Bor"e BhQo.g eobbilng promPAflplA t i 4 . 4 i. , fi per Âlt i Aek o eô 0W a.~ tr ~ i %,IWDSA loi 0, -,,toton"lat aressanbWpiluas WAGONOs, LEIGHS, BUJG. OIES,#sud (UTITS, :r"Lmyliemedo» taulb.peu. MS >1- M a -o. uI i. I1UY 9182 Vol. XXXVI.-Whole No. 1819 Ise mm Ww W" la golag tau" la tl emliu . t, othorte v ii.O A7l= =Nll Un immu, BMOILAr-' mmow. an é mn t rIres. Ils ure o rget Xi. swY. oshiOfot km muc Aliizmqa;hfuig MS0.* slu a vii, 70h. 011"ut MlW 1110, "te d Uuzh alIdi t. Sut * ~ SS Ii WIAoh 18 u ailbon theUsm15115f __4_ M ...#Aathenuof P lor u ybeur théd dfes Woftria Te But bay e»-,ou m *81 teela10k faim,,0, 54 aut ahre1 M un! seurbld oneot Parl Ltéa d4,Vel e l.Braàaoxra adby s dl'aor eu cordi I " rco.1 lb. idm d al Mr ptcm thAe'goPlm@s or Bati s. ifole. te Surgeit 1.W acflamathi b of f t aemdflabe rgr WA.e roedy"-Srnil . Astinu, 70 loies cmi éuje detré lua loi 0aI, 40 aaJ" DOQU8,& yW.lngol ass. ,aTas.ut peint souael msimple05 415 lad _______._________________ "A melforler b. useofatigth er' ls, aj(> utlb. ousty wovi To Rent. uan~- Id yeor.,&lu my prs atie sd bfamly oltodis- ve zgoetdoe tt 131&«enth Sjus ordo e l limac yland iha er. sredan ume"t i bYe ne oS yola uats thmet al ru o ParkLotsi mal 4, .<,~ L for5 ixer utthrgereomd livrme<uhWie- 1.511rledmvof uMr. amTou sué 11v it w Mr.Otlor MaDOs alres"u t D r bigs fos digstioancn s iltoiatimaon.h2 no àeIi. 1h la Ybe by Mr.lansti.oa tte oysarssc ntero ok ide o hIe -W. A. ciWtestalMme . V. Aubrs omtun n mlIntal it ou I vsiy aM.luour e ai , he, p i- Io oa & N. W. Baie lllwa o. u rue T us t ofOU A. Ayer'a PllU s t e he . bout imol i a ite raLYemo anlééve tepeubalie, emesithobaknl01 OoasiUne. P o. uowtonme ,lforuregomlately t ed.>' elhu 8 t1 1dt1~vtl ____________$id _________tg._1_1____ sudésor.e disetsi upposeeTouyared s- Ela.okmzth S-pPhireped soitd Topera, I suferl iVs. o brt éas S t us&e ha Mr odo -- forSleo t ot n bi wuertroe jean foromea iidacel. *wiion i.Ind &tKV.oria. YouamIlyvMr Wr. HeLoriDalisabi oti isat. ietion, osud catontatn. I adac no A lip oS adbituaist eiby i.»BoMr. OI', kid bm >uNc si ral', .bs reeve bope« ofsd As cakle sud inoraous uvoe gbve hi aboueht Juainstu not cou. c For ut@ Cor e r hop on to. 9o. li om 10Laextn d osest yuid methroibehsionusd l »y turat Ioamya MI. Btadl ognaiiir1) S,,n rawh. ela &rey a mc mmundons, Ti he r' Pillaand eaI tie."marnEd" ',511.7inu"sdai . bl Fo ui aAr ieuois8Gpl ete rloo nÎi su,;OleîupIpoowoTh, KPa.s. p.ak o "brut.uae o datist. a prm or leor Rnty "I astrubedforicrswMhyh i oubî actKtfa .vat"Vcria Bcor oa bDr A yes' conistoîpait lonciandt nheaedache. Ax. Fo AsrI 1 ît LtN.9 ltc loio al ss etoed me 10 hoalty. edt o gae menatde ciug d oaen thît cma- Fer uil irIci m fy o roale or o h ot avflP s. prlytat sx Tursd fais. ovoolmrml o ;lita, prilstorByetout. r#JeCiALUNà o. AelMu. a, cdâ o I«i uîligcur i m At <oboconit court I trapped Ttifa11Ere.o i tohe jet., Wm. Daofer for "liloe by ail Dl)rgisa anmd Dealers In Kidlelus Mr. Badin, sud yon vire snob a blockbssd the lut, Hait et Lot 24. l1 ot nesle , Verulmm, lu that Vos dld noet ewhst 1Iwva mterunutil 1 the Coutvof Vctoria. i100sciAs more or IsagoT? Acre@ cjeren, baleies weIl voodsd-moetly Aii+h à. bahsbiseviole story ont. I kniv thst nadir moi] c!a), nain; fuices g od; comfortable ]on bumoa JIuh. «Vic oriairrction sudàtraiig h wonidlesa ad bain: tue lire d voila.oi throngh a atone waii" if not tokin The 3pr(perty la situe id oneiand aait salls.frem gal.Idlbrîl se l h .t the V Mlé ie nIt 0 oloiui F&lle. Aâl. IWlbeaîir vas reu--nb ho for ed Titus%-Kav t suit purchoser, and laumiss lte nsLE uaIuu. ezWicstrw rspnblfosod preptiîy in '-et sod the Executean irerparsd 1o the rsglstered noticei bsoting Jttnkn'saime. rut noame For fuither partii.ulars spIy t10O. HIL-goe suavred "Mr. Hugheo.1 I thon a BOPkIb 8., Vendof' blieoum#rs, Lnda, or toi isked hlm if hi Mr. Bodia thought I halld THMSWION d5 - Pinilon "iu, P q M éDfff aued théi notices