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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1892, p. 2

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CONSUkP0 Imebme suorcfthi Giat (> t tu h, ù,jisi e atband ho ssii Item s pus a- ntec. aSort 1% at oo«vt4f' 'uctando. fThat hcmiy beeus du , ,iuilnraSurI e ot glpdtOMdM mtcrîîd 1trs IfCnaa. fyShY gC ou, ut. ThAskrBoiili s th it. Askyour DM f ILO'S CUR, Price go tsCorm *,.oa if your Lung are ore Or= l$ mc. ihii ohsaron Plater, Pricoec telsfO VQ nfnrin afnd tee Nudboq tal~ Cietbureaiu Tor seourine patents lnIn Âlea ~eyi ettaken out by ustu broolgbât butor pulabenotios gyen froe of ehmre ln the Zsvgst tJre"rjt~n ! en idntifie per la the miahnd1>1 W ht int. WeulU5hl $1;.50 sMxniuontii5. Address kl MI" V., niija1i.liiBroudveu. Nov York. Clio ETTS PUR '~' gestI 1 àu' u n aatly lmktmoeSc à cm e à. qus20 poulnda Bal Mode. Sld by AUl O,.c.". and. hurgiste 1PBhfiT, FEBRU&RY 19, 1892. .cé"î te The Wgrdor. Mit ruollE had the ha-idiomeminjor. it, -( 48;' t îis pollicg division. Wa &ta vrend ofi hi. encoe. We kriow tbat bu WA i oo l'mms biei;to forwArd 'hat arcat 'Wcrk for c,.!. ra1 Canadma, the Tient 'Ti.V C'tuai. Lts'rT . ,at thf fanereai ofMise An'i. M,-f'îIyîn a t Rrkfild a man c~ee A fré4uliita othe crowid of ponpl'. W'hncfrou ch.. hurch, kntiekirig êomo <w. Mr D. frmUtro had bis fat i jîir-, u x a n ho has not been abie ta l i )» h.iî. irLce. Tal u . îici fanerai of bMca. George Wl .an.ciwâs hi-Id on Thursday 1,> the îîr,-S1>le.iauacemetery, BoIsoiver. The day vas very cold and slormy. 3pemln Te I Naidsi' luaa cir Sam Hugbea an d Obarluy i, ,îi mat'>e- sentiment of eVery huart L~ Ftnk il,. Whore te li the. grit biel. t' ino, ? Eol o anewers wber.! The 4ohàoim u vlour oouctry now bave tbeir et-' . opi'n ta whaît the conemquene wvnid ibh~uulil the mrits gut in power rut l~m îiLle rold is i.bause and 'lit Id <o n Jin Siovart, senior, and la cui4 ivj th-o b, rtb.west in th. *pringl. Mit. T-.ý mi a Ceuii and wifeo f Bidon, fi)-Te conple 1,f day. lest 'week vielinq 31r j F:ai a àAnd famîli, hie turne waa i ho he Lbu ad to ho home ta vote for dan:. E uâbésonathe 11 ih. )IURNT BRIL. COUNCIL PoRnîaDIIOB.-COaumil Met pUr. acaut to adjaurtlntnt. Membora l 1pros. unt, th. retye in the chir. A nmn. Nr of pal bmeseu' lista wvêetu xoamiad diâpaed of b.'mily MXr. Mordasnu, seooded by M". K c ýll.hat Atex. Muîral.be &p. pomtid as.ta.ot for 1892 at a saléry cf 060 -Ctàrriud, DA ,rýd Lj Mr. Havwie, seoonded by Mfr. JOI)a W M-vp b'%t by lmv No. 858, là te. keà* <0 ïpp ,luton assoesoor andgoam is i taaier, hi fl'w rend and pased.-Oarried. ,»y 1sw r.ad néid pased auoordingly. Id vei lb-; 1MrJohn Bowie. secoaded bv Mfr. M: tloî hat bylaw No. Ut4, a hy .1àuu tu W'i by 1mw No. M.8, e nov ýpe-.*lo',s ipssd-Orraed. byMisrd l'Iy Mi Jubn Wilson, .euonded -IBttceLI, that the. auditord bu lu'tUc"'i t .vîrcnisr audit go date ct omI,B -Carrîid. M.ovtd t. 1. J-3owle, tooonded by 1fr. B -ehe.11. 1lbat thefoloving ae- etann e be pvd -Austin and tJrag, plack 1,' suiv-il e, G Imour'o., 8 15, plauk for 'W <a n'a huite, fuinisbed A. K&Vanur W 'Ibm 'm.er, $4, aima balaènce un plank for sî<.wslhes a i mut,1., ol4. Amiun'1raie, iumbîe.f1« bougie fho M n., $1816; Fred Deupma-m-, - uJii .. 2; ion 1, Moore#* mas *0hW 4,, sa .