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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 18 Dec 1891, p. 6

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who triaitaoulWwonld t*rw il ovar, *",Put tha *Imper oautilbe, 0r. elle pam el retire, but mada eséonpibe 0 4ýTOU u m YaiSBsu uliai wlmeu, - aeoai liitbly. I aa'ltb. aleh "8sut, NMiEs KIII," *ob Sela, - cétgbeb.wallod for, cmlhbmne~ tiebaM" 6Wefl, ah.écO=«n hm bore go to bar .wx Ioom"ald madame, lian"tAy; 417Sou s ban thé door WIIooIb&" *'WU," obowvudM . I oEaW begla un& .tuaheralsif, araurvu a"d docro opemIt 1111mal arasi as lwogmayou u m la me" ai madame, yawnlug; "W. teby MI- Wi 1dgot nrvm"u "reveutltlu btte bmour" " bm Wve tc, bed. sud thm n sd raaduewère £oIIsé lU5@p.Soila mep on lb.. ci01i the b.d, and madames, hMviag as MWO#@lu- ourtfroni bolg wth tmre om u.,amuft À le.py servant simuittPY wbeu abs omme home f rom the bal.. Jual noir b. door cf Madwiels roorn , whieh ah. vent Bclal.ay, wam . 1. ovlaaa sud Khbty caugbl alght ein taI, wu5 Md apetrailooklng, or wbit rb.t, ud4 lb letthe boa ýVy iU ne t fnbr ébouldera, aàpoh, abya'cf ,,blaoeuff wm .mhke ' tO thefoor. Her bair bam munion.frorn ftsl% moolai~t«, snd nov fbang 1M1a TeU 0 goli on u shoulderaUn WWloOba lse 04a belu in b. giamé, and bar face Iodai voeu and baggard ln tbé dirm 1lg6t. à pa- gené sriodor-permesed lb room, ui Ibà$ buavy vlvet curtalua moud vih aubdu.d ruitllugomsthb.wlnd omoelinbroug be vlidow. Ouatabi. nnar bar vas a portrêli of Vsnd.lop, wbioh b. had i gv.u 1 madame twoa ysbaioea,msd ibough l ocul nt tlb face, oh. boy l wb vs i StcWblng out ber band Ëah. bal l. b oto. grapb from ils miai, sud munloto a loy chair whlch bood etithe i aof lbérocu omre dlisance frou the b.d. S0 ncleslm wmoe br :mvenents tIbaltlb lvosl.em neyer Wake, snd lt.egirl ontln lu bs wtth the potrait ta ber baud, dr.mlg ci th m. ,qhO n it reproenlad. 9h. h.W bis bandioai lacs vws arnllng up ai bW md of the glimrnerlng glocu, ani clinabd bar bande in angor au .twhough oy h. bani trotted ber. 8ho .lot.nPortrait fau on bhW lap, sud lesuag lbok in the chair, wvllb s» ber golden hair obowerlng dovu lOOeelY ovI ber shouidors, gave hermoif up te raflOatimn Ho was gong 10 marry -Mme. Mldaa-t.h ma who had rnloed ber lits; h. vouli. hold another womnan ln bisarm ansd tel ber &U un. fais. talehbe .d tld bar. loevauli look ito ber oyeo Ith is own, and due wvoild be unabie te me.t reachery sud, g&lehliden in their depthà. 8h. could noi t&b it.. Faim f reàd, faies lover, ho bai beon, ut lu me hlmmarrlei taanther--nol It wam't>omuai. And yet vbat oouii ah. doi A manrnstlaviqbeievenoill af the man:hdores. and il obe wuas ll 11 me Midas , she wauld ivot bo bleved. Ah I it w ion te figlt againui fate, Ilvwulo etpfi gfur ber, ne she *o dbave tlaOuUo 1~ siioncu and sSe them b.appy, That starY of Hans Anderâon's, výiah she bad reai, about the lUtle'mermald ia hodanced aud toit lIaI mords vet vouudiag ber lust wbile the. priace \miniled on hie bride-ys, thai vau ber ameOb@h. vuld bave ta stand by in silence ýnd oses hlm car- aaln aotervoa ,w ol very caron vauld tab ber like a sord.