'it.89 81.000 RELATJWp OP4i Tiie>'aire tueWh1 alÊy1 On Earth-Umftsg b? 9»q artd b>' rrows toemm s-il BROOîzrxN", N.X'., Do. A,' 19W.- b*.bltm suh jeot of Dr. Talmage'. g*V ý l tor r wu- '<Boyal Bloc( oudqkg« ~. ju t O a8" 8. 18: 'Eêah one résembli the Md a Klng.)lprot Zebali and Zalniunna hkad beuJ,ârbart* lt battie, andl when they came ac*OurthTh aaked what. kind cf peopie they hiadis v mlb___ bavn They ana wered, that the people lb.d. a-- -h"w mS4Ehband, aaying, appraftî; "cach oereb g? ,* 4 dtheOa jiiol..8 "Bu u many wlho hava thia appearance.. Ind..di u int they are the bons and- daughters of tl4* r1-n, f aio bfèf yu k flu"d w.d th Lord Almighty. Tiiough. ndw in exile, 01buoi n *11 the. honore thoy shall yet coins tu their throný, >ere la. vqfi&2es akt are family namea that et b.>d»Y fgk*, or 'o uantin, or intelligence. gTin@eof - ot o ieeou go e of ton ui c napa ro Im thouîgh 5Vi*the Wte dor.ifl. o h mreo the blond of that racie bu e on.oo IUIp th e aaO b Ver li i h gne QuUoa. The tba barn. on te arle. faînily of t ho c.d (iitood a.ti ore e 1 Mou oUWae it cuid lasigitiontof ealh, Ro hfo abrook. 'dY: thtuehd the , rcar tiveo f lettters-. Tiiéfamili thaê fo plesadth lgb«iýWod o ckld i sgnfien o walht l ona o nus ;and overyti1 v the old forty millions of dollars i l48 putting omestead ia qf intereat to yen. I toni 70U them tolic inconvenience; ar4,within a few o the. old homeatead of eterafte. In My years they ha.ve Inatied Rual, twelve mnii- Pa er'm boume an many mnisons. Wiie fions cf dolars, Naplca twent' Z mlins . k of mansions, we "ka of Chat.. Austria fort y millions, ant. England two Worth, d it. park, nine mils in iroum. lîundred millionsa; anîd th. itroke of thoir ference, d itae oaervatory, that aston- pen on the coutintg-roopu desk shakos la heti ord sgulree aua everythiiavq frein the Iriah ' ta h LiDan. contain the unpha of chantry, Canova, ilbe. l'llîy open t.hoir id6u, aid(I thoe.in and Therwa1 en; of the kiags and the. war, teiV alit il, an 1ti)L'Po la .ce. Te eujwhà oîésatl alo 1101$) 14îhîg in( rtheHoa. cf Bourbo fl yins over the. thor, have hunt.d the. Sttur ii i:iilziid te Hus ofBorbo g rouge. But a&U e dwelhing.plac. of France, w'vfaniies of imperiai authcrity duCes, and rinces, d queena, are a. But 1 cointe ta proiich of a farnily mort Uothing to trifamlily anslon that la ai- potential, mnore rich, and more extensive- readv awaiting Oui' ar i.LieThé and of the 0oyal Houscf Jeanao,.cf wiom th~e ltheLrd J eaua llfe4 the pi ra, and awung whole faiîiiiii heavon and onl oarthin the douo and plsnted the ka. Angs8 namcd. Wýe are lilood relations by the r.- walk there, and thé Mo faigm.Ti lationship) of the Cross; ail cf us are the pocroat man ini that ae0ja a loar chlldrcn of the iKing. ansd the lowliet king, and the tam t word First, 181 i spekof Our *amnily nam. h.apeake la an aathem, and the ah tuat Wbein we .sec ii descendant cf morne One 1f. au etornlty greatly "lelnîatte in the lait century, we Y.l pa roofyowhiho Fook ut Iitu witli profonnd interes.t. To heurte, can hardly hold tiheir pec.ud oc have badC onquerora, king$, or princes in feel as if you would apeak on sn ay. the ancestral liic givo master te the faruiiy "0 hleaaed day 1 i .don. Toward te garne. In aur line waa a King and a Cur. I press with bliat.red feet over the doert queror. The Star ini the Buat with baton way. My eyea fail for their weeplng. I of ligit woke n p thie eternal orchestra that