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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1892, p. 5

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Facts and Mules ,Are very stubborfl thinga and it is just.ag hard to alter a Le~t by denying it, as it is to keep froniou ring a cough or cold if' yoUu u.' WEITE PINE B&LSÂM, the great cou,,hI and cold reniedy. Nip à cold in the bud and point right for I)rtuý Store when you feel the Grip)pe or want a tooth I-), uh or a bottle of cirn cure, as we are dong business right along in the old itand no matter who is niayor or Sreeve of this "bloomin' " town. Lindhiay, Jan, '2, 1892. J5 I, ~M TWIH Sign of the Mill Saw, ERANjý souTRSIDE KENT STREET. Firvanld LuÉe Imsuranlce Agent X 8A EH NDL S NOTICE. Cross Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Platform Scales, Lanterns, A, 1 i rîtefcn(1 îlli' ga reguia umu of JIjEAT, ESTA'TE, MONEY LOANINO and INiURtýiNCE, 1I brute overpbodyr Whcc 111,% .>vu huitt4ihîeoBin b ny of Ibml at(V 11msr ca l asi ud t*OO te. jýpric"m lîuVLd Propertlc-s for 8ide Cia>liste vho uI ad...leû'd withut lCoeaI, ite 1 Dcki eO Oargae 0oa0pt when a Bah, cîc i', tcti l2epntr i.u iI3virig Propprîy te Rr'ut Wil have thuîr Wccrts attecuded toandutino ehar- irle nictit Tenant lu provided. 8ý"Pesaustiîg le Bay or lient are cordiallyjrrltt to cil! et ry office andi laok cver tIloirte. ee"wc'rking moin, Mechsuice anil othure '.uppli with [buses or Loto on flic Iu'cîî'Plan. Ur,)NEY TO LOAN on àdortgagee At iowemt Our- sient rate". MoNKY 1T0 LOAN on Apuroved Endomed Netem AtIlc.,ft raie. MORT(lA9 nojOtHT AND SOL. REAt. tiT %Tg bocght andi ,old an commintaot. PRt>PtctTîES Rcntuit and Tenants pioiurod on short Dnitice,. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Vct ic aI tir luitioiq blocks on Ksxt Street. 901 tout fi ,rî1l'eî~lI Ol *v0fi-un.deuil: will he fo'd hn lots to ouit M a e rie' 1aflcit )ricu. anîd un Osy tîins of psy. V 1 4 li' crrthe cîrir cf Lcdiy anrd Ruseli sitrcîrî, 4îiti, wili bu i-ascii fur 21 yeeswtb builit- Inig 1 irNliiOi Vacit <lt. r tivrkrcte c1welinus lni Forth, South siccu Eut Wîrii'i, aet cncy iedranioc for building ~~1.-betartiic ntr- brick dwellina Ib te -f, Nor 1rIt W,rit, wth ai' m in .ri mprovO. vc lc i >,i l ld 4.1 ,p'entod weuh fruit ta'.., !~'1,20() c t Ici.vcc: brick dwplllng on l.ic", ad id vgctetle.gar(len. N ci" ccIrvt1ricttric wliz ha tr&wm'ând shubmiir ,gicid tgardon. 2 mr'rvwhite britck cottage, nice lien %15 0n emli»)r hite brick Gothie roofeti r7~ I toty ru, brick dwelng, oonven. 'ct U 50- 'Jitrîr to Cii legate iLuiti.uote, gond 10- Oc-m tnd ahait tory Gothie roofet $1-,O200 c~Itir S-950 (0m, ancd a hait ,tory brtck voneored 43 o n ry whte brick cottaeO. i ~fi ~ ~Ori mia hall &tory brick Oothtc gi $1t~ 55 0 f3 wof.tu SPr ni(, dwollng. one-ol1hth acre lot In $30"-'North Ward. oc4 $500 Freine dwlling Ituet Ward. s J. H.SOOTH ERAN, n OrFlCE-in 0 P.Ry Tcket Office. 01 Kentet., b Won, ,1 1Id.ayE Vils. n'. ,pt. 17th, 19.-2-1y. f( FBIL)AY, JANUARY 22, 1892. LOCAL JOTTINOS. LC0()ig np always lifte Up. A M."RnIÂQm LICUNes for 1200 et Porter'f book store. -2-tf..1 A lie in the horinj black as lit in ln a horzeo trade.j MAi;ýR1A(in LîoxN.-J. Britton (of 1h. firm of Britton Broi. jewellers, Lindmay,) jetinseàmarriage icens. for 82. 