Ail 2~~% utm m mona ftr TZ a.u"m or * xiSmr. rn Ostva M LP. eUp . .00os . Md Oàm...... 11* 00 M. MObe ulnroo-k, sau 'od ilsnest Wocdvillsandcb n ®al =Z'load, Ceoeok LUS ... .......... &06SA Mdpoints wa-d frous iDmdioid sudobesygo. 00S j..itrffou Point tla s. #@Mste, oLiflérd, fDalydufl, lotua. Burton "sd !vsttOfl an usOttd Itom PontYPSOoI cmlb. O-P. L'Y Uacka»oeb, Osram". adan. Bampe anu so.aib rtision, gBeslc it Cdu »;Q tots owmmtlloou theb. G. .IL B-'.tes otOerl il in théDomistefor auI *United lutes 8. pstos. &Suflttsle. pet dOn. D>op letiu et"i. vsr nostaogeGret rltsln-Is. peu bifon . by sash rouie,.legliratlonftu, e. ansda blisting beau adlloed lie ilsh@P"sta Md« there la a nearramut o stai wraies Slolova- losusrlsBeg14191=14 kIs1ad.f~~ Danlsh Qoloi tle, c 0.S t ' jma~obU lamalca, J3p, sd Porto IB - mûad la uow Ilu th. osatUin, he l f«lulrates remqalu sbelote.) LMetesi.per o. Postal carda 2 centseseli. Nevupaperu 2st. Put Aden,r eutlne Caon taionEtuBtt iabuIuaCyîol.Groeelanâ,pteoo» colonies las los sud Ameriea exeepiSet. .~... ~... -..nPeralaifl O rslsn UMSi fflêuouse Col«oes;in Agia. Africa. O.eawls, 1 ladd,Opanlah Colonies lu Af rica -ea Msd Anoagezoopt Cuba sud Port licoSituaset # te. pertjas. 'Booka, hbol, &4eeutafor ilsa. ý* RnBoltïitlou testale0scoule Wct Indix llandii,ia glUfam, ame rate s eumrly. Prepaynient by stamp là ail oee. Auarala. ecept Nov South Wales, VictorIa> ud Queensland---Leters 7 ets. pa 4ra h. Autralla, Nov Southi Wales Vnlàt, Qusnus. sad-Letters làoto.d pa eets. Iev Zesland, vieau ïeiaco i-Lettero là 4M98o. pavorail conta P. O. alaGULA2'IOZI. Xou.yorders grated ou alMoney Order olfies lus Canada. United Statue, the United lugdcm, u aOstuan ]empire, ltaîy, lvliasrlàad, Austila miugsry0 loumauila, Jmaes, N.vfoundlud, = b IudlaVitoria (Australs). Nov Soutli "Ie sd Paamauîs. bsposita recieledunder the regulstions of the Pu% -Offce Sais g' Bnk, beiveuithe bouta cfIl gqoltueoLetters muet b. posted 20 mInau MM retbe oloat eaclmail. @Me bourA 8 a. m. to 7 pm.,Suudas ozepted moaum. Juiv lth, 1884. ~dIA ,JANUARY 29, 1892. 1 1 JANETVILLE cf Februsvy.-Cartlsd. preacut, and i $edtcial 20 th", Warder. JOHN F. CuNxNoNs, township lerk. lu the for-e groq. - - V. lke pieosurs ln su. eeodvhua nouveiug that Mrit. Allen, vife cf Dr. FENELOA'. Kethcr and1 Allen, wbo was aerlousiy il,le ont of ail To tko Edu o Thé Wardér. Mrsa Broyna diiingcr and her reooverv la assurcd ...... FRIEND HUGES.-It ian e lO iMO ahe vould nover Til. v. MrOsîwahd i5 faut galuicg &Ince jeu beard fîorn North Victoria trouble? "0,OUo strenà!th anct will aoon bo able ta resmre Granger, sud as tho baîvealte papet, The dactorea bave h,*e nfficiai duty. oe.. Sho May1 Ma. Boij ..miii MagilI Whe purchamed Ihauk God for à bonutiful oue, and wu !but su for a cur tIbe torA and premises of Mr. D. LaVervy, grangeru are rnastiy prepaisd for viGtl, question"aa-Id has reopivedi a goneral stock ci goodm the. long sassion of Dominion parlarnt men vIe hoala fI co.nlly lkept in a country ooe, vhioh wvaetaeil u, vbere tho puritan. or -heade,litevo abes, ay are told be lna(.1f, ring ai greatly reduced yeoan ago, frein t. pricas. XVe hope tbat aucoeas vii attend in tryiug te couvict innocent girlusurni look veîy mach i1 bim venture. olioesof dolug what thsy ougît ual ta Shs cortaly diii RumovAL.