TrIC VIr(iT& àWASBEE, LflqJBAY, flIDAYs JÂNUÂRY 2911I892 Facte and Mules+ Arn ve(ry tstubborn things and it is just as hard to alter a. fant by denying it, as it is te keep frein curing a cough or cold if yeu ume WHITE PINE BALSAM, the great coutph and celd remedy. Nip a celd in -the bud and point right for »îgStore when you fee the Grippe or want a tooth bi umh or a bettle of corn cure, as we are doing business right. along in the old stand no tnatter whe is inayor or reeve of this 'bloonin' " town. Lirdîiay, Jan, 2, 1892. il5 H, n of the Mill Saw, Ji H. ANhOUTH SIDE KENT STREET. Iltoktw, Fie ail it lisiru I gent AX Es, AXEÈ H AN D LES NOTICE. Cro8s Cut Saws, B3uck Saws, A.. 1 lmnenn iet,~kin u a regutlar basinens Pbîtformu Scales, Lanterns, of E. ESTA'rE, NIONEY LOANING Skates and Strap sudl INSUiçANiUE, 1i nvite îveryvuuay whnn iiinn.Ilh vo n hieg in alusuy cf the above' lnîno lui caii and ccc me. ý, ving Proportîca for Sale $ai, tmmv. ittu ani vertsed without Ooet, %B 1 %naken no charge ezoopi whona batl IRe(lonttd. 9ýW"PLrtioi eiviug Proprrty te Rent yuil hiavetitîuir waiite atteuded te sud no ehar e itinlo n,ttTenant il; provicied. ý;o' anîthîg to Bauy or Beut are soruiîmiiy iîîvitid no cali et my effice aud look evi'r Wv lista. 9ý"Wîntrking men, Mechaulo. anil othermie euihenl 'vith Eouaca or Lots on Mec Intiîîetàt Plan. MON EV TO LOAN on IMorages il lowet cur- lit lilemn. MON EV'ro LOAN onn Aporoyed Endorsed Notes aovit r.sateti. MORTUAOKS S OUMIT AND 5OLD. REAL EST ýTE hoiught and msou on conmusaon. PRPitt'CiTllS Rent-dandiut Tenants procured on PROPERTY FOR SALE, vacamnt loins fnoriu,,i,îens blocka on Kent Stroot, 90 lent ir,ie b 't %10 teet deep; wili ho .oîd lu lots ta 4Mit At A r, a-nie piO, man on easy termaetfpsy- ent. Vuitt iii 1dtic icrnter of and Russel 93tr. 4111. lii ntho' it'inoforti.111yeare wlth builîti Guns-and Arnmunition, Wintpr Mitts, Cow Chains, Halter Chains, Bopo Halters, Scoop Shovels, Carpet Sweepers. English and American Cutlery at right 1prices. lYloLennan & Cob Agenta for the oelebrated SCRANTON COAL N>livered st bowest pulcea. Llndmay, Nov. 25, 189.-14-ly. A poor man's dog la nut always loin. KILLAJIy & KENNiEDy are aehlng Cormon'a lime, the beat in the markt, st 12 conta per humhel, ln jouN hoR&, generai agent fortheo Singer Sewing Machine Co., in ready ta employ agent@ luaail unrPpresentod districts. Office, Adanm'@ block, Kent St., The rlght îplace for a revivil ta begîn in eny church Ja among tho backalldden me.- bers. lng irnnnî,gw%,.- FuuIn-.AlI repuiinug uoatly sud quickly Vacloini iis r 1ri'aIo iwllInint North, South doue; amfatfus sud Imitations made np lu the sviil~iWri îunmy advancedl tur building latent styles, MMssWîNCReVI, 17 Albert pur '.r treot, 4 dcora morth ai Uuion ~ai ",,. arge two #torry tbrick dwolbta la Inthe ROYAL HO-rEL RE13IAURANT, corner of Kent ~~~4~ *>i'Ni Ward, w th ii m'odern ffproi-- and LiandsaV atreets, oponedlunfull iseat for an... f w.oii îuiiîted with fruit hUa thoemeson. A niej bill of f(are provid-id. au." uit nruidnnry.OViters cooked lu everV style as deaered. . 