'a m51 ida noeou,'I4 ~ p it ai thlu inoioat theseatu moUBOqUu Mr. Caiom "ii must apologse for belng lais, Mmaa Vil- li." ho saad, abaking bands vit.h is 4*.; "4but butdtàeâs, yen kaow,,t.. ybIO&MMPip "Nyov," nd madame, quiakly, "lb . have com te the buM.nett of pleasur. "very opigrammatic, My dear lay," ead Calton, "pray intoo4ce Me." Madame did $0, SindthOY àilweOfte 0dia' "OTht.," oburvod <Uston, whimn hey wr a#M sated ai the dlnnrtable, l'in toe porféoe lion of dtning; for w. are fpur, and the. guosté, according te an epicUro, sObuld nv«r be loua thon the Grem uer groater tm tht And a vory mOnry lttlo dinuor fi waaAnl four wore clever taUcors, ad VandtlOt a&W Ositou bein; pitted against Oan Otbar, M oeleod themseh os. "Ijf Sydney Smith wua Uvet" nid OMa in, refoeonce to ibin, "ho would b u6aa ai the number of soarie, ho dld utn U. "Teeà," chiined iu Vandelourp, gly, "sud autounded et their brilancy. ho "&Aller al," saad madame,> iflg, "aa shot anchor for sOmIopon; for tbough tho but original ÉtrY my0 jl a dufl ouaau.. crlbod te Sydney %hmuti produoe a "lWhy tiakod ei1;, i mm woudo." "4BecuNO," e»61almod caloZ, gravely, "aooclty gmuomainy br tradition, and oui grandfathors ba%ýng laugbed ut yday Omith'ujobo. thoy muat nooooarfiy be u ma tmg. De! ond upon h, jokes con beu ncihld by urne qulte as much 03aul- "Thoy arc mort amu tga ail oyant," 1 nimadame, satlrlcally. ,"Crooda general- ly canne quarrol."1 Vandoloup .hruggod bis aboulders, "iAmi quarrola gêerally cause tai.," ha »id, sillng,71htla the law Of Compena- tion."1 They thon wçnt te the drawing-raem, and Kitty and Vandeloup both sung, and trutetd one another In a dlightfully polito w&y. Mme. Midas and Calten wore bot clover, but how muah clovrer we.re the two young peoplo t the piano. "Are you going te Meddlchip's ball?" sald Cltan te madame. "tOh, yei,' dm o ngwored, noilidtng ber bead ; 66I1sad Miss Miarclaurst are both So- ing."i ,"Who la Mr. Meddlechip 1" asked KttLy, swnging round on the plano-stool. "Hé ij@ the tuaitcharitable mana In Mel- bourne," said c4egton, with a falut sneer. "èGreat là Diana of the Ephe.qans," sald Calton, mockingly. "lBecause Mr. Modale- cblp suffers f rom too mnucli monc4y, and has ta get rid of it to prevent hiniseif being crushed like Tarpea by tho Sabine shields, ho tg called charitable." -,He does good, tliougli, doemn'thoei' asked madame. ,,Sec ndvertinent," ýcotVe-d Caltot. "oh, yest he will i tv e u uiOf pounds for any publie object, but private charity ta a waste of money Ili bis eQ.q" "Tyon are very bard on hlm," said Mme. Midaq, wtt a laughi. "lAh 1 Mr. Caitoli bellevos as I do," cried Vandeloup, "that ft'u no good having friends Unleffl you're privileged te abuse them." 6It's one you take fu advantago of, then," obsrved Ltty,saaUcllY. 441 always tako what 1 eau get," bo returu- ed mockingly; whereon she shiveroci, and Caltait aWw h. "iAh 1, sala the astute moder of charactor te bimsif, "thèe'. aooating betweon ite two. 'Gadi l'Il cross-examine my French f riend." Tboy said gad-nlght te the ladies, and walked te the St. Kilda Mtation, tram thenco loc h e train te iown, and Calton put inte force bis cress-examtnation.lieH might as wefl haeried bis u~tfui questions on a rock aM on V laup. s"I con fos" nidal Calten, when -tbey nd gocd-nigbt. 