faint tram listening for feet that wifl net ruade music at his birth. Frein thenre ho corne and the aound cf voices that Winl not etarted forth to conqiier ail nations, flot by aeak Spe.d on, O day of reunion 1 And tramping thein down, but by lifting thean t en, Lord Jealne, b. net angry witii me if w. St. John aaw him on a whiite horse. after I have just once kisaed Thy Blemu.d bheulbe returne,,h *e wili net bring the feet, I turu arounf to gatber up the. long- nations chained te him wheel, or in iran lbat tresaurea of rny hoart. Oh 1 h. net cages ;but I heur the stroke of the lhcolsangywt e n oka hewr of te aow-hitecavlcae tht bigheaven. But. ail thoae reuniona are heaven them tu the gatea in triumph: encîrcîing hoaven, heaven overtapping hea- Onur family name takes iuater from the von, heaven cornmingllng with heaven !', star that lieralded Him, andi the apear 1 waa ut Mount Vernon, and went int that ptercbd Hlm, and th. crown that wup the dining-rooam in which aur firat Presi- given Him. It gathera fragrance from the dent entertained the promineut mon of thia frankincense brought to Hlm cradie, and the and other lands. It wua a very interesting liles that fiung their mwetet n tom Hi. pot.- But oh!1 the banqueting hall cf the nermona, and- the box of aiabaster that family mansion of which I apeak! Spread broke ut His feet. The Conî(orter at Be, the table, apread it wide; for a great multi- thany. iTe P.esurrector at Nain.' The tude are to ait at it. From the tre. by the Supernatura.l Oeculist ut Bethsaida. The River galber lhe tweive manner of frua Si nof one world, and tho Chief Joy for that table. Taire th. clusters froan thi of anoiliber. The storm Hle frown. The.san- heavenly vinoyarda, and presa thenm ie liiht J i s sunile. The spring mrnru.flg the golden tankarda for Lhat table. On 11tý IrlTh.Te earthqtnke the Btamp baskets carry inutho hread of wbich, if man of 1< j foot. l'10 lietiln(ler the whisiper of toit, he shall nover hunger. Take aIl the Jusý vie. l'lie ocean ii drp on the tip mio'-t.on 9ff ofertiily conqueat, and en- of UH isint1er. 1Ilcaven a sparkle on the lwine tii.m aanong tiie arches. Lot David bo.soi of ~i o E ternity the. twinkiing corne wfti isharp, and Gabriel with hia of Iis ee. ýl'li iiAiv le tce .heal a sttrumpet, and Miriamn with lhe timb)rçi; for of li8 liaîîct-wlicels. Xltu-e L a prodigala are ai home, and the captives lieart-hî'ealz, or lii'ie a tompest, or drown a are free, and the Fathier bath invîted the worid, or flond imînensity. witlî Hie glory. mi1ighty of heaven and the redeeîned ef WhaL otlitr family naine could ever -bou t eartii ta corne and dine! of sîu<hi n i ltibuiýLs personage? Ne.xt,t ': of the family morrows. If troubîle coui: ta oito meiber of the. famnily, Tepro fagnrto isb ail feul iL. It je te cuton,after the odyi, iig er(;io d fa genehrton hu ben is loweî'cd into the grave, for ail the relia- utrinrad to thirty yeara aa cind tie ecorn.e tu e verge cf the grave aud itiat aya, the tirayefor owuanacife- look d>î iîto iL. Firt those noarest Lb.e1has inýreased te forty.two yoars, and the departced cme, then those noxt of kim, un- improvernent haisaaI been made during tiie Iiii flie *yhave ah lookedd jute .grave. Se, lu amt cntrr whui t rit îbie and grief go dawn thraugh hafetuy the heait, of anc ineuuber of the family, thry gr on-n'wu hrotîgh .theun ail.Thb.sad: A f' d*e ot ne is the saiîîcss of ail. A coin- . .::A ~ paniivof