Ho H. SOTHERAN, Beasi cIe, eand iouey lirokers lire and Lle Insuirafloe Agenit NOTICE. A' l.pnl uakî'ga regultir busines of RlEAL ES'PATE, MONEIT LOANiNOG and IN,,URAàNCE, I invite everybody Who t uaav h.eve business lua ny of the above Iliuemta 0a1i and 006 me. ~'Parue.. l viag proportlcesfor sale eat havo hein adveltisead wlttol it, &R wtke o oocharge exoopi whon a esioî 1,fftîted. Sripàa havlug Propitnly toi RouI wil have t heir wctt sîîended tb sud no obârv'4 ide o nit)Touant fa provided. eo Prdayie avitta te Bay oir But are oorialy nvted$0eau ai MI office and look nVfrin liste. 92e'Working mon, Moeohatos and othema séuppluied wilb Houe. or Lats on the In 0 .almi'ut Plan. MdUNET TO LOAN o oMrigages t cwea ur- Vent ates. MoNPRV TÔ LOAN on Âporovsdi Endotssd Notas at loweet rates. isORTOAGICS BOUGHT AND BOLD. BIKAL ESiT ClE bougat and sold on commiasin. pitoPlcRIraU MRnId and Tnant& pracnud an gbart nutlco. PROPERTY FOR SALE. ,Vacant l<tiq b? t.uineme blooka aon Kent Street, 90 t@et grmntagè h1w 110 test deep; ahilbu soad la lais ta suit a&at u..iahtpries, man esy terme of pay. ent. Vaan'. 't (thnlscrner of Litidscy and Russell Otruee, 40xeo.,twill be 155,5 for 21 yecmm wth build- ing prvtiugeu. VacaaaIti ts fur pnivate *wsiinga la North, SButh &inul Utt Wads, and maasy advanced for buildiag pumiolso. mr w tory brick dwelling la th* 84 r)OONta)itWodeWtih IDmoder m m ovo- uwuîIlt. 11,0 acre of lanad weli plaatcd vith fruit tise bl . raaiea 'ai î rary. Ui ~~i ag two story brick dvuling on 2W 0W . eirleyAein.wtb good utbuild. la.irm, iiil o1ioera n VeIileia. Onu amoet laid, Blt lic.',ianiid gondi veg.'iahuugardon. ) ,00 1MéI ir rckdeln ihm iO'iid,baulocuvt, guo garden. piantedwlth r ~ ~ iior 2ttwhite brick cottage, nico imvn an ,)) oigood a<misa. $1 ,50If<etor white brick Gothie roated alti ine .nd a hall story Gohie roed $1.200 dwe,îîîng. onn anid a &I tumy brick venesred .e«0 YD Oro ,tory white brick cottage. nrt cind à ahait stamy brick Gothie $1,5 5'..)r1'-fui twcllir. i' tirll'iaaêq. necightb acre lot ln $5 0 a-In .irtîîigln Rant Ward. tH.MOOTHERAN, OVil F iv C ' ltv î ut. Offic, 111IKet-ut., A siri",4 f ioowiy txclornion parties for 1'rww uver and tie hr I'acîtiO ConaL point&a81 wlil ),bvo oni thu foliowing das: iA A tcirimtî, 8eliouluir wl leave Toronto at 11. 1r 1). m. . Jeaiilr lity 13 Il ai i27th, F, I)-il rý lOLh and i24tb, NI - rh 9th and 23rd, A t' (M oilh a.nd May 4th. li> ly t~watt h. peraonallty aonduited iuul d i l .rt will ho sjared to make the trip 'pltsitînt anud onjoyable. Fon r ofn axaton appui ta F * 0. TA ftOO, FIIAY. FEIiRUARY 2, 1892. LO('A . J OTTINGS. UN..4.W VD DuDUicAA. à IBRUAGR LiOimeIntan 82. 00 At Porter% To Iltn te a daulte oliaton te)thé devil. MARRIAULuouNuua;.-J. Britton (cf thé firni f tn oBrns , j evotiens. Linuy,) hui.. s à îrilago lilceuse for 82.00,tut alou of Kent trei.-1770-tt. WM. A. soti>WII<bas nov ou band fhem lest ysmt a large uaber (115> cf unîoiled for pltue; hy are nov for sale te covérendoi cf rmàig, e.lathe tiane tor bargaliet lf frooMiper140aid l, ittre frime sMore, go. ,se. Rani triaIoppoite Velloas bolt. lýtiudais, Pib. lth, I18H91 . 