'I cones yau 1Pu e ~me." "tLanguage," ebservod M. Vane1up, with a smie, I"was given te unu teoCOîcOal Our tboughts. <od-nightl'" And tbey partod. t'The oomedy in over for the nigbt" thought Gaston, as ho walkod along, " Zd i ans otrue to nature ihat the spetatora nover 'thought It was art." He was wrong, for Calton did. CHAPTER IX. A PlrustoliL p LX E re pro ouprofesion al Il I I. 77 m ? Nrry SoeS, 3. Y. as bmusscoe, ah I. *Ipê»fOt ll Itl ady *waa os.ce =droman luea a4dhoIlj*~ hïtkireatu tii, mh'au soI wlhdIab -boosun-ho vU 'Xât edlcbp sd cmiro. Oheb haay man alaiq hWgisais e aithaie cSd doit - oOiattnOS s omthma ~ ow',but thaeus Oe wêo wa a = 'n This vwu ariy jaaper Who acMaM as rlidoa"d fo"i an d oarriod 10r ber &'î; mitamiable mainer. .Wbma My e1poodldog cmmneon *te@CsemiaB&i9i iuld meekly =oolgu s ositio, and roiW4 làte the bacbgrm dun*il ach ime as ha -ca whlatlqd baokagaitg tgo tbroug bis anti. Eariy attende ohmvryRwher, rmade up ber programmu4 viote u e u vitiOw nod with whcmoaver ha wa ,l& vaswurewardtd for mal ibese ser"too by béing given thé crumba fron*6 4011 mon'. table. 3fr. Jauper bal a moa l lti but le other people ho vau rude eneugb, and tu bis owu mémii tile su lokadupou hlm- sel quit. as a -mofefa#en. Hov hemanagod le go about ta ha dld wus a standing puzzle te his frien11, as ho gel Only a amail alary aituth bona Bank; ytho wuaio b. somneaiballa, lb.- atros, tennta-parthua; conatantly drivini about ln hansons;tn faot, livol as if ho bal an Indopendent incarne. Tho gênerai opinion was that ho wa sauppliel wth mouoy by Mm. Moddiechip. The Meddlechlps wero givlng a ball, thorofore the mansion ai Toorak vau brul- liantly lîuminated sud crowdol witb fub. Jenable people. KiJtty came under the gnardansbiP Of Mm. Paneor, a young matron wlvth dark hair, su impertons nanmer, anad a yonng man always ai ber heelq. Mrs. Vilhteri inteuded te have corne, but ai thé last moment waasel"el it ene of ber nervous lits, se decidte s t op ai home wtt.Sonne, for company. Kttty thero- fore, accmpanied Mrs. Palier te thé bali but the gnardaaîu'tip of that lady was more nominial thaaia)thing else, as ahe went off wlth Mr. Belthorp after lntroducing Kitty te Kra. Meddlechlp, and flirf éd and daucod wih hlmthe whole evoning. Kitty, however, dld nat» the lewsi uiind 'being loft te bher ovu devices, for bel tigsu extrcxnely pretty .girl, she 0oo11iw.d vlenty et Young mon round bar anxions te ha introduced. 8h. Il.b~rprogramme rapidly, and képt twovlalst e Vandeloup, as ah. knew hé wus going te b. préent, but ho as yet bad neot made bis appearance. Ho arrived about a quarter pou itnn o'clock, and was trolling loisurély up te, the bouse when hoe aaw Pierre, standing amid a nuniber of idioesat the gate. Tbe ýbjmb mana stepped torwfard, and Vandeloup pauaed wit. a amle on hie handsorne lips, though hé' vas angry éuough at thé meeting. "lMoney agai», 1 suppose?" ho naid te Pierre, ln a low voice, ln French; "ldon't trouble me nov, but came touiy room lu- morrav." The durnb mon noddd, sud Vandeloup waiked lesurely up thé path. Thon Pierre follewed hlm right np ta the stop. which led, te the bouse,. nw hlm enter thé brtlliantly lightèd hall sud thon bld bimacif in theé bruba whtcb grew an the élge of tue lawu. Thore, ln close bidlng, ho could bear tue aauud ef music and robcem, sud could sec thé door et t.e foruory vide open, sud canght glimpue ef dainty dres su d bau. houldors vithin. Vandéloup, quite ignorant that bis friand vau vatcbing the bouse, put on bis glevee leisurly, and vont lunsaarch et bis boten.. Mis. Meddléobtp glancéd approvlngly ai