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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1891, p. 1

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1MEN'S O'qEROTS, $5 to 512. MEN'S SUIT Si $5 to $17 BOYS' OVE RCOOTS $8 te $6 BOYS' S U IT Si $2 t04$5. Heàdquartier 4 for s&ymd YOUTHSO OVERCOATS 88.60 ta $6.50 YOUTHS' SUITSI $8.50 te $10 Tweed Pants from $1 to $5. Full Cloth Panits at $1.50, TERMS CASHa ____ ]Don't D'argot the PlRO90 106 Kent st.0 Opposite the Post Officos, LândsBy. Lindoaa, Dec..9th, 1891.-1802-ly. These Saws are made from the b .aeSri e warranted; require no set., W. FJso keep' in st~ok Obf 00 e e ana everytbing in the BUILDIN4G LINO. 1s10.15 la iublleied ETETfIDAY XOE1!NG AI Ithe Ofic sei of the Market, IA uES, EDITOI AIm ,OPEIUTOE eahommue d.Omot laI, ~ ~ ~ 1 S.L plyJ lBLAMI tee-TroiS.BozIetP. O. Enlet. Déc. Uni, 19.l- TeaChOlWutd VFrS & . oIl UnIe., VS"e14 , Vrula mi UOeiTIUe, for i iuiThiidu&. Appi tin .Iary sd enelitaituatlmOnWalO 1 Tens Ion ila* 201h NovM., 11LS loti.I.go. 7 Nauvois,(Jisille) AI ASut& TèM uom.holding àa Surd *»sia carm&se bu. ANUOM liUhAL Jse.vIIS, I Nvmber, M11-IL son UI. ff seq., NebosygeaP. Nov, wu, 18OL-10= L. Labe3bul0. v i, Mmep. oa flfr ds celils Wit iag710Yflau niaiImm" MLNDA IN ~=~1 gi Ç)HRISTMAS PRESENTS GIVEN ÂWA.YO And Ladies' Dressing Catses in leather, Gents' Dremiing Cases in, leather, Collar and Ouff Boxes, siolid leather, Perfume aul kioai, Hair Bruuhes, nana Mirrors, Cut elaiss Pelume Botties, Chest Proteotors, Chamois Jackets, Fanoy Lamps g0ocents aai$ Library Lamps $1.90, $8160, 84.50, Tubular Lanterne 25 cents, .&Mai AM HIGINBOTHAMS DRUG STOIRE, 74 KENT STREET, IÇEXT 1>001 TO 'WAPR1 00-8- THRE LAIST.&AND BBST@ v ry 84i,00 in as y Omm t CssiP u et *h6~"~ i mal u 0"~<WU ulP,'dJi*esehbo' So u THE~ - Olotihtng. I..- -' a. bsaqal el te ps, ;te'. M. au 71Mv.@e u 0* lmx1à so 'Seri u or~,wue Ilbolklynvariod. C 11*0mW MEw fbebi 110. The amenex«o euesud ti e vg laeilflemrlsiP. 0. 1cr451 1L-10- Ou» lot th@epremises leaubomiber. lot M8 mocc.ien il, ailpala, t levse i"0aa Utratod ebout lia ea. roa thé promise ef thé ubaciber Loot Cancieso Opa Uleaior race.mvi ara hicm ilgbtmai. A suit. aeww va iU be «Ivm on mb tafarmation as Blgao »SOP. Kr. sor jeDOeulil oerb u a toril md ubd oubli iaiha bu arOm 0alie eammbop anaie aid te ie, 09 buwerbiaka li as. mmdu banja, Du. . d. 1lUi- If iaken by Salm o im te m ug btalu enlulnîCAg 1T0,mou. lisve tfmI povintdme Awil l404 1»L-11-8 Faim forSaleluto ont tu et OP&. 2»e fofloving valuabletara piaro rboitât lbé ouibautquarter af lot t7 lnlu ie Utoof aiOP& Tii. fam oalulne 0 acres, ail durai aDlatas geai dte of cemivtialon. Tbsee ane on the Pmise.à oaslartable deiln bouse, tam bi, stable sud mieda The fam l a eimth osirril fones. MWe roei i stutod foumlii b tramone ha iesdlugros tlabcaaen. beoi roaiorhadtvawo o velle snd Puma.. = ok achaolbaume on the corner a al i i mi ebur&u ose ien.ort Tifurlber ilcan te JlS. NoRP.soN, Klng.O, ml arUnz Valuable Famim for Bale or te Reut. Tme EzaUlam f tathZ.W..av ««ofer fssa the DM all fot 24, lut Cocouio,Voruim, Ir the Gauuti af Vitoria,100 mes monacre alm; 9 acres elered, balance vIl vocdoi-mceiy bativoci uai oay loi.; fencu «'ici; emfrabfelm oas ami bain; s»mo «cd meus. The rost a atumi oe sud a a flfmil.trom Tains-Eau to suit porcoaer, ud ta cae tfi pi epuy la » t "sal i l x outm sian prp arM it let ame Ver frtber purteuforeAs mplv 10. a HOflINS, VeioW S'oU Lbbldaayo ocite THONAS WIWDON TROU"I ORABAN, Llndacy, » q m MARIPOSÂ The above By.lav vil b ooMWelMa PUBLIC MEETINGS to Il»iemi M tolovs, uden tho aqu.p 01e th. Kaipmo apenano.Afllnee ---W. Bc!ma. . . sý aas 1 ma lu.