Oatrrh e:pefll eesieaain, be 'nOocue forttSlotommem dafgerolusmilady. Therefore, litexenap effective treatmeflt la à Uooub o.,u. cf AJP'8 B&MiruIlPirIl et au blood purifiera. The seSr you, the bter - delay la dangoeoua dlI1wua troubled with oatarrb for ovo twa yeara. 1 tried varions rame"la, sud was treated b y a number of phvl clana, but recciveci no beneli un 1l begau ta take Ayer's a Srap#IU &. few bottles of t is Medicine cured me of, thils troubiesome complainti and oom- vletly retored xybeath.o-Jeaae3K 09980 0amau il, y.Oce dl When Ayer's sarapaillia wu »0o. ornmended ta me for Ctftiih, 1 as là.. clined to daubt ita efficacy. E&ving tried 8 s lhfY remedies, with HUie ben. elut, I hiad noa fath thAt anytblng wonld cure mne. 1 became emaclated tram lois of appetite and izpared digestion. 1 lad nearly lait the sepasoof imeli and mny syatom vas badly deranymd. y Wvu aout di4couaged, when a riend urged nie ta try hyfàr'a Barapailla, and re& ferrnd nme ta persans whom I badl oure4 of catarrh. After talcln hall a dosten 1bOtties ci thia Medicine, r arn convlnced tliat theo only sure way cf treatliiW tbs olbqtlnate diome lin troulh h be* . -Ca Ils . Maloney, 113 River et., Lowell, Mass. Ayeî's Sarsaparilla, Or., . 0 . Aycr & Ca., Loweil, Mu&s 1'rico $1 -.str bottie, $5. 'Worth $5 a bote, $kt VIctott'a jw;td PBID&Y, FEBBUÂBY 26, 1892 The Man for G4lway. FriAnd Sam. you ninybe snme!vhat sorprlsod To get this hers note from me, But. Itho't M ddrop à lins or 8se Ta lt yon know vhar I b.. 1 tiov been a reformer ail My lite, Waz tot tu the lib'rai salue But of late 1 be as a thinkin! Thiit 1 vuz a good sfaed fule. 1 If irp the léiad of Mackenzie, Bcon 1 favired frêetr,îdo, Atn 1 stak klose tn Blakes big tutotepe 1AR uever a milse h. made. Bat of 1%,te j waz nutxed and mnddilsd. My nwnd wuz chuk full o' doubt, For sas tathe plan of aur party 1 coldut very welI niaiteout. We hed ail forts o, orles taoatch ont%, Bat At tat kot it down âine- 'Twas plain re forna au reoiprostes Tied with a wee bit o' twlne. 1 kunw I donti kuaw rery muait, Mv odikiabpu baîa't katapiete; Bnti kmn ee a kno-aetclu a tous, And know a turnup froni a beet. .And whon it sts dova ta pollyticks, 1 ken rery ý,Ially80 That our leaDrs wuz a.trylu' Io steel A pTuk tfr=fnthb.gral. N.P. Bal fore 1 go 1turtber 1 shud101tellyu A thing as ppined one dii, Which made e teeliinder out o' torts Witit my fèrmur frlnd Jon Ay. ,wol l fiter . caid. I vaz in te vadpe The vnut Ire vur onteé bill. IV aile vas A.bakma nsdkoha' Thar liételsi slt ltfl. Aud tram Il an's gal vus iltte bouse, Istait fui my ovu, rain, bjbea ep, e dwei a ttrova. Ne led he knotwe site blIonied ta me, BY b r " 0 o br nossud êtes. ànd L lhe 0ho0. o u hon vs btvit it One oi tue freah]kostard plis. MaIIy tires nu lite a kois.lle ia- Ber bar le brik.dusî rd- Ad ue rvwa he won't aiiov sa r 'Gait her Aid min to hobeile. Sh@ knew 'boutî the Kobyb ouk affir, Wbmr ladliim Jon dld besmiroit, My tellan' sun bromd litIeZ @tory. As vanld'aaunkd vellauchuroit. Sauf% arier th a jon bum luca wa And taikediipllyticke sosestrate, Tit yure hui6bilI asvial sud atiters Wal ted rite Ibru the N. P. gt. 1 wuz aI Kinmnunt, miv Bunbar BiI- Barri'a grýte bg rite bovon, Andi be avaré e d do bis l.