Y TErE SUN-DIAL O701f' ASERMON FULL. 0F bRII4tQgt A QOOD CHER. Ootas for thot Nev Te" te tu ltaeoo- oegeentral ,1or the ul-Mmtae.. Talmo#ge's s»Mon thia MOrUki W u fa!! e brigtno an sd good ohmr . atout *a ILKn@20- 11,"And l", thie 14%et crie4 untotle Lor d i ê b=ih *0k shadov ton degrees bokvani by vw"obit bled zone d.'w,'in the dial of Ah&&." Hire la thie firat oe- or vatth or ho- mnoîotr on time-piece of whac oh 6e ved bu. any knowledge. But 1t, lça a wajdah that dad net tick and a clock that 414 net atnike. Il vas a sun-dial. Allias, thie king, lavonted ik. Lloîwcu ue itheur. gi.ven te abatocraf a&au atue canes e! officlo i lvent- ad somthinq b whiâb ie couhi 1tltii. time of day. 'Yh'ius suc-dial may have ben a groat colaiu, iit %,ie the b.shodov of that coluinii reacractt une point il vas ni» e'cleock &.m., and whou il roached aiiotheir lut il vas bhree ocdock p.m., andail tAie heurs and haif-hours woeo semoaared. Or il may have beau a flighAt cf staianuob, m5 nia>'now b. fouud f Hindustan snd eAimei d couintrjes, and vhcu thie shodov rooched co stop il waa ton o'ciock #.m., or sanither step il was four o'clock p.m., ouid likevise tier hours mo>' have beau, lad!- The copsydra on voler-dlock flleved the stua-dial, and the teud grass folevwed Mis ciepstdra. Mien came 1h. candi. elock of Âîcd thes (roat and the candie vwu marked mb tire. parte, and vhiio tAie £irat part was burning hoe gave -huef te religion and while tic second part wua burning lie> gaye himsolf te politics, and vhile îte îIit,. I paît vas burning lie gave hinuself te rost. After awhilc came thie vAieel and weigh t cock, aaad Pope Sylvester th. second wam ils meut important lavent- or. And the ah ili cf centuries cf exquimite mohîaisinîoilel d ut h. tirno-pieces until the world had tho Vick's dlock of tAie four-. oecuth century and Huyghens, the inventer, uvung thé tirât pendu um, snd Dr. Hooke centrived the reunil escapement. Aud tAie 4'endless cliaia" followed, and tAie "nohet and pinioît lever" teck its place; ami tAie comenasation balance and tAie stema vinder £oloweJ, aud new we have tAie bues and eiaug cf lta.greal dlock and voIch facorins ef Switzeilaud anid German>' sud England ond Amerca îurning eut vhat suises te b.e tAis perfection cf time-pioeo. It teck tAie venld six tbeuiand yeans te make thée proa- ont chronometon. Se vith tAie xnouromcail of longer spaces thon minutes.and heur.. Tims vas calcuWoed trom nev moon îouev mecu; Ilhon froua harvest le hbrvent. Then tho y cor vas prenounced te b. lAines hua- da-ed and ifty-feaun days, and thon tAre. hundred aaad sixt>' days, and, not until a long whlel after,three liuudred aud sixty-lve days. Thon avants ver. calculatod frein tAie leundalina etRome, ottoîard froua 1h. Olynpic ganies. Thon tbe Babylouiasslai their maasureient cf the.year and thie Re- nions thairs and thie Armoualans theins oni t 'lI Euoos. thoins..Chroîaology vas bîsy foi enturies atudyiug meiuirireais, inscrip- tions, colis, munîmicnansd satrononiy, try- ing tu lay a pa by whichla dituestiins of dates lnight te, aettled and events put iu their ight place ia the procession cf the agos. 1But the cbronologiste oui y hoepd Up a mountaiu ef confusaon and bovilder- ment, uutitina thé sixth century Dionysila Exiguus, o Roman abbot, uad, "Lot evory- thilig date frou tAie birth aI ]Bethlehemn of the Lord Jesus Christ, te Saviour cf tAie world. 