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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Jan 1892, p. 5

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"aber USbl This iu aur motto, smd W0,1104on eï labor uutil Wc g0t thia matturOf P %M perly befaro you. W. hav mil& lh*VeZýy lita in mmliten cent botties, ormo LvlSlti bot tis, called the ROU Sct Botef soc., fflI. with any kind cf Perfume. *Th=n voav i"l Rthe best Perfums in cut glama bott-ilifmrnut puices. In bulk we have eery kind of PerfUme YOU cM thwk of. Ail w. aak lu for YOU to «amim thora. CHEMISTp LIN DSAY. 74 lENT STREEITNFUT DOUR TO WARMnEk O -do H, SOOTHERAN, Real Est.ate, and lioney Broker, Fire and Lie InsurauCe Agent Ailuteudmklug a re i oieu of BEAL ESTÂTE, MONEy LOASNG and INSURÂNCE, I Invite everybody Who. mal hasve business la amy cf the aboya lin.. 10 cli and @go me. J:aPariibe bsving Propertici fMr Sale eau have abois a4voîtimecd vthout Cos, se I maka no charge ezoopi vheuna salo le effected. je'Partli having Properly la Rat viii have their wanta attendedctoitanmd no aharue made outil Tomant le provideil. IS"'Partios wantlng to Bay or Biot are îordially iuvlted ta ciii at my ofIceO andi look ovor my lisa. gS"Worà:ing mon, Mobaulca andi othori uppli ith Bouses or Loti an thc Instaliflnt;an. HUNE! TO LOAN on mortiagai ailovait oUi4. rent rates. MONZY TO LOAN on Aporoyaed Endoreed Notai a lovait rates. MO0RTGAGU BOUGE? AND SOL. REAL EST &TE bougt and .old on commiiicl. ]PROPE1tTIU8 enU'd sud Tenants proottsd on PROPERTY FOR SALE. vacant lots for huinogabocks an Keni tret90 feet frontage by 100 feet dcep; vill be eod t I ltelt suit st a. reasonible prioe, and on amy terre of pay- eut. vacant lot on tha corner of Llnduyandsud ml itreeta, 40%60, vili be laauid for 21 yaaravltb bulld. Ing rililoges. Vacant lots for prlvate dwollInge ln North, South and Ut Wards, Band moflOy sdvncd for building purposes. ~j~~jLàrg t oTbrick dweUlfmla luthe met.oneare ofIad voll pAaiwtb fruit tu«s and ornemenl ti .rtbbil7. Large twa itory brick dweflln< cm 9200WaveleyAvenue, Wth 0 nil aie@ lava, and good vog.tabIO gardon. Nie i itM7bick dvo lnewth au. $1 600 oonee. àLot wZllP-Imtedwtih trque kd .bb'r, , good gurden. 8 1,9 0 29tory whtebrick cottage, nic$ lave 81l,500là Wr whte brick Goile rcfed i 1,50Utor rucbnick dvellhi<, ov sUty. $1,e200 'dweltllnro and %«Mtory brick v.neera *801) on@ do"rywh' ebrick cottsge. 11, One50 7 dabaUtory brick 00"l $300 Prame dfllg. ome.egbh &M rSloi tu J. H. 800TH ERAN~ OFirioE-Tu C.1.1Tlkei oM0s041 t mt. Wet, Lndaay Lina'. eut. l 1780-U . LOCAL JO1TINGSS UBS.AN AAa » W81. folievumufmawlfw e t es BWS OUrIIU, book stom-e9tf It dou't tie a bit it hule. Io b là firi of Brtton Bros., edlau% uà.q~ of Kent steeL-1770.tL layela XMONTE?mPmzweUw ADGl. 1'h. -Bualh' bal. C0.0 Tu" ijt thé fonoww Plume l *tM tio, t bmW nb =id f 1,. kâ l th Privs 0f Osteri, Who ma d ius ~ut imbe of Il lut wuaemi ut.4 tud. , M . l88s ià,l;-S1 nth. ssiMd àui moptlUiwsivh mm, idti% 1dmmm fw t MI oh dsaum t S!oo&-Tbé eR mâte wdmV emSo bave auspu da O m u Me @ bc Liodae bédé tbet Sigu of the Mill Saws sOUTE MI E ouITIU. AXES, AXE HAN DIES- Crosis Cnt Sawi, Buck