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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Feb 1892, p. 7

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LT SPURI Reminlscences of -a ÇWý JL don Preae* '. A STRIýCT BA-PT,10 mis UnafteelsiHabtis -MaisDiff Vies Eogarding Ria 0v. Wo«* clear Viov of the mmatnesUcW&ae "Aàn Et x bumpkin' u" vt h, xpre titi. betoved upan (iarlm Il"donms rge oniec syears ago by oensoftChe foe Engiiab men et lettons, and tbo:i b. ad"i "'but, ccming up frein the country a1 tratlun 04o, lie h4ba, .y hlm eown unaided forte, %loue more te Chriat'u nad to à lue South' Loulon Clan a&lthe e-ergy &n the. ecel-siastical rnaciine-y oeth.e Ba llshed Ulitr-ch. The apcakur vua a man more ina mn vith the Estallsthod Cburch tisa vîtri sont, sud hie. tributs te Mr. Spargeen, thorefoée aiîccre. Nor is her. roozA doulit tlut. t vas just. The magniued Mr. Spur-geon's werk a aiiot beyondc ception, As wus mid of Macaulay, ho ceeded in everything lho undeîtook.1 hapa lie uas crt-cful to uailerto.ke only t. thlngs ln wlich lue foît aur-ee oucceaa.1 in lot sucb rar-o distcretierm u hat an ea bute ef genina? And thonlh. did underi many îîiîglahors vhmch in Choir mag tude andl cierit1 wocld bave been aie "n yother nMan'a ûosuuur. But he succeeded in then il.1. Hoi h. most poplr uand effective preuner tihev<.rid. Trliât wu distinction onou for oeeninait, perhmajs. But heovwu in titan that. lHe waa aise eue cf the w volutniuous and populatr autiiors cf aur ii Ch. heuid et a col:ego whicb bas sent eut8 atudenta into the înnitry; the. tound and Inaintaineroftanau rphanage in vii 400 orphaius find a comfortable borne, t director- of a colportage association, î editor of a magazine, and the presidiug0 gineer of the peut-up enorgies et s chur et 6,000) niembers. in"My wrk," aaid hia "«Ersex bumpkin lconuversation viLh a visitor net loi aR,"La very greaC and exiausti Ma stile 1 cerne boni.uttorly wvs out. Bîut I arn oniy ono amoi the grecit hoaL cf wcrkeru. Evai inember vhe jois my ciurch lu a p.cted e do anthiug for bis Aslli creatures. Atter I have hall a talk vil hLm ancd satisfled myselt as Caois sinceril. 1 uay te hLmi, My good felhev, yeu eoni1 be s couverted Man, and 1 hope that yc arec ruhy a Christian, but suppose yenjo h church, vimat. are yeou going e doli your fulow mon ? If, atter yen are sq mittei, '-ou will do nothing for hemi eani't hmelij that ; vs have got a bad bargai "But nu onu shah enter vitb My zoo vill vire$ous nuLrmise heforehanil undertitke ornie useful work for th. ben.f of others. ln înaîiy cases the Lues novf seemns to have strnck thein tlîat Chi aa uaaeîîtîscl part of Clrnatian cluî'y. IL niais tborn t tinis of what thoy can do, sudi rnutt c... lr..iiy ;rrofu~s tioir reuidimies de whîaîrver1 thiînk weîiid ire the imost nit fi. Ti-ri-. tir, pl-4îke rîhieut the. quantit of worlki'îiiu to b. clone. My deacon are ai l i;cr wr krinluthe .lisuliiargeciofthei dutieâ as if tlîcy iadlieo otheî r vk Ce odo i lie woid bevondr that ut the Tcibernac] Thor@ arce eric'ites of ail kiiclu contantý seing n. -1 ktow that msny of otir Young peepj are )uui f cricket clubs>, fout hal clubs, andl %viiniing clubs, and are munij andi wide-aNvalke, but tbey tinci hir great cest jIcasuîîo lincioiug good.l'hierc are Cli valses, serv-iers-tEe lower Mission, Cht pray~er ievl liss, îmision services, and al Che rt, s:-ouîtittiiig a very constant tai UPcrs thse time snd ene«g- e