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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jan 1892, p. 7

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ECHOIES 0F TUE ETERNÂLA ~~~J~ NATrURAL PHE,0E> eo~~tre out, bad Y ..- omow 4M4à maBw*SANUSkaiI4 4L LII VIn- le.v. Dr. TainiageOl tMxt1fl Wb&Weo à* ù»-a Tet s EzoUil 'vIils , 7"The. U.uding t 1&0,01"e'ald o lu b~**Si. Presor ela lsé ai. ghabite, ad là à tqw 70?5le ai -Tbop ofte aer- m[ e& ft$~ai*' lauie?, Altholugh They Are Herd by 190>IIIead hlm objidrea er tatk b l a.nur1y1a( 8) relaitive., and ho died of delirium trleens Alrea.dy theii.vl 0 Of th 6se ausht tu ot ]Wbr aa 89L a oaped AIil nuifliItY. on BIackwaell'a Island. 1111%other O= te.BritiIsh Ctinaui wators je estinated wlth pr.cetig pero1d t c u 4 -&tàgëà,u Baooruy-i, ;. Y., .Jan. 17, l180.-Dr. fffled the nainsors mp oafied at fOve million dolUara nà 'ar, and yet theofr ara~ o. gm e r&roniu cat ~ave iIw illustration inbi er- Canada. One of the dauglitor f th old industry il; tather at ita ir-th titan in its laattms~tiÔu& . QiitY twoot.epst fg 'lna.e. iii bis kiimarried au inebria.te with thi ides, <3 l h ~r ~~dna ih r-UCii tbe rcW1«8cf eveftiflg starâ durig arton drhi n nng pr f bl ceis fatrom comi * of reforming him, and voit know how vinc s fairiy mswarais ,vith tile. The rivera the. mon L, but the è re the moet IliUisnt artcfd:ain ~1lîtna lssus ror cm-that -ilwayms eds-in* the rmin Of teeni witli*tlieýn, the straitî and fiords and eras <of the ytîiV t. 11 Jupiter._ -,n ni: r,"aipnd itex îen ie l : 71h "e h te xperirnentêr anitihé. foe "ifs ahoptid with tlîem, theoeoon heyond On the year'u record Clore are tour eclipses, ouudîg a anf îîuiuîri entuius' Tetohr dis fîe feightened with -,ri ineaiiolLile tveight, two of ite sun .and two of the m oc n, the At lst lx oThe ibleha. disappeeircdniystsriously, and hbas pt lo iigbd hc ns coleitia-siea 189U.. Ihp"yoccur Ini IbisJ At -ý 1 fîuud it. TeBbl u been heaatd of. Thero wui a Young w - fliig od..'. nts oob ig..A.,...saine as1in in it a rtgu:of tll phases of thicklel e amoug thie homes 0of the civilized world. order:. A total ec.lipsesof the suin ou prî. naturai 'o il 1,1, fimit the mirera of the mid- th^oke ont of lte East River and purt in The principal varieties nf fimh are 26tlî; a partial etilipîse of the.rntion on Mayi night t"itvî'tismu tepihosphorescence of heMrgue, and nmre tbought it was lber, tbe salirosencdsbad, whitefish, bash, 1lth; a partial ýeoipsa ef the suin onOu thettil!i("( - But the wll-known, but 1 colânot say. " "je ik possible?" you floulider, skate, sole, litlibut, aturgeon, tuber 12th ; a total eclil>Bo e a m non on ;tetnth,,it %- aI ' clleI o.dn cry out. "Yens, iapossible. The family oolacban, herring, tront, haddock, amei, Novemler 4th. Ail excepl Lthe first will sendt!'tw"ca1 'i eli Ifond in complète wreck." My bearers that auachovies, dog-f.lsh, perob, sardines, oysters. b. viibinlusonne tîhitse to Borne part fthe. untila .few clnys tun 1 ciicovred it ini my just whst Lnight have beeà expected. Ail osfst hiî;,eas udmsas fUie tts ihe-planêta wilt miike text: ', ho sh'lig tiaof the moult- ticaol h do te<lmiEhordeînznshi f tho wsa id , uels.leOfmca- teitaes.AllcO a ia xth een taiîs.