'liéabbot propoaed te havi Ihingi datid back ward sud fervord mou Ihot greot evont. Wliab àasplendid thought for thé venld! Wlial a might>' thing for CAris. blanity 1I h vould have bocu most natural te doleeoverylbing froua thé creation of tb. venld. IBut I a glad thé chronologatà could net tocoasily igessehon'li tAie vorld vos in ordor te geltAhe notions in tbAi habit cf datiug from test eccurrouce in ils documeniots aîîllistories, Forever ixediait that ail history ise ob. dated with reforcncm bc the birth cof Christ., and, this malter sel- led, iHales, tb. chiet chiroaoloibilt, declored that lIae world vos made ijve ithaauand four Aundred and levon yeanaa befoie Chani, and lihe dehîgo corne hree thousand eu* huaadred ond ifty-tive years before Christ, ôaol ail tho ilastrious *vente cf th. buat aineteen centuries and &Il tho groat -oveuta of &Il lime te coule have beau or &aoliho daWc frua the birth cf Chistia. TAis. ihings 1 say that yen May An' vAisat vatehis, luait a olock in, whist an lmanse in, and learu te approciato through vliat toils and hardships and perpiexaties thie venld came te its p roennt ccnvoniencee oui comiforts, and te belpiyou le more respect. fui consdertien oeth1001 ua-dia! ot Abus - -1ulod _l --y-- e-- get n'ai!. Nov I cxp.ct 7@u vin apms on vitAi your higher onîtiolsmn ad Iky te 411iala liis ay and i wuIl asa t~pical dlusion oet Hozekuali, amitic athadow orly seemed te go back, or ào olemi cents ever and il vasuincertan vhloli eqfa>'thie shadov did go, andud s eokào *krecîod il la g&o bock Aie tock tAieactlen f1 ià owu mini fer th. retngra. meé.- tient. No, tAie ahaden' vent baok on .&U týoe diais of Ust land aud other honda 7 ui t l. Chron, 3231, ad flud théitavo> oF. in a lbylon lthe mlghty meui of the fi ttl ie ntii lb.e came phenoînnoio. A"i Ifyou do net ike Bible sutlirty, torm evér yeur copy oft Heradetuosudmifini Ihat a>vay off fil Egypt the people notlcei that there vais scornehing thé mtter vitAi à@ nui?'The tact l, Ihat tAie wvie univers. Wa'its upon Goi,o an us oui moons sui s4~re arc flot tory big thing te HMm, ami HIe cou vith hlm inger tariback ou entîne wold su easly as yen vould eut book the lhiur-arhnd orrminte-band .1 your ciccAior At die opeailng ol s MWv yoor po arc morallziug on th.eAibi tof im&. e &Il fiel taI yon are movbmg on tovard son- 41<%wi and Mart'Iyear riunite a ouse. citrent depnemalon. I prope Aits Umu4gW tu mt thiebuds en your iiÏs s-M 410 o Site g *0 te ther V67., pp te show yen boy yenus>'m okaL ie s. dm ofyomr ual 11h. e s I!Iuà .M d 4w 09o Abus, teag"m Mke à j» soa 0.4, his vain boxe i il" ies Vesînti Wby, 1100 làre lemkd tin per sont. ibvidi ný" aerqM ivu that I solu oui My&à«ahe e hmceul Ispee.ý Oh, yomý vo sokuow1edgf G.dinl theenumblue et ebr4M tday o et heOua- obtus of a gréo -pe-«Pity. Bi~t 8ppe the day a danki YToiave tglght thej~ ai nm.Tihs oe nes- diWhim al i 41y long. Tho lain othing but shaisie. Hoo mie eo n te reahimethât testera la trou Gqid oi thie donainfron 04sMi tie chili rom GQed. Or, vo bu>' the dai before thie manketsg rotrt ; o eve o.an invumtmont tual noerupays; o or spuaerhs goode thot wv. eau mt isapoeof-, ors&crop of grain vo uoved la minci b>' drosglilor freaht; or vlien v. took amaont o!fstoc en lAie raet fJonuy ar> v ouand elves tliouds of dollars verse off thon vo ma- pected. Whio