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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Jan 1892, p. 7

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iVâtVDÂY RELoIoI4N31 THME A tL.IOAT1ON 'OF RILIG1« 70 »*,av -ri 1, ne AU te tue tur d ut~ IO tn b4" God." ~ ~ ~ le *akipper, the fiiet ~m ah. nieh..renddim th. RMiooLTN, N. Y.. Januury2,4, IUL- ~05fAi 41 .wu fStYIULImit -oih ]Dr. Tulmagoosttrmon t&tus01 uw ftii... mmm-au e *t a t u 'à fr , honte uis#@ lamomgGospel prtcintl. 1 sk uy, 4" "o stad 1 f ntule . t 1ie à" te. t.opio on vhluh hoein nover t4usd et 1i. 115e inlubandesu-dsurpU.. sd aev. »d 1have i«et mil thoir feult,- raSatimoms dtns, and which, more than goy ioepr.oh-pr" e m nanio, sa3 v w w -the cblidrea r.turned ita mvhol, th.e rlu.d e0ntitutes hi.smmessage -tethis Reîaiotd- stand eut bore sai sttendè bo l es.tbatcome Ioupend 4h. hoilava'have gond 4h aplction of'religion te tho &«" 0' Dont mlx thinge. Dou' t bsmusd ln the rialit ' M sd the Chrisanias of the. d'Ily ali e istext vas tak.u trou L CS. religion lu thoe masn buoket. You attgnd Yser lm s.h.I= ml nIthe yjomnitali, ho intlaism, 10:31' "Wha ther, th.trane., y's to our matteres ad vu viii aed t. a thlua cf the le a i.Wth the. cM b.hud est or drink, or vhateoever 75 do, do a&U to OuIl "Tb.y do net mev that God »o. a u, vo Iok aet1.C: oi l i we.us th. glry of God.' T" bétOEeIhae Iat.-iIinthOh W hon the apostie, ln bis text, nmesforth vrycwu b. av ratUeMu 6 li th5e idoe, that n0 conimon an action ai the . ;that He oeca Iook through the None of u un 4.11 vhil 4h. oIid vii food sf f ud d drink la to b. conduot. bu v . cptei f roef sat; that 9E . 'rist 1 it have u ove mihfaf~ a t gloyo oh pol teo a ountd .very dishonuet dollar 4h07 isasnured. It viilb.oaàyear'et mirth sud Imdor teLb. ireloigondin he rolals 4.haveila hbir pochai, sud that a day et a yumr of aes, a yesr of prayer and lmpotaîw cf eliion a 4h orLfa j udgment viii cerne. Thia.is nconsistantsppcain 14vibuhesgvep affaira >of lift. In ail go. of the. vo &arpplicavititoitonsbshniht ro mdd. I The id yauhsddgiviragP thore has boon a tendency Le set &part* cen-Chrit"i. oe. e t onth aglgat Lb.clo itiit i.nw eti iec aeS ainar t dcvi, pl te.,sdocamoor vohn- cf f the service, "Rock cf Âges, cloft for mour, the English quocu, departed viien mlme," and thont ihk thhe verneLb. chiola rcdmIls a nwlieli religion wam to mt. Nov moue, sd, &tho, ith e rnediosath&& cf lber on, Edvard VI, davuod. The holy days ntid baby places have their 'Iran- preoedosut 'o puy doorligin.dl'Il old jo a va squsen-tho nov la s king. portance. They givo opportunity for *"ne * ho go net, "Gda.byreiio. Tih.grave of th.eont snd the cradie oft iho ciai lerforrnaiicu of <Christian duty, snd or b. back wne t o Suudtesrliio c otiier artaside by aide. At sncb a time,1 reaiift ho icligiotia appetite; but tbey Christ into pur commonnât trias. Foron te hrsld o ohrya, cannot LIIke tho phlce of continuons oxercsu saeore lues. for bereavoîsnt, for trouble vo roviow, vo vonder, and vo ceutem- cf fai]i and prayer. In othierwords, a mmm th shooka ih. an ssrtbquake sud that plats; onby a genas abLt tnpidity dos net1 cannût li>e sme inov f a Christian ou Snnday Mais liii a storm, vo prescribo religions t.ink at sucb a tîme. To many cf us tbe that he cmiatflrd to ho a worldllng ail tii. consolation; but, businuss mon, for th year of 1892 wiii b. a memorable co. Tii.e rost ýf t ho week. If a steamer put