- loi 'hl d6 -w.,,, We reprepared ta prove our rightl o the ab, àmm y h quantityl. rusl±ty, vartety and priS of oer gme. T ot, wlII ustada in thi ifyou ixBpol3 Our stock. VV~o.Uê.-bilems oms, .&Oivu Mt .afel m finMaua. Ob m U»Imum i sêlh m'O 1 à,1 oU*' bI.m à«r Ulatv m b u s to 4 ~ ~~ a eermet bepaoalr *Miki3 11WN foli,- bemt agoni. Dr. WilsnvussaioMinent imbunor t1h. organisation vhch raugit Kn. Bartn.cl atÀcorruptpraoe hi. beem amlib~y Archied tisonn, au agent feS as espndel. ithout the linowledge and assaI et 1h.reepcnîent. àRn. Oder muho lie4Dotual blnd 10 nîses eo posm charges, anI said Mr. Bile thep elb.judgmnt cf the court. The personal chargea ver. dasaisel, am aIomt vasgivea deciartng th e eicai ald.1 The poison.!charges vire morions sud could. asdil>' have been praren. One at Csmbray re M. Burron promed a m«t $25 ia th. leter Cemeron elecîlon and paid it, sud in eo luat vlnteî's olotion mdethe saotepro. deu agi "d eoufl ho' e raen. Otherset muelon FaDa, Stanhope, Mindena, Dormet, etc., ce., could aillah prorun. But il vu deemed, Dor. hunamee todrop îlem. Two hours and quarter opensi the court, and unsemted lia. nothur hall-boni vauld havo diîquclified am.] 11 ~Ille1W. I. A BOO, &Ugdor Nrt h ab Ooh,4 »4 taxe I 11l . p l oî eu.. Ro e domm ns wu b M Muntige mormlu is e J mu . b tboeouguiy eupeflel trou *à. 11.300 oe grM. Jud oFhsmbdhs Mmd tb NeM . Va oall.flsgea"m o UM. Julce. Binet. B. B. O0ie, Q.O., for 111 *00 -13 : t h e p o iti o t sa,, IL4 E L5 M alles Q C ., D . I L . 4b o r-a Y m eo, u mil Il 1 M A dines sd EL J. M L mgIa for v..~l fS »ou two romarh2uinstlo major SM tuhe .defetedl able grea candidate, u rva lutîMmd oesuped a seat at i M d l gv fl tvri h. tale of c o sl lfa the lslo ner Mnd ru 1 mai Iea by an aivorueal- W. . Elli, of Felon Paul, emeetsry offne bo a lhe r.form assocato-Ur. Jameis Dizon je t& Plant bu ongsuférig, g om preotdout; hoe produaed boks; the preidmat ma y d.l.d g Wbi.th. muoduga: thecouventionet shieli pu mik atril t tismedicine, and bl Mr. Rarron va omlated vu aabout 12%h etc it nugulaniy tfSelhtmoilas, m a Fe nst e.uved a letter from F C, ma pleas oe caie ibt lm.efce a Tayloi expres aient, Liday, on eleedea osptecure. 1 have sduce had sno re- ma ls;h antl.lto h.oy fAU tura ci 1h. dleose."-Mr. B. IrviDU the o» ethat lho viole;Talor bol part tu 1h. him 1>04<., 110 W est =t5h t., N ev York. éecti o thouglit lhe m w votera, ho knev 00»n. y ogi 1go wva talion M Iwlth J. A. Buelineil; viole to hlm in rofornce te i M lu euma ilmbing oea- votera; the abject of he association ln tu or.. linedto myno ua Mx monhs. I m m geâuand md ta te.part in mlocting lt.eoa- ont of the siclineesvery muol doblil. 