2 Rngnis avaye fiai Most Mt. home la th. daik, VABONNO -J. Bois Roertson MKW. grand master, i. .zp-ote.l la viil Falîbful Ersîbrn lod g. No 77. A F. wad A. M., dorien the month cf Maroh. On Prldey .veîu n ul, match 41h, Br.M oKuY et Bovumanvle, D D G M.. wviii make hie Aret affalaJ i it te the iodgs. FEIni COMPANY -At a me-eting of tb. fre somllany oui Mtsiuday vuiàg, the follouing vore lfeted fm.mafr the qelsfrg eat -.- John PRobiasos U4 Opain; Dongald Sisulair, lut Lit: 8. Belinek, Uni t.n; Wm Voitmh, oy; B. Cok. Ttas; 1H.EIhii, agmmeri p. etrtin, Ouo. Thrai, t rHarTlis, F. ab@ln, bracoobasa. The remulu ai ne of the cempaci v ii b. hsId on the Arit Tanedsy et moh unah. 2 Yàtwlous kRiver. "Prof. Gatai ones vitb a meunler gumc Oeirpevsrud a frentie nbanis." la the fors. Fo1nx sntence j hiddu the nmre of a euhe. crate rivr su bheauemssfui dimovrer of il May maki mote. For thé frot onraet saisir TaFi I'.îDs Wa,Ly OfUMa 1100 lu tusb, sec aid $75, ihird M %nexl Ivo 826. tozi ivé 810, andl mos Ihan a huudred cash and other vainehI@ prigus; basides wvihleh$25 and 810 are affermi for tb.efAret and eooud faon saab paavl.o& pltîy ouaîs. for a Ibri menthe trial boeptha tothélb.FrMuuu muet Saoioqpen "0saabsltion. Tbbrta scnuheus Of the but feuil qrlacam"s fer Fifty Oufaa 8nd ?.., Mordre vrePM ibtu and sund la ualy. Adireu, Iamui WURLY, 9 Adelaide W., Toronto, 0.-ID a OhbiIdren Ofor TERRIBLEITOBINS vue zvoeymalg M« mon" b K .UmusWeeke nota bmwo phaprie. o u"vel W Omuo "OMoago Weekly." Wc purchaaed ui icuna Mee bur nuse. la rom enI-of iljthfl u notaarier piinplO,nfot aven a ms e nud or faces. Heta ninileen manthe old novaMd bac Bo ia oftirs diese. Bis scalp le heaitfy and ho he aiuiful head of hait. (uportrait honiwut.> IMBs. OSCAR JAMES, Woodmton, En. MYinufànt, elghtson monthaajld, wusafilted with akin cruptions on his Mp. »md saris came on otanpela AiU remeie alled unili 1I racured Cenicem. rd ér and ne roturnor diseuse. muA.. ,LX 6Carsovillo, Ga. OutluraRosovent Thoa 0f ail Prifi, e <y tu acinasth blod f U mprieà and polsanous eciment&), and CVtIcmR, th. gril Skin cure, amd OUTICITU. SuAi', an siquisiteS km Bicutifir, extemnally ta ecair tho 5kmn and scalp and reatore the hoir), bave «erd thousedciScasesa here tire suffering vas aimnot boyond endurance htlfeleme or alilUe dlallqursment terrible. *ht othr ramedies hvo iade snoh merv"uocures? *Sold ovwryhero. Pries,OuTcnuà, 75c . A'p 36.; RmooavunT, *L5OPrepered by the coma DRUu AD CMMIICAL OORPOEATIoNS BOSTON. Al-Bend for Il ov ta Cure Skia Diseamop," 04 pages, 60 iiinsat"on, and 10imomnii. DABY'S Skin and Scalp puriedand beautlliod RACHS IN 801AND BACK, Rfip, KIdneyq snd ttrin Pains and Weakneas Mea uivodla ome minute by the Cutieura Anti-Pain Plasteri fr e 1 9Msu»40MW PMolbItg pimaer. Sign of the Mil Sawl BOUTI BIDE KENT STREEST. AXES, AXE HANDLES Cross Ont- Saws, Buck Saws, Flatforni Scales, Lanter'ne, Skates and Strap, Guns and Ammunition, Wintée. mitts, Cow Chains, Hbilteî-Chsiniî, Ropo Haiters, Scoop Sliovels, Caî-it Swoepers. English anid American Cutlery atright price s, ,Melonnan Il Co. dAgeui f ',nar tcll'ndeui %SRANTON COAL LindaayNov. 