the memubena. Fif:yy uxzisaago her. was nochcuroh hat1 kiic*w of tuat. bnciso, vide a field cf ac. tivit v." Bttui eministen vua ever more loyally aupp)orte(l in his labors than Mr. Spurg.on, suri 0150 uunrýe geeronaly appreviatod Che devotioîî aiîlIdgo ide bspeople. Nover vu there uuîy dissension in the Vaernabls. Iti tbotîsand of rnibers voeeas orosnian in aim and purpeme. "Thsey lînve foiioved me hrough line sud vatî',' stdh. pester. I"Nover vas Choe a Mai.lion.' resnnionded aud bhumnoup o« the arîns of love sud aympatby Chan I ara. Anvuyy iii rdo suything fur me, but I nover seek te ule uver Cheni. The. orloé et williig lîauds is tuapan me, viioCher 1 viliior fnot,.4 Ho hbunever led ne into a ditoi yeti' rmrinko esof my deacona on eMue oosin, 'aud if @ver ho daim vs vi ail leap Auàto the ditch attet hlm and bave, hlM et on thes ethen aide. W. vii nover deaet. ha !"Mydean tellow,' aid 1, 'if yen only foiiow a bmétick es, wvili as n f pie re, you viliido juat su eil .rTie virtue la net in me, but lu your amsitsad zervîce. But Lhere vane affetation about it. Tiere have been publie mua vi, tor et. fécL, would don attire et mCdied shabbl. neta. Mr. Spurgeo u anst orneet tbioe. Abuolute sirnplcrty sud aatnraiuosm ehrg.. Lonlaed hlm iunta respect asinA.4«ilothir. Yot ho wai aman f t, oe.oat.à sud luxurlous ta4te in 4mre psrCioulsaa, Many a nîillouaine nilgbt viiUhave esetu1 bim hie home. Thii. wuet, Westvoodt, l wlvat Ln anwon as Beulai I{Hiluf3ydam.1 hain, vhic iluoeeot Ledou'mfr cib.. urbi. Home ho hatia largo sud isandmà mtanujien, aiiaCed in a acosar that, although viChiA. & tevwm lnuî' tfie toeming stre et o udom5 ive*,ý cural and secluded as thonginh is. liait Afa %iAdorngim. Pums. th de Optua h. visiter touad bisuit amjdaun 'âi;I ,oft welh.kopt iaa , 4divermAgàvih~ .bury sud grove A omsllivak wu muithe goldfiai;ot v hileh pol #ri ain adea nda iagad iuS Tare ays apm oa 1yp6M bie.eîà A1eo " m ose ter..oailiky t. b»t u * 1114Ja~g aeÎpb11 oun luu ,wouU ave toe o. tble eitld et1 d. ufii r ue m p l-u m iiioe Mag tu o uibo Polos, the roUauu Md"il opt.bf u volum tm ofed6theuuu =100B1tof Va eraie Arn îaieîearroî -mi duA8OfoUA5s hé in bot eal. pur. ndfat Sexhum oade'lng ir uhow $x bmas Thfl woe ofthosy of ue inf icent t aiol.ih eryetn . t .tpht fSun gon tok ahuleo. aslt as "te . orb udheg("u&ms C utneuthcf Ches tatea iewlthn rocuonai Di- Spurgeon wau en@ deysasksd whothsr h. limit, wheroia vag seff the enfety of Eu wu thonght. th. vorld vua greulng boter or rope. The. nation»tChua uritod were to pro n te ersu, mrve entire Indepondouce and, self.govern le of "O.I oeau carooly giva au opinion," ha sasi. mnit,. wiilnuo oher tien but te.mutual de' 00a-. "Ontainly on ne ras jote t 1 v9naf01100 0f ith.country. Bue- verge.The stragle for rIf.lanbai r o nv* Autriahba not only proved bersoît talim Per- t la mne.difficuit to inake a living, andte alil heae oxpeuiainbtaealw bos h. dentilution la more Appalung, I think hber policy te drift in a direction exactly op But tbau t boa even boucs. But, on the. otbezr posite te Chat outlined above. Sise hais bu Mri- baud, her. bave been many insproveniente, corte a vanguard et Germanizing tendeune e taire especially iu the direction of t enperance. This neolted inulber collision with Rusaio gni- A vhole clm of etmn who vere ver v numer- and ini the ouppor of Turkey by Franci "est oua vhen I tirot came to Landoave lie.aud England. Beajridea, these Gormanizini corne extilnt. I refer te Choase gond and teudencies becouîiug obvions, th. situatiom wau roapsotable gentlemen vho nover got drunk blid cbangod; it wau no longer ate te in r lu but viir.n e C.habit cf getting-weU t.rust lber wita the happinema of these mil. ofgh lot ua aay, olerably mellow. you nmover lions of people. Eugland, powurfnl an aho 2ors corneacroeu enstcf Chèse uowadays. At le, b.d ne occasion te toar Germanys great. 