MIHT IN BETHUI 7HE REV. DR- TAL~MA ",t 1 CHRISI«MAS 8R~a ~ime Nqatlvty-'TeOt "&lboit it. *'À" The7 came wiII aI, m h Wr ad joseph Msd the SOMbe 141lmg la a Mue. BaoaKLtyt, N.Y., Dec 27, 1891-l». Taimage preacised Ibis marnnng a mrmon appropristto thie Chistamas semson. 1ais in& up tic subjeut cf tic NatîVilyb o due.- !rorn iL louons viici, lbouth pqrfwtl legitimate, are aeminonly aven[oohed. text vas Luke 2, 16, "And they came viti haste, and fouind Mary adnd Josephi sd lie Babè ying in a mkungr." Tise biteS viiudew hutIons o! a Deomm- bon nigit were thin open, sud sortiea! tis bet ineseofa wnl vhors îhey a&R ain stad iare, suad pulllung back tb. drpr !clorui, ciîanted a pouce suliomu, sîîli il Ztic ecieca o! hili sud valley ,ap- pluuded and encored the Hahielujais chai-u. Corne, lett usego imb LiaI Chistsmas scene ase thugli we hmd neyer before ver- ahiiped mt tIhe manger. More Les aMadoù- na vorths lookuuîg at. I uondè o nt hiat tie most frequent mane in lual lande anud iii ail' Ciris5tiais ceiturios in Mary. And Lieu'. are Mamitiys ins palaces sud Mays lu cabine, and thtiosglu German, sud Frouah and Itaiiauî, amuI snisi, snd Eu gliai pro- nommsue it dils'tiy'ý, thîey are ail namne- iakes oi tic onue Wliouîî vo tind ou a bed ai straw, m jis liera'ple face againet Lie sait cheek of C(hamt in theiiuiglîL o! lie Nativ- ity. Ahi the grent paisters have Iieti, on. c5ui'10, La premsi at-y su ban irChild and the ci;lmts ofu 11usd misot faniosueusighit of thec wvomh's iistonv.1Itapliael, in îlurce dif- feucit mastr*-Picces, uchbîated them. Tin- toretta amni t.lîls-haidajo eurpasmed tioni- ,seles usi thwamdorationa ai thae Iagi. Oorreg-ý îio muedeul ta dotmîthing moare thaiasi Ma. (tanasa t, h)ccoii imniîortLul. Tho Madonna of time Lily, hîy Leomimunha da Vinici, wilh iimdie ltheudmîir'atiomîofaIIhagea. But al tie galiccias oifI)sesdems are forgotten visen 1 tlalîk oi tih e i mIIronamofaitlisatIgleny -containimug tic Sisine Msidomîua. 1. al of tlucaua Weme copies oi St. Msttlcwes Ma- dotais-ct, and i lmkes àMadomua, tlIai lspined. ltldou n i (ifte 0(ldBook, xvliieh w~e 1ud lpit iitueur lianîuuds wiîesîwe wte a n ste, aud tluit uvo opu ta bave isusuer aur heada viseus%% e die. Beiold, iii lime firtephlace, liaI on lbe tiret miglt oi Cbuists l111<' (d isonored lie bmrutc -matiosu. Yeticaînnt gel mb litaI Betlhaucîui hbarn withut going paît thoa emaiels, tise muuuls, thue dogs, the. oxen. Tii. bra'sof taiit stable heard the. final ct-y of the infant Lord. Sortie a!fIthe aid patinters m'prescnt Lise oxen aud camels k mîelimag fiat imugIsit 'fou'e tihe cv-born bale. Amsid ueli iiiglt they kineel ! Have yois cyca' tîsogit tint Chlismt carne, among otici' tlimige, ta alleviato the suffeisîgs a! Isle hailte c-catiomi? Wls iL muotapps'opiato that Ile >ou Id cl b'ing the fiast ev days andil iu;~c- of ie' lite nieaLtli e eutround- ed by iho mii i ecsts, Nuchese moan sud plalu int aid ellowing hauve fou' ages been a prayor tot juilfor' tihe aui-astiaig oi their ten- tures ail the ighiiuîg oithiat wroase? Il did sot nvreiy 'hmappemî o" tlat tie sunie- teihigemut cm eatis'fî ni ldsliuld bave becu, thatmigisiniiichose ioglsnlooad. Net a k-usuel iis ail Uicenatuies, uîot a b)irm't aust. amt lu wni-1ut hrse.on tow-1î1û, i. misktaheis'l fii'criuuiii,"ite Pourfy-Imiiht eW- tms int a is-iglt car lu snmmier timule iriauiummg tihe beeves to arim- Set