-Mr. Henrv Anderson bas do. sud thsir chreso so antuechtee, bîlght @y rAhîetItre au ha.lef tb cl Iba uhn carga o.une.. nsareheaiîhy boue, bla Atrt rmfarmiog adbslf hecdts ndaylicht, ibone upon -tbem ta ues her and te homestïuud to bis yaungeeauo, Heurs, vois nel sa black au lisp sudsavored ho she did no. S86. and L"hîstakien Up is raîdenco lu lbe paunIthom, bat flnd lIaI ibome ubouîing Dr. Pience'. Faî viaiwh-'rn ho has acquined couider. lhe leudemi for purity are greater offsàn- Brown tcok Ibe ablo pr,,'iery in the shape of bouses and dems, aud afler pîolenging the session ta vhich cureis ail Ih jotet examine fiotions chargea, retîru ta Shahr comnon anuong WC SINCu -h-ll tm US tion11, maw-1logghomes With sdditional $600 senslocai ai- vî1s two votre *go. le tiio rder of the day. The greaudu lowause. Do yoa c.iii Ihal boodie? Wlil Mi. Brown witli urourid M,. J. Barko'asav-rnill villiacon 1% b.oumed lu part ta carry Neirîl Victoria "mether and cbild ho oovoncd over. aud other oloobo, or in Il elready ased luindafsudfug esud payhng oasis, or loan. . MAMBPOS4. ou Des.. bll, ste? Ravinuareinthe .8pto 1bTA. Wardr. laIe M. P. oet he Hone..iofommoDE for COUNOIL PEOCI The flloeingiz Ioh report of the North Viclois at Fonelon Falla liais diatrict masiter, Bro. Portsea. Con quer. thal he vomhd do hi. baut sudesaveis ta gel gentlemen 100k good raI the hast annuel meetingeof the the duly laken of sawu lumbir oing ta ballson aud of dlutriot Orange Iodgo of Maripos.:- lh. United Slalem, and vs eno u botbe- reevo; Penald Bi Daîu BiîETE'uN,-'Wo have.a b Ibsk ter of vîîh fiéee Inde vilblthe Statem, lb. Cuti!»u.,John G me ml viise provicl.uoe liaI ve are agalu Amriarls o ond Invest thpir capitailu in se, counuclloru perrnitted le assernblo lu oui distriet Canada, meney wvohdb. plauty, vagem longe Ian tue purpeu a smting the goed, snd good limes gauerajl. Wbat meeting remdi su businesis of the district and vlmdiug op are the féeîs? The American doty ou appolnted Mr. E the affaire for lie yeart ba bas jouél clos. savu lurnbeî is brouglit dowa te eue auditor. ,ed. As ta the progres. sud luoresme of dollar psr ona Ihouéatridfi., sud Domiuiou Movsd by Mr dul oupin les l laon ff;lb.Mn. Coral, lIaI «oh looge lh. reports bave boenof lb. exportdt e l soei t nof;téaditor for 1892, Most favorable characlur. 1 Ihink Ihat ÂmeMe#us are nOW suppîpîng Iheir ewBnfiatbsap nearly ail o et lodges have lucreased lu mille lu th. Unitedt States yulh Canadian cuiuh.a memherabip donlng lhe pear. 1venu dlegs. The trolgbt or cost ci gotting thern poinant af Mr. eronubv urge on th. Indus the. naeuîty Ilion s 90 oeufm le $1 per henaaud test, toe-ived sud rot of m,,king tie boitselion poseuo hebis lpa hecu. o et& . Mai àbeoMr. efficore tbpromude oven Ihis district iodge dieu lumbermon pay eu@ dollar Per SiMr.My ,t for the comiat yVear. DuringMiy die of duty and compoeo itI SI. American pelutsd assoneor fllhlng tbe WorahlpfllMaster'a chir lumbeimen lIaI duty? Throu là lae u inonfirm bi dn1- i-re c sr I muat say I have 1t111111lutil, e1tfroc trade the Causdien ive sud r. Dot filleu is ;as viii au I sboudhaveile hav MvtomauacueG1raC 6 ha., h done. I have ual beau able ta viutlau quantllles of hum bon la the Georgian Bay I d oir fti of the lodges lu the district as I veudcountry&sin.,-The Algorna Pioneer ne b5 ; acof Ii have liked totabave dons, 1 do ucl vfsb Perla lhé. arnot et pin* loes laS vin bav e cofir t la tîii tue vw eraiptul Mster's chair foirliaculntlunAlgema duilug the Proeuat ces Ab a ao &uolb.ýr vear. I îhink Voa osu select sou sud raft'.d serasta I he States nort Ab a ec one who can iflîl Il beotrShan I have, sommer. Tié agRrosate ls 2C5 Millions pInlmeoi U. but, I viii assare yea, bretîren lIaI as à f fete, -vie.. Spaulmh River lumbor Ce., the ususi mante 9chair. privato neînber cf tbf. distriot lodgo , 1 Michigan,. 