11130 limait, 1 nover do. nou;a;ish thereforo upiield Austria's poliuy, me; "The question cf temperauce boa tabou iluamucb as iLt an conter te the ochemom 800 gaiatridee, aud. I thinik ibere bas &la and the dirsadivantage of Ruai.. Aer corne &bout an improvoment in h. attitude Tueo Balkan Peninsula, Chou, is the true iich of respectable people toword licenCiotus seaC ni troubles. Here Enropeai> poweni the, literaturo. Out grandmoathers read bocks vie witii each other for supremnacy. Rusa tbé vhioh aur daughters vould b.e aahamed te trises ta check the encroaebmeràet et Austia, On pn. And in .many other respect», especi. which power, tbrough lior ver-y policy, la c aly iu hast of open vicie and lawleaanesis, adivancing tb. internasa cf Germaby. Thai London bas greatly improved. People did power again, through lier Auatrian Ctool, in à," tbiuga tblrtïyearti ago without. foar or rue rustrating tire deaigrîs ot Russia, perpetua- ing tmiint vio th.7 vould neyer dreain of ting thero y h suzerainty of the Porte. ng* dcing now." Tifat Rusia. as neyer unfriorîclly te Airs. ira In respect of Chritian obariîy and bar. tria was demonstrated in 1849, when ah. an- )g mouy cf Christian effort, bowever, h. lie. ited in quellisig the Hungarian revoit. mry llevod mucb undoubtod progroga wusbehng What ivas the aim oftChia rebellion? ex- miade. Wus net iLés abject the annihuilaitionî of )w- "PouploeuCiI italk innoh,"Iho aid, "Iali-it Austria? If succeauiful, Germaiy would Ch blgetry, but. I mes littie ot t persoually. I bave graaped tire western possessions of t7, inanvel memetimes, a I lock back ounCii. Asia, including h. Bohlemian crowu. te flrces coutroveraxea cff ian7 da1ys, and con. Hunîgary, assisted 1)7 England andu Ger- ros trase thos Ch h brothery love and many, wauld have douse b.mre witb the dun sympathy vhieh prevail 'nov. When I Balîkan, States. But u a Grmail y would have fer proachdon baptanal regeneration many Hbad it ail hier own way Ù2 ttus event (the d. years ugo, wbat a et,%rm wau raimud. Thore Hungarians bain& used ontensibly te fcrther I, vha thon resentodi plain speech hart learned the interncats;etof ermany), Russia lent, %n to endure Ir. 1 hava, lest ne friendta Lhrough therefore, bier aid Ce Austria, stili hoping cd pli pai .Ihv gie ay that that ronarchy would renain true ta te noua, owtem by mnseso vr e Even France, lier statesmen underrating fit nomination aiment surp~asses b)elief."' the. trength ot Gerrnany, allowed horueif te 'or "Tii. Bisop et Rochestor bas visited nme be drawn iîîto the combination, sud sided an whon I have beutn unwell, and kindlv %ondae with tiie Germas and the. En 1mbh. Soon es me an early copy et anytkîingý which lie pub- Bismnarck appuared, and wiLt b in Lb. in hltes. Clergymen. Higb ari Low, vie with agaressive policy olf aGer ybcarne marri- te each ether in friendly actaetflove and aym- ts.Dfetn nria lu186R, sfter ah. so- pathy. Hiqu and Low quarrel with each b.d hélped hLms te adjuat the Daîîiab bound. [ty other, but both are