unior mobcli crausptae asys, "This l.li frm Qed, 1 mutI have bin siiowed to geolitethatinrtunate ma- terprime bor soe goroes; Qed ceattela tAie sut vli asneveIlias thie vuet vimi?" Mly fricuda, 1 canneo lokforeue on.m- usait on that rétrograde ohade. on Abois diah vithont ieanitg hat Qed contre]s tAie shadova sui thaI l sen eu sneed ali te isoaa. Thot RHocontrola tAie suashine in mnoleneceasr> a leqeon, fer onyody cou ho happy visan thinge go nig4t. WMlie yen sh lAi ie huri a agt sud rioe vibli an appelite thot conuet eaaîhy volt for breakfast and y ou go ever te lthe store and openi your mail t e ndimoreseors thon yen can f61, and in tb. noxt lettèr yen laid a divldond fan langer thm on nbave hiein promlsoi, sud y oui nigibor cornes la te tell you nomue fistbcing, thing ho ha. just board said about yon, sud Yen fini liaI ail the styles of geeda lunvAilcA yonu al bave odvanced fftecu per cent. li value, aud on jor va>' home oumonmet yeur children lu bUll romap, and taire are roesu ou thé con. ber ofbthe bo-table oui roses ai heallA ixi oheeks ahi rouni tAie table, vbot moe.do yen vaut of consolation? I don't pi>'yYom a bit. Yen filedas if yen couhi bos thie vorli. But for tAoienlajust opposite ciregaelancc any test cornu lu with a»omnipotence ez meaning. TAie slisiovi Oh,1 bAiearnhoov! Shadon' ci boreovement! ShAisie.oo sickne.! Shaien' of baukruptoy ' IShadov cf mentlide- prin!Shaiov of persecution 1 Shadov 1ldah Spaak ont, O, ua-dia! of Alia, sud telil Uthiepeople tht God manages the shadov1 As Hezekiah st lu hi& palace vindon' vnapped iu laualidistn aud ur- rouuied by moodynes aud cateplasmeasnsd looked eut upon 1h black hani ef tAie oui>' dock kuovai aI blio lime andi mv it moyo bock ten dcgr.es, Aie earned s u son tbat à majonit>' of bAie human race uoed tAis heur te iooar,-thaîtAihe but friend a mou ever baii conaIos tAie shadow. TAie set-bocks are sometimis the hast things Ihot con happen. TIhé great German author Sohilier could net vork une. Au bai is is reom tA.éscout et notton oppies, and tho iecay oethtAe fruits ef earlhly prospenity mna>' hecome an inspiration insteTodfeta depnession. Robenrt hamben' lame font shul hlm o Ira. othon vonk,sud Aie bocame lt.hendri renovusi pubilhernd uihoipod tshien lAie bust itratur. .1flAie gs. TAie pain- fnl uisurier liA. that cf EKzekîoiahcoled a corbuaiele lna pelled exacîl> tAie same as tAe preclous stene clled thecacrbnnols, and the. pasg of sufferngmaa>'beceme the jevel oi 1mmortaI value. Yoan sot-brick Aleo that o! Ahamas un-dial aMa>' b. eceveny oui trlumph. I neyer baid aset-bock but il, turned eut te b. a sol forward. Yemnoycer veu have bocome Christiau if yen bai mot liai s set-bock. Thie highest lb roues lu heaven are for tAie s.-bocks. lu 1881 the siîadov et the un-diai eft tiis notion vu -st bock, aud &Il thinga seemied goluf te nain, andi ilwvasnet back furîbor lu 1862, and furîher lu 1883 snd till karther in 1865, but thons la met an intelligent aud voil-baiaucei mon, North or South, EBut ar West, but fili.wu asnet bock towards tAie sun-ia,. But 1 promiaed te show' yen how the sliadovs miglis b. turnud bock. Farel, b>' soins much &sthlAe Young people.Ilu minsi famll7 circois Ilire are grnd<-childrn. B>' Ibis divine arrangement Mest oethle people wn' aAsve puiathe nioidiof et ile eau coupais îbeuaelvsb>' juvenilit>'. It la à bai