pî>cxosnjoin banda arouud an elc- trie bai Lery ; thai two persona at the ends REV. DR. TALMAGE <IVES H k. DALGM of ter lino touch ilhe battery, aud ail the cirrlv ferla the shock. Thua, by reamon cf TER TO ré-NEL MvANGA. i. te iiti, maternai and paternal réhatiana of life, we stand ge close together tuât when trouble mets il.. battery, an ted Lthe A, Impressive ceerniony Attetîdvd bY an Cliiill of diatross. In tic great Chrimtian immense Tltru;g-Tito service as the family, the uorrowa of one ought te o ti. h F.ther and Ministei rProinunc.<d it- orrow cf ail. Is on. peraecuted ? AUi re persocutedl. Dues one sufer loaa? Wo ail The innovations introttC,d. actfer les%. la onc hercaved?1 W. are ani îîwaa only hy fighting t}îut inyboly a.- hersr e amn ee ogtercured staniding roam n ntho sidewalk out- Fhefrr mnf ult sud mar lw Iaide the Brookyn Tabernacle on Wednea- Fur hmIungticet ade, ortY. AOs. day, December 2, wliîeîîtho ceremony uni- Nex,1 noicete family rpety At mtng in marriage Mr. Daniel Delevan 3/an- al man of large estte e ste relatives àse- gman ise-a otmrTl ew semble ta heur the will read. Sa rnuchoi f gin and Misa b y e Mavr.erTalmage wa Lbe p opertyuswilied te biesomno, and no %pe e the Bey. Dwr. onuTamage he mucc hte siedaughtera, and mo rnuch 10l>ohle otir lacesate r cnc1ti) e nevolent societies. Our' Lord Joan. bath tuoata t hei place e ogsn ll Tayed.j died, aîud wo aro asembled here to-day ~to ii. orgahi t rsesheand palan nied ith beur the Nvili read. Ho says '-My hus, hitiroes nd lurmu thur. give~~~~~~~~ utye.TrabHmapteH.I[n the centre cf the open apae before th. aays: "Ai are ouTru bsat!eoytleHug Oatu a ot fpl.îunwho--aetop » Ycu cannaI scou baà esUtem. morning. Yenms tx go" vn around iL. The. aNULIy pwery aie royal houa. of JecUUOa e greît must taie everal walke hot îLe extent. Lat the firet mà thia oarth. Alilthqeevy qa tat vave lua tbom sud tbl eature tbemt-afl tlî*s teprecions t hdde sud the rov o foot 01fh;Àlb. qýb lakes, these I1 ours. In tha aeeo atreet-lainps of 'huve: no onwey'40 leur ne îhey miit Oas, ICONNECTION WITHE 5Ii5U dm80, . MMaSOW.5 eris Ii *Cm hme bm. 1 OhM, Dec . 1d, 191-11-tf j BbyOltk j.m. Md., W"njBoare for Service. D DALP. MAI.OAM TIia C ir00 . LURI~~84. W, mbAlerbajfr oaic o- o is ova lime snd way brîîîga tbem fal@ elLLU+ yj,.Whtfueciza ekbre ] ba -RE VISE D AND ÂME NDE D. fman d whiat hetore were two livea h...-a Tb$ aUa DomS.* 1= *lOtlthe attention cf thom edasiukgoe om cornue, sorrowa leaenied by being divid- staithalu 11itij 00 ilié D'PI"W ondb ne an.m fsrieo . o edj nreaaed by beingrmultiplîed. W. 'Whtobsiuab.. .* a of e t e fuailvu', >JOUX MOOIL I vali viii firmer stop and Bleuter heart *oahsd ag ulkyiimthon Who~Dc ud !1-14 viienthbero ies mucher &brui.ta beau upan, experimati thon,>. Ptresie.utcb asud the. darkemt uight of the ou)la brîght lets aford a pe anti Inexpenaîvo cure.I Boar for Mervice, w if friendmhip snd love kindle tieir igita an '8lk beadaobe. bOlts b a ciee, consipation, ' *SASÂMOW tJhI bl leki e r fût rtosdurlaithe orpathway. In thia haur of qadnesa 'Oh. indigtatio., billmua ettace y ial lik. magie to saison of 1891 and 92 où L~ot 21, on. 18. NMaiPlbm for bia mercy endureth tarevei'" eoîetedP let for a laxative dcaPraly Tersire boar, bied bOmit»' & aun "Oh, thon Divine Ouest at the. wedding vegetahle and parfiiy hormisma. iThe action 9Or ,td ie damast ttrof s mow et Cana et Gauile,, grant us thuy prescîe. ut la prom ptsud