UPO&it m Aâr w " Usb ld au b9famw 9F *b dimt The oùh« thlngwhlé ieoII" yeuu mmwo lb. worde Kitty hed mie nu et in mmL Vlfllr'dr&Wàug-riT- gardlng th.escret ée.u " d eh.w. It made hlm un.ey, for ho bailU em.4W lb wae, and lhoidght uhoeulh S It te nmone aaout of roen§M Mi4 thon thore would 'b. more troube for hlm 10 gel ou of. Thén, aga61, ho argued that she vau 100 fond of him ever tteU anythlng llIely te injure hlm, o«e thoughbohadput e rope round heruek. If h. could have ettled the whole a£*i by runnlng away, ho vould have doue eo, but Gollipoek wuas tili in Meibeue4 snd GelO»n knev ho couid not leave thé lova wfthoUt th. terrible old man flading il oui, aud bring- iug hlm bock. At lai the torture of vonderlng how much Ktty knowwvaa ico much for hlm, sud ho determlned tU go ta the Melbourue Jail sud interview ber. So he ebtined an erder frein the authorltles to ne heransd prepar. 10 mart next mornlug. Ho mnt th ervn out for a hansom, *and hy the lime Il vau at the doar, M. Vandeloup,,cool, calm, sud well dressed, came down-elaire pulling up Ie gloves. The firet thiug ho av. vhon ho got -outsde was Pierre watlng for him, vlth hie aid bat pulled down over hie eyesand hie look of mlen resgrîation. Gaston uodded cooly to hlm, and lold the cabby hi wanled to go to the Mohourne jail; whereupon. Pierre alouched turward as the yonng man wue pro- paring te enter the cab, and laid hie hand on hie arm. IlWell," nsid Vandeloup, ln a que vole lu French, shaklng off the dumb man's arm,' "1wlat do you wantl" Pierre p'nlnted ta the oab, whereupon M., Vauideloup shrugged his shouldors. "Surely you don't want ta corne to the jail wlth me," he naid, mockigly; "you'll gel thore eouenough."1 The. other nodded, and made a stop bavard the cal>, but Vandeloup pushed hlm back. "OCurse the fool,"1 ho muttered ta himseof, "l'il have t b umor hlm or be'll ho maklng a sceuo. Youti i't com3," hoadd d aloud, but Pierre stili rtused to go away. This conversation, or rather monologue, &ang M. Vandeioup was the ouly speaker, wau carrlod on ln French, so the cabmzan snd tb. servant at th door vere quit. Ignor-' sunt of ies purpert, but looked ratiler aseon-. lsed at th. conduai of th dirty, tramp ta- yard uuoh su elegant-]onklng gentleman. Vandeloup mv Ibhis, sud thorofore doiermin- ed 10 end th. ocne. -"Wefl, weil,"1 ho mid to Pierre lu French, "1gutin htaionce," sud thon viien lb. dumb man enierod the cab, 'ho explalned ta tb. cabman in Englhsb: "This poor devil in a peualonor cf mine, sud ho vanta le oso a frlend cf hM lu jail Il'ltae.hlm villi me." Heo tepped luto th. cab, whlch drove off, the cabman rathor seloulehed ai tb. wholo affair, but none.the loua cautouted himsoîf wih mrely wlnklng ai the prtly servants girl who stood ou th. stops. wbereupon oe toseod ber bout!nd sud in side. Ag they drove &long, Vandeloup mid uothlnir la Pierre, nat that b. dld not vont to, but ho nlatrusfted th. lrap-daor lu tb. roof af the cab, whlch vould permit the cab- man te overbear overything. go lbey vent on ln silence, and wben lhey arr ived t thlb jaîl Vaudeloup tald the cabman le vai for hlm, and walked taward the. mil. "IYou are comlng luside, 1 supose?" ho saad, sharply, to Pierre, wbo .1111 sdouched alongside. Tho dumb man uodded sulenly. Vandeloup cursed Pierreilubislu nuermost beart, but smlled blandly sud agrood ta loi hlm enter wth hlm. There wvasmn diffi- culty with the wardor at tb. door,ase tbe permission toe. te he prlsoenr vau only miade out in the name of M. Vaudeloup, but aller smie cousiderable trouble they succooded lu getlug i.