- *4' ,-.. CONSU M PTIr CURE.0, or thit omap C gt and. That 1: rssY ecom k»»% ~¶nd ft1tes end Canada. 1If0W hav % agSore Thrnstt, or BrnClliti% MUU4i, L ~J1I OU. ytIvi fyurchfld ba thOuC=!P WWhPI1CCp u ,Rh,yucltpr=mtYSfdW id pire. If yo'îdresd ihat ins diotis dimerni Cm un mt;i(I, use It kyaur Drugg1tfS 8Il~TT' YR, r ice 10 Ct-e ortU pO.If yer 4iîîgC niare bore or hcISUS r',u,* litcr, Prlce :5 et ~~kmUloAMMOU Auhuolfg t burffall'or ourtlI paktenteuAmai »Wutjab.e'gbtboY Ul yoreW YoC ~ETT9 POWEREJ' PIJREST, 8TRONCE8S UT à mearu e.Hiasnballufldled seold by Al Croves, and Dnagste V'QlAV FE-BRUJARY 26, 1892.; ATrtbute to the Memory of E R El. Albert Victor. WritScn fer Th' Wardcr. Fir acros th, Brtishi Empire, swi1, on lljzltuitiglo wng la borne, ,' Wed tlarilu', muta.go telline, Thijt ti i«0.rnhr * ]they mourn. I thov Wlr-p fur Albert Victar, V ue 1 îrence and A,'oudle; For hl-4 apiriit bite orooRed over, Thr,:nýh dutha drk and diamal Tale.. 0i 11a. ' Ae.foi lait» w. lng A a "..m' iprInt un, Fr hud hi livei. ho would have voa llritnauà ia' lern. vS h i wý,rv1ctd armo, the nation «Wuld baive h,îtiWj hlm anid hlm bride; Bil- titid q 0wt ( > !Cerpna, hoped for ls f)rov' itd tiide. Ncaw, loatestiof gladsorne «reetinge, 'rié i 14 beart.algh sud.the test; Ad, iteui(.d of wediding march, 'Titi the tulling bell ve har.-Ohoram. Aud, with PrinneRç hMay vre sorrov. in h..r m'aidtri wdowhood; Jlir hefore the Dake and Princo&$, Orit it 'of gloithonora toad. Aaold thio fiture, like the brigbt sud. 84i h f% b O vër tbm. Bat, 104N 1i ute's lIt b ler layer. À1!'d Btite1mia's diade», -Chorus, Alberti Vicor<.! vouvg sud noble Ilpi 4-J 'f .mpiti'; juvof home;, Yt îh.' lii.'dd. a rnvingas, 'fo out hlgh bora Prince did came. Sid 1y nwura ve. ble dopstur., Prom tho rayal BritSai&lino, Y.t Ltionly thé fuitlilug ot1 morne grand and gond ded ILi Cliorati.-W'r hlm wl wep; for i ia vasing A noitimu requsU' And, tbcuRgh b.". gOte, lhe tilimaver i .2!.-atm. OAJCWOOD. SAIIBATE COOaL OoxvîzToN-Âocord. igg tb notice la Tac WÂEuEEB, a convon- îlIon of the 8S S WaVrien of1 be tovuahip -of Métripasa, was beld ln thé mothodist qhurob boe on Tuesday, 161h luit. Tbe Irott session opoed sti 10 sm.. sud Mr. ~. :*J Lytte o! Oambray, vha le théeré- tçr.pisfiltvA cf the Oouuty of Victoria on the axeutite cocmlttes cf. the 8.. 4&.encition ci Ontario teck the chair. A1 ter the unaiopeuia serviessau.m i-mtttpe on iiuminntiou sud ogaistion appu . uai d;stita trou a aumber oh- uails were pruseuteil sud rosi sud àti addrei.a ,t welcome wvia dîliverai by &1,a 1tàv. Mr. Burns. The sft«rao *assltnopoed promptly ab 2 P.m., s6d OA Aohool raum vas aboîtly illed wlth *u,'k..vs , ana 1tbureport -01theb. uomiuating 4Dwmtt4o bavlu8 bien pîoeed sud .."adMir. O . 