbe gresSuBombai of l 1 aun traveleiit, wblb amdmi@5SI a dosr Of45 Dosoluîoc, a minutes lui stomiInU. Outui.ndii &Y bm lh 0 lbé $y avadlea1 glmtdy 1h. ommlt turcbaa.- botwees Quebea sud Oulsilo. Row M distrct tue lonsi n5îîow fuam sumdTh emmmliwblte boue#bloku oocpSiluOs ,lib tho bramit mses 8 sl atlyoW « sw a blocso nar îilo farmérii. Under tb. land systm 01eai urvey p raumevbioh Omaron the vos tilIowed in Qooboo tbé fua. ve emprS le apprioid lu long 55110W étripe, sgo poidu of the tla lv. @&Oh persan a diveislly 01 aud sud outinlu Zol S loppli 01 ai v alu ueathlb.propouigiiée tfllfI bordèeid on a river. This systeux eau be Tb@ Bu", observed @11il aoug télb. Itoolonl. cumuber 50ý Thé homes cf the habilmuli mae yery bunt lm &ao ploturesquO. As thé aWnoil are tond ofaf mse af tbe 2moyenIthe gardosn plots sud Windows tIon of sye ulabily résout as&yan md l mmppu d mot foi oblâc. 1hoQSb tt pon me l iAvancé 1. flowors vet ho doos otmol bget the antan masli7l lbiâ Patch, as tho vii kfpt bedsofibliswhOl* hbave bin mrnemR~ble eIsmtiy. Wbile the gbodis Bausin, thbm mae hoblp, th. charabia moke op lua cet1, bovin, maguiflicea. Al âAlong the lina t ova utts. Ovei sud oftty sik,-. lhe tel1 spires af the belvesu Od, roman amtholio oaho r ebisia en. On@ sav. Besi finds It bord tl nadorttfd bal snob vos eftd lefty piamsci sd mmeiiva mirotoIUt rise tàbll, hil up lu the )a,.t oisnob iowýintes. Tb* haing uoéi. prilent and tho ohurah ineem tlasorb &U Thé lettei lb. notrimeut ni thée canait! sibolh art manneitlau substantiel. Perbape bor its heu beseoret md tuei Gui ai Qoeboo's moievaillifl, for vby shoaid @o@ ci beb Dot Queb@u stad *Ada by sîde lu tbé desir@ af lbi .VjnYuDi5I tt&Iliprogremi oilbberialitergallons ta provino. Her mare slabraad, berisal inionuta i .fertile, ber i uber abunant, uld her min. Émyope vill oral zîsauruisonalimilid, vitb ber emîrsem peudingE vi bouadia l a sh aofml kiado. This sud Ihat wl ohould be tu4ted a ver parodie for the présent aic iltier. But lnstemd lbthervilei &#e a The auis thé Ides tb&% stagnationl teigue vbere qu.sîtied. thora ohanld b. prospeil. AiI theime th. G, aibami af bigltbe4ia ta fitatl asi uom *ommaDlO pontad la turc mate ta hiemimmédiate sur. bas mode roudîngl. Emliay traiv6aiDE affords.Ibme aode c one& fgond cportoudhîlfurthé sladv ai vai. Tib@ 1charbotr. Mat vrley evez, la a rail effitid hb WmY onsob,uand ianu@ mauid viebd Ihe peuidou. and ii of à Diokens, boy muerhailing thebesoimnîl.amou ta k 'While t bu,# osagid lu mumi e îmtrin émein luhlb1 sncbes au regmdies af iverytblfl eme@av o olieti forty-five mintoitl'st lime vblcb maibuet bi@of b. made np. W. are borrlod tbîongh codes, the en5w