en excecllent ternis witb arien coitroversy, hoe ferevor put an sud te ns nme. Lsst ime I proach.d at Menton. I Hapuburg domination in Gerinany. By ir had four canons cf th. Churcli of Englandi cr-ushing Franco Lu 1871 lie had deonn iu behind nie. As it is with High suad » s trated the suupericrity et Gerinany on th. e. se it in with the. bread mon, tfiough I am continent.1 Iyfrrmvdto hi lten.With thea.e achiovemeuta behind hlm, b.o 9qDea sienfursa. gways voi-y kind. I bgie tpeu the vanquimla1ed Aitîtrians te. ils remember spendliug a ver-y picasant oeuing yard the Balkan. Tathe Magyars ho .11 witbhlmin. Tiie Dean was iii excellent promisecl the. miee vur tbhe;va* on the ly eyteand spoke of disestablîashîent. Balkan, alnd the. tirât stop ini that direction ýt in vo are dissestabliailied and disen- wus forcing Austria into adoption of dirai- e dowed,' mid hoe, 'wbat do y ou propose te ions. Whi le the Balkan provinces are cou- on do witb Che Abbey and St. Piaula'? Wbich trolled by tire Parte and by German Prin- 61 et them do you intend to boy for tZour own ces, Hungary, hein; once" rigel by Auatria ti use? Dut really ycu muat net buiy St, Paul'î (which ni Cura in prompted by Gc'rmany), in a. -that yeunimuit leuve for the Cardinal; ié pur suing a ment revolting policy of Magyar- 1 wiii remind bim o f 8t. Peteras.' And, no lzing the Hungarian Slavs,and thus prepar. tr- ho went on, laughlng hoartily ut bis fancy in&the field for future conqîlests. sketch etftii. future ef the dieesturbliaiiod Italy vas premiaed, lu oxcihange fer lber Y oburcii. H.ovas alwayu very cordial aupport cf Gerrnanv, a lice on Che Adriati. 1, "This growth et Christian charit7 la Che couC,wvile Engfand vari won over by se more remarkablo witbin ti. churcli bocuss promises et anti-Rusalan policy. Thu, a tbe teudiency cf an eatablish mont sC tesrter oIvsrytbung beung-lu roadinesa, Che mattona; -a tbe opposite. Epiucopalians are tii. ouly toust, awitinig only a propittnous mmentn a etabliahud set in England, and Cii.y am fer hir c, 3ummation. Were the ovonia apt tofanoy Chaâtt h.y are the only Church ailowod Co ruslinChia rack a hnndred il of Christ, freonvhich conceit her. natur- years hence, they would reanît lu nome- alri an murh bttennesand arrogmace." uhing liko hia:- Roumaniel in rear «stand," hoeaat! vhsro I did vben 1 ed for Gernisny by the reigning ±toh.enzi. lieja u iladolotoe. ris prince; ini Bulgiri:, teGerman polLoy a taniiosî sermnsn nov uithout change ne ar vis, ex-Kng Milan cf nnsavory repuCatica, rau th. essentilidoctrine* are ccncernod. 1 pnettetd thé Qerman nteresti. eMar. btand aiment oxaotiy viiere Calvin tosd n yarm de h. vork amen g Cie Croatais, a. , 1 mainrr ny..rm. Net viier. ho tood l.a dycaumg yearnng looks tevard Boaula hIa Iuitus' vich oi . rete viien s isand He &ogvin&.; and, Isatlv, Lhe Germana 1a Young Lut . inaiolaCer works. Ihat the a.vue attend" te Cbi Slava on Chia posoen ta bq t.. ven hoiese a ide ef the LaiCha. The. Pales look atupidy ouupy Baptilal uieado net ruwac t *On- 131th. tz mareir utis1epreacr . They 8i.. Ire. a sita l ould uoom Chat AumînrI* C"p sdlfersmtly, eud f course theyDr e la laking munih ef Chat determination vhieh A. Coir vu vy. AChcub te vindon Pa a n d the Rusass miatakenly ab- bain reoha a!ml. Tbg ernacle, i LanoSy Ifuec ?Grmn hoyhbr ~EV8EDANI):AMENDIED. r. ~ ~ ~ e te Am viaeyou et."