thlion o onuor eld vouas te it looklng ab the vlvacity ot their grand- chuirn ehocitiig "Stop Iliat rackoi" Beotrjein théfui. Let thé cighty-yeOrM ohd grandfstker Jobi. e ight.year..j!ouug groudson or granidaugh ton. My &ther sd motheilved te ue oven elgAil>'chuiron sud grandihu mia udgreatgrandchliren oui a more bosserons trcv vire neyer turaed ceut on 1h15sablunar>' sphere, ami tAi 1' ilseom ai te on>'te t é l o lkiAs, "lreep youug," suidbAe> di koep yousg. Donnt vêllA vth a cous uni... *ver bom lua àromadjoinluï à room vin morne ver>' *I eople .6 uttle desi verstowa agovorc*I=,@& y@* viii fin" that tiI. opdosa nt Miono eii» ol 1k. youug râsa. Ioh My' uoWb.har te Pt yhot nov or mo s4hin41t Irkdli el u h dssIs v ait, puul>' uéo«t crooked pibno èW mt bel! ma *6 ;hh w Sf o14 et tedM.' bav il, cmd' ,,&bAibghtY temifi, o rW5 h n -'w ofU liethécouuti', aai pvtonsii ooaudoon teoieva ving ovis. Pd, ottrutla Qed, go o Wbe t te" cOWOh, bv5e $wbdow opea six ImbuetlobA brai air, felep on veo fat mvi.de afier, Rot Lm. The. ou4 mm wus igiuu et'yspinlansddistaf rosi>'p Md Qed vii aéï ienAs.gaz-" Bus vAilllokilng aI Ibts ma-dia!ofAlias Md Iametheshaiov oflisMev", I noe t t Ilwvntbock tovoni the s$un-ris. la- stesi of lonvard togard tii om t-to gnd à* morning lnasead of tevard thie nigit. Thot thing thevonlavuId Wn o to do, sued in mon>'casses basdoue. Tt. have a groot mon>' tAilgo boa vrititen anispokeià about thAi.avntelof li.. I have Wsaimoeetf Iliu mniy sel. But any test suggesta a bitter ides.,TAie Lord vie turu; bck bliat day tovard sunnlse la bwillng te do tAie"MO thng Ion Il of ns. Thée theolepians .Aio stick le tAie old religions tohnicalities anti they beoce sopeniicsulno aid e auon>'-1 liasbut conversion. I1coml ita changeo hum going boyard sundovu te gelag lao n a- nIis. TAie mon wn'Aie vr tries teun- buokie tAie ciaap of eval habits oni wbo keeps aIl thai mieofthticpast aui the pres- eut freigbbing hum snd vho ignores tAieoe.e reieniptiou mo, b>', th. onu>'On.Ae i oouli redesu, if that moinwill examine tAie son dial As vil fini that tie shadow la go- ing fonvrand oinl on tic vy o>'t sun- dovai. i day Jseon thée rosi te-nigit. Ail tie watches thalb icAi, &Il tAieclocks thot sinike, &aIlthundaiglass.. that enipl> tliemacives, ail the shidon that move on aIl tAie sun-daa i dicale tho approsch of darnu. Bat nov, ilu sier te prayon, as la My toit thie change vowu au-n aven te proyer, thie pardeaiing Lord re- vernues îhings snd tAiemn& tarte tovard su arise, inqîead of aunait. Hi turns tbc othor vs>'. TAie Captoin cf Salvatien givu hlm tAe mîlitar>' command, "Allen- tiou! Riglit about b!e" Me vas ioncli- ing tovard iuuifforenco, marching bovand hoî-nuea oet art, marchiug tovard pnsyen- leuu, uaocing tovord sin, manchiïaglo- vard glooni, morching tovand deatb. Nov ho barin. sud manche. îe'ard peace,marchus tevand i gbt sud marches tuvard comtent and marchAes towani bigh hepe sud marches tovan.d a triumph stupeniona aui iver- iashiug, teoai hosanna. that over Aboiet sui bllielajahi that ever roil.Nov if that lm net tho lnrning efthtAe shAisie.oo the dial ai Ahaz trean going tovand sun- dovu te goiug imeard aunnise, whait in il? I have mien day break over Ment Blanc and tho Matterhon, aventhe heigAts of Libanen, ovin Meunt Washington, aven tAi. Sierra Novadas, and mid-Atltîuic, the monn ioter a deprledeoien vhen the bille.. vere liqaid Aipeoui iiquid Sierra Nivadas, baltAihe sauras. of the oul as mon. offulgont aui more trans ortinq. Il bothe. 