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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Jan 1892, p. 4

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~Tteyu are hbeuradi ad>* ta.eiyssw""by "à 6, a *oe *mS1W ~%amm rMM baà" "Mola 1*$-wols #.Ad Whm is ou at a tehTm uiul sk the aln b km .eallemet la r la boum wlth àamminfuir L 1afl te Imapire cualIde ace a sedu bi ceofos. ThereFou Vii b. wu" hi*$fadrp m viiiset hooset valu e o edom 700 But ubers oau yu ldsaab rnoab iahuuti Wall th. parpose of Ibs dvo*UlsMim la te drav yoar attention- le lb. féel ba wElans trylug te IMIthe abov squlrs. Ws do net pretlte 60have mso& of that gool elI commodltybos.i MotaIbail-bat ve belleveià las.0e«> agaumtloa te u élit ln ev@2y other waY v.î.sl bya long distancethe jefer bMainsf t Iis couty. 0f course therle a cause for it. Tb"t cause la slmply this. W. have lth erve snd déterination te leal, te vinansd hol the onconoofe&Ud ivth vhom veo have businsa relations. Tht confidence rnlgbt ho teom l ualaed but not retunel by uvtb méthode. W. hop@ vo ane building on a murer fuundatlon. W. dou't prétend tecs»iigoola ab oaot. We ui;DmiI rther than ovs state the qualireofgoodeansd moite.ne assertions until convincel lbey arecorrect. W. are s. carefal te avoil error sud as realy anl suxiaus 10 correct aMy that rlgbt couras the moat exscting cuatorer oould vlsh. W.. buy lu large qusutities, sud for spot cuassd are îhereby enabled t10»Uni t coaiparatlvsly close prices. W. handie rellable gonds om'y sud couluot oui buainoas lu auch a vay th&& 1h. tact of an arile havlug beeu hoagit frein us la preaumptive evidence cf la pood.quaiity. Wtch a re a lsadlug tealure la oui basin.. Wilvou rémernnhrthat I Watchoas aie a dng tfatare laoui business. We go into vatches aitenlvelyi on a largo sosle, and va Muen te o lIet vatches on a larger sosleienlu uture. WAT0HUS WILL 1su TRI 8TEOxG POI1ST VIT Wivcu eOUR ADvIRTISMEMI W. ca1rry avlerylargo rarlety cf lhe moitleésir&b0le gold dfilhidsilverand nloble vatohes, anâ uos upply anythlng la this line required. Oui o)wn §P@01al vatCh "Tin Mza.uwD ba abeal of sny other, Il la expenalve but it la vorthy of Its prioe and Ita place as the very beat. If you vant a vatcb of auy grade or price It viii psy you te buy frein us. 9 If you vaut an NZOEToz;iJLT gol vatch t i w pal Ion te gel "Tan 3Mm.1 Corne sud ses us viien you areila ovu.1 Britton m Bros.1 Foot of Kent Street. Ltq,-is*v, Dee, SOuh, 1891 lIIAy, JANUÂRY 1à 1892. A union ef beartaand a union if bud à tunooaou cver; à union 0f homes sud a unie. of ILude Amd the ang Damas rnest. forevo.0 TES ROîD POB GAZLWA ]P. In suoliher oolarnu appeaua a lelter frein Irondale aelslnq forth ina nev sud prao. tclieIgb theb bnoîtite beha leivel by the construction eoflimusllvy tro Builcstom via Lindsay te Boboaygsca. Ouiror.aepomdsuit, a thorougbly pusctdc in, sugqests ia extension onvard te connct wlîb the Iroalale Bsueroft sud Ottava Rsllvay aI, or eut et Irendale This semua a mont praclical ni mentor. lous suggeatom. The roadI vouil travers the ont stde et Verulsu, pas.ae oGaI. vay nu SîBlver Labo, on meuh saslsly via Svamp