witiioutt ates-chrosugl s tlsouaand tmiles of agouiy, lot a bui geosi e reomu wiLtisssiuug tii. strugglesi fox, on rab- bit, or pigeon, or dlog. lu tie hart-ors ai vivîu4ectiozi, but lias au interetit she fact Lth 'hrist vas bot-n lu a stable, surracaided bLy brutem. Ho rensmerr tint Iuiijhl, aciiithe îmlyer He leard imn tueir pîii n iokus, He wyul amsw-emlu thue pumîislimnt. ai thinse wvi a ltrvat thse Aluii lbtstes. Tîscy eairehy have asuâ mci riglît in Lis warid ais *we isve. in tise firt chapter of Giuiesue yeîm îmay see that lbey wemo placcd ami Lie estLah eo lsaisuas, the fli andi Ifawl ercated tie fifthi day, timd tie quadrehisls tiie moruuimu« ai the sixtîs day, nmit te mari not tntil the sîtonnoon oftkat day. The viai,, the. eagle, tise lion, anmd miiLimahelesser creatuare ai themr kusd wî're predecesaors ai tiec mm family. 'Uhuey-havc tie wom-idby iglt nf possession. 'hhey liue ma opiid remt for thue places thiey occlpied. %Vhat an armîuy of defense &I ovea- the lanid are lhe fait Ifui watch- doge. ci vm autiotel wlîaLliehenrd oves b tise bot-se,aud camai, sud ex, for trati6portation? 'Amud robin sud banS bave, by tIse camtats weuitha wbîchî hhey have filied ct-chat-cl cmmu otest, fiat-e tlsan paid fan lie few grainas liey iad picSed up for their 'sseusuce. W'liei yoîa abtuse aisy creatune of God you mtie aI ils Creator, sud yen insul tieCh('ruît, via, tinugi He tmigil have been welcoaised into ie by princes, ansd haken ile fial infantile lumberasimd Tynimin pî>h an sd eaoiecdcouches, and zippliiusg waters frorn royal aqueducîs drip- pin& luto basins ai ivory andc peari, chose ta bo bot-n ouithielevel wbtlî a cav's bora, or s camel's boof, or a doges notil, tisat N. miglit hliete alieviahion ai anial iai. feaing mas velas Lie Redeemnenaf man. Standing tison, as I imagine nov I do, lu tisaI Betleheisigit witIs an infant Christ on the anc aide sud lie epeecilets arcatures 01 (COd au lie otien, I ce-y, look oent, bonwyo-1 tn 61eie-novl bute liait tlb. Chist eko!tle Betblebm castlkpen have Mer-cy on thue îuffensng stock-yards, thut ani prepanîng miie an d fevered met ion oui' Ainericats housebelda. Beliîed, aima, lu Ibis Ribla sem,, u lia Christu anighl, Qed bonegQs ciliilgdoodi. Christ miii bave made Mis iret viit te eut- vos-klsa aloud, am Eo viii descend en Hia next vus$1 in la a tcg lu vbat a ciariot o! iltsmnlued qiàt inuglil bave eoed dova tIýse e*-'y, t.r by useunîed cavaley-, ils llglttdug drava smord. ljai iad ie ouleîla. e! fim'e ta tai-e hm up; %why not Jeaso a-uge of tire tL e ftcai lmuatir tile ae-hed brige o! a aaa th* >uighî hiave 4 ido!b feu m lie bs~e eos.*IugAmlr ta FEu la tue G<aps tu u.dèr *arge. 1»OàftfSI r#l'on ike0 or M be.a ab t i <the frais. Ved Over.M "t) millomual, au a h~emennlal The 64W" lu Paria, Mo., la compo"s " hm touuand y4 maau viii mot t fp fl Msd notly ot Virginlam ni.osaýe h reoho"DeotasyDM1to honlyao)s A" Eaglatd has 9,000- mouuted yeomanrY, Jmâ a utu w&y bèb>W thebridge iwMeh .atisr aMy, i"L ae n u a»tje basting *45,000par ye&r. the r10 iastends dm '0.d, a b ouly & mastapieo o! Jehov&h. It in onîy & Tise snowdrifts lu North Park, Colo., am of-boge, à iïd beizig that shaht oullive eauq.sud moon sud mald te be 12 font hîgh already. roomgs dos-jansd damp-iooklui. Abtcl star, »md gea q4uadnileulwaL. Qd hb.a - The.London Gazette'in the oldest English A-eee odn~stomhl rn !, fiatte rasonroos, sud RHocan give presents of paper. It was flrsepubiisbud Nov. 7, 1(105.