ont for ammli annoyancos of lumt woek, hoy much apring aase ay ho cieft by th. apadl o te 8outt «)'î>bî, and go one day in that diroc- of the g race of God dii you appiy ? "h"lotuna ciown Le, our resting-piace; or vilei t )leu, ho thîcr ix daya ini other diroc. you say, "1thoeo trials ars toc smaîî tcr the aummor grain la talbing toie . iokie vs i iomli hîwlîuîîgý 111 before the steamer viii get snob application." My brother, they are may b. harvosted for anotiier v.rld; or tu s l illtol «! i ilnover get there. hpn your obarsotor, tii.y are meuring 1 hlethe autumual beaves are flyig lu the. And 1htig aila no nay seem îto evoYag"youn temper, tboy are rearn uot yonn dnivinbg ae may cntate adfaes of the. il.g ijItivuiwaril doriîg tbe bol y Sabbath- patience, and tbey are msking you le i iketa.led o utthe p abcesmOntheou day ilf, duiing thoi foIIowingý six day. cf th. sud le" 0cfa mat. I go ie a sculpter'. I -aoidbre ta ulusoti u eký lia i. goiing toward L.he oland mdstudio, as.ehim sbanlgasate oiaut ride. I14 may b.o415e year in vhlch aur towliéd the flush, and toward teLb.dvi, bsaoie aee sa studea mHoetbody and sou] part-tho year in viiich for ho wîll nover rida Uputo the-poacoful lu the other, sud bh io vn ontbe ti ie endeansd eternity beginu. AUl othor ihr (if hiveu. You cannot est 80 -stroke - clck, click, o k Iamvey: "Whl yeana as nothing; the year in vbich yen rond' at hu Sabbath banquet that yusdo e u ' ye atnk hrdev1' "h!' ve.bora, the. y.ar la vhich you wve alford religions ahstiiieice the otiien six ho replies, "that wonid shatton Lb. statue, marnied, ineyea luvbch yonr obild diod, dmys, hurîisii ad pinciy .baioron os tI that way; I muet do iL t thisde ya ho your mother and fathor great oei(tX4i Sare napology for lac.ofet yi so owra n __atravil ida,,lcet tiirnof leu.importance ta ri ht dllleîîaior in circumaitancel luignul. ti Boeaurh o r on, ud ievonyady halt helut yoar of ycnr lite. Fifoen hundred catit, aid iniconalpicuoua. Ths genuinse ttare the. studio in oharmed or lasinaed and forty-aix vasa memorablo year, becaumo C3hrisii iflis lnfot sasanodic ; dois not go Weiî, od u s our &cul undon procesa cf ini i Luther died; eigbteu hundrod sud by is and atarta. IL toila on thioufh bout de*elopmnt, and 14 la thé Little annoyanoos tvontty was a mak.d yesr, bocanae lu IL and coIW up ateep mountainasuanol &ud vexations cf 1f. that are ohlaling ont Benjamin West disd; eightesa hnndrod snd1 dangerou.i deulivitiea, iti oye ou the.lever. I our immortel nature It la click, click, fifty-Lwo vas a rnarked yean, becaus. in i14 lamthîg hbis crowned wlth tbe castbes cf thei. lclk 1 1 onder that @Omo gresi Providence Wellington died; .ighteon hundred and biessel.d. e cre u itieesroepeaefifty-aix vu a mark.d yoar, because lu it 1 propose, tlii. rrning, te plead for sa v ou nf oneandAh ne sCed amys thatHugli Miller died. ]BUt what areo thesé 1 reliion or e da. hnoti tho v ay. Aul saeHe ksepe u yeas mte us lu companimon toitthe year of 11re ii>t plac, we ant te brlng tiihe roosc0111o be,4 itî ymo-1892, if iL shah prove to b. the year la vbich onr conversation. nova, littîsvxtin, ti tlitsiyou vo shal die? We a dain breaka, and twe or, thrieo &halb. a glati spectacle for. mngelsansd for MAXIMI Jeu RTHE NEW TEÂE. viiaehs are overvhinod, or mn earthqnake mo.Yen klov that a largo fortune my ICOmtpitotti attiYuta in Soîth Amoica mwabowa aaviiolo city, bM aOU tlml hne n ny Id utpitottatc eynta thon peie