« a " bébeép~îu NiélI~4 Q~ ULI i ~ ' =t.geTMent , rasiv sfs r. ~ li «tv»à oae.a~~ tu O= -au c tCh.varaWMS msn te poz is wndopilie S l s# dIrntur abot <s 1cuu* L- the ieslne Ch"r e ou h tur aelie o bdnoslved hiTh*art& .petd Ch 0.m . ststrfacement Vs dtOb vkwedft of cette oue.ofelhis a lat ad"ex et 1 thCielu Wb,* M S. uadvs ld Le gmao a atblm t . is al oo.v1&fi fo evug .inuvites . 0 oamen hqpvicu cmicw Tuaglat t C. vria tavls risouis ue ~ dr vsie fi;betuid Cake a, a- pas and eps" dfb a re wmue u «t nu' Aut A g eiaumau<je te essu aiteiugh cm mte LlAtssameub Matut l'ml ti,,.uO meis Sb.. n A's raud W4 SOnet mdi frni he onsu vigi u mre .;te tisi4brigader n oicceasion, b.d Ths latitncignthen tris tes ht cf me LmfRor Luaruons01;ho waaul akeva i earth îrom tiie aamne. reIy 8. Arnaud b.d made. t î crbi se »»»xoi.tbuisa ,ooo,oo,ooo 'ougeuieral's enly vords sud commanda muiles iu exeont, sud ehrcagh Chia t paaiem v er. niaaacez toua ! (maseacre eeory iu 4,482 daym, or Il years 10 menthe and t 7: be«dy cmmade" daya. Such la the year oet Chla.ciimenae eTes o ma d o. beye t i e lot- globe. ert and mmnptbeumand poop ivere ahot avM EEVOLITINO. devisand bayonettitd ruconscq u, e. 0 In order to cernp loto lisenaire erbit dur. To Grniste aiButterý IL 1n tuhs poriod [t upeuduarouud the sua John Gouid tCllite ea Heard'i s with aveeciCy of7 0000milesa day, or a Dairvmanbhow ta ranuateba e s Ca liClo more Chan ilgise miles. secend. Thaitn ii i i ne.f0 bsage whr novuae b l ea lhin tls t. ut h it Ch.voieon eta ho Humani,"Add tomeo vate,Bay Lvo quarts, i.nt A. t. obit.Bue l reulve ou t S mxep.tvedegreea te the creani vhen the & xi& vith a very gretiat viss, for its chîorusmarte, s spoonful of salt vi4i do ne i. day hsd y-v igepb nedol ut abot:he-rndislved Lu the vater. As bon as nineheus sd fisy-iveminues. ,*th.e reamu shows aigu ot breakiugnup, sdd a cuarus.gà.eu..little etrong coid brin,, and a ittie laCer ou In uothe oredi ;ho inhabitautà of Ju *ter visU the buttermihk shows uicely add et snjoy cniy Ove heurs ot rsal day, ifIgis os v aln t odbtet l br finclnded. "If," maya Kat, 6"an Inhiltant sMd rovolvo Ciechuru shewiy a tev moments of Ju ter should die lu uhldboo, havi abeforo pnoceeding witii the washing."1 ou. pu oeur lu that plaiCt, hvouil ho as aid an a child wi. aisould on oui Te0bilent Tot& and the Beans, globeet Cie age cf Il yunian d 814 days. A 7itutloC f6. umrsvn lt "3 isrei.ilcbld vcaid have iived, gnocery store vith a pluit.cap ini ber baud, about 103,9U8oet J3iCor's days, and thi, sud laid dovu a penny. cild ton Japiter, eW ftCh. eartb'm "Please give mue saine beans," aihe lisped. days.' Wist do yen want et boans, litie AG oi r mini ene?' asked Che gracer, au bie dLd them up t in p rob ab le C at iis g lo b e, st o u g h fo r geeh ev . y , su d a* created be ore Cie arth, las pr eerved u't4 t C4ied a Ce he go chil iren ndtne u pristine beat muci longer hy esson 'f iag eldu eb odcide n e n volume sud mana. la CiLs characteistit &auY beansup n cr fuses," mid thCiamal heat sufficienClT, intense to prsveut ainma n.iAvestigator. "arnd w, ain't got any A. tie ifeatationa of lite? And in uhia globe stufl bue'-eri rePes et tie priaient ime neC ini the state et a Lre laminos star, but in tho condition of Ta fn r Tesc Lor aa a og dsrk -sud burniug one, enieiy iiquid, Tefnerorcrni .ar og a, carcely covemed vitis a firît hardened cruat, Doenet rive witb yonr linger ou Lie tnig. as the eartii vas befere lite began to appeau gr on its sur-face? 1 lTube things as tbey corne and give