ash.de, over bridges, alang proolpicie Europian et thunderng epeod. Ta one grest re. l le la gret vèq pu&' tbrough lhebucbemîlul vmley of mim@, i af tb. Metapedia at Fai gbt. Thei riioad iâdDm bllawî for onmailes .aous thé, hache of trouble on ibis river. W. sono enter New Brum n , lpodi 1t wlik. s insoeuily knovu foithe "gmli" ow prile, ére loft bêhind. aout f tl Oawpbelitiof and Dahiebae ipasi "bonsoear and tbe dark fbisets ai the Miramiâbdi& Ile rit. A% lBye &.M., Wbe Arrive lotIbtheavuwn ot eD i ai Moncton. Being bore unti1 ton asz..9 bave bas Wb bave urne tlu .zploro Ibm plaie. Onsthbiq~ goi a ob.héwherves que vais smîpw idte:8013 C to flud tbm chipe bigba sud dry né thé lide îlodim lb vms uow oni. Thse tide rimes boe tte bblle, brs bligbt oai about îwent , elti ig 51 the tbii aitl bend ai the Bay ai Pasdy, ibero theé» Yensho are t ibmîbestbildeu lb. vhe ld. Tht is m"in lu towu la qui@s6 milwmy umîro, as*4 l08t cumbeo sa hevly freti3tsed trais poff-oeimo à lng in and onIt «iuly. ÇTh P-laie bua u a air ai sativIi st d eoupi du Tié luallSe1 Goierornmalcasfle§ of tlb. aiM«oioebd the amG vallway mie hors. AI to m ot b , v. aeoft he for Poiat du Coe@,, pui gthisigs i.ivmn Stiedlis. At the Paoit vi hoard *tiseolow ht uiagulfloeut trou st.amahlp lsailbum.! wob*W bolanâd" for Snrmercidi, PE..Thé pu lN1orthbyi ald" le aslow eatp AM builîlfor the Island Navat - ,..j,,, 1h. at Ne .amslle ou. ]rra*. muowébl$ Cp. Omusin, s -porlîf 1lbbafldii, Dm1101 9 bmmuan t @ a lb.eooias êit f. a DOW op snd lahe bierail U glauecfMlOU 10 bomrd. Thé ouast beàlebiy ~ ~ vide; ibis povoiful boat a al S' Nw i v" tva bonrs and a haltel, m 130a ies S ilbs hafthIe lIme tbrus by Ibe claOUlove m 4 remue" sand aibsi bouWe ttiti This le a beaidftl iené d wltb tioluaa v Uh depth of wslmr und0 5 * volIM bugmt 1 ba o 0 s 0 p te "dMs.H.ousIa b e Ir bhu vsu m m us 0 jlle oa ofte d Who fiir iboluagrigebu0ls à oheir, bou.t osu, tmtdu -isi. vie o hé,% 180v 1. . us baa a piababllêof *val brIa pi mutr eis.thte lat lasie to4 fuig te muý 101 aem, IL, im d.Iua. "bAvu amI hi m roic amettr obldi l.ipot sudq« vbst va fi lta *yééa ieummia 01ithé na»Bn Irau lta ia oubs.vml op bos pod u salsté Mons ars*b. Prothé ndWei )ilis rmont mdolimalaà ihs lb. fossuvr moSiai vhitob sesusai ou.utivesvi ý ntit fem pri ste aCtt pgabeaupoubis bcb IB 600p00umon Iat lin pambs îlsà sevud hbert ssurd nuîl oubr behé ougbB waid0£"d oramrteepaie ite hép. di =&Desentiil*yaihéis.lyJli 1 pleut!ovm tisbtersot b frmevr oe basnosst th atr. gmelluté atder la 11 lancv over u ef uilst ve lagele Invtbe emevm momentsd BaGocuaSop. etutthesa poi télu tl 1.al .11 la kw btfsoi a m arranmeta for sma.e ofu tésermn uil 10 t ,Ii aeminti aiaer t la b. ruele@uodi ams o8 in Tbiy veiiiha a&V ble us iè ZraloSU et 1 ovahé flial.gaoiaiscai ifeta VII ytaiEWPiboir 01 lea tba uii 10,000et i fte b img nof mdla"0aS md,. MeoThé laime sud»V s oae. Tbe la e i arda I nois ptimalit »W ru la od it Ob Naam e w mu l .théis~aio asUitvdtI o epsiThé ànPa.