-'; 1.0 i, O Xlv Lîo. I'ekiel of the the awful Echo, thet dreadful Echo o tter, a;nasa ovh e rithpe>' fetbse sneLie- theirapyo-tnRa , alnd the e nuerc text bail lý1it i n :gu aitl again. Born parental obliquitY and unfait.hfulness. of whar i seh oo fh re rtornshm.sortiextiof5inte n 11w pante nm and tof aIiitg t iciie t(i p.EaLd l linnjuttmeura S, io drtDy llh u Tii.main salnion riveîs are tha Frarer, inoon will nuL vary ntuch froin those of <(tii att -'. 11AiC lir ai ut1l atiiiilhlg i lEcho of ail our other ays. The universe Skeena, sud Nasse trivers, but the fisi bausayears in the racert p'ast. Uii ,'.. t .t~ ii' li' tli Itottltneedsasuch a day, for thoera are se msny swarrn in the iiiletsl ito which srnaller Venus, thligh far ta tha somthwest at hiswrtii~:t lurhon, li 'l( Petn a h If ldtht ed ta ad nt iad .streasaempty. The Niikish, on Van- sunset, la favorably situated for observa- tii( stzmild(c i l 'v'tnit of tetuipebîs lul P mtada i h toswud cocuver Islandsils also a saldmon atream. tien. It la in view fur &bout Lwo hours 1 celt , lartu, aîtd te voicespite 'Oh ,,gv usaIdrntStigaid t e stories of water se thick after lte sun goes duwi, and the interval wîIut benout;. "Oh,1 Gogof i-o pooti a Jta-UT>'euL with salmnon tat a man ri-ht walk upan between the tinte of its set.ing and that of (if -ill aiua of!ýopocic li- îDay il But we are apt ta Lhink of ik aud their liacks, as well as thiat talecof the the suri is slowly increasing- Venus will titrc' aslo'l'e l.v ttnttil:w Soutî i.,e a shu~i sady wyofl h tage-ceaa:hî wich wasiiset b>' saimon be eve.niui star unitil Juiy 9 ani :'-orning tho~X'îîi> uîuîeun.icî, lt1St)hofuture, having n) specitîl commoetion with batkinizhîs In agaiîis, it wlien it ivas star the reîrinder of tihe ycar. it là the s'i le sîîdn ul ftitis cas> or any oit.hor day. Tlhe fact is that crossing a forîling.-ilave, there still exiat gradually growing in aplendor as the dis- '~:ucti htEcowe are now iiaking .pni)ls voices, itS shsoluteiy trt:stwurtlîyaecounîts of swarma tance between L and the sun lîtereasos. asan iî'ttli',t' ofu Ferat' 'artlt an,'tuuesw l îl ott bc eu hlwbicb ai tlieir lheiglît cause the largest On thae risp, elear eventugs of Jauary, w. uow say anti ti. Titis is te meaiiîng rivers tri sLecn alivc with Lhcso fisb. In when the horizon in its vicinit>' le froc fromn Air, f~1o th lrough forests cf ail thixt Scripture wbich says titat Christ sucît cases t it)ipý1e of their back fins frets vapors, Lis 1eerless ot wil form oecf wî t'"t' uws ii vvcry wyliîlîr, and will on tlîat day addrems the seul, sayîîîg, th-ntr srace of the streamn. I have the miost beiutiful ightm that the firma- su ' wxrt aci tn.tbtg a b.1'iwas aaîtod nitti ye ciotiel Me, I was sick senti photc'graphs that show te fish inin l- ment alfurds. ti du ut'l Le 'i, inter thet Uosipitrl. n upiu t~~ iie ecreulihie nujubers, ide by ide, 11k. logs la Jupiter la directly scath now about hiaîf til iun( 1: in 1,0\' t i noto ie sti perirl y aubject a vances La tell ycu. that a raft, atnd 1 have 1ihe word cf a responsible aitlheu r befere suniset, ari whea iL cones Yut t t t thituotspi or glle<tiofxpet. tri> tci i a> n coc iu.mani foin, te s1tateren1 thal he bais gotten into view, almout tle lose of evenag twi- ijietit tuu ttisî'cporiu'rîes ~~ in Md yeus tbe analogy warrants my sayiug aIl thé satuicîtneedeti for a amati camîps light, iL will ho a lutIle west cf thé aouth- Staiiiîg luIf-in' tivren thLe bouse hi .'l'lite Echo is net always exactly