- j . M- R. g'dn-amndm ma ime& ABAIENT80OUL la M of W sm 111 "" day sbolOpa, ' * b. e M ii the, bous. cfW. E. houarion Ibm symningi ot Wednuay, lob.,841h. A usaS timiec #"#@ §à& SUm ai rt crar invit aled.1 'Pa M-O5 BD W'4ID ousy. »seo W~ are. À Ber«Bo.-At the meeting of1 tbe p.nteely bOoisa lad in ILIuWt> 1 ulresul, Prian Eldward Oonty on Mon- at, P."uurg tb, th. Bey. ffar A.1 SIrke, aumi o tLbsispbol, îsailyed a1 iuuoiaIvitation ta ratura 10 thia dîroit for amoibai yuar. Thi. Buard vas! weil repr«euutet4iomuelghteau memburs pirent, aud ths moyre, Mr. Jas. Parl, i, a lo0a1 pttoa'e, In men e l.motiont statfcd tha? be hut rîtted tiii, six appoint.1 moelansd Ébmw hbutrocvotoing thei beerétait dosre cf lt.eotrouit. Bic. 51,1k.tbmuo h oIim for heu in tiduesa and saiShb. ouid gladly ratura If the. stalioning oommttte tiami ft tesund hlm. un. O03o. J. ELI.oTT, one of lhe brighteat atudento who éer ~attended eut Cocl lgate InstItuts, lett De6boro on Tuuaday for thu, North West Terrltoulen. whu'rs bo co« osateaoDta position on tb. staff cf the Mooromin ohool. bMr. )KiIlot oldu 3rd cia.., 2od clama sud let mli»s. mrtificalea, &Il of vbiek ho obtained et tb. coleulate bore. Dering the past fou bho bas buen mtli furthur perfectlng bluasel1Inluthebo seuncu of tuaehlng, ai the Otawa Normal mbool, vheru bu thor. oughiy filted himel for lh. rusponslble position ho im about to assume. Mr. VElliot. whll hure, va. one oi the bot kuowu cf the 300 students at thu Colel glie Instituts, Iuklng a prominent part ln the toot-bali fi-Id, lu ihe llterary too1.1y and itheIumauk parliawent. W. vlah hlm t suoceas ln hie nov home. At tho mebetiog cfthie Counti Orangu Rdge cf Norti (Grey, Bro. John Eliott of Dumboro, vas leotod conal> mastier, hie sou W. G. Elliott.bulng cleed deputy oouuty luoturur. [W. are lndebted la the .Owen Sound Timnes for the. forugoing Item iu regard la Mr. EBiliotn, woIaua old Emily boy; h. illi ploaac accept aur congratulationsa an bis el.ction as ounnty master cf North Grey, as aise on Ib. suc- osa# cf bis tva sons ruturrîd to in tbe foregolug extract. Triauks almo for tbe kIni rem %akkain regardta ourmeires. En. WAREEE1 -e---Y IpeeatulTm arier. OBITUÂiRY.-It 1a Witb dOeepregret thal wu record the deslh of Mrn. Elizabe-th Beatty. telci oi tbe laie Ga. Beatty. vtmo dbid on Jaunary Blat, at tue &go ut 78 yeers. lbh@. heàl a st-v-uc andi painfnl illaitti e rom whioli skie auffoied tur a jailli lime, vbiob aie Luore vlîb chris>iau pt,. tibnom, fi-ar which éLu hmJ ucoçi-ued and1 vaR able <o go about, whcu ah. hook ttho lagrippe froBa wkiieb be died. Ber re. main. voeeInterrcd ln the Emîly came- îery on Fei). lot. Ber inn-rai Mwasthe loricest th&% paseS tbrongh Orneras. for mime lime. The ïmpri-s6ive fuouai sot, pioe fi ho churci cf BoýianS vos con duoled bv the Rev. Mr. Mc.Waruof Lind- say. Mra )Beatty vas s noble Wornan sud a iovlng malien. Sie uts leit à wdov wilhbyfie abidreui, very eWalil, une of whom us. called avay a littla o:ey a lest ego. She raiýed ber ehidreri sud toilld bard bri.ing tbem Up ia tefiait of the Lord. Bbc vas a member af the ciarch ci Enelanti and vasa atruecharis- tian for the diail lrnsting lu Jeans..6h. va. boru lu Ireland sud camo e t t eountry about lh ie ù f ber mriige ant estîledin lu le bomeathat bt-r bnaband baS provided tor ber franc vhtch ehe nuver movedunutillthe lime tof lier àd0ath. 8h. leave, four cilulrun, two sons sud &o dangbtem. bhie liveil tu se. her two ous aleoted hwice iu the village counoîl, lhe oldeat sud youageiot ofbvr ohiltirmu. John D., s Joseph Beatîy cfl Omencee; ber Iwo daughlto v atobeil by their inathor lu hou lnesa. Mr@. Beatty vas lareS sud respectaS by aIl uho knew ber $ho bas asu eey. Si. vaa kind aud good ho ail. Ber family have th. deup apmpatby ai lb.e ommunit-y at largo in thoir @ad beroarumeul. Thonubidren do ual monta, Your-mother la'st test, Her eufieiing trials &Il arc avrr She dvells smoag lhe tîlat. 