c gintx tetaik about tb. un- aent inf mal cangoe, mand ,gonva y>ou ahabi tua yearb. meuruful. Malle it amout o moal harcte ma goavay the. best year et &Il yeur ie-tii. bnightoat, cortaitity , life, and<tLheý, imagine bilat i amali depletion. I4 is the ittbe troubles 4h. bîppi«tatnsd the buat. Imbue your they arc ongaged lu poitivly neIt Oôof etlite thab are havlng more effect upon lhe& t wîtb the froahnesa ef Lbe mornnug, conversation. No. Yen may talit a buOt ,yen iban grat onué. A svarm eo ocusis yor seul vith the. spankie oet h. dawu. &Ibineae i îhia W nd have n egr yf d 5 iikili a grain field souner than th. in. esobve by icod deeds and thoughts te Wetligrlgo . i ufthe inorty gy Otuurine treo fu'atg.Ynamy, niako thua th.mont tniumpbant year et b. e.liîg rligon Ifthoa s aythng "Sinon I lest my ohiud, ince 1 lest -your lite. As a series et short maxima te Sied about it, anything beautiftil about it, my roporty, 1 have bien a difforeut carry with yen through tthis year, bot me snythiiîîg important about it, wu ought to m R. Btynd e eona h ieyntee ho ouliiiuouiy im~usîngiL.I hve e.architecture of! utile annoyances thînt are Make evcry day begin and end vith Ged. ticl iit ifl, 1 .istIliiProp~ortion ais tlii howiîîg, digqiîîq, cutting, maeiig, aiplit- IÉe content with what y nu have,. Chrimtiati cxpcrienco in shai low, talit about ting and interjoining your moral qualities. Have a hearty, joyfu I tamily sitar in futitiila., ai,(] graveyardm. andi toinbstrea, Rata mnay sinîk a abip. One lucifer match your domesi circie. 1 aîî lii îi l'Iho real,goniuine Ch'riatibn maymoud detruction throtigh a block of Filb 'tour berne with us mucii good road- mani t1ii'ý.uîe about this ]lite, and the stcre boumes. Cathorine de Ifedicia gotitiîdrgtmsiasnanwillev grent uterniii y beyolî(i, anidluit 50 much hber death trom amoiliug a pois(Inous rose. ighandk ii t mnbut asil an ili l. atbout t'le îuîigniiicant Pasa bctwacîî the$O Columbus, by sopp andi asling for a If fortune favorm Yeu, tbiuk et others. Livi>reuîarlciil'a.Aîdhetreigonowf ew sChrispicof bnoad sud sdrink ef water ata 'Dont &bain; b.troi. thor ar w ncathareliionet ean Ch ica nciscan couvent, vas led te the tliacev- Kcep busy and you wili keep bealthy. idwecliîî. 4;0hlto a ciardaen o f Chri s. .rvof &aew venld. And thor. ia an ii- Respect. 411 mýcred thinge. Liim pu piu lvre 4h07 aro lul] of 107 nd matescaînectiou b.tveen trilles and imffieu- iLove led. Ifflarity, atid talk about Christ or hocavon, alticts, bhteLîn nethinga and overytiina EIV HS? IIO I E and cvvuYtiliig lai.imnîoheiatoiy sileuiced. , Nov, bc catul -tt bat u i ?thg'oso anMI IIG WT ME iiii ~îuîîucr ay-bonu the forcats anre noyancts go througli your souil airaignod. That Jcueslae th day-apring freim on ful il ut b!", c'latter, and c'hirrup, and Comilel titeram te admniutor te your apiri- ligb*-the perpettual inornîuîg Of overy rai-. il i inii- da chorus of bird harrnony, tuai wealtlî. The scratch of a sîixpenny sonmod spirit. Wh:tt if the darkness comnes! every trie binu iit orelestra-it a hawk nail omneimes produces iockeii.jaw, and Jeanaà lnthe IigbL et theovonld and of heaven. apiieiLl. ii t10 sk, overy vulce mîî,ps, and the clip et a Most ilifintteami annoyance 'W'hat thougb tis cicrthly huilusedues criant the iesi are ~ ; iluat NO 1 haveoseucl a may damiage yen forever. Do nitlot auj ble! Jeaus bath prepared a bouse et ma ny livelY 1rî-iLiiiiium crle sih'nced on theaSp- annovuîîce