lu day after day, b>' walting ta thoe ge cf a erl>' pointt. At Lhe beginninug of Jannar>' and S'uv*îlîcru ni , u tuon Lte nen- rd lte s maya iball wot dv.river and jorking the fimb out with a cern- It bets about Leito'c1ock, while aItte end tinl tku uîaltîorsotit on tmrt. Lourd Riagh ay ha aw nn' oe mon poker. af thenonîh it disappears neari>' two tan w ïir hunt'e onamitoitramith itRî from agoe a eure n There arc about sixteen cannariea an Ibm heurs car lier. Itleisnesring the suit rapidi>', we sopled Llll nato Ezekiel etuit "tfeoctave biglier. A mientiat ptaymnM a flute Frazer,six arithLb. keena,three onthe Nasse, tandi wiit set. with îte sunt on Marcb 20. at ltie.î 1'ut Lu lio ult: la elc ste nFairfax Caunal>, Va., fud illat ait sud Ihree scatterer I la ther waters-Rivera w1iich ime it wil l hecone a morning star. sotuîlit4.î4ïnf the tttttit'The ofIbmetIotes were returned, althaugh Inlet surd AlertBav. The total canaing iii Itiq ole il 'ivill figureunatil about the Eulin its fîgi iniiatty a clild antd mari>'omre of ham came in raised pitch. A 1889 was 414,264 cases, each ai 48 anie- middlle o' October, uvhen il again appears a uta::. It Es lit)t aine t.ing after yen have Irumpet scunded ton timrnesar Glasgow, pedtn.Tafs r odi uoe uLt inaletl h al vnn ,pien AliuthlueurOi îenors re le dbtSotni ai h e os eea e- Australa, and castern Canada. TheAmeri- theurs. It wili h. iliterealin fer the next th p~di. i b ien'maefue aatsd, but a third lawer. And the. spirit- eau market taises lhe Columbia River few weeks, as Jupiter and Venus appmoach witlî vulces ready te anèvwer. Yet, it would ual law corresponds with the ustaral salmen. A rounîd million cf dollars is in-' each other, Le inote lte délicate cotrsst nu bceatartiîg if thé>' sairi somthing world. Wbat w. do of pol or boad 155- veated inlathb veasela, nets, trawis, eau- between the. brigbl yollowish iighî aiftthe aIsembt ;ou <lu tho'lis tho armean et on akl sl ultepoo-neries, ail factoris, and treezmg and alttag Gîstt Plankel ad the. soit. white luster ai jutI batyoî a>' Deth~ man10tion we sxpecî il, but caine backi i wili; stations use in utitis iudustr>' lit Brjtimh thé Plinetary.Queen. anodkwm er tiare vpsthaon Wo dou c e ou Il ma> b.t o rm a hgher glarine rntin Columbhia, sud about 5,500 men are employ- Mercury, Mara, Satura'andi Uranus are Sud wcro aitre yu hnwn>ru co aIoulIo rmadeprwe rm ed. "Thora i. no difficult>' lu catching lth e ming stars, sud slwili reanluin Ibis Soeim pt esp nt a reiterat ian. Tlie a mightier couqueror or -tram a worm. fih," »Ys a local historia, "for lnu&ore statua for sevémsi weeks yet, and orie of shot rit a guin, tbc clapping cf t he banda, captive, from a higher throes or dsepsr 1raste r ecoddta i.'ea hu o eeslmnh. Strhw Ibmhctiîguf dnm te vtc c avie- dungeon. Our prayer or aur biaapberny, readil>' ha picked outlofthei water byhband." ever, rimes long bêera ridnight. At the tihe Esom emes rspetdma twicte yarknuao u rel>,orfih oHwever, gill-nets aret ounri ta ha préfer- heginiiag cf Jautuary it wili make ils ap- théEtio.Nea U'hiatzItit bic ~our unbelief, our hoiy lite or aur disacîla able, ad lte ish are caugbt lu these, pearance about Il o'ctéck ai nighl, and aI salut bams ev'cateeu Echoes. In 1766, a behavior, will carne back aomshow. Sup- wbich are tretched acrosi Lhe mrearna, thé endi ai the rmenttb lwili counle lath