< "ýXy taithi"l obervod Gaiton, llghtly, as lbmy went along te the oel, conductot! by s warder, Ilit's almost as bard ta gel lute jail as te get out of Ih." The warder admitted thon bath to Kllty'es ceil, and loft them alon. vlth ber. She wau seatod on tho bcd lu 1h. corner af the oel, iu an attitude' of deepot dejection. Wheu they entered oh. lookot! up lu a mechouilcal sor of manne:, aud Vandeloup couid ueo liow worn and pluched lookig ber fate wae. Pberre veut ta one eud cf tiie ccliand leanod ngiinst the wail lu an ludiffereul manner, w~hile Vandeloap elood rigit ln front oft1h. i.thappy woimun. Kltty arase when mli. aw hlm. and an expression of loathtng pased over ber baggard-lookiug face. "Ah!" see mid, btterly, rejocting Vende- loup's proffiired baud, I"so you have comm 10, ne. your work; vell, lok around ai thoso haro walls, sea hw hinan sd ugly I have grown; thinl< of the crime with whch I am charged, aud urely even Gaston Vandoloup wiii be satisfled."1 mai.t p "N<* aI ail -7. 4sS, W4-9Y=4M-J;Và V" ak palalng t'e mu, wh.ellmg *uieagIeudoiphViDbsuai * e Beok KilEaIat'l~for 1h. mbo f a suaet ed .Vueop Iooko aà ler dlaalnfy. "Tron are mai," h, 889in ua 1cai velu 14tleuthe revlng ot alunaio; thoro lemno ppofof 0f balyen gay; il vas provai con- lualvly tbat myuel sud Plerre ver. aeep ai Our howlvhlle Moneieur Villerswue with Jasper at two oolock tu the morun&g" III ýnow thal vue proved," eh retortai, "suid by smre jugglery ou your part: but, uevertb.lemu, I mev yau sud hlm,"l politng siae lu eerre, "inurder Villen-" 1"4Yen me il," ooboed Vandeloup, wth a dlabellevlngumie; "tlllme oav . 'Ahl"1 se . ried, maklng a stop ervard, t"youdo noibelievemo, ýbut IeU you Itlal ru-yes, 1 knov nov vbo ihe tva mon veon tofloving Madame Mdae as ehe drovo away; one. vu ber hueband, vho vished 10 rob ber, sud tbe other vue Pierre, vho, act- ing tapon your instructions, vas to getl 'he gold tram Villlroreohuld lie mcoed lu gel- tiug Il froin madame. 'You flot me a fev mintes alevard, but I,. with ùiy bhurt ftU * of love-'wretched voman thai [vwa&- folov.d yen ai a ehort distance, uuwilng lo lomoaigbi otyon oven fer a 11111e lime. I climbed dowu among the rocks sud mev yen mat yourult lu a narrev part of lb. paili. <uriemty thon bok the place of lovo, and! I watched te ses vbat you vere gelng to do. Plerre-that vrotch vhe cowere lu th. corner--came dovu the palli sud yen opok o ahlm lu French. What wvu uad I did not kuev, but. I guesaed euough 101mevw you modtatod smre crime. Thea Villiers came down th. pall it bhoheuug- gel lu lie box under i arn. I recognleed tb. box ai th. anc vblch Madame Midas bad brouglilte e ur bouse. Wben Vilhere came oppoit you, yeuupoketo hlm; ho lried to paie on, sud ilin Pierre oprung eut fron hind the rock sud lbe Ivo mou struggled icigether, while yen seid the box contalu- lug the gold, vhich VUIlera had 101611l, sud watched