110«0,1hé Dow peusdeat, icucc . lIr . % obhée ear Msed ded *ber@-&fier. Thée Bey.lMe. M«Ui vn of ]&sken.Id, Ibsueau&meforvand sMd gave a graliialshrii@ttie MdtUtN -tD8 aicos ton "Hov to teuh, U4of1 hieproteuic onquettou, 110a lliabot uiw'b Tbo dtitl eto%'i uaI .hir 00. f. vto ie tblrrnple e ossée m a re ol? siol e Mistok of the 4,..0 ueîb'AI.t m imE11 iiremihla b EumalSaWO.eiihdg h »S hro la the Traget y mo giueBi'dS fhoroimes te dultéibyl.It .s t. &. e . tM.nbl aool ,ulet ms e of ati lmhsudomir uotvlth ti lb riahl et the s*Mt Oft he sumplit, "meunt n wt oeii s l ue a remedy te Di. Yrnce Golden MedEiDiso"'r. Ih inaàocertin aveciflc fer a&lBssofutou comtauplai 1%W. tt nova n ove te 1.W l if&venàafalrtrial, sud thsa hb th h.mmufacturer" »ol it uuder a poiive imuernatie Ihat if Il .o osnhesat or cure, the. stt iB ad foi Itl ilb. rétundeal. The oui, lu neeidy pceused of sud nre. maikabli curabive proprietloe as to warrant ita makers la sellce 1: on trial, 059TMELDON. Ipeafle ieTho Farder. POLaIOAZ OcanisT.- The aloutîcu lu oven sud the people of Nonth iooia bave deoi4ddlainlayon ot the couservativi poley. Mr. 8. Hughes is uov entlld lu spit et thein efforts tea sbotter titis than ho vas vont te rooelve from bis apgnunte. âme,- 0 1 u.LI.uh-ietlMr. Snoh A. MeEsobrin, euont four meut vcntby formets, soutaîinebtheloue cf à vainable mare tiom hsving bar log smashsdl, tâîougb a stable mats geltîng lacis tbrougb the nlght; altbotigh honies ans somavhat abundant, sud net la extra s-. tiv. demaud, 701thbcloge cf s choie. auimal if nevertlhebes garsvstlug »oug r s h.mrn.Snob hovever ts lîU h hst has.mueit invitably suifez lous.somellues, smoev. 4aoffl e sw .arder. Wu regrot te ebroulolo th. deslh c Bîshard BTesnbo died on Januari 801h, ùced 89 veias, 7 meathe sud 1f dsys. nHoWva anative 01 EnRlaud Weotucnelsnàd eounty, sud emlgnated tc Canada lu 1842 seitllnic lu the townshig of Cavan, vbore h. followed farmngseue seoitally 1111 1871. whsn thé uovod t< 'WB aiseregret tesaise bal hbigusbèen Jane Dawson, died Feb. lout, aged 7' Cjeans, 5'mouthe sud 16 daju, Sb@esoi br bbabnd swlgrated ta Canada tIi tamnas ime as ber braIhOl, sud followai fanming anceiafal!lviilb.thejean 1865 vhou lhev aime to Sanhope, vhsre ho huabaud disd. Sinoa" bis dcsth ab@ Iivoi with bae ldest uon, Ihnce scosand tou daugbtersunaberines. 8h. vas'i gond vite, a kizni neigber and s lovin, mother, sud le maurned for by many.I Ot Tuesdsy afleruonu Eugh snd Jaoi MsMab Wye brouht hilare Uquir Bravn, cbanged vlth héviug umambsd th Windows lu île esi~udanoe of' John Mc ]Peugall, 131h sonceaujon, Brook, au th prevîcus nlgbât. Aller hearng ibe vi daesMr. Brova flnod Hugh $2 an ocit sud Jacki 15 sud coût, an thlnty day in Wbilby j ail. Tais Gleaner exlînds its heanty ot gratulatlone tle'Major Sam» Hughes.