writer sîcys that near Milan, Itl)>, there pote the. bons ot a factor>' or the ,head adhnta > o uftbtenr ot.fda iwatwmntsatr9ocok wareievtit snb rfietioîs I surîi~ a acommrcrial tirm, nmre day cornaiThe finitare ioaded imb scows andi trans- Techaically, tbougb, il wil lot be consid- on. suap cf a pistol. Play' a bugle itear a out among hi&s dansa or employ as, and portéri te the canueriea, uîuially f rame strate- eréri an evcaing star until il cornai jute op- Lake ut Kittaraey sud the unu iii piayed puttiug him thumbi in the armhobesiof hs ietres bu*Ilîuet le lm elt br.e oiinbtémnrsa ulelte es back tu you as distiacti>'aas wliea jota vest, aya Withhan air of swagger and ibm ite o.'ls close e nshe are tpstntur oillthelai, isigi au the lte es pl ed it. Thére la a wril two lundrerarthe risirs. "rWell, IHed the'tinslae vetlan iilliattelanti as a mb abothéth &a ytLc:îfoeut deep at Cariabrooke Castle, la Biblel or thé Clturoh. Tiie ans la an im- saw- hewdfo temalsnfatreb>thetiruci er Marit;iMerupla rimes ar Ihtlie of Wight. Drop a pinuit ut at position andi thé other la tull et hypocrites. poduetéwolfrIemnfcuél.Iu atrypit ecr'fiate weli, auttLidt it>mu fbiItI tmat . dcar al e rsoet hm itpaekiug-caaes. The f6mb are cteaaad, oeaaide of ths sun ta ths other taster than le siluid of thlt tAl Ccilles e thO 1 oclare wruddcft tresrouhetdstosariitafjiai anals ad anichoan- dbe, ohoerthplaleetslur ud»,wand b.l an a vvenin top cf the weli dltittctiy. A hiat of an ver>' Pion& peoPie turther than I couldamSos u n oddit hettsb hn-sa nFu)u .Mr n rnsw Aipit nu'mucoues baci front Lb. rock§ ci himn. That la al lha iays, but ho ba said mpadI d ie aadd rten.ThLit ae Ll h Ch na- etr- in Finmuary Maind yUrntsilte .iungfraiiin lut rge alleir urga cf reflisclorienougi. T ha young mon go back le Ibeir bmie sdondn wcnîen Thedtitishiotie n a henyu.aosla S'uni a touttds%, uttili k seei s eif ever>' peais had couniteri or their ahuttles, andi as>' itîju hoedari, molTe, testrin piyed, td i- a The ém. hcw iloei aur litteri snd bicwu sut Alpine bora. But tliemlvas, "oWalli,h. a a &succeasaul ntan w.Ti.ndsr'lrpdi xtu- Ti oowicvoiimalaJua> havejyou ttoOud-ana tItis is tbe reasen andi lia prohably atudied up the wiole ang, aud tremh alunon are xùow being ship- will be a litlt ovsr a day aid vian the. f or I te presettt dis'.ourse-tliat titis Echo subject snd là probabl ri .blt." That ont ped, trozsa, tlathe marksets of easlern menti begins, appearing ta the weit fnot in thé naturm werid ha ils anoiaîgy ini Iving ubtaranca againil 'Bigle and churobea Ambaica d o, tE itoria myfue. f&or 1 Otu e su ay fthaeameou Jmnuar>' bein the moral anîd 1reîgiOL18 wworld? Hava yen lia putO ve young minuon tewroug îrack, (ebtieifitram a lhe ark ufe)o r te Ba h ou th u stitayelt anopilhatv olet- i uoteod lte tremeonts fuel that what VSad 1Ihougi the. influéntiai mari iad apoken iikliod'drLbmakort es thseittmnsaniiihaec pé- %&y asut1 do comes lhaek itnrecoitcd giadu .oulinluhail jasî, Ithe Echo shaîl came backsoncaof 1890. Thé cout Iin made raggad b>' cd its haîf phase. IL vilIlla fuit ou the or di.uaaLerO About titis résonance preach tu fin in five ruineri litetiiues. sud five de. iulets, and int nealy ever>' anc a* water- 13th, ribing in Lb.eaest as the. ion mals. thits sermnt toeiénte. Vnsch Eioaaecocurie érupties. Al lb.h larger treamas are As the imeort pushes iLs