bsaring Jumkii'à nom.. THOWAS GRAHAM, E'u lHlmBit naver vas "Tes, sud didn't voundn BobSmsgo, out notices. I hisrd leu aveeu at Nortand s OEPKlàAEY. la th.eiterait of thst jeu hbld saut ont notices." I thonsasked "1800 tf LIllilSiF, hlm vhy ho, Badin, thonght I sent ont the Exicuers.notices bisîlng Joukin'a aime. Ris suer Lont. JwuI I ia"Dida't yo&en îd then ot"! I agabin iaJ[IIJI » alidhlm vity h. bld Winchester mnd othere A dc'g skln umt, on stib Decmber boives ha hd etthéntie bsl9 .nk d' masrke.t and Th ma Fý'.'ThebfQ llnoe it al ot n otcsverngJc as varded by ret»rxîrg t i h'e A11e.b -name." HoBewoased definitel, that heo S. W. OIREE1MAWAT. The Llbii5l00nmpvatlve cadidate for Southt thonghi I hsd sent tem ouit iit Juvkih's or 0 Mrpos.., Jan.,99.182-17 à Victoria. viii hi hb.I as follow:- Diekson'. aome on tham. I nel ssked hlm t Lait JÀKSO'S, PS-atudayJan30 h ht na i hm think I viu isSpoLailOforB Lont JAKSO'SOPSSatuday Ja. 3th.lesuing the smnimonosagaed by F. D. Moore. t On B&turulaý, 18If npi74e..btwein Filvtood and ROGERS', MÂRIPOSA-Saturday, Jan- H is inaver te thai vas to grab àsoammons lndeam> a haliek .'n ci,ë bMu itreai Bank for $17 &0, u ary 30th. end show tei Mr. Moore, saklg hlm, *Isun'r al ftem the Poit Qi)fir@a denaýtzmnt in favor ni Wm.. I si jour signatnre jour henor." I maked al ItoFef'id !ichect wv ot endzirased.An, W poren rIulllîM.1. î',r,k ' W. Staoy. FZitwood, BROWN'S, MARIPOSA - Monday, .hlm vby ho left the Impression on thoRe viih sfalvrwed.1- February lst. I arvid thît I hal l ibed 1he summoase. H.le lo i W. STACY, Fifttweod. jsal, '"el1 ina': Bis Honor'a uime to them 1" DEVITT'S, VERULÂM- Monday, Then Bis Henor eelDg the villhsny hst hadll Teacher Wated. February ist. benu prolie, bics.. aagry and teck l3oden For ,chocI ei No , iexley. Third lau.. -in hsad. To hlmBodia oriaogingli sdmittid tilicitb hlai> ý20. Applv o ý RAM.SAY'S, MARIPOSA, Tueaday, hi kaev the notices bearicg Juinkin's nome W. IL DEU~TER, Febtuary 2tid. vire lisae by Mr. Barron. thst lbe auna. ~ b, 802 ec.Trem., OnnsSldlcg P.O. KNOX'S, VERULAM-.-Tueaday, F'ebru- meue ho srvil béasting P. D. Moore's aime Jan. 13h 1f2 1J-.ury 2nd. vire nt tahlm by Mr Barron snd thst ho1 - ~LITTLE BRITAIN, MARIPOSA- non au the matter lookid aelou sud wvhs -i Tomohor wa t ed fur 8 8 No. 8, Laiton, holding aà W.dnesay, Feb. 3rd. Budea vus ikoly te gel mb trouable te ad third-eu cefcat& Ifr ALIDUIGLY', VERULAM-Wednesd Ata biki i JanarOua 1b2.l7.3 EALIsDP. - Feb3j. 9 iao peferrlpithon aedento , RED SOHOOL HOUSE, VERULAM - 1vititevin te ony of Bode c'àaummon ss, or hi e W Two-rowed Bau loy. 1 Thurday, Feb.4thb amibe regsrdlng otter miltets. t A qiintlnt't. of )cd twc' îowscf bariey suctbla forRA If vtat yen, Mr. MoL&ughlinsamy la true, ewi, tarîvr'.. ,zu Pruîîllc, for sale bp R BORO, OPS-Thuraday, Feb. 4th. vonld Hie Houai dire not 10 hoed Budeu'a di iiOhT. POQUE. DOWNEYVILLE, EMILY - Frid aomh Would ho darte ta ymîno attention ta to Ja.2, W. h! Lut 16, lot Cop. OPs.51h. ont itiry stalement aide by ltaI petuon? p, 18.-d8February 5t. r. Badion mopped hi. face, rolid l in bsuas, i Strayd. FANKHLL, MILYFridy, pb..grunt.d sud gromnoed su HiasHonor fla scat, nta.e- ofFRANKBILL, EMILYotF3nday, 5t> ing luiiusgi exposdBoden'a dnplicity ad ' Strad Into tfhe prenie f"s 1sebu o 1 t.Icunanua.And jon knov titis laàfine lr. B. Con 1, pF aeoîa, uu tii. llth Jusary, Oyi EBAi? 8WITZER'S, EMILY-Saturday, Febru- J. lMoLmughtlu. Tithe lt atpon maia.le COLT rî-,t' j r ioggi - 1(il. The owia5t la requatil tg prove propert, psy ej anss d tokslete in"mi ary 8îh. Bedoen fathir commit himéelf by comxing hlm aggoy. Jt.HN CUNFINGHAM Pb-te al ho mêlant Hrtghu vitea he sId Junkin, T~ Eslssm z.ii. GARTLEY'S, EMILY-Satnrday, F deceivil dno oui. Relia repasted hi. tile. tL Feclon Jminay u îr --t.