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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jan 1892, p. 3

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bocom delraved theb. aste 01> le.bied, la lz. paentci inanumoesblo malIadies. That AyerSaBmsa.,Ifl je th. bat cure for Indleatln, eM ,henooMpl wtilvaTompWl, la prove4 by th. fOollwIUng leaUano from XMn. josph làkeof Bzo*kwy centre, Ml. : - "oLiver compiaInt M ud indluim nad(, =y le r t.urdeu sund came BOU .gndlflg my existenlc. For MaOe Ibi tour jears 1 suffered uutold agoni, wu reduoed aimait ta a akleton, 67 iuI Lad etrength ta drag myself about. A jkinda aofiaad dlstresed mesu the mot delicate could bue eis a &il. Wlthln the tirne mentlaned suera t iins treated me wloul gl'vlngn. l Nothing that 1 took m.med tu, do any permanent r 1 until 1 oammued the use of Ayoi ,SarsaparlIla, whJob bas produced wonderful résulte. Socs atter comxnsnclng ta, take tb. Sansapa. tilla 1 caild se an lmprovueentla=7 condition. My appette >ean ta retn and wth 12 came the allily tla s ail the food taken, m_' trentira. proved each dayq ufan ite a few ionth.q of ai athtul attention 10 your directions, I iauud myceif a Weil woman, able ta attend ta ail hausehold duties.- The msdiclns baSginsme là flew lease of lUfe."1 Ayeî's Saîsapauilla, Dr. J. C. Aysr & Co., Loffll, MUss $Plc 1; six boules, sa. Worthb$5 a battis. the it"ttoria Q*"xdtt IIIDAY, J ANUARY 29. 1892 a.4Sgo r>.. Fard«r. Taz M@thadîstsaonivermary heid hors laut month was quite a suoeeai. Pro- ceedoi $98. Tain presbyterlafli beld a clue.scsful B.S. anilvereiau onNew Tsar'. ave. Tzz peuple generally appear to lake a deep anterest tu the Meohanlee' Inatitule &bout ta be .itablihêd iu 1h11 village. Sucoese la il. Tan methodies and presbyterlani are holding anian evangelistie services with sonsad, rable suooeos. They are held tbis week, andlng thé 28rd liot. * tu the. mothodist ohuroh. *They willl b. held noit week ini the preubyterian chureb. ]Pray for us. TimEU ame igettiug stiflharder ln our villi.sge. One of our liberal grils oharges one af bis adjolnlng ceighbors 15 cents a month for the. use af bis well waler, and the monoeymuet b. pald in advanoe. 1 think it would b. advisable for this aid gentlemen ta kesp bis pump loeked in case ho Rots l..fi on It. WB hve loti ofasuaInluthis part iiow. ELEOTIoN is the order ai thé day. Mr. Samn Hughes, thé libéral canservatlve candi la!e, was lua ur village the. other day. 'W. wieh hlm aunceoslnbisunuder. taking and Lape he wiIl b. eleted. ILDOZf. opoial go The,. Farder THRUsBiNG oseeta bang outi it bis sesun Mr. Bonald Bell ai Palestine settliment, hâd shresbed for hlm on Thuroduay of J1a0 week, 700 bobuheof cata. The work wua done by Meutr.. X.clun±s Brothers oft he came violuity, %;itt thir hors. power machine. The jnb, we are informed fromnaublsaed source, dld sol last them aive 'houri. Sucli enî'rey sbould always b. ebaracter. jisl', in îbreshermsn. Hoite AGIN.