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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1891, p. 3

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diI 1bave l12 l c04r Tbit tb derlul pro aotem 0oIl ZayIlWle.1 baia OMOMtU ~OWOtI, W40grestly ' 1010and 6 "sifeveral vente A go WUUiI(, Tho «trs MJ&ltI 1wum 'n ooume a'nd tlit 11'ey Ould do nothdlug o&rMs, buit a5dviod lime as a luit remoit, 10 1j. À orle (.liorry ectorâ1. Âftoetml this meineI IOtNo or thrce ths ored, alai my ahremu~ to the premenft day."-Jau8 -ob0d.w-»- Darienl, Coun1 désevS1rIl 70M5 5,go, n a passagebm lrom Calilfornis, by wato?, 1 coireoge onlevoro Sa001(1 that for SOMA da"s I aWU contiflod t10 MY 51t04001D, and a llysIi5fln on board considored ML vt .Ayere Cherry Pe SI~, 1 used it iroly, andi iny mgi were soon rtctwt s. ~ u~e 1 ~ELIus.PLL8 srmu au -IOWIDBR PUBMIURE ORAMI, tOOTKAME DROPS, INFÂNTS'CÂRMINÂTIVE, CityHarneSs Shop, Lindsay. m.asn l inisu mu mOOUle .p.Tog mm.-O. IL ~iuOsu inuiael rmuAmbm ntâ*Wlmou mir amm mnir on tuts h M- m dAB, nfl. Mdo m 11. orne. JeuMM lmw". Dem100. OMM.m t'adu for " on mpm£rowdhv e jk PAISMO 0 TUEF KLT TU IIIALTtf. JIAV ina 1altb codtIfl. am s isl a 1* ", E S S, uL w i ciIqlaje 1s Ayr's Cherry Pectorali~auIasa h Dr. je- 0. AYsr &00.0 t.OWeliMassuë ~ t.gu ~~ Uod bomlDrualo'tt PdueStilb@t11uot&leio b ou is un o&ms1ui n a UbsW, books ubur 1pIDAY, DECEMBER 1 à1891. o1h5 raill- >0,wgtbsdbosiz mm at th tu to. MR, OHAPLEAU'8 E sa mmi 1d ety. An, meîe aUl M me naom .gt ua bau iblfls ela i t b r.e~~ôa GREAT SPEECH O"d#0ýi - susw"Mel»mdtpoe bé N]efere tihe CommertOIBCi aIb s oar o" "om= mlae bos lt of Inmài»ooa cm Me=u .B. av at r@idecfCe. . hwwnaoundI flmordtA - dlsuts Foo ome otfl*.people Who funiei àuaMEiOAN YSa OpINE» £5 TO TEE un. Mn Sitlmihome Vary lI.Mamm TIMUNTS AND FIELNGS O UfA»UNS- thon100 jean &o thone d rein tro hl WBAT irs Lir BOnOiSNam.Ne' Yorka nomtof ]gngou*i hips, WEAT1dBLAI ELOTINS IAI. Crlnvnth it onesof the »Admîst bu. de .récorded la bbtoil, but ou .11 alma PPOVIDENOE, R.I., Nov. 98.-Hou Mi. of louans of hop@ a& i s oulge.Il OChapleau, seorelary of Stat. for Jausda, vus th. fi@*% whebétiat la ropons. te a cordial invitation do- TmE VMTED EXPIEZLOTALIITSO liv.vsd a magnifloafll speechbbi. ibmte à 1in e luibmvlderneua Dow homes sud 'Commerc1ilClub bere lonilght. TherepolItisatutitutilonsaltor thoir ovua was a large assemblage of meabers and hearta. Thue thé Loyaie proceeded ta Invita gueteî. Mr- Ohalean, Ou rtmlmg ileai Up a nOv 1land for th.msoiIVu-noW te addroesa thé gatherifli vas warnly re- thé Domtniou aiCanada. Loyaliste i1Aà *ived. Pulleving la his speech in fnuit slrag o, d s- Ual ata; Mr. Ohafroeau, Ladies and Gentlemen, for are Bot &I l the"Oulightined" ambi -The cordiali y of the welôOWS 3 OU what l loyaltp? Wby should au Illusion of have Riven me reassurea rme againsi th.ep q« ainvade thé domain of praottoal naturai f av wbiah la strangerit ai-*puisITee budpol-bI