Lake te 1De junetbca viti lie I. B. and O. Il is Poisible that Mr. PausieyenI. buovu Prodent oethéieIrondale mUwmy mlgbt lobk viti distvor on lie omIse prise;j buve b.lleve the rond oul ba ponat beni te theoovasry e WMi lrge oonstqusntly toh e il rllvy.Ouir ise. pouinPanuma lhoreugily pumott ona, adoesWho, veane aursd, U ido no lnjury te Mu. Pua.ys ruivy. Wiiat vould dsvelup tliaIreg"on oul bemeit bei rosIs But the true standard of valu s l i utity of the propo cad.Mi «t e. a"* th le ceuntry. Norbt et Bobosyqeou ère bnowu valcable dopoits eoflitbopap làhi as eRasvaluable building tone. h GalvaY nasOUvlla s ou le mun Wm. Duba'# farmasus meset ilvu mI leal. The lied mine bu bom vtSbd for smoe ime, sMd lmusell à&iVe" of silver are expossd nidevolopol la Gw ansd the @am"rin cose'tw Mr. Dumnbaropropsny la ooeuvs os M r. Bans, Mr. Eadmn',s m movral ntbser Ina la ()uIV" alebol, p"alumoliMd mii hflbeaiacvsroin PW lbo e.& p *8 km «* id tc v t: I~~1 die fh~llàV haeh luth lito a »I.boI1tIdbvs.- P4LSI'N, LD.-T'I. AU. Isi.s oeil.W.Wc~D Reseri . u o M;gu!.u oong» m, ci terclBarre laoeI.he boulas. Ibo o v m r bard pmeonfor mouoq. Porter, neoa s bobtter tih holb. tereu a I&avy eltter bas for moê.y. n. eveacltsd eaIl"o» ee Jete bep. ses am0unte. Bat4 olisns noeel ol ha e ile la tii.leaut The ballet la secret la Demi. nion pelou",Mr. Barrn sud bua aget dare neot uab theelsctora te remain aval frein the pcll;sMd vbea the elector marks bis ballet no eue but hirnueif buomm boy il là rarb.d. Theusore, lot 1h. gri Iooer, hotel-beaper, meribsute sud Otonrsire aval wltb thelr accouaIse threugh Mr. Barre. à Lordi ADORwmD Befrm or tNerth sud South vic- boria, kludIy résI 1h. lutter in suether celamft signeit"CilcaopTeaosr" ,Il bas the true ring lil.it Thé gentleman, a perfect stranger le us, la, h,)orve, a thorougaly Intlligent aud veill uostel mau. JHeundestanla politIcal sconoauy, Msud la akesu observer. Iu bis bastily vrltten poit.car, for Il vws On a poalsoard, ho touches the bey. note et Suy nations gresa.ss. Ina anul. shell, bis e«ample e ov.Swbol ilIlustre. tivs of th. policLes etftth. Ivo grogt Pa>. tis. Bell4 aro net made lunlarge qau. titles lanada. unite Blatea me. 01ban11o4make lieuUnes tabefarir fnld thon mechaulos, sud Uni. tattu Capital controlsethe factorise. Weil mur thal loyal CanalIsa Reformer rais bis vois frein fmi away Chîcago calig ou-1la inamen lu Canada le fus theelves frei party blas, and support a polloyv hluh vii ledo hein sd thsfr coualry honer. Weil may b. or, "ehaàme" te Canadaen. vio vould barter theu ueuntrvl rlgh.suMd houer. Oui Cicago frianduli iI tbe oa ef Tus WÀIma b hs disposai vhsuevsr h. ulahealto ase thein. Let Ushop@sice kinsMU etaIhomo, vho aretaiseable la. tOUuOnt usa, may cul aside ltIlai.r of party sud klikte àson d brother tamIsIusualy for boms sud coumtry. If oui frisaI vwoulI Isein il prudent ve woull glsIly publish bis naine; bul par. baye SOoin fthe aaous &s «Uslouati hoers mklg tul it bcChioago, sud use it bgbaluat i. Hovever, bis frienliand wéo knov vieoho la, sud the.public may Msdly oseshos ba ar i rsp Of the situsion. [Siace tie above vas in priaI