7H01 AH ,AND B£OOK. spoew goI i' arieord. WEcD»IGBaLuL.-We altain, wiîb greal pleamant., rord onu of tiose muet pltasing évente wbioh lakos, or shonlil take place lu tie lfetime o! every Indinlduai, L.e., the union af ijesrts anud bauds for lhe remaindor of lifctmmjournoy. Uâbappy and most misérable muet bu thc *cniilob cf tb. persan Who tries ha oeali alan. ovrthloniug anSd reaiéncme voyage of life, wilb ils bllawso!fdis. content aud Iroubîse. Receving tho banda cf matrimooy lu îincunity shoulil ho lb. happit veuitbpeaoved upan eau te etijoy, asdthofu Who vthueead the ousston of wbich Ibis la a brie! eccount, viii sgroo thal su@b vos the casé In the mariago on ?eh. Srd., cf lMr. George Battais cf Tiarah, t80Miss Hlanuah Lamubert of Bouk. At 6 p.m., the. guesl., te îLsamber offilty, voe saemeod aith. rosîdine o f lb. bide's falher Mmd ate20 lb. uaromouy vas eiamhed by th. 'Rer. Mr. Paed <of " seIj1Msd.Theb.bride Wvas sslatd by lilsiM Wbms u be groom by bis eie'U. AdRS Bugeas. AU licoked umd tbap as boooming the oe. tre »R r e p o vlb v i bhw su bgsded by tbeir mm*y frimudé. A the ab sr~ tRie-. uematee.. of tb. uook beokà AIlt w . 'uo~de1h45u ueeul e h véasaer¶ *"sd v o.m* uu =hee I~aL Îut - àbd èUalUI e' lylu ~me &a»a. bieni 4lb lie K.t*va au sauoaa.a h sblidrsf brw1i6 b dr@Ï SosOtt licus. The buabsd and fie o businesS ln SudbmrY sah*.lAe A, f.. momuingo 0go the oltim C4 Iorth Bei voe. aud by wblsne blo"lg and baUll infor fim .Ià vas fouad tRâ ia1r. T. Olbbelt'a harnai mbop W"sinu lames Theeunià«e sud aremen dia exo.u t work sMd sarud Mr. Nuits ifrou heoay jlugsesathe proprt vas & ]anHI.hoteli lhe Pacifie, 80 vhici te attachuaiànnmbrer of st ables sud $gtr$.- bousese wr.laU gat danger. Tic fit duinollised Ivo abopa, stable, and a lalrge ,stable oontalnlng bay - oaugb* on IAM, but Was put ont justinl timqq.. uasil luur- anou. Las.@eonsldotblo. TES Miabqueradu arnlyal ai the. Vie. lotis skailîîgrick, ounIbme vuuiug of the 9th,,vas ietgeiy attendait , Tai OOB 8the efforts aofMosis. Rogurs and Webster, à Young Moule.Christian Ams&oOiaUtoI bas beaui oritaniseil, a znuob noaed Inslltutiofl. Tau Rer. T. W. B91l, B.D., organIze5 a coneil of 'R T. cf T., with Ruv. J. Webster sas8.0. DELIGHTFUL veauber; somo sharp espe. Lot Southeir eaglne.boy tboy would unjey à motnlng vlth the tbermno' moiserogistoting 48 sud 50 below zero. Howerer vs haro bad but two moinga &bol coiS. Tas Epvorth Leagnu meeting lent vsek vas ver7 lnt.tuating and Instructive, iumpromnptu speeches beug thie arder cf tbe oenlng. Tas mzebadist chureh bas modSe gro&% progreme inou Mr. Webster became pastor. Thé oongregation pald the year bufore hoe came toward salai y $800. A steady inoresmu has beeu made. The lit year $400; second yeau, $550; Ibis year $690. a their last affoliai meeting îhey docidud to thsnk th. ulbsieetp corn mitIce for pasî favars sud deolture them. selves indepondent, whleh mumus ta puy a salary af $900 t10 hogin viti. la tbe 1last tva yearsansd a haittlb.membetablp bas about doublai! sud lie congregation inoesed îbrefold. This la the. iraI ongreuation among the protestant oburches in Ibis district ta becomo self- supparting. The prenant patoui loern expires nt June. This bas beeame a 1duiabia fild, uispecially for a young snd unergelle mau. SUVDERL4ND. FnÂNci-DOBL.