TRI YIOT~J> VA5DE~, LIHPe4Y, FEIDAT, ~IÂNUÂRY 22, 1891 a - .---..-.-.- s h __________ IL 1b y &OôMAL.14i "u ,T:Opii sscanut ,('un ihuemvsmWlllbnVl #y. Il Lo i Sm,,l fllv n . 1 k 000 ,M.. ihi W ln. VOas Ovillllitil w. Dib thew , .P y batOSI tlin'WKATÀ(tiot Vs ' A it d btn L , <5W.ora L*~~~ ~~ SOI - lîli .......,18rLo. Uinierur, Ve per ii al ne.Kb) ;Pt,, lubufui it. *Qs' x. ?,.,,i Ps. tn mpW, nis- .qn " issO stbfr -1Ue» niaon, foi au .ValI !.îý-I UýLottariâ. psi ~ ' V-q , 1'l', , FIIIIIir s> m»*t i - ,- n.. wtm Ol, ii &Uanti 'ut l', î v ' t ' V i..' tldn, but thei = ande e, at ut. u 'lB <li'l"N et. t , t.r h oil aof'l*s l Un',>:i. twa t1',rrlste *5' 'it 'j* mue.t.,b Ptr<-s.10anesm «ho ia. p asa. m. toi Ak., O cntsfar as #'~ h , Nv,,? 0.ilailx, aD rae fl si C > ' m 18t84 l n, ' i a l c pe . lt 4 cri à*hLn PRIDAY, JANU&RY 22. 1802 zone a% fûti o'ciock a wddite was quiet [y oelebrattlataithro i.idno of Mr. H. ?JQt d"WhounMilo Mesige McQCI&do, dtnglt.'r 01 Mr. MQadt-, wMu uittidlu tuai nage b Mî. Joîeph HRall, son et me. 13%11 ot the towuasbp cf Op&. Thé mer- rissg eroi'nn'ny vas pertormed In îhs 9ue oe f a laneenuber of lImédiate 11-ciadsbV tb.Ruv. Mr. Thompsoc off Owecxeo. T?, gr om Was u SU pp id bi Mr. Joweph A. Ioiter cf B elieboro, white tho dOtise of brideimaitl vert par. foîaied by Mi li Anas MoQuadoadoter o1 the bridé.. Tie bridé wae th. reipeat et à a Ir,t. . î ibr of handaumo sud Vutiile prnîi.At the conalusion o1 tbe osrvIniny an élaborîait e ddiug ..appeir wi 14iîs9ed by a large nuaiber et «age'Ib.) h wera preoeut a% the, esceo, ~.T1i nwly wedded couple 1re00ýVOut, . e orlî%l Oot.rýà'tu1aitfocs of thoit' frio-tl3 maldIeur etsrted for ibein future h là,1i iOpui. MIe MOQ«od, dturicg lh..r !r14 rtnidurîco fleur Omuemm', Usdu u l-sr mnobî'r cf fitleduwhos ~is'irAtUit1il8 beml wielbea folle« ber snid btr lhuebaad for a haýPy hie. 'Tanu WAlràrit oextes ooogaulatons to théehtpiy cý,uple. Ae"slde f Wolrd"r. A NiiDiti of the membèea and Irlande eIt We Fi* 1db chuveh met ai th réeal- db. s'- 'f lMi. John Boa, Ope, en Mondas the11lltlott., and Rave bise a greal sur,ba-lme. Afttr posefalon vas taon off lte 110DE36 aw'l the gOOd Iblae sProvlded by the ladies ver partakmn et te whlolî every pareon doue justice. àfueor thé, lA.tbw se removed, tho oompany iepalred lu, another part of the houai Whvarf&i adiretgvawu ed by Mr. Gillies, temobter ni the Frankitu achool. and the propente.tion madIe by Mn. Joseph Bilion anmd M. oRtbtrt Lytde of the same place. 'The olt)inle t h. addrema and presse. tatlln 10o gr ncM'i , Rocs DUAR FsîliNî8 -We., tbmmembers and friuis Jent %nt- Fratiklin ohîuroh5 vbo bave beoau ded la our chrimllan work by your éë tu , (tel ;I at w. owe ta Ion a greal Àleât aiis I wz4 tedthat vo sonnet repas vun fur thit. mauy kinduessea son have idtis'd a'. and for the utsee suc ou bave iron un in limensof ! id. Our £ui~lîîrtêwith you hbu beau but ifrit bu kthifi short limeyou have vo,' , m'y true friand«, and now vo de. 4dre t.. ulve .xpteiaslou teoui regard for y.tA mdvn-ur estpemed partuer la tife, mot lu words ouiy, butlul a more tangible ferai s ym titea off reepteelthat Wvii oitid vour tbnutb'a baek te scier mézy ihieude lu Fraklin lascieor acperati'n f rcm es, w. îhéoa.efoasyon te te-pt titis pair of robes and'blanket 09i a ttek*n of Clir p protalton, and Mvs. les,, thit dokol, as a token of Our eeteeo 9" 700ou l&1ail imetg onet; and linail 3our Voyages OnUi $ho f life vo wlsh Ion uldy.cur (mmllievry sucomu, and 10y1700 ever b. foin5 iaboringunuder the bayàuer wbich bas esaeod for sou 1h. 441toole off the Franklin eo8mgRimo. 