2b.î8L -14-hy KILLABY à KuvNNF.Dy " .!a Creis limeý. tilt, t-ttl thlult iréic, at 12 cuaits par bu-thai, lie quaaiitu.-12.t. Th-rA fite r o ny hettmn1y niusio lui a g1nnauy heurt. jolIN uiüRal, werucérac i'.e'tnt it Singer seuvuuhl%!uliîrciiiêC;), i4 ri i VtO ii .u iy îg..în n ci uue'p~'ci~ir4îtiit. Ollicu, Adans iujckKe t.t, Linde;ty.-93.ly. Futn-41il reluaichug n,'ntly emuud qntckly lotie; fàla> ium mc.id lailtraiionil an aln lthe !ita,. stvltem. Milis WîNoK0YIr., 17 Aihent etreet, 4 dons ucerih af Uiiitouechno.-4.tf. Penple vbo hràvu tu live îdonmhiever'fini, out vlan becv ate. RirCOUNT IN NOItTII VicioîtAa.-Thpro ie rame Ieik of 'a îîyou, c irin (, t n'.arrh, but Ihaut ls aîcthiug to do Wth talia'. tamck e ltvm.r and tiaihy tUltt libL.U at§hefor Sile cbep.-22 3 ROYAL Ho'r]CL RZBIAUIiANT, corner cOf KeUt suid Litud,%ay iteeta, lintet uaul lu iafur the saton. A nias bill of 'are providid. 0vuturo anuka li sv.tv aétyle as desired. Fovis ai ail klid'a i taaon. T.. McCoNN»CLL, liraprietot. -iIft. Tu icuow tmre paa1îte lu a standing invita. lien te go> l ho-uvou, Tai PUBLIC SoHooL inapeotor fur lZut Viotori ela sea u tu esibt ot buasmaileal a copy of the t. nv hau otil*tanal v.gnlatuaua te the scerolary cf saab echool board la tbe InspecteraIs. The Act lu tbe propeuty oftheb KN4ocRaV Do w N. -This e ek vo re »Ili. liag thumu faumons wone.ît' sud girl.' 50 et Germeu Fuît 5iippers for 25 oeé Wo are bondte maeaa sn awrtp af 4i1 viater gouda titis maaîb, aud are e,,,ug theun Irnm, 25 te 50 pet cent off. raiuardisasof nset .Wu vaut Vourt Indu, JoINBTop à 515801, Dmly Block, mmxl le Warner kà(0,).-22. if. It gel vory dark la Job&s lime, ave, ywhere exemept night overhead. A MEETINe of more than ordiary lntetonî viiie hal heu thé 8 A. bracke. an Sèt mrday Match 5ta, whmn Maj r Tom Scott viilcaun. miioln Ibmbandaunin sudloal 0cîe, Ad. mineuton à atm. Sonday, Moal th b, grest veleame-boane mutinge Mopaday, bar quel and jubiles, vbeu .lIr tSeottIWitt Rive an addrusu on "slui 1,;a1 evfoadlai" and the annceset the army thert. Tickets 26 et@.; jubile@ alone 10 edm. Youn tul bl oy mla#s»»mbar le d uicg fer the Lard by the étite of bis ay MONTHLÎT PRIM S nBOTs Al» GIRLs- Theuià tmlight" 8aap Co., Turante. effet the folle%, log prusse $ver muonîh tltifurther ne- tou, %,j bals and girl ndir 16, realdlng in th. ProvinofOet Oaerie. vho meid theo reat- sut nuanher et "SouIiht" vnppers; l@14 $10: 9vud. 0,- ti 8: 4th, 81; 11h ta 14tb, s HaudiomuBook -sad a prtîtty piolureé ta thea. vho sa m oltees %bac 19 Vrappérs. 