- seolâdabti o on 1; oedsai, obumetio, Mil m 6M; la t ueêeid shéW » sl ba dpi eut j! e hemà cft f,»raI te di ad m qmt-iioï dmi ob"k up laa ol Ibo fw oua mi epml vasllputb O ~5k17 i ssv la somil ION itd ésale or 4raiS ovms lb. ou a 40 I houl~ b.osIR ubot, mdbebi i bd evudo0eot i"0sp*t 0 udmawi 7tO' l i II b*a " I àe mo.uei lavowma. té I olhbm, Moi84 »-eliv, podIidaMy doatne., I haie hIdy ebl ba »wmmvmblîulo 1so £bam thlsed Il t h- ws Mi Il. time omaism Wu làwIibamI"; thea I tuai ou thse admer atf»rum lb.top dms, li1."1mesa if «ohpi mne, 6saavodby lb va rvti, mluab »amis ves Iorib mh u ommB 0o »"» md shmomaubhi viebit aiervuad, i m m* vasm dioe% to tad los b ~ ~ « eû1moam be mi* UdèUUe la uiu bm b ~.atifie I vmi havi s* e o udiel o fth b e> * I OseiMM tCile 7 hUIa, Novembir à, IOOL [Kla10 efdaetlia66voodiapalm voul h. emb t. use for Fourvate.-ED. B..].. 4h li ve e'W U wm Un11 hW 1er bbmd ()r iM W i.mn ,w re OiU.uhmUucam l&typ eahp.ufl bPPU7bmmnmmm la lu thèesdoit wh.n vammu MOa" vR om ailM m Minarude ct.ply Ibimeal limuofa fiDr. ?mea'@ averfis »Pnuil-la.Bot. Ty là@suisptlm sudminuaof lla r.midYb.. poS o i a-i d e t lrltbla, cr %n, uc'o t s, debiIiflted vom4 is ng isa Il diepiece ,MunIe, hytsrim sud evry fourn ie dlmuis n e roe ia ratier, tIen Ibmeeoptlou. The Faoiipreaorpdlm,, ha prv o ebu th k1 ey tba les g sud hipy lf-thi bei C he vh o fm "l l ookmat tet id erimy ci an ulerius diterdori, umuodtiPl, i4i ý . bock, pruli»su , inf atuato , ul osm O , nmr oneue *ubaullsuand gineW idebilhT. S. b. 1 wnilonguIi w9raupei.110 r pristedi! W..T. U sud NativeMd nd.' un. àETOE x IrESTO TE GOE uuo M T r IlDOU X 9 Te ODais tépsy?"le aiafIbm ghéiatn questionis vbissJelu skad bî . laem 0et anrcoiise, sud vblub mavi elb vbeelo i <i das*i sud soli io.Par- mis me la tek Il je referons@i la th.trade la ln iazw.tiDfldrlslm, sud la give som ia Daie It pai le permit osau* islen la sou l Ikor te tomber elesbo mu dor itI i ltubeS" M io tî .Unudir, sud lIma aornpole the Gaveimeulta obang lbe Tue GovereUSlUl hbasiiied s ay $800, i ba lb. lîvos of Ivo eltizena baive bais destroyed, t:i. iy stilug0cf *mluiiy, 1diuogiSlUW sud azpessDU anmiedd Vrthtb hebitiinS miti 1:i. l m 80 lin tei Domnimon tbare voie efilm un aufllie o1 mgorurag@eupti et plurdai sud aaumlauihIlelWhLt di, téuot *0 1 ««#t e par lis expouce 0f l"seou Viato, cone baf or mmor f vhlab vas «RW id le sas ofdel gdvIm ý Dou tpel toP=tUîth@ id"M *08P l e .met t« lac saim o f revenmUeln va r un »0 tel lithéagltusait 15*le0 iU J, *0 *Odw t if*&&l lab tes ilem, lmlm 18 t.00mlamuve 1j,f5c0siis àftu dam stelucemia. Ilà 1810 tiare Fv0" 1&OM0 bbo Mg teveuS *. M.Soaf Do àb pput orw .