Vsudoloup au ha came up, for h. va. ex- tremely goadlolektng, sud gaod-laolg mon were Mm. Meddlecbilpept veakness. Barty waslu attendance an biseliego lady, sud vban ho nvw how sbe admirol Vandeoup, ho fore- uav ha voul bu off duty for nemeUlie . Releaed tram Mr.. Meddlecbtp, Gaston vent iu search ot Ktty, sud tound ber Mllthng vhth Felix Rolicon, who vas amnuuug ber vt. bie gay obatior. "lThis haa deucol geol4ooking chapplo," aall 1Me. Rolleston, fixing hls* eyeglaaa lu bis 1oye sud looklng critically ai Gaston as ho approachol ihem; I"Monsieur Vandoloup, h'i it" Lilty mi h as 4tOh 1 y..," vent on FoiUx, brighily; "saw hlm about tovn-dau't know hlm peronaly; 1avtufly liba a 1.11ev I once mnev coli 1Fhizgrald-Brian Ptgerald-marrhed nov and gel a family; funny thlng, marrid 1 Mis FretIby, who used te live in your 1 boume."1 "dOh! thai banm cab murder," naïi Kltty, loeking at hlm. 1!vo huard al about ibat."1 "EgdiI boil lblnk yon ha," cher .1 n. oflsto, it aà gri.lb " u a - aaas4odsw bc U110 "( mmdesadm' umupuk10~t »*l - atme, ion ki.I - bw Y-MU, - -s' mitiUiO5oeusa grauud-fiOI." 641 boov," mailEanty, *mgN p làg sosa§y ths t yvber is M Yomler "h'. énet veou," repIs4I Lilty, Ysaulm boblndhOt fan, for abs vau wsacf Dcin3 "tOver muc. traIU fr tty auglod sud uhoo&b a "Hardly," oas n&d 461 dore ny," riewdiAI ty, "és'. avhl nii Ton know, I'M lulibanwk w1,hm accouni1h, sudI hàoov aIlabout ber. Rlc*t ch, a*Is'ariahitLuoky thintfor tatFiis* feoo if ho marres ber." "-Marres ber?" ochoel Lilty, ber face growiug pale, t(Mandeur VandeloupP" "tYee," replel Eariy, pleased at, baviug made a seusatian. Hem flirai usbond boa vanlsbed, yen know, asu d lU iha 1.ev. aie8 laying bets about Voun nirryhgtbh grams wdo."l "-Whai nononse!" saIdKtty, ?n asu age tatod voce.. "Monsieur Vaudelup tu bot fnlead--notblng nkre. Bariy grinuol. "rIve semngso iuch o et tifriendmbp, aM nothlngmare' busiess," ha nid, Oigit cSutly, wbereupon Ki<ty roté te ber fot "T'ni ttred,," ah. nid, coally. ,"dy take me te Mms.RMier."1 "rIvo put myr footita i,"thoughi JlPOr, a. ho led her away. 111 blière she'aspoof on Van herWef."1 Mmr..Riler vas nai very plessed te se Kilty, as Mr. Beitharp vat wUlng ber soc» gmustn.-scan2dais about hem deareat irid. sud, cf course, had ta stp when Lutty carn "Ne.Iqt dancing, dearP " emkel, vith & sympathetilo alile, glauclng ongmily ai Bellm. ibomp, who séenied ýmre struck vît. LitY Qbum ha b»alany igt ta oelconaderng ha vws ber propemiy. -&No," repled tiity, "'ma s tile tirel." "Miss Marcimaet," obsrvel Bcflthorp, leaning tavard hem,,"l'm sure rrc noen yen before."1 LitylytitsChili rmnning ihmough ber veina as ah. remembered vhére their last meeting had heen. The exlremity et thé danger gave ber courage. 'II dare ay," ie éplie, coldlyt nrning ble." Mn.. Rllér lookel wlth ail ber eyéa, for oho vontel te knov ail about ibis preiiY eil who drapped se nnexpéciediy bte 3Mel- boumne .ocàaty, se aie determued ta question BeUlthorp when she get bina alone. To thia cul aie fluéésd. "Ohbi theme's that lorely valsheo aid, £S1i1Ubmad&rL k ou One Sjmmer'. Xight lu Munich."') 44Vréle.oêoaged, Mr. Beflthorp, vo musi haro a tmm."1 i6Deiigtl," replied Belltbo)rp, langnlly offembug bis arm, but tbinlng meauile, "-confound these women, how they do work a mn." 