411 tE shoights of the seUl and Illumines ail tAie depthso! tAie seul aud vhielmailRtAie facaltios, ail thie aspirations' ail the sabi- tieus, &Il th. hepes vith a li gbt that sick- .nias canentIefface on deatli ixtanguish, an eberity or anyliing bt augment ai Maguf' I preaoh tAi e suaise. As I looki aI tiat nero grade movement af tho slisdev on Ahaosa ial, 1I1remianhe thAtit iu a aigu that Hezekiah vas gcing te go ell and i. gel veI. Se I havi otel&Iial yen w'Ai are by lh. gracie of God haviug your do>' turned rom docline o tward ight ta scond teai d mernuing, that yen arie going te got veli, vel cf aIL jour ins, vel of ah yoan moron, evs vl o! &Il your earthiy dis- transes. Sauras.! LINE UPON LUNE. Fiai aro alwsys sold olive in Japon. A ton of eoal yields ueariy 10,000 lest ef gos. St. Petersbnrg la tAie coldeos capital la Europe. Mn. <Ilatouea hlibrar>' contain 20,000 ; oumes. .Quson Viotoria's chief cook necolves S3,500 o yoor. Thie average marrylag sagi of a French- man ic 30 yers. To ovin>' 1000 moles la London ther. are 1123 femaies. TAie value et propent>' la London bas tnsbled since 1856. 1TAie vorli' se ne latl to i lclude 37,000 noepap.rm. The Ilisaîres in Loudon neguioni>' impie>' ovin 12,000 people. Alexoudis opousse« eah.largeut artificil harber li lie vonhi. Thée Italiena Qvenumoul raison *15,000,- 100 yeanly b>' holding loîberios. Thie total lacome of tAie Chunci ai Zng. 1 1mai Ià about oi,000,100 s vek. Ae populationfe! A United Stat«lula. cesab'1000,000pensona yoarly. .Tvoansd s hall mîilipon acelàauaresent Poibn &MdAntidoe.u A Oranof ioists a nulain antidote n'hal#pi be op ienlaeuw e &w Toit. jWith blue!aei u'faioaui upon My m -P à fteecs riz mr unityad fel1owati~ i Jeu laintta ter ebom S O$tqAwiya ç" b i t N* 1 oU b1U tethewel pope "«I sg ai i - 1ue. se horofiiété o b1ilébP, t yr IMjeu Lost ifen rbody JW9000en oisadt ius w ef--l e t '! I~~6offld> your uWA"d iiiMe Toke thoslà WaBtW in ti ua. 9tepmmtim4* Ç o t nhe th. lmZde<Hoine Jounasl~ l. 0011àpure ta u uyon Boy 044 8, *y IUeed 1-.. dm àoes cmk 8. mSyou vil! nme vioroqs in ed. là. tmeu m =by y, .naiby work and study you vil! bi.. of èr Oo e I odechrin euthMbinh& l Il,. no place orbe ~wo.tedt Therimuch moethât oould be vounr g eatou âd U4h* oubjeet, but I sha imave that te D hia ot. 1I bave 1hm wlm mm blat, thon I am. In mindthe ort oie MYld16001i t au iimpossible one. I boy thot eaua uccd, kmowMMe boys who fulifi &aU the qualifi- indI!tu itlaUboysutiens 1have n6oed. Thoy viiib. hboard nov, yto . am alwd *â<n tu he future. Tbey are the hope of * * ~ fortune for tholU if thie venld, .and I knov mony mon Who have mhy aremde of the built greO fortune. and honored jiarnes rlgtsotottufh a leundation. Why nue MR. SAG]I. iThe ,»boy who ain U?