f - ~ Au AI HypOI phSphlteS of Lime &Sd l no, iKG INUBUAL. Timu 7AT W HA$ Ut P <,ZE0UMD 0VA AWOm AGAIN .PALATAU1LE AS MULL 'EW DORSK Dm Y ICIANS. SCOTT'S EMUL SIO14 18 PUT UP ONLY IN< SAL14ON COLOI t W5APPER<S. SOLD DY ALL DaUG- GISTS AW BdlND $1.0 119 .Ç(ý oW g 91ml IVLITY OMFORT IL C 0P LES ÙOPULAR T T MALStsa APRIL ,0 Ibv*idaiw bom aa«V .dg.mSof tu C ompany. T1103. . KÂTOHET?. si zut et.. Llndam, oppo~I" DuilHBout GRAND IRUNK RAILWAY@ &80 à.mai Mlz.d 41,00 Pot Nope vis EaBo a., .M.. uanvis Pterboro b Pol Hope. fie. WItJPot PeryMmd Toroato. P.Z&. via11#W 1 toPort Nope, tou au0.CL m. ax=aarct bcTorono, fia. Port Hop$ tOO p... iwd bc Toronto, bhm Uzdamy CO& p-. Pm te Toronto from Potl Hope vi Parr for Put 1@7 anmd Wbtlvis I&MU 0. 00amon her 9.18 16.@, or 8.06 P. tiBis. 8.20 p.. LouaI for Oobocoonawlln.gs aIMi. yUil. whb Upme.for or"f aMmd Nllmad &W .0. ..ail for Fonolon ruPi 1moanl Mdi Umllbutoa. M1.38I..Maul£hum aibumia, imu% Fn, l "'ion NPul..eto. 86U &.. L'mI from Oobooook, àElda, Orifll Md U18.mm sm Id (rom Toronto teLlndimv. 168P .M. .ow ldirect Irca Pot Home via D.hmay. CANADIAN PAGIFIO RAILWAY. flnsorio .;nd Qu4.c Dý,4eo. QuINS WUIT. 2spie,,. Expess. Vamo'v .... . 0.m. 11.00 P.xa. &0#100o je... 1.46 12.01 .m 8.00 .uc ' I'oletbwtI... 8. ..8Llmc .8U9 9mim lai Potn Ol. Upm. .68 %a. Hash ,Troto.. S.10 . .131.YO 11f1mS.. V Shtation.... 6.4 . . .8.0) mm. lL4ia.m. 0 . Tr ao.90 ..9.18 P.m. 5-11 P.m. Pm P on Ipc .1.mm .ulIp.m. Ottawarem......Lai P.M..M.m NI, a -. POUtYPooI le o217 Il Soeldue soimtb fria. 1 808. 0. MÂTC13BTT, Petty' J.Ii 1vEaaiAel Boar, for Service. In 'Vil "<V.i b? ulabt oa lsmpui, thOr ý",tur effl, viliiho rewPoIf ,Pt opl D P(Il1c 10*, I-ire0 tat'hbiion 8dam a e- 5.avf 11.4 h nI,.re TMY dy d.va 017, a1 ftéal 0.i<e Io#.. 7a3, 0-h <Lu itià , p 1 CKNI4 e 910,i. t l amu i el Us,.,.Ifs«Vice. A ~litàHAW PEEL. fil-, nec i UOn -1141i Boar lFor Servio.. IL ultandbla mm. No. 90t. br br Ir. A. I10Msy bu.Vif a uI Vret Pila.wtnner &t Vfia¶arlm tKOU and 1.1 .d.may fi 1119, viit bW kmolf" *Mes odurtag Ifhe 54i<1..fl amLot I4, con. 6, lild o rmTe 04 Pt'a f». paid ae t ý 1 ' ervice, A îeduotlon viii bs u"d W Eogl E u r» page I.'. ittra, 1091 - U Vn. Ats Boftr for Sryxos, 7% h 'hitugh .-tii BradUm boaw a lbe kef#lors vi -s a< LAI 1, Cbu. tob-0 lg e. oia M&11Z flliWI"l. - _ a. ow*.I *P~*~5 *!I Ths Ya~k h'h oi O W. -m ale 6t e*t a it"f9dP s adm W te sua&poie. si wle le« , , -orropoatml mi. hob ate w 0.1ou the pp*pace tu tuS lw mig la thile wu@ wm . he b ummuth0 gmh asti.. oia fomert îted ism"Miof tht. tous,-IiMr. Wm. mtb, ailo, Wofor ,«n mwiew ith 'gr. John Klmuledy. mauroaliS, LelStreet. The YOu mm wb. am mm edein twet plac. Who fu It ho ny te -lemet l ie éariy 1mai1. Thé cain. Utdeaih vu. Oouaanplloi. The ftuMetai*0k plm0. fom the OTEIL etatl t. o rAle oeaielry tht. ,(Yîâam) soaego Tm WoeUx ezlenda i»a siaatby te thé benavld siothar, lirg. Lag Of O.mpWeffOd, ta ber Mmd affction. 