- <oeadsoe rdu down te thseI retvaubthexhvatteie . A canal bas juat been completed in W&ah- bak frmvhange nanow, rSsy-4ooldg t e-icot possible glft te a household, Ho ington that viii irrigate 70,000 acres. stop, streeing tise Wtole length ai tise leoke &round a&l the worlds sud aIl. the uni- The art galleries o! the Australian Colo- pa r9 ooubnststcsle aes verseoad tien.gbvec a child. The. poateat nies now reprenent a cash value of £0,O.And anl thùis overel wi.te blae!c mold and prebant Qed ever gave oar vend, lie gave Great Britain received $450,26e worth o! green dimne, vils viole anales of spiders f about 1891 years &go, sud Hoerave il an a condensed miii from Switzerhand lmet year. veavlug gr-ay, duaky vebe in odd corners, 1 Christmeas night, sud it wua0o suais value Nv orisenngt Tacomna, Wsb., sudsa brolçen-dowI5 fence on thse lfh that heaven idjourned for a recesand came fr NeYrktei.snd lu le cntuto fbeLdl ic,~akgasa vlotkaîtg dovnansd broke thsougis the cleuds te lookfo ubrtle adithcosrcino ui Iîikm S$-uey-okng t aI il. Yea, lu al aga Gd ubahouared a ferry-boat.. place oveuLu tise d*artlme, aud tan Urnes a chldisood. Ho makes almast every pioture Betweeu tic years 1590 snd 1680 ne leua more onUl looklug sud lînaanny under thec a faiture unies. there ho a child etber play- th5.ii3,4001 vomen were burned lu Scotland 1 Hght ai tihe moon, visiis fil. t vitis vague a ing ou tb. floor, or looking thoghte fr chcliraft. shadowa. The rougi, sllmy platiorm ia de- window, or sçated ou the lap gazing into Tbere le a fiai hiatchery in 'Michigan tint serted, sud neting heard but the. equeeking r thse face o! tic motion. hans 51,000,000 wite fisi. eggs lu procese o! 1 sud scamer-np of thtie water-ratà, and evee-y Notice aise Liatinlutifs Bible night icone incubation. nov sud then tise gurgling aofjthe river as It God ionored science. Who are the thre. Lu lie deîd letter office at Wasliigtoii races past, as If t wae laughLng quletly lu s wisa inen kneeliuq before the Divine infant? are maie tha 42,100 photographe which Rhastiy manuer oe- tise victime t hma Not boers, net mgueramuses, but Caspar, found their way there laut year. dmowned. Beltiasrarnsd Melchior, mon who kuew ail A mnule suppospti te have beeîî in the Suddeuly a black sisadow cornes glidlug that was te lie known. Tiey ver. the srtillery service under Shermnw as sold ini along thie narraw psth iy thse river bauk, Isaacewotons sud Herscheis sud Faradays Georgie, recently fot $7.25. and pauses a moment at tiseeuance te tise of tiseir time. Their alciemy was the fore- The couetitutiasf of Ohio gives the gow- platfonmn. Thisee lilstensfor a few minutes, a ruiner of aur sublime ciemietry, their - a-s- rner no veto power, a distinction eîîjoyed sud again s iiuxnes dowu so tise crazy-looklng a trology tb. mother o! our magnificeut as- by ne other state save Rhode Islanid. stops. Tii. black shadov tiser., like tise a tronomy. They hiad studied stars, situdiod The fare of an Engliisteansship casîîpany goulUS ai solitude, le mi voman, sud sie hm . metals, studied physiology, studied every. is at the rate of six miles for a penny. This apparently corne te add berseli te t of ca îbingoAnd then eetics. be Isens te bow-inje babîv thse cîseapeet loconmotion even tise cru,1-looking rlver's victime. Standing 1 ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e beoe iebeuiflbbe scoenre r .