the brother, vîlîten to lu North Victoria, bas saets le ister aldAsesl 10hlm. [t Wini appUeMi et veek, vir. the polti. cai part ef t .ED. WÂsnua. i WORD MAîIN& Dit. MOKA , .MPP Wbîu Dr. McKas uineuvSMfi mondoionla1880fWrWsm Victoria Ià vu net as a rfoémer but ma u ras. Dmm. - Ia 1890 lthe doer acceptel the Bomlnatle. rou a retenu cemvten. H, bovover, poud as % thorougi inde. Pendent, aMd vus ppouel te .polloy of the Movat Govermnst ila msu epecta. Thus ho appemielte the cmuvtive, of Nuipousumd le.; sudbis old Meule beivlag bAu mnoiesppouSW inl. Revever, lut assa bet te . i"l a&l De. MjKav% laepeadomce In the gemerel DeulaS lociola M"m, 1801, Mr. Diokecu Geo. MmHugb, W. Eymo, W. LAwoviransd seau of cli.. vue aIldalse $fo r . Aitr. sblp etoof a " couslp Xe.Walbma mu.re. m Md Dr. MsKay mi ti regstbwud4pin tor ani Ilvus sorti. D or tbousmI @"Mle la Bdonles"> le.m M nip o uvr el o& . hum- bu beIna deuhtte da.a- belore "r mmsa bahl la alse.iu;%ocmssti elotica vasovin, "ie.lie mesgeoe tics. peolosreteu leaders V§14-44 fumer le teego ant to e besgh mut hu am mrvoheg msns Mmm rpiele te a ciDr. hmi the .cmldomcaif bis nwàIguh but bebu t mDr. nMe*hes i Banc.lî Md b AMuity IMM h t Im, m D methm M d emer àvh1 P» um00btdo te lMur d te ieu, on"M 80Br Wb u lsleà lca oolUr. Bmarr. pubibied accouas ahvel oxpeadlta d et omaome lmurSorAve bund cii. noBethe bmtsDe OO probabdy wven a oodlUw, Lut Domini o lctionvisaU. Barren songht te laduce su hoceat wMoh country electer te vote for hlm on tUn uinI liaI lhe Ontario Goveunust vouil notgrn meney fer rosaà nis. 1Ur. Baro mvrrewecls, thé uothby càticen poltel te thé beutifai waters aad said: -"'Go» AzmexTrgave us b. buat of reode. Our oca n asummner, sud ic la vinler renIer usm alMy Ilapdent of thé Ontaro Go,'onrent." Duke of Olarece Dead. The Duke of lsiso.. midus u o theb Prinso t Wsltç lied et Saaîrluhuba ibr. dm7, Thwbady. 141h. La Grippe al punumaieisvu lb. cas i obath. Mr. Fairbaauou Binder Twine. [AWororifrouaEs.asrd 1 have litenel wlth nmre üU11e allen. tion te han. goalleen opposite Who have addreusedus Ibis aflernoon t he subjeot of bladlng Ivine. 1iWi ssy, sasa farer snd I thiak tha" I uders as. mach about Ivine as aay of th. entimen Who have apoken on the subjeot, sud have uMmdas muoh of t, snd 1have trel ail kinda of tutu., that I fiad no twine Hâte our Canadisu Halifax Ivine. I iay above board, thatl1 agi evry _much with the hon. gentlemen from Wentvorth (Mr. Bai) tât hecheapeat lanflot the boat or the coeapst la the snd. The firat gres priacipleis ato qetthe bet tvine m he interesa softhe .fsrmner, becaus., vomau engaged in nainq il uhen tiaxe ia valuable, and when anything which lutertoeos with the. reaper sud the blader ia a lois te tthe fariner. I vas surprsd aI ry hou. fuiend from North York (Ur. Malook) vho treatel us vith th. smre course o f argument h. use.l ai December ln South Victoria, vhen h. preachel blue ruin t10 th. farmner. 