25 millions; W. W. Sagese, Bar Meved by Mri viii, toi the prceperity cf the association City, 25 millions; Emery lumbor Co, Sagi-Myeta l à-d the advancement cf oui noble cîdor, nsv, 40 millions; Saaluav Sait & Lum rn Mayb o Iati de) ft@ Id id vbilo I va@ ycur district ber.Ce., 15 millions; Ravie. Sagluawv, 25 itnuetad eanotf niee.IhtZri the ane Vea may cheous million.; Cornslook Bras., Alpone, 15 vv1 oarl i~ ~--..L~ more zoal ths» I have millions; Cbbep9sanLumbsr Ce., 15 mil. botveen lh. 7th donc. I muet say Ibat il bas been à lons, Sley & Berrngton, Sagiîsaw, 25 lot 12, sud eu the ,plowaenre ta mruedtrn y lime cf cofi @millions; Gattes& Smith. Bs, City, 10aI lot 15--o5rlie Io proesi1e ovor eo noble a district. I millions; total 205 millions., The latior. Mcved by Mr. iwenre ynu, brthnen, lIaI on 1h. l2îb cf è* re 121 ed wîthhAmerican suppîlosM. Graam, tbm tur'sd - lu s' a a m aboui districttbey w oîk wlhh Amarican tool, hhoy are the repeail ef by.: treu t In i aunor lI s a a rodîlnPOUthon vagon la United States terri. tartainod.-Uari ta lhé. association; tle dap vu oêebratled toy, hum deprIvima Canada e mY Movoti b> U.] bOlllt-At h' rt o oqwGli o arhai far ahead of snytsîîng I have avor eau.e ndnA.iî at o ong vil Gr mbs laI M. 'The Oranîge eider in, I mueI msy, improt. befoes hese grand pickls ili bo trip. Instroceod ta intai tm. l iviî-i. osi erIb e soualitu- padot ert rlimber by tlb Uutted St aes a gaRdteh@bproIl "ion , and lh. clouer Wa live t le bs mlîmen sud Canada yl bba oft I ith a& ogIh ot constitution the fasîsi. env order vil Ibousad miles et plus stumpgo e emlnd concessin -OsnÉ inoreso. I cannol conclade Ibis reponirt a oftheprodigal vaste et on. cf h. Voyaid by 'Mi. vîthous thauking &Il l. tebréiaîbîsfoi lié ebouhet leritois lu the wvend, thr.ugh mv.Boa b vwain.asupport tlIsp lave given me duig frise iades. Th@ Inhebitsauti of Comîeo yard lobi uh the, pist pear, and allov me aise le Ihaul UmuI knov vbai la behug douie vit lb lier ten"$s OHf 0-rom the offtsois for lbe muuner, lhey have Imub« Msd «baîthel' are gomng for f lit.t i»u, b5lU'oi suuluued me. Nov, breîtené, lu conclu. Ullimuen cléolâa l fthe>' uorn b@,'t _: d Sion, lot me aY te pou ail IbsI durlng uud fuit par day foirseuh on* 1ted Md,byiifMr. the peur 1892, llo ans»do bis pan l inthe. müiIlpays tIbm; lake , mi.s ~ O .sdveieug u elvdOf lase monansd thlb olbte~I~,sd tIhal .oruor, les isanembe 'btu<h ue,àd MEeeid ta 111sud à MI and lt I aI eau' nextauelaid" e 4ngssh erPf o. liitsu 0.1 t, MpO. ~ 15 Viii bave a x= iuito l. in sdl~ sm foqî1rt y 1rustuag tl 1111111 91 ton bbu louefWtdii' h"I ~W55i4~ Miol. tMay guide ý 4U8, * beoau î fp 9ý»Mpw 8< D -bons, sm *os, we auu- fraIs, W«0eof M. nly, ? owwmçPu DB5I ~b,am 5~bbwia ]E 111 a Ohidr.n Ory foro mth' Ogol. a. arn. Hughes asema se us nd. W. boete ope hlm lmtion da'y cea. Lhlld are Uolug We1l. was sick. Ber rriendsmamsd rgoS vel. "What's the nse kind of female wenknexe * given up het cassai hopp lite for mume lime,' Ihsy aay re, lIatinlaqulte ont of the Loult buliove it,aI' sald a vo- the @ad ne. 111 don't ho- votaseoff Shan I vas, btse tho saietruubîu, &sud 1 d.nî like a dead venin, do I ?', 1 mo, vith hotred, plamp res, sud 190 pounda of gtoud 0d, sud flesh. "1'm gainé! elI ber 1ev te, gst veil." advised Mm .Brownu b tale mrite Prescription. Mia. adrlc, aieo' the Medioce kiuda et dolicate distau oc rman, sud-gos vell. That e. Dit n.nth aho preaenta.d h a ten.pound son, sud dare aolns voI1.' '.WNELON1 CÂMBIRON, Jan. 18t11. EEIDING.-Tba follovlng ths déclaration of quahi- mRe .-John Chambera, rovu, deputy-rsevo; Jno arahsm sud Mmnly Mal. M. nLutes of tho last id approved. The Reovo Byron H. Malb.e am bis r. Mapbeo, ueoonded hy J. B. Solîtbe sppelnb.d su ad IbsI a by lawto pointaient, aud tbe a M.allie by tle raovs b. 4d a fret hlrne.-Carri.d. r. Grahami, ssconcled by bal W. Dovuor b. ap.. for 1892, and tbsI s by- âi appoiutaient lie rocs- fmole tlm.-(Jaried. rCanrins, seonded by ut 13. J. Lylle ba, appoint- manioipaltty, sud thal s m thb sa&me, h e eoivsd infivîn the foregoiug &p- ireelved and pasîed lu t, Mr. Canif» in thé Cantin, sonndsd b>' Mr. th. clerk b evaWIn l r the *rand Ti'uuk rail- se ciosaug ou lhe lins snd 851 coneesslon., at J 8h aud Gth concessions ,d. ,-Carrin, isoondeai by ut a pétition sskiug for *isv No. 476, b. nel eu- [@a. ,Brovn,ocouded b>' Mrý r. Chambers lu herel>' itvfew Wrn, Bore, lu r. tse of a rond àalovance sid. of lot 26, lu the 711 fild. .