414.1. ud to iai l dla taeleollon; Mr. Baron tabl i i no appetite, and my "stem vsbruhouudethauicsf1. &;mor&erd ina ovry va>'. I comméecol 'roitOtnue h »PmO h psing Âyer'esmBraparilla and bagonu1<>asocaion; they have township oommitteeas emrooai once, gtulang ln slrength iho organise themelvus u soon recoverlng my umuel healtb. 1 cannot samy t10muohlu lapralse of 11 EE5"? tA veil-Inowu medicîno." --n UA Charge 25, that Dr. A. Wilson loaned 85 ta S -m iNahua, N H. George Getoheil in order to indue hlm ta vote for the roapoudent, vhart laken Up. Ayoil s8rS p rilà Wilson on PoUline dey about four moiles from mpENPÀZU» T inq e SimIoen' fana vith Riahard Calmer; ho Dr, . 0 . Ayer & Co., LoweiI, Mams.ssled me to go to vote; 1 did ual vent ta go; frien $IL. six battes., $IL.'Worth $5 a btie I oauld mlot affrd I. lmaay lime; th. doctor nid lie canl not psy me for lou of lime; after Soto rusi~ a vhile 1 gati mto lita rig; the dactor drave mo Agefoy ~ op ta Feuelna Fallu te vote;lie vmtel me to vote for Barron; I have linova hlm saine lime; ho attendeuwMy famit>; IRot 85 after the eloatian wuaaoer, aiDr. Wilms o'oc; I callea fort by arangement;ltvmoarrmu«e vb.n h. tooli me f» vote; the amoulut vu mentianel; the canveroation about money IAV ATS îo lc hnIv rvnlis ee 00 vilOM1ATNTd te gel t th st niglt a ibout 9 o'alodli; I veut te OOPrIONT, trte. the dbtar's affie; I gave the dacor nothing, lu miboc Viteo nosetakniovledgernent or recept; Do lime vas fiee 0f outhnemta br t ee 1r ike1hv n h.e on âA banuàgy fle h"l h ever ince I came ta ltheFa"; lie la My familv 1 crIzetfi~1t ~phymiila; ho liseattentdel My brathers; Ire 079 to~ld the door aller I got in the ig that I h :Laismt circuato tion pamIte wi~ vabe, o borrov the mmytopayny taxes;ce î;"Momt onut Adreà Mu " oul al gel ilauyvhoeo; 1h. amount of Ihe vo M BroSS Eadays. NovwYYork. taxe@ vau $4 88; hoe lad mal 1he money villi hia, »d mid hoevould giveitif I ould v Parm itfr rSale. I0,forl; h om salatme auo&Muntin the M01ili0 ps 011111111111110October; 1I ntended ta pat..hlmle moue>' %u5*7A!hicI1lofer ait VUy JW bcl wis gt t. sin «for 06*01 SamflsI ___jTa it. Oeaz-rld't 1mev vhere I c l - F M.. . «t the moue>'; If haetried la get the mOev ' Istv«5uxmoe l. owl l___ ackho eouid'l eveu through the Division m ABVEL .-Z4lnty4i acres o ane. a ie Iron C te the lova oz Essex; a besutiful faim, fiuiely stula wuRihrdClmrivwith Gtcheli irlen ~ weil drained and enoed; 80 acre. In gond uzstale oler1 V cultlvatieuonrbad of 300 aholceou;gdfi Dr. Wilson camne sud mv aw i about lus vote; tr buUidnp larmeoiba; stablirng farr uda =ca Wue vi eo orking at 81.1er'. buali; I vent off ti au m n rm; oach bouse and allier buildiing.,ta anothen place to vote; 1he dootor vas ithelb. IInr;aegJéaoix .aed bouse. nov oacuptodb 7"1 "a, '. ery ine brick house 12 rnom lageUsorge tgao al George kept hangiria round; m favace badladÈaftwa 0r h e l .doctoir vas talkri g about th. elealioa; oa I & ; od e l raft Ira ho dd l a l1k tb m e ho v a aler George. fo On Ii fha Wimemy bé MM20 acres offine fanl whéàl. AWY EOMR 1ia Sjopet vieil yielded 8 bushole par are. M s Archibal Wilson, called an belialf Of r6- to farim vIl W saa a res sacritice for $P,5OO.for 1 spodent-I live la Feuelan FallI so ma ha nick "'-eformer; hav alay been oue; have beu 10atos c.asasu the Getcheli family physician for 13 yean; I1 =udr ultlvalon. aanu