À(*Â~I1 AN ANTJ Imagse or T04 at I4 or 1qd.s nyilgels "'T -7 etoKL ,N. Y., NoIv. ' lit Semon thUa îni Î w text wats t-.keu frorn 1>alm Il4#ý$ tI 1.":*Iet ste n i m liaLeOfL and fliing foml;b hUa oung @MI wnaidens .oUI mon slt cJ onie praise the liame of the,LiM~."'lE u01 »p 04 What tt, colle it waa Whoeu hsbThuumday at the e tul of the Preaideu finierieu thia nation Lwinldt chbant?:h.praisus a of UOi. lv a sublime egotisul ttaa hu m n M BN111 n con o îIopriate this wvend to hinm ,. >,l baw M tt wheîî the filit ist' ba.t.Our race la là m* waM g aMd Wla eletdt m mi-ity. Tie instances of humai 1f., id mffug.law -Zw'as ho x ctedt conipared with the insétances oai animaz n > sdae h 'c lifs, arc fnt crie te a million. Wb.hsIl ovwà'u15tbM # Z ç wb Uuw urpii4onaIdeo oa yest'1798, in oom Vith Jo"sia8Wyer eniLIrge ouideas of Gode goodus ad ujt thl tejÇtu attaitr4 i aset out frouaEy oMaerhm caineLandb tto enîcrstacingbt te t4xL fori.4rïê t tiebV It1ê uo, diait te beesd plain,. with tflcsroritio.Ms etc., made if, belterowe cuo te luuok at the. oup of Wus dimoovel!h uI"ta.i.o< h0l',ý fer thI e tii hsv.cqe.their wva>' t ruht v onoey mils our hoiLwe look< et the goodnesa of 1 e Pbhve szo e. X eetii.objetl u't ru ayihbtn 9L.Wods ad-s Oo'o¶~eirtoîloeta.olug thb astlé of lita, the>' ave oui>' pet tg= andfeiier ulght; ilu the. othei.,alter trfavlling and rlujcheWoods fkir. A;tho"lg1z nature- iout of joint, yet saeuun.ati l.yoMdd u -mà aAco.thibnty. na a-ar oa oveld in its di rpinIan upio Wln b lures bave beaon written of ti.he aud gétitialont r bc* purpom sa Plsait BIill htownshipý of Newport l aluzlo4inliversui tîapjîiaîeu. 0tthe 5il IWodroulmrsumonî 1 Wlth it v. ivé goi da orJi.ad.a braiglteasbiolutaly (and where 1 iv trfmo1t32 te 1839), 1 creation. On a ïnuzîînzcr day, wheu th. air friendi>' nasogitio, sud grasp th ivrd, Wsar;K .e ii.oies na where Sawyer beganto make u*mprovement& . and th,-' grabs are inoat populoua with tifsad climb thi rock and write, and semm, IWG mMsporim t as breedicg This vas dIstant twinty-lys miles from the you wiill net Iear t uand of distresa unleot4 and build. It constructed the yrWidha O emur to surpris. snd dhmay noieront inhabîtant, te th.e outh, and saven- e perharea haries suoa-bo bs rbi> sd hbtd ti. arbonn. i" mdthe. the faol. TI n iinstance thore asu no t> ihiles frauî the French .ettlients te the ., a bird'a nuât, or a limiter bas broke a ba, and thon struok out of illt ~4iiIII iau 1 lier; ever>' oockoeel0nth.n bird's whizg, or a pasturu has beau robbed Of vorld'amtiteîlsy. Mtghty hand 1Inlua wuvaa rqu of ai*ifâther sgand fahr uteya 79 oa ayrma t a lad), mîîd there goeLi np a bleaaing frem its boues, sud musclis, snd joints, 1letrf tuai, witheut thyms or maison, a clutch his family, and cammg as fer as Wesat 1ev- the ilocks. Tho whole eartb lu illed with , btGo je goed.d e fgs vonid give chichi villa pila or artatown, N. H., reznained through the a a I iidcght- -joy featbered, sud sosled, > Bhold Lh, ove, which, ina Its piotogra- s 6 ehere ne pile or spangle shauld b., vinten and until theWumin.n af 1795. Hose and lorirîed and hoofcd. The bac huma iL; pua galet iu au intiait caltshe i.prOa rifgtbýigmx ee af soeadistap4 la isyoungeat daugher, Abigail, vas boni the f i<g croaks it; thce quiirrul abatters t; mouuntain a;2 tie, »& Tusperpételaltals fa LriaL a iMIblas.luo, dlyr t fti umr i ie the quail whistles it; the lark enrols il; bhlls gréphing af the nerves;i theso joints, that Often, tee, ià would ppen that a