55tad te buhaif off the IraniSa eurob. IANDI LLu, JoesuBain«. lqu.-ýI1P awa bueh of bo 011.on uo. 91haboom Ieltoi 8004 loy îsalt ph.aiga.aeos ~W.Ilê.rd, b, club 0&&- Motaround angel... Mr. 3. - Bwin vho mac v. kiI*A 'd aoab* wJne'd. A a beas vIy miej«lofr foui or SvveekuIr à #bure eas.' d &U <td«Iàr.4a IZID abaud t Ivynevin . v-EvuHr '0. t,~*'èe-.. - q ,ih i 11. orbtter. àA gveat eil t f ekues ~ ~r uià .. '. t-, eauid bore liais luts few ble.disloue&. uu pour W. 56rea waR m î îbî. ~1nuî~ nvs>rt wy*a>. .4 ' . baï.die of' PERS NALS. - Mr. JmeOs POgne (i -'t* nl Is't"élu' kiliel U ' N t' Mtaîitub& la boison a risit vith e wuu na~fout î î:1i. bUVi. nelit. Mr. AIf. ou ra...,. Kr. alox. 1-s.vs6. 64... U -- ., I t.s ba~i; A-m'1,g tesdusa be, roitr he mosta lb-.te !.et&&m80 iât li sietii, 4-4 N-kpicoer.. ,uitrrV... Mr. Alez Corbeti aid vite Typtsoid àteva, meaelcre P-d la grippfle O.f P,.ttrbununxh art ependiag a t.v dévî Lueeay, lenurv Zmu 01,s0100ac .i ! iple and starsi on ibe istuintrfi tai- ttn au Gud Savu lb* Quse." TAi. lue vith bIieu ogrxr4 usçf bo Iebuire bas b"mn WOUt plepsd, la fu ta. om1u4,1h9heku wf ao th* brIiot,2a1t âuinho moed t qM vlir .K tLio. T-*qêtvas«Pg thautt toudita -+j ebwmater, aMd ai. Iaou 1 la mBIdAa eshor t go.e murth u - naugmilu a&va" "eh @sahb Plo¨a sip offi. >«à- *a.~d bhlUmalmh aM., ptrulable teta Upvvilgod b iuI 01 *0p. Doonu viii k pspt ai7 'elo4k. Lot &I'~ Who ou sm»eaipaitake o u m oS ,il eiu& mq~~suL b trou h ib or Lab"&. m«"".I V.i.Imaei NoooeaDov C@ u*l là u é un mou& 1q, etes OhIidr.n Oryf~ ~Iteher's Oastorla0 yii n a oonaauaea thelb.substances &Uay naideti toen. he lmooti, aubei froaPOn aMd WtT- &mm U»Hmous in eBLooes, and IBmim uvlgoralo asud BnUU lise Bx.ooDnds ByeuX whau breken S davu by overwork, meutlwarry Oiseau.. A excemees ant i dscre- lions. They have a both mou snd vomon, restorlug i.O51T VIG and correctlng a&l SUIJPIRS5ION. ~aW5W' 5088 IIÔ i>dshiEmenial fac- ~IEII EN lt~5duil or orina pI1 0abin ,soulti taS. tise ,-àreTle viii restore hie 1081 anergie%, both pbysral n metal.M ahoulti taIe thezn. EVERY1.90 A t e _y. ure ail sup EVe RYon ad roguort s w lu evitably austail sickuoss wlsinnglected. YO0UNM MEN MS',', tai re the r> suIte s't youtful bati habits, andi strengthen the systom. rushoulti taSo them. YGUCG WOLM NThirse Pzxz.s vill raolku tiuruiotgusur. For sale by &Il édrucetts, or will be sent upont rccoipl of prico (w1e. leur box), by nddreueing 711E D. WIL7-L4M ' JI1" 0. Co. BrLtckuill, Ont. t'. hvlyg- bis f4pee0baliud eug6êqnett vole on the biUdef-t Mne qllîetiO>L tO sUIt îheir iwit idi-as , d purpose6s, but i f to be hevp-d that the ivutelIigent trcueti4itt bi S w, hiimeu'wilIl look properl.v jato this ittair and jtiidge for îhtUàEielvee iuigleni otalo~wing iiiewsetveB tu bo oiuffed. -o- Six Year's Suffering. D EAU s -Iwee troubleil f.r six yeta villui rvéile,uaâ4ad tien hatlee-ol Bus. i kB i, (l1li tira euthly cur.d ume. I keea B.». B. c.nbtantly ini the bouse and tbink it san effdet ntI cure for aIl diseapeit cauwed 1 y bad blood. Mrs. M Doweett, Portland, Ont,- 17-3. Worme cause mucli alnsîaomvong chu)- 1 Au Air pro*mev't hr we*th it svobry fn#.; GIIJ deilgtsli i it.gui, aud bihum 5 %r 1, iboubSI ..Aà lt:&ul.. U t 1. .se ic..tcitd ln OaWmAl toifA4 wsw.u thét iaibta.sin, m ais, , t<l t 1<0 b he Tits ItuuOl meeting ef tb. Glezuaîm SiiSso U uos.v t,..s tI. e. tu. IpgttàLyi.,flau congreaalon vae beld Jeu. Tac oî .Wlu.Mdeàtb., IlÂiI C.i., swd Wvue a groët ucooas. Tbefau- Mnd MîK ta.'