-FirOMbfl heCauiug- ton Ul*eaner vo tako the following :-One oif thase lnteremting social evauts whîah mp"a s-o'etv elteleasmalir, took place lu Bc. Mary'@ obureh, l8nndurland, on Wednes- dav mfiurrnoon at 2 o'clock, the occasion being the marriage ec it. David Francib of Dniryvie, and Miesa Cors A. Dobleofa Sutidtrlaicd, Long ba:fure thei hour for *bi- cerem uyte begin th b chea as paoked with inviteti gnuserom Mon trucal, ToroLtho, Homilton, Canningtou, Sauderbatcd, sud oCher places. Thue cliîarch vas tastefally aud beautifillT deec.r.%tt d with fiowerma, etc., for the even4-. At tw vo '4iock the bridgrvom asud bis ito- îîstanta, Mr. G. A. Rez cit Wycliffe Col- lege, Turùnte, sud lMt. John Doble, brnther of the bridp, loolt their place@sta the sitar, sud voue immediately foiioved bji the Lii-ai party,ud, as Ibo bride, lauuing on tii. am of heu father, marcheil fa the sitar of hymen, Iookerl perfcctly chauni'g ln ber wedding cestume. As the pârLy proceeded Up the sies of tie ohuteii the chair sang the hymu, "«The Voice.that Breaihbed O'er Eden." The bride würe a- bandiaomeansd elegantly trimmed dresaofc eom .11k snd plneh, fuiliveil, orange blo"c-amp, aud carfi'umta mignifleoiutbouqueto oaeo. The bridas. malis veto Misa Madili of Toroncto, ni ece oi Mfr. Frankr Mudili, M.P., fer Ngrîh Qnriamand lites Beatrie Brerrnu ni Uxbridge, sud woe r rssed in creama heurîittîsclou mlanarried a bouquet eacht of toses. The maid af benor wus litile Mise Luis Doble, sister of the bride. Sh. was ttefnlly dressed im oreasl1k and plnsh, and carrneS a beautiful bon- quel afi illies ai the valley. The mar. niage coeamouy wss periormed by thie Rer. B. Bry&n of lhe churci of Epiphany, aiaistcd by ,ho Rer. A.- ostveil, MA, af Canningtou. Aller thoe eremauy bail beu coumpluteil thu party drove ta "Mople Grore,"' the beautifuli reidence of Mr. atd lM. Doble, vhore a grand teceptian vos bc-Id, afler vhieh the in- riléd guemia estdown ta tie weddlng breakfast. The tables voue laden witi sverythîug tiat gooti tasie could eGgRest. M&nY ver. the complimenta extendeilgo tho vauag couple. Amang the guests proeut wvesthe following:-Mr. and lits. Madili cf Torontou; Mr. MeKenzie ai Mouxtreal; Mrs Brabazon -cf Toronto; Mfr and Mus MeCully of Toronto; 1fr sud Mr@0ème E Franoîs of (Jauninglon; Mrv and Miss Rooney et Uxbuldge; Mri [Wm Prapois, Derryilile; i andi Mua ;Jo.s iddy of Grareuhnrait; Mr Ja Gien- dlnolc',g, MLA, sud lirs Glendinuuiug af Vraomalc>um; Mr an rcS Ms .Tbomp. son of Sude rland;lMr and Mca Al bort Fraucis of 'Deyynlie; Mfr Jas DaLle of Snacderland; iMr snd liraJohn S Br&bap sou of Sunderland; lic W Francis andi Miss Fratels, ftDerryosiIk; lisa. Ellu R..> usrd cf ducti; Mt Thoa Ruddy of Vicoris Cornea; Mu. (Dt) MoDernot, cf Sundoiland; Mr asud Mv. B Edanar cf Derryvill.; lits Jas Buddy, xi snd M as D&-vid PunvIs et Cann$ou, amâ aberse. Tii. présents versbb*oWely ad aumeroumg nver*-s& t"buaof the eeiem in btob tse brillde ubeIdb.y ber ,many Stus m datve.. 