\ Wu tiereDo way ofaetopping ItI Ahl w itatt The bpoison-ual1 ual1suytblug but ~a.Madame bai besa klnd ta ber, and ah. Id not r.- psy ber trust viti treah.y.No, ah.*vau flot weak enough for t.hat, su yesuppose madame diedl1 no aneC aauld toni hai bus C iond, ndthon the ocouli ryVande- p.Madame vas sleeping iu onder b.d, 'a onthe table thoeAwfamagla wvllbaoma liqud n4 ho woald only b a 10 go tg bar raam,f the poison, su put Itlut Iborethea te b.d. Mai e ould uureiy drink durin h. ulght, aud hou-jes, lher. Waulyofl Y-thepeawm1u aIl» tjibaihousovau: ual sbut 1h. tlcklgeth lb ock in the hall antheb ruahlng kcmper of s rat or mua.The dawn rudiena fa&tly tu lbhesmut, theb chili mormng broae ous Up he b suti, mat with the adora ai lb ocosul. Ahi viat la tiatt-a smoream-s vomaus vi x thon anaihor, and the bell rtaffl ie4Y. The frigilenci mrants coUmbltoua parts of he boums, t i A ba"pu i d a u n ciUM i llère, sMd hsta.<asei1fo4 t tb.sy saumbi, Wbala ht i mate. qu. Lily Mar ..r . , .111t e .dr..ï to bed,' i'awSm Ir lu to av"b p kir.U A.t a lhl'mk b g àas- îll hi OV 100ww y yOO vus Kl*, eingbar drylips viIbbe Mbur tIaisami. s ma.slb tu-14 t dayi re1"u -luMir4, ovarielb vluiov "pW. vIth ~bbar bISIeI.Nturued.tovsrd frc bbin l culaa iti a baIlM it, tl heuld b baillaove lbeglass an the tbl, ut ami all Pourimuslb cotenta tu, ibm yul- drev.ý" --»M wry d ss«Ëtcry cUl las' m01s recoversi My»sOme, Mdils.bai drunk lb peosonsd vbm1 segi 1 esmjortiOit 1» 1;5biabs»vasu zzv"m il »WSmadame, Mdi lts e. iMme. Muas; "lagetting ouitfbed ý kucclai ltabla t dou, sud halErtlb nlght.lamp sud gla '*a No c asuhâbve bas. ooncesldbe- liai lbc.rbalnetitlb vindovi"mid tlb dosbeto 0 me.Wd "No," lb r*Pei; "bait lb vndwiwva4 opmau an lht.olif . a m ity mne,âl mm via gave tlb poionmuat bars pol bis baud Ibroughtlb pn viirdav."0 Dr. Ohinobon veuttthelbvindov maui lokdioult- te voina ara aiotest on lb P;Lovrri vbesIl vu s moif bthal auj outs oiunas lb ouli bave loft s f 0* "Omtrags'mMitlb ioctai; 'lt's apecuula atm 0.u " lcoklug aI Kity kh.ouj. 7Is atrus acs," ehe replisi, boidly, tlb ooloeoaalngbeacltohrfac; "Isajhou E "EBy veu'ù iMulas, tlb mmu- 1 mv lbébaud." -At au evoula," Mid Chinalon, alovly, "lb. poloner di ual boy ihai jour nurse i vas vit jon, go t* Poisonvawu daut tou "'For us?'t"hbseahoi, ghaaty pale; I bmw it-my buabani lea sive, sad Ibis la lis vork.". CRATER XII. à OTÂRTLDf G DISOVBEET. Lii noma ta'svl fat, and before nmmntlb deati a cinmprotte vas k ba sover Midbourms