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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Dec 1891, p. 5

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eUiai. ~e o. N~dWs .Se une ilm mou*Si - - -I f stili tothe front. wlth prioees ooid t * o uéa..Ti> bout clothi'ng, we viii nov give, yoIR oqe e, ontpuos wé r.eetly purchased ata btre..mdumoo "M5 MmsDq'ed youthie'oveiomts, for sp.Iab ,' w%191*Vlnte m Ioeng befis mensà wodOverfoats, velvet osfla, hi 425. Iten& Wored Ovrcoatsl th or w thont velve t oInr,&8 mon,# véry fBue W@rsts&OvOOOt% S l e0. IeUS ie o YOU .oold ms. ' Touthe' WoiewedOveiomts toç 8415 %um rse~vç u.0 Meus Boys' sud Youtlhs' u4. "arf*M MaY Other P"olu bown. Spécia fots lieis15 l« Ira heavy PU Oot C ub Speclal . 85ue l eay2il.ol v orth .$LOO for M0. PURS@ ln this Depaiutfw. me d.ttmlOed tOauperW'de OUlprevious fforts las in oi'der tW misai'the stock. , W. vi i gveyou Ladies' Âstbcau Jacket for $1.5.00. ýMon'. Ooon 8 nCat or 020 00LI Mon'. Wombat and 'Bulgwaa Dog Skia C0a"e rom $1000 Up. 0 Grey Robes, Black Robes Mmd Hlndoo. Buflalo Robes at lms than D MNdiufactur" prices, uraadFu ae tb« A pendid sel.'tion of Periu ULmb, Esaver utri mdFr1,a prie% that vil astoaish the élomet buyer. bel ]YLESGOODS DBPARTM'T 0 Our El~a WIde ail Wool Heurietta in .11l colon for 82je., (Kmoeks tn thora &Il out.) Il Our ool Dreés Goodis in ail colora for l2je. takes the lead. Bi H'Ieavy ail Wool Costume-Serges worth 85e., to b. cleared for 15c. 80.0 ni theoe Goodo. 0 W. have le) prices of Heavy Costume Twedà vorth 15c., W emi Sie. 0. Theme viii not lutI long. f In Black Henrietta and Cashume s ke em* 1. rade. We hae soadtiP more ni theme Goode thau a.y other ho0se in towu S sholuld yoa vaut a good Black Dieu be sute you mli and tue us before il purchas ing. in Our 8taple Dçpartmeflt 'You wi find ve are seinig goode ai Maufatuii'5 uces. Th Our 2830 inch Shirtlng for loc. downs them mSl. Our28 nchCotton shirting for Se. Our 27 inch Cotton ShIrtIng foi 50. 9Extra ]H.avy COOIIOUBdu for iSi., soad els*hei'efor 25c,. We lalio have a good lice v e goI0ng 1 cleta150-e.1 Speoal 20ple mli WoI rmypîmul, 28 luches vide, to seur 25c. 'W. commence oui other linos of Grey Fleun l 1eup.k,' Hesmry 8 plr SWCkiD 4ýyalr fo 85o rlb.,,vsae o As gl parohmi«sUdaJIlW j9emàe d DMW earaon to ear e't 01.15 per 9111t. Nov la your chance. Mou'. ExtralheaVY aIl Wool So, £ pair for 25c.9 sod e"sWho" for 40c. W.e au ive y=u Ui4y or Wkits Blaukebi Ojýbr#u*hmlh1 "Ose\ b. bog¶iI frAt thi Om- Our Linen Departm0t T 'ou pMil tupd fuily ust1ed w" eaillimes la Table IàmtITOW 0Ii, Towe rtS 'àaqpklms am*Flged DmqTilo&1insmed. .here m j prIces avay doWfl I niRY AND Gî LO VUS. We make ous 01 i (MW5lr to~' éhow o hs w gpI WO.I5 W1 u spécial Bargaineinlu5m1 W. eau show YOu ast mef i lm i lm uid 4« SYMnICATS Hoilida Preserits .. «0 ce Som*hlig ioesud mot bol oxpesive is the. coulmntde- mudon ibe part of Holiday lboppen. The demand je a roumble one- and W whàm e md i FQ5>eoftbe fatuesoo uistock l -Ne05 Not Wcfle5"* Ood -IAUft ru a ~5 ~jW- iu ws. duceu mP5ClflYof=.34fietber- ing ut e uk*Înmjoy.forGr mms"rp ve do mta*euasym Bugar m0" vater May smooth a thmot oritopagelkllno-or awbile. Thb samfù u teoudnrY cough miedicnego...Bosch..'