à s..Aukm è ni eu WhouIlpvte w:Ub ao 1« M1 Méi lb ma embbatoi gapo,«*@iwy o e mi PS è uerene 1u~ou ~ hil~'~~mcfTtêtem lot,~ we5 u.uouai tisSu i-ou 'w-w wgIme<uiiW iaedle 1a m: Ibis. im ,vi.., an lUmml5a put *0 mue e biqui lae atbe of1h I4IODIoUS aMW Dois pui 1.tIL Mt. of, l ia llluyth qmioambilgis bmr var 840 iilom fS u i if - èmi aor l in wy 1u4of tbe paimIL te4,ome»ftb»aoluaolm si *tylust roifihe Iloumel Iquoa tibdi aiou "tmur it psy ?LIMtIbm po aiosu. Du do pondue voal ups lemt Me sd mu God i m ne M at *OIRX FOWDER, WHLITI OINTMENTS FtVRITUaE OREAM, TOOTHÂACHEDROPS* MYAPNTS' CÂRMINÂTIM~ mWo~bi~ ~ RU, eie.w mml IL~-sm-e, ~ usé mli' ns. j Wol. Un E. City -Harness Shop, Lindsay. Oum n mo n asla mmi a W.w s. 4.16P I mo~S~U Lii no mas or vamm be mltalan sema- FoYr SBlo la wbm "l e aveai,vomimam * i usuus ssiu-ios ap n te,»l m»»li & il»uUl oa or MVt a*uamm r M afo.eo vii voues lt mim.Wb vernivOMes. .;M tisse vomau1,-,oU5UI7lutah.blobeul é.d bult .uie-sate wlag lias te»i ves s taîsMe, en beh1à f cfWb"@>o elirMe ahn re i, oe d, ~mpure, ioel7 Md 09 good rat abaimo the ïonduit of pubesglati. Mi. Rguiutes tihe tomuoht milicen GarstPavti.the$e@ratînPurflsthe Thé eab bI Y. SIod ued r.moves agi Ian- T m s.na er oluéok tod blIeaor puritles froan uPimpls t. popolsally la Ibeanusi hla aboolttly p IJ tlhworet Sorofafous Bore. mu arnaitbeleMost dLaélaelyon& a nova imlla leoum btiocouanu .yaspdo, bail blao0d, omatftlpmla, et-ll*S. 1 icto*Ia Cbait. Salve le a vornderftl huai. lac omp*ma for este, vauudo4 bculm bel, 'CULR E.S ez- icaldi, boili. p0@14 pluplos, "c-2.5. DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, 0.14 Wualhi TrIai. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. Dear ir.-Ttàhl su md vinter Iufoid HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACtI tromuMuagia n lu m bacs mut be bs . DIZZINESS. DROPSY modiosa dvios vithout avail, 1 at lust tbs@fgbt RHEUMATI Stw\. SKIN DISEAýSS et îrylogg .BB..3udmallter nM=anu bottis havi m Doit amy iynptlfuO e lIaau regardi i ma fle nim ly rnadoin -J. T. Drot, Hs.lp. a -14 GinihgO weM oit f tis un*. lob PlutU gdomstu modem st118 #Ai M"4"@ P4ae WAZSOF A»TU!eO. -_El._U 2' .TW *&K out"m aïe:...i m0 ~~l * o l .14 S ss............... 0 COORULAND JAAL NOIOU. Tea cets par lias foi r is wiO., uop el ii01EW0Wàjï CALa Ex muas a 9 i M ......... .. g...w UxU5adm ue lUDdm i.flUM .........P7 Bw0baob»quetnt auC.......... .. U iV on xt e Înesfrt i.sU io ........ 