(c Tas LinDsAT WàauiEî, on hlm eleotion t a @st lanlb.héoueté cf CommenVu. Ma. J. W. -Uoephrcy of Udora, la ou oft1h. Meut suthublaullo sud boit verkes lu the IJonssîvatîve party la 1h. disînici On Thuniday ls ho voted et Blaaik' ebeel bouse fôî Mnr. Fairbairn, sa.di :als $0sso, Me- W. UmPbrep of Aibsi sellige, Bellevlle. fiu.h nmou asMI UznPhey aue a toer ofet alnngîlite au Party. BuvT. Dr. Camphell et Ooliugwoec t®imenly of Ibis tovu, cooupled Ibe pulp la Rnoz shuroh ou Sunday laut su pfeauhui a oouple et very able Intetn sud Piaoticsl sermons. Tan Glernuer bas bien avardid 1h ,eoutnaot for the, Brook prning fer lb 4 veanu et bags. Grippe sud Isfamuak o t théIu u e aoau» 0 et hI is Etv meaoe c otadeetaoWn il ruelgbbarodm .oi. le te -" . t ovuh iovin Euul flneaOM uuî d iou$ WMM 00 . tei 10 =Tui.b. î.Moig Dowmrnauil fMsu.>Wull OiuPbeLI onu. âgmum HbI. ma amiOu. eba Haieea; n. sud Mus. W 'Lq 'L M;.. LTit.sOaupbellbave ntuneis home lieu Torerolwet iY bave beu vWstng fnleudu. TEE spew bu bitorne quit. 1k. it Msd te bo..Lotsof et lsud 010u1Y pild. Gap.-We bava-n ntel uuh grippe hart# bas whasî v$ have gotil Tvmifrianld l. Il sticks ilîbI tee us 1k. a bad nusue PaIOB.-PoutiS5l enlhusîssu s§iais le hi colng off very gradmually sud nif.. ly. The. tor"svear a &milliof montent~ ment, sud the grita a sMile of roelie. W. bouc?. îthey Mrebitter §Sttld han they înid te rnskcE t appean. Buua>Iv.-Tbore la goliig ta be -a numben offfin. buildings put op ln lb. nezgburh@ad ei Dairymla dIi ng tis yiar. A .trav bain sud stable combined, a grain barn, sud a couple ot honte&. I4EsvIvhL ëERTzoz.- The Bey. Mn. Coue, tb. msthodist paslor bore has bien oarylng ou a sorics ef spécial sen- vics& at S.brtgbt, wlth cood rosait&. LmoTuRW,.-On Fuidaseoulg last, (lb. l9tb) the Bsv. G. W. Dswey of Sonder. eIlad, gave us a fine treal by w.sy et a .lecture. He mat lntnoduood bimsif hi 0 slnting a piace ocltlsId, "Chrilstla ait la Il.' Thon ho gave us his lecture on 68A bouse vithoul valîs,' sud il vas sunely ran intellectuel treat, and oesthat vill net b. oisu>' trgatten. Hie wav ef slng- lug sud speaking pleuedl eyery eue pris- ent. W. are sorry tbsI on msuy depriv- id themeilvea ef aucli a trest b>' stslng rf avsy. W. hop. te have the privilege et Phesning bit» somotîme aon samowhoe 3 ou Our mlsslou sagina. Qulums.-ROv Isil? 1W.@oauDot 0undeniîand Il; il iheuld ual tbqo ho. It a do@# ual psy for some ci Oui "Soad" folk i- ta miss an lntel.eeolstroat 1k. vo bai oin thb.oburci lut Ftddsy svcnfng, (per- ibhp% Ihoir leat césoooe) and attend a noliltt , bui-bub thrée nights ina a eek 1111 ail 7 heurs...Whal bas hecomi cf joui cld i coerrespondant? le ho desd ? CeUSCIL PkOOEDING- JOUnoli Met' Ihie 16sh day of Februarv, AD. 1892. Presen-Moissri. Viroman, Sluaver, Me. Orimmon and Webstmr. Absout-Mn. Lownabrengl. Minutes ci lait meeting neai sud approved. Moved by Mn. MoCimmon, seooauded by Mr. Wcbslen, Ibat the Ireasurer b. in- struoîed se forvard te the Iressurer of Reoucih éo uu iet 10-60 being balance cf focs ton arbiatian in tbc matiler of ne bondary lino Beach &:id Maipoa.