'TYon, I suppose," naid Mm .Riler te Kity "arUe geing te play waUl-flowerfl" "HaWrdly,",ohéemved a coal volce bebind tbom; ",MIsaMarchumai dances ibis vlth me-yen ueo, Mme.Riler," as Ibat lady tim ndd nv Vandeloup, 'lo bas net your capabili- ty ai playing waUl4lowcr," vit. asignlficant glance ai Bdit.rp. Mn.. Riler undemtool tbe look, vbich seémel te pierco mia thé very depihs of ber frivolons Uilo seul, sud flnahel ongnhly as ahe movel away vltb Mr. Beltbarp sud weuially Ietertaned te ho éven wtt. Van- deoap on thé finit occasion. Gasten, quit. conscoof eet i temm ha bad raisel, smilel aerenely, sud theu offéeo Ie arm te Lilty, which the refunel, as aie vas detonmînel te finI eut tram bis oa lhp. lb. mut. of Jaapeso tatemeut regard- hxzg Mme. Midaa. 1I domt vaut te bano," sabs nid, cumly, polntng te ticeseat beside ber as on liv- talion for hlm te ai devu "Pardon me," oborvel ;Vsudoloup, blond-. ly, IIde; voe au tglk airadif yen lie." Their " oyt aisd iben Lily araseald teok bis a wtm, hia ebamlng pont. Il vas ao gool flgbling agslna the quiet, master- fu nmanw e1ttimanunse allovtl hlm te put bis aria round bier voai sud swing bar alovly lie othe centreeofthle o. "Orne Bommr'i Nlgtin laMnuch" *»a favorite ,almadvbolcuem nomovliluh vciase ca man's fait. sud a vomms' omttum nod oun.' Xity, mdanel ra hUli me, but vas 100 mLuégtated te .ajoy'Usa valua, la upu. ce dua admirable pertiuorIC Vandelop mada. Mea vu doiermmned to lad oMt Use trethga 8sipd abmrul, sud ibniiadon ulo tih W brte Use caasrvatey. "Viait on" ha a*oâlasi, *$liy ir fi blpouiotl5 "lVwrt* d» sua.tio, IemMg aba bis l sa n Dai *0e eêaey." * oeh*iL à nid yours les. vâ*èUqbopepate poisn IfI vse yut i *iky.'9 fatal lite ndisu u u i eb "Tnbu t mi nlt salI. ICuI ra ye ur my dallug," h nidhaveiy, "If y-uout givetb- Mtty urendueluIidavay, onI rose le ber feot. "Sooner tban liai, rl'il vi avy,"ab muid, and bofore ha coul stop ber sic flumg the battit out on thels where Ittelî dovu noir the treo . "BablIvilfUd i," naid, spinaning to buif gt, but lty vau quick for hlm. "Monsieur Vaneoup," ahnid, aloul, se tIsai evéry on. could ; "klndly taLke me bsck toe bbil-rom, yen, te f&àishcar Vandelonp vould havb retused, but ahe baud bis arm, and as everq meo vaslcoklug nt hlm,be coun1 u » Me ithoni bolug gullty of narkcddhe*tu. Lty bal beaten biinavit. bis ovuwveap os, vit a half-adnalring glauce at ber, ha teok ber back te the baIl-r)om2, wbere the volts vas just eudlng. "At ail cranta," he ail lu ber emr, as they veut atnoothly glldlug round tie reoi, "yen wou'i b. ahle te do any miachief wvt i 1mev te yanrselfor. auy teeuon e" .'Won't Il" aie retontd, quickiy; 11I have oome mare ai home." $The douep!- hé ejaculalel. bode ýto yen-I put hain ias contenta Into another. Bo yenu eoeau c stil do miahief, and"-In a derce vbisper- "I vill if yen don'i glvo up tiluIdes ef maryng Madame Midas." III tiaugil yolx kaev me btter than tint," ha Mid, lu a toue af coucentrated passion. 64I viii net." "'Thon rll poison ber 1" ah. relaried. "What, the omia vho hbben se kind "'Tu., rd aher sec ber dbalthon married te a deril lk. you."1 Il ov amiable ypu are, Bobo," bu naid, vt. a lae h a s e mulie soppel. 