- ii17 th.mont suent .unkln lu a dosen diffent via, gr, Auction Sal. AanSSsd @oin rifenrel ote Norlsud court. Ho b AmIan ~lIit.upf'lnr 1 willIi fr fo" ou . .lerd Mu. Iaepolnt. I distlnclly isksd hlm If ho id 'Public Aurrtoia, un the Llorlh hall o! Lot a in the wl e lvrdb7 eus.knav Junkin vua sreformeraidmaafriond of 61 18th coa,.- f Narpos, on TUEiDAT, lad ,iiu. DuncaBay, Major of Lindsay, Bsrwn'u; an M. IieLaghlil, you auet te. t arT, nexI.n ipe«t oh oSen Bail mv mmehr tth "go. I knov yn anra s FarmStoc ailjmÎicmiu.. Jbui cSv.a, DZTAUoi, blocitheal;but pou eau aurily remiaber Iror s full i 11t'ousapoèt..irs.SPi teoao, e MO& . D. Moore, Barrister, saotnitl. tl 0'olutk s@%Stp. J. D. MacMurohy, Euuiiding thé Victoria Rond court ald th.os MALOOLU oLLMuuuvîsit t. Boia'a houa., s yard. -Il wui ive I. Jan. 18, 18P2-18.2 Ândrew Broder, .z.M.P.P., et 1Eldon court thst the . aimsea s bul 0, Comfortable Homte for BUle, 'H.H , angoBurgon vire not propeilp srv din allathe u IL. Cochrane, M P., Corlon court à imlsi blundlirhbal beas a de. j The htluth W6u4 rrt 0. NertllieuH fLotiNO. 0 a . Tyo.M. P.,Whau Badin aidsulytook fiIlbfillookel sua. J thes 1218 ('on. irid4i, oucî.sîiga ~ aylor&.Theietou- na;sd I rigJy objai til a sny vL.i telma r ta wltrhe c uago 155a iv.J. A. MoQilHivray, Esq., Barrister Q.O0., aeue boing tak et iehlmbouae anisas thcneo boc.$ tae i aiesed.s coufohaoisdbat of Toronto. lag natvtoi l tvinrivia von feuaoi eSuO voiler; fIte ban-, diwtv r4 g bons tablus, and the candidate. BillatheJualace bteacnerlons eil nstf ponîîîy boitreb art o rr' hnnp,&il lioci0r. it &h&mueada dmât W -aor -----h- c iiiaiW.. Wfr DUrSelb l Au lve 1 rh dÙ a hm a- vitlMoh h69., Badin. svore hi eid ud' offerWl fomcrble cmseofOtarnitin I oatiel, sud tstl vasulthesevenbt. TheL 189- 7. thie sI, b7 tii propuleUtorfaSDr. Sis 1 wditb wvM v.jplis "'ourlb." primai ~--------GatLB ho b. la oatera of pour Oubmîo Governutnt' TymlemVo stanl'-Hadsceobstir. ue-@ler aIIa itema. sMbig machine -~~ - ieu aS the ama. dlsbres u olllg ugtethé Yen rrtota"600 Sauai climms" Report fr.r lb.Vwcjk- cdub atuMrlay ugi hrost, sm.4ifmsa poffse, vitury msud i1, Havi pan fanat. yeur ovu piaceof Salue Jsn. 28, 1892, fi cm [.J syosraoy.. lt,t uWdio'.auas urnetavaigrplg J3cm Sovn's vote eaI01.. Hlgtiî. 3~8 .nskgbloody, nid sud ofesalve; upu vuit «Mouirtl ILfturevit 60hM deolma. 31".8ginnd *c o, 'dteifusaofeive omouS vhy il.. dlu uci«*IsiNut couuel Lvt....-26P. 0O..Weaundsp seth;Ut)mari titb fmpW& m * Jom B um Iffl om f aema Widtsa dy mobn of 28.9.....Moud ad d EnA0*a t" ut.e n m q - a Thé wweekI h Gimatet iSliof rat oram.& U ciofl uff1,&wom *1 evié[la Giuts asil fanav 1 à, 4. 0 liuruI à Tol irait aMd m ltl nar.1 TnIp à@ dovilam Sad a ou Rl gupin u"a i 'ift,-W ê 6met ~éw zwbol* vai et i vul tniluln pniyhoort ; lt' snt tea.t domt 1 ae adn anifoel unullrvtcour" t t eetviqeubi Wealnd voldai l idumgli o. vIl raive, nrpaireanai lt alttatCoui. miycou; mal a e 1admit el ellaurn Inlerem aduel, balo Uletiu v ert w iMn iaj alt1uae a i a et de Il uptit von veîvî vsalel t atfmita Ipoinbr0u curt étma ilte. Yent vssl anift fo- IeAathe ot wun !om; vonlu onétiralbm' acninmla il u juteanal. knvld*ds allr tinth*J eaiit rau. res my o Uatls s d P i fivo mvd da iti gril NewL a l four eovl siadr k1 lt aas h ollr thison iti lIsfta ips orgltesud tille. Tel! utVWlrU 8bal, vasavr 110a anSUs lecture Inat JoRa.ealq.,ofneele ofBix. . on s li.It te boyv lar' ou bai@pouravi g ye u yen as boh&# s pas'sudvinvo MW aglarte peit eVit vomIc ialIai InrcowaNi.lB adai. tru thee fltI Ris Ohi lon thîe Noosr naibti dgité brsnon- lIeîy ohnlpuy titi algoftBlotealona r ode u viderar i'Paoneifomitersite. inl atil iwuva '.tobite ur ansegvre éèèor se.Thlai-bm lnâ ame.i alrl I gain InreputSaa«"lgoerdrougit IMada lmnt Mvasueltabizo Te But, onceHiega tîno lite Nort mn' ehr vasalviae .u dirotv Hov ol a hlihrt hi.btteninte Boun o!vdenmelomheli tono«literlehé ARov m t lv utind tu he ammI pnuaite no nuiaiTht o t litunît, dita e&Uticase anla hav oitanseser o -odei T'he Patrons ci Bubandryan Binder TWIne. Ttc fscio regandlng the blnder.tvlaa sre:- Lut yean te ie ekiee Iine fsciani.s con. lid ln order te keep np, pimof etwins. Ai soon as the Ysukei Monopoiy gel I.