0 n?2~.~torY brckdwing on Fowii of ai kîgjde inmeaonn T.îMcCo.'NKtL, nu "minniinicn Ono acriof tend, X ANnîsThmein fovan lmi g- i vtl ingttabie gardon.Y.MCANis-hmetn o uu <mon ntxt Sîîmîisy atternoon. viilbhoauldreineod mtlr iro (1eiin th&m by M. Thome. Sýwart on thne euh led aif"the i rnîuîr , g.î i r&ruin. oie thhDnuenu.dfl." The orchestrat viii leani thé td.iing. TIii Bible cîsees v ill meet as - :,r te- 1)brick cottsgo, ice awn uoal thia week. Ail yauug men are hearlily s 1,500 "1 stIry whitç brick Gothic rooled ~ SO ? '..ry re' bric-k ndwellinnr, cnven. 4% i,750,uit w.. Cllv1Kate Inîtituts, good lo- $1 .200 Oneaind i haff ,tory Gothie rooted o90 (n, mid a haultery brick veneered :F8 D (() ! to.y whltn> brick cottageO. $u 1,550 h1f tory brick Onthla $300 N nl' Iwt.ling, onteloihth icie lot lni $500 Faî.dwellng ln FiantWani. J. H. SOOTHERANY OIiF.lîC P.lty Ticket Office, 91 Kent-at., I *~ 7 , ln< FTtIVAY, JANUARY 29, 1892. LOCAL JOTTINOS. "POItA ND s»uoumaAi.. Expect ~etthinga of (lad. A IgARRIÀt oI oaBafor 12%00 et porter' book gtoe. -2-tf. MîeuuuÂoue Lcs~.J Britton (of the iriu uofBrittou Bruns. eoliureLiudaey) bsues a mairrlage 1ifnio oi 82. 00. Eut end of Kont DiN'r FORCIT. - For fine repaire on wâtu h-ej, clot-ksansd jîwelry, W. F. mocCrty tak"r 1h- celdo-s&Haihelmown vork, sonde noue te T)nnatq. No postage for yon ta psy. 1rLi'e-s ulonhrêeuî.-18 2. 1 %u&' -Tho Rev. C. T.- Cocking imîl ýtit-rrnl frnn e after aevori veiaa in tiim-ininry w,k thoe, vît! proich in O.,rm. binnh-n et ,m-¶h uthrch, on Suîndmy, F..b. 7t lh, mud nI rm ire- oMudsy ovuning ftillowiti,g, Mr. t" king wiIt have a mont lntereming A e uAv è m Kini-l r. il. M.&sud mi, hlê.kn, n <on n y l4vd thebo ympaîhev n f tint' c lunnîn it 11ît n iii l'àaih oitheir vonmiot duiilttullr, li n',, br eht lihîligi.1 ofrfoutr. ttien y .,, iean i nilouuns, Item gripnpe Tînt lutiirul 0ou. Iii. ýy t. E le-u CeOierv. XMari- h1 , L "N %i.n aî, me lerijrbgi. Inln t-r gning out fr o i nIi lsv. Tînt WÀÎnÎ,n<m e-K Lt) ei I ~i 11l lly le -%Jr, anti Mr. Btirkie- LU tietir oni. miniîg,y rîitit mît Pvit oyq AN,)I Gnn.- The nîih' Soql Co., Tureito. effet the 1l',witiz prixn.oîvery reonth tliifurther no- tic@, ta boy sumd girlsa nadir 16, rebeltig hn the ProvInce u4 Ontaio, ,Who §end tbe gros;. test numheir of "'Snniht' vrappers; liot, $10; 2od., 8;3Mu, 83: 4th, 81; th ta I4th, a Baudot-me Bock; and a pretty pîcluro bc thmes who udmotlelaishan 1Ilwrappers.Seutd wrappers to 'Sueaîl«ht" soap offie, 48 Scot lit., To0ronte, DotlaIter than 2$th cf eoeh meth. and menked oînpeîlîlcu; aise Rive ful Dame., addeas, go, andiDuzubur of wrappemu Wlnuers' Dame@. yul bu pîuhilahe.jin Tnoute MaIl on lOralesatordev lu alemontb.-D1y. ilhildron Cry for invited. BÙCCFSS TC A LINDSAY MAN.-At th. in.u..i counvenion of thtm agente of the Singer Itaeuuftictory Cumpau3's ageneta beld ln Peter. boro hast w-e.k, w., are giad ta notice thet bMr. J.