0 sond«asd Ollueus'Bad &o« ete l4W botme af er thse, *&ops. sd mc.usd tb. oompý«say, mêWb. ssoted tbém tee tRi ov 1rulg r»»&V. sea a Of~ sud 1frs,, Pz - lb *0 ix o ktb si u 4~~~UIe1 'UI~S~1LUWho tfiauId£lmentlifa& URU .0-ulties n or iln 4.In lu letoru islêaarluboth URBV IM U LU soûmlita'»ethbe=u Ut.UUUfM Éboula take t0M P=&L IU1IMMM hMIhe ue ire- sn~~l1uladhabts adue=agtiathé oui 1 u. DUNSFYORIJ OWING 10 th@ r@moval Of Ber. John Power froua Dunsford motbodist mission (whiob rtoava unot due 80 mnytbing purtaimings obter tu Mr. Power or th. miioir, lhe quarterilyofflemi board at theti last meeting. huld in Eoily chureh on the 8th list., uuanlouely pued the fallowing resoolo:- * Wheroau by th. Providence of God sud the rilling cf tbe uburoh brnther sud siater Power mre about to depait froua amonget ns, thus board tender tbem our incere thaliks for the able manner lu vhich they havee onducted the work ot tht. mission, sud thst vo decply regret their rimoval, sud alto that w. wisb them every encege.emd *xjoymelat on thetr nov field cf labor. Nover ailoir thé ho vola 80 romain constipa- tcd lest erons onu enoue. Nationial pilleéar unumpmMaené a reoy for contiption.- GTBatil BanefitaL Dear Sir.-I have beeaulug B B B for eancer of 8he broost duntlug the les twIo ypar and four mnnthe, both extsrmally and inter- nally. sud have beeu greatiy bene-flîted. Have bail oancer.over saveu yoars, and m e ddtclne ever dld mu mmuuoh iood&@sB B. B I teel sure thsta uferai from cancer eu obtalu r. - 11.1 or caeucure iresm B. B. B., -'i~t 1viii bu plessed teasivît ay question. us '1 . tua use and bentfit receiveil train thi. ramidy. lira. A. Ellîit, Waterdnwri. Ont,-22 2. Worms ceuseaun.1 ckneai a-nong cbîl- dren. 1rpmm's Worm Pnwders privent thie aid malta the child brl«ht and healthy.-2-5. Whon Baby was aielk, vo gave lier Caata'la. Wheu she vas a Chfld, aie crlad for Cm.trla. When iii. heceme Miss, sie lunif té Castorla. lVben abe had ChUlduen, eie gave them Cantos. A Crvîng Evil. Every m'ying ovil hould ba promptly ru. nioved. Slck baidache is a oryiog avil sifea' ttng-thonsande o! Canadient. vhich eau uaily be removril by the née ifc Burdock Blod Bit. tors the. bost knoovu tom.%eh, liver and bovumi rARfflator and cure for ick headacha froua vhbatever eansèu ariging -22 2. PUREST, STRGNGEST,9 BT. Coutaina no AIum, ASmouiL, me LINDBAY -MA R B LE.WO RKSI R. OHAMBERS l srround b tr"à t" ouet nt- M ~mae p~ti glse mku i, Onan*. r c4m *mslaTo e t op% S w Metol lccsl a»tm eh o«M I 0 M y - imam r, t.' - -' i leAu. sBÙ0l"U "fl n - 2* LI*à - DI, ALPIN mVUI ;e'8 K tWL. t P.PALMSB IIUBRUWM, A. D. O,~M,, OurniualacfMsGub OsUqeNontrial~ZUa, lbyaIMam, I t~li~ :~ nciiesee epputtO OeWi DB. IMPSON mBus Md uedd.nos £Md s tres, seonmdmde.mm of or YowA- s-eO.oiz ous-i té 10.10 mi.; .10 te &30 >p..,and I to 8 pa. ecuame of Ustauty ut Trlnty CoL!, Toronto; Nimbe of C00. of Physllm Md Sugou. ,Ont.; MUe pbyaiien te R'okwood Asylunm, Klngton. Oeand Trnnk l'y Surgeon idadmy DWstoit. 17" uept i al z G. H. HOPKINS, (Succer or bMmrtuin h Hpklns) Elster, lsolitor, etc. Ottee-WUbem St., lind. MOUflE &JACKSON (Suooessors té Hd13" hJackson) Darusters, Soli- oisons . Ofice, rwi M& srees, Lmdsey. y. D. MOORE. ALEX. JACKSON. les'.', Mo8WEYN & ANDERSON, Barristeru Eolictors, cao., Hamitoul'. hook, Kent Street Llndsy.Money té "10 et out rat«u. joui ksuuDOUaL .Amamas. A. P. DEVLIN, Barrister, &o.. County Crouia Attorney, Clark of the PeaS oSuntY 09 Victoria. Offic. Keousu'. biook over *ee.es store. Lindsay. O-LEÂRY à O'LZÂRY, Drristers, Attornoyst-Lev, Sollciotln Chancery, h" "o Oflice, Doheny Block, Kent etreet if oncy té îImm et current rates. KTZUB OLEART. LuGe 0'zlEaIy. BARRON AND McLAUtOHLIN, BarrlsicraSolIcitors, ho..