Cieni 18 IT HIABITABLEI?1 ap au they go. Or, nded, i tbs Coossl 1Inspirationi Chat one lias te wait for La Or, nded, a Cia olosalplanet lu Chat net ver-tii having. condition of temperatare hrough whici Tii. viisper- lui never admissible except eut owvu vend pamsed thrangh tb. primary viien the tireserîme il)8ulaleep. polo f 1Cm geolo"l,,epoehu vhen lLfl Tisebeau rmeaes biîssirecs. heu hoe begina bgan te show itaeîf ander atrange for-me, to bnug candy fir r cl! the littIe broChers as animal and vegetable heitîg a tun.' asaterntiztly-.(;,lveston Neva. Lsing vitality amiLd Che convulsions sudj tempoats efthCe nev-born woend? Tbe lut La the meut rationai conclusion t bat. vo cas drav rotra h. mont moenttsud exact aci> nervatieons te vhicb ve are indehted for visa e oknov cf Ch. present state oetChia vont world. . $ la 1? DINAITD? Il U Act WheherJupterhoinhbitd nwTan Preckles, Saur Wiothr Juptet b inhaited ov, Black Spouha, Bk.ý vietiert vas yestetdayor viietiier t oh,à, o b e apiuw I vil ho to- morrov, in of j* t - has ho., '. n ho ranavel A to the grand, eternal pilosophy af nature. Tn& eoi Lto Lit. La thu object otite formastion, au t vg tise object cf ti. sartis.formation. Thorelu' 9.1, sure sud Effesisa. in evenytbing. The mmenut, th. heur, il: ' ~ C ef li Clo acco nt. . 50126by &Pn 8 011U*m TEC JOV'IANS MAT LITE INi NID-AIL Douibthemi the pianet rnay nov b. inhais f rif I ied by beinge ditffonnt troni ut, living, pur>'GosJe HOYLEm haps, ia an &@rai oonditiea A. the uppea' ANNIIlTON, nagions oe t Lieatmoehrs, above Ch.te g OluIiilàIDp and vapora efthle lover Sirate, feoding oe *Ivaya Immeasan u wmsr=lent of Book ale tise aorial fld'Litf, roshfag on lie vlad, 4*,cy damiptUIciu, ak" A ofaetshoe 1k. tise o A.einths templsi, and eo efflUts,$%BoniusWoa igAm d vellng la theupp r beg i t hé tsejoviasm laSs is an es Wi m ,n heavena.Vu"* ni. ~broïdery MÎlb, TuaI wouhd »it ho a clmagreeobie abode baves, etc., altisough an ani-terresCial eue. Ind.id, l ~uIal Imbtumm. u i, alo ivovar, vouhd ho lîke thse abodé of aid jupho. AlbMs, Ebi. m»d laney Goodaeuo yqdas. Ohympu ansd Me oeurt 'But if v. dî eX« viai, A. oueeoophim eofliM, te 5lrayVtu . J. HOYLE, fer frrn Ch. borduof etChe ternsmld O b na la innothng o Préostus Imem ai at02-% mt outi thenjyapunlbod smeio, he U viii prmit i .lg cipared vhtiseW The. parents ei a ypenn; oldier wvis vsq rivteina lrmio aakfy rgmst d»r S theFrmooPrbeus werteant. hi7 suxion. aboae hlm. Sevoral battis Suid beun ton g hi, ad they h.d roivod 8 neya of their boy. AfCtsnime hesitation tise taCher vent ta msene ral van Meltbs, vise vauundcood te r"e vsitor oi g certain heur iA.teo osny uorning. Strangi te may the fatis u a adrnltie "WSaC -M y= ubumliàV' ad Molhs nets as &ivyar"sas posile." The. vister .zpWue-d th swbod*4 knov lis, fat.etiud&ams,"apnLvate la Idodmumidbut »M isuawee o ods do omW vith :S àà7»*thUU icit heMvu Spugeei hlsneit A pup(~ 5easlu.treni hua vltory aven r sace. No matis, "M uamu su mr, b. utC W Sit v he, p.w« vIna ii lis.appomh thbO ukmîis. néocalreotdChtlob dàib.ot ad Pugamauuiti bedealumt vi.W= e aeate6bmgalse . Were »-O»q wtbasvL th GANADIAN PAOIFIO RAILWAYO a" mmd ès*"~U. meUs .M.& ..t - eEs tami Sous aaa~ aw~ reins ... uta... LISp... LUI p.u. liii a,.. BU e.., ~aa sllsi* It pUs dasmestbkem O. NAOEUTT, ~UWJ RAUIBWAY. *-n a~ * ~ lamer. U us Peu P A" e IT I8 YOUR FÂULT that the bey dnemin't enderatand the motaing ot the word ho bas encountered, or kuows notbing pf the man ho bas basa reading about. Yon 'mefm &tyed basahe ha. 