- Carried. Moved b? id. Shavsn, sscoaded b>' Mn. Webster, thal lhe rneye gv. bis order ou the Iesuron iu favan of John F. Convinge, lerk, for 417-20 fees ton regiatering binihi, desthi snd mariages lur 1891 .-Curid. Movsd b>' Mr. Webster, .econdod b>' Mn. MoCrimmon, tht the nsevs ive hlm eors ou thé tneaFuren iu havas et the foilowlng perîcn:-Richsnd Cruess sud J. T. Joyau Ionr $115, fun building bridge ou 12th cou. lino. snd Geoorgeste5lr tor wenk lot 10, cou. 8, 627.30 -Crrlod. Mo'vcd by Mr-. MuOinimon, sooenled by Mr. 'Webster, thst helieovs give hie eider on the treasurer lu tsver ci John Coone or -818.20 for vood supplidte Mn.. Morin.-Catieid. Meved b! Mn. MoCrimmon, secneud by Mr-, Slavon, lIat the neeve givo hie arder on the.roIre In u aver cf Hait d& Ce., miel. te, data for 67 9O.-Carnled. Mr. Lovnibrough eulered sud teckbIa &st. An application vas pro seuled .igned tylb rustees cf seheol seation Ne. 18 =skngthe couceil le lake slips olo isu deboutunes fon 91850 for tbe purohisig et à sohoci. site sud the ereellea et a sobool bous@.ilu si setion. Moved hy Mn. Webster, oennded by Mr. mOrimmen, liaI 1h. appllessîle cf lb. truetemr et sebeol sction Ne. 18 b. îeWeevd sud lai avenfer future conulder. atien.-Oarrled. Moved by Mn. Levuibromgb, waoedd lyMr. Slavon. liai thé amdiEtons' repart 1th tIise t1891, bi reeeivd aui adopt- ad sud shat île ditaIlui étaimntu be led la olenkioffe.Onld Moved bY lir. Mtb=*ou ou. cdd by Mn. Shaver, tst the 'r«"iv gobus eider ou the treasurrlu favon of D. Ho. i lais for -themm eftIre dollars, fer SfllUug bol«s on ti heaa aued by parti eimeri ud.-Ournled Movei bj Mr. Shaver, eseinded by Mr. MUOnimmo, tisMr. EtvluMark b. appolsted éassesa for lte tovushl of Manîpesa for lii êjenlf, Ma s slary aI #90. Hav*4 by Mr. Lwvmus b, oeeOu by Mr. Shaven, that Jobs l.Uh. hbe ap. paiuedaauhaeylupedoa# ala üe 02. 60par dfortuleha w>. lm0, E b'Mr. lie. as, ~bis à =bvlg î.iAù1ým afEOW . . i, I OSes mMg nihn. M O, misue.d doit vest It usaud aD rll Oeil., Toreule; Rate pbg o m evodAam, liagtn reud* un k El y O PS uo d y Ditit Arneu *~e fole huImas hwslh mi lapda upe~os emu1patim Mare lv esînle t1»le w .wi* IL8. 5 u e .1 drve ot be iiaten, how«ta, no brisge lte uulurqia lèMg stip fuiber ou lhe rossi te vuerfect h Md ud treag Mais Permsanentul ieWvjresubte -222.. IMlbuia eAmoaeOQuiIne Wli fortifies thé ayem, gast attacs .oaf eblila, bIlion 9Ver,= sué,and lii. troubles.