Gava, Plstform Scales, Lanterna, Sgkates sand Strap, SGuns sand Ammunition, Winter Mittm, Cow Chains, Halter Chains, Bope Haltera, Scoop Shovelm, Carpet Sweepers. English and American Cutlery at right MeLennan &C(b. Agente for up oSlebrat SCRANTON COAL Umar, y«.sM, i lvat ai. If aur oves vere botter thc iters vaulé ive ne more Iloht' PESn AL-DI'. LA. KRoiebrugh ai Toi. oto, wii l eetaithé.Boson Houe; Llilaaye on Thuruday. Jan. 21at. -14.8.. hie a bordta caratheuvho gei ils courage trois the Lord. KaIAT à KENNEDY an sicin Conon'§ lime, the best lu ils marlcet, ai 12 ceut@per bushol, lu quantitio.-lS.tf. Thetut cf truc manhocd.i h hat i la vil. img taemiofer front othere. JOIER OlI, goeailagent for thée sinonr Boving Machine Ca.. lm a ay ta employ agente lu ail utnrppraeoted diotrlote. Offtce, Adam'î block. Kent St., Lindsay.-93.ly. What mu an w iii aaleysdepend. upas vhat ho islieves Bol ta le. FUR&-Alitrspallgnsy ami quleif dons; &lafunisumai inItalo mails up la Oie latait stylai. Misa Wraa*ovu, 17 Ibset sireet, 4 docte narti cf Unionsiool.-4.tf. No bail issu ever maké ies lcf any botter by claliminta le a smint; RoYAL Hom RmEUTa mN, corner cf lent sud Lindemi irtistioponss.in uloU lait for tic eeaion. A uioc.billcf fbu provUMe. Oviiere cooke in lu very ityls as ilesireil. Frovis of &Il inditu mein. T.tMOoONNwLL, proprmta.-1.if. Yosu t ell tiby thl gath cf a mois fiai en MocaImEONfor Chuites peseents, Bounsillai v nd mlfaitoable. For a silk iaadkisrlf va dovu thc tocs. For Glovai Unifi lu smore amie tiai etc. foa pesse w4 vain the correct V"mOu. S.ut beforeyIon bai. -18 if. Tise. oalsi he mone von doms for Cuis il tian e r. mor tng la uChrkmO OEATORIO ar Quam EurmmE-Mr. J. K. Rstela of Peterisea i sugeilforthu Mdouf *8elabovse ratoulo. lut risse wiu » wie b a lover Dlakvell-e etore mont Tmsdy vemng éa > p36 AU esgss is t e taie Pari ère apeulally luvitel. à e»"sinv litation t. au chili dugons. M" firsie .mi 151 A EaNAzIA-Foe Chrlstisia l. aI84MN OlMMN4 Wb eacent" a dmatqueu:uem bu e e caRiai M d u t foM Ilo ca m ufle falu ar, RamIottue, de fuma es p. Tu omp iv e telaine. MW Pum" RamI the very bei A sllWfer IL i 50mill. besu ot.mysgbise U'M5Rfier I4 oiristffl _184.LS~ *'AfsIM - abornas ii bWU lm bat ho tt miii bouts t e nuM4sW! ut 1im " ouuiu emsesmat et à l u m ro 8De rsu u i " tr ut, s u1hUUei Un te lu &" us l 1" kcvtU vw Owlla d& AI chus ll mes, asu" 1. Ouilacte.4plas bblb ai tâe-U4.. FI 40 )ddy ais, O4MM pu amw10 oaupie O -IL teh$~Sa t&e Jumeli? gêlas.' m ulwffe es wvolsibe ioed, von!80 l ne bidey nimber l a à g u i , b o nl a g l I s e t u Mud . o i le R en mom coos roliERmtae. Thie sumber in acrodlt tet. hé PQWbUsbIs lSA ths Ue it spints.ta The only ueos vii obhldm h btse @0mOUS la bomsestbay e m.ot urim sitsadè. N«103u. -AUproe ai Aipcu vlth W. A. =Goulet fr umdurlnug Oe liset ~ M wero esdvh ave mot réo91ved Ce1he. m, ml plu ei un d gat tsisbeitre ths snd of the p7.1,othieee 0.7 ll b. aolil te the higst biddér witout ievoc prejadice . .A. Goonwfl, dedner-la roon Lsr..pOtuIei. frangse, »ud artiste goode. i . Cffl. a. IND8AT, busineesmanager if the Cha. Kelly Coucert Co'y., vie la tovo Wedaeeday aaue"ifor thé appsarnce cf hie