<Tdo novould fila large book. va1n*ted in t0ieosfes, Let me ask you to try toareolize thie boy thie sbep, the suore, th 'e bonking-bouse, in thot 1 have tried te depiot. Whot a future fooit ianaybraachof, mercantile and pro. 111OPOD eut chi an oeel Thero là ne boner, fesalonail Fife, le thie boy vho, in not ai raid 1r~e ota o o .h. te work, who in educatsd, gentlemaniy, po- have pru mto thia crudo necitai fity lite, Dnt in dres, bonnet, trustînI, and om of everyday oxporionce among mon. sufrespeoting. Such lods are ini demond I bele it in the heet vay te get on. Fol- averywhero, Thoy are sougbt for witAi 1ev these suggestions and yen ,vill net b. eaerne.m, and, when found, emVIoyors de. likoly te faL. ligt in pushinIthera forward, ia pning ta thom new %eldu of caterprise nse- flu in u "ing them their confidants, Hensobold Bnggoseiona. and finally taking them into partnerahip. To remove paper labels froni old boules Boys whe are alovenly in attire, who are vet the face of the label with water and atupid, uncivil, and who cannet b. trusted, hold it for an instant over any convenient are t e b.iait, but they are not likeiy ta> fume. The steam penetrate. the label at keep a'position for any length of -tille. once and otons the paute. Employer. do net vaut thean. The. freh telegraph officiais have re- TAie boy vho in wanted muat ho educated. cntymode some aucceisful experiment. Il hi. parents caunot afford to givo him a vibha soyatem which permits the simul- higA-school or college education, ho muet taneous transmission ci telegraph and tele- learn to atudy without the aid of a teachor, phono message. over the emre wire. in thie early auorniug before business begins, Mont vegetables are better cooked fast, and li the eveuings aller business heurs. xceptangz potatoes, hean,, peu, cauliflower It cau ne longer b. truthfuIlT .aid that an and othtrs which con tain starch. Oabbage education in out of any one armach.. Our shouid be boiled rapidly in plenty of water, aplendid uchool systean, vhore ene con study ne should unions, young beets and turnipa. by day or in thie ovening, ha. put the prion- A new. application o f electric moters in le. treasure dlan education walhin the reach for supplying b>' means of fans draughts for of aIL. Thie main thing i the beginning, chimneys where very high buildings arc that I vould imprea.é upon boesil ont of built adjoining 1ev cnes. Such an or- thegreat cominaudmonte, 1"Mener thy lather rangement in in succeseful operation ia and thy mother, that thy day. may b. long Boiston. in the land vhlch the Loýrd thy God giveth. Geraniume are veil knowu, good vinter thee." Thie boy vho respects hi. father and blooming plante vben they get plenty of mother, who troushi. ssler. and brother. sunlight. Uniss the plants are of a stalky with ioving-khdne., ha. laid a good loua- nature nov. cut theni back to make them dation for a succeauni oreer. You vili ne, os notbing looks worse la a windov than do sa. your parents tel you, and that cor- lanAi, spindlingplant.. îainiy viii ho tea tudy.Don't be in a hurry te gît avay fLrm your school Too Hoaithy. books. The cr. and reaponsibLities of Ur. Johnson-I amn very much pleased businr -i 1ife vii cerne soon enough. Go ta vath the country about here; I think il la a achool as Ioaîg a. yen con, and, remember, vendent uily healthy climate. every hour ripmnt lna sudy in your yout.h viii Parqua Limberlip-It arn dat, sah! It's ho *ortli muney te you in aftcr lite. Read jus' gormed wid belt ter dat exatent dat I good book-the Bibis, above ail. Make t'lak it'd b. o geod t'ing ef we vuz ter, lez. yoursel acquainted wilh history. Study o elle ou it, sah! the pregres of notions and the careere cf s«Why pareon, I don't se. how a place men who have mode notions great. If You con b. too heoIthy.'" have ne iibrary of