- G.ntieme,-FOi tvesty jean. I ufierad from rboetan, dyqopel., pont apeb, e.. sud roe noi a. indItro bm . my mediainea1 tied. bat aller tW"#agive battis af B.8. B. Iosa est besrtllof mi food, and amrn nsd amaiLItleh agrand medics. sud bas made a woudortel change lu my heslth. Mis W. H. i, anlsuey, Ont.- 222. Neyer slo. l* hovelle 0ranl onustie ted lest serions evil smns National Pilla une uneurp&asi as a semiay for costpation.- 2.. Gnoatly Bafti DeSr SIMu-I hâveoi-eaRd»g BB Bfor cancor cf the brouet duÏthé lait toye ens sMd four menths. bath extsnallo d inter. uaily, sud bave been gMetbv b elIed Have bai canair over ievou ens, sMd Done di ever did mese muci gOaduD.E48. f1eW mure IbsI suturera lriu sa) uce euobtala ire- li(g o vencure lion 1.B.9., sud viii hi pleseed le anuvor auj questions assla lb.euse audboutâtt nioelved toutlis nemody. Ira A. EUctio, WsbeudcvaaOnt.-22-2. ---- Worms cause unoout mu amtong cli- dren. Fremau's Worm Povdens p-0ont ibl sud moae e bld briglit sud beaitby. -2-5- Harassng beadselis make masay live.. miseraoîs, uoediessly se vlahn a prompt ours 1k. Bardaak Blood 8111018 le obtaioab.- 122-2. Wbm nBaby wac ailk, vo gave lierCO.taih When &e. vas a Ohilti, sie orleti f o CàtorWs «§en she beosme NI e aholung s sIcrIs t~ he bat CIË O hlMf ae a" t ï8atorl. A Crylng EVI. EDéry aylug evil ëbould b. promptly te- moved. 81ok haadacbe le a orylng @vil alec-. ing thousada of Càanadianu, which eau oaily b. n.oeoved by lthénu. et Bardock Blood Bit- tera. the be.: knevu atomach, ivier and bovîl reguiator sud cure for sick boadacho frot» whatovor cause arisng.-22 2. l'éuTSTiROUIUlST. Phosphates, or say luua LWe OILLMTToronto@ Ont. MARBLE WORK8U R. CHAMBERS U baI lesikna!omlm % b Eswlkr oUheet& ou-Wm st., Lln- 11002E à JAOON 1.i.MOOBE. ALEX. JAVK8N. MoS WEYN à ÂNDERSON, ubtgrlsubettoncr, oec., Hamiltou'a Block, Kent Mn to loin at current raes. Joua EuuvaDcum & Amameo. à. P. DEYLIN, Barlter, ". .Oounty Orowia Attoracoy, clork o9 the Pes. Cunt aiViolona.0. Oo, emns bloék, AITIEUE CLEART. IHUQHO'LIAZT. EarlTors SoUcitonshe&c.c office Baker'. Block, lent fit., ep e liv.lthhotai. Jop 'i. P.8.Prvt nd . O AnySIfndMM aua lovoit currint rate. PRESTON & CURRY, brook, (bt., anti Betha n ouondays. Nony 10 esu"a lovoot rate., J . ava urona, B. A.B Molntq. MONERY TO LOAN. enbt on Xorgaesud Mortgugee ngotialtd Salgine oAt ô pa=cnt l7my MOORE à JACKSON. MONEY TO LOAN. Butight Lomma st t" V«7 ylowet us-- senmt rates. à large amount of Trust Fonds for luveennent, pay- able on terme to uit the borrover. 