~ baud on the raugl rail, -ud a iecycftise time 'chen ail tiitelescopes sud knowu. te microscopes, sud li the. Leyden jars, and ail Agnail has 20,000 teeth. Tiiey are tao staning wltli faielnatedl eyes on the duil, the eiectric batteries, and ail theiervtr e maîl ta be damî4erons ordîuarily, but whlen muddy water, eh# dose net isear a step b. i and al tbe universities shaîl bow te Jesus.tme remgitmted by a miicrascaîol emi sidlir Behold aiso in tiat tiret Christinas nighi teshave ta l)e very careful ta aVoid buiîmg Tise sliadow et a man wha lias apparently tiîat God hionored the fields. Corne iu, tarai ta pieces. followed ber, gldes fromn behind the. batiig- shiepiserd boys, te Betblehem n md ses tise Onie day best veek tiser.- were lyinigaI shed, and steallng dowu toIshe voran on the t chld. "No," they say, 'Ivo are not drese- thei mrgýue in Bufifalo tie bodies of tive in- verge ai thce tseam, lays a delicate white cd gaod enough ta corne l." "Yes, yeu fante piced ap in vanious parte of tihe ity bu u e ludr ietrawh are; camin." Sure enougl, the storms and smreof thsein havugbe mreedmd startied cry, and(lKitty Msrcburst and Gas- the night dew sud tie brambles have 0teshvsu idoexouesd e-t n mdloup aim looklng into one anatlier's macle rough work with thein Sp- tiomi by tîseir aothers. eyes. Kitty's chasring face le voru and paWld, par .1, but none hsave a bettesr igit ta Fire lasses are far leavier thile year thian and tic baud vhi<hi clutches ber sisawl is trern-i caine in. They were the firet ta hear lust. Tii. lut leven monthes showN a loss bliiug uervously es se gazes at lier old'laver. tie music af that Christmas night. The of $1,25,000,000, or $40,000,000 lu excess of Thero lié stands, dressed in oid Iblack- clothes, tiret announceinent of a Saviour's birth tbe lastor- the correepomîding period o!f woru armd tattered looking, vith île faim- au- vas made ta tisose mon nlutie fields. 1890. All of which bas a depressing lu- Ibu-n iair all tangled aud niatted; hic chin t Tien. were wiscacres tisaI niglis. i Betlîle-. riie on iiiîsurancc stocks ini the U. S. ieovered witii a siort stubby board or scame 1 hem aud Jèmusalemn snornin l decp sleep, The iiicreasing wealtlî if tihe varions na weekà' growth, and bis face gauîît sud bag- 1 mund lier. vere salanied officessoaf veru- tesj oiwa emakbe uigte gard looking-tlu. very saineappearance ho ment, via, bearing o! iL aftenvard5, mflui Is ei yasoimeatnS ai rae ba murte lad vwhen lie lande1 lu AustralLa. Tien lie have thougit tint tiey ouglit ta have liad tian doubledl its reserves. Tii, Bank o! sosght te preserve bis liberty; uaw ho le ttiet neLnoe of suci a great event, orne Gerniany in 1881 lield about $140,000,000. eeeing to preserve hie lii.. They gaze aI eue dismountiug from a svift camai atP L1881m) itl held $180,000,W00. one another ini a fascinated mauner for a few ticir door and knocking till, at sornes iiu îa îeTsnmeect iMm moments, and then Gaston removes bis baud senines qeston, "Whio cames tliere?" 2ie are seven sietere vioso nDames rbylu ram tise girl'essoulder with a sardonir the graiteues o! tise palace migit have eautiîuîîy hbit do net seau. 'ie siamie lulsdii uls e ael e d been toid o! tise celestiai ai-rival.