brood asevas six weaka dle ber mobiher book hon whalc spouts iL. The suait, the rhinoceros, are the. oui>' bing.s thst do not wear ont; veuld viieUlo.mltenl dissatar. Without iu ber arm ansd rode an horseback-ber the grizzly bear, the tusd, the wutp, , thesu bonnesand muscles ai the. body, vlth lling ii>'hln apsaorcoouragelth bornse being led on aq blzéd lino- distance spider, the ell-tishi, have their homel>' de. tfourtaeau îbousnd différent adalptiaîl ; wvtz~v eui godô27leuinapins iluth. ai thlrty mîtes teL tNo. 6 in th, Ninth lighits--jioy as greut to them asounr joy lae t* these on hundne thousand gais;, th.. pit; bâti stage would rot sud'dis an their Rang. of Newport. un. uclaL vinibitig the rocks, anaconda crawl- tivo huudred million pores; Ibis mystarbous v1ali the pullets faitlinu. their nursing; ail .Thi ne pas.d aver or near the ere- iiig hrough t0.10.jungle; btaopu~o uronrclgfu huadtmswhich uisforunes vora due te no lico f r onaneî ton s daamps,h acrosthe prairie; urocodile basking in .v.ry heur-tht. chemisai procesao dges sill sud cmtoon thé part aoflb.he nerobut te tb. place abeve Mnstiou.d now owned b>' tropical stin; seai puiiîg 0u, the lc; 0S- ion; this laborgiten>', bayand ith ne r. te exc"e ie-aid-in breeding. Again, àt Dudley Williamis. wayer had beeu on bc- i. %Illch striding ai.rosé the desert, are ao mati> standing of the ment pkilful pbllcophy;roird the nicesti discrimination suad the fere sud bnilt a logoIleand raised orne s bundlesstif joy;, thcy (Io net. go mopinj or thus furnace, whosa hiast t. kept up trouaso=dab udgment se Le match Cock sud grain sud potatoas. This daughter Ab .bgiac meîLîciov;they are liaI une lhall aupp ted; Icradle te grave; this factor>' ai lite, viose heu tbth r issue had.wroasonble chance 'wheu cf mature ag, beseïlii. ife of God adeys they are tillcd with gond. vbiecls, and spindies, snd bauds, are God. et addlng te th. glor>' et ha bouna. As Alger, sud died a fsv yes.zs age mn ber Th orm sq(uiriniuig Lruugh the oeildidrocted. The. pairiug wu, doue tram observation Oth yean. upturnied of plowebare, anîd Lb. ati rscing I take a step higher, sud look et Mans's sud lufereuce. As iL vas found that such FOr neani>' fifty yesas I vas a near neigh-a Upand down the hillock, are happy by mental constitution. Bebold th. benevo- hurts au grsailydoteriorated the breedlug ber cf bers, and na4ti requent conversationsa dy and happy hy nigbt. Take up & drop lance utf(ad. in pawens of preceptlea, or paowns ver.cs o nallUY inflicted lu bale, vxlh ber and lber lusband relative te tb. cf water un(t ur the microscope, sud You th. facuit>'ofet ransporting this Outulde is i. best bréeeders cà h é a illdn or unu- ealy settlemuent of lie Townships of Nov- find tLilit within iL Ibere are millions ci o dit ou id-ahrngbt ourlugbl cachsanasainsi; tb. procreative as- porthund Baton. 14thé yesr 1815 .he at- oreatures thiat swiin in a hiallelujah ot glad- brain Lbe majesty uftheb.starm, sud the pactto a fiue blood aoch beingt stnongost tended a ohool at (~kshiretaugbt b>' tb. nos@. 'l'le sotinds lu nature that are repuls. aplendona of tle day-dawn, snd lifting lt eaItmre tva >'osrs aid. And the7f.eding af late Rev. Jonatban Taylor. Sh.evas thena iveatLuounr ears aile of ton anly uttersuces Jour mind the ocean as easily as yen mght 1h. bird. vas an art lu itiali. 