th. ulrngglo. You mvw that Vil- liers, animaied by depair, vas graduaily gainlng the vlolory over Pierre, aud thon yen etepped in-yum; I mev you mnalol Pierre's uit e tram the bock of bisevoai sud tab Villinlt h. bock. Thon yen put th. huit oihio Pierre'e hsud, all 11ody, as Vil- le 91feU dansd I ied avay."1 8h.eietpped, breathlese vfth lier rocitel, sud Vsudeloup, pale but -cwmpoeed, weuld have onmvered ber, vheu a cry tram Piorre tartled them. Se bat! con. clame ta thon, sud vu Ilooklng s ralgbl at Kitly. "My Godi" lie criet!; Ithon 1 an inno- cent."1 "lYoul!" uhrleked Kltty, tafllug back on ber bet!; "vo are yen?" Bli. mau pullet! hie bal off sud came a stop nearer. 'IIaam Rtaudolpb Vilers!" KIlly hrleked «gain sud caveret! ber tacs, wlth ber bande, vhile Vandeloup langhed lu a mocking uanner, tbough bis pale sud qulverlng lUp tld ihal his nlrtli vas au- umot!. "Tes," salt! Villiers, threvlug hie bai ou thse flier et lb. oel, "il vas Pierre Lemairo, sud net I, vho dled. The struggle teck place as you have descrîbet!, but ho," point-. ing ta Vandeloup, "vlishlug te gel rit! et Pierre for reaeon. et bis owu, tabbed hlm, andunot me, lu th bock. Ho thruel the huft, hie my bond, sud 1, lun y bîit! fury, tbenght ibat I bat! nurdered 1he dumb mn. 1Ivs afraidafbeug arrestedlfor lb. murder, m, as suggeted by Vandeleup, I changed clothem vill. lb. deat! mon sud wrrapped my owl Up lu a bundle, W. bld the body and the uuggol lu oneocf lb.eoit! mining Ïatatont! thon came dovu te Bal- lerai. 1 vasi-il rta Pierre lu appear- suce, oxcepl thal my chu vwas ubaven. 1 veut dovu ote .Wattle Troc Hotelase Pierre aller leaving ny clothos out" tdeh wlndow et th. bedroom whlcb Vondeleup poiniottlo ne. Thon ho vont la lb. thean~ sd tbld me ta rejelu hlm there as Villiors. I gai My avu clothes mb lth room, droeei again au mymef; thet, locking the doan, sme h01 lb. people ofthIe bbtel mlghtsuppoe t hai Pierre ept, I Jumped euto ethIe wlndov et tb. bedroceansd verni to the ihesire. There Iplsyed nypart au yen knaw, sud vhlo vo ver. bobind lb. imoei M. W opplea askot! moto put out lb. gazeIubMeroom. I dlduo.mandtok from bis drommngtable a black hourd,.lu eider b die- pile. myel as Pierre t11 my beard bat grava. W. veut to supper, sud thon I part- ~bus Viukboip t t~re~ç*hoI~aud va j l~ w*ê~ I -amg *»e m S tbe0 wM U-*" 9* isu, m aw Bobo *row t*0bottléoumi Otto, «* liestbgyo 1 81. hu atterii î cimmIiwi, Md ing kh ebud 4 mbo VffllerVePo"-h lu the botth e tomtein.d thse poltm," eut ho boid iup to Kly thbe btle wth thse iv. ut! bande round it. vhioh sh lid bhrovu Io tu absor1»eSwVir, la dml-r, mmung tbat aU heflb.evheow u agaluulhlm. "Pro"e 1, thon," retortod Vaudeoup, kacchiag et lb. domrtu sulnm thelb.warder. l'Save yeur ou ne,* beore yois put min. The oor pone, thuelb.varer eappeur- ed. Kitty et! =4 irsgasi errorr-airuek ai rneanoher vhieVondeIenp, wibout another vert!,'rapld1 ly etthelb.oelThe verder b.coeed b Vlles ocoi., sud, vli t!. dep oige hb.obeyod. "Where arn yeu gelngt' asket! Kitiyas lie roved tovard the doon. "Gigt" ho rqeplt, meohamUboy. 