plemst. Abslutely tihasbt RICHaD JODAN W9# hlm sltar. A alt tiee, hy servants, lu liver pul mam91. Your mon.y givea haek if 74 frorleW.fi the vowa they are about ta takze. May tiiev do nui giv. entira satisaction. The. oui>' th.ii' love nover kna'i doubt or deeuy, and' pihî pssemeti of sob hmeit s te warrant Boar for 1Berwec.. rnaywe who havc come ith aur congrata.' their belng sold on trial. fil, lattons aud prayera b. fait bfui in ail oui'----T-lh. thoroughbred Berksblre ba Black Prince vii/ b.e kept for service on Lot 21, Can, 7,Ope, during the ï social and dornme relations, until ut luat aso.edtpgun alie@son On application. Il shall ho sunounced, 'Behold the bride- VW. C. T. TU. Tenrm6 e lepl Staec evc k .~ groom cornlh Even no, cerne, Lord J msa. JOHN W. THOUNE. f- '1 A mon." - f OOLUMN.Op», Oct. 2.19-6.183Il A I the end . f et i. p ra lb the m iniater B a s fie'fi i e brero n h rid opeated thsbrrGdas oe Teubscribe will keep fer service at bis plate, af etrtha a luLb.pryerl~ok.~ ~ [ ~ Lo~t 2M. Iicoan. Ope, ane tuîoioughbred Yorkshire17 Word ofbetrtha sa n te paverl»o. an Naive ean hir. adone tborotughbred Berkshire boit. Pedi- lie 9uestion: "Who giveth. tus weinîai inl grooamamm lie sen nea the promise. on application. marriage?" wua omitted. hat point wam z Terme, 41.00, ta bi pid et tme ef services. Tbree te coime lator. Another change vau the sU' for62 50. J M SB o sE question: rl f aosPreahere. JAMES No.EO MOOBL8-t "IWhat pledgo do yen give?"Wo f aOsLnsy o.Oi18L8t.III-- lier, the groom fouud the ring, and it We pour ndt dle n i9 1oogbe ersieB8r vas placed au tie hride'a fing or wiLh t'oLiebo i irmy aylr.at e u ie hoogbe ekb or formula ofthle prayer-baok. Then Dr. Bso eevTyo.-I Tlaae cantiuued: Stroug drink Je îot @ily thc devil'. vay Thie thorougibred Berksilre bei' VIO&ORIA 'fho aaied, 'Who giveth ibis vomau te Rmm, but ms*i's wey te lie devil.- HI ii e ei o r evc n.S.sbcie vo lier, my beloved dan hter. She gens I do Most es'<mualy entrellt jon f Cismes'Ota i Pie, 1, nt. i er Th65:] H d e- en forui framt her fatier'm house to yonra. abatain trom inellinaoxleaing liquoru. Cftj Omlnt.7sirePrirse Pue 5761; daCmmo-na cm leaning on my aran ah. geca forh Yen do net necd tIbs for healti, ad 8e dore [17, Bighit Lady 450l. by Surprise Sud. 828 Ye arge eue of Lie brigitest jeweis of inehîîctY. - B.V. John Angeil James. ffld imp, 190 bier Oxford, dsuugâher of Dark Salie, Il 18 YOUR FAULT that tie boy doesin't underataud tiie xeang oet he vord h. oui' a tien. herMuetherpmae OUan Ynd Thepui DWvndBor; Sr aillter y .cfoo thaee obraien. Curouie. heroe than d.lyo uis>ekotat i >'iiai akSilleTheOth iSa:4hSub bas uouulerod, or knows uothing oethle man lhe bas baen remdiug about. Ycu cest, ahrv dwoll; i. ere o dastwi uems uaisPeak ont. And 70U1 tellow fSalt. Sd b>' King Tomb's noar; Raile lei b>' haie eem îuuoyod beease ho ias înierruphed you whule jeu wero readiug the paper. viii gzo. lT eople shall.heclier peoplo Ohriltians, art mummoueti Dy a God of ofiGlcuester U oentpr1o.h5.oae aiefo h ac htvndct nwyusl and tbhy Go , or Gad.' And May, >'., punit>' ho take yau? stand sud ean&@ your Terme 81 -toli.i,"d st tmeO of.vIr£% The D os e t rtobfore aunojleuanmethembob. tact hovatedpifuo your aeita vil lu your ne relation illustrate the in11091200 te b. fellA-ROV. A. Bornes.. Qumeues.0. good Eneyoiopediý lu the. house. prnipe ncla l i dmiecicl. 'If i voie fer nothing e. ebuttheii.mWs'. OY. Sith-1891.