-N ; theo are Nanîcy 1Emelimue, Lucindla Caroline, vîti a stfled mal). shepherds hoard'tie irest tva bars of the. Mary Hiaseitimie, Jais. Palestinme, Lului Para- "Sa tide le end,"1 ho sald, paluting te music, lie firet lu tise major key sud the 1 I dine Virgie Valeutine and Maudis Anus thse river, aud flzlag bis scitillatiag eyes on last ini the subdued mnjon; "Giory te GodAdln.tegr;tissthedofo iv;fryn ii te ihsaou."Ai, e ; lie lede wereOQe of the men wlîo belped &-ive the life thie river-for me tlbmgman." hosîoredn. ahi Lihefelsweeofte czarowitz of Russis Imut year lias h.- 'God iselp me," se îeaned, piteosealy; Booeodastito.htCriîa i tcanemso densoralizel ly gond fortune that "1wiat oic. lelett te me but the river?" God aLononed motad.T Crta a nglo hlias h een eumauoniedseverai timms imte "Hope," lie mnld, In a 1ev voice.; you ar-e tisir imis nlgi hve nouit.susinfntcourt.. 'rIe brave but we.k le Lipatese ne- yaung; you are beautiful; yeu ca yet enjay Saviaur te Bethlehsem vutliut Mary'. icing ceuves an annuai pension of $ 1,(»0 froni Lhe lîfe; but." lu a deliberate, cruel manner, tise. a aI. Wienhievilages, n - Ruesian gaverfinent sd asemal auma yearly "1yous wiil net, for the. rivercdaimis yenu as t. ther amikl.ado.thevivLctlm o th morning af Decemuber 26, aakoe, by divine from te ikd. o e edaeasdt oitsn i i oe lcbrvl en arrangement, sud in smre unexplained vay, Mn iieo rs edaeue o Snohn nbsvieflsbrwt er tise Child Jease nigil have been faund in maSo liant for bread sud muai o! excellent sud looking up use resda deatb in hie face, sorne camiortable cradie af tii village. But I qality. Alonmg Lie rivers in Colorado aud and sinkiug on lier kuee ise liolds eut lier no, ne! Motlîend for al l iane wus te ho Arizons grass seeds are collected in largo lulpless bands vils a ptying cry fornlits.. consecnated, and eue of the tendei'est rela- ?,uantitieisudsunpply s mueci vaiuhd vinten "Strang-e," eobeerved ,M. Vandeloup, vils tionms la e otise maternaI relation, sud aood f or tii. Ludia us. They are ground in. a touch of hie aid eiry manuer; "Iyeu camt one 'of tie eveeteet yards "muiiotler." Iu ta fleur, mixed witls water iLe a dougi sud to commuit suicide and are neI sfraid; I vieli aIl agee God buas ouared geod motlierhood i cakes of the. latter are baked in tii. bot to cave yen the trouble, and yau are, m3 John Weasey bad a gond nmtlir;- St. and. dear-you are illogleal." Bernard bud a good inotier;-, amu1el Aconite seenla ta b lie h avarite poison "No! no!" sho muttens, twisting- ber banda Budgclt badl a gond notier; i)oddridge, a of physicians vie seeS te taS. tieir live.. togetiser. "I do uo a vateIodie, viy do you good motheon; W'alter Scot, i go'ed Theo dpsth by Ibis mîeamis of Dr. Douîglass, wvu te kill me"l lfting lier van face te bise. motion; BenjaminuM'est, a good motion. in Kansas City, viii recall ta lhe neusiory He bout down sud caught lier wrist In s gmet audience, mast aofvimom von. o! newslaper eadlene the faut that vitisin fiercely. Chlristiamue, I asked Ihat ailtiiose vIs a bd tha last six mouthe thoeebav'. been faur- "You ask me tisaI?"lieha ald, lu a voice.of beeu blessed o! Cisristian motions arise, or ive cases reparted o! medical meu vho cocecnrated passon, "yeu wvie, ils yeue sud aimnt tise entire assembly stood up.1 bave cauîîuitted suicide hy tie se .of thi long longue, bave put tise sangmamse ope Dan't yen se bow important iL is thal a I saine