perlunea in veutoring ta addrems, inalu satcorm iof urs-oniy 100 jean e 69 laiguage forelu t bis own, snob ac atually, bai politiosi prinoiples. Loyait» assemblage an 1 ses before cae. 1 had je the hoor -of nations, au abstrust ides 1.11 bonored by the kind aud fiailering whtch .tdisillnsioflhlêd" people do Dot op. invitation tendered to, me by your club; prebeud. Pracical monunses? ai snob aud nov, aven btfore I have acoompliah abstractions, but practicai mou are la suob cd the nîduouoe tuautI bave undertaken in matteathè mostloonceue ntialinluthe ocoepting jour Invitation, I feel rejolosi 'boliýearld. Tue world tes, aud always sud baPPY lu have 60008dptedi, w"Pu 1bas bieenruled bv ides., for madosi look àt the acympathetio faces, whiu I mot liv. by bresd alone, banaation§ boer the sycipalbil@gretingi itih whidh leoue ea isgoir etbi which von rocel?. me. I .dseUe8d tles ampt1,W' m" vu"e. I now why 1 vas ual. *îopp-d bp th. Livaity ln a peoplela what obéirse tl Amtitoan OuOtOmboofficer i n etrinfi bis luina man, tbé tuner and atdtug prizolpl4 oountrv; ébat intellgent ofter Must ba96ve ho p#@ bis onivard onoduit, te oue ai anu u<ertood abat My engagemnt ldelite and steadily sonsisteait tpe and here wus not aàn %lien labor ountraci, but groeastrOnge! luibsaplagit. Loyaity a mooit pl.iiturable violé te a beautîlul le abat vhibthboldà topither the eongeriée and moent ht):pitable ciy. oertazip I ot raoes sud tlonus alied Swiiseriand could nol desire la hbave a more intel. and whch gsaved.fhe Ultted Statu lluth@ liaent and repreeefltative audience of the gnet clvii var. 8Se ncbfer one oeé. ,Ameriomu vpie iehan I bave bore te- ment wbich hadl a large sharue Iu makuu libl. soealiest ci aIli rong the abatte the htsbory of Cauada, but luierminll of the uniou, Rhode Ieland, like ths litte witb thes wua people et noble aud lai- tribe ot Benjamin amang the Iveive oent tineage te vborn 1amn proend te bie tribes ot luraiel, bas alvaya tood arn ogg ol soae rc prn t the furemobt of the brotherhood of the c-a p pe ioasd red paenb5 republios of the western continent. Fn. -peDýo e bnd in b thei naluri oow meinorder of bislory, for, wuhlé paents vh 10i o in a Ib e rllsb ». hrre th&% the Northmêu settied 500 Yeuvre liston, a fiand sud proteclal wben ébat bofore Columbuse erosed the co's'u? used vas the soretsud under iboli foremostInluthe gay vorli of imebton 80 avav they ejoyed abat libsiar, Ib o o long as Newport resalas the eroviied ai vhlch Roger Wiiams lbai drosmed que.u of aoeety; foremoetlllu sana"Iso. It" wouder. Ibeu, gsntternefl, tlb turing enterprise in proportion teo tsgratitude vtîb @reooouà aui popuilioD foremostin uita uuequalled smon have beFrep4 nht laltl 6184 library to whîch students of ÂmIc5a utthon d*opud b >11tp ade« history throuabuut the worid suai c0e r a ould hofai"eb pruhénfis snd in the fronI rank of inielieci by lis crown s e etrisi guéadif %i tlac Unive rsty, the aimai mater of *0 an guamè e i