or penpicxity couac acrons youn mransiens; Jcsuus i the anchor that aivaya j pe-iartie nI aNytbi hlng lti liginus ou- scil vithînut its rnaking you boutter. hoida; jeas i lathe iight ihat is neyer oclips. vsaîîî, Nha orne had, uatiarg L in , gain, vo muai britig tha religion ef ed; Jemua li. Lhe fountaîn thai isnever ex. save, ~ ~ ~ ~ 11M îîrtiîis aneillîtr~uiai h hist into our caeuîîmeiîcst hIosainga. bausted; Jestis is tho evening star, bang up cornertffthie ronti,vite roaiiy thioka 4118 Whemi Lie autumn cornes, anîl tha harveste amld the glouet fthé gatiering iight. No sanînethiîîat niaght to e e aid, 1uidor tho cir. iaeil, sud the govornorss make proclama-. matter wbst troubles niay befal yeu, whist cntaitstaai( sn h; o epute one fout over thé tien, vo assemble lu churcliesmuid vo ar. iii. or dangaes>y cerne te yen, lu Christ otuui'lh vsalom ih ui aa O very thankful. But every day oughuite b.h you ai'. amfe. Oh, mv reader, place youn- ycs: tii i ~a thata 1 bnksgiviug day. We do net recoguise self under the vin gaso? the Almighty; boy. .Ny irieid-i, the religion et Jan.s Christ thé oornmon muorcies ef lite. W. have teo*ver vandering, hovever veary, however la & om thî,at talk about vith a glbdad ieo sbllud man led by s do&g bofore vo treublod, coine unider the vings cf ihe hoart. I la brigitor thon the waters ; 14n la inboa u ebothink ourselveof e vlat. agrand Almighty; howverraggobvvrveci mouoeecfiv faItlian the aunaine. I)o net tbrug h jete have eyosigbt. WVo have t.ead, thon. in room, omougb umder the wing- go arnuîad irî'oauitmg about. youar religion, mss sorne Oee ,,octud vitb St. Vitue' dance under the broad wingsofe the Abmighty for vhyl 6 ()1ilglit tu b. aiaîgiug it on talil.g beforo vu are n.ady te thank hd o i~yD h ra opi egeins 14 u oevrol oue cfvoce.Howottn I cetrl c ou pivmisi neglas. W@ have magnificentlun14. 'eneviaienn! I love te ie that we find uienn whoae livoa are uttenly t o m someo und.d man hobbling on his write ef t 14te yen! 14taeMy hf. tg pr.moh inconsistont, vite att0inpt to taikligoluc vt it:npy oaroue luod 1! 1 ain y hbén te teach iL! tal -,-I- .s t ra~, n cr1goss, u oîhy o thounhie mbe. oetan. se pid o g tlîe action or (if iIgrand, hueaiaaly pria- te cknovlodglo these .v.ny-day mencle 1ti î'v:y k' 1i.:1 itio ;,1-1. ciîie~. W:' titi iii 1)() oy u net "Wiateven yu eteor drink, or viiatsever whaât thiis cleuiit i:'l f:iii k1<aow tiiîtt (bail wateci in' wf'î'iîiIeafon ye do, do liL oe i leny oet Qe.' Do1 due. TLI i P'~ i4 !u..i' thae lamina)kka I sIIf: w (eit.alynsha dos a addream a man on a votuîsn thie morula,« are iuîii c n i '. 4he pau!th o! a blaziaig aura? Aîîîîthe mess1Whbu hs fot reudoed te Qed eue singe i InoW iîen t 1<,1iI 'i i.i tht vcaecptiupil thù nid(, cf the rock makos offerhng oethtbnks? 1 Thtivak voit 1-" 't i'*ir * **' caa upnaî (huila urind as -do jiot knnvw vît ; "r thi, waVat-iig tops et ()ru on pin. and iTho .Nicaragua Canal. 