- Graba,, soendod by %t John Brownand 3d- 9 ofld le move l"ae. d elbov118mu theu us m. iot Ws 2anmd 21, ocS. 7. 4 . Esirttî besi Cuiw~, FWftw~ IrspeelW. -- - j . i Wbeu Baby WUasick, vo gave ber-Cuitons. Wben seIwuva Çi d, sh.'crled for Cutoons. lihen she bocame Xia, she clung to Casions. IlIon ho had Children,Îegav tecm Caatoals CUodeIi CuJhngu. Gmnmen, -In 1888 1 vu oeverely sifflect- dwihgratel cf hei kiducys from whck I iuf re reat pain. i1 vwu recom m ended to trLke Bardock Blood Bitters, which 1 did; fiuàdlng gresu. relief, sud afuer taking 5 bottinm cati truly aav I was oured and have not mine bee troubled. 1 bighIy t.commend ItL Pe!er Wet. (Culloden POG. Ont.-17 3. PUEST9 STIOIOEST9 LESTe àhphas, ray 1nurb". IL W. CluLfTO Toronto. ot LINDBAY MARBÈF WORKS.i la prepasdhfaniliil eolec- Lids-vsu UGE MITOHELL, r-îOE, bot% uMarbh sul OrmnidI. hablecamuset ailevesi raies. Agent foi Hssd- Iaonme, Monumotesuad every descriptiou of marbîs Eohttpromuiv lr r'tn Or -MkindiP o ometery and gisulte vork. Lina&;. work.I Narble Table Tope, W sol îupu. kat-h 2aesetc. Lomd For Sale. ne nga pri. m nrwn .II elr'o-lrm sebis de-. Biterai l cicesLots etf srmiug, Graalng, sud lin. oin Mnomr- u ,wl"w -chire nnîaitgca.buot La nda uomenvle for sale. Apiy etsuY im. WORKS-In r-s of the market on (Cambridge BteUX.IUDDABY BurttRvr--v epponit% Matlhew#' uaktng house. IIOBT. CHAMBEIRS. Rmvl Ibis £1.571L 2., rD. 18of uorbed sgoah. dwlmdg - 1I uai *tl~ ad 9S80 8yo. 4Wu*â wemé la ,, M , Rete;W. L.wn, 'oSrpOlo f Uoqnibl ,. W, B ~#Cua- houf. 80 MOU n ole Our t fl r& Kumutwa of lesrt 'tmg rend rU4 ap. IOipl'IOa -~tigqp*dby the Rug proud. New Yoeker wutai ow Weber! ehb uefil M<'e'ed by Mr. S havr, u"oôidmoaby to 1 00155frum wbon ms 4zport tle.»s. w Meoutmmon, Ihsl No. 410, klude of eowrnodfls ud" cupets wfth baing a by leer tadrain ceuSailv Ijnde l'mla;bt arketS<01 the woId. kuown as Sborl'm drain, b. now wos lu contlmwua, I Sudu dismois of thtrd til.. iud poussd.-Oa*l*o. feruers sud gas'um, that Mr. Berna'. Movsd hi Mr. Lownibiçuhb, sooonded Proses 09 ehlon" la scmau, lhsy vitl byMr. Wobeser, tIliBéreaa b 1ev 00i* o'.hat will attend b busness, o. 411 banDg a by 1ev10 oh,bt toDo alter -O.ilbwaes u relail mal@ of lntozloallng liquors la lthefoiii4 b b Iho ere et lhe propliMme. township of Maripose, bevlg boensu pb- They lblnk Hughes wv iq gb. bustfor mittl.dtea avotSet fithe1al#tars, and 66bthfrmer$. I isuain, jouro WuIy. Cajohlty o1 78 of1lthe vu'h J, j î I NOîREVICorIAu GEANGER. layor t.1 sald by.lav, riSO LVu t su d PUdN '4L bv-la* No. 411 b. nov î.ad s shird ue PRSN ALY nid paued.-Casnled. spasil htuTu f .r.. 1Movsd by Mr. Webster, .ooaoded by WB have quite au smoant of snow aI Mr. MeOuîimmun, %agthlu ini .9.IOU p..i ýan..Ibo sleighlng la ver, good point Guo. Douglas, ecq., of Manilla, ta sud MousPeople Bre v.ry buay t.amlng sot e u altoî for hle munlclpolily, villi nt pirent. Mr. B. P. Butler; wiio la apw>iààtôêel u> Ton Barmer.' Alliance have orgsnized the iseve te audit the. ocuunrt k1891, ln Ihis Iooslty sud are likolv ta have a ai a salaiy 0et.»ndollars ..aoh.-C". r- good trong lodge l in pissae. Thoy rled. hol heur meeting on Taesday evenlug Moved by Mr. MoOrimmori, *ecou.b'd of euch wsek ln th. achool boanse. Al by Mr. Webster, (bat tho r. 've alvo hjié are lnvlted ta corne aud join as va think .erder on lb.- troasuror lk .'>ur cf the il is a good institution for fehrmera. followlng perovn:-Meaa .. Hogg D os, Tsz jongeat son of Mr. Lot Worsley for postage for 1891, #34 66; M esara ]B .0 , bat boom very ulck, but we are glad lea uy Bron.,,lor ou@ pair bouta, t.