11I amn going toe -My vilo." Se leftte ceil, sud vh.u ho getoice lb.Jai j.Ilwth ho b.lsmn vllbVsdelonp luilt drivlng rapidly avay. Villes lookot! et thie rotreating veblole lu despair. "&My Ged!" ho murmuret!, raisiug bis face. te tho hîne uky vtha frigblful expreselan of despair; I"boy am I lesocape lb. lutolie. eftis devil?" CHÂPTER XVI. unC SunuTET 5SIN WILL PMIB= TEn u. ME. MIda.wu aa plucky voman, but il neodet! ai ber pluck sud ph-. losopby ta bear terrible calsmlllou whlch were befall- lng ber. rW faill in lu mas nature vu oin- pletely d.slreyed, sud se.kuew 11mb ail the pleasure of doing gaod bat! gono ont et ber lite. The dloovry ef Kity's bamenulid vounded ber deoply, ase. ound t! I tllcul 10 per- suade herueit that tb. girl badt! ne nm thc victiliofetcroummiances.If ritty bat! only Irustet! hon whou sho cae te liv. vAi ber al Ibis misery sud crime veuld have been avolded, for ah. veuld have houn Mme. Midas vuld uevor have uxarriot! Van- t!elaup, sud thue vould have bad ne motive for cemmitting 1h. crime. Rogardlng Van- t!ola' preteulions 10 ber bond, Mm. Vil- lier. lsughed bltlerly te horselt. Aller the mlsery of ber early marriage, Il vas net likly asevas gelug ta trust horseif sud ber second fortune agalu toas mn'a houer. 8h. slgbcd as ah. theugbt vhat ber future lité must ho. She was wealtby, il vas true, but amld ail ber riches sbe vonit! neyer be able ta kuow lb. meaning of trlendshlp, fer al wba came near ber novweuld bave smre motive lu dolug se, sud theugli Mme. Mdas vas aniolus ta do gaet! vlth her vealili, yet she knev uhe coult! neyer expeet gratitude lu return. The comedy of buman lite lu admirable vbeu oee lea spectaier; but ahi tho acter. 1mev they are acting, sud have ta maik their faces withsbleb, ne- airain the tom w vich tbey vould f ain let flowv,and neuili wltty smyluga villibresktung huarte. Surely the incit btter et ail feel- ing is that cynical disbeliet iu human nature vblch le o characterlello et aur latest clviii- zaien. Mme. Midas, bovever, nov that Mal- boumne vas mo batef.ul ta lier, determinedt 1 leuve ht, sud sent up le Mr. Calion lu ordor ta conter vlth hlm au lbe subjeci. Gallon rame devu te St. Kilda, and vas sho wu lulo the cbavlng-room, wbere Mms Villiere, coin, aud lmpeneirable loaklng as evor, at vnltlug letteru. 8h. arose ai the barristoer outered, sud gave hlm her baud. Iltvas klnt! et yon te cam me90qulokly," ehe nild, lu ber nusl quiet, sel-containet! manner; "II vhbta couat yau onuMm inatioru of importance." "Iaet your service, madame," replit! GIallon, tmkiug easeat, sud laoklug keenly et the marbie face before hlm. 1*1 am gladt l meo yen looklug me velli, onvhunwat yen have gon» Irougli." .Mm Villieà ltla abadovysmufle 111 sras ber fies. i I"Thoy muy lb. r.d Indien beccenea uiterly ludifforeut 10 lb. tortureof hiseonemie. aller a certain tise," àmlianeeru!,oldly; "I lhillitla t h. mm eWth ma. X have heau anolvdsd dleilllu4oniemd o me to lbthverviutterly at4»k pnow ca'IMv.M M co'u g07"ý >l111 ý 9 le, $ta gI* bW ebut, to =y5~ was , von *'botfie Al açisY clUt» fr hudansd ho erw Min.. W"ah, vhs dealb, tariag etl *6uo vitW celb th rqbWor1< v u.41 à u.,medlu rbdghi, bsu5151 Mm. idu .el*btwld caugbt te 16My humbidl" . at, a*bmpe!. 4"Alvc?" nid Caltoog, Iolbe M at lb. vind@v. 'II shanld »,rt! 