compauv at ths Opm aHouas% Xcnday. Jauay iSti. AgÀ a i n p Lnsi oltisens vili romanber . Chas, Kelly, the famuu boeouate sud i cgultar"E: le ncv cupportesi by atrong sud competent CoxNmVÂTi VU-At'a meeting hsld lu the liberal Conseevative comlnltte rIouien Taeeda, vécvenlnw iol vie Wall attended, oc.ieuderlng thc short notice giîn it vie decided te have a genor a eting on Touday cveung ucit, Sthinut., to appoint yard ote. mltteuMd arrange for thie connuelection. A good r.preventatlafl front esoh, yard Is rM quested s'i godrep?55en5tfrcoOm m mteesd emergeilo vorier may bs appolmted. Don't faI! to attend at the aId roue. MoDouacl'a 1blook. cerner Kent end Wllam tréeta. Txm Dm0iGo1r E vua OnunEDiN LiNDsA.-The public an rspectfully lu. formed thât voare véry aniofla ta Rive tha purohiier of on@ pounsiof Charm Beklag Povder the beautlful organ, muniatuied bv thé. Dominion Orgén Co., that le a a in- l 1dcv: rataîl value 8100, sud lu arder ta moae thc préentationl about bolidyre Iof paisible. vobhivereduind the p pelfrois 0 amta 8 oe.& par 1 lb. tin. Dom't mie tue ebance ci gottlng the mat vaiuabis g1 fi ever oclered.1v Lindsay, et W. -IL EoBsoi's0 , Kent Strict, 1vest. -I 8. 1 % loIl DovwsMd tien Yom as ad a vomin ho eau talk vella public, but vhsu b i cernai ta telllag asother vantas bout a bonnet, oh 1 oh 1 Il .aoNîo. -At the meeting cf Faltifal 'Bretîren Iodas No. 77, À F. sud ÀAV., on =od voulng Bro. J. W. Wallse P. M., by p t matouEri G . Ingle, A ciI Malle sMd JohnD. Grahami nitld the follovmg ufficisfor thé assliuyéen:- FDro Claries Dagg, .P.)É.;DBreG. l. 1Baker, W.IL; ro N Ltmnt, 8.W.; Bra lJohn R MoDonalsi, J. W.; Bra John Kellsy. Ch Oap.; Bico ea Patrick. aeecray; Dr. Chai. rBritton, tresaurer; Uro Donald Anderson, S. D; Br. John Britten, J D.; Dri Gui Matohett, &B5.; Dri Tamis CariveJ.L ; Br W J. tRBllet, orgamiet sud lacturer; Dri John Hol. ý tri, IAG; Dri Louis frohambeult Tyler. L la souly Whou, a mas geta vWhouhib situieloft ta be preund cf, that tic aivhl "leaves hlm. a Tam Mucîcits'Gi».-Ecv" mule tesoher student or moe alover should. hava "hie ;ma, it contaime 212 pqa if val. h mahle motca ilnforwmation. wlth mi defoetp. Ir i.tieof over 10 000 riissaofamsde mailmue noch. blographiSl sketche cf over 150 cois. Irposés% VUtI prtraitesiemd itier llustratios M As aCh= wesotln of new VaalMd instrumenital mussa sdotier attractive et feateree. IUpc. rslpt of lst tosn a ;PL Wothif mev mole Mmd lsteril o.raioa atter. Asdeis The S. Dr"uad#o à DiOvRINS iAGcuUU.-We refçsO te as vite f mr.IL Mua toeaiip oRe 0. Emoydes, vîli 4*àevMt oosered c. batus Lm day. Dausabser 2thta u outi Lake. Mm De lme uaset beriubad vWou c.thoir va g. home frais vielting aa segibor, veb tf 4 we idlaaMalsirallile la théli" Mr V Mun» made vey efft te. savebule@r bu . afie Mugis la thevote §fer r cd mirée bisas e xhomiels uk.sumd 1 wuel wsohm10 --- t t beh.vus "lt du v sif t.sisalels. Tms body va 01reouvere c.M eudaiMsml The fue. tbei plâac MWodae ela c. oume. saM ud vn sr attimiel by q'm .mt mi - :4trotubWtd wth "121WhIh Ibol "leiof l1eW. " b u r d e mL 'Wi "efacticu to ua ",quaities iad iwonderful rmr-, "jOBs shouldbe "madle known to "everyon ffer- "ing with dyspep- "sia or biiousness 0. G. GREEN, Soie m~ S:. A.iwnzW's Ca m.