your own, join one cf thie "Dot'. de va yMos' folks t'fink, Bah, but numerous asmociations to ebe ond in ail ter my Idee ef dev haint a leet.ie sicknes. citles, whieLe guod, hicalihful bocks may b. tu'ng up now an' dcii ainuiigs de sinnera dj- ebtained. Study religion, science, state- t. de noti'ux deya rgwine ilib forebber an' craf t, and history. .Learn to remi intelli- . y'%pte 1 S'natciailycz i ikd gently, 50 that you aiay turli te practical noms. it's b'en my spetunce dat bit do a use in after life the readinga cf your youth. flock good ter oter weed hit eut nor &W Be sure ycu begin right. De net vacte don, on de Lawd knows dars members or dis time in realiiig îra.hy bouks. If yOu df, congregation dat kin be 8par'd, sah-'deed not. know how ta select books asik your dey in?'-Boiston Courier. fothon or mothier, your ninister, your ohool teacher, or ycur employer, te do it for you . D rink d ee r m t o v l o knovwlodge. Thie h thot in vanled la business to-day mus th well educoted, and il~ ~ ~ ~~i Aeinend alanbusine.s hfe, ho . con blarne no one but himself. A good h A L education in hall the battle. It i.n 'ithiu UUi th. rmoch of ail. -Tan Frockles, Buzb=r Be limnt Honcsty i. the only Pluples, Black Bpecks, Bi. rood tue incrs. Dishoaaesty, sh"rp= *a, C&fl b.e m«veii y yapplyifflg praotices, and tricks may .ucceed =- for a bniefsouon, but thàt in &ILirek1eIUtia No permanent suceraszha. evor beon built Tma , ur ndEfetuI on dfi.honesty. The prisons are filled wt .1suean1kro» men and ho à s ho have tried it and laiied. paie 25%.. PEN MOrIMIS The mon whIo arc respected among-mon are Bol by &.1,,I bt those vho cas b. relied upon, vho are tnithful, vhose vend, lndeed, in au good ai ~ IL ~ ~ I their bond. Thon. neyer wvaotume or ce- * 'Je H O L E , caion when dlsonesty va. justifiable. If . yonr emplo e onr business ossoiate., 1 ANNINOTON# and youn fin nkov ou to b. honost, AkWSY'a asssepo à iton aegtment 1 et Beeai theZ viii respect yon, aithey viilgladly 0.«, 031-" .in 1 k o ofsohool (eusine. vih Yeu. Il they knov yen te uw'jllý «1»woolej, Vine4r?1in b. dishoneet, thoy vill shun yeu. Dls- m o S ep ad lu. Weola, Aonety in tho Irst dovuvord stop ilu my r fleseiiýLobrokl.ry .11k, a beys carncer. Nover take onythlag *tat i a Powe dues net belong te yen, ne mtter ho w la. loves, etc., si~f c~.~ It is on evidence of good W U t 5I Iiirnummts, Kualo, Uilvurvm , breediug, and reflecta credit upeu Aluma Rh..and Fanal Oood ofveqrdm father and meiher. Thie gentlcni*aY be, Iel>lm the lad vhe la net gruEf or sunly, mec vw IG. J. KOYLE0 deee» -e ue -rea -o indocnt---- ug, Pt1>--& Onnlntui suesmue m I S RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. bau ~ ~ ~ I&Ml MeYJ ~NIDAM N. le» ut~oe* i eSey 1 wl. P eombsetoPeS ope m. IX COXflEH1TI1qWITH: IRHE ENYCLOL IREVISED AND ÂMENDED. TT I8 YOUB FAULT that tAie boy dnen't understarad the meaaatu2 of the vend ho bas ecoountened, on huons e ohing cf the mnuAe bat; basai eadiug about. Yon ap..W anoyod bc-estu'e h*.bas 'ntonruplsd yen vAiie Sou veto neadinc the papen. D os not part cf tAie aune> arc' s rués from tbAe foot that yen dou't Anow y onrseil ? The vhole trouble fon bau ySounend tAie boy vould ho obviated if yenouiny had a grod Eneyelopoeda in tAie lieuse. Yen oon't afford IL. Beai oun onneuneemeut and yen vihi see liaI yen eau, bo yen ovin se poor. 