iu à db"et tImbr; Ulienme boume, gaci b-insad othr buill- have benu pid for service renberol George 8l & lngs; goci jauni oabad, fine artesian veli; faim Qetaheil, but lie etillI oves me mroneY; I vuasil à wonfenoSd sud dralned, ad 16 acre. ai fine f asi oedte go afler Gotolielli;lhe vas vorking atIm v boi ay m o en grovltg tuerean. Thon là a uilator'afaim, cutinit yod wvl IL Calmer; I & bard fonce alongLb. nire front a the»e tva * i ib vblcb mWinWbmId etther tacetherairo r atel.I advisd Calmer 10 goud vote; I exPlainel iic is. .can give pommaon rai etlher a1aboietathoin the differeuce betveea Ithe partie.sud L L i1~M" ilet thelb.reasan 11 getting Ilim ta vote the vav 1 i YAVl .-Ico acre, tires mâles nom tIole n vanted; afler avhiee h'bath lafivorli, cio sua', vel drainaid aud feuced; nov board fonce cm nto 1h. housM eceRo n C *alafon t; 58 aore. under cultivâtion; good hansecaeismdGthlgt I an i bin. Latysr 1 hsd 25 acres of wbeat on the the rig end came villi me; Getcholi miglila faim vbaab iolded St bush.. per acre, azd 20ares have »Mald lat lie dîl flot vaut ta loue e m ci fin b est ua may nov ho m ien gravini. in ord r a ; 1 h l on no i d c m ts o h l o g t tes a go o n sUma cl il i tfrhi. vote;cooaiug &long the rosd ve tlked of z P C 4h7e finauciat heai O b a 1condition of 1he country and lhe cbopped esamost ceai. 4; âine opmntng for maio1 difficulty etofgeftlng vorli for the laboring lalalo l a o m le ra1o a f l m an; ad ho bep u n bl lU m e ho v lbord it vas t OUi toget on;lhoeeelhe mghtlhave a seizure for 91 P»EML 6.-l64 acres on goad glrae , ane taxes; I told hlm Le should barrov the moueyr mils.trom twn oaiMin; olevoacres tu tau vheal 'a sera m odo M sd 86 Ma c copped; b ruh b s~c oon on h sa have Ibat liap pe; h eo sai the a fd ru d eed,,an for pasture; tfaim ail 110n200d; aMOUnt lie vatedlse 88;I ked hlm ssci bai ; aonal a l n ice young cahad. v en h o o tly y i a k e a â î s o , a, h L bsfam 1 woilh troa v e Ir mX thousiddollars. h gd me ul p i l tock hn i l as maoatas Wfin »Ufor 8.7.heaen li;Ito milIadtl. AL» nav AIWb - » tmml oa f aieaiviloli vm mouey vlth me, lut I voul give ilt tohlm selar erv amp.B'ial nth en vo elte 10v.;1I vanlel ta The Towuo n o mx néari clh &U ticefarmsarne teke bih&rglt Off t. b.pils. but lie id lie miltated la cee et th moil Progrefsive lu Wesenmuetbaha o hate Ontaioe. asu etri -l . vi Wrra ohl umrr1h70tthl to ebhamt, good publiea olesud excellent bh came bacli for memalho on vwillime; scmeool, la ote matuin lne cthe....and oiy tthe mouoyvwumot given forhus vote;I mode 14 mlaa frosa wlund sdDetroit. te ola good as u nry o ilin I amy book et the lime cf gir- ria id m arket icir a&U feaim produce and Il 1I. "a i ngm aII h M y ' t L . ,G o g eh s1pun pitfoirw ,d.lurge quanilituo fl t"Tuaay 10rI Gog vb"obmua ernaoMonocf %be o aims Geteheil. omalilent,85-." I sent MER an OvicgtUt yIuDiiIil wu'blCbrequin amcuaI vheu IIvas rondering other a0co112t8; y ~ w Sieneelmb, J ban una lo nyICni1 ho liasDot pil n y medical accouaI; the Mre esi qloi vept the fumyapitaMd nuamousit le $17.43; I voul have helpel him a ord«fa 1baveput heu ow piom n iether hliwuvaavoler or Dot. Ii Winbea p14oamu-..»for. Me 1tot i ajTa Mr. 0.1er-I neyer lent George Getche l leade of low