1*14 .0. LHOPIKMN. Barriater, Linduar. MONEY TO LàOAN. AtUi,5 aniS pr cnt.W.e avvo csnlng moe InfrJ' dla". far» sd businie. propertie. at tho agoo ra te, sdon er gooci securllieo at 10v- oau carrent rate.. otae anti Notes ncgotltd B=rBON MaLAUGIHLIN, Barristeri, etc, Lindsay,:Ont. Anguit lot, 1889-1890-ly. applimaIon. ïPtoftogionai &r. DB. W. KENNY, Tenmusry urgie.,Oaut Ontario Veteriuary Coiloe, Tor. ouhe. logUstreti nimber aI On- ~~IlOtarIe Velerluy Medica Anmo- dlation. Wlce sud reidmeo ofNethodist Ohurob* aud Wut c DB. BROAD, vETEEIAET 8UEGON. grauI.Ontario Vt- ea" f Gollge, Toronto- regltereti eember off On- omi~~LmtreeDnrt14 lu Sklbeh', Tenace. opposite Ibe gai vorba. ail "al by a"l or tolegrapb prmp.ly attended ta. Chargesmodere. Lludiay.,Ysanurv rd 189.-lit. PETER MITCHELL, Aisigneo. Accountu inanc flAet, etc., et.. onzas-m-hioptiuso MLaw MOf.(*p stalrs) T. A. MIDDLECTON, 0PPIO5-Nebourfta S" Klent âtre et, TbW dDoor E of c**hPmool Oepi.lin.-11if-Ry KUOGE MITOILLM, ameoml, ke udlo tmu. e *eieà fa me wor. ndy.wtej4i rE4 -w.'. Oeêei~.-SI.wU Imun Stiibab ota- -sho - ss t-ybaU uzUuwsu e p~ s.'deeiesud alugle ~ u MuMe leaers. i~~»Qdm .- double z , pgtu t bore do w , b u »r . ~~ éE.BrsoL lo&din,. iUItj iugle due ~~ï~hi~ieIs,1~,bot.. maore eh"ailot oà - ompleteA lmproveod prineil afotdowxi ta short' O g is-oAcivota tUe boel Or bat gUpe a &pOOltY AUl repair, ej70or on- à-0.s WIlliM atreet, Llnduj W$S àm s810. nome La»e. BI!mngï mng 9IT ft UIIISS COLLEGf, .'J1.~.i UWAUE.dmuT. videpreatireputatlon of tlii.natilo Ll Iaq b wsvii u ovu bose-bas beau r.otly oeeted by the horoughn.es o! its work, ant mmd e l .vey ~ultd fo 15 se!as5ecruat aoeeaa01 Its egrau., la maulfesteti neupoa4 Ti ., &l la attUUDe. vlh. vthlu a short parloiR ~ ~ Le hm mbraead, auuente f rom iflen difDorsmht __________________________________ IZIalalmufu. Budente ean enter at ay lIme. reosve ndlvdua Intruce and prgrema ac. KINMOU~T BOUE, j ording te sbltv. For cirouln, etc. aditreu Kim aJoeN ouT_ROUoGr.E aboroj h &JOHNSON, !2F L7MUe, rq.m p The *tOG BeleileOn cfta. best accmmoduataivryruouboaea sud~ ~ 'M ela. ag tabehsdibid.sd au attentive THE BEST rS THE flI11APEST. ~~eUStseel . Pel.-@. Do not be mis-led by those liou_,e- Tel la no bcae a ti ao. et Ib apt lenrs who may tell you that C.P.E. stations asyD as ner hie mrkt. Baths, Kalsomine, or Olue and Whiting, $LO p ",su14iodrnoov.ioce. era, just as good as the genuine THE WAVERLEY HOUSE. Corner cflKent and Lindsay Streets, Lindsy. Th. adm ocf thse proprietor of!thheWaely la10 make itasecond to no hatl outaldeoaf telie * & a hareofo the public patrons"e la repectfuily soliclted. Evory attention paï o the convonlence of pieuta. Oood stabilng, oommodlous sheds,,and largo yard room, vutti attentive hostlera alwaye on hand. à Ià" uy d1M9.