îj,ÂÂud to.:,lre. hth e imgOtliug nmre betterD..ow ..U Smith'@ boy (indigent) in 1 889, 9 12&.; W. Bonaey bas beu)n unvoîl foormorne Niobolas Hill, for tep-birîr picLa, $1 oJ5; dit, pant, but not dangeiouaip ill. G. W. Beall. $20 31; C. D. Beir, $52 80; OuImhool la piegrefling favorably deputy resurnîaug offiora foi bultl ng undon 1he able màaagsmeut at Mima Ellia, municipal election, $81.40; F. Shav. r, the nov teaobur. We wiEh ber auccesa in expeumea in sxarniung îoad îewî iiebei nov fild of jabor. boIves» Beaoh sud Maripooa, $3: Jaam 6 Tax farinera are baBy tbreahinit hoir Mclo.Logall, town limo betvaer Re..cb claver eeed around boe. They reoat a sud Maripoi,,$1; E. Z. Yui'x, f%ý;ending fair taînout. fimal coucti:uk ei ballets, local option PRESENTÂTION AND ADDInaxS,-There, t2; R, Robertson, atlonding finai vas a surprieParty on the lSîh, et the coning ci ballots, local option hplaw, homeo0f Mi. Win. Snelling, for the pur- $2.-Carried. pose ot prosentlng Miss Bnelling wlth a Moved by Mi. Shaver, Fteconded by paroirber service s Uoetaist for tbe Ur. NoCrimmon, liat the reeve Sive buroh lu Ibis piace. Ther or esq aie a order on th. trèsuici lu taver ot Joos0 large gathhring cf fiienda and nolghbors, Rodd for thb.soin of fiv. dollars, amount sud à very enujoyable ovenlng vas spent. due for work aI Brown'e bridgA, l2th Followlng in the addîeea:- - on.-Oaniied. Te Miss FLOBENct SNELLIN,-It le Novad by Mi. Shaver, secooded by vlth great plasaur vo asure you ef eut Mr. MoOrirmnrnou. al Ui. Thomas friendshîip and affection for you. Evar Smithhef Port Hoover, b. appointed ince you care ne ut our midal yens have asemer foi tho Muniolpailty for tie vear been over ready ta ait us and the many 1882, eI a malary of $80.-Carried. kindnossos we bave reoolved viii not soon Moved by Mi. Lownabrougb, seconded bo foîgotton. Whau thora vas rio oue te by Mr. Webster, 1ha1 414 belng a taire tb. place of organist you klhdly by law ta provîde for tbheiippointlng of volanteoe, and vo have gathed bore certain aoÈ[lsi th township of Mari. this ovelîlu ite tback yeu sud ta sbov pesai fer lbe veai AD. 1892 ho iecelved Yoa boy rnuoh vo appreclale your efforts. sud rend a birut lime. -Oarrîed. Yenou lploamo accept Ibis pures.saua By.lav No. 414 rend a firet lime. elîght lokon cf oui ôem n sd oui geod By-iaw No. 414 afler pamiug îhiouRb wisham f.i) your futaie volai.. Siîgned committos vas rsad & third lime a:îd lu behalt of lb. congraotation, paissod. SAJiÂN WORSOLET. SMoved by Mr. Shaver, sesonded by MIRIAM MOYNES. U. MCrmmon, that thîs coanoil nov E. G. MOYNEI. idjouru te meet on the thîrd Monday. ELECTION BOeMonis e bal the tope %t JA. V. Pazmtx, B.A., LL.B. iFREEIrNç-- W~1ORS FOWBERt 1i~~k* 1*a W'meansd MMI GALBRAITf, Huile Teauer. bas removod from Llndaay stresSta Willia m aE eaver ]gr. Roblnsa' unanili; outrance tlirough the Liuay. Aprtl SIl, 1151. -17-96 LIIDSAY hOLLIN1 MESL In operatloa ltheîYeu round. Highest priCe paid in Csh for WooI, 2 OINTSEXTUA WHEN TRADED. FGU CLOTII, TWEEDS, PLÂNN!nJLs, Etc0 ~ TOi BALE. AMAL. ~èa>'. 5U~ -~ N.4U~t CharILai.SO Ut, - Peterbo». This la a uom boue. audila one of the bot equlpped lu Peterboro. It Ie conveulent te both O.P B. sud O.P.A. stations, aes li usas 1 he market. Bathe. vsshroom, snd ail modem oonvsnienco. Terme, 01.00 pSt THE WAVERLEY BOUSE. Corner of Kent and Lindsay Street,, Lindsay. The ai- 0 et>b.proprietor of the Waverley lis te make It second ta no hotei outolde 0f ibhe cilles. & sare of the public patronage lu respecutully sollcited. Everv attention pald to the couvenience of guense Olood stabllng, commodious sheds, aud large yard room, witt attentive hootlers alwaym on baud. MALCOLM MeGREGOR, Lind ulItBd 1890-17874tf iPropritor. QUEEN'S HOTEL HallOuron lasethout a rival iu thîs district «a sUmmer resortfor familles, and la beautltully altuated àAchaming place for thé