&o., office. Baker'a Block, lent Si., Lndsasy, orate faît-'s notel. JoHNA. P. 5.-Privete and Company'. luade te. ban at loweet ourrént rate.. P>RESTON & CURRY, ç(Sc.omnboCurry& Smilth), Barristars, SOlitors, Noetc. Oditwa-Wood & 1.11W block, MiM. brook, but., and Bethe n o Mays. Money to loinat bov.t rate.. I17. J. Waymunmvav, B.L Mofletiq. MONEY TO LOAN. Maylent on Martgme, and Ilottgagei negotlated Selgh asimet O per cent. 1782-by MOORE a JACKSON. MONEY TO LOAN. 8traigbt Loam fst the verY lomoot ou- rent rat«e. A large amaunt of Trust Fundi for lnve-!tment, pay- able on terme té suit the. borraver. 1OU. QG.E. ROPKIN8. Barrister, Lindsay. MONEY TO LOAN. At 5, 5j ifand 6 per cent. We are nov laening mon,> on gftsc.laufarnu and business prapartia. at the aboya reteq, and an other god aecuitts et lov- est outrent rate,. Iortg.ge. and Notes no¶gtitted. BÂRRON & MoLAUGULIN Barrtater,, etc., Lindsey, Ont. Auguât lat, 89-JO.y Lt& a e clogad a% once by umklug parsnal application. pltoft.oeiongaI Ilo DR. W. KEÏN, eeruar l Dgo, radante onte*. Vta ir1ColaeToi- tarlo Teteri Nar edicol Aso- cIatIon. Officeand restdemce sIre.But ci Methodit Cburch, md Weto Unis. .Mareh Und 1M8. DIB. BBOÂD, vWmaR1N YSURGEON, graduse .Ontelo Vet.. erl" Collegt, Toronto-, registered member of On- ut ewinm ~Asoato Oes-WiII Ine nrth, in Skltch's Ternae. opposite the gS works. AUl umils by mail or teligraph ptos.ptly attended to. Changeamoderato. Llmdsey, Jenuary Srd IM.0-1711. PETER MITCHELL, Assgnes Acountant lrimandaiAgent, etc., etc. Omc-kudspeth'a ouf lav Offce, (up atalrs. * T. A. MDDLETON, *Ofl'1OE-Roitorre MSbck, lent street, ThiudDoacr but ci the Pn0240fiç, uptaits-1164-iy RUGR MITCHBLL, Aemmtant. flrea"i lU.astumane feeted ta te. hle omouantlssaoveSt rates. Agent für Kend- stMonuamntsuid eve,y disriolo f marbl ami granite vark. Lindiar. On.-1'S K.aad For Sal. sema ooes Lots of larmlug. Graing,sMd Til.. ber leudé la Sounerlflefor 'e.AMY t Met am BAN. SUDDABYE tatRvr -ov. Jian UBUFE, Musto Terne.,buasremoved ~~~lmêIu<se iom n. Umm"tsWeitbr.ugk the UeAy, 1.11 h, mt.-i.O 11u opsuto. ibm yoirauud. his '~ beuh sand iuusal, loadar - - munde licear - double ~ut.gbs-.u Inchi bore dOvii. heu' »eÉivul»gradeo. Bre«ch Joadb -a Ibe hast quality Singbe duel, ga,6fot barrels, barge noT ue re te cie ja tese booe irecs..We "aYe just camploeté1a bat. muiec, e b' ateet lmpraved principas ,4«OUUM&faboittgood aootir4. Obd rt riSe. bcred for shot g-9 a Satt, - 111 re Ai enseuted lu e vorknaU nflk rJnl.r or reaeot&b 6tins. a.su»lIlof &ail der t," mle. Luis 8O.N è& 8014 William atrept, Lindma, laIe it e Ble se Lame. llii Ooboesak-Jida veH knovm hoteW sbesulivd gut.Tebar s supileW» tb t t brandi cf, cigre.oo utbbng mi lieti. oulIers. Bad' ROYAL IHQTEL, Thé wimepread reputati.n of ti*i,p rîtitu ttiumy. ibis wvn b hmvshoua, haubeen reemtiy 1omed by the horoughbaes of utm work, ls.sv.d. a i a very u»y suilcifor thecea- ;thteams uccese ni ita gndurttz, anj-'i audisod lc the publia. Table unsw'paead The tu the. atiruenca, vhich, vw2t!ýl, a Lx *'" butciiorsd iageisalgsdatetv !bas esbreoed students f ron 't- <r, lfi-bi butir avssluetedane THOB.