dnug. round rny Ilrout; but for yau, I would, by niotberiaad be coneecated ? hvb did The ro6L of a sort o! turuipla inumed by tîsis lime, have beau on my vay to Ames-ica, Titiauu, lie Italian artist, whiemulie ektched Lbe Indiana o! Tennessee for a curions pur- wiueue freedom sud vealh avait me. 1 the Madouina, maie uit an Itilian face ? pase-namely, te cure doge o! tbe habit o! have vorked bard, 4nd committedl crimeà Why did Rubens, lhe German anîlal, in oting eggs. This root lma :very bot and foi- aney, sud now, wisen I shonld eujoy t bis Madonna, mako il a Gcrmun face ? biîing flaiaver, sud a emall portiomn o! il in you, vith your feminine devltry, hav< Wisy did Joshua Reynolds, tise Euglish put inte an ogg vic is pLaced in tie dog'i c-ggi2d me bacS lt 4 deptbs."1 art-tt, lu ils Madonna, mar. il su Euglish way. Aller su? aliewiaag iii hastily sud vith- 111 did nat mauke yot commit the cu-lmem.' face ? Wiy dud Murillo, lie Spanish out cansideratien; tise animal viii neyer se said, pileeusly.' artiaI, lu bis Madonna, maSos Il a Spauush tonch another egg. "Bail'" vil a scofOng laugs, "ise iaid face? I neyer hoard, but 1 think lie7 bah ItIlis bard te bolieve in tisse daye o! you didi I taise tuy avu insi on my thein ovîs moîbers as tise type o! Mary, the crnces. financiers liatinl trasacstios oCV own sisouldors; but yau dld verge; yen malien oi Christ. Wieu yeu heur some sing a peruod o!fsevon yoars aud un amount betrayed me. «yes; thon. la a warrant eut eue, in sermon or onation, epeak Lu thse ah- sxceeding $13,000,000 thene siouid bave for my ie-ast fer tise rurdoe- oftisaI se- stract a! a good, failiful, ouaest methosr, boon but one orner o! 810, aud tint ene cursen ierre. I bave eluded tise doen younnoyesf1111up vils toas,wvile 70nUSMy fonnd te bave been made up. Novertieles Melbornne1 poile. se far-, but 1 lave linod tise toyeoursol!, 1'hut vas my msother.' that in tise record o! lhe Eust River bridge lii, of a dog. I dare net evon asic for food ise firtatoved a ciild stters ie apîte o reportod by experts vie have gene over lest 1 boay myseif. I amn starmng-I1.11l b. "Motien," adsu -od . aid man, l i the acaunts. yen, ularvlngh von hariotl sud t la your iad trouebles enough, snd aos enotaghi md Tlsei-e1lu8a aposes L- $ cI Kni« riemdçftsaa*« 1eniiily beneavernenta onougis viii. yen voe shoe. kelp, wviia lie Ibso! Aluaka are veq thsao as ornle te 4&0, Tsrryby tise tii-eue, moter, iti *e jola tondo !eïe* jb Ileas toq;h 55gtath . da*swelt1v, Uffýim shah e your rayers &Il iamseredamd M& fer a iole dey. T M ho odan p l mirIWr ém plereéOLtb & whgstr.us1se i os the !oet* r o« Kof teruapurg sd uY h>p 'elL ,as li l. ~h .mnth é*tàu~t~~ s Uer. lato *m m m7 wuJ ~sI *ui 1e*0 à.orteit. ~ot, wLhb i. ank grass Md w t- *hscmi~ehivngbauloe. Bats ae saai- iliii IoCnlaont the e ttaUeM u 1. owla dluafy. Wba" Le thàt othse rimoa warl b. teMuk *et-no, t Jea body, wth wvite IMs Mad tUmgW aubprn hair; t la Basting du«wu wtheasourrent. Pooplè are psnlng te0"m frooa, the.bridge, the. clocic trukes ln 1116town hal and thse dead body dr-itsa lowly dow« tis red steen far into thse shadowe of thu oomng nlght--under the, bridge, -aSroa 'wbLch the crowd le hurrytng, beut on pies- mmr and business, pust the tail warehousos where riais nierchants are comnting thefr gains, under the shadow of the. big "teMers, wth' their tal masts and umoky funnele Now it la caught ln the. reede at the aide ai the. stream; *now the current carnies, t out agaÎn, and so down the. foui river, wlth tise hum of the. City on each side and the red sky "bOve, drifts the dead body on its way to thse sea. TLi. red dies out of the. sky, thse veil of night desceunds, and under the, eold starlight .