hunamran, thes portunan snd the laherman. Il la avay lnuth. primitive foreot snd lu a beautiful littIe village possemlug a ruilvsy, telegraph offices, sud aIl the convenisucea of modern lits. Charges surprlsingly moderato. The very place ta "lpeud a Happy Holiday." Phe proprietar la anxtous to acoommodate a&U he can, aud parties com. ng ta ty a fow daya are roqusstsd ta communloats bpootor vire. Pive hours allfrom Toronto. The ho1 la neplled vlth every accommodation, aud s tedablefskaet lUiras Bnstaudfrom station KULLM T Protor....8y6 IDeutttj. Je NEELANDS. Il. . . " '*#', .*J-. -r-' Do not be mis-led by those hoUtC. cleaners Who mav tell you that Kalsomine, or GIlue and Whiting; 15 just as good as the genuine 'AL A BASTI N E for health, cleanliness or durability Âgency for Victoria Co. at I W.A.Goodwin's Boom Piper and Picture Stor,. Opposite Veitch'ti Hot.'l, bi,.,- 1082.1! How the Royal Cn~ dian lnsuran,û.e Co'y Pays iUs ïLasses, We have pleainre lu aclancw.edginz the payxnen lu full 0fe-uf dlaim agaiEst the iti4si Cariadian Inz, Ca., resultinI rarm the receuit big fire in Omeniee *W. venu snruevbat tardy in cc.mpleîinig ou.- daim pars, but the cocapany bas pald 3ur dlaim, betre the expIraion of 30 days. M y outbuildinga and thi'er contents were burnt 1w the explosion of s lantern on the Iith 8ept On th' W H. CURY. vscheque for the ain" t .y dem. Hantera. Oct. Oth. 1891.W.H OI MEY --A Ny dvelling' and contents %ere burned on the 2s2h Setme.To-day, ergbt "daaler. 1 have achequ, for the full amcunofuMSny aim lTbis lepromp~t ant M.R,.D.S., ONT., DENTIST, LINDSAY. MA'ITHEV WILSON. Ops, Oct. 16tb, 1891. By il. &Id outheb.ncv bydro-carbon gai furuce ho eu mke indestroctible poroclatu fillingsansd resteae For Insurance spply to brokon aud docayud teeth 10 loeir original sha"e conteur sud calai bv ibla pr-odes.. Old moots cam S. CORkN EIL. have porcelain crowns attacbed conauquentît thore la Agent, Lindsay. no plate required. Oai-vitalised air, adrninistared a-lth great aucceaN .1 I.I for nearlý 23 yoars, uxtractling teeth fer thousands of JO B FIA li i- parsons wth-.,ut a partîcleo f pain. Rueuses the latest appr..ved applances for admlnistorng the jas. Ho. studled nuder Dr. Colton of 1New Yorir the inventer VONC of gai fan extracting tieo:b, vo basuamii tendi ta over 100,000 persona sud not a fatal ceau. Mn. Nselands uses Bell'. Local Anaestbetic for extnsctiug WI I M ST TLNis Y ieoth. Mn. Neeliuds la nov using s nov style ot foroop vhloh ho bad expremaît nanufactured wblle on lis lait viait te NNew Yonk, which remevea the tcul teel ulltout fmmmv ta lbe gurus on jav, the guma beallng up beautully in a 1ev day.sud no aubse- @MW* and Shingi. ii!!lamîn quant trouble. Ârt4flcil teo:h luscrted on aIl the Flou Milil, Steaim n rgin,,. oopular bam ansd by the moet approted styles sud andi stemmn Pumxpa. appliances for thei.- retontion sud confort. ]Nnm. bers of persoa are vearing touili made by Hi. Nos!. mils ov. r 20 yeans, sud neyer required repais. NtBaveàlàmais. asfsoerl atenF Prcis fr-en 10 te 065 toi su uppor or under net M abo5< dsri n f enrlPatrn Persona trama alatance wll piesse send paste cardvsdcrponawrk before ocann. OFFIC-lent atresi, Lmuy. Linuay.iulyglt iisi.-IMr. nearît opposite tic Sîmnoon House _____ W. H. GROSSu . LD. IL.,K. IL 0. D. IL Out. DmUc1tU0LIs,. Plie popular GOLD sudi PORCE. LUN KG lysteni (withoui plat.> practiaodi by Utf. Grau ih ç a aiotion te alauge sum- AstiSciai esil inerted by ils most approted methedasumd principles for sc gprsto trt, omfort, niefulues. duabllit sud béacty; on Gold Slter sud Oeluioid, also on a&H ths harmlesa dents! Rubbmu, sud eaithels lest living pias. Anlsous of teelli Onlshed sud fitted ta the monil 1>7 Mr. Gros humielf, or under lia sopéisupervIion, wbicli vinaccouaI for aiaoogiton by bis. vork. Phe Introduction fron tins te lime efthle Ist opliuc for ile administration et Vltélimed Air sud ounblea Mr. Gras. te sunounoe coustanlly lu. creanguoces,lilstheuse ei tise sussthetiesNO pino accidents, no tom guma, oosenuty, ue dimtieimction. Plie bustmethoda of Prshrvint ils natural tsetb by dUig yul old and other re"sbe materise, bai humn àae utudy for near Tbity yesm by Ni.