lstilublons sud îÏbefr lave ERILLIÂN! £14» IISTINGUIUEEM . me (Chier). Wih snob a stof met That splendid pile of universlty biili- ioug b.ari.d, leval buedipat luge, jour pubilic library, pour sai tolu" ro thé . W Msd sa4 Canada Wu hoeu n, Il wt th Iir magif osai veli squtped for lsen 119raoléo. rff' collections of books going up ltob bigb opsu mgrasiobO&@asveli sa oubis snd toi scores of thousainde are monument* ai tnons m>elbod omi dSiO5* t.Al jour greato seus Ihat put le shame popula- God kÏove VerWon p.rd elhe tions aI file limes pour sagnitude. the$$. But iti01i,1111111*6 (obeinroi)Your .1mb ejoa tbs prend maud ihnkig mon Wha bappueOs1 diticto ouof havlng luauurasd b«e iJgalai oi eountiy *Iietb*~ developmeilt af cotton mauufaoluitlg lu.- 5.ietula 'P aeo, dustry on tbis continuent, su lnu tr 1ud expeilszoset lS10 th&# has grava le proportioni soom"a si l ievtu< pamdeu ai h Me smno. Samuet Siater'. modeel IitIal. peau ab,@ai.Wè,C ,» du efforts et tProvidences mmd aMPavt**0hemofa speins malette rlpiis Fallu.. Standing beon sud loaklii el bènO ie adse wou *S Itba the pqagea of bislory, I asmsmtudeidoli ia<stmi0 ébths M. ofaiours le Onuorm ami.vihat e t Pl~ (Ess.U 'o saered ob abscause af relleioUs lubity *sb'5si) ~ovai iliniui hO adutt whioh bere hai Il. blrlptmand uétendra lia by théeinemor! aifRager Niih " TmE FPET Aqm5 ifI lam ale ved te aie.asbigh. té JsepS dP i protestatitr, .Uorta5 .n.$$mt 1101111110f elent51 Ul vit whob o ve, aderuoi te «h b& bjoaotage1j *9 SUmS.fr Ietea. oilica1l ihbatpvoet .1Newv _. & ew 111 ls- e- or g»hm~mepss et be Wé zà W4 lâmclea t. 0 vms peusft.mine . y« edeiet ni *Ii -s.mmovuaou, auiao.As AS 1114m m VA t« miUi m t4iou MPsslem sasd see'h 4Wueil shou fl . tco"pis .uk by Obbaek as84 risufu.e alm Ur UlUlbp Jsbuo'b flIsvo 110us la eau. voltés. ,."us twprsm , b I ofas reamiai "odi théo uluevia msV auoat e stu aI vm owm oi lime. 6lt Jli e a s0oman or twalend lbey Point 1to ai amiahllso igisliese t0ie o vati oS ni JtedabIaie-t'a mil-. Md 10 W wus, bisaua ho. llomlres, lisgusotslutaIe vorliTbe dihtm Uai sw. bal? «"P.p tom y V r eb momibe mt a dedbaw* OoalM 09 Iou ne torlumebut ai y ies s mtoiet ltausm bt mamii tths e u l héwl rimurt upo l. seeot Unitedoy utabtaim olk vet ruai casa. gmIn atieIvaaibthslesosb.hu i pentes assuraslmsiu ouuas fa ci " t eys01e tbo y b.Gaer- por Paitau," Wsb m oaifCnaat mi aivb9e Meobs mon m to ib out *& lus"uosa retVIudus ofausinea slosud colin uso conuulp a vbcb i eoul nomahp vr. embrstoisth e ioe M nie, ba sure %m.inas onzt d lPut.pe@udentabous Po f ie Urn. lie selttout a igcamuof r., law suor.Mbevath al frai as reebsubaampton nuare s 'f of he a bs bap avMdt b bcs ai le iiliesu Portion. Canada u Dti ra irafiedi rse rla on j thelsâ aplo, u me o hms Unit" itMMlb.unled tate. I ea1847 -- olthsuep hé»endmut.forltu la sem ai(iMd ryi tht glist bgraulmed Ib aa mulyan tbî fatlons ùvohi b. urd tble li lie Il2l peoplasnd bp h Iare ushto si Goverthrnt a e e St1847m bd A