-COONNELL, vne.sd u-ses, nch"'i,,w. u L I _____________________________________ 'recelve indlvlâ.nl Inatrucie,, mLa pvrm, KlIqU OONT EOUSE, aordin loa eblity. For clclrt.addree, Klm cutaspaoveproprletor-. _Tbeabore Bieev!qe. Ont. td .ipublic cenbam e o! the béat eccomm oa et very reesonablerts The bar la .upplied wttb &H1 the bout brendesof liquors m"d" alar. ge stables sud shed*a mdan attentive hos.j T H E E IS THE IIEAFS T THE 8NOWDEN LBOUSE, CuSrotte Street - Poterbore. Do not~ be Mis-1ed byttj i% ThisIa na chou»e, sud1laone ai lie beat oquippai lau P e *Itor . aconvenlent te bath G.T.R. and .nesWoza telyu bt C.P.. stations, ai velusas nexr the muarket. Batha, Kalsomine, or Glue -ý "'d WL' vashrumanend ail modem convenleucas.Trm,' 1 oo nog -I 81.00 par days g-od s the g.8r I18 THE WAVERLEY HOUSE. Corner ai Kent and Llndsey Streeto, Lindsay. Tha &lm of the proprietor of the Wayerley la té meske it second ta no hatli utélde of the itie..Lt s2ar. af the publIa petronage la respectfîaily eollclted. Ev.ril attentian peld ta the converilence of guesta. Good stabiug. canumodious eheds, and large yerd roam, wlth attentive hostlers elway» un band. MA.LOOLM MeGoGOR Lindsa Julv M S 90-1'7-Proprieor. QUEEN'S HOTEL flalieurton le vithout a rivalinl this district AS a aumlner resortfatfamlilles, and Ie beautifulliy.ltuâted A charmlng place for the buntmn, tic oportun end the ftberman. It lm evey In the primitve forent andina a beautiful litti. village poeming a raillay, tolegraphoMmeeand &Il the canvenlences af modem life. Charges*silrprlalngly moderete. The very place té "DBpmnd e Happy Holiday Il The iropr1etor la auxiaustoaeceaummodate &U nle can, and parte. came. tm tty a 1ev days are r6quepted ta communleate ypoat or vire. Piv. haus6il fram TaraLté. The hotlat.au pbed vlth every accommoadation, and a goed tablai. ept. LU'Free Bus& ta and front station D. RILLECTT Praurieiar.1875 Jî, NEELANDS M..CD..,ONT, DENTIST, L1NDSAY. By lieaidai h. ewhydre- uarbo a gas tur leu h.' oen àkelud..tuctblePorcaelu fiîîgs andi rtb-sore broken sud deceyed teeth to their originelshpe contour and colort btii, process. i-bd root3 . have porcelain cravu.o attacbed cociuequentby cher. is no plate requi1red. Gai-vitalimed ar, eimilaltere,; wth great succt.s fot neerly 23 years, extrewitrg teeft f r thotimaud> '- persoua %w'th..ut a part1ci, of pain. Il- uses the- lateet [eppr véd appAte ea for admiiltering thé gas. Est studlied under Dr Colton of 7Naw Yort, tie inveutur af gas for aatracting teeth, who hasaedminlcr,cc j' te aver 160,000 lp ýisoss andnot a fatal case. lMr Neelande uses 8.1', Local Auspâtictie for extrmcting eoch, . r 9elandsfi8 now ustng a ut-v style of tarcep vbtch he b.d expi-ea-lv manufactu.-ed vîtile on hi, lest visit tae7New Y.-É, which rtmm,vnýs the. taeth ithout i ur itu tIi gums or jav, the mu=& heallng up bau'.ifuIllw b a 1ev day. and no ubse queut trouble. Artificiai tmeth insetted on ail the. ciopulat baees aVd by tmhe mon. appraved sty'ies ad applls.ncos for tii r c.rr.tion snd caintart. 1'- rn. bers o! perron& &vc wearing tepti made by Mr.t. Nec- acds ot r 20 >cars, and nover requtred repaira Pricca f ram 10 ta "5 for an upper or under tïel. Persoa. ram a distance vlU plesw. rend postai card before comi,'. OFFICEt-Kent street, landsay. ueariy opposite the. Simuson Bouse W. H. GROSS» U~ D. IL. M. a. . 