*bod5i. h cf.a.shmsanmd bonght up %l the tine factorisa «exnt oun. That ono ronld met enter théo eomhlu.tiou. Itllives o dsy ald furnisaslthe Patrons of Huaban- Iry and lhe farmers germlly vlih gool ohasp a«ine. Thi monopely tirtued t laclaie up bhal one faciery ulets Il joinel, but I héhal are. Are the. Pâtrons of Huabiadty going te break upî hoir ova fmtory for thesike of a Yankee combine? Titi grils ln ti.hne aimoa mona brougit lu a elap trap soltion &bout lthe lviii. 'hiy tougit toainulas sop tovardiannexa. ion. Tt movol te lotitnluYukn lviiie free. Whsl mu .coulé ther os bla tit vuen la tbe atatai la aamttilly ia tho ttn aise; theti nopoiy eantrola ail factoris tbis. The grils bal mot s yard, ta amy bout mdmitting Brit ititrie; net a yard. Mr. Faium'a position la ttis. Se long a bère la o.oucorinyCludesuand tbitel ne, se è" ly'PatrauoS ofnabuuéij" kov baât .111 mot enber titi combine, bult icit mlls Sarnos good champ turne. bteho. oaya [ in uvaS oS protiolhni aur hoa m obsp. 'T4 Pmlroseo Hnsbaudry" kuev oS snd seal i wth liai oui faosry; and St voilé b. Caf*l, c rahit Atoet no long s ildosaubot ini lte nauewl. But Un ir. aird my>-"iTi mment buat @U tlb. Canadien ivinas"in rlajolilteé ambin. btes l oait llu fainmfieend@ la kine, Dot vilt ttiU ti stau alose, whlch te uled Intwine b a mui.onopoly ban could ixist lauCiaita.but viith Griut Iritan ad élisttof >e vorid. Juste be itoverment bioki aie the sait meuopcl by reaoving lthe datlas ad dmittint ait rie Stan slllsudo; en vite tibinder-twli moaoJjoly oonl Hti*oadisu factori" [t illho roknup bysýdmttlug frenmoi Yak w in th sid pOi Lq mil sU oihei lanis M. Waltsis aiily favors lthe Yanke wine aoiopolj. Mr. Fairtairamald lbe:"Patrons of Hu- ialdry" fuvor th. upbunllo e t liait one Duadm afatorj thst la atlualt.e oambini. Bui If i hi sejoins théaoMuoTonyiesBrillith ad alter Soreigntieoutnscame in ias. rhoen te iewo f Mr. Fairbaam ald titi Pmtranu oS 3uabaldt" ald ,famets lu 'te ensinut Nittodist divineau Dpuly amI Ohapiaba fci ouede, vl area adiudmesMacthesabjeci "UADAI' FOR THE OA NADIANSI"F =lm$ ,Oum &4UTudai, Feh ILY U Vo t, FoiBaWe IMM)Vl v. j~~~~~~u f4fn uussIma *theacth 111kg J"I aA. b«Mi pftuemmtuy *084 V» ogul urc iete f .1gita . "ia par. namsieover i o ty.f unio M"Mci 1imai. l6 thu b-u. plly Mus o f 0" itVictoria tas evaptit10'gainaé metin to loi by retmmulugIli. lîebsto Puriamt. ITtla0mal teneppoalte vit bite rival caUda. Aesidbui te he uioba g ammut ovo Pou nunnsr, vlth mre te fellov, Obr" igitt'à emigatlo, Suad l aurt A Qaibe. libersi holde the opinionbtaI lite oulj va p toe ribthe prtyfrom comploe destrucnetelato aluk or, Gurîvrgit sué Mercier te lté botaon of titi as. Kr. Rosa, a Miteba X.,P., tas midi the satirnent ltâI faim machine * salemets, sud bider-Ivini ou bi prlassietillover rims ilathe praire proviaces han lu Da- Individauel@ to ttrov aIee. fon behial coue. board fance da omethiag thit i. neibtuer manly net itonora9.Ii Out lthe mors thoy do aSfltaI kied af vork tevards Mn. fabilis th. botter il la for hm caudidi. buré. 0 Titi bugle bhuaI hma saunilathélfi til dtly. Lit loaa eliotois assmble. dr oplb line, atuI aouldet te aiculer &Bd 0xusrc1t t vicory. Thé. old kg, lthe ald polioy alda «t & fieraianserrativ. Gevmmnt sd b«» sthé.ba.kbonef lite D«mnli àfMi Xut&od M uilpmidosa mot ma bo bo avare liaI 11 valse hmuisbusdrap. Pla Ia atabu s ae la lhibicountry; mué misa vid"sbly bila a a te gril boche. of Quai..o esDtoris.s~ aï ho b@»Resi t Whoela beitai lt yla ho bumttlauo cauk onu I Xa te? Tien vwuas s ine visaMr. Thts e&se vsnbsd protection Sieun Mr. Tom Waltere, end lim" vis vit titilattea pultil hlm lu al portriture thal vas sot coèipimdamty. if Ounresbeu n Sd oueal avllov lte <rit candidat, in tia &itl h.o msa ilev aiaoos aavîblug ront i betti, oS castor ail te