8und vr&pp.re te '8ueiihtbl Sip e.Bau, 48 Soott s. , Tipnso.nom Intert han »&1& o1 earh meuth, and marked oclespetitlon;-,aiea glus fui! came. sidr*se, q%, md aumabor et vrappers. Wunurm'amein ilieupuhiibeu.l lu T-%ronlc Mail on fr51 8aturdai J elu e oat. -99.Il. Y. M.O, . Nwieu -Thu .oîthly melic cf the 8~ad ci Direotors viii hoehoti %bis tvenhnç fer Ibu transaction et cevarai mattart et buàiem... ..Tb@ atmînoasBîhi. training cam vhlob anson 811 urdoy atterneon u* à p. m., le grovlug ianunha'nre and Juterait. . .Sevural veinmes have hbeudoàatei4ta the librari lately hi trisuade of the vollk Thé- Ammoeatla le ry thambful for them-e, and lustres te adi le Ibm prusastock af book@ omutmatI'i an rimer te DIkI the librmry ao mrater value ta yoauni me-. Taieet idoublusenboruetof bok@ litbomes a oui lova vbiob .oueld bu devotm4 le Ibla pur. Pm.uGîfifibi ki idviii bu giadiy #4 oeived... AI thepoing mou% aM»1400 uxl 8111467 et 4 la Mr.camn.Widur vilii»ve . Xl d "t Ait jo alaesaue ordlal 1lavllud.24 ihgng viii bu led bp lbi 1 ebeatua s I s a TRI VICTORIA WA,*" IMPLAY, PEFIDAT, PIBRUÂRY 6 82 Both th. method end resulte when Syrup ofF'Mis taken; it in pleasant and irwehing tb the tante and acte ffentIye ptOlty on the~kidneys, Liver ndBWI chaem ts he By tem effetw*ly, dispels colds, head- aches and feyes sd ures habitual constipatloqa. 8yrup of Flp î1 he onyremie rof its hind eVerjProu iwti4iubornaeh, prompyt in its"onandtruy bnefcial iniîl feoteprevarolW from th. mont h.lihyanldagmeeble substanles, te canexlentquaUiescomfmefldit to and bave made it, 1h. moat Po ular remedy known. 'lup of mis in for sale in 75o bo#â b &T lleading druggist& AD7=L ehdruet whomay not ptl, fr m on wilowiahes îq jt MiiàufaCtuZ only by the UANEIRIA FMS SYRUP Ca$, aupaI *Nuco»Co ALCb w£nuww RM. £3» 7«114n aa PÀLAT=AsL aàxl iunOMU i a a m Erlnuisoaf Oui LivmrOil.-28. People who ou alek ach &bout bn sIraes te seatsacmton et ethnearescosres, W.P.B.-Tb sstaads for White Pies Babmam, thé qret oough remody, 25 oatga t Riglabotbam s. 98. Raxovz» -Dr. Wilson bhm moved hie cosa te his ew ivaduno., corner of Lindsay aid Roueli stretm-20 4. Qed bhm proled te betp Us only wben ve are dolig out bet to heip ourmdes PlxulOLoT.-Paof. Kemp vii#OCRnleavo Lindsamy; mcm, leWabingtego Rt a Vrlt4Uu dollniation et thela talents, etc., at., should gi te hi. .1 one.-28.l1. Thon. are people ibe viii trust the. Lard ouly &fltnoverythlng *las bad failod tlb.. Two T(àuNG xzN, or a gentleman sid hie vifs, eau b. accmodated it lh boardand comfortable aooms, onattait Iocated, by mp. plying aetIbis offae-17.tf. Misa Mrros»uu having bongbt a large stock of violer miineîy la giving great bangaminsl tho marne, 86e hiseocpreparai! te make arueadmeimntion lu tb. lateat stylos. Caii maid insuulat lbe stock.-i0 99. Thore lan't »y murt nîtlvatlng reigion encagh te féeu geod. but not saough te bu Txn Oxmzu Ezoo»i la tbu nome cf a asw papen thal le pubilahd lu Oueae,. J. R tiamal bting the evoor ad muter, The papes' is etiy gel np a iliii iiavwant tola uthe village ines tbe Rurcld vas buraui cont sOM4 t me ago. BonàuA uion WooD.BuamNai.