man ai. umeudasemot shoot bisseif procuro lie admissicai ofcanadien bosuise be must die smonedmp. (Oheers producta for sonsumPtlot on their markotsa aud taugbter.)to e b.amme terms as lbé preducta ot thes geoi as a.beauienalvarions Unlted States are admittsi for OOeaurn- t tisies lu oui btslory, about the lîuaa t bintoieCanada, %bat perfect reeîprooil r of Canada hem the U nited States. Thore (co if imua onag ag . mlght ho. same resort et laie te toit:«& about the Invasion ai tb. Unted Sttes Eujovtng ri Biemug. frei Canais. (sear, bear.) Coaéfl~ sr.ia smermyozg ls t e benoaasof var, bovever, the n- Du Bb very bell 3Y w Yhoeup.gueed * vadera frein Canada Z@ 017 111@- e b a. i indu ir.hmvig 11111e hope KINDEUT EEOBpTIOSIN 14TElS 00114181.of eurty them. Finaily v. ppied Hmgysrd'a ui4e .1ev<~~e!greai jovi l ouâd 5 bu u p lueusse pour t isupirsai', Mmd tho> a;r -mg ,a prospority. Borne mre ifbor atthe Pur- blsln aiefath ll-A UeJo st , e o ,0 a i oob ting tr.ates. not alwZ o u D "ioui% ,N.13------ d vit mucesu. And om@", Bk@m spua q, Xlbur'a Aomalie Quinine WIne tfie y corne ut thé kindial of nvitain#tado. tis sym suam dut attaaka famuschIis, is tirer publie addrasses ou publie question. bilions @lev, tumb an d Dek troubles.- ,d And mil ai the bave occaion tes0;6;9 aI 2L le ibe sud af the liiti, vbasAriernusWard b.sl reported 10 bave sai te lieepeople ai TheBornait Whia. g a Wseru tevu: 'Gentloeun, 1 uevsr RI tessOn vhy Buidock Bloci Bitter d vw a s l plae eri1 vas reted 00 T îm llîaer ~ines u ie h u.fer le vgloltma a d, eso allen." (LaUgb. opuarity la beuseitla asoutel! pure, a- 'ter.) This kludly lreabmifl* vWOUa»d cannai hum thé mmidélicate Inval d k oftea, diii net beglu 10.iay.Long $ROInover fang taours bililouueess.dyspeplmi. bad 0 ail lui 4,Lord Bigu srecellel ln ah" b oomabl«Mp&tlou, eo.-il'2. D, Uutted Staes vltb a rernarbble epihus. i e '.(Oheer..) In 1850the peOIopfaiVictoria CirbelteMalve jea avouderful huai- la ufcgav hma eeplin nshé 0b. coca lui»pund fer cub, u.a«,dW.bmuhbumai, '5 sen i aformal i Istote Welland acalde, balla, pâles, Pluptas. bc"-2 5. il1canai, sud aarn slgio. tory bus baine ria . ltibp tho M ayor ai Buffaloath e - Um e. D Cmfl,-i b Na nd t r I mg ei An snIbutouIiO guiot as hilisemid 10 o n r its-Titi fa ce Mdsu d t he uta Id Lord Elgia, mid: " iiflo. I o hm nm ia lý u tp aceaai. t lt e ut ai~ ~ ~~~d mai e. sl aehMmajor." Aq mdtcaladI ise hiu vtIala bu adlem.ohvu n cobebe en11mè@ ausibo gon- oh trytng B.8.8. ani site usnad ombtt ib~~ ý timm Wstdéodlp,4"IBp George, yod bave mot f=a0smpen inuril tc ab tsakensago ofaithe mIsa." Âai1regar tt m a fleBas a ice fshi as ibe éloquent oratoa vorbeut oun ri.Help a.14T in, tiheetldngai bm audience, the majores MI iredlped the Major on l.theauhùdirLwS hh. Dr fobsees andu.Ctt la i> lu . one of ad lb.egitreos t ai liaMCanada eff ofprdueam. iýJeaePb Heve. vus Pm--' R,% lI B R ent u e the au te o e uosa st unuvui~ ~ .'N ih I t nE to andi deseVOIelNfO