way esalvardi>' First: lParental teachiug andi exemple an octaveeriwtisa h. u s cpted.hoit re thé havan of sairnniii thé spawning 505- witb respect te thé stars il wili pasa ths lîa'o îtet' 'elo l Ih chmneér f ds n taelr baud, même an day, wiié 01tisr on, ardinla ime the principal'oces wtll he planets, visiîing ah i ftbemi, butpaig r diants. Extitptiona? Oh, yeq. $a in tearhrd>au cuonr, théeiita b basai of csnning operalions. respects te Venus first. Tihis vil ho one ai usînral worud thème may hle na Ecbô, or aar a rl an ce oi ram thersian- The Dominion gevemament 1a taurderid té'îa aeetigcnaciu fti distortetl Iclac, b>' reason of peeliar prox- reom asartmanadmnug lte youngmn salinon batcher>' ou the Fraser, aboya monti. Il wjtl occur on Januar>' I. On iritirq, lutim e genteal ule is LiaItahe wte bave nothiar 1te<d,ud s ns -el, eu w Westminster. It la under the super- thc evenirîg ai liaI day Lunassud lbe cîtaravt" i tut i It.(! liidren id te E0uof h esIi sadidybt 1sava~isionof Thomas Naval, Inspecter of tQuéen of Planèt lu vii ha&surluinte outh- ciiarattar tf parents. 'lho geucîti ule ia after savii.. There are a goccd many up Fae uiews, ad millions Ocf mnaIt fry veut aI aunsel, Lhe latter belag 3* trthar lia guuul arnt hve uud ~Ith r ans d suadwua in business, but t i re ia an ovar- tnai uutijtateg eallathé ncrbh titan tie former. A degrea in bari pîrenithavue baul cltlltre:i. If the old ruling Previdence. Veareagao I made up rivar. Wbeiér lia unexa:u'ped runana angniar distance aboeu& uaIlte Ivice men la t t'ratîkhim si abaIt tai le a cratiS, my mid te Inuit Qed, and sieshanîaways ot 1889 vau lu an>' part due ta Ibis 1the apparent dianer of the fuil mnu. * li at 11,grauttttultid Ea cauk. 'Flictendeit onm iog.Irmme iuivsprocesa canna he a mi, but certain>' lie Téhrdco nc, in vhîcbSatura tal so tuigiuy in 1thaý directiont tha lvi orae a ulcret n ari lii amnnare net dimiaisiing la aumbera. Ile1appeara, vilaimoe bworth wilnessiag, aI- et w'rse iuldwor.se., tnieasoin. emoreor ttapsîons ot uit>' lite gatîtereri &round wvas eared thal the refuse trameinte eau--thboughit ill net al haseannosearesmin lthb aroine ila t aInehuatalise tad as>': me, but I ruistaed. Tie tact lu thèee ere neries vaniri injure the "r'uas" cf livé fiai, aveuiitg as the cther tva. Thiis wil l ak. "iloire ! By the lhelp cf (Cod, I viii Iwe old toîks oui au the farta prayn for hbut il is nov halieveri that thème is a profit place cri Janatry 18. Both the mîon aund standthitic alonger'. Againal Ibis heedit- me, sud 1 knew Il> nsudimehow I cou c e eduel l a d anam elia k tl e réfuse for estuma vill rima on hhat aiglît ut 10 o'alock, amy tttmdeîtt'y to queertiess 1 protemi. ' Anrdcdoassmre oetIhe ourks.diai er go wiare oiladguao et tï smore likel>' teansd wben bath corne tuirI>' intÔ viavLune, lie or mie willi 1t Lup atltarsamorne hé mbe aveathon Liova brick imblthestresamsadthdle Ringeal Planet vil1 b. seen vitkin sitar antinome agat.cf ii. ane vent. I 1el1 you, beys, u inte ueat tfuture.jbatbu2ohecoteiepnIhig ficeal life th:it uili reverse tîtings, sud il lu hast aiva>'. le do ight, sud tiae 0 Ti oléao cni-mi vlabl1 laie tn2 e h oth h isenpanbian. tiera willi hotun)nmors cranka among tbat noîhig te Seep oeerigi t liSe it., rad- heprodue las. oratders, ciin'ot ha Bl ather te he luthie fied cf vav ai ng kindred. bIn titlter fantil>' Lie motier sud faabioned religion ot Jeaus Christ. John, Frodu sudfNase»iwatrs, Tii.