'THE ENCYCLOPERDIA B3RITTrANICA Revised and Amended, Is tAie most eomplete and diverisified iibrary of outertainlng sud iutencetirg literatune ever isued frein the pre... Yen vihi fint! semetiing te attradt snd intenest yen on ove"~ page. if von are fond af huton,, il centaine bAie finesi collection of hiatorieo in th. venrd. embracimu everv nation ai &noient and modern timo-s. Are von inter- ested lu Soiienoel TAie EniovolopSdit Brittaulca Revlset! anti Amauiei ill tell vcau, L.. ean. uadetatanciabu EiLdicb, aIl about osïv sozence ton rMay visAi te stdy. Are yonaurnnem about nueobonloal inventions? Agzaluathie Enewelopoedis la resi' te youn band; s a mett'm turning of ifs pages bninethie prep. r hk-adiig to tour eyes, and thons before yen lies a c ntipla-te aud exhaustive aoccurt ot thein. atirî. sut' jecî. In short. whethen Sou vaut snmuo# meu)t-for an ile bout, colid jinpi motion for more sen- ana momient@, or qulikinfeimnation about aun atter neste vAicAi Sou are in doubt, ,von have thie meassil theïe bocks af gratif3ing y our deie. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED Ils seven tliousoud paces anes Olled vwith fine pichuros, asa it centaure aoven 8,500,000 vends. TAeienlformation oompilod ia this "lCychapodia- repreaents thé oer'fal v otk of 1000 efthAe ablest vritersaiftAie nineteouth century. Ail othen "Cyclouoedia." are from Lys to tventy jears hoind tAie date of the issue of Ibis Rra'id werk, wAjda vas oompleted iu 1890. HOW YOU MAY PAY FOR THE BOOKS CLOPEDIA BRITTÂNICA, reyised and amnaided, towether with THE VICTORIA W.4RLER, for one year.. at thA~ foIlowin2 nrices:- Encycl,>poedia bound ira Cloth and Paper, for one veai $26 00. pay- able as follows: $2 00 on delivery of the firtit five voiumes, and $'2.00 per nmonth fer oue year. Encyclopoedia bound in Full Sheep and Paper, for one yeaî. $31.209' payable a-t toilows: $240 on delivery of the irst five volumes, and 82.40 per month or f ne yeàa. 1 SEncyclopeedia bound in Haiff eal Morocco and Pàper. for one year. $88,80, payable as follows: $2.60 on delivery of the first five volumes, and $2 60 per month for one vear. Where Full Amount is Paid at Once. Wfaere the full amouint ilq paid at tiuae of d-]iver-y an allowance is made--the Cloth set for $24.50 instead of 26.00; the Full Library Bheep for $28.50 instes.d of $31.20;. and the Hagf %al Morocco for $81,50 inetead of $38-80. Advertise in The Warder The Cndian ltice & Sohool Se C A VE RL Y, PRsTà - OITARIO VICTBIA.BOAD, MgannfacturoeOffice, Sehoci. Church, and L4dge la Propancd te gareR>'Furrture. FURNITURE AND UNDEBTINGt in u f» Isbranchms.A fuli supi on baud at au ties. Savln« nov ompleted mv HZOB8EI a&M iMWM opa l upp>ndSstaking t in l hbranhu. Ahi f c goyuIruttun ialways on baud. PIOn» -1111-4IL OAVERY. NORLAND. House of Ail Nations for Blood. bave berna bro *-b.otl nowvtfer bLoc T» BAROMINS!' thsmLmheâun tSytbs t daom sdme.mua* t ib «m 1 de au yi o» subuduis. buey "ba kv Son Bau W@8114 dabave mua md~~v hm" h*0 ~scemo saémmvmb= ton mugI. CARL'S IuAOMv AdWu e tm l bsm hm- NEtm Na. àzms' vol* m o Gelais odacheos la'~sn, I a "t .ouj la os The. "PuworArrxÂTia" Sohool Duk The latesu d beeI. Awsnded the GoRld Medalst hea.Jamacb ExhbitiOn. Tl* e tl >5 M iasCempen'cannaI ho Sxced SonSUîgia Eau>'cf Dsg, Adaptabillî>'sud Oc.enloto choon Sid orcirculons. lm LmN of àppotl îton, oi swat;)Ih