'aboabUk "»Mi ls Amiemtly, at!vaunlu nlu b. room; I do't lookkea doad mmuoIl" Mme. Ibidue pug f ab cauglit "Be yen have corne bock murdereri" @e bbaoed lu his ear. "IWhal do yeun nsuf' lier linhant!, vreuohlug bis baud svay. "Me"?'" ube cnet!, vbo ly; t"yen hnov wha Iîme»n. Yencnmt ya ftefntlrely frin me by your atuteminMy lite and th. tetfthe.gold; yen ore net show -lenrselt fcr lesttr -ecelthe rcvart! of your crime; sud no yen vrinuthe gark agalut me. I huew yenv near, thongli I dit! aciose yen; and! yen ra secondt ime allempit! rny lite." 'II dit! not," mutieret! lrs, uhrlnking bock tron lb. indignant boetber oye.. I cen prove-" "You con prove ah. bur t, conlempin- euBly, draving herself up or f ul beighui. "Y..!s 1yoeaconprove onyl i vth your cov- erdly nature aut! iying ton ; but prove ihat yen vers ual the inu ho eInuthe deat! of ulghl sud poisoned the walting tor me, vhicli vas takou by nurse. Yen con pnove-yes, aé Qed la judge, yen shaprove tIn theb.prim n'adock,, e'er yen go te tb. galove." Durlug ail Ibis terrible hVilliers bat! oroucbo the b.greund, bali e flt, wbue hie vite teveret! vhm, iiell hersuper. Attheout! bey o tn.r, le r'av oret! immeit a ttIle, an tb bluter. "EBvery mmn bas à nght tl e besng," h.e naid, deflantiy, lcoking froin 3vdte to g- ton; IICmuxplaln eV Mme. Mibdeaspoitet! 0a IIhave ne d oyn vili ve blachilu vhlle by your lying," mli. coldly, r.- luralnng t behonseat; IavalàbisexpIons- lion." a t There npan Vie matut vansd tait! thoin th. vbole steny ofIanrmtnlue dl.- appearance, sud boy ho bat!dbnmat!. a fool of by Vant!oloup. Whenlae bat! endet!, Calten, vho bat! rmniet hl4met, ont! lis- tene o the brecitli ilb tdes# lutereet, smie a glsuce at Mme. Midos, but se.leokot! a colt! ont! Impnutrable as over. 64I understant!, new, the roason et your dl. appearanos," se. alt!, cldly; "but thai lu ual th. Point. I veut ta 1mev lb. reasan you tiledt t murder me a second lime.", 'II dit! net," returuci Vilire, qulelly, villi s gestuare ef dissot. " 4Thon Solims Spnatta, ince yeu n no m perlicular," retot! bs vite, vith a sucer; "but it va. yen vho cuumitted lthe crime. " "«Who says I dit!?" czet Villiers, standing np. "1N onee," put lu nea, laaklng at bin= usrply, "btaynh a gnudge agaluet yourvltfe, tlis na for ber te suspect yen, ai the s minsime islunet nooeeeary for yen ta ciminate yen III arn not going to m," retorled, Vil- iles;"tynthnPdt! snob a fol a. b commil e crime and trustm:ymile toMY vlle a touder muei., on are vcry mucli mistaen. I au a.inn ni et lb. murder as the peor girl whol pin."1 lTbon @hé notgnll 1" cnlcd MM. VI- liere, nlmtng. "Ne," returned eIrs, coltly, i"ah. lu "Oh, [ndeot,' sait! ton, quletiy; "thon If youboth are lnnoce iho i le .gully Vimiesvàeabout Itspesk vbon aaolber insuentenedt fl vndov. This vu Do0ete *r then pId>vWo advancet! magerly 10 v'IIIere "HoRebu e Ins lu the.gatel e . id, quickly.- -. - ; "Hjave you tboe 1" soked, Villiers, ase a sharp ring vas datthe front deor. Klip meided,omit! m tera ne dounbis vileund C#4ta., wha bemunch a"ten- mYu e e -r-n'o m»let!the crime,» h. ssii, n asiate e ocorpet "bol e.tMat eb an"l lgb b ! Which ladlwolu . the aed y< Lfle . *0e as ce ne 'ipégar," wano nd tu 1o iMIOII4hS Il t au1ithéi hmd heh wù - f~siei~immpma nami~Wta Moë offléex RAr, 77 Nurrab4y tN. T. WINTER MILLINIERY3 DRESS ANI) MÂNTLE MÂKING. Great bargains given in ail departmnents, especially in Winter Milli- .nery. 