11arn vbai yen have nmaI. me,",aeh ropilol, bittarly, auI tiey walkol mb tii.e drawing room. Aien Ibis Vandeloup clearly -mv thai Lt vua scmaofetdiamaul outi dimmonl, tor Lilty vas becomhng as claev it ber ton- gue a. ha vas. Aftor m&i, ihough ah. va. bis papil, ouIdva. gettlng as hardeuand cynical as possible, h. diIIneit tiiink fi faim ahe abould muno bis ovu veapona againat hlm- self. Ho diIInet beliave mie vanl try sud poIsonMMe. Midas, even tioogh abs vgi- certaI fn et ne eldetectel, fer haothoagbi aie wastoe tendor-heartel. But abat ha bal taoghi ber excllently voll, and Lilty vau rapdly aanving at the concusionho bal long aime. duce la, liai numbun on. vas th greasi faumber. Besides, her lova for Vanielo4a, ihougi nam eBoaiasfi bal beawvasteebinternesfor ber te 1kt MY other varnas gai a bollc et . Aiogetha IL Vanieloup va. lu k . m aoly nuplea- saut position, anI un of bsoun makLag Havlng giron LIUY cruto telbe der caa c Mn. ollstsaVaial, hurzlui hat nusel Ug» posidm f a . Iand, strklng a nma uan% M6te o l *Ov ie e mot, lcse$wutUt. But licesbho vasu a long lin%, Md Icoel oiouliU s.t *Woou bom pvk"tg a astm doua ta-hmcOUPlAW14 IWeW iet revWlev Us.Ni o* M#t oipl. us*âsr ma» Ob m m ml h esu emoiy sna"0Ma imioN bitlb ho pwu teqstaa doàgemeus Vb )IL Vànduop b erne te*soo- ekgWe b e s~cl e gtte mappor. ceaiasi Vm, autearvoWno oin Usam lUit or ii car h i adrev ber asile. "Ton did utlMManWb"iye= MUdte- nigbtr . be wopered, lookln elnglyai "Te.,I dl0" sepliel, dfo-tiy; "qf yon pohu te 10 e t els, yon mu"itake tbe 6liIliMbe tiievosw for yen,' ha6ssii *Moainnpwi masthe carnage dm"ve up "PIn Mol afrailOf Y0114" ereeni érglgbar abouldems a ik sue bal Ierefrm hm; "yen bave rmmmy Ilit, but Iha net galug te let yen uladn a- danse'.. rî seoner ses ber dead han lu yonr "Rommebr, I bave vamnel yo," ho sai, gravey, handlng ber. to thé carnage. "Go ed-nlgbtP'aha nure, mockUgly; "al o-morrew," laà 1ev voie lée yen wm bu aatonahed&" "4AmI io-omne,"haosalIte bimsif, as t.&oanràagedrove off, 6"ye n bu d&" TEE VISON OP IS E1'i X KRCH US?. Àcha'aVERT oee mev. the .1017 of Dama>- clos, sudhbeyun- confetablo h. felt wlth the avord suspendel byshiair oar r is boul. Ne anoe could cujey their dinuer under sucb clncuffstances, sud It la much te bu bosts et thé pramnt - day do net ludulge lu thés. practical joke.. But thougi hlsiary dacs net repeat ituei exsctly regardiug tic suspendél amord, yot~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o le.m.auavnamescfimpend- ~ nlto u sl.sie fc uen t.This vwa the case of Mine.Idas. 8h. vas net by amy meas oet a nervona tomperament, yei evr aines the llsoppeamreeeof ber busbaul ou. vaapreytea secretdbéad, vbich, me- actiug on ber nérves, reuderel ber miser- abI..Hal Mr. Villiers auly appéared, aie wonlhave kuovu boy te béai vit h hm, anI doue se prompily, but ivas bis absence liai maIe ber afraid. Waa h. beadt If se, vby vas hlm body net tonal; if ha vas net luI, vhy did ba oi treappoar au the ice? Alleving, forerla se cf argument, liai ba bal aolen the nuggst sud loti thé colony la onden toe omjy -the fruits cf hie villay- vell, the mugg.t void about tirée hum- drel auncea-*ul liai If ne dispamélofeth, as h. muai haro Ion., fitvoul givo hlm a m of ney a lite over one thousaul pends. True, bgpoesslen of such a large maessof gold vould awake suspicions lu tic minI et suy on. ha vont te; but lien, tien. vore peo- pIewvo oe alwaya realyteooabady ibingi providel tiey vwro vl poil. Be, viommoý- everba vantlevould levy black-maillon hlmn on tireai et informhng t.. police.sud havlng hlm ameael. Theretere, the mail probable tlig voul b. liai ho bal goi about boit et t. value ef tic uugget, vbieh vosuld bu about six hundred poonds. Say.tiai ho bd no, a vhole ycar bal elapSel, sud Mpm. Mues er hbuabaul val! anaugi le haow tisai six huna1rél penuds voul oon allp tiroug i bs nuerase ai lie Prosent