. b b...-.v..~ ..h VtyeOâtiul dibm cuingrçutiO: on ee tound liebu lveiy, and resultied 'uîta ai b. uîisi. . #àcmvesy aitifactory condition. The1 bleoîed by a tu -ju. ty t 12.. uougr ga i,'n lbusdeoided t10 hulil a sut. Ma. Jnceph 1<oNs"m, rwaery nve-torii 1k cbirch ln the vil &go and à M.uîîgv.ilie -'4 -'i-tl' W'3.t 0-Y F.ffimi,t tirmmittteo0fulanagere bave Manitoba, vhe:e ho ln tu enter tse' ut-ou appuîtt. u pusb th". w-.rk u omsi mipitri o1 the mescotiîat ohniah, 1.>u- evuu'sabmpooielb1e. nhey usli b. obiy rcuieoê ont publice ,eiînol boèin emaite ppnieu y the memboîs off Iho cons- sentt . .,-'o' Ters-., im xU 'RW- r-itb.i, ...Tzio .wetk (f proiver w,.s sui pet, cipai ...MNtisFower cf 1>.rry ubsutird i d uepremibylsnisuî cburcb, tzîd ýntuiîd, la e.îL'>z>d -rtoorer for ti ut n Ie 1tat evoîîlng the ohurcb was fllite pum~yc)....M'e T>l"ouau2, îiuurgh. .tfi,1 'x. The. Obrisi',n E.udeaveýr ttn 0 1 Bey, Ovàrucîf-J. S gua, t uiè'it îut i adéd verv îo aiii e pre oeletii Lîsrýitsây asîl O kwc-t-,liUn - il vt' nàaki> tRemeeti.ogo a BUOCasi. Thse 18G3 4., ldt cs'>i~ l t,> lî'ute!m ituer ;q aî Y',4w ekltý meetliogn aru very wol1 aiclltoelmr>aJu'gung t>'< tho ulim aît'.u'ttl. ber s(4 rbildsu.* atfîuib tmaobi'r le neci*' Visîirmis -Mr. La. Ctirre of Dakote, iq cary. M,-i.y'-F you- rîemderm wilthouR- r#y ývi'u' guîý a fri-isîdahfi thie îcr.v-. t ,. hi t rt iL'-îîrà gWeha!er te 1k-lW t- T",M Stnthgon suit Miti Me A1sitîî ,nois.ri inry Wr ni a burt 1E'aort>hi ~re'.urned te tho-ir achoolii latfasl ityk Kcoîlb utl- lî. t.,îry of hb.- .Jfer si).:ioàg thoir Obriestie holidiys rlit h-rm~'v- il evt-r--.. lu 0 aîos horoo1 Tnie Xuiae entoilAitiveie sini coîsîto Mî.i M.Intyreo f Lîavlime.shein tion wutht hodifleretit oliuurlîî.a wOiO wê1 u:.tba41t fut mL...tlier year ai N. P . Mise tàtîed, ,raî'tuuimily iii.. utit' i Un- 'ri- Ml, t .Y-tj lia8prove-b horeif a very (Ili- tien witifli the ethvrdiut obtirch. Ttb, ieuin Ittior... Mu. Csîrnichîîel -t'.>o at ladietioit that- ohu-c(,i h v' nuîîlrakpn t I Iiy for suother peur aàmo,. Wt. arc taise the lest $400 of t1el an their.chniroh i uch plitsaod tebavayt tnem with os bor property'. AireAdy liha l ot s etliu autiIer à a r. oie foutUs of i i t he.haait. F Txua skating ick le tu full biseit. ESWOD 1T 19 rOpoiîod limai ryIVeM iraue p191%tirUl. 9prciael goe s arder. OUR newov cîncli viiihoqrio busy for WEDDING i3nLL.-A pleae-sitît eret $co iurtheo tacome wltR fthe questionrs took place a&ttie reaidouice osf Mua T. Shea, of pipe drainage,uelotrîolliubt aid puttinii on %tie ev.-nir.g of Jasuazy Sth., tbe ln of the vater vorks. Ve vîsh tht m orcagion be.'î.g Ihm marriage off her second nOol.S yucungeeî dauiblai Editb, te Mn. J. Nials ------of Lîfford. The oerehionv vas peifoiaisd CAMBRON. b thue Rev. R. N. Adams off Betbaniy. dwomisgo no a. Venter. The bride vas atlrî'd in a suit off white OaxmTuAu.-ln loe limeit>hon ne aievocashmere atin tilmmed vilh ribtion bas death made thies visite 10 oui nelgb. ami vire thé oiusal veil and vrestb off orange bioesomi. Theidi slomalda voie bonhood. it fills us wllh deep emollans miss Minume Sheà,a, iter off tb. bride, 1oi bave I o rimaohianicle the doath offsud Mise Ida Broyn off Fleetwood. Bath one off the ouuaîmously îe@pecied young vers dresbed tu ilver grcy cashmere, mon off oui viiit,; a youcg mai vbo irlimed wioh atin aud cord. Tho groom wnand ooaimaeded attention bp bis vas euppoiîod by Mr. J. B. Staples sud affbl dsoiiubi l-si, acr G. Nei. Afler a plmuaonleing @peut affblediposîio, sîspl aeg mnir.,elit Ihoir nomorous fienda the happy hl& l»id«% regards' orne la 07 mpýthy viîb supe departed te thein future home. evoiy movomoutu dinuoted tco#arde tbt.lfowg la a list off preaents:-Mr formaillonroff ris M&Dhood. W@ ro J N aie, pair gray lamh gauîntlotm; J H spek off William Rutherford, wbo dieuaSimples uîilver, pichl. cruet; G Nrala,parior Tuesday, Dec. 29 b, ai 2 20 &..n, agea i l&m,;Di CHEtBereton, Bcthassy, banging 21 peaU, il monihs, 24 day.. on thc lamap; Dr E 8 Wilson and Mime Sue and Thuîsday followlng Itbm eartbly ri mains Sopby Wilson ot Lindiay. oie hait dozen off thm oue depaiiod foilowed by a train ai sirver kloives and toiLa; Mr aid Mie J both berémved aid aorio*lîg friands voe r addo, Franklin, ditiner set and spoons; borne ta Edon foirileiment. TheonseMr &cd Mra J Oallagher, mandle docir; r d.alh origlnatoed lu a mvre onld vhibB isd ia J noit, lemonade set; Mr hos aeootvedabout s pear ago and vblcb i il sud Mes D Barl, aiarm' dock, KMra»d fically neluled on hie luaàga. Aibouh Mia; W Svalc, Valeuhla, table linon and unabie tu PUUOIPi ipt u the 11Aooslmiad su adaueer; Mr and Mre J Wilsoni, din ulisobfm ads tll bi das irebusye. *fancy p*ýtober and sugar bovi; Mr@ and vias cston ad sll bi duire p 'beMr. T Brovcly, i"iet set; Mr and Mrs J vam quit. ahi. ta move aibout vllh COi0 D.tyidmon, ilyer eruel stand; Mr and Mis siderables troltgi. As time IJ aobicso'a, plceh handkerohitf box; J Wilie's treugth vaated, bui stili ha v»asnud M1sa Boyd, Ut Pleasauit, silver cruel amier ocafinad b oboid utiîl about û t setand; W aud Mie Haalip, eliver hutter veeks Ofohi do w b Th puter pur- ooler; 0 and Mise Simoey. silver butter mli , buht prou te bi epartub o ooer; A and Miss Wilson, iver plekie anorlii, bt pevium a he dpanurscruelt; isand Mi@,s Robnson, tolt set; vo are glad tu relate thai ho reaized T W aiol MiessBobinson. coese dicb; wlbin thai peaoe cispeakablo andliblA ud as Ipes imndest;Mm vitb tbm Apostie ho ouid ay t<oi à < Myan d 1Mig BrSai, vne se; Miel live la Christ, to die iii gain." The fuie. Minna &dame, patilng; Mies Btll-i Las, rai crernorv as perfomed by tht Bey, pain led mauble drape, Mr J Huntobeson, MeonMmmothereli o!f<anbiey. To the piutb oc.mpanioru; Mr. J Stewar, f sncy borsaved frinds iof ur departed brothier table cuver, Mn. W Le, porridite sui; ve oulend Oui boarîffoît sympalhby. Miss A R -blan, b.Vslentii, faner @op lLeivlng frloads!1 b. vise and dry sud suuoar; Mime M Galiagberu valet Bhiaabi vay evey wsuplcg oye pteber; Miume A, Bboa, faîoy table caver; Whai y*elfit upon the hier Mie M V Sites, oup, saucer atud plate; Io moi voilh a vistfal tsar; T W Shes, pair napkin ring.; G Shes, 'Ti@& anemptyses.ashell-one net glbse vais aid curtain polos; J IR Ont off vbicb the Pearl au sono; BShen, eedogon leapoone and egg cups; Tboabhlil le biokn-l lieu thors; , Mis Suaes, sel china diebes; The painl, thoéa&H. the@coul le bore.,' OBuaav -On Thormd"ty, Dao. 8101, BBLLk> uwl. thé pungst obild off Oliver Glaspeil. apuWh Tm. arder. pasei away a ter a choitIllInées. Il dli'd LITKRARY R30ITY.-Ollr litmîmrv so- a! iamamatlon. The ohild vas &aboutnq eîyfd thoir enievlainemsnt on Thura- clos menthe old. Burlal Iok Placu aI day Bilâht laitas prearrenged. The 1dm oemelery, on Saturdayv. The naigh follovîng programmu vos îondred:- borbooda IsPnshy la again exended te issau'a speech, A Tolly jr; cesding, the beuàave.-O h dl e.8eWu- Warren; reotation, Gao Tally; neci- th oBIuABY.