1Tas HOLIDAY gathevicg la eomuection vlth thé »Mhuoili irob have have boneu s 641«1" sdby m Bb unusm destiea Of uaco.ua Ous Ob»ItaMa. nIhIthe masuabura of the ladmaVot m » t*i bld a itbow mtettta. meut. A ver bautiiMI ob .buring th. Coloré cf the rmtmbow graoud the frot it lof là@ *Ohuroh, Mmd thie tn addition tu he othet smlitable deoretion Mmd the muirus mad ousiy Obrtstmns giumrmaed bnuoth the arob, préaenteid a tory *t'motivé appearmace Lhe procmSwuS oh"lsMmd veit iemderd. ao'rte.Of readlmgagitan by 1lias Jôuule Bouen, a you Mmd télaldlooutomlt, Who test et ietiraldiIg here. Oh*.Coin- plèelIy ocapi vated the smudieooe. Ber redits- %iom of --The Chu"omiMmm" bimg exceptiona m2l lM insBouton posèeeles ta*ent VhiCà 11 udoubtedIy rai..bei 10 blgb imak. Theprce -e ammoutid ta emIîY 70. On Sabbmtb.Djo. 27. hs. oi. G. .Workmsn. ph.D., of Yiotorla Univesitiy. occu pied lhe moomia mmMd aevlming. WhUe bhi.dia. 0011fole w"ouoe tamp of culture, hé Prmout 04 .iu.ba, in al ahwslhat l.a grmep t aie mervia.. voeetory hlghly OWNew Yomr'a mlight the 81011111%,tftinf cêmnaciou .111 thé ohOroh Va.s agrazai Vuceaq he proodtiuOffloed vt a p.&slughamee»tiàg là the body CI the Chosro vh.r. lhoghl;tul end tlupirU<SddkumUvers ..,ilvtrtd t,'yHoes. J 9, Moitu leu,<f Xitdi-c. &rd C. -I1, Thompm onf omemoo. The fuhîovud thé bauquet, an the aohuui roum 0o1 the Obhhé b table lit.rlly grommodVth the f ;dttnz.mm&d ovaafter the hmeau g"rol tghèdbouom emin ied, *Il vwu Dot on.' Mumae duhqdgmgfroiu the mmber o1fuvi taum baad 1h08 ms&ml th ua aunsemuummg im w»n Mbgb.urwg baéu.ymrna. la the syemlng a tvr" laaIatle.ISu MdilitrmoLlte I"uuss deîivnred in &ho. auditoslum by lhe 1,vt E N. Baker.,B.D.. of Pur& Hope, on @'A îeubà ls au." i, . Dk.rduoalbedha real, tp- ti tuthat si, oient oity anal gave. ln con. melon wlth him ova experienco, a deecrîpuoâ ..f seunsbtht werm mnaaod while Roue vmi in buratmi.The proomeaof mthe dam proo uwgamoatebtuover $100. BTexTUxnTOf sBrichou. ilfactom!Jn'uopéra. tiona fur ima of1891 :-Faetory opemed May ýO, cio.ed oct.8 luât. Av-4rga. uimber el cUva loi eoaocu, 175; whole No. 11». Mli reuld lur énmaon, 479.095; vhole No. Ibe. chose mfd tir smeao. 45- 697; aeaeNo. Ibo .11k per lb choubo. 10 48 100; savtaufk uulltng prie@ pfr lb Chéesil 9.14 100; rmff atetige prile pui 100 Ibo. iak, 87 26 100i uholqaantrncê reo'd for Cheu".,84.180 99 Elp~ ~ wmsumotura-o auatmg. $5711 di.