9a oman grava, ioI v1 as s boy 7 years of Juy-Lhe growl, Lh. croash,the bark, Lbt ptesg ofsutwatcn Lu youn lips. 1There wve.flghta a&l thé aprtug roun& d 1 iîowl. The goud Gc,îI made those crea- P Ittakea tep highcer, and loak at mai's but th. connaisseur huev that Lheb.abs% Iu the yaar 1795 'Bdmuud Huard môved, tures, thizîka of timoniever, sud willnual et meralnature. Made in the image ai Qed. mains wve.alva>'. tought citer the finst ofaicbislanil inlt. lbe township, sud flndin wa iharo turm up a male's nest, or flsb- Vent capaciLy for enjnyanunt; capable et June, vbeu muscle and fesîbor vote at that W hasddmt aefrard, arrnanxs hook transfix a worm, until, b7 t fala ternat joy, nuit, tbough oi dis. their ver>'hast There ver. mai>' triais Heard, an June 24, 1797, petitioned the eteriaml doucrce, its lime bas coma. Gode reesil ho1 h ueaia befarebsud, but the wsry cocker vas cet oeuetfo rn ibb anhpc band feodI aIl these broode, and shep. Iforc f hae grace, able Lu Mount up fuI nt te flght bis bird til Lhe match el epr ahmsd i saits av hadaai tem dck, u tnd al ie. a or cacny (es b caneli aaud . ur, ovot yer sud Heard hald agreed te separate,Saw- hords. Ho sweeteua the cloye-p for the thîaîrMay blossoin anid bear fruit 'Inox-.voLuos), but judged hîm an the perform- yen concluding te petition for the east bal axen's tasto; and pnuros ont crysaslliue haustibîy. Iiiînîort:dity m-ritteu upon oeyan> sce cf bis brother. So fanr as cruelî>' la et Eaton. Accondingi>', an Manch 22, 1800, waters, iin ossed cups uf rook, for the hind capaiy; a suni detiti eL rangs in un- coucerned the cockpit wauld eaaily compare an Order lu Council vas gnuted lu favon ta drink out ut un flsi way down the crage, limnited apheres ut activity luong atter the w ith mu>' athen sport. Iu sboaing or in the af Heard, vhich--omitting the prelimlu- sund pours nectar imb the cup outheb. 11110>'-world bas paut on ashes, and the soaan *>'**chas., iu stalking an augling, the quart>' ar>' prtioi-read as tollova: suokie brofresh the àumii-ilgbird; snd taen shall have snapped ils axIe, aîsd L.myecp dstb'hedancmig. >Advees h xcuieCuclc apreadei a bouquet ut a hunidred fields of stars that, in their courses, ioaight inet neyer b>' courage. the said province baving dul>' sud maturel>' btockwhcat, and lois the boney.bce put hà in iera, shall have been sîsai, sndbnied Wben tva cocha encouutered, the set-.1 onsidened the satd petitian, have in part mouLthteL aay cup of ail the oanquat sud amid the tolling thundcra ut the lait day. tans-te, an bandieru, yere as care- appnoved sud bave ajudged iii ta ho nos- tellse lle grasshoppor Lu go ay wiare ho But for the soul atill higbcr adaptation ; flite give their bird. a full advau. sonable that une-quarter cf the said tract Likus, and gives the t!rîtks of heaveithe a fuuntain ini wliicha h. nia>' wash; a ladde ta 0 asssi'pedleta ei gryouind shan parce u antd s tuteaursaidmud hoie ilth gitmcaild ahes nse- tacii ia lrb;asn f nie gether. They lieé ha rwn hudb gmtdL h adEmn o al u r-hiean.dIhîe ta by htîî n u edi udit vas almosl dang e R ard.aaha.aaociatea, sud hbis îium'n, hialziaii, half thwcr, cliiaging te triumph thait it sin . w fu- andantîlboie until Musie ok in iiid<>oaii ith its toutacls adnghhtthaI ý' os'l stiityrd Saalpurs Lb. terme and conaWons prescribed by Ris ti)av b catch liii a b f ýnuA4 i1tya4hfIS"~s htsdterhi u o 1 1tAe atch tLu ad, b teOwnsr ofcame to save ih-caana %v i L ls cross on Hs " EU$niboue nule u h ajesty's Royal Instructions in this bebaif. ic iiiverie u rovide for il. We are rée- back; catine wit-Ii spikeas AilHite foot ; cama to h ihn.we nugd nteMieoe ivn ae h pulmed