c Pl N N mli.. %lki btB~a #Umm"1 WAGOS«MORIHS, BUG- am% , d UTTEB8, Yo XIVeh1 No. 1812 .7 j' Ion. Jae. Noshane, M.P.P., Mayor Sor Morulreal. IECOGNqIZES HONESTY AND XNIRIT CANADL&BS MUST OOMMEND HI! The Hon. Jus. McShaae, IMayor cf Mont« a@, le a man vho poatesses mara>' atrang humraotlce vhiob help la mokale .suc- ef"ulnuer, paihicinsud bu.ines ma. Ome of t emÉ ara eristies are stionl>' de- el~dIiMayor McShanu'a eveîy.dav11f., m<ase v-orth>'of aur admiration. Whou th. rairli> Mayor kuova li i folloving tle gmet aI* of duty, hanemi>' snd Irutl, no humua oven cun cause him la ivre ficil i. Ho alwuys oppood lacharlata nrysd decoption îut evrrready mmd viking la b.-'d tenscioealy othat vhjch beuethe royal stnmp af vorsh Bd melt, LutaI prinigMayor KeShane, oving ta mervork, vas oompletoly inn down snd pros- ralod. He vws confined to bis hanso for a mc, advas truly a sick wan. At this rilical perIo il vas aturai that; 1h. varthy' f ayon ohould nek for the bast moins of ecovet-the mail effective recuperator. o0a a la once more fit lia la carry on hie aui- al dalles. He acted au meriy other vise non havo lame; ho decided vwithout besitation a lry the officacy of Peine's CelcrCnmpound' iavîng heard som1uch nf itls vorderfül reeulle. Wu lie miotaken or disapprinted ! No! lis exprieb.e vith Ibia grt.al. rc-medy wva 1 -tifactory and gratifyinag tht a iev veeke ago h. sent the praprietrs a .traug testi- mouili hich speaks valumes,.acul proves ionclusively that of &Il the remedies nov befare the peopleofaICenada, Pâine's Celer>' Jampounu stands elevcted lai aboe. ail alers an Icost and «teat resuits. Mayor MeShae save that Peine's uelerY CompounId lia given him great ïtrengtl and a ga04 cppetie-two requisitk 9 which every ma ahould possasa. He wviteil fuifollova- Mayor's OffilceCity' Hall, Montreal, 17ih Oct.. 1891. Wollo à Richardson Co., Mentremi. GiTI.EmE.-It is vith extreme pleasure tIaI I give you a tetimonil in farioa your gisat remel>', popularlv liuawn as Paluo'e Ulery Oompound. I auil at a tirao vbeu I vas orervorliel and rua.dovn. The use of the (Jompcuiid bas givea me a gead appetite, sud made me mach strongor lthon I vus before I used it. I cheerfuil>' rucommeul il la ail in need of a tonie anl atrengthener. Yours vury trul>', J. McSnÂKn", Mayor cf Moutreal. AiCure for Conaipîatîon ania dahe. Dr. Sils Lane, bille lI the Eocky Mount- auns, dacovered à icot that vhen combbnait with other herbe, makeB au os'>' snd certain cure for constipation. It iRin luthe brin of dry raots and leavean sd le kuovu as Lane's Fsimiy Medicine. lb vil cure sick-headaCh6 la ou. ugh. For thc bloo, liver ana kia- ne>'., and for oflearing up the comPiexicPi i Icesvouders. Druggiatsaesoitilai 50conte a package.---y. HÂNDSOME Money neyer went farther than it will go this season in the purchase of really handsome and servicable gifts. Each season it seems "s if there could be no iniprovernent ini the-oods offered on the score of quality and cheapness, and Yet this seaion we have to admit that goods are handbornr and, cheaper than ever. We believe we have smre rare surprises in store for close buyers in Silks, Dress Goodi and Fancy silks for Holiday Gifts. 1 db

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