.Germas BYrupliadboacieyaeatThroat Iah5 'Bpedfty. hee or- pimdown bu, where doctoris ad iifiiead mdvice hasebecs avwal- cauvctionthat eni sover and te end in Inevitable, there we place Germas yrup. It cures. Youare a live man yetif you take ît a -A] .01*Ib*~ r A BiensI iUSl omir -A ns~~~-b- -- l bBu--ulvu la ~*o olur u, u.1db aet a u " setdoS..Si et *~~~~~T .1hu.q émh. b 1 iiima WéIyIt~ PIM pam 4.e1-"MMS." Si la dm-o~m 04 mad ONDii1 14 841 tellf.m à mm' *11 MlsLk aUm Il~ ~ ~ ~~e - utSuiykém1-l owdku n t8h w<u omsl.zantlu b monS.li1 s fudi I . fla .li. oitn muKoAn âm am cm 1 pm.aIMs PIae, Idlabs MWa Doli iaADm .11Nam CoupleS mm Ule 3118, Clm um nul, ugut o*S Te b. u Ùm1 o li ta -tendI4O P o ïM ai m ms Alb -aS, ppletu. IES, iAsuis. EImma hq loi ai. .lavli e. lewin4uS ab1u: ehm m Artum E; s5mq~ th d h"leculama .a 1: a h h.mSthouiM- doila FnTou.-TbS prlo ige mdo«u. lIn« mo âne rodâ od lotva Zr, Sbm vo ri nov imékahi « m lac oo' efltUiO nuai ', bo 0 u cbI te ote aMd shoo& 'm- sd M d a m th#bvalu si »l inl mmd pot is. Taim au o la hJ vbS u iu. o n t Md m ho bes o htmg la boM sd gsbam. foi seo Goaa toit oIl ras nbbors, sua' de.y oounak od, ate a te, ettoe"S. Bryaaa k C,, dut doat ISIt )817HOUaONlnoat*4t. Lladay. Re ETIAvs, Genu a uaer. Vo vil! mot bu ldmtold Y u boue la Ontailo. Tous "b, sd onepI o - tl. DÂiityMZWS nAIOÂTION o7u Eàwruu Di2ETÂIO.-1'bS suual Mdn sn vme âm of th* abovo Aum bdti ¶fl b. hld ln ýb on Of cobw& outeOnaWdud&3 tmd Tbmidav. JmmarOthe & ud 'h. 189t Prf, . ]P. Rebuta. of Cmeuoi ale itim<s, X. f.,viWhmao haio <io f 5h. AplaI' miS!l fou 5h00. Ex Goim ousd.e c 1%. Atiames, Wlaousll, U &., both sl iboun ha"swbai Mi.sd valuablo oupimo la l m S 1" 1 pW Slam Sa th@ DÎW i l oodIa~ ~ i9k su ,édlg bill duliI,«a Liemn=s. F qu--llptPm fo tO umet.Mad mbmoi. Put. Robutasu, Of th* Dair] >D., tsm«t EZPsiUOnSBltgdm Ottava MuK IF .'.SUiI, oblat Obeut ftb h omimia lzpdmiSBlFaim afOttava; A, A. Ais bu osS~ f abornetlaCand* of OsSailo. Hou.John fItden, sud 0»m0 Gueph 0féý oz. Pofui tou i ..1fm su .iinS. oouteiby obtiamInS saiaWSISh.u ..tlb* ta by Si Esilv a hSAoni met siutapoint a" le ollvelau otim UU*0 Im ou Ti" Alpoue jtoi gi te mi. th @uIllIW b by tlb. Suuiy of *4 ÀUolat - dkl lo. Ont 'Wu. 3ag & oiPuISS 'We ool1 va Shoddy do not keep Shddy Goodo of anmy kind, but ini order to compete-m *prioce--wiîh a cer-. tain clam of shoddy and manufaotured rage, whioh arn being represented as "il wool goodu, WEHAVE PUT TE KNJFE INTO PRIOBS. u dbus JE Foi m tai kif 1 pi roi 7- 02 bla eit bo r0 ta là,0 :1 fi vro ms' hmI muo"x-Dv. A. KILEamobimghofTa> v=i wWk t ails asonRous; umy, ;. y J l tu-144. w 'M6M àkIKomur M eon gOMnM,@ is bositu ti. muaiat aS12 castepu b@4 la psIIJ-1f =g :mm#hléoay S S la a U tPMMu.nti tlM mû bise ai to 5, LIuday.-58. l»£U maty amikl, as atlos. Zm u unouvuIl7Album m*, 4 donm athlUnies ooo&-44S IvamwA» *1 G., baye u t mmK isa 0" of <itdaSuoisjevoby, et mmmdg, Ssys, .80 at »0..onthe lit mi p, 2Q héâtst18s [«AL Br ROYL R UN MN, of u 11iSt Luors Obeots.ils oi lu fuiRM1.5 La wbdgo adonmm .tw. piti<i pwt.S.-1.SL. tu KoOMMxON far Idogms uimo MatuiCq<MW mi famobls it a aul wkorw wedoun th. lova.Ta IF« ,. iste vo m e c eu-aet V"Sos M is las bu.-18 i à Dorânzuz-Poi ObilomaiSeée t mal immoU, vous odlliaia trot qumllt7 goul uly<Sucolli a r floir$7pioo $do miai. Mmd caofI&kbava, lambttors et. m 8 up. la espe vo mn the. Isa'. uus isa Ramb the val boit qualftj fa 825; niipts$4 50. oussOiraiaep glovioaMd =foi the Ohiolutuso l.