>' arefmairi te tnern titis hefildour.w&Rni fatitar are cuasecrateri peauple. Wbah they viere dîi yen goete ohurch lait Sanda>'? ;r aeinou v i rs, aiokrt r aidtri rs sud ecur iias eev al titi tnistC\ei,ýdtI tti<'iL bet liard case pofied, and imany' sn eator cnounudarireaut !Ustmi mnrewo rv Mt thé horizon t a aun huk-in-k at clttreilt pu.'w llntt tt10tuea sse yattEcîto. Costi>"icies, cathéedrale, presparcua %rade ia sslling large catchas Near lia zenith la the constlliatiou efthle clii tualî, segeiweeb n n non:a ténetreut tatd mut le balas have beau ruisari Ibere. Thé sSii, or lack cct, tormari>' Bull, vithitis iriglit Aidebaran, vhich andîlu titegut V'lirehé s, aal.0n Aciictnav . in irskuovnu aihLea"ceal-fiai," iiamîulenriid depp- tforma ibi ey?, coupicituuMonng ts'dira- lhitg ittw iteb' ctctlt~ itelta'rene ac-isauitoiîium e rreî lta 'co, uri' alar produot. Misese cari vigh tram eigbt1 mer campatuions. A 1111e Westansd South aru i împ Lu aott to Labe IL'ia>ed for, and bang upiolaler>' againsl tie *aila, hopîin tc Iveial>'pounda, muid uaed ta hé eau g il b>' Ofthe zénith i& the graup oet insU itara .eu li 0 is a lhîu'ltt'r whc Wanthtu j(a eéîijuiadhrdea u ucad 1t ha Indiana viti boaS andaliiîîé. AIra4 icaieoithe Pialades. 'Love t bsu Orlon il the wuuy lutthe Li iugiott f CUti.'And iif dollars have beau exptteu i keop the. air white men are driving lis Indiana eut hy uhe:Gruetr Do$, vithi la slug brilfant aebttiy sthitti t'udyLupra>', alo kîteets frua aruwenitag ien u bt te habquiet alîperior mathie. Travla -et Ibrea hua-. th. peerleas Sinus. l I e ut anetié- do it h L )ý1i iiiadsy 31 l hstabenacle *as betug - t'utel, -ilbooks.are uued, snd Ibm fiai art constelations o et iLea.r Dog ad dm Ld v apa hos taa prand'a)i!wen Liitl arceehi ou ;î ttind te b6e niufl, espeomali>' off thie Tvins, Proyou bsing preîatin uthe triunàtîîîi t,t Fwe un lslittY toeiaiem'tip'ate suhi: shape that the human voie éouid 'west cernaofIet uQusan Charlotte Islands. formerar nup sud Cqror sud IPolux in the Ihtu Iittulu tidii it- tio, vra utnt bca hoeud un it, or,i heard, il vouiri ho -Juisu Ralph, in Harper'. Magazine for lattear. Furiher aorth than thèse Oouseb", IuL ttl lfier a htvuiutless bttterffY l' Or jangleri into Echioem. Ina atlaof verri- I ar' iheOn bieer, vlUa . ell*snthCasils P~r l Y "%0. il, l c'v ot S tamnd it," n-tnt 1 vent te Joseph Henry; he. Premi-th arcée ih'e ilan oob 17111, faut i,4 tit lhe sol ti nd augîtter cf dent acib the8itio 'Isitt tWa' tiieLangeai Goain lia Voie. as ils chisit larniau>. Nrtb.vel thbe tIat fatuiiy dd înutprU:uuit. uulà'L tut üLthe tîgoîn, ancbd t ftua acvilproieh , sd The largest gebrcnino lcriauaio a in'Y auénth la %à* Swan, or Nérthemro resthe sîart, butt tey are liavuran Echo, a iorinuua hé replie' : 1 Ihave prababi>'ee"Lent- I oUEI?>tlu ie e d la inte I i of" o6f incet oenqicuous star Of vbloila luDeatsbi t cO aeito "1 1 tînîgud Oh f Patenta eaci- ' d more tîithé iawn, cf s.unr tia ny AUnMU, lie Frenuc oICLouyila T astruA&W ladsud ari-e i. aculh4u9i .ad nouer inasud eaaitpio. atier nmarimari 1 bava goe artama. ti.:U '* lfat, 'round plactvS w i m bout 8O la tleb aissa inthe L .,tt& Tega aM i Iut, lire îs the âishsorihome. The two buildings rita>' seam 1. h. eaoliy alue AusîUobn mouesv' Te sa" duIse . is n- rlujQI turqW el'm la Pîarenits atea agodicspair. TIué; bet thai tu e u n i aemlslS'h iou mas18celui.a Mi Iba f wv" =tbe Mi1e5 usa Alwlaith e s cuemer eti "Imidnilutdr) auth.