1vant Vonî or tint. Wlio Lecioi u cedar; aund the idafli', crauklilua The. Panama Star sud Harald. aya th. î É&rds. yoiaiîa'tl M ' unider tiai' eom'i4 lmnntsnuuulu mltlotid l ci<s'* Indictloiui, airathat Lb. Pananas Canal o-en« ' sxtîof tieia 1 'ILt. v :1 car astho sîip o a wo '0tl' , caaigratiou. torpnise viii full int te ue hctda cf Lt.eIUi- lvility. i hic io ;sl ;iî, "' When yîni have ftnything tOo i le le e d States Govunrneunt, and "Judging item Lhing said bytla': 'ipo. iin::. iiOWi'V'i îu:it isiocins to elb.,Uo past exporiencea that veuld probably 65 Word i mot,"'t .lin,'i.' v in sli tiacro L' t lavlP you te do îj Iabout tie bust tiiing that oould happon tonraeuiy 'tiJazy i iluti'ii î'tC mi Il'yur Wrkýina tlîo f a fislicnmaian, then jthe enterpriru, tailla§ the sapport cf 4h: &y&,ufurnw.ac 11413 ji1b m iC, whý (U iihl)youi, u ohleasmn Fec (onnet TePnrapepl i uth tlaey liai 110 tire làit it il wmtr whii eîi lait dggod(l iannuiaarat. Ift ou have never bîîlleved veny mciilit ish N1i- hey aplg.totenmiulbn'iaîr ' wuark h dî witvater, thon ho will -Iieip o * n Canal ton varions ,r*aesisn è mug wimbu., viion they neyer liv'. auy Luttun. YOîU, lis w!1il' lie talkea as Lite wll-curb to thè a r il objooclou te a. rivali4btm They.dmouy.thoir mit iuxurioseueter-. th'Naniitau wommn. If yen ire Ongmged But tiiere aro>mttuy people on tiié là%btwm tainniofitae v in a mbower cf approvil. la thOe47Uaitoin J'ues, ha viloiitead &4 Who have bulioved thât à@' Nicaragua su- Zhe7 po1c«Is for t46cm appoîsr&aco, Uas ho 1 b ailYittlI"w itting at the recel )t oeticptisie io<mrrly iwbhtif -1*e8ntaW e&'ý a uh o ie umui ebea aysa ti vitîiiîm. A religion that la net ;:ood fn ont Id eiatO the, velu.eoft ;Pam i .thylc us e b.ty wud u lilUcO ja ni worth anything la &Uth anMIfores 14 lut. b.b"nda t .mvuas si * m heàom s. aise . eob o klb 1l1ie. Tho nan Who bau n îv àdava The ithmus ppeis 'halve pu W51Gb*'WO04*0 510? pk*'.' Mu Igos i ii.pni:ket as ortaily netids the gnspba amioegnus~t ~ ~ o m goilailce ot religion as ho vie ratithe 4;5 OU .aIZI.2 eL. Itlîte k'ya of4atiak, andi couid abmcond vitha rw u h1itarailtbeusand bard dollars. Tii. toW iaumnt e 'l'iiiro aic Lhoe prouinent lu th. ohurches yoar lIklondus 'b S wi- in inelsrinpublic occasions vii a'y pr.d itia$711 duvouît, Who doc ttput the pnie u fa trican doplt Christ'@ r*lW*uojtet.pretla.. *0 Ulm #6 1 0. mtos *mm eev.ny ohop toyesq «Mat'h. ahu O m1 >W OQCNIIOON WITe ail IoUn mm yeu.eaobu couats thsai.. Pimi the Mediine fromu he a ndcoa . drupe, Qed oouiasa ail jsmr Mllais tous». As, y ou look ai tic ,"Yiala UW w4tts uem aaugits, and, at the bsttleofetdistateful tonW âCat stand on tii he oi, noxeor that tiers lnabalangsn bottle dthe"4h., vhoi i l 6Usd iti ne mixture by outhbl apeth.aanlcs, but It s hGOd' bottle, in vhbch no bath gatbored sul our tours. Qed kuepa a tender numembrance etfa&l Our alakue. To eveny sick bled luinth uni- 1verse vanld Iay: Be etf gced chin, dean senrovung hoant, thia von d li e t ouiy of ai.As youm suifer nov, se shall yen rie- job. hbereafter. Do net shlow yonnseif tu grov diacousoîste. As tie night cornu se cornelt heti rorniug, and as tb. moat violent raiu-stouxi.lafofloved by gborious munabine, se shall ail the. sîck-beds cf this venid b. tnmustorrned into timon.. cf goid. W. are hèe but ton a litle wite. and vo bebp to make that time pleamt juat la proportion as ve ke.p our spirite buoyed up. RELP YOtIE MINISTE, TO FEXACE. IL is astonishbug boydull rslIgious au- diences, uas a ul., leekil Ieotuning halls you aee poopbo vii.i eyuevide o n nudg- ng escii other, and noddiug to Ie senti- monts offered. Iu pmayor-moutiugm the. âmeo people look duit; Lbey cuitivato the duil book; thcy. have mu ides thst te bu do- vationsil thy muet look aieepy. A brother geLs up to tabk, sud a fatber la Isrmei puits hle boad devu on a cane, and a mothen lu Ieael ber head on the hock of th. eat la lu front cf her, sud anothen looks up et tii. ceiling and