time h. muai once mono bu ponuilema If ha vas, vby diIIheouit corne baek te ber sud doana" mor e niony, mev ah. vas nhchi xBe bal ha ge.te a distant place, ho voul alvaym have kept cnough mouey te psy is vsy back to Viecria, no liai ho ondvnlmg meney oni of ber. Il vau ibis uphu" - feeing cf beiMg valehel liai hanu*M fber sud s hWal. e msy. Tise tositauttrala begale 1.11llon ber; "b basane ii md bagpaI looklu, ud ber eym wu a~alims oglaaelmronl li he anions mu»« comon té biutaà,i aima -m lm as thoogi s en., aadvmo- écq ça a maldbatiery, sud at auy nm- a obat m4fit striaber fron t» bpuqi P~. Medta.lagimie e *=o t'Cbira.Ih«»«el mem'ely toer the swmoidsat ce Mint lte"b *0 abwva àMebuItivaseno u, for by dày and ~~Uss* oel cfDumaobs, rndy àn ndm t 1,.,. udsuà W1WW5M3LLI3RYDRESS AND MAbTTLE MÂKING. Gnmt bargains given in iii departments, especially in Winter Milii mry. Site in nov prepaibd to make HATS AND BONNETS in the' la*tefshiâsons -having secured a first.class Trim mer. Ne Cttig 8yotemý. Special attention-given to Evening, Wedding, sud Strt costniod m=de in the latest styles. Ail customers fromn a distance Waed 'upou on Study.Ail orders promptly attended to. 100M8-O m ,Wam Ode kO*Dry Goodi Ston, Dohmuly BIOk, iiext dooe to A. MH1xbothmn'mDMu SOWn. FARMERS, ATTENTION. Huhg nâuI *8.AMMyiYiottela s mfor he mmi8y sMd HàARIus companjus, I - am pipud te mvoy IamnwitIthbu Fai Imemets S M ssaun Icras uhlicanutbe Beatea à bu a*1 e isq 1 E.é1s alu hmo & b 1d. Iu*0 Iskp M hba&dOrgane, Sewing machinu, Wmbg XWaWw% 00 éooesmfla-ne bo purchaoin elauhero. - JOSe V. STAPLES, Victoria Road. VWéoeh LaO, No«. 4tJa, 1M9. -7-W CHANGE 0F BUSINESS., Itake the liberty cf advising you that I have purchased the general Store business heretofore carried on by Staples, Anderson & Co. Being & pgrtuer in the. uid firm 1 would say to my patrons of the past, I feel gratefal for tihesiWthv support . ith which yeiu have favored us with in the past four yeare. Our number of catomers hav-3 increa4ed every year ince our organization. To who'n it msy concern in future 1 pur- pose studying my customer's best intereste by keaeping the best goods and having my stock wel aasorted. Boots and Shoes a specialty. Gal and examine stock snd get prices. 1 would suggest m'y termns are cash. Ail kinds cf faroe produce taken in exehange for goods or c-t-,h to suit customers. Fire Insurance effected in best Englieli Companies. A eall solicited. B. A. ANDERSON. Victora Boad, N;ovomber 2ad. 1891-'l-4. Organs Repaired and Tuned, S#àTISFACTION--GUARANTEEDU Orders hy mail promptly attended to. IR.N.BSSN WELL - ASSORTED. Winter la noir st hand, aud we have made preparations for it, and vould ask you te 8se ou stock of. BOOTS AND SUIOES, which yotI will find fuliy assorted and go'>d value. W. have also a fine range cf DBESAND MANTLE GOODS, and as crops were extra good ti" year, w. would suggest that you giee yoiir vives a sitar. in them by purchasing a new Dress or Mantie. Our Miliinery Stock, though w. have had a large trade in it, is kept welI assorted. Don't fait to eall and see what we have, ML ne 1.1W. rhlau, Oet. M Mi8L-IU THE MANU FACTURERS' LI FE&AMOIDENT INSURÂNOD3 COMPÂNIES. Combined Authorized Capital el and other assets .......... e.... .... $3(OOOO J. W. WALLAO Et Agent, Lindsay.. W. À.HOBXINS, DistictManager, erbmru ÇIwp URITURE GO TO :ENUJGENT4Io Ira ILIN DSAY* O~bint Maerst IUGENT & 000 l - - LINDSAY, ONT. thmon-ble to show i -