-Meoiis. Arob and Dun. ca Smith, îwa aficentral Eldou's euler prliingyoung wen, are st préent visil. ing their brothber, Peler à Srntbh's réel- denee Saîdringhamn, arriylng there on Mon'lsy ,.vt.ung of last week. Tii.y will no doubt, experience gralitylog pleasure in r-viiting 1 heir boybood'o native home, and weliomning, and reeelving warm wel. tomnes of their many friende and acquain. taitopii. Wii tindmrstand they bave pur. cbamed land in the vlelully of Portage la prairie, and aima the ueoessary matéell witb which Io tilt the anesud liat, lbey wil lan &Rprobility retoauthon axain beforo e'euiug coammences..They stems well Plssod wth the country au'4bespesk for il a great futurs. Dpo<azgo 2Md Far. Taz wioter bas psed, tIhii far, with MEs Joseph Bark prsssuted ber bus. band wltb a bonelng baby boy, on Wed. cesdai -vening lait. Josph saieos. Wx. Pockeil formerly ofI Jugoldsby. who has been lu Maiutoba fer the laut ateen veseî, 15 vqItlug frieadi berest. pissent. The North Ws muat agies walbhlm, ho looka hale snd heaiîy. Too Lat@. Porbapa Tenuyeon hu wrttteznothiag which appeal. ta tihe butteaf a&l Who nid hie pouasmore tIbm the lyric of '"Too I." The bardea of the ccd refrain oomes home wlth tlling force, ota b. haos ta laswho have tit inonde by that dresd dleas-mas cumptian. They réae, 1. too lai," 1th. ns- suit af niaIsaI. ,They tenithât thé duar eue bagi ave beeu 'simd if tîhbd beoded the rarulcg af tie bseklng cui.l. id cheek. aud weakealug sjam. Tbs.yfee tht. ail thé mert keèaiy beoinîhepsm, ethmi.bétilg reoed frein lthé eP of . destroyer, and they thlnk What hevm cîbona aitgu h ave saved thein lovaic. Whu hé ensdnag ofildagosmag clope te aven l eth e lo Dwm tunis Dr. Pieéldeaeînlfh.w utA drive auay eouaMP11iou. ,DO 10 'numtil We)&Jas btovep 1- ----àuogi* - fai"t, hét. o" whr O VsDMWOB. m tkesp pwm is viithe ç 4. neighb #Mjg *. zlut fsysgltes- »0" aiklupised" . tlhbod of the Unied lIasepoduelausenteislatosMDons arsng.maal isa ke obus"go progrès- ta y~1IOb OO ilvrM proipouaIas th i v Daseri - z pvmn a rbneed, ailri ta laiont people ae <'éili mr*s~ laWag boeld I lie raie. mputbed 1', No te«un Q iU Ws dmp ihe oorga'. propoition, sua d "tu té shI at l OIoIP"ti or* Rlad labe able to quts.mauthoully b&ilM "apsbeintéoqt Who standses go b flu nb.1Sern part i@vintu W1Make pasible la B. wayil au Mn. Mowatt lu support of liat dociaL.bsin pakdhatnostee Mr. Movasald:-od mI b" orfe monteIo Oosiea Ils, $'Our farmeait au alaeOr imeobsulià's », uaooe, laaboiesruis Il hau s a cos, sndoui laboiers saua Otage u io lsâ ntelolaoiào viatever the rossons uap b., ars Bol aSagalglgtas1.hdaaSlio leus eoaforlable than the 'fermer'm, me- the liquai Iraffi, On thé dort deede af ehanles sud laborsns ai the United ébat losthioras business, on the babilà, S as d ua . sId u~ long ai iapld elty uWpre il dwelUi . B, e fot u w t a wntdld* s Md .1v ui h uilde, loi mib., The coussshows ébat thes&MounDi f Thesprohibition m"ment bu *du- capital luvested lun mauufsehnnln# indus. eated aà large portion ai the nation 012 gries vsamore tiaduublsd duriong thethe luourably viias. nature of