00. Lait end of Kejnt stre~et.-l770.it. Stealing from min moens theoDmre au rob. bing GOd. Doit'T FouOETr- For fins repaire on watchra, Clocki. and ',iAwory, W.PF. mocd*.ty takes ths é'bd.doms &Il hie own work, sonds noue ta Toronto. No pontage for Ton toi pay. Prluom moderte.-18 2. The devil alwiym foots mont il home in tbm 8ALvA11ioN~ ARMY.-The ervicea la the Salvation ArmY barrcks this evecinq. Fr1. d4y, will b. conduatmd by Col. MoRI., sud taff.Cnt. Plant hie A. DC. entheb préent~ tour. Cel. McKla and Cabt. Plant are exten. sîvo îrevo11.ros, h'inq vilted South Mieas, Austrillls, rCLINew Zetland, snd are naw on. gsged in the United Statu and Canada. If y on watttto walk wth Ged, try toi do momobody gond. MoNTHLY Pluizua Fuit Boys à»&m> . The "Sunlight" Saap Co., Toronto, rier the follownit prims vry month ttii fuuiher na. tics, toi boys end girls under 16, ésidinginh the Province of Ontario, who aend thm grat. est tumber of ,Sunolight" wrappeM; lot, e10; 2nd. $6; 3ri, 88: 4th, $l; 5th tuol4th, a Hindmcme Book~ andi a phîîty pictuge bc %hons who mnti fot ibme hn12 iuppos. Sead wrapperm to "Sounitghe Sosp affioe, 48 Soott St.,1 Toronto, not laes, Ibm 29th aI mch mentb, end marked cooopettln; aima Riva full tae.e add ros. age, and nurnbsr of wappers. Wlnnerm' Dames will ho pulehe.l iu Toronto Mail on firet sauaday ianm«Oh mont.-92.ty. Ohlidrn Oryfor 'Skates and Strap Guns and Ammunition, Wiyt.itr Miîts, Cow Chains, Hublter Chufins, Rop3 Hilters, Scoop Shovels, Carpet Sweepers. English anýd American CutlerV at right price s. iViLennian & Co. Agents for tb. clebrsteti SCRANTON COAL Dlhvered et lovent pice.. Lndasy, For 25, 1991t-14-17. Ail trnoe riceeiare iu the beert. KILLABY à KENNEDY sicesllingCron lime, thý hent lu thtq merici. at 12 centm pez bu.hel, ln quauttîî.m-12.tf. To toamn pee isl the onty possible wam ai destrolog hlm. JOHN MORE, gere! lagent for the Singi Sc.cîug M&Ckliie Ca., in rreadv ta emplo3 agetAilu ail u rrpr"fIsntActdietnicta. Office, Adam'ti bluock, Kent St.. Lindasay.-93-iV. The min whrose baek là tutued luemrd Gi a dengarotia guide. Fuits -Ali t rjuiig neatly anti quickIl ot; uni t ur@ snd imitmtonfb mide np lu ili xtet strli. Miss WîNcnai 17 Aibsi treet, 4 doicra rth cfhUuon icol.-4.t There la no duffururras bttween the man eht )lm hie U'niatr ridih ne cho roba bi ighbor. ROYAL HOTEL REaSlAUltANT, corner of KeIi ud Lîtadriay trestà is, t-ueti in fall bleui foi oe tcîascta. A nicu bill of tare provid,î< IV8419 cciiked iu evc'rv t4tylm as ie 'ueta of aIl kitida inmeaaof. T.tMcCoNNaIL cprlelc.-iI f. Tmsieru are cci many poDple lu the Chriatiai varfere eho eenl te ho qumrtormaaterm si uttens. Y NI.C A. Y r,TNos-Tbe yanng men' eîung haut Sandisy eau lirgeiy attendud t,ô. E N. Bickur of Poirt Hope, dcttuvcîrsd rcible anintirmt-sing addrsaon prac!ice 'rietiau eork, and god resuitse wt lcertain yfut lotirbuisierrnet wonde ... Themmelin iext Sunflsy et 4 15 p m, i., ehobu idîhrsttsî )y Mr J L. Ahllin, on the tople "The greu ia,Êttuni." AU vouug muai arec.i crin ltut ... . Thui Bible cimw»e' of the aaaociatio "pet rc'gnlrivn-Thureday, et 8 p m ,,in ;turciay et 4 î'.m ... Auy ouug mein ring te avAit thumeivea of thons ppo nities for Bible atudy eîll ho welcome. The rellio that propises le mcii nyxi iup by the dlii ehenever the church vrc, monéy, le ual the kindti hst the devil frali of. A Nzw GUIDE TO JAPAN A&ND CHINA.