Thoublquitous reparler, of coure, appesrion.lbtheae, and tlb evouiug papa' gave Ile ovu ver- " oofIthe affar, and as blubst f oul play. Thorowver.ne grauni fer lta stateusut, as Dr. Ohim- mmn laid Lilty ad Mme. Midue tg, mynotblng about tlb poison, Mdni Iwvasgm«Uefy underatoi thbsItlb daceae baidmfrom -p à y A ru mnor, o ever, vblbhortgtnae ne ey oy, crpt sbout srnong wovoes hat poisonwu tlb oaum ofde"th; sud tliii bclg addaid to by ouse md mbsflkbed in al lIaits tedelas -bj obeis, bis vassona complets alorY maie up about lbe affair. AI lbe Baclacr Club il vas bengvwarmlj apaIsa about vh.u Vaudlop came ai stlght o'clock inutlb srsnng; and wban ho appaireih. vu lu- mstély ovweivlled wib Inquim S. e lai coolsuni cl=i, ausmal, ami toci amU- ngquletly on tlb suolai group betor. hM. lun asertive toue, 1"m ou muai boy aSl abouàthlb iffair." 1"111aa't ne bat," reburned Gasian, pull- lug ab ia unlc, "kovbauj ose -dons mm bnolde as bovledge Ibsi h goas on inutlb boume. I1assure jeubejesi vIra hae iuthe papers, 1ams Ignor A.lu as' sy Iivoar,-4prallior POwm1 r botingwlatmIe â8h*4 aila *0 nu. d\ ioumvlbth VUUmand5 uaM i de pu la Be Whosbai ic1 ~1;~ ~ Xoia Mttr aromwu d ad boing du«1 - OLe t dl Zài comhag ii11lat ma kU pao diaWho@ 23 Msting a asrrubb.dbis banda oI bs oty Q. T n w u Mie. Tmer, i» A do. Q.&M yau boy lb e esittlm AÀ. 1had knom bhessumy Id. Q. §lm Y o Who*WM ide la rue rt A. NocbthstIIuwOcL Éunfv M yul e*Vary one. Q. Wbsi lim ii jeu cornehomtroim We baIl Mvwe st L liiput tva, I1thnk .I veut s"aIbt ta Mia. Vioi.'at rocm Q. WIIb the Intention ce gvingstbroug ito reaci jour ovnt . A . T O . f ul o i g a Ilr«siY H84 lngdi YOU74 A."t 1 c, ey Savahegby s ols i 1h. vndev, asud athelbbaud sp Q. wu ils aa'a baud orsa wausu't A. 1 doa'Itkaov. It vus 100 IndisIc arm-atoamsclssrly; aidI wu 1oafraldI banted. q. Tan mwit purmtbingfbma bot- lje labo th. glass ounlbheaits ,L, Tes; but1 idne i5OlitIW I slnted, lgt onf. Q. Wbm you reoov$red jour mouis, lb hcsmqd baidrunk t1h. caslisi be gSIm à. Tus. giii, mue t b m a l'ail it, ual knowlng Il w»PolonD" Q. oydo yen kiov ItvasPWlOPMI A. only suppasels o. cn'* blul aujy one vauli comae tg a vlndov sud pour aMj- bbiug ia s àglass vithout s lseril prao Thé coroner thon asked, v h h ga=vt whai ruiaai0f contents bai ual basaiput in cividence, bai val lnormad Ibsi blb waa brchon. Wbau Lily bai eaiei ber siience sMd wuastolpping dovu abs canght lbsys 09 Vaaielep, wbo vas Ioolling ai ber k«el. 8he met bis pu e diantly, and b. amfls mmaulgl.ati ber. AIt Iis moment, bovcver KIlsp bout forvwad hvbSper'd mre Iblg to lb cooner, vberefpan Kliy vas recalai. Q. U To mvisau actre., mis arohnst? A es. I vau ou tour yul Mr. Theodcre Wopplcs for moms ime. Q. De you kuov sai'su» aSIW 'ThoeMEU- A. yes.