liquai- $165,802,822 lu 1881 ta #860.184,466 ilaofilngd au lbi. uroug, hhnefonsudmi 1891. c uD heIst f uprln o autrie The mauafotnred caltons Importaet cauines and ie gr socbltrur res,n loto Canada ln 1872 uer. voIaed at 810,. puoln aysud atlber olalt h@r Prosu 207 561. aud la 1882 aI $ 11,125,288; ,îw .:le n te.staateiulstgtsipe in 1890 he value of irapo tcîloni vas yProhibition u lie ughl mauy af lie Tii qantm84a,018ohîo808.enedpetple Ibui responslblliil fer the.liquor bThe qant of as 1v eonag,,.ord ts.Se suad ilereaut, sud. b adtermiaed for botemnuituehc r pagt la teî odu tbilp asi for Il&covsrthrow 2.226,810 lbo.. ln1872 ta 19,342,059 Ibo.an sudoakeap Ibeir baude alésua rs hie lu 1882, sud lu 86,685.187 Ibo. lu 1890. blondodfaitI vitlle.. PSa ainuden Cartwright tariff, ten It bas loioed relact&sutgoverumnente ta panuds for à dollar. do momeîblng, or appemi ta do smrn Sagar ander Poilter tariû, *sveuteen thing, acalait tus moucher lbaI bai de- ponds foi s dollar. uîiuyed g c y so!eor écatara, and la The value of animal@. and lhiu pro. killlîog or Jun . ring asorany of ie Pro- docte ozpcrted tram OCanada basiires.'d teclors, aud l uilt veOcmpO1 thora ta frem 014,019,857 lu 1878 io 025,106,995 take it ivhi e hnoat snd ebokeIlsa 1ite lu 1890. eus. The. exports of Osuadiau produola baye Il aypcéthpribio ve risen tu valu" troua 062,431,025 lu 1878 m asvlaes db.éprablblland mhe to 85,257,586 ia 1890. meufths e dy dans Ibse udalier The nurber aI po-cofflees lu Canada bas rible memory ofllie sged. a frig'itial, lnsnesed trinm6,878 ln 1878 ta 7,918 I lubondcoardling, tuciedibiele ta hie T1890. rvnuhi aad asl appy youum Who bave neyer@seen à Tb@ otaroevenue20,02Cala1a78basla3. rink @hop, nor heord s druakanda ostb 223,615 lrua 189 0 02i 17 o 3 or tibald sang, or eu bis degnadallon, 223,615 lu 1890outI bis cruel blow. The amoant of mou e r uos lsstusd lu The prohibition movemeut le prepai Canada wuinl 1878 07,180,895, sud in îug lie vay aifIthe Lord, and m"kS 1890 ih vus $11 ,997,862. edragtadaot aefrIl$ri The value ut visai, flour sud otior pacaiusdimoil Je tis oigsHitti vas 818,786,525, sudl lu1890ansd alue187 y«remove tic great obstacle tiat drink a $18s,7Imort2v, anlu *28909thevainebas iaiso-d, and wJsutlrlsing bigier sud of toseimpote u 007 #,997M3. langer, la lh. procrese ai the Gaspel sud The sursber of saIlle #..poiled fo t'e evangollmation of lhe world. Canada iu 1878 viae 29,925, valued etci,- Prohibition u .proroted commerce, 152,884; wh'iethe sumber expa la lu lostry, edncaîlouo, codtaI order, sud 1890 was 86,454, valued aI $6.649,417. eveiy elemeul sud condition ai hmm Tie quantty ai choie. xported itou improvemeni vienever menshievsboid Canada lu 1878 vas 88,054,294 Iso., sud the vîidom. ho employiIl. 