-hn Hure of this lown, won the gold watch .fi .red by the Company fur the Moat mucceec*. full Col-ctor in the Ki, iRaton division of Phhch Lindaay distriot forma a part. CIIRJITiAs ENDBAVOR NOTUS-The finit muetîiug of the local 01.10k ot the an.cie<y of Christian Eudoayor for the yeer 1892 wua hoid in the preohvtoerisn ohurch lut Monday eve-ning, Jan. 15th. Rev. Mr. Hill, pamîor af tht, Quooeetrict mothodist church, addreaaed the weéting, and ho wus itened ta, with gret. pieniure. The eleation of offic"e r the outrent six monthe thon took place. The officera are se followa:-Preaidont, Mr. J. L. Ceaipheli, Mr. H. Peikin, Mr. Cabaun; &tcrtary. Hautie Mîmma; Treesarer, Mr. N. H. Coomnha. Proparetion for tho convention to he héld Fil>. ISth and 19h., are binit made, and it la hoped it will b.e agroat enru<ea. SAY 1 DO YOU EVER WASH The grandes.t Iabor-saving and cleansing boap to wash with is "Sunlight" Soap. Try it next vashdlay., Yon will be immensely pleased. No1 steam, no hard rubbing, no sore bande. ijý- 1 The heurt that ha not thankfin anet Guo of Unoît. NOTICE -AiU permono having left pîcturos with W. A. 0 bodwin fur training during thei pat yemr or two, and who have nI reccved the saie. will pleame cati and gel thomn hefore the end af the otherwise lhey wihob soid to the higheat biddcèr without reserve or prîjudice. W. A. GOODWIN, decier la roomu pajer pîctures, framea, sud artiste goode. -il tf. W nocurFÀILT icmIr ?-A big cutl n the prie" ot st W. P. McCarty'a, oppboste D.ety Hous, Lindsay, you wiil save. tram tbree lu flua dollars- bv going thére. Him atock of watchec, ci'ocks, jewelry. alverware, Ptc., is juSt au roiable as any other bousin the country. Bargaina for thia month. Whos.. fait if vn mi s ett? Came a running. Sus his gnods -18 2. RETIRING FROM Busisitss -Hasving old ont the baot and @bue binesta Messrs. Johnaton & Sigion, ail moineia due the firni wbether hy note or bock accaunt. la. required in b. psed forthwllh. In my absence Mear. Jnhiton & Sinson will reculve money and give recoîpta. For a ahort lime 1 yl bo thore ou Wedneadoa maned Saturdaya. This la the lait no'ire. Bryana & Ca. R. Bijana. manager. - 6-tf. Da Bible preaching and you will have Bibi. rpoanta. Doo TAix --Suî,-The impression soeea ta have gaI ehrosd tibat the prement couni, or the council cf hast jeir, or @moeof th@ lova tlciiia-àae in @one way rusponsîbie for the doit tax of 1891 uow boing coiiected. The Mayor requesta me ta alite thal ne an. of theme e in la ay way responeibie, as il is coin- pulmary to collpect thin fax, See Sub Séoc. 1. Sec. 1 Chap. 62. R S e. 1890. F. KNOWL- soN; TjnuiChrk.- 19 1. WX. MCMIILLIN, the emîgrition commis. soier for Mantoba Governinent la hn town, and wilI hi fiund ai ths Bensn RHanse, from time to lime, durtng Jenuc'ry and Februery. Mir. McMillan hbu been ton years la Manitoba aud wiii bo Miad to meet or correspond with al Who purpose inovhag thorae IbIs jrhig. As ho is a practical man, aud Will go ont vith one of the f.priug excuraion'a, Ibis la an excellent ntnpnrtamity to gel assistanco and advice.