'She is now prepared to make HATS AND BONNETS in the lateut fashions having secured a first-class Trimmer. New Cutting System. Special attention given to Evening, Wedding, and Street costumes, and made in the latest styles. Ail customers from a distance waited upon on Saturdays. Ail orders promptly attended to. ROOKS-Over Werner & Co'@ Dry God Stoare, Dohony Block, nezt door ta A. HWgnbothem'e DrUg Store. FARMERS, ATTENTION, Hfavlng ucarelb.the " et VictoriRoad for the KÂSSEY and HARRIS Compeniez..1 am pr.pared b BupIy fumeras with 1h. beët Parcs Implements at Prime and Termi whiclï Cant be Beaten .A tUt stock of Reptire alwaye ou baud. I willeW koop on hand Organe, Sewlng Màachume. Waahing Xachîne., etc. ,Oel adsud me before purchaeing elsewhere. JOS. V. STAPILES, Victoria Road. to td-atbh the drik as bot table. ____lia*M Xm 10Vda.aw u nbei end volU probabty drink durnag th. ighb , .Pobt bad t trog b. ourtai seut! peur- ais bpoU mmbtbh~e 160sl. aim- Iewéo« i 5 ev.Hojumpedod ver the val! «gain, put onabis evorco ansd ihoughb h. vos çaie, vhes lhe foaat!M. Vandcleup vas wateblng hlm st andhsemmhlm in al his açtiosie.Vad.lonp, vboe s ublie brain lmmditmt mv ietIfliMme. IMidas vu dd e scouit!tbrov the blaoun u itty sue thue gel rit! et ber vithent endangerng himeelf, agnee t keop ileni, but made Jasper give np 1h. botile to hlm. Wbeu Jasperhbt!gene, Vandeloup, a 1ev yards, turthen davu, met ViWlira, but suppomet! tuaI ho bat! jusl corne on tho icone. Villiern, bovover, bat! been vatcblug lb. hanse ail night, and bat! aise been vatcblng Meddlc- chip'#L The neason of thie vu h.thought bis vite v waI tb.hebail, aud vantot! ta upeak ta ber. Ho bat! folavwet! Kitty oni Un. Riller dovu ta St. Rilda by bauging on ta the back et tb. breugbamn, tblnkuug $be latter vas bis vite. Fludlng bis mistake, lie bung aroundthelb bouse fer about an heur withent any ob- ject, and vas lurning round lb. corner to go home viien lie mev Jaspeç jnmp aver lb. vail, sud, heing unseon lu the shat!ov, overbeard the convemstion aut! kuev. that Jasper bat! committedthelb crime. He dit! net hovever dare ta accuse Jasper ef murder, a. ho thenghl il vu lun Vandeloup's pover te donounce hlm as the assassin of Pierre Lemaire, me for bis ova eafety kept quiet. Whon he heard tb. trulb rtienKtty in the prison ho vouait bave donouancet! the Frenchm-nat once as the rosi crinal, but vus me bevilderet! by tho napid mauner lu vhicb Vondeloup made upap case agant hlmn, st apdeiOily by lb. botti. boîug pro- incet! out et bis pocket-.vhich bottle Van- t!elenp, of course, bat!lu in b aud ail lbq time-that ho permitttet! him ta escape. Whou ele itt lbe juil, hovever, lie vont stralgbt to lbe police.office ont! toit! his stery, whon a warrant was immcdiately grantet! ton 1h. arroal et Jasper. Kilsip bock thse warrant ont! vent dowa te St. Kilda ta Mm Villiers'a lieuse to e e bler before armeting Jasper; but as betore describet!, Jasper camne dovu ta the house on business troathe bank, sat! vas arrestet! st once. Of courses hero vas greal excitement ove, th. discivery et the real anurderer. especlally sa. Jasper vos