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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jan 1892, p. 4

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1891 Upc. .ntorlng another jeur 4.4 eu kaic con tii-utd pruspedtp vs tluii oppituity of. *awklmg outmers on. aand ail fur thor iii pàbtrnag* thoy bale givesi us du the put. The continued growth etf oui bus" vith your help, hu sn4bled ut aggregate a smatactouy volo Thia inorease ha rduoed thé. poeceai of working expemsead lnore our ability *0 Iurnlsh jeu wîtl li'âblo «oud at loy o> "colse" pi Bach subatanti.àI favori aretri avidei uf Your utitiadie, u~md show appreciation ut oui effore tu »J you welI. In the future, àà in the. tinte voue1 vo shall endeavor to meit the ti yuu repuse ini usnoid t» p.rovo oui buLqi neme etcurets in goeral chi boa nut beau niiplacud.' W. &hall try as heretofore to make -oe oust<.rner afrae,îd, iot by aiIl won but by liheral ni juqi desling;1 that way lieu prosperiti mmd muti satisfaction. Oar aim in to ka. p up vit-h th. timq Every n.cdd Improvement ina applitrcen and tm-1.Isuned Inc trade là and wifi bu prumuptly mdoi ad by un. Favorable chsaMes la market will e t&ki'i id ct.g aud unfavorableochangea maticpate no tar as possible, sud pro'vîded I Ou experience cff 5f toon ears, lu dire touch with the. people of the Midi distriot, Our standing asi pic wouk mon, oui larg'atid handome furni4hed store, oontmînlug a spit *did mmd variod stock ot go)nds eveuy liue vs ha"@i; Our peulsot equipred vonkshup, ail'combinei réoommmcnd or bnuse *0 youi co iuued favorable notice. . W. inviteaor many tiiendm vhnae gens ou& 4upport bas .nibled us te attal oui proent psition in the trads Judge oui coures la the pst, ai earnest of ouri ntentions la ti futurs. Britton -Bros Foot of Kent Street, Llndnay, Jan. SOQb, 1891. FUIDÂY, JÂNUÂBY 29. 1U92. à uWOo f h-arm ud a union cf banda à union 00--cm, evr; à union If inm«i.aud saia cnof Lande And Lbum fing eR}lsRniron.fos." ek tép mid an erve byl rat Sby bt it rds, for tua1 rieL the. our Pb- the cof, Md' for. sot nd lnu tin to or. du te au M. 01 N0W F41RB4 IBN P% Tii PR M ' Fairbaira believes lu protsoting Ontarlo tarmers thua:- Pair baira taxes YankeecoinM Md tBug keopa up Lie prie of Canadiau cati. Fairbairu taxes Yankee ocansd thug keepa up tho prilacf Canadims cttie. Faèirbaïrn taxes Yankee posk Mmd tins gives Onadian taumers higiier pruces tor thei> hogu. Formerly undcu retena u une iiogs voe 01.75 *0 02.50 peu cwit. la the couutry markets. Fairbain taxse Yankee vieat mai Sour and tBus bseofta Omuadian farmer and mWilcis Fairbawna grovs tvo-ioved banl.y avciaging *30 peu acore, ftoitBe Brilai market, lnatoad cof mx-rovced averageu 818 Perurncr for thc Yankee market, FalibairaWbmclianadim e.gg mmdpoul. try in Brlitihminesmmd ruilmi.*B blqhst prilota c'en reclv.dby Oumas. talnbairu ssii. hlg peau laBrilai mrkets at big priocs& Palîbalnu ml. iemvy boratei a"dromd. star, tiie oly profitable khmd t. imian te Britainia markets. Tis like etiier tres ha a nsd guowlug eue. "Puglahomes ans Do longer aleble el"ba l OmMia or 1 the Uated Btatoea. ec.tricar amd west ena horsu aroiics have loversi B« Priss ot ho" einluth. Biaise airbultayors "fuirtr" vil i countrios, but vii grmt ne o ef»ie 'Unted 8164Wes VII vI not bs.xtw,&j te Gmét Bntawn lalîhalm protacta tic only ladepsnt tvine combiamêlon enhe - allugBultlah Mdudml fies eviibreak Up e Nov ersla neoau"i oenit. Th" à4<*&utPi. ___« bo u la vog 4et1ài C'if la màMu ther vuuld imot bu e o.d «i n bouud*0 gelridof0b1 lUo»r b7 rik- ing theltCAishae cf il. Tii..ame un- disu ted (ma&ts. if piooa bu aaked thqe w e rthcomig. 