- "Weetwatrd te the PàFe a sthe ncame ai neatly ttnd tastetally f4ablrned l1111e gui book, publiatîed by the Gengrel Paseng )crpsntmrurct c f the C-.ncudin Pacoifie L4i for the eonvcnluueue of thumu chu are nmkin ®r whn inlenti ta niethe new snd famblu ahie trip acros the AmAricen Coru inéittai on lu Japat mad Cbius The dre of the bii se pretty sud disticly Jepanrme, and f nater ithin laerilten by one Who eridunt le familier eiîh tht- places mieutianetiansud customusud nhaerraieetidecnibeti anti e wriîea eitb a kirnidiv a1tpreclstlon cf the pout sudi piestcurets f Jepcu, se cutI au euth artiste love for the u bauifhtl Là nature.T book contîailHthe Informailoninauceri thdsly wsnts of a travelter whlah tourl But 110 usfu as voit 90as voc'ibulary Engllsh sand Japanese ai the principal wce andi phrases@lenueosehon shopping, mlg'îtie ho. Tbe guide eau b. precureci grmîulloui on applition te au af tbm agent. ai Canadien Pticîmo liait wîy. Peopls are moarce Wha go te ahnrcb prali thet th1e presaher cili teke i deid aim Ilium, 'rut bac they do rpjncieehn Ihey other :irds gfltsahrrken eng. TuE unFTHLY MEETiNGaiof he Churet Euglai têmpsre u cialty wiltlits beld St. Pital'ci achair! banqe c"' Ii(clî, Jàn. 25 eI S p m,, ehen the rfflotra ci ho eiect stuc the Brut ofiaa suriesnifresdiluefhem l11e oi St. Peut, ilustrated citlareis map. cil! bu giron. The congregellen are qu'tAld te hring 'hoir lbvnitea1 cimpautoup ]PROGRAMME. Hymu 118, OlThmu wchoe Almlgbty Wou Opsrning ;îrasrp ~sud colotee. Reding, Acte 7 chap., nerme 55, le 8, Hyma 499. "All hall tb. power cf Je Dame. 1 Expimueîlon of Gengrapby. Reding. Acta 9. verses i ta 22. Hymn, 327, "Oit lu danger, oatInlui Expanstirn ai Gengreipby. Rosia, Acite 9,. aeu 23 la 80. Rymu 825. "0 haptpy baud oi pilgrimi& Expîmnshtoa of Genigsepby. Reading. Acta 11, v. 19 te 30; 12 v.r, BYMa 871, "ountain tif Roudtu t a love."1 Zip1slani fengrapbys Reading, Acta 13, v. ti 111I. 32, 33. Hqrrn 48. <Whela Godof old came doi lumaton of goffspy. Bealdîl, Acta 18, verse 44 to 52. Vau lu acher. nla lb.. Bible eommmmi qpek Godaà protonm "with the toeths of Md ocf oolhs" but ho la «vU cber maudidti@ vehlm cl u hie beart Pltcoes. OastMrien Mira, W. E R-immsay, Worklng lu the Sec.T 1'ai. John M aentin sud D Esgle. ing C ctob i Flulis-The Bajo-Bell fer Muai- -là on 'g electoti auditois Vote@ of thanki ia*- N.Uger w.,uch calilathe cildîenu-Bcit'a de. cure pitmeed te the choir, unbersmamnages. ose robrtn- Top fun coxnmeoes-Sond Jig-Cueg sud lady cotteators for Ibe acb*msos f Ibm Dine"4-Finale. break dacua.> chnrcb. whlch were anltabty icknowledged. b- af 2 Song, "The Yode,", Ers; Cwptaiu An adjnurnuieutcas madetie l hIbmlecnie la et Thomnnu, reom chenu cake and coffio cee ars eaket et, 5'h. 3 BEcitatint, "The Widow Cumrikey," sud mu heur pent lu social converse or seM tr, 3ed; Mie' Lurra McGllivrey J biWston aptly termeti it. a fimihy galhering. the 4 Ciuceong, 1,Etight Heurs a Day," hMr. RIRGADING ML S'tIDDàEY's ittsr, cblch Wall W. E. Ramsay. cili ho figund en Ibm third page af thia issue. a»Te- ô Cubs., "FAuacy Swiugingl' Master Boit Tbuainhe ilend Suddaby. Thore is net one %A. Thm lolo wud o tr b n te Wyc onn or Pont alti. 6i S>ug , oeo@al t éma oo. oi Tbcy worm critten lu Llndumy by a rd" 7 Sang, "The Ccws ore in the Clovr," h,.eisî. The chole pla la kuecu. Thei ur- Cept Thopeon. mheuee wiifat!. Frccm erory aide, roform v8. 