- 16-tf. MR. GEOitGR NEWTON for ei«ht yoars and npwards on TUEz WAIU>R staff bas docided ta etablme eanàswpaper and job office in the town o? Camph.llford Ont. W o regret loaiug Mr. Newton (rom onr emplaymenl, am ho bas in é.-erv rempe-ct beuau excertionaily Rond hujueont an d a citizen. Durinq ail that lime ho ha. heen hn charge ot the jab eepart- mont sud asîhtànt on the*npwâpaper staff. Ho leaves bearicg tneoboit ulohea of ail for a wuccots4rul career. lie isim vlientitiod la il. -'SoMETInuNo Worth buyiug at Linasy at lagt." A genril r~iletring out rf ail heatvy goode. Sep the stock of shirts, draweri, top shirts, avy and colared flane! shirts, etc.,i et hall remuier pries. The choîceofa a thonu tand ties for 15n,, veiliworth and coeap at1 35 and 40c., but thov muet go. A @teck ai the choape-ut overeiis# evor brought ta tovn, lu the 50 65 sud 75e. lino, regular pries Soc., 81 00 aud S1 2ef Wi--th every $1(10 1.1 n i handmome île Ibrov n il StMCCRIMMON'S. -17 If. IT 1s WITH MUC I LEABURE vi announce a mSn.tlt5 of from 1-clurco 1ny ont ad and esteemoni friend, Pcv Charles E. Ferry. the i-minent methodist divine, ta ho delivered lun lhi. onuliy au folown:-Fenelon Fallu, Mouday l; Bnn River, Tuomday. 2ad; Bexlev Sch-al <Pe'a), W.ednasday 3rd; Dalrymple, Thuraday 4h; Seabrîght, Frlday stb; Vic tnria Rami 0'Oh Thora viii ho no charRgca fer admission, aud no collection. Ait, ladies and gpntlome.n, ynunin r naid &Te corAit.llv invjtc-d ta attend. Lmnoture@ begite et 7.30 o'ciock. As Ro;. Mr. Ferry hea reenlîvr eturned froué sl trip of Ihirtoon thouaand milsa by land sud vaer, la Netwfundlaud sud the Maritime Provinces. beelde a hilg repeetedly vlaîled lb, Nrî<' Weet snd Rrltibh Cilunîhia, se Weil as the tJjuted S.tte; mand b I g thorotigb y loyalist the lecture& whli ho weil worlh attend. lng. --- > Srevftfea. Good lamana vood wanted eit this office. Fresh balk oysters it Mru. B. F. Jewtta.- 9 If. W. r.get ta ettate thât lMr. R Gregory la very bow. No signe cf lipsovament vol. Reaular meeting cf Feithfui Brethern ladge No 7 7.A. F. and A. M., an Friday next, 6 th February. Ilcb curod lu 30 minutes hv Wooiford'a Sanitary Lotion. Sold by E. Gregory. -18001l7. tir. R Davey snd W. Steplea cf Daialuten W. t re ivu on Frlday and iziveT ii WAR DUCR a cail!. Mr. Thon., Puwera Emeliy. dled lest veai fr'm grippe. The funeril on Frlday van liariely attended. We regret te ste thet Soîrgt. Major Martin bas pu-uoibroughl n atflr sn tiack o f Ail se m til t t thbut tliaiheur uuoney wi by, om y SUU7@WMheu, et one. botte ofthe as f mm yruyp of Pia, te%0 isu étam tua yMm hem corUor bajosua, Pur mainta7U . otU by &U leed. 1 Ing drmgbts. ",August Flower"91 GENIBAL SERAUaT WANT&D -ud wàaea. rff-rt-d for a capable girL &ppiy 10 iia NzitLàND@ -18 2. ETURNI3 m0 fer ahow the oonerletlVe have wan twu mfleta thia week, Viotoria, Nova Seotta. sud Kingston, Out. Lor -On New Ymer'@ dey. a long gold hrotoh wth lhree cut orysti. Theo fader wyll bu saitably rewarded by leseylg the aime et Tai WA&"RKR-fio.