seema te bue oountiug tie cracks lu it. Nov, viion your mnisten goto up te prescif, look at hlm. Thoe e inspiration euth. burnan oye. Msmy a tîrne 1 have, tbrough pressure of othun vcrk, goe nuto the. pulpit wiLii iittle te mV, but lu 4h. np'- turned faceseof thepeopl I have snom tventy sermuous, sud the. ouiy bother vas te knovwbich I abonid pr.acii. WOMEN AND TUB NODESreIi VE. People coumtantiy write te me auddask: "Do yen believe iu vornen readiug novel? My tniends, it mil dopenda upon th. novel. Sorne nevelà are exbularatiug, but m grotn percoutage et thern seom te me te b.long more Le tho litorrmy mou sud vomen cf 4h. poist than eoftthe proseut. Some et our modern novais are appailing lu thoir in- fluence, Butas e un~girl vnites me: "Tii. oes are-se-drfi'y knaviah, sud tho persona se bevitchingly untrue, sud the. tunet the stery se exquimite, muid mil tiecharacters se eurapturing, I cannet quit tiem."' My tinter, Yeu eau find literature jusi as charrning that wilb elevate and purity, sud ennoblo, and Chniatianize vitie they piesse. Tii. devii doea not ovnall the boney. Thon. in a vealtb et good bocks coining forth frein our puhiisuing houses that leave no excuse for time ciacice eft tlat wiîich la dehaucbing to body, muindmand actai. Go te anme iuteilligent maîn or weman and ask for a limt et bocks that viii ha atrengtboning te your inoutal aund moral condition. Lite ins se short auid your tirno for inîprovemînut me bbreviat cd, tiiat veut crsrnnt afford teufi11 up vithl huaka, anti cindenu, andi debria. lIn the intersticea ot business that Young man la rtading that whicb viii prépare bim te ho a nieielîant prince, sud that Young voman is fihliia ber muid *witb an intelligence thai vif y.t elthen unako hor the chie! attraction.et a good maîa'à home, or givo hor n mi idcpend. ouce et cbaracten tbat vili quîaiify huer te buiid ber own home and maintain IL in a happineu asat requires ne augmentation troa ay et our nougb.r nez. Tiiat Young man n yong oman can, by thé ighi biea'n ýYnadnmoral imprevemout et the. apare ten minutes hèe or thon. in every day, riae hoad mand mioun in lprsperity sud character and influence idiove thoe longera viio rend nothing or t"atw"l bedwanfa. IPUW5TY IN HAMMTSOF I2ÇQUMT. Osu y ou 4t11lnm. vhy a Chisti»n vouss gcîng dovu &mou# Lb. imuntsetof iiqnmty eu a Christian .nraud nover meets vith suy indiguity? I etocd iw tie chapel of Hoene Cbalmens, tie daungiter of Lth.e iebrat.d Dr. Cisimers, Iu Lhe moot mbaudoecd part ot the city et Ediaburgh, anud1 ad te lier as I looked anrouud upon thé. tearful sur- ouindinga cf the. place: "Do yen corne boro iiigluts te hoid a service?" "Oh, yen," m"0 said. "Cat iiLb. possible thst yen nover incot vitfh an mnuit white pertorrntng this Chrnistiant orrandr' "Nover," tsue mmd, "iievor." Tiat yeîîng vomanwvhahonbe fît; lier lhv ber aide ms atiing dowu the. atreet, sin ariîîcd police at each corner, ine nos i;'l ilefeuîiiri as that Christian voman %w-!o aines tarti cai gospel work into the a: u:îîs. ut o iiiqnity ciirryiuîg Lie Bibles 1', ibt0%l. Goil, with the arri et bis 'intiiiait î,e't, Niwn:il teuar to piecusany bb am md ut lto#ieho rhi r"s ga"eô "dgl %i6d'te .