a dca. of rougit ou rate. à ari &u orreepoadent insiste thît Mr. Fair- bumrasaud sx cents au am oeefr Iine in order te save lte Goerament Sica dofeat. Bait nanass. Titi anonymons &amaccuc. me fe.zcy Ifinag ubiader-tvine, ovtlently neyer t-alaziig tust ien tviae i.emal as champ ai Ibis sidelte fUee iidnby, no mat. ter vhat il might bc, vontac t affect ila ltse hut. Amaig ltse miliciens atatemnta being midi la futmer#a ythet unscropulouparti- mas, to auotitn lte eleotion oS Mr. Wltera, ia on. Itu: fana machhiery, lutplintns, etc., do net coolthebmamkers mets than one-fort o! yu t t.ey ors solfor sud thal viit Fie# trade Ibey coul gelttea ever ao >muait' iteaper. Il tomsasighty tard fer omi per- sous te gel vithin i mile of lte trutit. Tih. chaige made la titi Pool thit Mr. Fairbaira w.=asni'-A1- - -1 u Thst Ohioaizo letter f rom à North Viotona Boy. Thei Sollug l ite letI lrin lte Chicage Elsoalio ul et by hlm te hi. fnieuîs hr lu Femilos. Thte litis vasseul ns for publ- caties liuI viek; but ovlug ta aur overwotk ané ilineu wvu overlookel. Thte letter i. Sien i foimen reformer, anl one vho stands tte front ta educatia)nal affaire ln the cou- lirneil, Weil i my Fcelon bd Pnoud i'met a citizen. Be la a oa,-dit te hh1 famïly, But like the gril leaders iu othon insotance. no in tii. Th"y sap-et wfthe gut.gaIleni aand a forbviit meet hie sahd ariîncienie by decci. loglthefamiîy of vo acutat aLd aten cowardly siandere. A int.r famiily cenciet ha o nd, dispiti grit miander, ta, w. Like the faîimets ald lte rogi».ranstaip. They UtC a&l righi as votln mchie.btonce 'ey asacrItheir ManhoUl îhey are caE d btU.e, 8uud ','d t.7 are igntorant. Ttc feilj iy il ou'live à.11 gritte sadena, spd thei getîrman iii qQPstion vulil bm ramein. hurel s ama eoctioraaet wbrutM.' 13B-ratawill only hi kraown sa 'thtpiLace ut ptoiuiso makera iad" The toloiuceiqt the part of lie latter referr:ng to thti .Icctiîo:- laceoby fthe P.,uit the, aunel, c-'i z.Ledpuil. lag in tie Victorias. Tbunjrh I G, xoe-. dome Hughe' mode o utù>r taR a ptp'.,, but I oaly knDow of tiii, tbrc'gh tbhe P4 I do sndrme hlm partj,'s policy suid for i; neaon 1 @hope every oLe .5 otan fanal iy l 1 vote for timan suelect hum. Therna aie tbnrimillions of Canadins lu the Utii'ed States who cught Ubla EJuIuu8s la h@uSogan of the libenal x .. .... p.W u CiPAUUi enl amdy Pj the te b. -m - - - * "bon --mita -ai- -1i-g oon»mtiveI Goyerumeut dnriag tht lite vas jndgnglag iaîug, etc, .ad mot bamfu~ the pienple of Au Otari goemmet ofcia vol th a t firale I teNorth-WesI t Ssiia"i.alotaiiy alter couttle doirg lthi v. rk for set' receir. gannrloovsnpetmcalofia tis valus ansd absolutely untrue. Titi more lte couitr.iag lte monty <f Cansuia. Bitiadenîwine uay geala crap ai Ibmpiair, dolartsl Thisla5 ais aahao .aadretvvrlt made la Liudhap or the Fati a w vane aIrett Mdve a halimildlinlars Titis licter viii ho tieinasjarity, for respectblc if Yankee competition ie ahut 'fi. Ac>eicans sevatee sudm hit mllin crsumte beris atiol endors. sucit a liereputible difies teminCanidjari. in titisrespect : Tbey ltain thst oflte previona jean. Funmerty le of varfis as basbenuadopted igainât vulpyhl emctnt u nioi onittand abli te nul ou th gîllofte..... l-mad!,esaihome and not ju Eigatid or esi.'.wtîe. mmWittem Burt.on fali e ta a I ot M to iypt .Fixbsira didu't vaut to buy avine couting. mua viltite iwn ur lol. vpoelunte«esoa s oino smahpoîhape, a cent or saa les on a pound so ranch lu abcobilva au r epîifviue a-mvl ern Atth ltas o tednlltoencrourage Canadians te make onte tiliv k ode Ih e b aleaal.ben thie 189 onM audetiugof ltetova conaici Of ie of their otan in L'auada Su u paria. omples hant seai 1h aaInifaecaac Tt 81 Mna, &îJàmnay 18h, th. folav. -ment b. votkI ta pre'ect Ctsnadi and Cona- lite ltaI, igmto vspmdun-miouolyail a liais. Aftîr a viloernenov Iine facton. Ganada doenot propose la play second {>i>y vas rdsred t e btinamittel la lte es, reuper