1, s a farme, do not agie. vith the style of argument. I do am agie. vlth 1h. hou. niembe, for North Weilington (Ur. MoMaleu). I thlnk that hoand 1having uucceeed uCanmda as vs have suos»ed, having oui borde sud finoks about tussud enjoling pros. perity, should be ashaind to l.cry oui country, sud i 1vould b. th. lut man le ssy that th. éai trille of twine vhioh vas prodacsd boe.in Canada shoul mmii us pick hies. in thé National Poilu, wbloh is the national existence of Canada. WhsI dose t amount 101 Thre.oo r mgo 1 boaght 1200pounda of lvi..,asd I hAve Som*s of il yet, sud I harrest 3MO acres of land. I have raîsel 80 buSheis cf oatIt tIh. acre, sud it. sver ceaI me 80 cents suunrete uind ther, nsd I thlnk 1 pcvw srnch le tth. acre as a»7 of tb. vestern farmers. I thlnk Ibis malter lae of toc iraai mportance aud ought net te b. entertslnel, and I uil vote sgMin* breakl n 1mthe Nad"oalPolil.y&MI tb lto:fnautea t fis country laibish particalar. Newo Abut Tova. léla thé cursct report&bout lova ualt Remplsiam for I.th rat aMd Lufs la makug nmie remarlbbîsOurse ie.o. who aun Iroublsi vlsh Coughe, BoE=T=at p. b1 s, *1 LTJO T i " r Ifg o 1 4 P M l e . 'i'ot b w 1 UmY v- ;e ~r 'Ss. rob «way *.f~* u d injuns ther bau. y"_s.polewi bey 1t em.i"li " rst. b. làe Pale sosmyt Poor smp ,et setm.»aY 'Prwcu.la "SBun. VIgh SOap 7you have anudtce thm" caool iejure eitiier olothes or ukin, no matter 1mw fi». or deliat». Try it. Bewar. of imi- tatiom. A. L~1oauadt»au ktetormer 1..« trom Obloago. The folIovlmg htur rem a loyal North Viotorfi sai-u-seof a promminulrefi. mer uuibn is co u thes lb.rht rdgot ut ILli e dos.m otbelle. la h ring Camails "lb. bo" li.ld ou th.efam.4 The folhlvn -Cous orU * <moàoo. lii J..., '9 Mir Dai m -Thouh a tange a o ou, 1 minus<17hop@ ecma be éèed forNot Victoria. A mill ioof Omuadam lun hu eauutry ovthoir expatriation ta a polily Wh,!& mm d. and a dumping cround for .1k.r male»& lairbskn.vols ina Prila mntm on biaIs, tutu., vwu apaluche o m%, am a neihb orne. Il vu 'loountry bsfou la.180 «meMapol l ontea sVert for saim. Tbey put tb. Morril hut ou lu. portod clii.. sud chooIu gouttod, sud o0nqpi home maufaacture; m»d nov my [vif. e@ btar bottusletat Ibs.oputea yard. SolY lacIois suag op sud iuwtlo.eana beoiby afianada bsdo to con- nt o ou.belL r<Jmumo Cmd My native 1édmo mkea s acow.b.IL Shame 1 Au Amerl os.loahall au big e a. udeay lms tu."fa s may factor s asdiai heu produit. bta usie, Auusr ath '11 mris, A@ULAfriéEu1rope sMd aveu W Buais A.iâ Af ll Canalis a nlahsvef vood ta ohr atlocal 1 have wdllIaM y fatesud rMy Ibis brotbo ns lg lb..,thbuugb reformer., ta vola fur You. o- Paclt pm a Miuoba Farmer. D"a i iu-Du«U 4 bimy ascoal risit te Viewrislmauuy, vhotu Mazy of jour rosis.kuow Ialddlptevlous le movlag le Esaltoba tamy"ag 1%I1bars beau amkol by sereimiof rm bot rainers queslloud rela- tive l ta emisng t a"ttbaM o f fIm JImple ofa etVinas..ud Aminemmake, s. vonI as ehisu irjsahlusonouetd ith pa tloal tatn la lu ard bte ain-u plemonts I hve ne boallahlon l in sg iaI tbe uupo. mae by SyteultDm d i Lnisdam, ERai. & Sons, Brantford sud otbst reilmhle mahousinuOlon aim u uerier la *y" vraipect Se amy Amelcsu maodemachia saIi lu utoba.Whviluaieapu s I.faim luplemeulnte a i das, lu a rmd 10biaIs,. huise abut s"cinouofolalemade by lb. grte.s1 su ayhe ams>iumkmfiom e«. Mt §ami tutus mde in Port Hop ehi.pgve bolle adtleh m aAmulia.makes d tbal mifméday anslhbu.nuatdvu esium ta the uv biSla. breakagol sudwase tez béAniona. Tus 1 ut lto OM6 s"uy : - 0ii dea dSiilag s te Vuà tws w be Wnt-Ii ad e.ptorob "44s ObeqIt * lvmtl»bueh idélu.. boem Nov, Kr. Bat«. 