~m.lia hm 1,bseKdbet ma ou. bounim à"ltsWood in sda b b aud Iow O&hM ho hm. ~~ "bud Md sef1mv ~1 , a aeomnn yugwhu eV or n'amolg instigtt eam a utotýout"mm1Bgemdh i Th* Cbwth orTroc«. Th@ oêltgrVa %Very hlowly. It hme boma kuvu t 100 y.ura old to b.oeity one foot in diameter. Until the age of 4o) yoer it Brun sPretty futbut af ter that ita imoruo bec.... lu. mand leuu meueble. At M0 or M0 yomr8 Old thuse treeà are et tbeir best. Vaoover, from obdervationm on therowth of timber in Hampshire, arrived at tne Con- clusion that the relative growtJi of wood in thal, countri, takingý the trou e t 10 yem' gowth, aun the osas astandard le: omk fol elui le, aah 18, beech 20, white popular 30. Tis in to amy, ini amy givean tirne, if the growth of oak b. 1, the grow'th of white popular will b. 3. To Sharpen a Razor. A grat many mon who find that theil razore anm not b. kept in order by a common leather strop- buy a ort of trop umed by barbera, imagning that with thie the razor can be kept in perfect condition. They are generally greatly diaappointed to find that their razors cut no better than hefore. The fault in not with the razor nor with thé "trop, but in their flot knowing how to une " barber'. strop. To aharpen a razor with a brber'a mrop requires mot only conaidor- ablo strengtb, but also a peculiar swing of the wriat. Unlees it bo lemrned the more you trop a razor the les it will cut.- Glob.-Democrat. Nover Was K1.med. Why in &Ul this discussion about kisng? On. would think frorn reading the letters la the Sundav Globe that kises a er. psaed around eregularlysas mme. I may be mistaen, but my o uexperionce eaa me toay that I don't blievo hall the girls who write abut kissea know vhat a kiae iz. 1 amn sure i arn old enough to b. kisaed, but no on. has yet offered to do me that kinduess. Al thia talk in onongh to make me wonder if I arn too hornoly to b. kisd. If I amn I ahould like to know it, and in order that reader. rnay may tell viiothor I arn or flot 1 inicloso rny picture, taken only at June.-Flora For- born ini Boston Globe. The Word *'Cathoiic." Tho word ",Cmtholie" wax firet uued in the Apostie'. Creed when iL aya -."And one hoiy, catholic, apostoic church." Iae next use waa by Ignatius, who is aid to bave been an apoatto of St. John. Ignatius succeeded Evodiua as Bishop of Antîoch and suffered martyrdorn in the yoar 107 A. D. He uaed the word in thie entence : -Whorevcr Jesus Chrîist in, thore in the catholic church." St. Auiguatine, A. D. 400, ays : -The very namo of catholic holda me in the church." The word in froi kata, ini or tliroughi, and olous, the whob.-St. Louis Rcpublic. I TE IRE YCLOPLOIA REVISED AND ÂMENDED.: IT I8 YO'UB FAULT tust the boy di'euu't nderstand the memuing efthtei. ved h. bas muoouniered, or kuowa nething cf 4the man he bas limon readinc about. Yon sssus amnoyed bwoauae h.. bas intsrrupted yen whil ou en ee rosding lthe paper. Doe net paîtetflt.eanoyane. ariseix roin tie tastt hat yen den't know youraolf 1 Tii. viole trouble fer bath yen n sd the boy veuld b. obsiated if yen onby had a good Enoyolopoedia intu h oua. Yen cau't afford it. Rcsd aur anonneomont sud yen vill omes t voyn eau, b. ycu ae oso poon. THME ENCYCLOPERDIA BRITTANICA Revised and Amended, Io th. moast completosud divoraifiod libnany ef ontentaiulng sud inl.restirg liiirature over isaned fromratCe pnes. Yen wtll find aomethlng Io attimot snd iflteret yen eni oeery psge. if von are tend oet hiaty, iL centaine the flusat coibectuan ' f heAtorlea la the. vend, ernbrsciugl every nationî of aucient and modern tim- s. Are ç cu inter- outed la Scienoel The Etncvclopiis Bnittanies Bevieed and AÂrfr.'ndcui i tril yen, Au, detan, nd.