fictorlea, etc.. etc , viU s pring up 1111le ta lie Amîrican Rspubl or uap <tur ovîrnar Geaumul _sud prices will calme dovu jtust hlie se a in country@ If aur cousins acrtes te lins titi LINDOAT, Jinuary 18th, 1892. titis country. Rememben liis : Twenty fine Dot trite wth ne n fai and qel teme, TaHiq Ecellmb LordStanlygo Ameor ecrsnao bal taanpiad 15pa ta1 t 8 centst ahot aIsvlus on Sahring.nd eqepl , OmHsRerlleCna d Oanley, a yard for calic made ii Eiglitud. Tbey put vitplh. ciado itealitr Iiug Ouipeele ener! e CaadaOtcw.ou a dnty ofSamotnt10 clu a yard. Fur &witie ire able ta padie toir ova cean intenl The citizena o! the loyal tova af indluy, tey bal ta puy more- for calmao; but fictoiela ta la h. Couuty of Victoria, protouadly symputitizs sprung np il oe'ititi couetiV sand now titis Thé vai belag viuil by lb. Dominion viti Ber Majeaty and ticir Rayai Higinesse counutry mates goGas for itmai11 sud Canada, mthoritiîlaigaiuat laiteries in Quebec, char. lhe Pritice ad Princeâ. of Wales anl membersad a dezen ol'2cr conniries 1 urge you ail tend ty titi lite Mercier Goveruacut, je of ttc Royal famuily ina tie uniimely deatit of ta vote for Canada, uol merely furzHughem. ctalleaged by aoule of lte gril papers titere s H. R. B. the Duke of Clairence sud Avoudais. Canada augit ta ho soif. tupportinie. Every mater Britisht attécet upen tite Frnch race Witt Vont Excelliacy tindiy convey t e rt countrypia tie vorlin lsnghiag at Canada Mal Frencit Institution@.Notting couil h. Nsjesty adthe RORoyalfRMily Oaur itteit ad mmkiug full Of il.,Linon ie an ariâto. mare asurd. sornov and deep affic!trin snd lte sud calain. crnt sud-. FaLirbiru'si vote in pariament is Accordina Se81 iiriares Tupper "Sir John ily 1talite nation. O. WALTaatS, Mayor, a crelit let ira. coaun1ry befon'. self. In an Maclonalcia ltest mot vu aseplmut the flsg of American bown hai( as rmg a@ Lindsay. thern thé Empire flrmly upon tie rampart& et tlie South Victûria, ans ton flme. as mmaiv factorivs, employing ceunty." There lot il remaini And a inte tundreds ef men. The NMcKiniey inw eau. laguagietfGovîrnei Dix, vo veul sap, -If Tii firel public meeting in the intersotof met bo cbmuged befoit, 1897, îaid mav not ha aivone duas la han!l ova litaI kég shoot Mr. Fuirbain vas hel aI the almunch sud thon. Ramd i Iis letter to Jira, ta Jackt and hlm ouaieah spot. hrue village ot Omeaae, on Tbureay of last tuîher,-evtny Wonalt of it. 1 enclose a few Thée fightinîlaonand bihp ai offinal tileeki, advwua mmntsnhumistieaieue. Mr. varIa sbout the Wonld's Fair. viii aooenarive. Lot every ilictar go le Thons. Stepreacuon îaiided, ithe meeting lte poils anl ceuf tis ballet lite amanu'l'te biing sddreseed by mveri speakers, as vel s North Victoria. Issue in the canteste i. plain-Naional by Mr. Fairbalîn. Since Ithon meetings have ladepmndeace vitit Briltih conaccîlon ono@ ouimbain eld a& Magee't§, <akwood, Bryacu'a, ro Ctahe dior ai TA. WarLer. idi; aid national degridaticu vitit Ànerica Valentia; Mount Horeb, Biruey'sain Emiiy, Sx,-1 sent a communication ta te coanection on the alter, sud Blaok!s, inla ap osa. Iu addition ta Wgtcitmain llte conacLion and as that Titi tact thut te lon. Oliver Movat tao&lite staff oS local gpeaker%, Mr. E. Cochrane. i jounal tas haken the unnentiemaaily counee of crovil a ver lie 1 h.emmai bouatviitlte Hmn M. P. for Bul t orthuunhl, bas addrusid coamenllag oest w ite îofu!ainj it a plico in Elvwar&...Wak,bobifl the Ibm WI&& la m" e olte meetings, an illi, evidaeolt h i ocoméiduntiers lalner ët t itUeer b ail tîy, a4eak lu te hi columne, I voul &8k fut sýpw. inayour aheu. Tts ay ilugu .