att tuhe ouances of teopat , wciîdi cu .lf> LadoP ofetsilver) vere bound ta "N wil thereuchvn ae b but oîlfor ua emfot an cuneniece ork htchnu îîi, c~s w.uîîî o. e beleg wit astrong yet delicate ligamnents, premises tt osdro > bsvr ofet tii oatvr, luas fort>' tbousand distinct boy suited tueiaiVconilitiota te vlaatdt haviue hmio a ads sranIut s yun ey, Ipdopempuorsuoad muscles liti aý jiohoscis.. -%bslaaefr i Mat je a sunr -tonderly as ifliehlldbeauruade of foaru. neur yuahL.porcutsd I g< u tha barren sea-shoro sud horo e pîi . t! li limt (,eXslin* Th1pon wv a nd je) deadi>'. This charges ut ,the said Écdmnn'Heard sud (1,1a1M8li s uinacene o ngland la te is âasaciatos, t miake afaihhful surve>' sat, "No tuiîal citalive ini this place af Ainighit>'. u i otrred. lutis a summenf sh cd tannrct vee i or aclo ad ecil deo4ltton,*" but ail thruaagli tho sande wanderer ; J* cias brings itan luano. Hao*inaw ihnut aver-vigilaul sud the saient o c sit rtorpcel bha, dsbe are iiyri:ttls ut ittlc insece.athat leap with bhilîzî; andi at one tnauflaof Iliaitwhucunar atmeaalb o.sd Ptht*riar *w i be set fthnatsof heftrsis-o haptlpy life, 1 g o îtowu b>' the narsh sud Bartinet, e tulail glorne seain imb bis bsdiaar irive hlai r froii oye toieje 0 tîNgwpiabad t ab namcfthe Lownsbip ci say, -lit Lis dainp place, amdin i h seutl. Jesiae, I siiig Luy griLce ! Cure ai tbrea opp' oonts lunaîcesoa.J neadd Nwat n esbiielesi ea ioa.hszao h<~ls t tagan waor threvorî Iacllso ! Hiiaaumer to sanîba off that mont of the duels were .jtrcir<tyc i; sbïip autiotaocf 200 arest ýe qÎ an d i wilbbcte Liatiles o f Lb. rtenlogbun11 eile stat 1 .g frthe tiickesl but wbeîî Lvo vohiriUs, co n dcommand yenut lay ont Lb. mi itownship se h tttle nte otn o uniun daikuesa ! (be divine 1 Devils sakiff at wary,met together, thie aparring Nvasdeligbt- cf Newport conformabi>' ta Hie Majeel>". unîsivs id be licar linbge qfiaka vInil tand morteai 'cjct it, but heaven celobrates fuitaebehlold.-.Natioial Observer~. r oyai instructions lu Ibis beimit, that te ta intiltitîidiiiioias ite. Whouî the untbedged it g ay', of tie dimensionsaoutotn miles square, lobiN. aractîungry, cuit shows .the aid AN ANECDOTE 0F CARLYLE. ai neariy as circunmstances aboiî admit, Tobini wherîoelle cati t tuaid ta puîte I ad onhpofNwotb their ipui inuuLhis. Winter te nul sllowcd ABOUT GOCKFIGIFTING. 1vleU t ail o h ag netprainotesid yIlernsbe iputed pob te conate tilittbe ants have gransnisd their ltLibaary IBook»s. net unaeood b>'iver b.itatead ouptn barvost-, anîd thc quinrele have illed thair -Mm. Robert Harrison, wlîu ilifs benau dmn>' nigable ieasfrnt sud ai lis clar wit!î nuLs. lad shows lb. MEMORIES O0F THE SPORT IS rr EX. 'biberariau ai the Lontion Ltbmary for lover dienin teile owsip. Hosrontb vi. ichueunion vbora at ma>' S4eainuthe cuiase of blit pacileiitialinludepti h eudLvnli.(nef- haaîgr * ad~resat1h.reeui Liraian. CnfrensIow tbe reservations Le he made, vii.: fina" l tu crocodls's eggs; aud lu arc- l8TED LONG AQO. 1Ite ieiiectnmr-Mns hptmeceg n rw e tic chiuijos thora ana animais IbsI - aI ~~etNottingbamn gaveie iilrtnge-IMes hptm rcrgysu Coun- ticdchutesvalle casetan ibemal% tai.!*»ss ~~ *miisoonces ut Carlyle and otiier eaminent serves, ta ha resenvad for the Proteatant fonde asl ltbrongb snow.shorm s i- htDy eePs là i o hb 1ils mnn viawere auustoancd lu visit the clerg>' sud Crevaipurpos.) foncate sal, and germ nws d ci inasuteh e toiiaCocer matsida librar>'. The niait conspicueuuly ori'inal "lven ander my Rand sud Seal et ne soolier a ano sot t funsavoti ont thaiman among them, wne Carlyle. 