-Iu visu f thé inuoopal 6164 Johuaston, B. A., PMI alunih, vil! roter os the reeponslblitso BolYzA NMoa WC préenotabok ord aple vS&d 22 tmeb s duinuE eon S1892j ei TEEmxT. OfIceO-O market.-152. AoOIDNT -AÀfaha tle partlcflltan ghai chah ceurrein luTarai bythc npaettlag of à 1a0 strong eifs i ofhilsi former tesidantoa i ld, @he dted onstBuday moi via, proviase ta ber Behan, cf Yelvertan, inneral tosi Place oz utromg sud fsaaly hsvn oammat in luthe laim GSi tauara o o4 Fresi mlklieeea1 '0f. .YuAugust bd=orewasa ie1desab=f- "My sd its good «,» .Barke, Printer, Humboldt, Kansa».* 'fr,Woodbury,N.. ns Boy.* -luit, cslday morang 10 aisahlp. ;«e but lesh mud 4 f0. lopgf, deilversi .4Oper oord. IL D. île Bloni. opposite uoldsst by bumintag lu baotier ocîmu, on christmus uht, eherbyKme.Atm- pher AruetromI4 a wu 80c ijureé that g0. Mm ri. rin maufflgowu xMIe suvarevlan le Tuesday. ILLr.Ami- tic gyamaty of tui sateil 0 Ouoffice. Mi.B. y. Jevstte.- tais ,ardog ta ohur wth ycu. Pople vho blav w r cvi boise do not c mivpi urisb- ns for otier people. n Thé e ývt',mofvI tm to aret. Appiy ta lire. 18. . w*vtt.-14.tf. ciih 1bu granipe l vantle itol careil tlu 80 mInUtes iv Waolford'a Sanltsry Lotie.d ilby E, Gregory. Mr. Priai Nu"aof aiTorouto, le a vwator yulh hie oid oumrais Quiet Rugies, lu tavu. li. X.W. Coone of NMN m - i l théiO Normal ehoalejl sa1tlcuet Ottac Miocue ta a bolilunChrist y it belail brouciat to àa liela mso idutta. Ur. sud Mn Carlyle af Kouirial.$Peu% XLus holilayve it Kr. mmd Mie. Z. Pla le tova.; jor Joit Bougiuensd welf Clake. ve vitars ettiDr.Mepila d R. 1D. Thezios tha esw" Congratulatinstaluies Aseor c.nm»000", fal, pess ulag rnrmlWslua ezmlmal a& Ostava cii h ouis.e M . d Mie. Bilesof C ccie U. rtr loue c. Tuas iispsu t viS totDr. Mie Bénie.eOran" methodies chUrceisla uéio115 Dovmuville Msd port h.p4 Cuari e . U ni e à"tti rtmmbol, vie leRtemebla l GwvebeWin »M M.c c sat"m d amavT»l is Lame.hlaaniseOie e o hm 9 Ceairai Charlty aMeuat .a a" O f TUA*eroomAu. atteadasos h a C. u mla tlc. NuM r J A. Jardin et lie tint d* Th Fm Pâlisaderijle l sof o ur ous W. cèen plues"ite mela vy n . U.. i efrom oi. en sdILE. C , i e yly o s lo k go mueR etàgip .it 1 - - o e g , e e s i lu.ouisud ii ie T,1 M; , b Gos*M*ykld >ý1l orde to oouetq-in prioe-with 9, ce- - i 4» ao 6hoaay . i~aiu tu*d rn«04 wWh au. baing reprometed as lEHAE YTH KNIFE INTO PRIOBS and off su your ohoiSci c 100 good &U wool Tweed Over!ooats aft $4 50 eaoh 100 extr~a fine &il wool Overcoatse t 15.00 each .100 Meu's guaranteed ail wool Tweed Suits et $5 eaolx ,00 pair Men's heavy Tweed Pants at 89a. a pair~ 75 pa.igood P'ul oloth Pants at $1.25 per pair. Boys' Suits and Overooats equally cheapo. Bur Mi mind we utake our reputation on the quality of these goodsansd guarante.eévery garaient as ru- presented. At the abbove prie. yougea bons fide firut.ciass Overcoati for loua money thon a good tailou' .would charge you for m=ig alone if you furnshed both cloth snd trimmings. WBRAVE PUT THE KNIFE INTO PRICES of Men'a and Boys' Suite; Odd P,,nta, Veats, etc., and fore the. nezt 80 day. wiil quote smre prices