8 bong, coule, "I Wout with Hlm>" TMr. ati csnservaîre, ee reire conatultîations 5*11' W. Eanti c.sudcmlîimoente for oui conduet cf thm capes E RARTuil.y.inuth@ cofrts. The foreras eould mme hoc 1 Rémcltatlin, "The Dinh fer the Culonn,"1 littho the gritlouawpsmkuec. But we do nul Kim saara Mo-Glivhrap purpase taking insulta e rm sul g i ltacir. ire.0 2 Ceite Sang. "Cackney Bll,"- Lnt. As ta nmre other yarua about flothtiDg sud don 7'ougb, Ui W. ERi Reay. cnt. o ff It is Irue-teo Vln puogm froin Gai. 8. Sanig, "Afturwarda," hurs. Vapt. Thomp. ccv blail theur cuitst fi, Mimais, Mallhon sud Sego sn. MeK.eP. On hfiariug the tahk ce cent bock 4. Comte Betng, " Oh ! Wbat aiDi f.. once lunt pramlilly made bath put an tulu comte 25 the Moani," Mr. W. Lc Ramlsy. ad hadtriobplessure of sming then shake nt hy 5 Bring, '8elected.'" Mr. Tha& Dunu. bauds. W. worm ommrned oaniy sa petos 6. Reitition. O"Thsakamlnng Dace,"$ maiker. The gril lies merely alrmntheiaus. W'. e Laura MoGilllnray. 'Nt o tmbelievées Ibm stmders. If ce cars 7 Vomie Duel, O'DomsmllaSquabhloo," luclînedt ta lap anyoues a thebm retubos cmn." tirs. ThomuisancdiMr 'W. B. ERamsay. eba pied about nm@n necapler officea in 8. floodi irImh@QISmm," bY eompany. Lindsiy wcanît i efileat aton -ubut te Ienab snob ociaurse la bmtmtk nu. îhe pub. dd Ail ItiW 10110uw Bu. lie kuoc Ihlem uadbié bi siot. =l I m on il re entli d t b edb m mllal lh m ee l i rnu U cea u a viert talta ad 1k m h m ~ i nscefmt houlti have, staonce. doct e ae ihother it ha praleOr censour a bottle cf tIbm itfmmly rmmedy, Srop of tuh or edatierg se01eSW asit lalupriator' - y14Ioataclaus e oi ysom chMotieom r lîukoril cirouid. Noonatblieva osmi bl'laus. For sale iu 76o. battieby on led m -tes tml goue. IA ddU~isk 1Miel ea gS P. URATSTOCK TAKINIi SALLR T1119ViCTORIA WAtDEB9 LIIb.JBAlo PRIDAY, J.à Whou yen go te chutch. te hmtp thé Lord, don't Wear queakr ahows. a su hi Two Yruiqo Gxmy, or a gentlea nihm~e mf wife, cea u i, s it0dated with board sud 'Gr oomfortablê rOcUiS111, cOntim1l loSited, by &p- piyiug st this offo-17 If. If Ton have giron Gadi yaur hearî why Dat stop waring a long feum ~sy p illas iiTcHELL bavnni bought à large stock ] U of wlnter mll.ni i. i giviilg great bai gaina s eetsaunidn rm h ot dowesu mare tSes im ep rety e &1 -Mississippi, written in April, 1890, srume d men tes utlta st yles. Ciii. just after the Grippe bad visited that of Long praYers in charch generlly make couiitry. " I amn a faner, one of Of beaven duem a long W&Y Off. those who have to rise early and Bo»ÂX'zt FoR WooD.BuRNEcR8 -lanm work late. At the beginning of last prepared tu book eiders for bast bsech and Winter I was on a trip to the City maplu woc.d, 22 inch and j ft. long, dlivored of VikbrMs.we Igtel during seson 1 892, at 83 40 per tord. RD. ic btgMs.'weeIotel T.%EXTON. Offloe-SiythaBtaàk, opposite drenched in a shower of raim. I market. -174tf. went home and was soon after seized Prove that yen know Christ by minifdetiiii with a dry, hacking cough. Trhis bis spirilta thoee&bout Yau. greW worse every day, until 1 had OtRANzism.