10 ivilias.xi uan ins....s 1LOOAL ZLED 514L =CMGU 2M Mb u.1 n» W dm b SI aum. o outb lm iMu $1 tobudsa fM qM a are oirsuht ,dvas1uIoN tu - ar.men UWi..AU uliom vIlehstiiOi, 0e iïm ma i tod, MÉ eiergo~l mo" &mt 0i.i le dhomantoulg nWV- -f- -- li ieEv»mlitMusi»SMourlii p«u o pubS. AU adrauie in nen-raisat umfae iy.maM bu e liubtnlv 09os. et ald LINDSA MARBiE WORK8. Re aAUER UuUmWp"7 tdm i lmMao mli Nu!nIOToa vt e~. mI0 15OUuO ouàP I I I. I lisgs* u u~.vi nv m P~RnlIB uTOmeu, M(y StSok of uNmeés, CoUBro, YWhps, Trunkei and Yaliom la wu.sval sue, oumentes.d . nul o me~ln i >aS la tovu. En md."cofla On PedIAB Emnmboe lita W l M y«ivwIIéi7epeowoehum ~o* ols mplqed. bslà moey MUa llvesImgo**1Md umk h mn ed otthit ila th@ largmt teoh -b»ýWtm y.yspmmuu bn lw JÂME.S LITTLIE. OU~ ORGÂIMiSPIANOWS .&1D S4%HIM AGHINES are guaranteed superior to any othepifia"de in Canada, and unsur- passed by any " n America or no sale. W. W.LO GAN, Gonorai Aget, Liudamy. Office-First Door east of Daly House, in Bryans & Co's Boot and ~Shoe Store. Ch .. .,ai4w ngih~ate ofdar BusinR .TeXss, 1 Tlhea rpatlva ra e the olarad usinesstofaRyD. on aO INSURANCE, Gjeneral Hardware Business iae ai Estate Agent, in the smre store, «MM &nMMY Gava a t lufl No. 22 Kent St., one door East of the Benson flouse, - I intend to devote my time and attention exclusiveiy to the busine£s,' TO LOAn fd propose to introduce new ideas, new methods and new prices which MONEY TvL A ill be mare in accordance with the pragress of the ]9th century than ~ bas hitherto been custornaryv in this line of trade. ~i luma tai aiI cordially invite everybody* whether they are builders, carpenters, - mechanics, farmers, Ia.wyerp, d octors or poundkeepers to call and -get, igem fo Oet o .Zueif O<"Wiu.* quotationa of rMy prices. TRIS WEEK I arn making an extra push on SPORTING GOODS, F R E andi am prepared to give the very closest quotations on Âgricu-tU-S-, of W tertonfl ofOaoton usercia Union, of Englande kens Of Engiandp city Mutu'l' of London. ACCI DENT -. f - J ÉI Qatda etsuiitLsU aMd S&,. ~ni(oToronto. m- ~' sary for Sportsmen. Spors, cme ad se meHefrdwareM bu can-wt, o22 ent sree.1 Liuia, ep. od I9~198l __________No._22 _Knt ______t W ORK81.198I I Zni Worke C«>, of ail descriptions nea8tly and promptly done àt "The Wardei," office. vin£The Greal One price Organ and Piano Dealer. ~=-~QB$ÂNBPIÂNOS The jeG ndbtt. owenar thn te som in teTowni off Lindyo.e Cent. wthmo te mina ~ 0 w 008 ir. Drum S ipuy 0W 15. I*uN' Mue. hUo? ai- mdlii eq àxMILICUS PILL& JAUM liTTLICI J. IF. WOR JO

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