1lioten Arme, eLtheCs.a t oi,~ h S elad rgivea ue sntofv une. He balutthe hîWaîmyb l h 01 e-viited lbe librar>'. Hie conversation ivas CiL>' ai Quebas, lu Lb. said Province otf spidrt h1acietn a l esmn îr' mont amuslag, full of extravagant snd ex. Lover Canada, Lb. 251hdycfSperhr bridgc, and takes cane ut the o lot ai the 1g tdsatmutsdala' uig l u th eatndt or (1800) ear fîios butterfi;'a w suad lingeathie cochineai, Âmeug the putmes etf 'ir gaa g rd. ;ith a loud lau0h, apparenti>' at linisoîf.. ei lareaid t1(Gorg li ea I I and bh Ipli e mc'Lb ont cf the chrysaita. sires the noble and legant sport etOf o-~ aAl.lbaybeaolnieytn ~ The anirral croatian alo ais ite atm>' and dhlgt rail pre-leminont, but te bis ister wcnhs, aud was gul>' aoftthe repre- I EIE nav. he ua luigifisu lis fs ahs ii rs c f t gnllon(i. L _ i'huibepatics ut writ.iug un the margina CNEINVEIE et deteTemotie sicpitulcngtheis repmnitietmeufti> s genematin aBle tt md s utheibocksl . Es mt admit thaL bisah1 do ny womk, thon, uer lb> -tMt"'$" lO d lw ithinlfiit empiasls the s.* on lis tliresingIlor sol privilege ai eatiug sosie0, tlb trod itbout, sud m M If youing binAs ver. t"kn lb O foui ,the desiPeîllr'e lItedp.dd maîber going fnee. Qed civoub olt mothor-Lird sf«lutgntak young sud hon evs libit A e ragarded inoldntm-Mci towards lb. brutes, to-de kg*$ iS heaven sud te iter# thit uvima tb. strfflu,~ luavues .air, sud 4em ut nelghe, or Ioavgs b p. Why dGdc4 7 imo m '0 awl lIA RDBI iuosý -»h tomt m*etU 1 vibw 0 tes uit lbe u el whih fore iL badueossnue For'oh ifle ta the point t. obsevils mnousarecter Tua cannaI hbobaler aboya Iban by en extnset frouathlb.etter Lady Ana. Barnard mroLe lnu 843te .itier ai *"Waven le," vho liaitreierted iluthb. "Pirate" to «Jeannie GrayIlb.hevilliage hboine in dAnne Lndas' beautitl bal- lad:jaý bnGna>'." lady Ana., then an old lady, writes, "go ca=ed ram ils ha- ing the name af th. aid berdaman at B"-a cartes, vas boni moon citer lhe clou ai lia pea 1771. My sisten Margaret bail ma- San sd accompaniéd ien huaband te Lo- lou. I vamelanchol>', sud eudeavored ao amuse my self b>' aîtempting. 11Sophy>' Jolanatoue used te sing lite us il Balcarres; 1 lomged ta hear aid Sopi>"s ain te difféentl vrds, and ta give te its- plaintive tanesosomelittle laislar>' uf vituana laintesu in uble lite, whici niight smit il. While atlempltng liais inMy cboset, I csAle te my lit11e siston, nov Lad>' Rardwioke : '1 have been vniling a ballas, an> dean. I am oppressiug ni> lueroine vhtiman>' misiantunes. I have elready sentiber J amie te ses sud bruken lier falben'sasrm, sud made benrniatier fail sick, and given. ber Anld Robin Grs>' for a lover; but I vlihla 1usd lier vitha fifth .0mev lu inte four lines, puer thingl Heip me te oue I pta>'.'t 6'Stial lths cov, sister.Anne,' uaid the lilîle Elizabeth. '<The cov vas immediatel>' lift.d b>' me sud lbe sang completed. At aur fineside, amiou cn eigbbors, 'Auid Robin Gray' vas alwaya called for. I vas pleaacd vith, the approbalion il mel viti."1 To vichaSir Walter Scott ansvared: "I vlsb to icavea I onld obtain su equsil>' authentio capiy oi 'Hardykute,' sud lien I think oid Fife migat cock hiem creal lu houer ai hen tvdop.Lses-Bakvaod'u An intenesttag question bas been started suent the recent earthquakes, 'riz.: How deep dues tiie cuake affect the cm:ast ufthe earti? It in said tial the grea. earthquahe at V'rginis