-The innuis meeting cf the to seelc relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon prtovinciai grand orange of Ont.ario E-t wl who bas since died, and lie told nme nu 110#d in the Odd.f'diiows 'La", 'a the ttwil ogtabtteo oceesGra h of NâprirLel. ciunntv of Lennol un Tuidays ogtabti fBshesGra h Mirch lut and foliowing dhiys, cooemencing at Syrup. Meantime niy cougli grew Iwo uCiloCk p. m. worse and worse and then the Grippe Now FoR B13AiNs.-Baîrgaifl5 lu boots, came along and I cauglit that also bargaiudin lufit gouda, beirmelue wi ftoi; er- very severely. My condition then abues sd ail rubber goode; bargains 1 l' coinpelled me to do somnething. I moccamins. trunksanmd valses. Thuse uoods o two botties of Gerinan Syrup. I ge ire ruwtiug out, moaro your shere, J oîeI go STON AND 818nON#, anoffedurs ta Bryaine &c begau using thein, aîd before taking 17 2. niuch of the second bottie, I was .No mn plesea GGad by accident. e muet elitirely clear of the Cough that had want ta do it and nieau te do il. hung to mie so long, the Grippe, and NOTICE-AIl persons having ieft Picturos alits bad effeets. Ifeit tip-top and witliW. A. Goodwin for traiing du ring th' have fuit tliat way ever since.' pas&per or two, sud who have net rectuiveti E"rRJ.BRiAirCau , ne the sane, wili pleue catiiand get tbsm befure PTLraua ie t ee dof t e yu , oth rwisu they ilb Co.. M iss. Shi alit tu the hîghtict biddcrr witbout remerve or_______________________ pijridice. W. A. GouinwiN, decier lu room paljter. picturua, framixd, sud irtiota goode. Oneecf the mcml powerfril elements in overy -11i. rinecesie le the determination te succeed. Praver wlli keep you frontining, and i GENERAL SERVANT WitNTED -(' ond wauee ofit ning well kuep yon tram p-aing. rff-red for i capable girl. Appiy te laits. UBTIILING FILox BumiNEss -Hiving sold N EELANDO, -18 2. eout the bout and &bue baisinesa ta lAsserta. LOST.-O New Year's day, a long golti Johnstofl & 8isson. il noncys due the firrm brot.ch weuh îhree cut eryatate. The finder whtthe bynot orbook eccouuit, in require-d weuhbu ,uiîaby rewarded hy leaving the came 0 c o upaid rortbwith. lu my ibsutce Moeurs. tTzWlDR-fCO18. J,,hnston & Sisson wili recuire mouuy anuTiîTE WoRS.T TuiNG iN THis COUNTY.- give receipts. For a short time 1 l be The »labuwius-tlin cf D"ooiatîoii." Cam tdoei ou Wtdneda&ani Satýurdape. Thia te bridge Street methodist ehurchnext Sunday Lthe la notioe. Brymus & Co. PR. Brysus. nught. A temperanco mrmon by the pastor. mairagu.-16Lf.There la somelhlng wrong lu tbm preoching Wiion yon dcrncnuce &in il iî ual a goad1 that ârives eilidrun sway frumn the church.- plan ta duo h with e club ln Vaur baud. DE&BAT.-Remember the debate lu the Wtt. McMILLAN, tba emiliration commis Qoup St. nie'hodtit chnrcb, (NaT Cern. cluer for Mantoba Gaveramuàt ili in tuwn. bridge mptnflrrrl.t churcà s a arunuoed in b &Lu l bu ft.nud ait ths Beuson Hanse, fromn anather paper) thia (Fray) erontop. lime ta tintu, turing Jannrry and February. Jannary 22ud. Suliject, resolved *That Mr. MeMilin has been ton poire in Manitoa mon haire due more for Liberty thbm ftr msud wl ho glad ta muet ur correspond wiuh mi t Fane. " Tickets 25 conta. Chair talien il 8 * tho purposeI movîog thora Ibis spring. As hae o'cinek sharp. ï le a practical man, and i wll go ont with ave W ROSE FAULT 18 Pr l-A big cnt lu the of thu cping cxurioD'a. tbsajl au excellent prîce of watchbomait W. F. McCarïy's, oppoette - rîîpuertàluity ta gel assistance and advje.