--«9Yen ean't afford 1h. Read aur annouacemeul sud jeu vil seo tlai von eau, lb. yon sud ln your neu ew o uLtarget your cead ey sud poveîlp liat tbii.daletabl. airfr evie ver se poor. home, at wjtoao sitar n have inoîltand ilu hhug trluga Upon the faMill«Otes ttPOO- or o erie vie. joya sud mrrova yu have of ton plet<Christian mon snd veouen Ougiit te 'Tie Cnadian Imiproved Yorkshîir o i TH E E NOY CLO .0P SW.DIA B R ITTA N ICA ringled. tt lasn.- brio. teele Op andi ay "W@ Ai "COU NT" mach if r h b esi g Toiethr.god « Ot l ae np tnig t on. h itle - WIII hekept for service dnlng the tesson Ou WEST 'R v s d a d A e e , Cht t if' ria kst iil in g ecupadt Is l cfea prlul olaualo la.1 HLlF PLOT 13, Ilxi SvuCON. 0F FENELON. 1~~* gac s aîîer af tris. hie by ai e rnoaIy no àBEalI-na btt ?IRitIte mcmt cemplete i.duvorsifieu irary of untertaiuoing aud mterestuug iteraturo y u atlk 1h patiof ef l. 1iii LI e rny fDot oui nDatura) matines. ho &pendi s80.evor ieaned ftpoett pness. Yen viii fiud omething ta attraci and interest yen on ou walk the pth of life tll le j ey MChWeSlSh in ur flerTes, tmed Julv 1e, 1889; bi-ed hy Orm»li>'& Oiap- ' evpg.I o r odo itri otiSteftltelcino itre eneded. Ibm>, aidle by uide, nyyou a moestî l htlungoineaa, Srionold-ontjie.crait, Ont., the pAei'O ,ipg.J- a r ode itr' i etieti ietcl eno ier. in Chîristian graves. îvaiting for te u0 anti eXplodlng eUî obaiaclersl ant i vl vans, Beaverton, Ont.; sire Rover [15]. dam in tthe woîid. emhraciugR everv nation of accient end nmodernuf im Is.Ai inier in.AntdaL lest, beforo tbe ibrono- o îuining oui oul.-Rev. Dr. James Grsne bal>' 69, b>' Relywell Wonder 2ldaid ~1)ested in Scienel 1h.Enovelopîedia Brittaulca Bevised aud Awneuddwiii 1.11 You, mpi llcte ,bYl(72w(ep.by V icto p1.C i n cars, nuderptp.Dcsble En 1hiî.b, ail about abv eescice Vocn ma> w-itli-ta etudy. Are Jesuau, aidleby aide nmay yeu arpear i ml ouilw ictrît1e(2%n. . b B iywlk~e crowua of glory tat may nevtrf e awy. * ou e tial Ib iatrona pyramiti <87) Bleuti eSd, (40). y lau (4)clmsh -nd yeou rloaaotmeniainnioAgi ueEycoîd lredhojr you bîebaiî uni ife1"cf iU a Jb ain seu e s rn 94), b' Hol>'v.ll lieu>'(329, lvi, liv S au ôthilu, bauà; a m oment'e trnfng f Dea geR bingt the prpfr i. îoii g tn ,aur eyes, andi Te innovations by Dr. Tahniage onithe 0ouie ail otier expensea, aud You TyRM.- S1, lieb paldaettimre of service. teshfr e aeacmlt u xamnoscnta b nisstJe.l prayer-book service were niany. "hon, va. start 6a s0azed ta tbluk Ibat l aboulda JOHN MARK, short. wbethaar pou vaut amusement fon au idie heur, moid Instruction fuoreua. mri- ne aaking if aiybotly knew et any juat ho posssi bat Uyen a mere indulgeno- 105 Proptietor. - ons moments, or quickinlfoîmnatien about auy matter as teavkîich 3oui are lu doubt, cause or lunpediment Le thé niairifg., iuer whîoh il la naine am&ea" 0ftéSu-tiio m PrSael Md iVon have the measailuthoso booke e itifig-- urdsie the warda "4Whon, CGo baith jok" 4tagetheountry eForSale let - 80 mratxYînî our danre let no man put asunler,'" and it vasautysoninsopuh ae in aoth es Ok'on. do112 acres more Pr J5- "1hushand and ývifuc" listeuclocf "inau sud îta vaste. -Dr., om8cu, Aîcohm ofpLe t 16laS.Oi RdtTu vi fe." York. good orhi'<d; close to aciiao and chturch. Appi>' tu V~jhK i~ ILi. j~ T iM IE The augnn, wliiehthad beeni sighing aofb JOHN TINNEY, Valeatia P.O.e ouadpgsrefldwi inpcteedi otiscvr85000 hamoie hithîug tuesevc ,no TPADTIK-oyngmnveor-tao0. H. Ropklns, Brur-tSr, Lindsamy, I oentatndpgaae iit vt iepitrs sdi8ot6V vr ,0,0 harmonesktic Meîthes "ervice og are ANDh hai et-Doink g înMxen Who Ociobor 10. 