âwffl mL'k. 8479 08; almam'a atlas $84 00; Sec Tre-ow., $20 00; mocoualante, $1000 Total expenlt-ru $111479 Be1. veld te tha patroca, $8086 20. Thée&bae rompt opke for 1tItasi Eerythtng bst,1 i. ker n lt.o onslderatiom ..ur laotor' huitaine haé& bom 0are t inul a sraikably i. miunermte Mauna iuinglbhe Fut'year Thora e mnte o b.aifeoting of gemerel st! fisc lu ninregard te tha mancer tn vbtch Mr. C P'. lotilthbe bueme.ukr onapîold durIn 1-ho put yomr. bae mttended 10ehbu part of the banataeae vbeh ta grallfying ioded, m, afie. ail, the rnan.fnoturo of a gocd ariolo ci1 chues Ioe bmuns îhing mensaliin mklag th.bi tmessa @cucu&sW. mlght hor. tate &bml &à- W-1'. oL g agas-11 aI 1. o p-.a 4*4 i I ~4OSIU ~ -e va a due" 00101 welvu oga l tatra d ti" u --tb etàpsm. uoàrk bore. TieMMbly vmmjra@ed Iy tbe proseucc 0 à" .à ...agaeut ucti imapeeot, qbo m.âtedla es. feblt Seterm, -lâ» selutioScf etui e reMdu" by the aohQ@L AS umustgfouemmo0lth alter»nva.wu neld mblud pIlia aitchto oouduoted by lit. Wr. Thbuna. lit. Ruesl oductela grmmmsar luewhleb va. lnîosste mégsd btU tiOItte le l, prlsmt. éo'clokby àmfolle.f elcsme by the chcL. Standing ioom bd t a a"' ory lgbPrMluM- Tbo proffsume os thé. entax cenaeed of vocalMmd insîrmmtalduette, solo., aMui tmg dWaoguse e@.mdlmgs, uctéaltoagiven by th@- puapdl. mmd bMmda of ta@ ehooL Tb@ toachertMr. iA Frouler, vée aken by srribt., vIth .8prutatto f fosthe eehclu ofetà tory bsmdatiMe gemtloimm'S 101% mtacos.M pamiai liv the folovtua ddteuu- Dnàm TuAoxM,-Wof. th@ pUPils Of tht. sohnot, have bae a miumout la dseraag le ube eun of the OPPotttàlty vhtoh tht. gathotlng *miorda us te publloeIl eprna Our regard for you mmd Oui blah ePPreciaIOn et jour nîtioe la ou bbai. Wo ensMli verv patefulw norub.kids whioh bas ehmaoeotedyoui decaluage wtt us, for tho skili vid which you bave lnatmuotsdius, and the patience with vhloh Ton hale t.mot.d Our diaftiuanmd for 1h. tact am m ar. t1.1t11wlîh vhlcb pou baire .zoioeed dts. olpilme. W.e adW tokncv, althongh 705 have lied obargé cf sur school s oompmiiavely short lime, thal ée obyond the sohool ycur work th htghily valuM d dappooved, cmethât Our oosdopinmio .metamd bith. judament of tho. hom vs thlmk more capablo of judglng. You May, Iberefote, accepl Our worde es proMpls by feellag$anmd contiotlome mmd sn a hautantymd geuule tastiaony te peut profieuUMeritI Md perenal Worth. mut vva nld ctmot 1eatt.ied vlîh offorlag Tou thet oaly vb" o cta ai mcthtmg or te F tlined vtthout effort.but alec satniuM whluh vili b. a profit in a alght degrec of th. .b.iýuli tyo "01ezpllsalcof good viii mmd cf matarta i alme t.yon. We therofois piesent v. a vita '1-1- toilaI net, trastlug thst Il May picto a reraindet