-Oî t aMdCoadp éeDe i tation, J Lewis; yiolla soeoolon, G Tul'y; lb. bluvudvif. t Mn.Copalnd P.pBî setaîou, Mr. A Tully Sr; addreeo, b rA a vai very quiokly tta lalnt mmj oity> Kecnnedy, on "The pover off poung tI the âge of 62. The dooeassd had benu vouaen;' reading, Mr A Tolly, jr; an oo e Ib ad sesleis ln Ibis communilp. essîy on f rmiug prepaîsd by a portion Sh. ha&speut every enerigy tri make home ~îez-uieomiteadra pM plissant sud entertaling. A member of etR Roizasion.Th eiotaenid vs ison M the usothadlst oburoit@sie bad beu for B obnson.mmd fficertie orlb. honis severai yeaus. About tva peuiago or he u f ea lse u teeîii tuhen--bu- a_-ài- r L---n-a ---- a 1peai. besa on Frminst vililie the Whsm Baby vwusis. viw4ga"e ler CaatorJ& Wien dmsevasa Chal» ex incieti for Ciatorla- Phemise became Niais, site ciung ta CasIons. Vb»itase mab irn i te gare l* flbtbIseORM Ciaa CaUlodon Cullnag8. GMOmnlim,-I!2 18" 1 uI veevraly affieôt. ed with gravai cf the kidasys f ram viicit I ufftrredgpuai pain.' i vas rsoommeîadod te taLe Budock Biood Bitter, whioh I dld. fimding grami relief. aid afin takinua 5 baIlles eau îruy &av 1[vas oured and h&ve mot simca beain roubiud. I hlghly rnSmsendI. Peter Wett Culloden P.O. Ont.-17 3. LINDSAY MARBÈF WORKSs R,,OHA-MBERS NaabeTable Topsi, uis Tops, Mastel Pieceseto, l'Oga practical varkus.n a&B uheuld @»hi. do- rMisan compoare prlz.6obetora purcimsng *lot- WOnRKB-n rosar of tUsart niaia mbrk1dga t. Opposite Matheas pscksg boin. MORT. CUADBU& MONEY TO LOAN. N.ney lent osn ortgage, and Vor'tageenagllated tnalgbs bans ai6 par cent. 1782-IV MOORE à& JACKSOfN. MONEY TO LOAN. stwagt LoMnst ta* mv« o -" ovu x- vent rates. A Large amonut of T trut unds for invMsment, pay- able on ternms te suit thée borrower. le" 0. IL IBOPHINM. Barrhyter. Lindaay. MONEY TO LOAN. = nlmteb = ". bâteupropee e tia eby ratas, and on otiier good scuries t lca w- etBA EROf ààcLAUGLIN. Bar-Ister eta , Lludsy. Ont. Augfust let, 188-UWly. DR. W. KEN NY, Voterinsry Surgeo. Graduas onte. =giteZdmebràoROn tarlo Veterlnary Vedîcal AUj- ~~ clu lion. OBos andl residence. Bodoeat or Nethodist Churob, and West of Wallac.'aWooileu Ville. ulndaay. Vareb Iund lm8 DB. BBOAD, VEIBINARY SURGEON. rauae Ontario vot. rlaColloge, Toronto; isgltsred niamber of On- OmWtlfl.Ut inorth, lu Sktchs Tmrac, oppolte th. gai works. Ail oeils >y mail or to'egraph promptly attended to. hagsmoderato. L=du. January Bd i89.-1712. PETER MITCHELL, Assigne. Aeuntant, FimancisiAgent, etc. etc. Omu dspetbe old ILaw Office, (Up clairs). 1761Y T. A. MIDDLETON, Lite, Pire and Aoccient Ineurance Agent. Agent for the Ontario NutulLite Affsuranne Co OFF WU-foitorrçaBlock. Kent street, TbWrdDoo East ot the Poitt Omo., upetahm -1706&ly BUGS MITOHLL, AoS~utankPire and liue lufurance effeted la re- liable, cmuanles et loveit rates Agent for Héâd- stonces, Moumente, and every description of marbie aud granite work. Lindsay. Oui..- -1708- ly laad ForSa. SeversJ cbdlce Lots of Farming, Gruing, and Tim- ber Jandeu uloiervilllafor saie. a ply at amy lime. $AN. SUDDABY Burnt Uvr--v lumovaL KIlO 0 lBAIg, Veule Tmearr a eoe heu indaay atreet %0 WIlimmeet. B ooms o,,, à&- loIOWE. unmith; oetmocethrough the Llmdmay. Ape a stbo19.-li-M 11011VOLLNMIL lu opératon the vuxr round. Highest price paid- in Cas for WooI. 2 CENTS ETRA WEEN TRDEDI ýfULL CLOTiN, TWEES, Wmmd ;l. srnian 1% la aw&y i Ie primitive forent and ln a beautiiol ittielelage poasi.elng a railwal, telsrmuoffcea.aud a11te c.unvenlences or modern lite. Chargeas urpriBingi> moderate. The véry place te "8Bpend a Happy Holiday- The propristor la anxtous 10 accanimodate al ne can, and parties cam. lug te utay a tew days are roqueuted to communicate b, poolor wlre. Fîve huure rail tram Taranto. The hotlabspitedwltb every accommnodation, and a goedablealrot. dVPree Bisto and tram statin D KULLETTouTI'e r.