-cold and cruel as hiâ owu nature-that whLoh vas once Gaston Vandeloup floate away into the. tiil shado ws. THIS END. Courteny te ervz- The London Spectator is», journal written 'or gentlemen and gentlev/onii. Lt semi astoniehing, therefure, that the. Spectator should think it necesary to contend, ini e somnewhat careful eesay, that a gentleman may be courteous ini his speech to servaute or others in bis employ witbiout risk of loeing hie dignity or finpairing his authc.rity. A genitleman i.e always courteous in bit a .eh.H ie pecially courteous in ad. dreussing servants or others whoee positions Place t.hem at a disadvantage in controversy. ro epeak rudly to those who cannot reseit the affront is mean and ardlv, and gentienian je neyer m'-an . wa rl Iy. But, apart from ail that, why shutiil any one wish to be rude in speech tr> thosc who serve hum? What advantag'e <les he l'ope to gain? What part of hizi natuire does he. gratify, unless hie nature be base ini a (le. Sre. fot common ainong mcni of deccut ringing up ? Arrogant self assertion je the surest pos- sible mark of vulgarity of mind, wlîetier the manl guilty of it je a <luke or a coal- heaver, thle master of a palace or the hum- ble3t servitur upon his prenhises. Thiese things are less well 'under- ftoo(l in Enuland than with ourselves. That country is etill under the. speli of aristocratie traditions of caste. It etili lias tolerance for th isnideede of lords and, gentlemen," as though it were some- hov the. riglht of snch to offend iii ways for- bîdden ro humbler folk. It etill recognizes rank as somehuw superior to inanhlîo, and its aristocratic clase lias flot yet quite re- covered from the hrutalizing ani vulgariz- ing influence of its own excessive p'riv.ilege. But Englishmen 'of the. 'upper ase" are alowly learning a better gospel of manhoodi and equaiity of right. 'I'lat coun- ry is. becoming democratie, in fct in epite of its insti' utione. It je beginuiing to recognize the truthe reflected- in our Americaii life that self-respect in the equal right of ail men, that dignity mueit h ave clarity, not lire- scription-, for its foundation, and thiit bu- man brotherhood sbould carry with it ha- man sympathy and kindneas. But courtesy to servante needs no sup. port from any such considerations of primi- ciple. With a tris. gentlemnan it is a niat ter of instinct, as pereonal cleanliness and othei a em-New York Wni-ld. YOUh tAGEo Tan PEhies, Baubari PlMpi.., Black Speoi4 Bk.i Che, 4ca n be romowl ewU yapplylng laie, Bue-o and Bf ectas PRICE 26C. IPER DOT= SM dby aiJfP-010^ *u Go J.- HOYLE, OANNINGTONI ,»a Ima sko sft Miortmat o!f Boeofe m" ,,demcipdoen il inds of uchool ilde% «UuWools, ltngxg9 eek5ep Md lose Woom noisile Ebroiéry ilk, TInsel a"d Flovui leflIes, etce.,1 ~XucelIntrumts, M an ivurware lbmu., M"bl6"suIran" Sod ie" am eriPties1 . J. lHOYLE, Ofi cen mmgtea MIL trou &asc emsuL...Lis...l &pm. OOIhs.., ...LU -r. . p.36&. 6 Mpomo... .1.tu m Il . 1- v "a- &MpmwLooS.u. 1.dkU &m. 18 . 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