- Dcclv Hccui5, Lindsay, yen ilîl seve tram :bree Io if tu fiie dollars bv going Ihere. Hlm stock of . "Commit lby wîyuto the Lord; trust aise wiîcbeu, c'oce, jewelry, ilverware, ste , la bar lu hîi. sud hucèhait bring it te pia." inat as relimble as any other boanselu the ~SOMTilSO orthbnpng t Liasa ilfoiît if von ml-m il? Coame a runing. Seco iy last." A gui-rcer ri u g out of ail homrp hlm good.-18 2. gouda. Seo the stick of éshirts, drawers, top CO EVTIEOMTTEaon-hm Sshirts, iu>vy ud olormrtlfisnuet hirts, etc., CNBVTVCCMITEBos-he ®r t bif iemutcr price. Tho choice uf a thwu toroe ae , ow taseiliv deeorted eih sp - ..a mud tien for 15c., euh Worth sud chctsp ai propriste picturpo ant mottoes illustrati'ie of e ' 35 and 40a., but thoy muet go. A âsicKof the llbeisil cunservativu polie!, the whota thu chpt peut averailî ever bronght ta toen, inb..îng cirried ontunuder the abla snuerlnten. d the bO0 65 andi 75c. inte, reugnàr priesOc0., dmnce rof.Mr. HAnry Mdiler. Not the *eat 81 0 Iàd 8 2L. W it, t éiy 8100 't'à ttractivo >i.,ht lu he rom îthermuakel th t 8y n t-h 1 0 swd in 2 Wcth u y i (10 I>t " an t.- h v e beec us e-d y H on. hM r. La utrier yo r- 1 7 i , ntufh r w n l u a I( t riMO N n t h e S e k a t a b s e n . w b c h h e m f l i t r u l o t o irt Num if. h sno Gdwh oe o hfihards of an ad ttry. ho takes gret n Nominje Ie mn cfGodwho aemtoIpritie li hepý.scemsion of thlm relie ai Patrie. tf taes pivamure in k.oeping hle commantimentsti. 1to ,11 <cîc~ o C. E NOTaS. -The freut meetingi of the local -1 BE FLAG TEAT 1PIiAVFD A TiUorsAND le union ccl tri- --ci-ty of Chaietiau Eudeavui for EIa"Te,~vie ..rgorhin trie yuàr 1892. elil be beld iu tbe 1prtà.iyteriata A i8t. a aw.ys pl..aséid eith ibebright neat nt chuicli, bkuuxiay uveuî..b<, Jani. 25.1., Wt :pare~ uf Mr. Fraik Bàusan'ei home 'rwouud lik.,if ail meurbure ut the i ii rt FI .r.tusîn ccca ia it ta hie stables weltiaima (1. sl..rlet wouold try lu ho prueei.nt et th" ab,,vr umure thaàn îe;'y any traveller. But wbat d. îIl 'trirr se the ,rfir'ers <of the incâ uion r or ,crlicnn'rv tdliehtm ns waRthe ,iRht r f two bu hecuitnttsix menthae twilhhoeleettri. Tho beau iful Brih. Canaioiain fige, thered îand lier N Hi, pister of thé Qriopiî St. ruelixo- the bine ouigna fi taing tu tbe br-eze fri mn dis? ebhurcb, eutt sddruîc thueuW, etiî'le on C. E ,'butop -4fa high l..bpnle lu the tien. Mr. 'n work. If yen eant tu ho enthnsed'witCb th- iisa,.n's ro'DEtneandtisle in lirunods,.prp. 2d apiitif wurk dont fait tauer Mn. Hilt. Il miîses suit fitg wi-uld faim a aitable model for von w4tit te am eI frst m-atingo of the Tuetr nî.îîv u',' br f»arinr. 18a asuecîes, don t fait ta bu preoest and diu vi ut Th- tijoir Surît and the lces reim frrezer i. own part te uîcke it m. Lot ns bear lun ilut msdtri Mer toug eillu the ahnrch together. 