î.1 bet Tu keep yoa unt o' pover. 'W. bcd il qui et lively fui a apel Rtthar 14 te big hlivay; Au when I davnod an fuamped ou hlm 1 yehd Rughs u iote masfui Gdava1 Rb "a Unaety ltuga,8.tean turueton me, 'Âbd kiled me abCg ' boutes. Thnw% b a rafan tambil ft- Bnt ht dl4'nî liait Jeu Jases i But thelecoshua lu ever and gobe, We goî YOD ihar ilu pate shame And tore 'penientu nov go roami' 'round Wilà hthir batsldnuopilakrapi, lAd nov niait Dobson Jas a Satr- Dehonotsrae Dominion Day- LAd we viii aml bu. dovu te pouniprtty üud ber a viii boonsy I But vishes te MIl trecly ll Jeu Jomis PS.-K.p theo oh i fgl, ' et lte top et lore offis 1111 dumeodass 'laFUbevitjlu. In hle sddress ou Suaday,14th li. Ensiga MoMilîsu shoved that ln Outérto lter, voie 42 commuen j9mls esînive e1 Penitsentiîres and mformatorla.. Luti y oar ltore vers putlanbo the» j aile 11,810 mou sud voueon, eofvite. 4'M85ver maried. Ofl tito lmber 8,159 voue ru. comnittîsîs. The occiiottnl"lg iheo institutions iludlug th. enîlutetarl ani refoy'matorlea lest loir vwu #140.019. These figures teU i ow ov try. The. noeitums a lte Prison Gale Home !à pteveattugit romomoittab u huboss tM cotnizmd la Toronto by bolug plissa e the li t institutions te whit idibus been grunled by ltéetuiy ouscoil. Laitl vsar tbe nnmber et mon vite paod ltrough thétomie *aa 82; numbu rer. turneuo .aj&H, 4; amber prollugnath.. fadai7, l; aumbe ef mon la bos% If. If gp,%ee eold permit, testimonile Màâ the inod voit cloue by titis.homes ui be giron tram mnch mon se P l Grant and Prot. EHueia !et ! Blsf4spetr r.ibM tie Value fores anu m&ties "Tho Army Duaa basf. - a"ka >Lindsay. s Juor ?hlrd.-Nîarlba Tians, li ....... %Mnl I e Wbts . s De.r, Ada Wbis, las" Dus. IL ba~I nd uUilisUqu~ Seonmd elus.-Thoa 81.1e, WIiI Bawy, be uools u s u ef1 i te vilinte Rod. Part B""os-immv.ne sl u nsietuU g Sialer, Arthir i'arîs.y, arrielTimuns. omdieIOpwe=tý =&'u"a*t iras clsa.-Thoàs. Pably. 1E. Baoàz> l Wold bisVoq f &hiàtlr b balOR teacher. ,delablca»lb.o.p or teqétropubge- vbubits psa.~M ooaI eMolay on the. ThrSw~d. amatsuieW d btes auoha aCat a nDis». Btandisa it tommaheaii's door l se lP5SIey nrugioflyl. Clad luaber vrsabiriy., P""l tem f eiu et 1dB .vn u mo à créature fair as lbe]Ifllites be..@sau whitiz re. ouly iUtP#ad la lu- And, 1k. lh. lillilu,&lie, how frail; Portance by tboof t he O50315on 1 drop They are borne te earth viten the itermset or "cW f wileh go Muo bac rd 1hstdl b. A~d'~?Iifo *ut.patienl depo~utotetdoui houpual. à4d"toirtr g« w À te timer -liadosLii gale. 'Wbeu vo ose 'a frail msud 10ovely oresturo, standing on tbe thrbroold btveen glrlhood and vommsitood, wvs@hivr vitt a fur et what may b., became vhreomac msy eue. counb et thlse rtica6l perlod of lite. Witt la Mueodêd at thié lime la a Ioule sndii vgcrant oomethng that vili promoto priper fanoîlanal action of Ibm female orgaus. The cmii rmedv to b. depende an auàDr. Pierce@Favorite prescription. Thi. unequalied mcdlclae, vbicb cures dîies ovoculiaî te vOAme, la eopeeimlly rvaluable aI the pertod viten ltse girl c«OeseeIbo thrshold -ct vomaniaod. Ussd at snoh a lime. t nover fails ta produos a met