-I bes eplsyesina h once or tylos Q. lath.re uala stroug remblanos be- yi ouir utary OU Ibis crim aul*0 dramai---, A. Tyu, htla ry mub bmml K.lIsp thnaigvé bhlmedessansd depooe Ihat ho bai exanm thel.greunaibotveeu the vlndov, vire.thesbanddwva iegui 10 have appe.rei, and lb. gardon vaL Thor voee no foot-marks ou the ilover-bei unie the vtadow, whichvau lb. onIiY pewhoie footmarks vouli show, as tllaa limait wau bard.sud dry. Ho alao examliuMth vii, but coui mid no evidem tha UirOse bai élirubei overit, a vas iswueeisi by broksu bottes, sud lbhbobu et aiIls foot voe nai orushei or diatarbed luauj vY &. Dr. Obinatonwu lbu CIAlld, sud dapos thaho badxmadea a martOm ou- suluati cof the boiy or theod»»" MW TI body vas Ihat o vo w su aOfaPPêtuy fifty or flfty-five jours ci ugo, Md Of nudiwa belght; tlb bady va vuwoUrnishi.Tb" voie ne nicers or aller aigus ci diseuse, uP& ne marks cf violeuco On Ibm body. 'Mb bminwusud @of% nd Mmil Weu au OrnwMount etfnin tla lb Mpa kuova as lb vm*u r et ai bbraitu;lW lunga voes goui iti dark laid mcci; lb boan appered bwul t, loft1sf ide vas onu- tracledaid ernply, but tlb right aie va dilatoad ud i vIbdark f id bloci; lb abo" uso vs oebdb congeacsuedc"O=- lsluesaUtile pai~Ialjdigastai -food; lbw latéstlu«or es mi tIeers voiscngosi ed, &Mi brougboSI lbbody lb blood vu daik aMid fi a.kMy aplulan, da* Sieibs fru Q.Tien yo toi noap m i h I.bdm bsle oisblus taln F a oms.u u-m-e m i, IL . *1747 lub ome "O= ti I ONLVaiaoPb go ]IL oomol vmi fuatahli,$apes 4 Mmli -Voâdmw S bsour ovuho bai 2 botwmbedeah.etdl» o lsedm- If * t ue" mi wuldb &U o. mof md Oso adrnp, deàougb ota tj d lmrbie, o mry E iai.'b aum baim bu ajoul d m pa lb gup sta goay njat ai y. Soeo"li s- o mim aa bimn o BntbiN éomg ht o pra uSdim Vad lp - uossy, for . me belrooewbelb ei cwais pt beytW 11- boom ui Amdi.lnisla Prt le sln lbe questo ouléa i ar by b o son uai luprtlbousandlrllboxa onlbte em fe Ibdomqason fsics o Umi ho u ov go bbwmforbsvclu md totic my i oezrtnt ovs, a asdms at lb b dar P.a.t c alrd, m . Vwu amdatup iclis l la" lsantat u otnaoyyoto Ile vuout;lgil o, tlo wuaInigî am das"= ovas b uj "aom pkng U go avy nulmolngut. aidsosai ai gentsadai lat.ly cone pl u f mo a mi roof a vire . u IsI ba srauly*i Vandou mealsi lawuIls shitaeee un lb mpdt schao Qia riesa dbebln peatrispu teae sdbus as Inn& play. tesacobi as * ta eLurpi "À a giutaimannues'. evsutei 10 gs odn, boi b ou.t *9' omo a . ol P.P1C.carisas b. vas a modandug s, ami ntaM in10 aMtaalouatie husljoi c lbt& cobrbeu*, Ibois u adI-»1» ilustiodwet 'Ils proobngWh" ru un umni»cane toble.fatTepavshg- ai, liser vus righiglar Ibogh A"dl reCasaI. .e4umeaî for ou mebs tP ti0 Ào~r bes, ic ,l-q laIstù bwvbavewéee à» #d souslar hicd c Mt fé 'bd 764lmaoai fotred tm aiî r bas ioi7 SaU* oumkod,* busbseqie *urukmam. Théme*dbui ",Muou * u laqué acsmnodsllos, qIalfreu lusfvoP.