>' jea i. No eatmpia l'ad inthe e.ltaer bari . oueswithi l eac1> Il. lv lit Lu fOlatw. Nu lessas etfincralit>' or clitturi.i buildinug sud trtthat aI ilrie«ii t6 religion. Siuaday no bélIer ttn u' ell." AiJil am'#IR OhIbi atier day'. Tii Ëible no botter han any 1'lus' otacuundl1 Ohi l.sbI).l d.k ls f etier boaS. Ti'hélOua. la a mrt of ian,is oui>' ote Blisg ia thé bfl o*b vian te le lan sd g'oungar pe of t ngiil>'udasani l--"ue Au tie iouzehIoid stop fer a vii..Tha 54su i tmouttitnè" theet-y acteri ou, lbostNi erbapa net mm. îtt jt siOuaced, in, 6"The childrem vii have te de 1-I L1t ~ seIdii, sad iatethuoitah aes. Lit, la a 1 - sS, i fila. tler>'anvbow, asménedrsw prizeasuMd A ad »aMe drsw biauks, sud va wiib truoit to.,, à a t ' lna.» Skip IvemI>'yeau maurQOM fa oenb te écghbonhcideh.f l uhs Xée olave.adTmdMM M111 4ahé nhcodM *Id b ,, 4.t 1 lot auIM4 tpeuit Ymbte d&nCu ~nér ad ankr t l.kee4hs iang laye' pude vuela and bIcyeteeun ntf ,fl oy u, tb uov la M,00o-i 000 ule serex li su tisai assix' Uwti 10.Tmpraur otbe entb det une1hast,éIbougi, b>' thé distant trntic su cehe t Le be th goppl' bi > WU* auga a viloth lite eth ray IiSa ie th o e e oftr, m ayamîikeus mare dmire>',rei vhi snlohne, i henei âxmth gnie per Tis 3,00t,000 iles cf esenma est nl, h distance bîenleansr tilt e soîb uuwaverbas neect beiew Lie teaneate, whb régionbe as s trkntherwj Forth Ibsesat aumumer ae varîn nersi noatesacie eh of thé equaloisry srku ors ditisa lt>remanortit Li te. -St. Loulinc GlootgDae or h ,0000 ie ofUCH AnGddsneA SIenGte aBad. Wuîut a Mluiter Mieana lu Saying "This la My Text."1 How few, as the>' helen to a publie speuti. er, givé more.ieri te bis iridividgal ;vtruis than a mare passing consiueration cf Liceir générai definitien. Hcîv few sec,- mitc it bis cai-cîtît>'f rained sentences thaut nut tare chaîn, ms IL re, of whiciu the hitl-a are werds t!tat sustairu the pendarnt Liiuighu . But o e Om inri wlilh, uituisfied l ith bare d,2finitituis, seaniches thte life luiittnry of caclit w'r-cland ltraces ils eu'oltticu uup trou-t lie simple "pliancLtoi-a ririfting inicre- organiara con thé great sen of aittract (:on- ceÎtion-Lo iLs lîrosetît flil', lext'uc funetionai life, te suci a minil ecl:w(t-ul b a shiuiuîi jewelinl a neckiaece.whosecucetrai geui, a Ko-u.rioor aiftonglit, resIs on the throbbiuig hesom of hîutîîauity. As auiî IIlus 'lmatioît, taie te word we so efl'uIi unur frem thé lipsof tepreacher: "Ivili tké M ta"ext' t" Thé var(l passes froua aur minul as ve vait lte annetxcent cf lis sub- jeet. W~hile tie preacher pauses let as ceasider what lue raeatta h)y-"texl,*" viat il isla .ie tettas te do witb bis "Ltext." ",T(xt"-frc)rnthie Latin --tex- hum" (tint vilchi lavvea). Hie lext, lien, ie marié Up of ciosety woven thmeads et biridea teught wbici, one hi' eue, la argumnt, hée intende te draw et. Soe sembér andl dark as tnidaigbl, oLiens brigit ari shiniug as geld in sunlight, refraetiît tbe gior>' of lie majeat>' ef Lied. One b>' ane viii bé skilifully delaci anal p rasnt lbem, aide b>' aide, ta our view. Titan, as vithi the ceulairîcrilattera ef a nrnae, vé censtruet an aîîagram, eft dis- clli siutrage ad mysteruoum arning, go viii he agalu weava tiegsinugleari mul- ti-celoeertlieari lto a new aud beaîttifui tubugil picture for us le banq, as a lapes. Ir>', anuthie valaaifthe suent eiambeu- cf aur mémor>'. Sieuldal al vie use thir word strieti>' per- tarm liaI whiei Lie>' puirpose, vithout vsndering halo strauge field-s fou' adriltional malerilifor tiair vamp, wvfa erinsu>' imes Iheir lapeatries vo:uiri lack strcngtlh 1 suîp- port the heavy veuf th.