9f ithe sugohg items bmuh rilla. ou *0e eveifMy de. pathueforbhu Mekitha e scoetuli "Ma gMr d * oldfrle lua Visilfa tiln* if tlises "Pl@eftastat 1 vouelfor viii b.me om iooe bv niv~m bt Mo vi lae 4«06h te Vote ta, mi cli Moud Che. f« blm lu Sa"l asi yomma inlNu* i M p . ifs uwWre 3«16 48 M Idiy u 10 0 tem emoftlyDl à k' __ lusiness ~M, ANUAY 4th. 1892, I w~ f ~b*h~ My I.k o Tea. frisLiquors ana Gene a roceries at reatt Reduced Pricest Beagaazq. mb. Iaoked For amGoocis Muet; be Sold. AID Book Âooonnts i iU b. OoW. on Deoemb.r 31, 1891, afier whioh lime no further buiness viii b. don. exoepi for eoahl. AlPàrteg indebiied to me by Note or otherwise will pieas. cail and settie ai; once This Sale is bonafide, p.nd will continue til thO Whole of the Stock às disposed JOHN DOBSON. 67 Kent St., 2 and 4 Willigm St., Lindsay- Llndsay, Dec 29, 1891. GTroceries &Provisions ~OIIeaMi Mi ELL W. have jusl received a choie stock comprising Sugars, Spices, Etc. W. keep th. largest stock Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, of Groceries in Lindsay and therefore can satisfy your wants tb perfection. A WOIRD ABOUT OUR TEAS. We have always made Tea our leading article at leading prices, and we need flot say more now than that our stock was nover better assorted than at present, comprising ail our popular brands, 30 well and favorbly known throughout the whole connty A BONÂNZ IN CHINA, 01:O00EBY AND GLASS WAIRBE This departm.ent is replete with a varied snd extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our Fancy China and Glassware aneail new sud beautiful designs, and at such low prices as were neyer of. fered in Lindsay before. Iàliy, Docmbor l7th, I]ML A TALK PROM BEHIND THE COUNTER The "ie bau oeéfor#àgpoat ma#te-of-faciM&1 on a mater-of-faci ubject. The. ides uppermost ini your mm. is b e tl ig good wmd uerviemble at the, very lSwest prias. -No trouble about deciding yha ouW'u good goods oliemp but a gremi d emi oftrouble in deoidiug what flrm wiU do the beet by ita ý.iEWIIJ.a. TRAT'8 TO TEE POINT, IS IT NOT P 1eed why4o.mylbVb*s e hveWle048 to Make *0 ris.liiW ll bar* ibis utatement every Urne. là E89 GOOfl Wb ppoti hâuMiaglIé srM As. may ilsreuliug dome.tic changes tg&,e 91.14" seum Ô( o-the parWb w. mv ë &eÇofacdltatoeéents . by offering our large stock of Dr. Gou ai snob low prices as tgniset the purs. of a&U. The big 01011% ~ "me sud lb ut " ohuo.b"y7oM Pur Coats, Caps, (Jollars, Robes, Muffli, Capes, Ont o* muut tit *lie voy bm out Mlties te prospecve purchaers ~AD~-ADE LOTHINGO if oer ah bs L to l*6 semud detu io a aiail imes: W. cary a larg t& *riea igaelos-- &,ho"efor uecton of evsry conooiv- M W «A 4»" àa etl.. ont ur esmt linoeof thesGood. Mil 0 or egabliubmsnt, close margins ruie. la undarvoar. I~i 4 a P llïgÉ%WÈÈ, lim. : 1 »

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