-'. r~ngil a nt ttieel aof r. Faibairu until ttie yof puper for one mare latter out'. suhj ct. I &borand iT a ltingehe - it Io oteln. tigromaine uow but forthe iarevery utIle about ltoaneskir.g way lte hiun prense ail poendeu I ra hvelibermi conuruivtivea of Seth Victoria te little lhirag mine ama~.mda o i bagua ta pause and pondu.vwont vith euetgy and determimatica, lem ino uo emslu n o i If Canada vers Te adopt Fr.. trade, ttw- vote uuapole, ald raturu Chsrley Faibaira spile and tutred cf Samu Huehes, he ià asl anseive aS &DY action Onults@ Part Of the on Feb. Ilti, by titucafol lte Maj0rity ievelceme le hng Il la bimçeîf au ho can b. Unitled Stauta l lteunimenda, lte indus., neceived lutit arcti. ie But vien il cmes ta irisnlting every mae tri«a oS thllecountry vonl b. isrgely crutil I vite aI saîtbing te do with cailirig the ou by unuie compeituion fusideé cf a peur, liberal conorvative convention ln the 1'îorth vile Srmena vonld hi midi ta fiel te fitl Mr. Lzthgow to Mr. White. rilini of Violorna, thon il lsa n4ter tthing, iffeels am oe.aldm policy.1I__Va a,~~ adifili irIs ihi@ feeling ta charecterize his Witen lts Hon.ElvVIRRlute1reiJan.i2om, 1892. e atemeals tigardiig them as impuderce I Whu éHu . dwr Baelits 'rntTe2ieSNt e h. ard. oai't itlp Il. ail muât repesit 1-ltaI it la pubie ifeitrem"ed f oi ons of nia ova SIR.-1 notice-a lte igene oSflte Prai of notonly Impudenete maire such t ttments Partyvtho asder hi.. Yourng Catvrighti, son Jaiumiy 22a1, a communication over regarîing men vhhavue scted itouestly and cf Sbi Richard, made testatomeal Ihtl the cu'.esdirlbal receivol $25,000 frein tithltssignature oS Willim tWhtecoaiLoi 39 &bave hoard. but Il i. aise an Ignorant eate. e"vorksl" convention? (bot tese termes have ald Go. Klrkatick nallol i. statu ltaI Iasw u tel vihtlpromime vre bien nsau.) To my wmml iu ard(r temb. For tirtjant vom Mr. Fiibiriueubisu ,receiveil by s dîputation fSot nVerulam, ta Sir iltiatste echarges male, il voul h lu publc lite, iholding positions oS honor anl John A. Macoald, uitig toi a rilîvay sutali- uasyeaov aither that lte number of truat bv the vilf!et ispeople. Bm bas mer omly. -1 Ivai givea oforHughes lunlte convention vas bie activie in pteotlîg ltebatiltoneataoSf Nov 1 muet amy Mr. Wite t. hew III ot Ont af Propoitiota le .nimber of hie snp- hie follov.oitliaaa. Sonth Victoria mals ne unlerstal ltsequestion, or lain aily .ofais. Porta it.e ring. or liaInme pantîctulai mlalukeinlu ang hlm ta parliamont, u'i repienatita.1 vasnot one o oSslpait&- uScon ba hmas ite tcorrect nniter af villIf if dosam ot l a nri!ana hlm. P-,MDhiern taïIvillilupon Sir John A. Madualllegae; sud asneioiter of thos n ho Il u mt eouit or iteeninsoS hi a~in referece tla s uballi 1talthe Lhîlay, Bab h. ithelb.charge muet fail. Wtt respect la of alider te defaéme the Dominion Goveru. ciygeoB, sud DPoyp&o L B U.<o. î1w--. iev t t I vouarejsnmn alt s ayone mms% composil of lb. citomea an o o cedsa, iovever, ans et s Impulstion af about 20 oir ia toaasMumnlualttsrln bol duy ied1 taemg tlisDaneioaithe Baronnes frircahmlparts ofthlie Province of Ontario, io vito vos not utflte convention vWho Nicdomsld. vidav oS hlat itofr Johba ieare walbel un titiGoverment af Sir Jetn A. vaull bave votel againal Bugita. if tbey tsI the vublic. Bat thi daiatian von quioklyMcdnad. ing for i isianî ofSIR. boum.- beautem I am aaare tiat Isat i. pulling foiloved hb, a humilistinm eralomiaî.né . ivn by ausulciplim utirongitoul lte it pretty ilion g, but I hiliève titilathe true Province. AItltae nmnatdinrefenrd ta by 1êtOOSfte ciao. I wtaahttt. s er u thelt Adcpblng lte style aofste Pou bW Mr. White. I via asel by Mrt. J. D. Hanter polIlng livialon I ana in la conceiiad, cn'ery au te lIsa1km tha loot:-Jobta A. Bar e- vas repiy vas recilvl by thi. lurte deuils. mmikuavu te ho appoed le Hugit.s viaput civil $1 M00ont of tii publie bnemanry lutI tien thsl vois snsetlng a relaI 1 o!ra<,d on lit. Isiegallon anldvasuitlte convention, sesson uueide milige, bultvasnmet auftle bounsa, given by those municlpalitleat To (j mean, of courue, conâeevatires,) maid I sot sjudg eaItiltairMdfor six %moitisiIl tus question I mals a reply "ielr t ho tt bue li tastinlappointing lte delegmtes. aul bie expiasse mvo ul, hbte rabespapeis oS &atel by Mr. 