12 la iapplng lu 1890 il vas 94,260,187 lbo..sud miatug the very loundallau sud pli. The valu' af eboseeexpanted frm tara on ubîiohrose efoui, yooklug, Canada baisiion tram 8 8,997,521 lu 1878 îowerine temple ai drink and il&e voip ha 89,872,218 lu 1890. radi u ieta uligo The qasntity ai cool prodaeed lu Oas 1hêer, ad iderss ndliaI bildinai 1ad& bau ineneaed tram 1,08*,081 tous iluh erthamsu ed vs blig lleatot 1878 ta 2,750,000 tous je 1890. - levîls, lte glad hosannas ai beaven's The value ai lie yîid ai the fisheries bools, sud the gratefol ciesnofalunémra. af Canada bas inoieaied fhou 818,215,678 epâted vaild Th pribto v- la 1878 te 017,714,902 lu 1890. ment d. The i. rohIblditheon of The. nursber af ailes o ai alvsp lu Cas. sociali freti. Il viii pet ferra theisub. 1ada bas luereassd liram 6,148 nàIleainl 1878 bc 18,266 tmiles in 1890, and 14,Mo jeO'of aIons ai lie grandest, sublimest ln 1891. op,"etaba ever fired a paît'. Inspiration The namber of paeegra arried au. or engaged bils peu.- nuslly on Canadien rail ways bas luerea.. Loc»LOon à» PEouIBITIo.-& ed 1mai 6,448,924 lu 1878,la 12,821,262godnsyenletatndnousd lu 1890.u hat em lb.rselvsa lslk about total Tue quantity af freight caîried by arobiiîlon. Tbey uay lhey vauld go Catidituralways has incîeased frmrs éadbndfrlbteantoutn 7Md472 lain1878 ta 20,787,469 IonscesndbufoIbucaaioum- 7,n5889472tansc mptblng short oa iblai. Tiey dou'I The. amauni ai bonk notesInclue.sVite tie local option lau beesuse l cula lion lu Canada has tissu tram $19.851,: thora off and aslow th. fellova la lie 109 in 1878 ta $87,182,78lu 1891. nezt oouuty ta drink. And lbey don't The otaldépsitein' he hartredlike il bécane 111Jebard tla entorce. Thce o anadapohave l the obaitered Lot thèse men heuIn umid liaI liera b71,90,19ai Cnada78bave8151,946,d82ram ould be no lioes ne.lpeelori, board of 1019 u178 15,4.62l ommîssionirs, or ailier spécial offlcers tb ru e 1891. on o ie nuanei entera. prohibition. Wieu lie Dorais- Canada kas luorsaied frora $409,899,701tabuonlgormed lupasegnral a.iTake lu 1878 ta 0707,749,562 in 1890. thaefoein ééaiwy ot The. total arsenatifl nunance lu ste allug, fr nstance. The man vioa r fore l Caadabasinea"e (rm $4,.rabbed takes action agalasl lhe hhl.f. 751,987 lu 1878, ta $248,827,052 lu 1890. lion, lsd ubor ouldlakge illo aglua Tic amont aiprincipal sud Interest lielandbisw ertwoodle haeons crp o overdue sud ln*doisulh on raortgageu held .,Informer,," ubîie came from Irolsnd by the losn oarapaea lu Canos, vas l in r a iatsret epsd u 1880, $4 130,500, vile la 1890 Il wua vire lwof&no ndrte levokeliptad auly $2,055,000.wbrscno.mTnsdore lanlsed a t sl any Th ic uant overdueIluthie total mort- ian via Tisyle nailledga sller a gagesuield by &hic ban carupanhu inmanto tdrnkello u alampleer uo Canada lh tees tia 1 par oent. evons dhrai pro.oulausmeu vauldw Tic forigu I he i.United States défiv the lau, snd oey 'liniormen" vien vas 826.15 pur hesd ai population lu 1890; erpnluv glai.Fr icsbi. te put à &az ou is alinth lp pes- Sahoo lq ente sud osuertalamnte liaI, 11hlajuel possibs, hi canuol aford?8,8. Na. 10, lMÂuxloA.-The iolloulnt Becasis heloyées pou, " Flou ueve s heicreport of lis Damus ai the ucholare thick il noueces l. the slie itsl uin lu"eh 1qm aueliIbave obtélusd ihe of thank infer e ourésil.es uiaow bi«» nmiebr of maiki: - Paunl Foc? 