&u .Ejuitil, aIl about avv soieneu evnmrîy tid h &iny. Are yeounicusabmout ruechanicai inveutionb? Auain Ibo Enetee o 4î« is treq, te ycxan baiad; a memort'a of ~.L fs pagee bringa tie inopm r heaoiiig ItaNottftg, and Cher. before yen lieis a crmple id fr hatItiçA seccuaint t fe';r -!' j, et. lI short, vhether vouî waxat amusemerI. for au idle heur, uolid iniiîrtitor fr r L(rc u&ri- axis moments, cor quuick infoumation abiui anv n-atttr. s ra vicb toc aýt-;ri donbt, vcn have thc means lu t hoebooks ci gratitjying ynr dt'uunî'. THE WORK IS ILLUST RATED Ls even tbcusaxid paeae are filued witi tfite picîires, fsud 14 couitait e t. rS,, ,00,000 wor<ia. The intorwtlot, eipiiod in Ibi,% "CyclcpS,4ia"' epreeertê t' - *î, ! vonk et 1060 cf the ablest vit ret oflie uinc et'ausîèc-ntury. AUl o îLu "Q-C Sdiaa" are froua five te tw.ntr 7sars belîind Ifie date of th. e etf L . ia c L i , ch YOUli AG as cctpletd i80 Tan Fwdko.Snbrl ~ pa jPlMpIueBlack Specke, Bsk' H10W YOï M Y FOR, TH E F 0QQKS = IiPLl'ig W. offrir to <iliver to vour address ta ciinplete spt o i THE L""CY- Tanàl}reokloetion CLOPAFDIA BRITTÂNICA, reyised and amended, totýe(Lthi- wîth But% Ouro and Effectuai THE VICTORIA WARDER, for one year, at the foiu' wirk prit ru - PUiCez25. PEN UOTTW Encyca.pSdia bound in Cloth and Paper, for one y ea- $9.6 0. pay- Sold by sd l iIsa . . .- , - £% r . .. ,. . p - ýý_ Go J. HOYLE, I3ANNINOTONI. à£oImmpkou.a f u immSteions of sookai svoedaet>Oou in Ii-de of ache mlqwàtt% erIUa WOeINnue WOOI zeh'wMmd lu. Wloosl M" bM. sd »%R" 0Gof»"tevrdem e.1pohG. J. «RIYLE, Put 00100, Oatngtmr GANAWAN PAOIFIO RAILWAYO Luam &»a Ir Pso s...08 &sp.. &U P.. Lpia 44n obty, .pM ld 1.48 a. Au pau.. inp...68m1&m. 1-l a. Tuv. V 0iMa.... ORI PO W'mrorntMuSSa.u LiS...94%tm :1 ai, low*PaU.eiu ki eis Pr Np, iruiwu mj able as foliow6: $.00 on <leflvery ofthirert ive voIum.s, iand $.UU per nionth fur one year.# Encyclopoedia bound in Fuil Bheep and Paper, for one vo-ar $31,20, payable a~s foilows: $2.40 on delivery of the firat five v'1ume.-, and $2.40 per month for one year. Encyclopeedis bound in Hailf Seal Morocco and PR per, for one year $88,80, payable as follewis: q~.60 on d.Iivery of the first five volumes, and 82 60 -ver month for one vear. Where Funl Âmount is Paid at Once. Where the full amount 18 paid at time of deliven au allowance is made-the Cloth set for $24.50 instead of 26.00; th" Fï.î11lLi brary Sheep fôr $28.50 instead of *81.20; and the Haîf *S.al Mo'rocco for $81.50 inetc-ad of $38.80. Advertise in T he Warder The (Janadian office & School ____________________ Furniture Co, Limited." Se A VE R L Y. PRESaTOâ,ONTRI Y1ICTOBL4 O4D NaufacturersoOfce hol Church, and Lodge la prepand od a uupy FURNITURE AN~D UNDEBTAKING I In & Iit ltbmche& àia ui.pply on band aia% U fluas Haitg»nooOmpletod my SBABSEIamnj u ez. Ing & il Ih. brndie framdng onue - uaumj. N NORLAND. House of Ail Nations for Blood.' Save boratbrougbif.the,%but nov for boo& Thef BARGAI NS 1 evowu* wu odluth.of ty ciad. 89 Omevng o sdtos iSarsods Me much planr. l sho i od, lfony tesbowuMWeMM.l Pa r Ne dmoIibtj vSd vmirwhy I unf 1 Omplybmm 1 ou a bud 01kbo andvobaabc.igh CARL'S. i thaSare daolm.o. TE~ DIT OD&9 The "PnnuzmormATte" School Demk The latest and bept Avarde iehe "d Modal at the Icinaiea ExhIbition. The Bobool Deuks ofthi. Compmny eCUnDOIb. excelled for monlhBoauy e Dek'.Adaptability and t mlonts tApsti«8, nus I i. I

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