180.-6i Sf words., The information compiled ln tua ,"CycIopmdia" roprosa-titte i,,réfu work Mrci," Ud)Liiiss(siin'scfL Ledori. laereer stop te haklieht chaYT1T 1E of 1000 et lte ablesiuritprseofthle nineta-enth century. Ail oshter CcoEdia Warheadthe CoP-sion hîîttedthedrh isb pr eet ogtaorhin IL a slnobU ' a ~ are tmcm five te ivent>' jearsbebinti the date cf Lb. issue of tbiitrand Yvork, wbich <'Wecldiuîg March" and aLlier aclectîcus - tbrestena te deoiro>' beati and msnhood, Y JUÉ .«'1Avas compbetea inl 1890. were playcdl. but il mhuta them onI fr-cinboller pasili. Tan Freekies, Suaburi THE RED NECKTIE CRAZE. on intheempîeymont of thase vie Con- chmes Ban c romeeii.lo li Throatens tu Extend Tiiroîughout the duel Ithe buaineaes ft he country. No y by upply*Hiug EAYY OR T E *00K Battre CountrY>. drinking man eau amocurs a poeitIon & BM aieofe odlie oy Ou Lh ite ii.hirt front of ncau-i every leachér in a college; au bauk caohiar; as Tan&l}reoleLotion Weofrt eie 0yur addressî a complote 8pt or 'RfE ENGY- man n Sn FaDcseO YODJ9 r a1, ha upeintndet ofanyradoad asticet ats, sure anmuid »L CLOPADIA BRITTANICA, revised and amlended, together with hinlu isinun the fasion or vanta ta bc, agent lu an>' important City li the Coun. ~pet 25G. PEN BOTYLS THE VICTORIÂ WARDER, for one year, at the follüwiîîg prices:- blazes a ued necktie. And tbey au-o the try. In tact hier. iescmaroely any place zcM $ sl reddemt iind et red, tac. A ubdued mai- et trust liai wilhl ibosé eyia b.outrait- Encycl'ipoedia bound in Oloth and Paper, for one year $-26.00, pay- moan or glarg, nci-duat aca. innt eu aa niin but n.osume e cana , . . H O ,able as foilowe: $2.00 on delivery of the first five voIumeï, anîd $2.0 opular ut ail, IL muet b. sanguine, brul- drinkiug mien Je moi. disiionestet ahbeart i , HY E prîot o n er -haut, gatonimhbi-u ow red ectie sud ed truutm blo abe ho a ngleebc .ANNINGTON. oîife n er ianderchoiabighlhe net e y bdre tusietie n imla mo ibe elebsudS.AvmskeEncyclopoedia bound in Ful Sheep and Paper, for one ypar $31.20, handercief ave aaught the tavu. Te uiesta easbrman adah jwy eee a ft ' ormeu t Books of pvble as 10 i:$.0o dlvr ftefra ievlms n arrived here about a veek ago. Now epai tnobi mlye ne vrdecitoalknso co $.0er othfrne a. eveyoynonLbea t s hocein agevl eue i fUoh greaher. Young moun, wio are rqiiet elnWoe igrn cftee Lie beab ueta Lses ar an hethoaeut. seligont lu lif o bonîti remember WolsuZpyrad lesWoola, Encyclopoedia bouud in Hall Beal Morocco and Paer, for aine year op te daitese tatiMaris ho hia th abtts. TMosel abiday Zov.i$88,80, palyable as follows: $2.60 on delivery of the, firât ive volumes, there are everal frequonters et cigar atores lotiasa, ec., and $2,60 per month for one vear. vie are giving iim a bard istrugglo for the, SeOIALOi.u Pzà.arn<G--Tie genial Dr. OWuical intrumenta, Muiac, bilv«orae supromacy. J. G. Holîsd utva no ssetie, but a oul- l Rîhbaa li.y Gooaf very du. W here Full Amount is Paid at Once. Thie firat ihiug asminudace nov vien ho lured lileiery goulU' man *ilIa a roputs- a tm gets n tow fron Militas r LosBanatin ton onboQ. idsofhereo@ 6he fuolhi a.mountI l Whpaith atlltimeit ofpdid liveryof an alloan wanceaceii imfiy ed or aviie. 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