>' Limow up upar iti vitluthie ahutlléof ever-shlifting, lieugil. To stick to thbm "toxL" alvays, we thuis aae, equimes a logicxasaof ne ardinar>' cali- lathie issI ueenr-ad-lvstty yaam the cambar cf studeats attenriing Scotch uni- vermiila, basmare tia dotîbled, for in 1861 eea nuntahr vau3,.U9, sud lin 1890 il vwu 119 QONNECTION WITH.f ~HE ENCCO~I REVISED AND, AMENDED. se IT IS TOUR FAULT uahite boy doéaen't uuderstaud the meaning ci fie word hO bas ecouu-tered, or kmeus norhing et the mnuha bas basan eading about. Ton 9Aerm aunoyed bheesuse lie bas intsrpted you vile yen were resdin thie paper. Dues mot part cf thé aunoyanuée amuse tram tie 'tset $bat yen don't kaow ycumaef 1 The viole trouble for bti yon sud the bol vouiri bc obviaieri if yen only bad a good Enayelopatils in lie bouse. You ean't afford il. Beari aur sunounecent sud you vil) seeliat ven cès», h. you evon so péon. THE ENOYCLOPJEDIA BRITTANICA Revis ed' and Ament¶ed, Ia lie mast comploe,. and diversified iibrary of eutertaiming snd intensaig lilerature even loned tram the prese. Ten w;ll final mxethiDg 10 atiract mitai iutereal-yen On every page. .11 svon are tond cf history, il cenlairis the mil scollectuon et histories ln the wvend, smbracinli avez, ntioe ncuient sand modern tirais. Aie -,on mutef- etod lu Sciene? The EtucVelopoelis Bruttnies Rss'aed aud Amended i ilau lyon, iii dean, unzderstsudable Enitb, a-Ul&bout aitp siernas vos May nii ta stuc>'. Are Ien ouniena about meebanisal inventions? Auain the Eneolçedis la rWte, ayann baidl; s momnr.'s tunirug of its pages hulugtr thé propsn besalhurat" 'Çotîr kye-, asud ibere beforé you lies a cmpiete anal exhaustive aeecunt cf lie .uiires itiject. In abort. viether yeunausemeusnett for su idle bour, oid Intruction ftan more scen- ans moment@, on quiék information about sny malter ne te vbich >au are in doubi, ven have lié meâusina hies. boaka cf gnatifying 3 cur désiré. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED Its séven tbousanri paizes are filleri vith fine pictureru, sudil contairs over 8,OO,00 worde. The information eempiied liiis "Cvclopredia" représerte the t'u tlwork cf 1000 cf thie ablesl vniters oethte ninsttenth cerilur>'. Ail othet "*C>cloi sadiiu" __________________-ar 8--- Av--w6-vs -- yéaru untnu s Aube cf-i..tu Auu i uuîe anisa, mia I~YT t~fli~ as coarploeedlun1890. 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Otmpty bimu1om y d. n éubuuhuam, huy nlgba, buy forcash, saou for essAihave aMALIpti ,uft sad qulol retmste vblIch keept lte .Jneo CA RLS. Aid usE no da ba"r * f a bard èrUe *W bon ue thalare mestiamtbug spoumd 01rnmi 2 T& M M= N. lu, IO W l i :9200; :0len. avu#r uI*rIjeslup AE~ ~-ms The 4<'Planro T 'OsuTîO" SahluiDeuL - The latest and best. &wanded the Gcud Medai at the jamaica Exhibition. Thea BoWs!Du*@a of t.hla <ompay canant b.e ecelled for ngit, eauy cfDeagaAdatabIlity and 'LUwf oURE, il

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