of your flesemnt relation es 1tloarhon ar èl paptlalong afteroui vorda apoken ho; olgîae ogttn igod ou bohalf ofth h.soSl, TamP "m. Wonu1l iue opl'.Balummfor 1h. Throat s','l Lucore. I lta cuinx more otanOf Oomh, cois., ÂulhMaronobitz, Croup sud a41I Trost and Luno Troube% than amy ot.b'<îmocioîne. The propritoi h bu thor- ieut ny druggst ta give you a Sam ple BaIlle Faim l a couvince yon of ike morls cf Ibis f a emedy. Lauge Bottin 850o sud S- À Pleaaptt Rerb Drink. Ths boit cmre kmov for Constipation and Hcmdauhe la the aluamnt heîb drick oalled Laue@ Famiiy Modioe. Ilta is Wla ,b. Oreg<on grapo root, omblaed wlith simple herbe, and àh md. for urne by orgbtln vale ono l. dy mta niherbe. I11t. remarkably efficaibuo lnalal blood duordera, and la tov the coveregn remotl *,th lacilu four learing up th. complexion. Drogglslu eil the pit IcagostaISOc sud 1-lv Tan VICTORIA WARDERn soNDéAT. ONIAEZO. ommbrdge lereS« oul f tbWmu.'1O¶ Job Palnting dons la moemsitlée M modu-le PI A TU 01? ADTMIING. 04 of quartSe et e*....... l 18 Hall n eo.. ylm r......... U 60 . go MOI ....... 14 le 48l 48l Me 0 10 OOIMUOIALMAN» LLNOTICU. Tm u lamt udm o, lmelio..... 0 . cmlx1laaalmIauu O......& M ms eo dubaequ YM ub........... 9 Mx lnsse , OdrýSM taerllapm l........... 1 n.om by mamie lie dmmoaparle O Tbe mbr et W b rehne moltheguh à"- tleraailmib eà mal aeameai.W &M th»rel .1%0mee*I mefqpuilm 0pb os la & go meil ti Ibo.»V sue d A M a~m d em ano ea4 aamhp m ieewa.I i,-'.l - e « 1o uMais fh ,IIN"0Y. md b V', MslpM bempp EUoLuhv 9180.Pe M bud hi' t lm Wl ifo "o e.'refSkfl la o»04PV go~~ut byulv ma aI0 g. mau Co mMERCIAL. .indaap Mark*"s do OSIlcOl " =,. 0Se0 00 Ark, lzil, onl.....-------980101801 ooSu M84 Pl"mei ............... e ti I Oom chop, P« 10 Iboe.... ....... 1 a »100 0"i mua, pet 10 . ............90e090 ftrlv, pu bu ............ --0 toet60 PIeo, mag ........ .......... f si w 0 a 1 OmI, do... ... 05a1go0 U à 0aeL.. - --- I 0 10 1 Sire., pwiod..- . ...S m.90 0" ...............8000 gros....e...e.... 0 l u 170 â.aii par bL .. . ........ ..1 ste 160. V o L erl...... .6 - . . 2. . 0.0 t 9&00 S&M ................n a e.....*. . I UbS90109 N6 I 9 4mPe la.. .b....... . ... ...1801018 0. p....t.....~.*- .1 .090 Lambkia...----------- 9 g100 a"d l......... 000 ln»e - %.. - . ....I001to0900 Toronto Tom on. mo. Jm18lm ¶~Wh e ..... ....... -0 o e10st Wb #0810 o088 %"Me90M.................... 98 081 e s Bytee.......... 00 0 0& ait .. ................. ..0 080 t 00 Ds.edbop per vw...........8 0 %0 860 Oubtm patr ................ 00 060 Tuie4per.................... 00 10 000 l'Ur%*".....................98000e%039 Duna,é-fflub......... 1.10 90oi Butophb .. -. .. 