ý Grosm., sud apsoal attention sud cars la given by hlm ta thia branoh ef bis butins. No unneoessr paiIn fllng. Don% Mai!to oel on Grocs. athis ofie ovrKennd67'a stare, KenUt8., sud ses specimona cf Sanzd Loom Weavmig. Pli uudeegued la prepared te veste bed bleu. k _t - -- Itb as acy favredbdaredfi SAMUEL IHUTCHION.J Oct. 6, 1801.-7.-9 penebon Fas.i ut £lL [IRE IRSURANCI CU' AMn...-. -. 3.60,876 70 ...... e......... .484 132O Sur~Ina.(Caadia Stndar).- 7,319,000 00 clesntore..............97.372,83 44 Me ule. o 87..-....14, 3W0,40 OC EUdoWments pMîte Living Policy Hoiders Canada fthI eu 1882-8-4-0 in cah. 3y ths Lina. ......... 24'w4 YY a&U the Caun and u hin"d- - - -......- ...10,8 àa Govermant Reporte, pqges66, 58, 6 and 72.) Ses Man Endovment i lie sAtna ialnds~'. 5 amoral Agent FOR I'nsect Stingt; Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore ,,Feet $oreiyess&, Sash and Door Factory 1Hfavlg purlas lsth eie tt" rM& JOIE N(AUNIER lte 8Sansd Door Fsctmr lu lttile Bri tain, 1 vil cati on the busines u lu ths pu%, snd hope by sui attention te bualpus.ta merit a abareor tpublic patronge. Eighest Price paid for Good Shingle Boits. Paruegu teuelng to build vilI do yel te eungt au and sesvwhat 1cm do for ,em ln thevwayor pelas. blore purebag slevlers. - ICAILER MAIL LuSeErtanfiiDes, l88-10.IL VICTORIA LAUNDRI lb poqI cf Le he b Piles Femaief Com plaâints kosq.u--to Bites -- lam maâtion. j f uy I - -s Pet mbbm éI.ns hu &L &.vnbt wmIwMm « A Uslm. Km$ 8»itashpbmote dovu baw 1b~UUu .UU555~ ~. ~i.a, hasgé.qdssB.- 8ùBUUM hpam gm cfi *s butquali Biugle du .j~ 4I~ L IN EP mZT O E'B Hbore. ' "r ha 180 ft 0554 is. tbaboum. ta 1MîIy comS 09 t gens O d wntcshor1 1ê ... . ofi# M d guas unIholg W' riRmbes & e0forsaot uns wîleIity. Ait repsil @*WSsd lua àworbuaftm1le nr on roouab> b-t DR. . WItàso; PORIST trou«» à.s. àanialonmf6uI mor aie. lojol ,UilubrI. Oi, 8"sWilliamstretLn dlo&. BoUý, U«y m luLInd9 6"R" aIMPBUN i el. 1 _ONTARIO BUSINESS COflL[f _____________________ Mad la aow lu a i-cklouorder for IS& -oqisa of gUets. Ph@ ber in suppfl ied vt he bw* = mdaof'LI1LNT DR R PSN fl. 00" slubfng aud atisUve bouern.. 09 te= msd 7teo8 p.. le fpatocfha,, Nombe, of CcL .of PhystluamiOud ugeoci, Out.; Pldy.Tia Wall Imowu houa, lhaib5@rntil ozsaiedb;'lb. oroughnesa oetIts wori. m las. pbliIate B »kwoj Aaylum, 1ngb là ,Yd Sdla luevsry va suldt 'for tb. ac. the xt a 'ocesof Its rauate s, laieRgsted QMWd Tumâ ly lurgm onàdaay Watristheà ubl~ie. T le unsurpauned Th.e*,ilm th@ attend.uce, whlch, vihir aOlt !13-'erlod boa ol4unm o4neoosb n, &ud aii.nlv* h bra students f roux ffteon diefreni bctsr~Zhas uatsdanno WAInOWLpoine u its, 0 'ltwP "t t' Wee &tali i t al71*5«m94meee ndividualiot toan C ft u 'roir KII4OUII UuU~Â, ord.lnte ability. For circulaetc.. addrns G. H HORINS Ilmouas, Joospit Bowis, propristor. The suave JHSON, <luccem o U Mrtn à Hopkins) ni. bt tSCuy besu fitt.d uping> dstleBeIevlle ont, * ~ 0110101, .~. ~ et.,~ foalrt.elss ot.!, sud the publice un us -murea _________________010,_011108 _____lit,_____ of the betutSuocoatlon at Ysry resSuable rai"s E E o8 T »Y, on.-1014. Thebar in supplIod euh 5au the 65.1 brandiof liquara ' sud la". Largo atabîs, and shoeansd an attentive_ M O OBE à JA CK 80N bu e _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ <luceuorto acksn) t, b bosot S TUIE CIIEAPEST. wTPRl SNlWflu'imtnriR MUn. Moaquhar $5; G. Vins $5; Win. Fat"Min aud vif. $7.