ton pubta ffioe u lta oMemael, oteIV mIbo la gp.iýZe ft is sp b' Y prpa&#t~ .ie,, u es mli 15,0. d vubtb le Ofll>P et tiaudisth* OM t tiois"Mieu pave .aulmlo W- Wlt 01 mula la" i ue& auo.I UIC 44ua à" amy bet vs* tav o 11êe= gmkw il) RoealrUEIat'Oue ges tts MONEY TO LOANT At levait ratesa ORbiwtet jqesi ferttfoiioso% sgps FIRE Âgioùuwol of Watettowfl, ciius, olf Canada CamumerialUnioni, of nglaudo Quoi!, of Eungtmad, oit, Mutual cOf Loudion. ACCIDIENT Citimed ofCatiad LOAN. Candaemuol'i Loan s . 1 ~inga(Co,,T«- onto. Wat~o~a lugine Wbrki BrasMord. I~~ H O Boiick K imckey Haluemilw~u,6eb mrebl. i erus Re. E.JAESW'ULMIsme' My Stook ci Hawiessi Codils, Wbips, Trunka and Valisa lu la., iiuuii umge.n epel mpbosla Soya. Elimamde oilmar. mpecahrl luvulsi. tut mÊ la the bmom t ent, tv M ocbom w m m m*kmsP" lx Tma«dum e SMaid a't Mme iPnO«ty. ESxuaemYdam»at~Spllbelmos. Sre mes cmli JÂMBO LITTLE. rIdad. DeO& Ul. 151l rt OUT. R MANS. PIANOWS AN~D SZWING XLAGHIbES are guaranteed superior to any others made in Canda and unsur- General Agent, Linduay. Office-First Door east of Daly House, in Bryans & Co's Boot and Shoe Store. Change of Ihave recently purchased the Hardware Business of R. D. THEXTON at a rate on- the. dollar, and purpose to carry on a General tH ardwstre No. 22 Kent St., one door East of the Benson Ilouse, 1 intend to devote my time and attention exclusively to the buBinems, and propo se to introduce new ideas, new methoda and new pricea whick wiUl b. more in accordance with the progrees of the. l9th century thaa has hitherto been custornary in this line of trade. I cordially invite everybody whether they are builders, carpenters, mechanica, farmers, lawyers, doctors or poundkeepers to eall and get quotations of my prices. THIO WEEK I arn making en extra puah on SPORTINO GOODS, and arn prepared to give the. very closest quotations on Powder snd Shot, Cartridge a.nd Shelle, Wads. Primers, and every other requisite neces- sary for Sportsmen. Sports, corne and see me before you buy, and with your permiBsiou wfil make a pecuniary application thaz will1 remove the. cobwebs from pour optic. J. E~Hardware Merchant, -No. 22 Kent street. lmy, Sept. 2., IaiL-1981ly JOB WORK of &U d8orptiflB. nestly and promptly d.one, st "'The Warderl" office. L W'7EDi . &Nuk;]PIANOS lee Wtiho ?owiiof Liadsaye Ps#moe ,than the same Eýered before. of th* sbp-o I Wl Unloks itu olggeàiamet thé Im B=e=.mneuand I veri.cam-P jugea giraualy without. weabuuxgth yoles, la1 1h. lvm"m~uiSaiou hurnors a et se ons- aitheo mne taus ComSattng Âci&iyof th stomaob, cumng Diliuanoss, Dri Cozastpatiol.Drne of tbh.OSia.DropsyMDimnes vision, Jatidlc 4sâat Peufl E Jr.9ipelSs, Soofhii.,Plutterlng ci the ýeant, NervuXlOSSndiden- eir 0sihlar côrnpiaînta l dte the 9" ainlueee flé P'IRE & LIFE met tà 1 Ignou W«ka Briýnd«& ' cbn 1 [w qiem ý , oit e - - LITTL& INSURANCE9 Business* Business lioàè GË-Mt%,

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