00 %0 000 Applue....... ...... lis8 10900 Turnipa, yellow, pt w ......0 0te940 Obbege pa dém.......... -0 S e t 06 auta petbaf. ............--00.1e0 00. hUIiiajprii.......; le te040 Oar'ot arubag......... 04t 5 Oslq, pur dm..................1 o0 O oft'0 4per bg............. 09010o110 nom"diahea pur ............. Oi 00 a" prk......- 1200 Io 1400 thl.......... ...... _ 900. 10 Toronto Coutle Verset îî»7"miiiii ......-Seo' 090 BubohesoboWo~ plo w elb 8à0. S$00 « boleeperowL.... 809 80a p. b ...............20. M = Petba ......... m50. 480. ..e-Epr ... ........ ... 440 800 .,lb ........%oUI9 U0* r pt.d.....80 40. .b-ehm........... ::...iq a a Hop-J*bb P 'ev..........il& 4 S W-UK!ýu t ........sa8 3o 81144 wtlb.... ......... 00. 90. Calee.h.bmdgoo thlele..... 0 600. ..a........... seé 806 Toubbqu &Pruton, MRAIN AND) PROOIGE M EROHANTS* x s0,w y. nomam nmuae fURE. un~ anaball 1.8vAlàOeesmdEuho OtR ORIANTS. PIANOS AND SEWING MA~IbES C orporataon of t Couaty of are guaranteed superior to any others made in Canada, and unsur. VI " =i. passed by any made in'America or no sale. -~ Samples cati be seen at No. i7o Kent St. West. CORD WOOD.\7T ATL00A.lN Te"su -maTeder.for Cod"- 11 be C N rscevod by th0me ralwgasd mtit Goeteal Agent, Lnday. Thursday, i4th January, 1892, Noc&a-U[esarsJobmeton & Siso, firet door omet of th. Dsley Hanse, WIl accepi 1 m rom peu" owtag me,.md give receipte for the samo. No croda vili he alnrwpd exept 'h o UThe ell «4ncf100 CORDO luU CH'tl<>iptaen .produe. W W.LOGAà. BODY WOOD.ml. at0ourt Houe &" Gamo', Linim i'.1 ý tillea of aàoi - #mn 9» 0 cordo. mi ubJ. 'cinlaqumlt, 10 < EAVHE Ch~fange of Busiu-ess.- L »=si' 00<UD.,189&- I have reoently purchased the Hardware Business of R. D. THEXTON LINDSAY et a rate on the dolla, and purpos to ca rry on a MA R BLE WOR KS. J ienera1 Hardware Business R. OHA-MBERS . iaw via m Mmd7UrnIl Umm, bon "* a" *ue. aonSaapmplly flvmtMulibiim ef meml jCLmd sompare poo. beore pulioba- b WOEES-Ja ua 49 L"mà*m on Camrige Ut., foi TNE PICIFIC COIT., A imores of coevay oxcursion parti.. for Vancouver sud otlaor Pacifia Coa.t, pointa ~iW louve on the. followlng date.: October 'f, 21, November 4, 18, ID ecember 2, 169 80 Eob perty vil ho personaDly conducted md no effort will b. sparod la make the trip plemiant; md onjoyabWe Fer MIinformadim Iplyl m 0 M . 