'Oliu-Wilhle Wbilobse.&DeGeci, BeiuUUehe loves Feu, chall .as11ot jmý Ba*,. a thlok i eesylb I p rbeal add Gvor iiimao uuetWst fabiP . " cvmm 81. Ob, Fou foeliali , lwbMovle1hLIUI Wortharowilmg, If I is oas Mdst 54 tiater. imais eU. rt Scond «- iff 10 reculp Yom aslhUit vi. buis wMjsITimn ArébS ur yerl Ethel il Bduitft tousis kmby W&7. Do pi u porbe &md for Annam 16 Me4 Ki1qGbN, OUT. Yankees Must Have Canadian Barley. Forced ta Remove the Duly. Bur.r.JAN. 12.-Mail of tie aI tsi- noon pipera relit editoriay tc yester. day's mneeting aifthe Mireaa' Ex- change. Dersacratioansd Republican nevapapers alike coricidelthe deairability of reduaiug tie duty on Canada birley. The Enquirer <Deunocratla), relsrring ta Mr. Ottos remarks t the isdutîp va. an essceutlal tao oircing Canada miet annexation, maire this point: "A pracese ai aacroing Canada mbo aunexation by hsavily taxing ourselves for carmioditm c una.ve muat havi froin ber, uay be al very vellin haleotp but fsarfully expausive la lie wsy ai vorking ont. It b hau tie Inis the catlle Inade sud bas injur.d aur liv. stock internas." Tic News <Republican, sud su admirer af tie- MaKinley bil) aya : "It-le ta be regrst±ed tiat a theoretical belief lu tie prncsipie ai protection sud endorsemeut ai lb. McKinley billseaa whole should have induoed suy rasmier ai tie Mendianta' Ezohangeta a ppose lie reduction ai tha duty au berley. When a higli duty fÎ" ta advsulagi eilier lie Ameniosu praduair or tie Âmericaa con- sumer, il ra sot a proteolive daty The. reaolution in laver oaitil(a reductien ai tie duty ou barliy ta 10 oints s busiet) pacsed by the Exchange by sa over- whilring unajority nipreints generai Bffllo sentimnt. The Express sys ; "Tb@ duty an Cana- dian .n. ru 10 cent& a bushel. The. frimera of tie MKinly'lau sougit to, raine iltao 30 cente. Tie barder tovua, vithout regard la, party fine, pnotested against aup inorsace, but offered to, coin- poieat, 15 cents. Sanator, HàSao uas ndiffermnt or'hosliansd tii objec- lion. ai Bufalo, Ouueg6w etc., venli un- - liedei. Tii. Inoreasi wusgratuites.. it vas sot nesdsed for purpeses ai prote- tien. The fariraI ofNs.York cannot b. inducud tto rs bcrlsp tu, any orIent. It le su erpeusive crop. Western barley will o ua sivîtheis uss ai brevers, via are lhe principal consumeriai barlsy. Il uas not an iustance of a lareigu under. selliug a domealie preduot. Maltsters cieerfully pald a higier prias for Cana- dian barley tias lisp could buy lie New York prçduet for, becauée lisp b.lieved, liaI Canadien bmntey alane. woald maire the boit qualily ai boer. 'Te malling sud bneving internats ai Bufalo are very lange. This trade »wv daima aI-'lie erperieuce af th. peutYsear ise demas. itrated that tie prediotiaus of ticeslaver- isg lis inorsased dty on barley vers sîroneous, asela evident by tie lad liaIt lie valus f arleb.n.pielover nou lia il wu vien tie dulp vas only 10 conts per buahel.' À meeting vilt b. iuld ou 'Change aI noon ta-day toseir Congrees te restore tis ald rite ai duty. Cengrees siould heid lie requmt." 