boueflolal resait, and mmny a fragile girl bas boon tided ovrieo ofIits'& Imot lry. ing perlode by il. W. C T. U. TFor " an ad Home and Native Lond.' The. W.IJ.T.Lt. Want a Home. Tb@te eberi of the W.CT. U. ofLlud. .ay are at luaI beglnnioug lalhiuk il la lima tbey it.d a building belonging ta lte union, in vhieh lbey muiotticarry on their work nuorar ocoee.tly. For nome jesa paut lteé union has beeu torlunate eougit bo have te prIvilege of holding lte oeontbly meeting lu lte Y.M. C.A. roorus, bat an important wark tht houid haro toau dame by the union, Ihat af organîz. Ing a Band of Hope, bas beeu. almoee entirely uegecoted, oving le Iack of acoomodallon. Very many of tho de- pertinents of the White Blbbon vont haro ecived attention, but in aur opinion a W.O.T.U. shil le net carryiule on à eteady sud arceal bomperano. vork witit lte Young la somevbha l 1ke a boaititit one oar, lte bit may b. itopt ln motion but there viii b. 11111e progions made.. AI th. lait meeting af the union a coin- mitle. vas appaîntod ta mako inquirica about certain buildingse, and toaeasortain if possible, the heutode of rulsing moey ta buy, if a salable building oea be tound. Auj at our lemporance frienda vite vîias seuceesa la aur ontorpis may makire ir good viahes maultest by sssdlaqiethaïea.> . sudma ahSvdoulas. Ail su0b gifts vili b. mail ladly roelved by te union. "Koep ta jour mapher, sid lte igquai "At ite la a voisins plga, Tube carsetf jurebilhdren, oat and sev, And charileliy our womînly grace. Tieteso tawand vouen vite varn ou u Disgraeo themsolues sud Ibeir six; Piauglin ufilthy pelitîce, Tb*e peace o el aud lbey vo." go, Rendie moter, mioiti ut home, And croon la your baby bey, Wile a mensler loreIslu t. hotv ilh. ont Walting islahohes te deatroy. $coo as ltose 11111e lest osaspues Ont o e a uIdes gsle, Ho'il ho fir pie?; but ait jeu alb, Sing hlm .laosbeep. 'Tii fte. Love and etertah jour winseme girl Train op te ftur, uveet lite To eveiy paie sud goule cai Beftltg lte drauturd's vife. Mate eme toair n d aveel and vise, Site vill vin eome cuneleai love- ga pare thal a drunkenab eat oâsot Will ouly Slnd ber above. Whbit, droppiug jyour sang ad satlng Wlit $eeu d bearlasûre, and sttlvingt Vilit ber solS, itlsbande. To titrottle lba mouserdira 1P Wity notP Tb@e hurefor ils young viii The tiuy .bird grow vild Detendlug tsirnoui; and dure jeu titint À vouai cosros leuSfor ber ciild ? Y.., home la à voumnu ruo SIpitere, Ito. spolier ber deadlilse foi; If i er oilby jour uleeigg bild, Ilte jenfles osl beild à ablovt? Beeause e u ire veuay, lender âïan siF our ouela lier écen spterea, foilolM1Ilpo erc Tes May letSU llité boldo demi. Ih1S1Iy rm Tu.-Dariag the. a. alois et tha .w m à movoluaw . Ii satemmstoet uso importes w. sa J~!ehu, euh nef s eo it e pnstour, prom s s»newi*làgwhist wus loassi on ber àI wa. vdo4.athti.mmo voum as i mm$ eaal euoqk uh lber hdd#ug baviu dv ltit. Vote à =,etom e. y A gyiipue n e tVa~. Tx, a viit seriov ve chrouiole lte dealt etf Mr. Joseph Richardson, aitlite ago of 60 year, ou Thoroday ilîl lob. ruary, ater a 1ev daya ilineastrfreIn- flamimation oethle longs, Deoeaad vwu a seady, sober -ad bard worhiug min, hîgbIy ioipeeted by &Il w ihad itoépieu. are ci knoving hlm. He vas a stauneit oanservatlve in priaciplaelalapwoîkiug for lhe welfare of tbe country. He lbaves a vile and tamlly QU' six sons ta moura thoirlacs. His romaine voie laterred la Bbe Caranvillo cometery on Saturdoy, a large occourue et serroving -frienda and acqualulanoos tlowing btis romains ta lteir final restlag plae. Mit. William Bray le, vs are eIsd ta et roovering trom a sovere attack et Oui vilîgoers voie shockmd coi Sundip mornnng by the and novasltaIt Mrs. John Bigelaw bad deoparted Ibis lif, sud jolued the lient majorlty.' The death vu se audden as.ta surprise lte family as ah. vas only fil about Ivo dmp adliead nover giron up ber bon.eitald dalles. Bito vae 48 loirs of *go s and biben alwajls a beallby vomte, Hem romains vers ln- terred lu Grahamus barylng <rocund on Tuesday. BETHANY loties jolU lu eendlngthoir heaiîy congratulations te Major Hughes for redoemlag Northt Victoria, aud aleo ia Obîrley Pairbaira for nobly etaining Sentit Vicoria. Tb@ fov grils vito ars bers are greali down laulte mout. The, auj boodle vwu used, no doubt it vie by tb. beaton prly. ---- ViCTOMi R04D. f'igo STmIbv~..e Wu tait. muob pleure ia expresane aur gratifications ta Mn. Hughet, la re. decoeing tbisi norlt ridlng, earnylog Il by a large uajorty. We mueita&y bis euc. cos le due largeiy te lte effort ho put f orth aud eompleleil no *itifmtorill la the rorlulug of lh. votera' lsasfor 1891. W. tbini thoire, are yorv feu ln Northt Victoria, if any, vite veuld havoermade tbm strang effort put forth by Mr. lidhos ton oui country. And nov ltat ho la la la repremont us lu pa'lismenl, vo boliers, &bitI ho as before, viii ae no effolte promnoesOuirbtInlereute, "Osuaâ fer theOsdaa. OurruAa.-It la vitit feeling. ef sorrov vo cbroniolo lte death of one cf Our lo ctissns, in the porion of Mrs. Dattes, ageil 73 yeans. Aller a very shortIlilosa eh* auuocpued le t.oohd audloy hbad of dealt. Thée beneared IamilI have te deop syoepmîhy aoflbhéouuuunlty. UA GuiPpale .1111 lncreîsing lte siot T»i Matuas!Imuprovemutsoloye' moeeing bail veet asW u cceai8, lteila- loestlln« par t iteé programme botng a debate and geoitropty match. Owlng te lte inoIemeney cf the véalter, dosainod those trou aà distance. Tas outertalamoul girsu by lte ,Yoang Peaple'. M I. 8a0oey la Ouvani hall on Manda nîgitl vai bath Instructive and amuelogg. Mr. Morris sud Mdisa Amour ach lave a reaidine. MissShterman gave a récitation vhloh vis foiioved hy a de- bale. Besoived, "lThsl r.udlng banalito nuanind more titan travelling." The affirmative wvu uphld by Osapt. J osepht Taylor, John Meladdeusumd Mr. Morri, vhile the nogalire wvu uualalnod by Ospi. P. Mopper, Jas. Dorle Bsq., and Rer. Mn. Fuses. Tite Mies. Douueliy, Armour sud Oavarly vsre aehousd judgea, sud aiftoi a carofai sid judîital Investigation et tier notes Oboy give thte deelîcail ir of ethéiteaflirmative, M»e nXi dobtl viii tubs place on Monday, 29th rasi. Bubjeel, "Reaalvod ts a aprobectivo r lieY tieefls lteéDominion mmre tita free rade polloy would. Sps.odai e TA* air Tai Victoria Ooalj bysetonosare over. badthé Intelligent éecetorats of the oenanly have soleeted ite Oommievve Goverament'a poliey as lb. bout. la ltuoir Préforméo. ber bave uudowbluty ucld viseiy, COUad& frth. Oanadoiaq fair bradoedit ail landi,, sud &se sa ulialles acait ]Billts lu usl-jist md honorable, mmd aoud oyu ;bdiparte brom by a leval èmd ilbevly4ovit eoa #os for a leuiplIlg effr I t bUdnO SOieats, mach lmues e ih a ll« md umoortalu adantage a s l .d ouI le item thicugit Mr. Laurier. 