1aXu~ No. 22 Kent St,~ one door Eat of the Benson Huse, I intend to devote my time and attention excluiveiy to the IbuineEs, and propose to introduce iew ideas, new methods and rew pries which will b. more in accordance with the progress of the 19th rentury than, has hitherto been custornary in this lino of trAe I cordially invite verybody whether they are budlders, carpenters, nlechanic, fermer, Iawyermi> doctors or poundkeepers to eaul and get quutationâ of rny prie". TH[Ii WEEK I arn making an extra puh on BPORTING GOODS, and arn prepared to give the very closeast quotA&tioi<j On Powder and Shot, Cartridge and Shelk, Wads. Primers,and every othýr rqtisite neces- sary for Sportsmen. Sports, corne and see me before you buy, and with ý our permisiou wiii make a pecuniary application thaz vill remove the cobwebe from. your optics. Hardware Merchant, No. 22 Keiît t6treet. Lidamy, Sept. 2ad, I891.-1798.ly SC. JOHNSTONI Proeeni4a t Manille, Ont. ewvw rd*",______________OMM____ I eecting your Christmas 'Good s remeniber my stor, is SHILOW1S 1 full of prosents suita.île for evrone, young and o1d. Cal! ICOIMU m PTIfl ar-d see. them. Remnember vvuu~ m.. *~uuthe place, C UR Ea mpilioa~tiosugiirici ~ No. a Kent tbt. Eat TMo mmces cf ItisGreat Cme b la0 OS CNOSA vuthout a pureitel l his0y of medicU o"Wqz:JR..S LIDA Ail druggits are authoried tb mcli ila apo&-. The o um end md foiramie m: =mmteatetb & at a eue k asov%. y, bct Kn wls n B ou tb. Propietora at an enormous expease, aeKi.' 9 dm d y..ir f" o " ~BIDJaB8~BUkFrilao every hom e ft m m!lirdlm'i.by <Loi B.kin =eeeeuCenmda. IfffflhaveiIIA, ima îielbock"1740 a Cagb, Smr Throat, or Broachitis, udt it, for ; i',m"M Real Estate, Insurance and wlvI curey=ti.If vaur child ha teb. û> l dm 44. ,mi e a " $172smoabeimu. CrhOCm Con eht o ~SOh4Financial Agent Commplca1us l. sko Y ad W loamgMdao~uIo is mIyOH'S 9LURE, iMib MmI5Jaclu.$55iseuse w ~orysoi use lt. .mmd Kubsa&u $î.ac. 'fs i ump10 8t Ct iMd MOU" &. O. J$5750 wbick buv.tnomentr elizigd0 m e Sh l e asPoo s Iter,, P 3iS Imalla .., ont; f tnt per anutu, .ituated in centre of 1019 Osiob""W, 141 8L41 town; A good investmeiat. MA.PLEB LEAF $4000 wiil purchase one of the fin. -~ i .,ho l - oe>~est madences An North Waîd, with bye »» 0 lnd OlP SAWS .k, WETIIERELL'8 dlwelling &ntid additionscoonveniently Bit- uated la North Wmrd. $1200 wil buy either of two brick dvlwexagm4 8 and 9 rooms, ha South W"rd $650 vill buy brick Cottage In Souhhard, fivo minutes wlk fram Post Wo hâve for al. and to renuI moUd brick, bick vuu>eord md bere dwellings and vacant Iot tamliparsof tho tavu, at pric and on 14teu sit h. vanta af any intcnding pur. obm. O& Cmlis ooour liis.& INSURANCEB ýM »» Metêputmir f lb. utrongeut En#j ,ma Amedm EImumuenc ompaniei aud Ve ire, MM, md Acident rtuba at layOOt %ktmWSýp b6tw.a Em MetroalMd Q~BOXT BROS. -4 i. i~ws ade rom-1h.boit, Niokle Steel Bpriug, tempered; fuly requirsrno sut. We. kuoinstock sa ffilin. of SHFILF HART)W ARE, mn4 evoy lnigthe EUILDING'LINZ. in the sam e store, 1