City', Net'., ln 1879 vas nul noat a ahb>'tbe miners lu the deeper portions of the Comatock mines. The canti- quake aI tb. saine place lu 1874, vhici siiuok duvu cbiiuneys, fire-wails, etc., and crached neamly every brick building lu bhc City', vas merci>' noticed by some ufthte minera working lu the l'appor levels," but did nu dwkiage uit ail. The mnn nthe various shaft noîiccdil the muat, and the deepeat point ah whichitlb as uoticed vas un the M0-fout level, where the station ina&nssid ho felI but a taint throb or pulsa- tiona ai the air. Thiese facts inake i appean1 that bbe earthquake la a disturbanco of only Lie upper etrats ut t.h. eartfi's cruaI, like a wave att sona. YOB1I FACE Tom Fr e, SunhurS piMplo.,Backspeoks, Bý Tan & Irookie Loton oude, Bur. and EffecOLI PtqICE 25C. FIER BOTTLU SoId by e,1 T it-'.gti Gm -J,. HOYLE, CANNINGTONI Alway' k..va lb tul T =aot o f e ol hokda ai "M 7descIPtionalkR4 tuh0 Berlinoolale ftsl u lowe IMMe, etc&, Kul~l zanuenaMsSivewae GANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAYI 0"~.su e LOIm LWUUm 41 1OI a. ILTOWT., elm TIQN WITH YCM,.LOPLO lA BEVISED AND ÂMENDED. IT 18 YOUR FAULT thst tbe boy doca't nnderstsnd-tbe mmcamng ot the word lac has encouteredt-ot huove uothing af Lie. mainlas bas basu reading about. You seem auîoyed beeause he bas interrupted yen while yuu ware reo inc the paper. Does not part cf the annoyanes arise tram tb. tact liaI yen don't know yoursli t The viiole trouble tar bobh you sud lasha>'boy old b. obviated if >'ou aniy bad a gacd EîcyolopaBdia lu the bouse. You sau't afford il. Bead eut anuneement sud yen viii sec that Vou eau, b. jou eves epoor. THE ENOYOLOPRDI R1ITTANIOA Revilsed an ended, le tbe mont comaplote and divers' ,Iibraryofcf ertaitiug anud înterauamvg litralurs ever lssued froni lb. pre nuoaawiJ find somFthang toa ttract ar i irtetet.t yen en every page. L e uSi ond ot hietory, il centainB the fitietzt c l- chot of histories i the eo4~mbracing every nation of anient sud ouwdern tinta&Ate von inter- eated in Science? The Enavalopmdia Brittanica Revtued sud Amnnecfvili t ene, iu len, understandable Englieb, ail about aniv scierice vec miy aitd!itu aitndy. Are yon ouriens about meahanical inventions? Agin the Enaavcluoeta jeresdyta yen bauid; a moment's turnlug et ils pages brngs the propairh'ia g t,. vour oyes, an tbere befote yeu lien s carupiete sud exhaustive aeccunt nf *hé%êavmS&u ject. I short, whelhet yen vaît amusement fon au idle hour, solid ir@ rucUor for more ser ans moments, cm qntck informaticn abnut auv malter as te bicb Vc n are in donb ven have tie means lu these boaosetfgratifyîng y nur du sire. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED IDs seven thoneand pause are filled wilh fine pictues, anit t cautaite over 8,500,000 wotaIs. Tbo informnation compiled ln thie "Cyciopma ia" repree viàte the' îsrefful work oi 1060 cf the abteat wrilere cf -ltheuiueteenth century. Ail .Thear "(h lopoedias" are trom ire te tweuly jears behind the date cf the issue cf Ibis mrand wark, wbich vas complsled ia 1890. H OW YOU MAY PAY FOR THE 13O00KS" We iffer to deliver to your address a complete spt of T'HE ENCY- CLOPFDrA BRITTÂNICA, reeised and amended, toiuether with THE VICTORIA WARDBR, for one year, at the fol1owirmg prices- Eneyclbpeedia bound in Oloth and Paper, for one yeat $26.00, pay- able as followt: $2.00 on delivery of the firat five volumes, and $2.00 per month fer one year. 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