-1875 Je NEELANDS X.RC.D.S., ONT., DENTIST, LINDSAY. DBy te of e the new hydro-carbon gai funmce ho cm e ninldestructible porcelain ftUugu sand regtore brokaîa and decaed teetis te their original shape, contour and coor by thi. proces. 010 tseaoi have peoelain crowns attacbed canseqent ohre la no platserequlrsd. Gas-a-lsad air, adnilntlered wth groat success for nssrlv 23 pes, eztracting teetb fer thousanda of pommenswithout apartilseof pain. lie mesthe latent appr;yod app lances foai adminstrng the ras. Ha studled under Dr Cotton of New Yori theeiniventor of Sui for extractlng testh, wbo bas aiâminitered it te ovr I 0,000 ptîaonsanmmnot a fatal cam. Mi Neemmuls oses Bells Local Anaesthetlc for extractlng testh. Ni'. Neelands te uow uelng a new style of forcep viich he haed axpreelv ,nanufa&tred visie on hie lam viai tetNew York, which remeves thea IsS th iout injurv te the gunis or jaw, the guru hangup batIyll a few deys and no robes- quent trouble. ArticIal teeth lnserted au &U lth. poua aiend by thse mnt approved stlyles and appliane for their etention and comiort. kNun-. bers of persona are weariug teetbmde by Nr.. Neel- suda ov r 20 years, and never requlred -repaie. fflce. t rom 810 & 0866 for an uppor or undsr set. Pecsons tram a aistauce wiLllpioneasusnd postal card before coming. OFFICE-Kantets';Lindsay, nssrly opposite th. Simoson Hanse W« H. GROSSi L D. IL. N. IL. C. D> .LOunt ets.LUs&". 1%e popular GOLD and PORCE- LAMNCOWNING Systeni (vlthout plate> practiad isy Mr. Gross vus .groatsatisfaction te a large um- bar of persans. ArtM"ls Tests luserted by tise ncst approrod n atioiapniipes for oecus'iug perfection of fil,. cmfrl uefles., durabilit, mmd bsst'ou Gold Silvor and Oeluloid, alsa au al tise = @« lssdouta RU s a n md at lb. loweet living prives AU sets ci tsth Ilsbsdandfltted toe s oîth by i. Grus hinse1, or under hia p«»"ua supervision, vhich whf accouai for the satisfaction given by bis worb4 The Introduction troun lima te tins of tlisatest appliace for the sdminuistsion of Vitalisod Air and Gms, eaables Mr. Grass te ammunoes coutsstly in. eresslg aucceeslu lb. u.of thebe anaeet.hetics. No pai, o accidents, n tomn gumas, cousequeutly, no Thse best metboda 0f1vressrvlng the naturae tel by fillIng wits gold and othsr reilable niaterials, bai heu made s stusdv for uxslv Tbirty yeai's by Mr. Gros%, sud specil iattention adsud car.i.given by bum te ths brancb of bis business. No uuueceusary Paim lu filing. Dou't tsll te cmilian (tran ai bis office over Kennedy'.store, Keut-Ot, and ce.ecimen of hi. vork.-15t Haud Loom Wea.vmg. Tb@ tiliderolred SI repar..l 5ta wea'se b.blan. ketà, fulwldîb, alto taîicy fivweied b.d spreas, full '.1d , sud aIl kl..ds if narrow Flauncil, twUîied, plain sud fw'CY sragCarpet, bit anc. miss 10c. per yaid. Seo igu. 1SAMUEL HtUTTISON. Oct. 6, 1891-7-9 Feuelon Falîs. ]LITTLE BRITAIN Sash and Door Factory sa th Intr"" f Nl.JOSEPE MAuDRz "h.8hmdiDoor facicry lns tIe Britain, 1 viii carry enlisa business ai ln Use put, bad hop@ by strict attenilon te bugnees te nuit a s@har.oetpublia patr-unage. Eighest Prioe paid for <*oodl Shingle Boits. Par fotie lig te bM fld o vi li te eeuaullme moimd - vi1aI ndo for Ibesa in lie v i epslee CALES H ARI. VICTORIA LAUNDRI RuseU ,d~ mse'B. , ohmer mla j lHow the E oyva1 Cp.,aý- dian insurari.,ce Co'y Pays its JLasses. W. bave pieabure in acknow.edgingz the pI3men In full eft ur dlaim again8t the Ros! 