-1787-U Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTEL Ralourton la without a rival In ti* dimtniot m a summner reeortfor famillem, and labeautlfnilyaituated A obarming placefor the hun the, . portuasa andth fin aesutiuî . swy,=t prludtlvo fore.l tloggh odies, and &Il tb.e ooulonoa ofmodem liM. Charges uurprimngi moderato. The very place to «"Spenâ a Happy Hfoldy." Th. proprietor la auxos te aceommedal a&U te Cam, andi parties cern- lg1 tya f ev days are roquesteti teo omnuate b et or vire. IMvo hours rail from Toronto. The ote a upplied vitb overy aocommodation, and s good table lakep s. Wlmree Bu..teanti rom station D. KUMLLET Prourietor.-1ST5 J. NEELANDS n . x » . M .. 1 MRB.C.D.S., ONT., DENTIST, LU4DSAY. By the aid 01 the. nov hydro-mabon ga furusce ho' eau mako indeamtrutble porcelain flmipg anti reutne brokon sud docsyed teeth tb tholr original bhapo, contour and color b,. thla proces. Olti mota dan have poroelain crovns attached consequently there la no plate roqulred. Oisa-vitallset i ar, administored vitIs great suoca for naarly 28 years, extractlng teeth fer thousantis of persons without a particle of pain. Me usez the latet approved applianeu for sdmlnistering tie gas. He atudled unudr Dr. offton o! Nov Yorktheii inventor of gai for oxtractlng locth, vho hu a ainsnistered 1h 10 ovor 160,000 ptymons sud ual a fatal ease. Mr. NeolantiauLos Bous' Local Anasthetie for extractlng teeti. Mr. Neelands la nov uslng a nev styleofo f orcep vhlch ho hati expressl, manufactured wville on hlm la" viait to Nov York, which renievea lb. teoli sIbhout Inlurv ta lhe guorus or jav, the guma heslilup beautlfully ln a fov day.sud no subse- quat trouble. Artificil teoth lneerted on aul the popular hases and hy the moat approved stylas sud appliancea for thelir ictention anti eomfort. Nuni- bers of persona are wearing heehi made by Mr. Neel. ands ov.r 20 yeess, anti nover required »rpair.. Prim. from $10 te J66 for au upper or under set. Persona froni a distance vli ploase sendi postal card before comlug. OFFIC-lent street, Lindsay, nearly opposite tie Simasan Hous W. H. GROS89 L D. &. X M. E.C. D. I. Ont. flentbIm.Lear. The. populur GOLD andi PORCI- LAM OOWNJNG Systom <vtheul plate> practlasal bv Nr. Grass vltb gvessatimsfaction 10 a argmpsm- ber of pomersn. ArtIllal uth iusorted by the mostapoel methoda anti prnnaplu faiorug perfection cf lt, cemfort, usofuiness durabilt, sud bosoty; an Golal Bilvr aud CeliuIold, ai"on aitthie hamileas<lents lubbers, sud at h liovut living pria... AUl coU cf te"thflnished anti fitWtet t tho mouth by Nr.ý Ore.. haiasl, or under hie -ponsanal uupmnvlon, vileS vIl accust for the satisfaction given by bls The. Introduction fro-an to 10ime of the lats applianees for the adminIstration of Vltuimsd Air éud Goa, ombRe. Nr. Grosz 10 sunounce constautly lu- cresiug meceestlathie use cf hhewanaaahotie. No painoudnta, ne loingusa, oonsquontly. ne Tebtmothada cf ureamivlng lienatural teoth b ligvilla golti sud other rolla"l materila, bau ho a a atdy for nearlv Tblrty yens by Mr. mtu aa apecil attention and car la glven by hlm ho t515 Inanci of bus beaineasNo uànnee.as pain lull 21-Doult 1.11 10 emil on Grane aI is offce ovr m IO and b sore, lent-fi., sud - spochman.of hie vcik.