48ILZ FoU 5CPPOR2' OUI JUIZ- Thisveek vs recelvsd a pub card troun the. norue >art of Bouerville aaking us ia blusit termea "WIU you support our railway from Ouilla oOttawa 1 It will run tbrough Dalton, Dlgby, Lazton sud Soinervilleneai my place, and on, by way of Kiamount te Ot>mka. Il Ten ii ll vote for Ion though I ama reformer. " WeHlluInreply *0ouiarbluttfriend vs have %,lmply tri may v do not belleve la eleotion promisse. The. people of Northi Victoria bave learn.d by expeulence trou Mr. Birrun thât elsotion "promises are 11k. ple.orust, made to0 be broken. " The only railway projeots *0 vhioh vs are yet oomtted personally in North Victoria are : Oas trou Kiaumount or Golsit via Minden *0o olebrldge mnd Huntsville; Âuother, the. extension onwmrd troun Boboamon througii Galway of the. .P.R buanob; and ÂAother and an important one lm the main O.P.R. lino trou> Sudbury t*0 Tor- onto pssaing throalgh or nem Dalton, Cardon, Bxiley, Eldon and Fenelon to Lindsay and onvardl to Buniieton and Toronto. That road vould roh Cam. buay, Glenaru>, Kîrkfield, or Victoria RoWadnmd vould b. the.boit possible through O.P.R. route *0 oSudbury trou> Toronto. Thât la alremdy adraittsd by the Most coupetent engineems.l'ho schsme vas Brut propoaed by us and vil recelve oui support. To thnus roade ve are commnltted and w. vill back theus up with &Il our power. The road trou> Orilla pasing through Daltwon, Digby, Lmxton and Scm.rvill and thence onward via the Irondale Ban- >rot and Ottawa route should bema valu- able ruait. We do *not know vho in en- gineering lb, or upder viioe auspices it je boint advmmoed, but we can seo by a glanasat the. uap that it would open up a country in Nort h Victoria rioh in valu- able tminerais, a good graàzin onuntry, anld ou* ini whioh there yet romaine muoh ituber. While vo make no prom>ise of support *0ta t. road, yet without heaita- tion we Mâate the. enterprime wili have oui bemrty and carneat assistance if on furtheri imqulry vs are sustained in out presset fvorable views cfoncerning the benefits and advantasre of the uoad. We bleve Ln rail wyo. Tii.y are the making of any iountry; and no place needa thetu more,1 Dr la botter entitled bc thein than, Northi Victoria. row' WAI/'gRq AND BARROP ARE TSI PARU Nd' Eluggim. 1 Walters and Barron vould admit Yankee oin free, tins ruininq the. est luduatry et Canada. Walters sud Bauion vould admit Yan- ke. cattle tics thua ruining Canads's prciperona catIs Inade, and subjectlug Canadien cattis *0 Liie British Dicuro- pueumonia regulationa, nov vouti *10 *0 018 per iisad of an advantmg. te Canadien esttle. Walters and flarron vould admit Yan. k.. pork tre@, Ltaus rutning the. prospen- ou Canadien pork lndustry. Omnidiana cannot compote lainiog islsing viti Lthe Prairie corn.field. tarmers of Lic Unitsd Walters and. Barron vold lot lu Yan- kee ciiapviicsan d fiour btSIilnjurlug Oimdlmu fermer% manduilci Wa!t.rs mand Bmin ould oblige Cens- dieu. fanuem eIogrov ulz*roed bunley for tis Unleul Wsiatm arket mmd lues the prof"ble eltlshmarket tor tvo-novad .watt.rs & m m wBro ould dem inuewg sud poultry, peu» amd ipries, ase iy vould la barley. .Watem Md Baniton vould pla.. lh. In dmet Cumndian ldei.tvanq la-. tory vblèh nov supplies the. Patrons cd Husbaadry viLigood oiieap tivlne, aI Lthé mercydt Liegiganti. Yankee t*luse au- Mlu"tin. Tijv oum ladmît Yau"e twlns fue, but vould tux BWl*hbui,. WaltermuMd Barom A ssste * **Bq would"W ulit àls cedent to do se. In the. by-olection of 1890 the road vu spoken-ot and due peuple eaw iLs advan. Lagea. Tiiiough iiaviug only oes nmilva ocunection thia county hai suffeued and atili muffers. The Edison vorks emploi. ing 800 mon vould not ome here because thiere vas ne railvar competition. Thé. Orcucu Car Works, and severai otiier large concerns *uploying hundreds ef mien vculd net locat. hoe bomua tiers wus ouly eue