'Vote for FAIRBAIRN and HUGHES and Common sense POlicy. A Prompt Resat. Déen Si-Two Yomrs ega1IvuaMvevlit wu janun ad. sd- ted manmmdue uhici 4d m.e 0 oiitgl Lwus dvicmd to try BS8B., vbeualle'érwusng. hall a botlleI uas affeclaaily dam. charlotte Nortou, Etiphhuabont, Kan. -11-8. Victoria Carbolio Salve »a a vederiat uaël. lac osupout for cule, vonds, bruinéseburne, ucalda, boUs ils, 4plaplea, "c-25. T goo f d by tit D mos danhng <ii, tWW*y piss it bisbeeim Lin l wuo jiéresug @est"miby the paille, uald, la vo4 ts.W.o4noI bers cuuamteait Its eo qali aies btâitcbmenb. e od o se a cm ne fmo cti~u. saldi, censtirait Mud ail pelas. go"ei v iissln.178 h laa sIen for ail h. uicns '. Baliar W 000D AT OÂWOODU Our Stock bi uit been replenished with all limes of Groceries re- ObMm" uqufrd for Cbtbtnm trade. Fi ea qalities of RAISINS, N UTS3, w., ~CURRANTS, CONFECTIONERY SUGARS, PEELS, etc. _ ewoocvIRI' OUR IMIXED CWIKDIES -11 10C. PER? LB. atm Cr.4 Vd.~~~ S&A. S . iA.Tul. .u*eive- araroaofAMÇAIPDRTCAWWA'FR1R WT41TT'R COAT *Aqý I0 1 Germer Mo Âglriim PIRE &, LIFE ISURANCE, ea1 Estate Agent, )NEY TO LOAN mm w A fo # imwnùg O.uPORWs. FIRE 2ltura, of Watertown, Citi»esof -Canada, 1 r&L of the highest grade, also best brand of Canadian Coul Oit1. Our and Stock of Dry (*oods,.Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, Rubberis Overshoesi, Caps, Hardware, Crokery and (}tsswaare, is now very complete, WANTED-Alsike and Red Clover, Wbeat, Two.ro wed B rley, Ogts, Peas and Buckwheat, for which highest market prices wilI be paid. Fine Barrel Sait for sale at Elevator and Store.. H OGG( Dec, 16th,' BROSy C> AILW c-3 1891-1598. City Harness Shop, Lindsay. 1 ~i4u ,Ns.Ut, huMcm en r vo.M m eHabl X4a' z4 llar auen . .vn nrmmblo*Kr J.1m*ece Oàauua umn NbUUàu Nar. 1lu, mmuMiic the àmMsu hWdd 09 o mah Mouih eva, WeodVo' HabnsMb, mes- tt " . x ".»MetteI&A d t.d 81002fabut ouriS Thuxmdcy 0cfmchmontS lu AmqdslMoHa394 ave Elcokwm'a mmt... EI%"l, 8-«- simnY. lamas KolS, COLef nooCmer, NO, mS hoid on econd Non. é& sai U"saeSablaek. 5berW Umumi WCOnmm M I S ud4 tu dsk. i a" vrWWO miat.. . IL êé Rayâb Aawcrm. nu, fUmmsth 1e 8 oaccnud foi* tcfèhMaSliSlu aads i, o. A. y.DNossuseei. T.] N.& -Nmi 1 on e. ot sud Cambridge et&, enurder.P.M* ,94.15 p.m. Rmad. tug ramsopnudibuysmm.io û0P.M Young mmuaivays ve 1 0 . K. Osihoun, Sou-mn.l W0 T. U. Monte &M iNonday cf VUrymontS lu TEE UOSEOO ciLommotra m Mo uet lu 15 Oe 5>nWRaU myalterna.s aturdal at 1.80 010100S p.u.àA Nouilaucr ueay. T.. Bacvno» or Locaucen,. Enueiuucmmml l7 u n' RIsi, orcer of Kaut sud (lambridge miaeta, Luaa évery alieruato Saiurday vn- Ing etSa010=1 . A.Min«let, blt nglnmmr. Jes. (Osgg, lIret Asisiat Nuiluer. Enoa u asor Ijnisoâî» TEaWUnmm. ets Iu mrue BIlau, ecmRosé Kant.d WIlliam on m tso ecmond sud ifourth Sund&" aai2 aoloek 30. eJouai,,Master; W. AEor,. Seoreiary. Box 100. TEe audealguat have a 5mw oooes ARMIaud ome vemluai TOWN PAOMETIU for sala on G. IL NOPEINI, Darlater Lindsay .13100dd