-1 8.51. iIoor tio mi thém mhmaiho hm immd a demI oti God. Paovm<oUL POULTAT Buow.-Tis digt. mlii maas! .zblton of th@ Pouli' sceistiot of Octale vii b. bl lu i0 en of Booumunville aonJsM à(S, Su 6S th md StI, 1892. $IW00n tlt ogulo pi. 50 in semle, sud amps ViluolaS 75 pmuo le worldAil tho i.ung pouti ardu cf tbm province M asmualY îmuti ttaisshowmaiutttbe fioi of thejao wdood nh!auY lan .. teal pointa.?a iii M la u oSier Particules,. addiooi J. M Ln. Sooray, Dowum Vlll Tas BuGouT Guru Evaz Ou1213a» LNDAT.-The publiacasne eomtfally ir Ma" that vs ane '." mnxiostte eth mîsisso of m opndi ofors uBibi Pwdor 8he bosutifau rpu, m.mutautuudb seDmomSOrgu o., thattlaa rWh iv. masil islam $100. Mmd i luada 8te mu hepnsmncttioaasbout iday t7m if poisi ta. Pit ilb tia. Dozi't min ss bomuc ettins tho unom vmamblo uif t suaoedm Imdusy, et W. »IL RoOMrS. 1411%SMm M.-1818. ome vo Pauzoae. -Ohm.. lut4 Il glOg es. Weit% TatoS.Ont. Usj b..o l" Aft th@bmorimel Botl la Petsibotoi goturdey. Jsmuffl 5h. lOti. Mr. Clat ,pststlon sa umbsalc amielufaor osslg &Umil ssof defoumittos." ua às ot. çlualscuvant% ,pwoaut, 1ev lu "e. ta vs!! ik»» tbuu»bmt tii. DemÎ OfiÏL 'a An'ay jreptuuid vIi bma @s ometing viSéb th" .j vadr« emld, b. douc. A tovolatI ou tu@m1 appoudini e am e.H. laoeufled lumit bis noua, visite sud stuai the oS à f4otoay lu Tot% w, vaeh.uMY bêftu Imtlyuta etost8StiS7fi,4 Sita 09 rsoih u. hpuImOU v" Sa Vi=a bjootte« vhobulm 0te Bm ~qnifr L rx4noOSS 80a ttend bud a bd« 1 Uldu.M oulai. Dm.3~,i u Cadi- Vomdois.DO, 8901,1lé &J jas. Ei"sw, Vwwbh Bsai D.ftiiibs, 1ýThumai, e Il s.." et f& emvai, Iboiq ajJmmy 10 &5a iiiiiiiD. e, 004 10 aAh lO Lait Thuiffl Jt, lé &. 10.C Omit 7eeJolitl vauu, Yê s $mu% =.7M Ulaisbi < W bI tevole ububullcesn*0 1lewistethsee uhW I tas e m D'U bu tbnif - ,We have Bai OpaOO Wi Buyers will Mdu chassfrom us# 25 to 50 t Remsm"9ýi Our thanka are due to you, for yoair valued Patronage which has, enabied us to very nearly double nur buoiesa0u during the year 18n~. This, of course, has mot been done without effort and labor on our Pal t. We have scoured the markets of the Province of Ontario sud Quebec to secure bargains, have~ huuted up. dozens of bard up xnanufacturors who wanted nrey andl who would give barfa.ins for BEALY UýA-,r. and have iu Ibis way becured hunadreds of Bargains. which in every case our custQcners have3 rened thia benefit of. FOIR THIE YEAR 18.92 W. again solicit a continuâme of yrour Patronage. We intend to spare no effoxt to agi increaiS6 largely - over tibis year's business. With abundance of capital, increased knowledge offIthe reqirrnieikti of ouir.- patrons, botter knowledge, viien, where and how to buy in the cheapest markets, we aw - eln h& confident w.e au offer you more tempti-,g bargains than ever before. When, we sa.y barg 4'~we spenk. ouly of Good, Beiiabie aud Servicable Qoode, for on this clams of goode only we have built iiup. our 1lrkP.w business and will Dot endanger it by keeping shoddy or trash, &f any, kimd. Core werethee i alays a app crwd f etisiedbuyrs.Core -rly c rneouncoe---- s~ . W ARNER Two doors Bast of & COMPY the Daley House. '4 AIRYEARE iMANUFACTUIG _URRIERS3[ FuritreEstblshe,t2nd door f&Ou New POUt office, KenI