5 thar wo areudur asniuch obigation to tauti '&I y eur ledu i a untlyas n aweely RIMAND AND THE misR, eau the taiO In, i hy ui ed u u m n hla s u -c nr " de ivereti hy Rev. W in. Pattermon Dg of C. ok'o cdnrc , T rnto, ln St. Andruw'm id Ir. te dot.b-fui wether the Lird @ver made chu'ch, nt, F îluy evening, under the auspices et a nnmu who could beai sehurch tcextan andi of the Wc ntet,'. ->i.eonary Society. A large in. the wholi e ngregaticcu. autldiice g gî,ul the Rerd. eceturer, tuhe on OBIT.-Mr. John Campheil, tbe notice of lîaiLd et brs ut.ujet lu a mne tIhst enter. nid whî)s duatb appearted iu Tns WAftDxR latc? t.uied nti iu..tructud bis hoerar. The lec- A-ek ak scbarst lu the Ctiuuti Ccaa, Iro. 'ure. watt iûtc.rupc.îed with numerona anea- 00,yir ;r SWEEPING BÂRGMINS in every department in ore9er to reduce stock as much as po,-ib'.ý h-c4re annuai St'.ck-Taking on lat F,,bruary. B;g BargainE inFurs. Bi&éz Birgains in Mfartliq. Big Bargaiins in Mande Cloths. Bitz Barguan in Ue.derwear. BiLg Bargains in Flannéls. Big B rgainsi in Yarne. Kg Bargains in Tweeds and Full Cloths. Big Bargains in Drens Goudï. Three speci&aIl nes aL 8, 10, aud 121- cents3 per yard, wurthj t money. BIG BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. Guaranteed Atl-woul Tweed 8uits, yuur chuice of 75 at $5 each. REMNANTS. R EMNANTS.ý n ýi's [rtings, Tiekings, etc., etc., which we are otftiririg at cleariug prcs.s regardless of cost. Strike while the iron is hot and corne with the crowds as3 we have stacks of interesting b re-1 f-i!o, VVARER & CC0,MW Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent Street, Lindsay. Tmo doors East of the Daley House. 1TO THE PEOPLE OF LINDSAY AND SURROUNDING I GOUNIRVI Ths Holiday season beinz over FAIRWEATHER & CO., Manufacturing Furriers of Lindsay and Pet#-rboro, have clecided to s8li their large stock of Fin" Fuma AT A GREAT SACRIFICE to make room foîr m fine atoce of Hats and Caos for- the spring trade. Stock of Fursi comprises LADIES' SIIOULDER CAPES Sible, Mirîk,Per A Astrachan . j3c khara, Piucked Caps, Gauntltts, Storm Collars, etc. Oppos. su m, Combina- ti on F uis, to î t' Gents' Fur Coats In Coon, Bulgarian L.amb, Corsican l"iii), Wambat, etc. Choicelot of Rahes consisting of Musk lix, Buffalo, Black and Grey Goat, Wambat and Bear. Fur remodelled and repaimed. Cali and inspect stock. IIighec;t.pnice paid for Raw I5urý. Fairweather &Co'y. Lindsay, .lanuary 14tb.1S28-3 Furriers of Lindsay and Peterboro.I EIL PHAD à, 106 Kent Street. ae 1 We have no Bankrupt Goods nor do we profess to seri under cost. Our margin but that margin is so close, that even the sharp~ edge~ of compelition NO"W LOOK.Il 50 «Pieces Shaker Flannels at 5c. -par yard. 15 Places Gingham at 50 par yard. Dress &oods -par yard 5. 8, 10. 121, 15c. up to $1. Press Costumes from $3 np to $10. UndeWe8r-Shrtand Drawe.rs at 25c. eaeh. 10 Pieces Good Canadian Tweed at 25c. par yard. 28 In. Twilled UinFlann'i at 15r, per v ard. 27 In. ÂAU-WcoOI FiauIel at 15j 20, 25e 30. 35c. Men's Overcoats 4, 5, 6. 7e 8t 9. 10 Dollars. Men's Sut.s 5, 6e 77 81 10, 12, 14. 15 Dollars. IoD ' r 1~ 1>~ . jt;, \va will. not be -undersold. TERMS CASH- 106 Kent St., opposite the post Officee inds?ày. Lindsay, J an, 14th. 1892.-1802-ly. wA r;Zo&v The Great .0pposite the l'i)-t 1-jINDSAY. good - cani et, We are vuling aud auxious to,

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