so evol huovu iMelbourne oclty, but ne eue pilie& hlm. Inuthe daya of Isaproperiiy lie bat!been ebsequions 10 bis superiers ant! insolent te ibose bene"ll bim, sethalsllhe ganet! wasthe ceont ofet euedet!hlb.baie et the other. Luckily h. bat! ne relatives vbom bis crime weuit! bave t!lsgracet!, aud as h. bat! net succoede in gettig rit! ot Mme. Midas, he intendedt t bave run sway ta South America, and bat! forged a check in ber naine for a large amount in aider ta snppiy himself vllb tund . Unhappily, however, ho bma palt! that fatal visit' aud bat been arreste!, ont! ince then bat! heen ia shah.etfabject tear, beggig aud praying that bis lite miglil ho sparet!. Hie crime, hovever, bat! awakoned sucb indsignation that the law wuai loweo ta labo ies course; soeaerly oue wet, colt! morulng Barty Jasper vas delivercd ino lb. bonds of t1eh augmnant!bis mma, pititial ile seul vus launchet! inie eternity. Kilty vas et course neleased, but, aveu'- whelmed with su aont! agony ai ail br past lIt. bavlng heen lait! bure, se dit! net go ta ume Mme. Midas, but disappearot! ani& tb. crowd, aeut Iiedt ta ide ber lutamy trom 9alatheugli, poor girl, se. as mare sinnet! agalual thon eluning; Vsudelonp, tom vbom a warrant vas eut for lb. murder et Lemaire, bat! aise dlaap- peret!, ae ut! usupposet! tehave goeo Amerlo. Mme. Midaes ufferet! eveely Item the. 'sboeks sbe bat!undengono vllb the discovery et every one's bssenemm. 8h. setiled a certain lucarne on hem -humbant!, ona condition eh. nover vu ta ses hlm egain, vhieb effor b. reédlly acceptet!, atnd 'ving erranged a&l ber &aire lu AMutralie eltt fur Englant baplng teInn t avol soin.allevialiorn, If net lSeolfaluet *0e orrov o e 0poil 1A geot womna noble veina, y.l u whe venl forth mb 1he vorld brokn-ba*b *à »4d fr1#leUý, vAlunu bllot in- any ont aM n pleomure ln.il S h., hpv.ver, vua « te o 0.0asatue,, ver t7<pýý'lntwi th. bute, qslcall dfeec tsaisaeenbr"wA If., ew ýuq vealli bhsose W. be~gj~lr to aevlà' tlae oÊmenis 0O'W~su40 beIP Ithçw aoi' nemidt , s m ee ui usmewu doved', a» , W, t uvut.&infr x e t< a * .tli Corner of Kent and William Streete, LiXkdBBy. FULL STRENGTH BAKING POWDER, PURE SPICE139 LIVER TONLO, ELIXIR ÂNISEED, DIARRA SPECIFIO, WORK POWDER, WHITE OINTMENT, FURNITUE' REAM, TOOTHÂCHE DROPS, INFANTS' CARMINATIVE, ÂNTMBIIOUS PILLS. Organs iRepaired and Tuneds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ordor" hy mail, premptlv attendot! te. R:. Nl. SISSONS 1imi WELL .. -. INDSAY, ONT. - ASSORTED, Winter is near at hand, and we have made preparations for it, would ask you to mn our stock of BOOTS ÂIND.SHOES, which wil. find fally assorted and go')d value. and you, W. have abc, a fine range of DREBS AND MANTLE GOODS,.and ais crops were extra good tins year,. w. would suggest that you give your wivs a share iu them by purchasingr a new Dress or Mantle. Our Millinery Stock, Lhoagh we have hýad a large trad e ;n it, is kept well asarte. Don%. fail to cail and ae. what we have. JE@ %Ma I:]E .K LM BeI ta. & m L-8W THE EMUFACTURERS' LI FE-& ACCI DENT 4", 4 INSUIRÂNCE OOMPÂNIES. CUzb a Âtho ae C3apipal 3W. WÂILÂOEt Agent, Lindsay. W. A. .&OBKINS9 Disric Mnauger, Poteboron * t t ~1UhISITURE ENT, & Jo. Ne DR7UGGIST & SEEDSMAN,