râail.y Tii. election in Decembor 1890 was =pedif olloved by that et 1891, and tdm 11&d vsagain tally spokea of, and advo- cated. Why the. extra vrut vas net given lait sesiiclemi. The old Chisftmn dl.d aud Bhus Lthéplanaset1tii. Goverauent were dismrugsd. Ths dttis, voieré- noved on rav sugara net trou> the United status mioeaithe. anestionlatn wise. but trou Great Britailand. mll the vorld. This noecaarly reduc.d, Lisrevenue comevbat; sud fthLi elm the. Ouvern. mout visoly ddeceBesession iiaslng lsted on lato Lie fmi!, Dot *0 gant auj bonuses *0ralvmym Bat yeu. iIowve., Bt road *0 Lindsay sud on te Uiobcaygsoi md Galway ha Lis fitb promise. Mr. Falbairu did hi& duti fealuesy md velI Tii. Guvernuent vil! bonus à@ oad tBis session, vie., nnlosé Bonth !làtorm otherviasedireottii ch- ounty wi hav. competition; Le@taorite ii )bn mdvautége in ratsamd ail&Ui*. sosimiu, *PMI& 0ta m""uluM Md Ia OfetLhe annexat lonlste i .M. Baron la fitsed M" ibstàe for an avertialng suent for àabnegr aiox im or a- meuber ot Parll au.nà1 i lu adent ueddllng about *0 sragiv, IN4 a mion looksd o", viti *b ,Mt.o Orlion c t4B, rouueimtms agtlse him" f. lahIaIe buge or ls mtt.e, mà" bel venmt *14 th B naal sy ve u s ýe dmi bmdiL Aad l vu aebIes,j cd ae veosnMt Bsyj,*- Duse, tir. mcde4d~theam lbtheoot.o o t Mi.Glaus J 's net la tii uomfld.ms. i og nte.lvu*-lw fgfld i I i 'J s i 'J I s a a I o mE j' Pt b, Pt Lc et DE 'i 'o bi I. M if vu nE Poot*d *mpla tmmsm Md'mre Wiiâe tii. ged WsOur.wM«m, ie.,1 Dr. xiw >oau . 5~den, bolug'a fa;usrl *0 bu èglguwu vaop. potina640"oi ovuOhauy," Me .temPes.ý ans e mket vés vork.dform au v Waltsts va&s opposim ug aIbèru laut Maroh, it requfred the w" leuoi»er of thi eforutesapeimn on" Whdevio vere in th. grit ring in marpou te ohêe o0; ai tii.y tienmlves smd,» Liat g-4- Ll ol $Pence tcbouing uot the temperancequeston." 01 cour» Mr. Opnce dîdaot kneviho i boiug "oiioked or' on thei. "per. anas racket" am the grite put la; bai tiiey kmev that Fafrbairn vwu jusL ai iound a teuperance mmai vuiWalbem d bosce ,t weuld bu déanger o t ue Mr. Bpsno Tii. laciasut uerell exposs pihypo.. criay. Tii.y aur nting temperance mcan visa theé have a tomperane candidats baoked op by a&l the.Ontario govruat Ic06os. *0ho"eainfluenc, la the. province; but vhen "one o et i.bcy",la uumlg thon "Mr. f Spea c "ioked oV" Amn eattirallvy *0 L"udian d Bob. mgnaMmd onvard tiirouci Galvy trou Burkeouosa vord. Tb" romd vas ohartered soustvo yemri'&go, Mmd la 1890 vas belmgS ogelcfftle dW cf. However everyoas khov. that jeanLis" vua ingeay a in . money markesiamd lew roada vere onotruct.d.Anoti drmvbmck vwu the.connection of a ssmer, John A.. Barron, villi thi e fair. Hehad iaâd aothlng *0 do viti the crww amd. vocmcyf et ii oad, that havinfor voau bo.n canrid on lq Tn Wàzmug. Re uanmqýed tiirough iei is hnîing-mo o- neotion" vlith oe o et te lAdnguMm Oft the. road tc, viggls into the. coupay, but the, Qovsrnment oould net bue «psotsd * favon a sohemne vith vhioh ho vra cou. nected; et hit net te deparit rou pr. Mtbu nuond . -Wt m1 Su rs, Spices, Xi. Barronor hie isprentatlv.ve if be grented fab iisring. Meetings viiibeoin at 7.30 p.m. Tii. laiMUe ae ordlmly mvitsd.1 A. I. 8TABÂCEK, 80«««taY. J. W. WOOD, MD. God Sav. the. Qusen. L(nd an h. 20, 1892-18-2. TER PArRON8 N s E85NDRi. 1 It la omuas for oiirmtulation that the, tafnais of Caada, 1k. the»o f Oroa Britain Md the. United 8tates, have de-. oid.d to ergénias cm proper li" to guard their owa mWooets. Theii.gpatto co. bines and monopolie whigh ha"e for y.mrs ground deva tthe United status Md Bd" &hfam.m have in lomeinstances, noWàr inlamitad bander tvlme, wuuht o fiton bieudveson onadia oeil. As smm m .the Dominion Gevrnmea Ieared thal theii.at combinle hmd en- gulIe d ail