and removez *il IM- iprto rm P pet tBwrtSrfufu oe Hlavlug extended mi busneas, the lait meve belng to purchs. fro>n MR. JAMES LOI ...L hir .nt.. ato sd the good wvil o fbis business ho nov retire.. I am prepared to give ail my oU Cufftomers, aid as w& » novoS Ms. aver. meith âi;i patronauamstimb»ou Il Rorm vith wbich I waC b. entru»ted. My Stock of Harneas, (Jollars, Whips, Trunksa ind Valises Islarme., volt ed, gua d. sud obelhmapUsuajplainltoun. Rand made collai a epeclaly Emmember that &ail or7IovouSl fuatb y experlencet vrw mu.noue 015er Oifployed. This Is money vs 1 luvestsd. An i n aS uMulu=.tiuof m stock sud yOu,.7,il.b . ,,ncd Ibat A ie uthe largeot te choosae from,4 bam edvrkmsushp, sd mnies rZ ly eseapr Um MyPlace lu lovai. MY expenses beang towsg Ui rcoeIgv my estmm theb benesit. Gentleman, p laluVour ordes at once and don t mi» thi Sapportuuity. Eepslnin promptly dans. Dmn't f gettheb.place. Give me a ca]. JAMES LITTLE. NBW, FRESI, SPARKLJNGT GOODS AT S se Je. PETTY'pSt m-The Jeweler j FOR THE HOLIDAYS We were neyer better equipped. Our stock is larger andi better atisorted than ever. Prices are away down, qumality away up. We expeot to see our old friends and matuy n ew ones during the next two weeks. YOU WILL SEE NO ETTER STOCK or receive more attention, han from S. J, PETT.Ys - The Jeweler, Next door to the Daley House. -Kent street. ?Docembnr l7th. 1891. ______________________ PIÂNO S & O RGANS The finest r3LouA o Organs and Pianos ever exhibited in the Town ,of Lindsay will be sold at wholesale prices, for one month to reduce stock. je WZTNrED-& F OSes*-Up mliii next door te Neil's Boal sud Shoe Store.-68-ly. aormeiaUiofEgsnLUMBER, COAL - AND WOOD. Quem, of Englma, City Mutual, of London.* i U IH-' Wbolesaie sud Bétail dealer inu sU kinde af AC IDFmf Lumber, Wood, Ceal. Lime, Lath, Shinglest Tile, and FIr,;îi in't GitInu, cf (anada. Lumben of es eoripton, dry, dressedsu ral in s.Maple. .ireli and Azii loor. in.BIull slnD i ai6 du.Timben m joites etall lengtha. Shingle8 of llgradoq. LOALiMe af lbe best qualityinustockadeiiversd h6 any part ai the town et short notice. 1>iýy LOANWOOD afllhe busc quality la any part of 1he tous, in large or smail quan ties, pro-il, y. Cm&"d Permanent I.au aud Sa.- Telephone canseatian. JOSEPI MAUNDEI.. i0nW and ., d-oronto.mAvenue, souti ai Sylvester Bro.' Works. MACHIN ERY ~ ~~~ Watmuoa Engiz>.. Worke (Co,, Brantiord. ,I arn prepared to sur, 'y put ch-s- .rs ...tnk rie&U ey -- st-4 V -4a- ers iththev-r b Jt X ---saw in the market, ol Leaf band, and others; narrow ar. -i.le --a- s, extra thin back, no et required. 1 aiso hive -à go-d c.,"ctlçon .f the best brands in Axes, n,, snc' A cali solicited be fort-1)L'(' " S elsewhere H. Bhird &,Bons' Brick Kaohlnery 4Ordms 1« c Pianm - OrTa=sa and IS«Wing MaObiLtes* s ~eulb"~" ~ -I t~uesi pen ecat. t iMu~ B. A. ANUERE-ON. %it" Ria d. D"e 16. 189 L -1874.tf PIWWI8B in thIe WÂR.DEtý ,gommmmm 1 JAMES LITTLE, m PROPRIETOBý dm & e m Re Ald 0 IN

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