-18 1. Very faw peoplo are convsrted by long mer- mon$ PAT UP -Ail who are indebtsd ta me by hot k seccnt othprwis, are rtqu,,ited ta p&V np on or beforo 25th Janu*rv, or comtea yul b.. indurred. W. H. OHI(BERLIN. Oîkwaod. -17-3. Two Y(>uNG MEN, Or a genitlemfDansd 1hl6 wifseaucm h accomodated with board anud cumfiirtable roomm, centrali located, by ap. plyiog et Ibin offie, 1[18s MITCHELL havhng bought a large stock 1Off wauîter mil maey h «iving great baigaina iL, the smre. Sb@e is &am prepmred ta make- dresses and menties lu the latest atyles.Caei enid insect the sitock. -10 t! BoN.tNzA FoR WOOD BURNES.-I Mn prt-pkirett tu h-in,,,ordut furt bost keîech and maphe wood, 22 inch anui 4 fr. long, dlilvetoti duricni aseaou 1892, et 83 40 1-er cord. R. D TIîExToN Ofu-Srnythla Block, opposite narket.-17-tf. or= IN3Y Beth the methed and results when Syrup of Figý,s 18 taken; it is pleasant and refrcshing te the taste, and acts gcntly yct romptly on theKidneys, Liver arid B oweis,- dean ses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and Levers and cures habituai constipatien. Syrup ef Figs is the only remedy" of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing te the taste and ac- ceptable te the stomach, p rompt in its action auid truly bcîîc ficial in Uts effeds, Prcpared only froni the most bealthy and agreeable substances, its inany excellent qualities cemmend it te ail and bave miade it the moet popular remedy known. ~yrup.of Fîgs is for sale in 75o bottles by ai leading druggist& Any reliable druggaist who may nmit have it on hand '1 wiU r i Cpromptly for any one Z iwiiàhea tzty it. Manuâd=uxd only by thq CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CMe "A X OISS, 0". A. mGloTIm= A<at st l~i U811-17 O)nly lit wo Stocktaking will thon be over, and thon along cornes our -. C3-C)OIDS Inveices ef which are to hand. Duing the next two weetkri in oidcr te reducd tbtuck and niake i-cer fur New Spring 1 a large quantity of seasenable Gonds Big drives in Men's ail wool Twvped Overceats at8 4 5() ench. De-ad bargains in Men's ail wool Tweed Suits at $5.00 each. Men'a heavy Tweed P Men's extra heavy Full clîîth Piants at $1.25 per pair. Meu's heav'y Wool Soc 8tartIinz reductiens in Ladlie8' Furs of ail kinds. Wonderful drives in Ladies' Muffi, Caps and Boas at your ewn price.q. Great reductiens in Men's Fur Co Cieth and Imitation Caps, G')loves, Mitts, etc., etc. Perhaps you do not believe these statements concerning Green's Au- gust Flower. Well, we c=1n't iake you. We can't force conviction in- to your head or med- Doubtlng Icine into your throat. Wedon't Thomas. want to. The money fs yours, and the misery is yours; and until you are willing to believe, and spend the one for the relief of the other, they *il stay se. John H. Poster, 1122 Brown. Street, Philadeiphia, says: " My wife is a littie Scotch wonan, thirty