-162 The underein la .piParetito evev bel bIa- kete, ful i. sI..fancy lovereti bed apreadi, full ulash, sud ail "dof mrov Famnel, tuileal, plin and Maney ESm arpet. bit a»G ml&00.par yard. OSIe. aigu.ir Oct.%eIUL-7-9 rmelon l'y"a Sahamd Swr Factory =%4W by *Postev hteIII. aid~~ Poe 7 ublite alIob~ ff4b#T~&~i~d0w Z:7 A LA .B AS8TI1N E for health, cleanliness or durability Âgency for Victoria Co. at WI.Â.Goodwin's Boom Paller sd Picturo StorA. Oppoeite Veitch's Hotel, Lindsy 1082-IY How the Royal Cama- dian Insuranice Co'y Pays its Losses. Wo have plesawo la scknowedglniz the paynien ln fulil of our dlaim against the Royal Canadia n s. Co0., reulting trom the recent big firr; in Omene W. j vermnewbat tardy in complting ûu, caini ppsbtheb.Company bas pald aur daims i eore lb=xprton ci 80 day. W . aCURRY, JNO. MCCREA. Omeme. (Oet. Ohb, 1801. My outbuildinta and terC,telits were burnt by the explosion of a lantern on theIth Sept On the 151h the. loue wu fait,.factorilv adju,rec', and nov 1 have a cheque for the ainourt of Lý-,claim. W. il.MoNI1GOMERY. Vanver,. Oct 6th. Mt91. My dwel1ng and contents were burned on the 2th Be taber, TA-day, eight day, after. 1 have achequc ft. taRi ulamount ol m> daim. This la pîompt a.,d saisIsctorY. MATTREW WILnON. Op, Oct. lOth, 1891. For Insurance apply ho &gant, Lindsay. iJOHN MAKJNS WILILIAX STRBUT, I'. Baws and Shinglo Mil ii ab.~ Flou? iii, Stoan-. Ençino.U- anad Sen Pumnp. Havs à large assoftment or General X'ttertz t. thosbovrdescrphlonofworla LIIIRSURANCI CMI Incane............~ 4,842,0822103 (Candim Stadar)......7,819,000 00) P~i~.eal foco............97.872,BU "4 Nlev buinea for 1M8........... 409 00 Endiwmentg Paid te Living Pelicy Canuada fer 1t" yeus 1882-3-44 luncah. Dy » ÀIe .................. ....-. *824,W4 &Usi the (buadiman sd]bitaiCo.'@com- Slsd.....~.... .~ 130,180 U. Qovitnmen Reporte, page.86, 58, 08 anti 72.) 80m» lasu Edovment lu the AMe -J JOeaN 1). acIIRicRy, General Agent FOR lnsect, Sting Sore Eyes Eruptions ISore> Feet Sorenes Chain Cata Brui te>'. ~uI. w Frieni To But 1 To Wu But o Thi 1 falli Bec ,And 1 As: Bat o For51 We hi Bat 'Twas Tiot 1 kuoi mv But I And Àud w i ktd That o A Pl Bu t fi) A I WhiCV Wit ,well « The Kv w Tii Wl An By And i One Hoi And a 'Gai Wb By t.l As $uneI An( That1 Bar And1 To' W. hi rit Anuv nu Rem Thu *Buti W, SAd. lnu yeràî Vou ar coi masti and Ti *preî thet tact laet a i 0 r lSy-iv -inomr rouavau- 4PPO-0- ..-P,