-Ocaid. Mevid Iuy Mr. Graa., aeuomd.d by' Mr. Brown, Ihat the tcl[owing buiseb ' paid :-Tovnaship ef Eldon, one bha][o. pauditure on boundary at lot 15, Elden, $2-89; Joaeh Cooper, prinling financisl staternts snd elsotion bill@ $9 2b; Camn. $10.40; H J Lplle, ettionary acou'ut, ..MOR.AE.JCO. 84 84 ock; oloction oxpeuseo, $10; Wrn. Divuar, D. Tolini, Jos. B. Gieor, J. , MOS WEYN& ANDERSON, H. Palmor, doputp.resurulmg officers $4 arimn mctin c., Hamiltea', Block, Kent escb; (Jamoron Orange lodg, ue of hall mure0t. LQndy. Neney te llaa outrent rate. le date $5; Coebral Orange Loi go, use bus E9cUvuraDONAz A Auuon. of bail foi siection $2; Livell Grange, e2; S.S. No. 7, nue et eboel bouse for A P. DEYLIN, oleollen, $2; J. L. Brovn, usneetfsehool iBrst, e.Cauniy Creva Attorney, Olsrk of ithe houée for eleotion 14-Oerled. Pe5cÏeCouustoe La. Offclcuna kk The counili adjourned to meet aI Cam- 'ER ~OLAY biay, Marob 7&b, 189. NaniieraAttTuYa.àl.Lay EllitRYuCsey geOc Ofce, »ohouy BtoOk, lent aîrees Six Yesr's Sufforlng. 3icnej ta îcan at cutreni raies D EA Si vas wutrcubled for six yearu AITMMULzLARY. 1HUGOOLBART. wiD erysipolas, snd tva bottin cof Bur. dock Blood Bittera enllreiy cured me. 1 lcep BÂBRON AND MoLAUL+HLIN, B.B. B. constantly lu the houas sud Ibink il Barristen Selcion&0 &c. coffice Baker's Block. au effectuai cure for aH dieacea ocaused 1 y b"d Kent Si., Luday, opposIte etcahotei. JOan A. blod. r&.M Dweet, ortand On.- Alian,, &.J. iMGL.uemm. blo-. P omt, otad n . L -Priva, sud CompautY'a fuda te bau aI 17-3, lovesi cutidut rate&. Worms esusa muon wku aaamong ehil. DPRESi~TON . nTrDrae dieu. Frosma's Worm Povde apreveul Ibis and make thse hild biight and holthy.-2B4. Iprardls Yeow 011. This groat internai sud extssual remsdy biwvaae& Il pain. Iltina aspecifio fer croup, sud promptiy miecuglis, colda, oore throat, opralua, bruis, bure. rhsumatiumn, cota, vnda, @e. Good for man or bora. Stands aIl tes. Soid everyvbors. Price 25 cents. Bagysrd'a Yeilov OIL-17-. Nover ashow the, bowelo te remaui «natpâ. lad lest serious evil suons. National P.ula ore usutpesed u a reuiecy for conatip.tUn.- 2-6. (Suemsa 10Ourry Ih), l>Banraesm ollo. Notares e c. fs-woodhKUâ bok II brok, ônt., sud Bethan ouonday. ousy ta i«ssua loesS rai, M014BY TO LOAN. oeeylent oun ortgaoee, sud Mortpage, egotlsad gttral ous et per cent. l38-ly MOORE a JACKSON. MONET TO LOAN. Sgtralght IL«»a at Me. vers low«et our- reat rates. Aàag amaunt of Trust Funda for luveument, pay- able on terme to suit the borrower. le" 0G. IL HOPKINS. Barrister. Lindsay. MONEY TO LOAN. A ,.BSi, 51 and ô per cool.We are nov losnlng mousp onflrai.cleafarm &ad busielneproportion ai the above rates, snd ou ather good securities et 10w. s ourrent rates, Morigee ad Notes ucgotlated. BARbON à MoLAUGRIJN, Barristers , et*., Lindsay, Ont. Auguei lot, MUT BE LOANED A PE ENT. on First and BaodMortgages. OId Mortgages pald off. NO COMMISSION. Agents Wantd. alior sond 80.- tamp fr OlRULR. Loueanaa be closed at once by mab.lng personal application DB. W. KECNNY, Vsierinary Surgeon. Gradais Ontauio Vtertnary Colege, Tor. ~ onto. Reglter.d member of Ou. tarlo Vstoarwy Médical Asso- cIatIon. Office aud residenos g o s t c"of Mothodiat Churol, &s u tio waflacs'u ic;Mile. Llndss. Eareb IUnd lm,. DR. BBOAD, vETEaRI YIUGEON, gradiuaseOntario tS = naOoflopToronto; rsglatered member 0f Ou- 1 Association Ornas -il treet norili, lu Ultes Tsrrace, opposte the gai Vors. AIl calisy mai or tslegrph promptly attended te. Charges moderawe Lkmivany, J UayId 189.-Uit PETER MITCHELL, Alsignes AccanuntFim»nucalAgent. etc», etc. Ozvic-.-udspet l' sa Offi1ce, (Up alaira). T.'l. MIDDLETON, Lite.l Miesd Accident Iluuruc Agent. Agent for the bne Miutual Lite AssranceCo 0OIE-oltod*os BRok Kent street, Third D3or MMuth ontsOP o@ ffc, ua4alrs-1764-Iy lm-IV Omemee. Oct. 6th, 1891. Ir,