'auaIia rs, Ca., resuitiole frein the remiot 'lK firb jrn Oujemee W. were satnewbat t.arry in c<mzp!t, u c c'efm p9;pe s, but tLe conipsny bas paid ,ur claims Lefre the expirarton of 30 da)s. W là. (rRAY. JNO 3dcREFA. Omemee., Oct. 611I, 1891. My outbuildinrs and thir contents were burut by the explosion ofta lanteru on thee llth Sept On the 15th the leu waa fatIbfactorily adjustoi, and nov 1 bave a choque for the amonnt of n.y aimn W. H. MONTGOMERY. Uinvera. Oct. 6tb. 1891. 3(y dvellIng and contents ver. burred on thre 2ýti Septeniber. To-day, elght davi after. 1 have a cheq-ur for tIre full amount of mni> daim. This ii prompt and Op@, Oct 101h, 189L MAIHETWIWLSON., For Insirance apply ta- S. CEORNEIL. Ag-Lt, Lindiaý JOHN MAKLN 8 -taon counusa- WILLIAM STRBBr, Llt4DSA-Y NAOVUEU OP SaWa and Shinglai.isli Mach» s;y7 Flou? Mill, Stem= ri:zt and Punirot Have à lare ssrtmsuî of CenLrr.1I tczra te là: aboya description of worka LludssyJuiy tis182.î! [lit ýISURANCI COMP' Aset& ...........-- $M2.620,676 7E Surîn, <asadirsStandard)..... 7,319,000 M Polîies u foce ~97.372,U84 4< New businees far 1887.. A.--... 43t.4 Eudowmnlta Paid 10 Living Policy' Holders - Canada for the years 1882-3-4-"-4in ceuh. th ztis ............ ... - ... 8424.6a< 13771 liste Canadien and Britishr C.', cmr- blumO- - . .. ........... . M.. 6,InS Se Goverument Reporta, pages 66.,58, 68 and M2 Sure su Eudowment in the £tn. JOUX B. flaCliUIClY, Llndmy. 15 1SS&-2&t enrl U)i* FOR Inseet. Stings Sore Eyes Eruption 's Soré ,,Feet Sorenessj Chafin Cata J Compaint Mils. ie Coplâ it SunburnAit n rtImrnto WLl1%W{RÀPPER MMMurscTwrMww lu -i. o v e se e' 'Il T R ta bu 15 N oh' 'b 50 'r hi1 Pr il vftjj off ~lI à dren. Fraemane w orsi rnwders prevent a -us. UACOIL . .ou eOau*EI. end make the child brlght and heatthy.-2-5. P. S Pvlvate anÎd Comipany'@ funde te loan ut 0 lOW«ecurOnt rates. Hu'jrd'u 76110W 0O1. PRE8TON & CURRY, This gru i nternai and extarnal remedy tI w n60Curry & Omtb), Barristera, Saleltora, alwaysalalays ail pals. it ie a speoificlà fr otamm setc, Oflà,-oO &Koil'black, Mii-. croup. aid promptly cairs coughe, colde, ore brook, ôZ n.,sd -seuhan on Nunday. oney te thromI, apraina, brulsés, burna. iheuinatiain, 10an 1t loUsat raIe. culs, wounds, etc. #*od for mai or bemt. J &i <A V. PiLEeN, B.A., LL.B. 8tands &Il testa. Sold averywhera. Price 25 ________ J.__________________B.A. conta. Bsgaard'a Y.lIow OiL-1743. / dU»O (.*Usa For sais-double and siagia Dit A.____ W .___ el___________________ gasc M dirac le odes dubl Rtc~ce ~<sl gle-omainch boue dowa, barre. lw Cobsargam "dealE. uùîi, Étoitree -t unu0ofthe béitquaity Rng;e'duc -Iguns, aàtt ot ea. ai ibe . i£ ..- i tiL DR.- lMcàuLPNE, yEITORS IROTEL. tu obtiont iroin. Wts have lust tnpgs 0" osMad r@oes-Wluulastress north, cornai oofPh. oul ueoondioiesbouselaL12 ma 4uorn., bdor- 5i1Chr'r'rat tiu>ir.. rirc1> p. m.» petaese eciameMiaton heurigeo&. te8 lois h stretsda ITB rp sgn niguarance. gouod bootsng. 01<1 Wo:u P. M.qwqàé omüunmw- SSléoft lmyri tte,," VUr.' =7f'r c%#t.'- unê ae 1pePalt- - -repaira axMcuted n a rkmaullut- marnr DR.B. E. S.WI4dON, FOREST ROUSE,tos un'tl aai'ad. ->- LaIeet thUe Royai Inlirmsary, lEdlnburgh. Over ton *baimcUr osnpsraor ivis ss JU- t tlNSO! - years ofoS uessful practlus. Offies auéreside- . ie O>jlmdiesilhdUemc late tram Steel'iL't3 sîrco> L"lk'sTerrac, Gloeulg ruee-lTIor-solcite a shareofetpublie pêtroutage "e Buu-u'.E P PÂLMICR BUROW8, ~ -1 , BOloar l pa.da »bats. livr and stage office In' ad1i f *rauaeotieWOilosanius,18,isyclnPATTIE'S HOTBLIfUAIl srouet.O&S md redauce opposite Oweinf-.