~ toimb i é hm Lh. serviesbetqs br 1Mes. Woshieer 1.sdbi a v.' .eMg a Very acsilIsik me. Thale meet- lup e" b& h.probue o f mach geod. 1lred l. - reslles s. mauesi. Mm.W. sel, urm, ibo ha. aaie va o lu lael6s08o011, offra bise service a tlb.elooetolafinl bspoilSio ofomaor. Mi. Bouke, vs aisinforuci, dms »ot sol r..eleetou. 6Tisaisouidu soauIdng 1k. bal vs- beard ast jour, im lb wua s outet o oossaonserva- is sud reformera, Ibsi M. . a a Ihst 9f bbcroman sholles vould sup- vir his a '2,ho w,,uli seuppoit Mr. our .s lec on for '91. It la am sai g &bai VUlba majarlbj protesatiand son- neivstlve vojs v. cannot elfei adiffusai atsamp of mcn. Hovever, vs hope for the butl. ad« imI, lIaI I. muai k4op sut et bai complalubug about the.hbad ima. Tm vai bsvbugdoas mat moke t suds« fa' abcdy ieh& -Win m à&cEsrm a,. NeSaoajs ie WINqTZB >MILIINERY, DRESS AND -»gÂXUZ MÂKING. çymtWfflju Siënin Ud partmsents, especîally in Winter 11111- S makd HmTS AND BONNETS ini tii ~ .ioIuShMvîg secured a first-class Trimmer. Nqew tiwngs7stem . Special attention given t vnnWdig i~m~ St'é. ~4me. ,.dmade in the latest styles. Ail customers fro ~ îgA~cewe.tedupon on Saturdays. AIl orders promply attended to. RSaoogS -Ov Ma ine a.Dry Geedo Store, Doheuy Block, nezi door I. A. Elgluboibaau' Drug Store. FARMERS, ATTENTIONm *uleg t sasbi.Agen"y et victoria Rosfor lt. XÂSSY sud IBARRIS Coupsiea. i am rnpred b aupply Fural t thé lebeai VU' impleieiit Bt MMcsand Termu Whlih Vani be BeateR àa do*1 so f Impaalvayaun me&au. uIl aieskesp ou band Orgara, Sevtng Machins., Walhiag Maeles b.0.sd sm me beore purcîsaug oeasyere. je%, V. 'STIFpLgs vietoria Road. TIeb ROM&ledNOV. itb4I, 191--f-24 DR)EtUGGIS'T & SEEiDSMAN, Corner of Kent aud WilliM Streete, LindSaY. FULL STBENGTH BAKI1NQ POWDERs PURE SPIOESP LIVIR TONICI ELIXIR ÂNIEED, DIÂRBRoe SPEOIFIO, WORI[ POWDER, WHITE OINTMENTO FURNITURE CREAM, TOOTHÂCIIE DROPS, INFANTS' CÂRMINÂTIVE, ÂNTIBILIOUS PILLS. Organs Ropaîred and Tuned. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDO flura lh mmalprorplatiaended la. WELL, -ASSORTED. Winter la nour at hand, and w. have made preparatiofle for it, and would ask you toéume our stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES, which you vil flnd fuîly assorted, and good value. W. have almo a fine in aof DRUBS AND MANTLE GOODS, and as oeope were citra goZ' 1L8 , we would suggest that you give your ives a abar in tIam by purchaing aneWIlress or Mantle. Our Milhnci'y Sock. uhosgh wo have had ag trade ini it, is kept we11 aumrted. Dontfaito muitand mee what ve have. mi »taS. îulmssML-laobe THEKAY4UFAOTURERB' LI.FE &ACCIDENT flTsuRÂNoCOOMPA.NIES. CZbgeJ.mhoW. WÂ&itLÂE Agent, Lindsay. W. 4. HOBKINO, ITiRE ENlCo. rAkers. N. SISSONI M»L - LINDSAY, ONT.

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