'Wite, bat iltaIo nobblag ta leoltraugit, there vas au honcat endesvor Osuadm ah it!Puoalitlesaos sot public iit thlie Lindsay, Bobcajgon, and Poity. l ta hve s tterougblv îeprpRsutatlve conaven- lmuaiP ool R.R. After lte IsltofSir1wJohn A. lion, not only as regindedl oclity, but lu ¶~lIiî -ibi to ls fcoal vi li ebsc isopinions aise, and sa fan frQm beinmartel vlldetiesu nlig tlu saof mounîuina gaing Viroloa commet], fornil part ai a deputilion, in faner of Hugite. if ail the Conuervatives in 'ap te Pase ilver Valley te latter part cf lbsb interneee Bon. Mr. Abbott, asting for lii. rlding tad biun prelient and vottd, thire lait simmsr, ual nov ho hue aotbing bul bilanc. oSfraiivay grant front Lindsay ta vouJl havs bobn s fan uarger prenonlge god vordu tea my eaI btia Rlafienit country. jBurteton, ail recivel suait a favorable repli. of votes la his linon titan thora vas. I lare E@sadmits, lIt.otitur bonnsaI liels, lisl the thla st mli11ralurnaîlpirf.ctlp maiafied that smY te grat journal Witt me(t M ry ra',tnments 0. P. R. vu a i niuînational voikatbsd it h ie gat voul b.aons of titi finalta iho madlasif hid before, bt throwang -sens suad construction vas Dat a mlslake.L Y 5 tNov, Mr. Éditer, il lanoetneesaay ta tte 1inasadea at me. incitam "Mn. S. l.e "idently. lit rforon mter Di. Wtite's yard or mine ha titis natter jan *Pt pupîl of curs e f, f that v>'iy resson lite ittempt big aida bv manlter. virsa large number of lte rotepayîru s T5 a .ecoig'. ta introduestemapérance lta tte priésnt com. af Vîtul&a pre@*a ahtlite Domination. 1 Thit uly s geooa hiî rntra agreat btit i. onir mnter aemple Of lia diaoemlyconld mot have &&id Ihst Sir John A. Maclon- journaâut ta s pour u ; i f.xen. 1 sud minI oS the orgamîzel typooiy. Proh, il dtîfuéeil te railvuy subéidy as I nover wvas t otewautztu ira'anae ý'i..b'iaag au billon ianot a vity isu., noyer vas eeo eda m a dutainta hlmm ald I 81)t PuPil et the W&xt~î c r";" ' t.]'.il tio b.yerhallo; asbu ohéqanstian ta isoi. cf i Imotl My if. Vous ru rly. fcm hob.taket' oS whati 1 eV 1is: V the soit Guanbitte dsuonon fu r thé pleplvedic J LituGow i rpecmbnand ma ct ..,y 1 w ul- bs very Caad ta rn.rI. » sorry ir d&ed, te r eý- o 'i -r-" Iopoaeu thoAW 6 Pesilîo ', plying teaIis littie tivmtdf-..hnr I am n'k of vierpoe e ho ep bis bat ail chier ~îalclbîe *~~falsehooba being répi"d ab( ter Nort visa b.eBillatskgvonclhiehulsdlovu1pl yicien, Sr . relVictoria cûraveutÈi i. Fn rua" n, if Il fron lhéBe ii gsîag oulGib aulel d oII. Tus Nm tei@q@ya<thâgripp~e ls amilady wviii tsh leo elale llarn nquiaîel Bhll.forTh ssumes n aiany forai. htiriit apemea h obent 1a rds th.e uuai i IL quès-i'Yatay gri-ýifies poilionMuaalsioS itihlu u le lmanoe, but ai opiaomietfaIl lisesses, lnciudig lin lab. avof âàtiu mm . tte ~ali sanie- aoitionirfumeth Jofis bis inothe MbaI n alacel oneitbiig, fSicaaa oel la is hebte atcreutune e i augc.o.ieath'ce'ta ,il si oemt.vJue bnpt etb i nflamation offie bri. <OneoS lb. firaIbaiekcn c s.u iz. atav>t caeit. im u ls bat, aun. pnobbly sm vîm wth îurdre. of peopleili.a e u-1maldoaly niakte* s î'fgbt u ' k -a; î:alf; noyehinca sapbai *asanlore as i 1 , i fs as esrptt C.a t't1,41,ne airer vii. ~ lier ickliag mensaion la lte tirat, viticitih sIamoea a vy biol" Whoien b nder.lvli e Wu won usdpuinbtrnit udàIhsag nomehns -anait or rodcesa alaalild dnapilileocuh. ibraI conserva mve , ,i t.N,àih .-iig dIscusson in Parliamnt a ofuil compousa i!The bronciltubies mffectel scrindsy, ad md'y te du lbte a. rffina tînti 1w. ai be vue mide oSf téitona of Ivme uinte United a di1icul1tr oS bieltsug le exportenced. if Statu ud (huila Sferte, platItnleS erca iasu rdn. InVary sorry ta lino day ita ruLr.. 7 z; MY qussir rendezlou@làe» in Mdtisping andgid e ý T al i ar aa ina Ddusy, nol A Fr r Frai 332 oc 18804q grotrim rioîii df thé t. thé ica the amusa Fr..e Mkin a1 2.m cs fort lui and,. iF ara Free dutyý '&mee ".Wý