which wiii astonish anyone who takes the trouble to examine the quality of Goods they buy A Montreal Wholesaie House wbo wanted Money bad1y the other dal put the knife into the prices of 5,000 yards of seasonable DRESS GOODS. Now the tables are turned. They have thie money. and we have the goods. We bave your interestq at, stake sasveil as aur ovu, and offer at haif prie. 2,000 yards Heavy Tweed -Effeta at 8c., cheap at 15ei 2,000 yards Fancy Costume Cloths at I0e., cheap at 20c. 1,000 yards fine Clan Tartans at 12je., cheap at.. 25c. Also 76 Heavy Velvet Shawls, worth $5 each, at $3. Agoin ,,Tronto Fur flouse in Exohange for Cash uend us &long ait 50c. on the. dollar $3,000 worth of Men'm Peruian Lamb Caps, Nutria Caps, Beaver Cipsi. Fur Caste, Ladies' Caps, Muffsa, Boas, Storm Coa. frantlee, etc., which ve vil offer at LESS TUAN- ORIGINAL C08T TO MANUFACTURE. When tiiese peci<% pluma are added to aur mammoth stock of' bargaiz s, im it any wonder that we offtir to, make it a more interewsting snd profitable investment for you thon putting your money in the Savinge Bank. Our Ho lidayr BargaiDs in Men's Underwear, Top Shirts, Braces, Ties, Bocks, B11k Handkerchiefs, etc., hava- mot been neglected. W. open euch morning noveities specially for Holiday Trade. Prices ai ways tue lowest. Iu concluding, w. wish our thousands of patrons and friends A very Merry Christmas, and a Happy and ous New Year. OuLr thanke are due to you for yoair valued patronage whieh ha ensbled us t»- very nearly double nar business $uxlng the. year 1891. This, of course, has not oeen done vithoîft effort and labor on our part. W. have scoured the. marketa of the Province of Ontarioansd Quebec ta secure bargains, havé- hunted Up. dosons of hard up manufactuoris vho wanted money sud vho would give bargains for READY CA-SR.S and have la ibis way uecured huadreds of Bargains, vhieh la every case our eustoiners have rea.ped the, benefit of. FOIR. TEE YIEAR189~ We &gain olicit a continuance of your Patronage. We inteud ta apare no elfort ta, again inerease bargely- over ibis years business. With abundauce of capital, increased knovledge oi the requiremenu, of our patrons better knowledge, when, wh.re and how ta buy x h haetmaktv r or cniet vse au. offer yoni m'ire tompti-g bargains than ever before. When vo say bargiins vie~ speak only of Good, Beliabie sud Bervicable Goads, for ibtis clams of goode only we have buât up our lar ge business sud viilnot endanger it by keepiug shoddy or trash of any kind. awy WARNER. & COMIY, The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent Str~eet, Lindsay. Two door8 EBut of the Daley House. '=1 FAIRýWEAIHÇIR &CO'Yf ENGFURiIB, I KÂbUFÂCTUBI Have opnea a FUR STORBE nexi to H. Moltorf's Fuarniture nstsblichmeut, 2ad door from Nov wPeat OfCe, o% mt sttets Lindsay. 'We n terssholg S ch ite uleeof ofFou sV" aw, m ~h. iaEtu~ oupurchslsg Bea 'l',Otter [nk, uskrat, Bea~ I ail other Candian. I Frs are ufflU pssed: me çhmio bm o- su* b1ev t thHÂT ING YURRIERS3 Prosper- always te oome whe.re there in ilways a happy crowd of satisfied buyem Come early, eome often, eme m m e 1 1

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