the. Canadian indu"" rie fthat clamaand vau ohmglmg gh prime, tii.y promptly broke lé up b7 s4s>ttiw mit trou m t Br"ta-Msd il? c«à«rlands ftie. The. national, Polup la Dot and vas neveri ntended *0 toiLer a monopoly. It, àa aNAMoNàjL Po"e , o oaul ama.. in thenation. Tii. Patiosu f K.kemwdrappwoime Thq aie edorme th* 1 dac i pugrding blndm twlne. w à fl thili the Omm b vl. mçm.ebut oas job", the twineeubM Ialait yeow, lu* Bhatone fstq~toh$u mp ple tii Pm «.bAda, '. lams fbekihs a "Ou -AnM Groceries &Provisions 67 Kent St., 2 and 4 William St., Lindsay. Sohoo, 7.8 P6*,mi:, I7 p.u .; vsy, 7 730;.ood BÂTU ~rD ,ob. diOury .0 .Kinkâded7.30; Victoria Re,7.30 N. Clark .9% le, sI, P. viii ad- drem thi. eet" , " lmlgon Wed- cv:HatuY,(loboonk, Corios.med 10b"lcouiRoédOMuidOmmbray. Edvud Cochrane, EIN.,IL P., EBut vill addrm ais.: Kiamount, ld Geoth, Wocdvl., Auj!."004 Smau Hug heticandidats, vii a dressthus, beginu mN nalit 0. m.: Bslam-pboma, oblusns m aenàlu ç«sbi. Géest, Pem"lnlu Other able speakers vifi addr eti special meetings at Fénelon lalislMon- diy; Burut River, Tuemdsy; Box!.y, Wedn"ymd D&IyuniiTiulsd&y;BS-. MeL&e.WilsonMorton, Toronto; G. Nacdon-ld, N.P., Aýgou; J. A .- OivrM. 9Q0., Toronth; budes other leading speakers vil addrmuthe meet- Ii.probable mmscu imis ofnhet i Creva viii &W se bablestu, vinit teLii lg bétore tb. lît iml&t We have juet reoeived. a choie stock comprmsig Raisins, Currants, Candied Eto. W. keep the largest stock of Groceries in Lindsay and therefore can satisfy youx wants to perfection. A WORD ABOUT OUR TEAS. We have always made Tea our leading article at leading prices, and we need riot say more now than that our stock was neyer botter assorted than at present, comprising ail our popular brands, so well and favorably known tbroughout the whole county A BONANZA IN CHINA, CROC.KERY AND aLÂSSWÂRE. This department is replet. with a varied and extensive assortinent of Fancy and Staple Gnoris. Our Fancy China and Glassware are ail nov and beautiful designs, and at sncb low prices as were never of. MWre in Lindsay before A TLK RUNBEHNDTHE COUNTBR- The tim~e bas orne foragra matter-of-faot *4k on a matterof-faot tsubjoct The idesa pecrmest ini yo miinds in t o t =- good and serviceable at ?he .y loiest price No trouble abuut deciding t ton aut good goode ohe.pbut aagret de of<tre bI deidig wzi &MviH do the best by its !-utMMr in this directon. WB WILL. THEAT'S TO THE POINT, IS IT NOT Pý Âad wIWy not aay it whS. vobave the, Goodi b asake the pre. Imt viiiback Ibis utaternt every time. Nov, ln DRSS <*001>8 w upteholdç bglaarivaXL smai, in ---- ing domeechanges take pla aiIis soum of the year. w. have deoqd.d l facilitai .ev exits by offmring ou? large stock of balk116 OonmeOlotas md Facy DruesGoodhstai sucblow prium. as o mutthe purnof ail, The big Chne and th. but éaaoe te buy your Pur0Jatsi. Caps, (JOllars, Robes, M ifcapes. Our 8100k oas*"ta t.ofter *0e vmY b tfacihist rsetv ucaes HIID#MÂDI LOTHNGo stoci" vb.fudt>eli auade uileaialimes. W. carry a large> a vui~ 6.kwbîh io ies a ehocme for selection of every conceiv- ~io.w.4uk a&im q.WM of Our, cuent lin. of thoe. "od& 1 9. bulshe..at, clos. margina raie. Business * .~ ,** g 3 8AJJ~ NOWGOING ON. 'A la Y iiweek K~~us.8 MIL for Go. Dollar; Choie Japang, 30 te 330.; <JongouB, 15 to 3~ Assams, 8.;Brown Japans from 150-; Oolôiigs froua 160.; Special lino in Japans at 210.; C0hqite <Jongoti, 330. AUl paties indebted te me by Note or otberwise wil please call and stAtle at once Thiis'Sale is bonafid, and wilt continue tili the whole of 'the Stock id di,8posed of. JOHN DOBSONO 1 1Rt-0 C i the 4>týicturlit 4-tijqrtjo o.& IPM:E3 Bi ILLa 1 Oum -TAnd-my, Jan 20, 1892. Peels, 1 1 «U»«mSineSs

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