years of age and of a naturally delicate disposition. For five or six years past she lias been suffering fromn Dyspepsia. She Vomit becamne se bad at last that she could flot sit Every Meal. down te a nieal but she had to 'vomit it as soon as she had eaten it. Two bottles of your August Flower have cured lier, after many doctors failed. She ean now eat anything, and enjoy it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does flot know that she ever had it" Religion soon meurs wbon love for soula leaven the hoart. Rýv N. EHl preachea on "Electiona" noit Sandeiy evening. John R. McEacbern. Eeq.. of Arivlp1, upont Saturd,ày initown. He , jeuof t dun'a pio. neers. Love neyer ha to go te muhuol te isauhow te tipeàk. The regular monthly mouline, of the W.C. T.U., wi i b.. boeîdou 51 «'i . v F.iî.uéry l<ot, in the Y. M. C.A. rooae t 3.30 p m. Where bard work killa ane(,maz, worry buries a dozen. M r. Aitx Armdtrang of Carmen, Manitoba. bas recently beon visiting Jmanotviiie and othber frienda. Ho la the picture af health and prom. pril n. No wound can ho sa deep es the one inflict. ed by a friand. R H. Baker, Baq, of Ingoldabv, roturned on 8aturdey fram a visit among Campbellfard frienda. Rsv. Mr. Keniardy of. Poterburo accompanied hlm. The dovil je often mien withont hi& maak in a monopolv. Mr. Wm. Woods, conduofor G. T R., ha beon laid up the puat couple of wookm wfth La Grippe. Him many frieuda wil be pleaeed ta aue 1 Billy " on hlm foot &ain. The min wha borrows trouble alwaya heu ta psy big internat. Rrof. Kemrp. p'ýactic%1 phenoloeit,-wil te ini towa nêxt week. Wriiteu charbi froîi. si te $10. Sp'aCioj redUCtotii;tù 10 CUh. ad taM- ilies. Satisation guaranteed.-19.1. Robert Stapifia au I wife, .f Point, roîurned on Saturd-y triui a îii..èa,t vitçi, among Peterburu miud Caàvaa Irit:uda. Touy are walcome viaitara wherever thAy Ro. The devil in ecr#b t no bott@r looklng than ho la at a priz.. fleht. The debAte lu the Q!IPon at. ehurrh on Frj. d4y tvêqui.g prývid te b., verv intereatiig. The dpbo',.ro n n itki4P aý!qit'ing theai emlves wedt, but the~ judiToe gitve the décision on the aide of the nffirmstive. The trouhl ietat trnu)ipo n. the mail are the troubles tha<t novor hsppon, O-P of tha Pmq,-tpq1- heve in towi je B:atkt- Ca'ru hý., . fonr -t-d a h.a I y-st o di grauda'in nf Mr. D.,vid Klegz. Ath-neh ho han never rnie to hcenul bh re4dr billâ and ptpers with au ability that la airnpiv as- tonifthing Il it w*re not frr'l.e p. uoi. athe dallaisa wnuld nmor let to travel muc,. Mr. R S ockdealA, pnrn'heing igoent fnr the ford, wam in town let Ifid#t; a, <j r'..v, tnuyir>g îraw Hm iiif-rriin.'l Tunt WÀRDER th..