0. . ont. Osutiat Llndaay. The popular BOL» mmd POEQE- LAIN <SROWZING Syatem (vitout plate) prwaaisd by Mr. Grogs vlth great satWalon té e arge uà. ber ai personi. Attela Teeth lnmrted by tbe moët approvid metiodad prnciplec ior seculgt eiocf Il% cofrueunes durahltî and baty; on Oold Biler ndCeiuiodaloo on ahi Uihe amubeusdental Bbea nd et the lovent living -prie"s AU set. ai tcet Ihnlhd aud fitled té the anouth b7 Mr. Gros. hinseif, or under hie personail supeison, vhich vii accunt for the satisfaction given by bis vork. The introduction ires. lime té lime of thc batest applianoasfor the edministration ai Vitelized AMr and Gis, ooabbea lMr. Gro.. té annaunce oon, tantly ln. cteaslng aucceuslu the. use of tiiese anaeat.hetios. No pai, o adents. no tom gumâ, cane.queutly, ne The boet metbods of prescrving tbe netural teeth by fdlihug vith gold sud other reilable materila, bus beau madae a tudv for u.arly Thlrty yeats by Mr. Grou., and speclal attention and care la given by hlm té 1h!. brench o! bis busineas. No unnem~s.y pain lunOUin. Dont feU to cli ou Broas hua office over Rennedy'astore. Kant-Ot,, and sec apecimena cf bis vork. Ut Bafud Loom Weaving. The uuderilgned Io propared to weava bed bleu. keta, full wldt Ï. elo hacy flowered be. tpr.ads, full width, sud a&l kindsA o! nrrov liinel, twllîad, plain Mmd i Rig Carpet. bit am. mIsà 100. per yard. se. sign Oct. 6, 1891.-T-O penelon Paus. LITTLE RT&AIN Sash and Door, Factory Na a I e ltdr=at ai àE uRFm ER#Bit P rice paid for Goocl 8hMngIe Boite. ~~h~lts]R Imein élel i évh eoAnit r ]&.acW .1 aforu ? WeR ile boor prcstadrhae A- LA BA S T 1 ' E for health, cleanliness or durabiiity Âgency for Victoria Co. at W.A.Goodwin's ROOM Peper and Picture 8torFR. Opposite Veitch'Ls Hotel, nr?,7 Hlow the Royal Cam dian isua cCo'y Pays its LO~S~S1ý. W. have pleesure in acknowýedgiriz ti.c paymeli In full o ciiur dlaim awaint the Rýý' .;<.,î,!:i ï rg Co., resultbnîr flm the. rec-ut hfti r, in,1 'i W. vere of meviiet tardy iii ce mI j;,ii ;!z~ piabut the corapuny bai pain ýýur c~~ U.tii. xpttion of 30 days.. Omemee, Oct. 6tlb, 1891. Ny ûutbuldinir sad tthair c(,utec h Rw,.rpburLt theeposn a! o a lanteru onl thoii 1i S . or. t-e l5th the la., vm anifctii 'i - .d tor T have achequefor thecaino.ýn -n'. .1~ Mcanvere. Oct. 6tb, îz9l. My dweling anid co,,lenis % rr, urt .u-r I fi. Septtmb.--r. To- day, tcgýo t. - r -.'1 fur the- foc! am, uùt "ftincla'n '- -,' ,attisactury. Fcr lueurance apjhiy to -lu--s Pc-P .-;~- WILLA&M ST 19 F 7 Dow* stnd Sbh:r C,; c~ Flu!TiTiSt,, - i Rave à a bareaortment of Gcz.ûra ,T~r' teabove desrptionotvGr-ýr (Estabuiabud 1lue.) ....m......................... 4,42,632 ' 0 Surmu, meadian Standard) ........7,Sli,O(CI ' Polies u frce.............97.72,34 41 New busInessfor 18 ....... 1,&,4 Eudowm.nta Paid tS Living Policy Hfoldero 0mneda for the Yomrs1882-4-" t u cah. Bthe iAC ......................... 842J,f4 yanl tbc Canadien sud Brltiah 00o.'.coni- Bfte Government Espomin. pages 56,568.68 and 701) Boom ur. nndawmnt i the Atna - jeu JOD . IanuKtuR!, td)Iu!,! Ar. . t Lindua,. 16 1888-96.11 FOR Insect Stingtý Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feet Soreriessk Chafin/7, Cata Bru' Piles ~Ç Femalef Complai nts Mosquito Bites ,ýunbur-n" AL Inflammation 80 g, MtBsRulE &8umwImmO Mar s 9 I 'I ~, .~ 't I¶'. t; r i iii 1 w Ti. (Il"?-". JINO. ucclti.â.

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