0&nadW" farein ompariso. euh Iboiu Yasbo borei ore '.on aneual footing. iiq of etblee.rtl b ser OUiW&P lav er.,lailer touduiglebs ,iII. il lte allie yciré er blsdatvue Md barey, Iae lsa trrus ia me ta euupdutng lb outulla3E1, tl L Md MAS am= 1183lali Violon as cbere 9 CW iBuOl s. "w I ~ g. a. r, Oit'. '.4 I John 0r.~~it.Tts tbrongitontte ogasf«i tbe ndmp. tien of VieBot e lte rChaiPollej'. The Posé aMd au l ludsdusvstuyup log aibmi. .S uxai ta itud ite toye jut vÊ nov ousle i titemb vitupérations are, mot-bod proof io lte» people of Violt, vite baie gises Mr. 13110m mach a uverumd d thDual remopîlen aite polis la te sorth itndlnt. Tb* terza "Admlnlsitrator," touder et a gentlgeman by te Potl md eter soures durlng thte lait tes mealts mal nov viitboul mauyufriciementimuaperfect eider besiuated by that. b? no moins dlieputable tille M.P. W. extend con gratulatlons ie Mr. Hue upon biessc ces-a la redseming lte Mine for a Govera. mont vitose poliol is National, Brillith, Canadien aUdpreserrallvele every sens. eftlb. termn. A gain, eongratulaions Mr. Hughes. No man le a (Jhrlteaa dght through vho la Bot a Citristion la u poulies. The mmn Who nover gMteto bhesyeu la Iho eus Wite inteuis btedutarIteorrow. If yvonvaut toi make a boy work vithoût kuovm i I, vl% Duna ssiotybicycle. No man cma oomproheud the divine charte. tor aI1 hs bus tho divine character. Thore le no greater fool ibis the man vho la tee, fooliahb. ,land eut thet houaé a too]. Thé Blood la i2ia Lif.. Goad beallh vithaut pure blood le simply imposible, and te amur. pare blood le thore fore absolutly neeeeary, espeeluly ia @priag wben bad blood le rery prévalent. Burdocit Blood Bittero te lte rezaedy. vithout a= equmi ln the venld cf modicins. Ih drives out ail poieonous humers of thé blood tram a common pimpie te the worst moflous sore.-22.2. How mich iosler it le ta ton! Othona how te valk, than il le te, stop right ourses No one hu a God.glvea rigbt te, do &av. thing with hle troubles except ta, give teorale christ. Viotoria Osibolla Balveatas voaderful boul. Inil oompona for cots, vounds, frulses bains, scalde, boi1s, piles, piunpios, k.-2-5. Tan VICTORIA WARDER,. Oamrlde e.Mth orIb "obPrinl&ng do "la m"aodem styls imoderato -. ATU OFONADTERTISINC. PaU letumn,, y tl ..... 10 o boa- 80 44s HaW colamaL,bY the Yffl-.......Oa 00GMERCIAL ABD LWAL NOTIOU Ta cents per lino for SMutisrdée, nomparoli mem anuo d tIvo mst e r"u as h« fo. PWOPEUOK&L 01505 Sxl.Mn ana.,, par 7M ........ «..... .U ltneANiUOTADVITfUlE11. MI liaismdand o,, Iam neum ........... les Euch 9sufsoquont um'.l............ O hrom dtton as, Ùshlaeiieiim......... o acubuoqusal insrd ............. U OS u Io rlb m o.,« 'une........ 0l Mt muboo uiol................os The number c os mmta o reoneumby the space 0001 memo=A by a aisêle f mearoil. (a LOCAL AND SPIUIL N30fl. Ta mbris o r* k, a zmUc, Ire - for os adional hweru Blaek ne 10d 50.. e~,Z oNloltobe lms than111 tebusinoWo. samcl ugulu adverthbsa une. y upola ammw AdverUsemenavitb.out vrlit luoeUess W De inserWsI uniR foddeami c"argai eefn Ordesu for dlsutlnulng adM ,lms.ima:MiV doiivered sAi Ueolb.the sube preious tepubiS. AU adverilsmsat e. ne..ruiusl pe= o I s. ans" b. pold fer lu a es, c or da d4otmaile s om etheon"c gla 05 For MARRIED « LADIES Only. ILLTRATI» CATAMOGUB FREE. 19 am aiifvoueI4 TimU -aM Ma W W- KaWoec Sie wb 5mmnW -o,- o~anua oùn s, 1 , ,no. 1lu. meute on àm80 o aioy. SOMs or oovkoe.-Ommplan Camp, Nço. 40, meeau 000»d Md fourth Tbunday ci euoh monta,, ln Aucfalo a Z XI, oriBIaokelrstore.. P. Nihehel, Serinr. snsKout, Chiot. EfImm c. No. $%%noeigs houd on second Xon. 4av of em mmn la »obsou'a block. Sl mali.non, mbesary. UmmUan Woavmx - Mtd Md M hThuie in ~c,,HBD. orer Weode store, W. la. C UEoRu.AUMaéa go.11U, mous son t.hemosud m fouzlh T-_eMOI soeh monh la Woods' block. l. 1D ogachon, seoeetaiy. y. X.0. A. -Xer n1on co.,Kent and Cambridge St&SMrda, m.; Suday, 4.15 p.n. Road. hWg rooma open dally 9 arm. to 10 p.nà yu.ux Mon lvays wlco.e- - 0. K. Caihouz., Geu- Me. W.C 0T.U. mUeSoi rM onday of srery month il, lb. Y. M. . Lraomset 8.30 u.m. Tua Baoeuuuaa- - - Looo iveFremen meet ln tb.e eme HsIl erery alternaIs Saturdal! at 1.8 o'oloeb p..A.oAhrUeea. Tam Baoeunneouor LoovormvaEuonru4w neci la Bons' Hall, corner of Kent and Camnbridge sèreots, LIuDsay, weory alternai. klturday aeu. 149 et 8S oclook. A. Miner, Chiot Elaer. las. Clegg, pluet Assisant xegneor. Eao'UMaonodi E7 RAo.en Tu.numi, moots lu TrucBlue gaU, cornarKent and William soots, on tho econd and fourth Sundays at 2 o'o10loc i.m. Guo, JOsaxr, Mater; W. Aixovi, secreterv. Box 100. Lmids For Sale. The andeoisgnod har ov lw ohoice pAwnS Md orne 'Minable TOWN PILOPETIEh for sale on G. . OPKINI, Borister Lindsay beparator tor Sale. Wo have #a flrsI.clas uSeparator. manufstured by L. D. Sawýer, for cale. Bither for ateani or horse power. For particulars apply to POE& SAItDER80N, Sept. 3, 9. 2t Proprietors. Eden Vslley. 'BIood and removes * mli- -?CURES - DYSPEP S A. BILIOUSNESS CON STI PATION. H EADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS., DROPSY RHEUMATI SM. SKIN DISEASES WOODVILI,, OT. «BOX 11t Breeder of purobred Berkshires a the finesi adrains. If1 Tonn= Pigu always for sale; vlth Wodgre..Basra ah"ar koifor motm ric usfoi youmg stock 10w. ZLTIJý PROPIETOB.. ILY tcofHnus COIIasWhips Triunks and Valises le ~ ~ ~ ~ JA E lagvSslesgsaol u oopté ypael oa sIToe ois pOlaI NEw se J. PETTY9 -GOODS et m The Jeweler Is showing New Gooda in Wedding Rings, 18 k, fally guarauteed with. oui' own stamp. Gold Keepers. Gem and ])iamond Riizgs. Watches. The best value in gold filled cases, with any Arnericmi rnVýmenb made. See our special watch in Silver Screw Bezz*tl, %vith Unitecl 'States Watch Co's maovemeat. We have ail the numberi in thm cele- brated BOSS SPECTACLES. No fancy prices on our- Spex. Our Repair Trade in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. is stili the largest ini town. S. J. PETTYS The Jeweler, Next door to the Daiey