î th-, flnm .iu1p10$t i,,ig efl'aw prpt*s laiii Lii.tdaav and huyinelthe ett~ tr'.w thmy could g-t. C.'oîpptitiotu iit boIp the f'srmer. Tho UCbrinei,%n hano s etrv te lve monre than one day eta t iIe. Exporienuce with O < i.m w..ym ln the pro..ecnt tpnmo. The pronhee, hnes takon a Ining stop t.rward the miassesm whnî hvo tound iiut thst ho eu Wak for Cai j.q wi- hut heviog a luýni tailed coat. It is claiid that mnimalm bhave no méimory, but how oe e enu vru expiain why the deg 'whn ha "nein thprte" nover toe... he second dleuree at n hornet'.. nest. 4idjtinali fenil 0m ih hPéwos Good2, we wilI ofWer, ants at 89. er pair. ktiat 10,-.per pnir. len's UînI reL a. -ii Robes, Fu, Caps, t ]Oc., cheap at 15C. loods, Cf, îrn-, te. iremendous sacij fiue. thitu haif ,ic-e. PLEASE NOTE.-Thaf for the inext twe weeks we place our-entire stock at your dij I at ;-uIur ewn prices, as we must niake rom for our summer itocic of New Goocas, 110w on nh road for us. WARNER & CCDMtYs Tvio doors East~ of the Daley flouse. 1TO THE PEOPLE OF LIN DSAY -W.) AND SURROUNDIFiG I COU NTRYm The Holiday season being over FAIRI VEATHE R & CO., Manufacturing Fùrriers of J4indaay ai id Petprboro, have decided te sell their larze sto ck of Fine Furg AT A GREAT S&CJRIFICE te make room for a fine- stect of Hats and Caps for the spring trade. Stock of Fai rd campri ses 1LADIES' SI-OUIDER CAPESÎ Jn Alaska Sable, Min k, Per- bian at Astrachan B nkhara, Plucked Otter, Caps, Gauntiets, Storm Collars, etc., Bea ver, S eal Or pos- ailm Coi nbin&.- tien F urs M'iff'S, tematch. Gents',Fur Goats, In Coon, Bulgarian Lamnb Corsic n an b Wambat, etc. Choice lot ef Rcbes consisting of Musk Buffale, Black and Grpy Goat, W amabat Bear. ox, and Fur remedeiled and repsired. Call. and inspect stock. ffighest price paid for 'iaw IFura. Fairweather & Co'yJ Furrierts of Lindsay and 1-'eterboro. Lindsay, .1 anuary 141h, 1892-8-13. NEIL MoPHAD.EN, 106 Kent Street. LINDSAY. opposite the PŽvo I F \ t,.. We have ne Bankrupt Goods nor do we profass to ýe1I unnier oost. Our gooil margin but that margin is so close that even the sharp edge of competition can, NOW. 50 Pieces Shaker Flanne1s at 5c -p-r ;ard. 15 Pieces Gingharm at 50 par:'yé£~rd. Dress Goods pýr yard 5 8, 10 .121, 1,5c,. up to Si. Dress Cost-um--s from S3 Up to $10 Underwear--Shirts and Draw(,rs a-t 25, eqch. 10 Pieces Gocod Canadian Tweed1 at 25 poe yarci. 28 In. Twilled Union FIann-t at- 1 5, ~ .'ar 27 In. Al- Wool Flannel at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35c. Meu's Overccats 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9 10 Doi iqv~s Men's Sut-s 5, 6, 7 8, 10, 12, 14. 15 Dollars, 'We are willing and auxions to compare ali our goods aiil prieeq- with tiLx , 1n will flot be uudersolut TERMS CASH. 106 Kenît St.. Opposite the Post Of n- Lindgay, Jan. 14t.h, 1892.-1802-ly. 5. Weeks lort SIDRrIswG~ 4 s' LOOK! y ý 1 SPECIAL DRIVES IN DRESS GOODS. Good, heavy, tiseful Dress GoodL at 8c per yard. Heavy TwiAed Effects a Meitons, Clotho and Winceys from 7c. p>er yard up. Bargains in Yancy Dréss f Mantlop Cloths at legs thare whole-sale prices. A few er.d' of Silk Sea!ettes at a 1 100 pieces extra wide and heavy Flanelettes at 4c. pe-r yard during thii special sale. 1000 Remuants of ail kinds to be slaughtered at le8ss 1 f ý 1**,T%,:El ar CzEaBîj & PRICE à@ Uw