~s ~.u~s - . i . hoti wiltell gtrtý--ô.Ooboeo&,-ThJs veil kuovas dote] hebasn ssptrovid alrest.-45. and i. now lua rat-oliasurdor for tise reetiaus of, guetté. 1%6 baile sfpplled vllb the uest brandeofo i~J~ T" t sDR. îJlMP8ON cigare. Good siabllug sud attentive hostIers. Good Office and resdenos. Russel atm escnd door vest sommoearooma. J.PTIpUrpit.iilpu et TorS streel Office houra-9 te 10.80am.4 1.30 -.kVhf.~1 '~x tg 80iO>M., 7ltu 8p.M. ROYAL HOTEL, .Wi(,ei-eu tivitr -- Graduais ut Uuiversrr ut Triulty Col., Tomante;1Th euq:ýorL- Membar etoeltfPhsiciaus sud iurgçeus, Ont* iLindami. Tinsa I knuvihus>,. firSOe cu lLiJniJ>, ciesteci r> tro 111c1- - ', lie phyhicien ta RB.ckwood Aaylum, Kingsion. lmproved and la lu svery wva> suied for tise &C- thre crat ->.ccî 1 ts r- n,-- . Grand Truuit Il' unrgeou Lindsay District. I oo n aof the pubilc iesale uzimurpamsd lbY b , t In r >tthej. '1'hti J734 I hst .of Uquor &ad cigare, goodiatafflrng and atentiîve bu lur-s> tuden,". r '--;-~ prepriaior.- 1319-9m India'ad'- but'drw. éir -' gc~~aj îI~~~cu.~~>~. - ~recelve n-va.'.i-tC- ,' KINMIOUNT BOUSE, corduurr tn ahillty. FürCiij - - G.a.H PKN, imount, Joospb Bowle, puopriotor. Thse aboyas>' ' <Suoeasr t Malin& lepkna)premisesr have recentlylircen gtted up ti i ood »t>Ie (Sucewe te artn à opkns)f ors firet-clats, batel, snd lbt - ublie car>,bho assume Barilter, Sulilor, etc. 05500- william St., Lind- of the oselaccüomodsl6i; a, ve<'r,isu rate,, 1 ut.Ont. -1664. Tise bar is.supplled wtha&lithe b.sbrande fUtquors I If .,- NOUk$E AJACKION boeuf r J,ý î i~: (Success.,rs t H udipeth Jackson) Baristers, Coli TUE SNOWrIEN H Ub cîtorii, etc. Office, Wiiium atreet, Lindsay. y. D. àSOultE,. ALEX. JACKSON. Charlotte Street, Peterb>oro. >,. * .-- * 1 r2 I>T h is t.> a e - b o us at 3 1 4u (, :- f t !e 1h '> eq uIp p ed ir In Pelerb)orc. It là ,,îc tjt h'tlG.T R and ti~, - -t' ~. j MCI8IWEYN & ANDERS8ON, C.P. R. st&tion,, as vi w - i se t srct >t~,KW:-'. - ' Bs'-rl q.,Ii"cjtore, etc., Eamiitoius Bicck. Keut, &A dal ixurder--i, e. .Tre âtreet, Llnusay. M-suey lu l'un at current rate&. 01.00 per dar.-I670-lrIi1 '-"-f; : B J'ufN hi'SWIgt DNAî il. t2DBi50>4. 1 ~THE WAVERLEY 1BOU>-3E. 4 P DEVLIN,,Cre fK:ts!LnsyS'ee u..y Barriuter, Au_, Oounty CroiraAtorney, Clerk or the Coerniof tKepîrt aLna - ef 'h. i4aye ii1 o l.f Pence., Coory of Vcoria. Offi.s, Kebusu'o biek. iaitseonûtf bthe 'ut.-icle ,f tr hvýytgl..' jt'.i *te i1I over 'temes,tore. Ljnday. mai're teni pblptn -n ii. (e (,f e ci rtte'. - ,for, - s> LI&ÂB~~ & O'LEARY, Every attenition pald tu thre euuvüiiec.-elfguct. gîe crV k_)ýLARY O'LERY, nodf,.tl)tn, fh-Jd,, aid(] arige ard 'p - arss-.&ir'ua-,.,rol1citors In chanoary, trooni vith &attî)t!ve b'.Btlerh al wsy-. n -'. $ &t c.,- &c Office Dnhony Block, Kent resi MALCOLUM MGItEGOR m a - tt7 ' u Z d Noue> ta Idan at currasut i'aee. L-, WiVas&-d 18eVs787JUPà&PL& oor ARTHURltll LîCA%1. E UG B OILIEA R1. Lnr ur3d1 .1-f rputr B.âRRON ANI) hIcLAUOIHLIN, QUEEN'S IHOTET.PLn airadP 1Balinurtan là vittiaut a rival In <hi. diutrict" ai Oppr-ui tt Veitch's L(int', A rd'at Dawtra Solicitors, Av. ., c oce. Bsk0r ei', umelasrfa ailes- u auliful>.iiirated 62 KentSt., Li opy 0ýVslte Voltcb's RotaI. JaHa A. A eaninuc frtrehntmn 2h- n.w...,