treLus- WS mfl theis showing a. h Oice meei"on Of l'um which w*- are pngnd to menlBt the. CLOSE", PRICES lhe» gooàwsm. ipeSâSUy îmaufaCtfiOEI for Oui own tradel>y ommelves mn&com- piastb ii. 1Ii.BFuin to-be fou" n l*lbnmaket. o~ uci tie& lO? puicli.SIUN Beaver, Otteri. ink. uskrat, Bear1b Sable and ail other Canadian, ýFurs are' unsurpassed. R.vng.outalt .ItlO wth ii taPf~and indimu for proSli ailkW&d of fi» Furs »W » s carou dooabivm the oelBl "DIREor fem them wihUntf urtluexpensethero- by snIg ui W.m e priota. om oi im fletc. la mccanig IreiicuiFur vo have bgin fia onsoSiGS l tbe tiig fuirb.uuM of Ul.paig, Gem*P, London, Egiamd and New Touh tJ'.O in l o êyta sai y Jr of the. fimt qiShty but to ilso HAVE T~EM WL &iW ~OPEEL lIÂT>, sud snW dUXfcture &u our goods on tbe pro- ifflsp aw .uh PROPM te i.lemeat aoeutiny befole boeg buought mad n.uodDhi 111aB ssiWi7. IIgLoMAN x Dry AT THE PURS@ tol P ~ Wl Come early, eome oft*n, come aiways vi» come where there is s1mys, a happy crowd of utisfied. buyers. 8 -Ti 1 m 1 1 - 1 vu deb su te Mad o* m ci ffli .1.0 'to "nom d 'e Ire t' ML IN la- by 100 good a&U wool Tweed Overcoats at 84 50 each 100 extra fine ail wool Overcoats at $500 eaoh 100 Men's gnaranteed ail wool Tweed Suits at $5 ea.oh 300 pair »&en's heavy Tweed Pants at 89a. a pair- 75 pair good Funl cloth Pants at $125 per pair. Boys' Suit.and Overooats equaily oheap. Bar lu mmnd w. stake oui reputation on the quality of tiiese gooda aud guarante. every garment as re- prosmted. At the. above price.you gel a bons fide fir.t.clauu Overcoat for leu. money than a good tailaw- vould charge you for imaking alous if you furnishod both celoth and trimminga WB H&VE PUT TRE KNIYE INTO PBICE8 of Men's aud Boys' Suite; Odd Pahts, Veste, etc., and fe- the nei 80 days viii quote some prices whieh vili astonish anvone who takes the. trouble Wo examine the- quality of. Goods thev buy A MouItreai Wholegale Rouge who wanted Koney badly the nther day pýut the knife Luto the prices of 5 000 yards of seasonable DRESS GOÔDlS. Nov the tablesarmeturne&, They have the. money and v. have thse goods. W. have your intereste at. sdae s velms oui ovu, and offer aI balS prie. 2,000 yards Heavy Tweed Effece t @I e., cheap at lié. 2,0S0 yards Fauey Costume Cloths at 10c., cheap at 20c. 1,,69 yards fine Clan Tartans ai 121c., cheap . 25c. Als 75 Heavy Veivet Shawle, worth $5 eaeh. at 88. ýAguin À Toronto Fur House in- Exchange, for Cash mud us aloug st 50c. on the, dollar 8,00 worth of Mon'a Permian Lamb Caps, Nut ria Gape, Beaver Caps. Fur Ceae, 1làaiee s'Cps, Muff4 Boas, Storm Coll, ai.Mnties, etc., which we will offer at LE88 -TiaAUgý ORIGI.NAIa COBT TO MKANUFACTURE, MoWhe .. peci< plume are added to our mammoth saoc of bargaii.s, is. il auy vonder that we offer te make it a more iuteresting and profitable investiment for you thum putting your money iu the Savinge Bank. iOui Holiday Bargains in Meu's Underwear, Top Shirts, Braces, Ties, Bocks, 811k Handkerchiefés, etc., have, net been neglected., W. upen.,esch mom'ing novelties specially for Holiday Trade. Prices always tb.. lowest. lu concluding, we wrsh our thousuds of patrons aud fiende- lA~ veryr Merry Christmas, and a Happy' andý Prosper- ous New Year. and offer your choice of

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