'nerrpteçi yen whle yn were rea<lig the paper. D-em not patt of the annoyabeosarise from tb. faot that von loti't know' youroelti1 The whole truuble for both yi-n and th. boy woold hoe obvitted if you only bad a good Eaclolopiedja ID tb. bouse. You ean't afford il. Bead our annonceoient and 100 ylese that yon ea, ho yon *ver mo poor, THE ENCYCLOpIEDIA BRITTANICA Revised and Amended, Io the rnost ocmplete and diversified library f Otetaiing arnd înteréètirg lit rature ever ioued fr.vm tht-lires'. YVon w'llfiad eomethig te attrct et (i itterft yi n on eer*, page. if von rc fond f bittorv, it contains te. ini.t c,1llctrr f tioorieu ln the wrld. çmbr&g vcny r-tîn f sneient aud nc;drnt tni s. Ait, x( ner. ëoted ini Scienee? Tlh v'v 'o o ' a BtittatDica Rrv'iaprl an 'A rrrrâcvicVl!ttl Yeu, iL. clrar, uiàd,_ýbLL. i. E ý~ . , il tcut aLy ScieL A nnce t -ýw y i.y 1; ta ivr- Y. Are 700 entiouh about mach anical invention? AEain 'b'- Finve&o1 odip is ~t. your ball"; a iOM rt'p tu -;2t4 c£.i r jrugtc britija 1 e ýr.p r htbi.u g t'. ioUr - e, and there bot're yen lieq x ec air], e sLd exhaustivêe ccmn.f cf lhb t-n'rr, m jct. In short, wbether ycu wL ý anu6m*qvj tor au idie bout, sold lIn ruc,or for nicro tien- oue moment, or qnick informatiou abcut any niattr a 'o wlaichb ua. in doubl, von have the meana in Ihese bocks cf gra*if3îng > c ust di cire. THE. WORK IS ILLUSTRATED It s even u ouand ud are ftlled with fine pieture, erd it contar O.er 8'1'00,000 woril. The. infï"rmt!oi compiled in this "Cyclopeedia" represttk! It - " r:ý1 work of 1000 of the alet. Prit(,.ra f the tinetceuîh Csrtury. Ail c;bLeî *C' e&o.,odias" are from Ove to twenty yean o bhiné! the date cf the êesue of tbis &,rand w oik, whioh *» oompletediin 1890. H OW YOU MAY PAY FOR THE 0B00KS We orffer to deliver to yôour address a complets set of THIE ENCY- CLOP.EDIA BRITTÂNICA, reyLed and amended, toeihtir with THE VICTORIA WARDER, for nue year, at the fol1nwifl_) prics.s:- Encyclpadia bound in Cloth and Paper, for one yeai $26 00, pay- able as foI1owbi: $200 on delivery of the firt five volumes, and $2.00 per mnith 1cr oute yeur. Encyclopoedia bound in FaUi Sheep and Paper, for one yar $8120, payable an tollow: $2.40 oni delivery of the. finrt five vlumes, and $2.40 per month or one year. Encyclopoedia bound in Haif Seu Morocco and Paper, for one year $88 80, payable as fullews: $260 on delivery of the. firt five volumes, anci $2 60 per month for one vear. Where Full Amount is Paid at Once. Where the full amount lis pi at time of delivery an allowane is made-the Cioth set for $24.50 instead of 26.00; the Full Library Sheep for $28.50 intead of *81.20; and the. Half i4a1 Morocco for $81.50 instead of .$38.80. Advortise in -The Warder The Canadian Office & Shool Sa GA V E R L Y PB8O . ONTARIO FicTOB A B ADSneou.o W.Uhhcmtdt à Co., leprpaedt sMay ;nufai m 009Ofie o t , .Curch, m" d L dgo PUBNITURE AIID UNDEBTAKING bin &W fhbranche&. A fl uhlpplycîband @4 n tnis Hfavtu nD o My B]9 mv lEuR Iamn puesnd a upply =«6à aalntai Ml.brancbo. i ut sppn t fztuewu n b= a hd. Plen as L G A VHNY. Houa. of AU Nations for Bloodï. ave bis.tâ bro %b 1eelt»mV lue 5usd.M BARGAINS8 1 IM "Pawurm àvrcAn" Shool DeSk ne lusm Md bout. @Wffl Ui. sM Modal astithe Jama l XhbtiUoL ret ~.hom . h buitu. UU ?NE @LV 'E- ~UBu ~NR A. tg 1 N wiiilff

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