Hlouse.. Kent stret3t. Lindoay, Febrnary i7Lh, 1891. Change of Busines s, - o I have recently purchased the Hardware Business of RL. D. THEXTON at a rate on the dollar, and purpose to carry on a General Business in the same store, No. 22 Kent St., one door East of the Benson House, I intend to devote my trne and attention exclusively to the busine2s, and propose to introduce new ideas, new methods and new p rices which will be more in accordance with the progress of the I 9th rentury than bas hitherto been customary in ibis line of t rade. I cordially invite everybody whother they are bui]ders, carpenters, mechanics, farmers, lawyero, doctors or poundkeepers to cali and get quotations of rny prices. THIB WEBK I amn making an extra puish on SPORTING GOODS, and amn prepared to give the vk-ry cloclent qu'itations on Powder and Shot, Cartridge and Sheils, Wads. Frimers, and every other requisite neces- sary for Sportsmen. Sports, corne and mee me before you buy, and with your permissiou 1 vii! make a pecuniary application that viii remove the cobwebs from your optica. P. Hardwiaru Merchzsnt,, No. 22 K,ý,- Linday. SepI. 2nd. 1891.-1798.ly New m Goods! In fine Black and Colored Henrietta Cloths, Black Satin Stripe and Corded Goods, Black Solielle Cloths, New Plaids and Plain Wool i É-r' A . Ini selecting your Christmas U0s Goods remember my store is CH.ECK COTTON BHIIRTINGS.-Our pur- full of presents suitable for chases in these Goods tbis season are just in, ail from the famous 'everyone, young ana old. Cali Lybster milis, and ail colors are guaranteed to be absolutely fast; anad se. them. Remem ber Special values. the place, COTTONADES.-Best value and the largest assort- 140. 6 ment bt. uant. JoRIGGS LNS Knowlson.Bros, Real Estate, Insurince and Financial Agent. ,85750 wil! bUy tWO btorey solid brick Av* toement terrae re"aMg#O 11,$4000 will purobaee one of the fin. OUt necde no rtht War& i, vlluIv soes.1Iâd. I41700vil! bu y Il storey bickl dwie g.nav#AP&&r u#ouvenityst $110*M1- buy >ither of two brick à liui,8sud r n SlBoult Wand S*Owill buy brick Cotalui fS" t*aura tmalhbruktbqtu0 ment of Patterns and Qualities we have ever showvn, CHEAF TWEMEDS.-Having bought a Manulfactur- ing Tailor's stock of Tweeds and Cloths at a low rate on the dollar, we nov offer specially low prices, in Men's and Boys' Ordered Tweed Suits and Pants, and as a large portion of this stock is composed of short ends of Tweeds from Ii 10 5 yards each, ail these remnants wil be sold at about haîf price, and cul for Boys'. Clothing or Pants FREE 0F CHARGE. HOGG, BROS., C> wccýi Jan. 4bhi, 1892,-1598. LUMSERs -COAL *AND a Wooo.D WholuelMsd letail doaer ins&H-inds e1 Luube, WedO, )ulL MmeLat, Sugl.'Zft, s»49 ire Clay .iwer Xmmubor ot oery <osorpllon, dry, droaaed, and ruaiy for use. Maple, kiiuh and Ash loor. InI. Din saet .11. &U Ud&. Timbuand Jbuts of a&U longthe. Shingles of alilgriados. La. of lthe bout iuaiiy la somkq slloed toauny "rof lte town st short notice. DRY WOO D ot the bout q Imy l auj rt cf 1fh. towu Um larj.e or amail qu.L;,ities, pronpt1y. T pe.ostglu.JOSEPH MAINDEB. 0 . Mud Yad-  voua% @MU of Sylvester Bos' Works. o WQRK promnptly t ilardciware m Dres Z= i ý