-I amn preparsi me bock ordure for boa% betoh and mapie wocd, 22 inch muid 4 fit. long, delivered durlag osason 1892, et 83 40 pot cord. R. D. TuEcXToN. Offic-Siuyth'a Block, opposite marker-17.tf. 1 Lot th. viobsi foriako hie way, ami returu auto the Lord, and ho viii havi morcy upon hlm. .OBIT. -W. exelnd carsympathy te Mr. Roi cia, inspeetar et mhoola fcr West Vio- toria, ou tbe deslh ci hlm vige, BHauah Territ, vhioh sud @eut teck place on Tuesday, lîb Fbruary, eaIheibm uuly nei. donne, Linden Valley. lMt. Bessin bas lb. étyupstbly of the outire comuuniti la blit los. The fanerai onThar4dmy tothu FalmaG' burylug ground vas lrgly ttended. N. DonsoN à SENATor.-ThO canoune.' ment le mode from Lindsay that lit. Johln D)ibsou, cf Ihat lava, ba@ beau aaied te the Sonate.lMt. Dflosn la aman cf standing aud business ability, and nos5 taken a dtp iniere8t ln polluaéi. If this aunoneement ta coarrect, as it seeme ta be, Mr. D ,tuou lae ta bo congrai utated on the honor wbich ho has reuived and which ho viii Wear vorthly.- Pecerbota Rmviev. G)iog te a chanlty hall to help the Lord la aomethizag lhe d. il le mivapa roady te say amen tot. WM. MOMILLAN, the emigratian commis. ioner four Manitoaba Government id la tovn, andi wiii be fjurid at ths Bennan House, froua lime ta urne, durlog Jaucry and February. Mrt. Mciclulan has been tan years la Manitoba and wiii be giad la meel or curreepond with al Who pampse movîalg theme thie spring, Art he ja a proaulcal man, sud yl gRo oui vith ana of the upiag 6uxelitiou'e, thiettenau excellent onportuuity ta gel asiitance and advic.- 1-tf. The Adjourned Tax Sale.-The adijOurnsud Sale of Lands for Taxes, wIll talke place on WED- NESDAY, March 2ûd By mis- take ot the printer last week, Tuenda.y was substitmited for Wednesda. Po.upi. wb - j -in chumch ta salli gaod or «et into b-.isr socuety, never paiae the Lord very Mach. "SOîatTIIaNG WOth lcUYing at Linasay rai faut.' A 1oi.rbl cletriiig utiof ail heîtvy Roode. Se». ihmetaack '4 sirto, tdriverN, top bir! , -. atv arA (,,i rýtli l tmil a 1 hirrt% etc., aI bal repuar prie@. Tlim' choice of a thoa sormd îlem for ]Go., woll vorth and cheap t 35 sud 40c., but ihei mut go. A ,tacir of the ch#.ë%pî,tt ov'.?nliti ever brougiji ota ova. in tIi. e0 65 antd 75', iinîm, r..guiar prie'.. 80c., 81.00 anod 81.2e. With nvery 81 (00 lot a handannie tir Ibrova la et MUCuIaMMoN's -17 if. MR iutINRT SLOAN of Chnitebill, vas vl.it* inig Mr nuol Mri. Houty Wright tht'. wevk, Mm. Wriht bA.ng hua daugbttqr. M. Sýoan je une of thoas nid tirnle cunlqervatives whoee eathugi-itmdote ant ahaletoa hq ygrow rlder, ho id élraoail d sud iid Orangem.annbavinu fihi.l ah. chair tif counity mirter ni Simecne, tPo voit sfer at Simcoe, mit-ce Ihat conutv van divideal for Omage purposen. FY.i'er K.w'ey at Tn VAËRat tff and HBm. bnau, hed 4 reMular couilsb, exchaugiag ritmiui8cneuae o ai(] titnvo, when they uqed lo eein ra nd ladge Toara ego. OBaT -W. re-gret te etei that Mt. James Bell of Danf rd, dieil aI hiai resid.xice an Mondiay mt, afier san iliî.ess (if five veat@, cf a Soanj... ..................... M. Gaidi-i S.. issHongerford Reading .. .. ...... ....... ...Mn Brman ti4ute and Piano .......Und i. M E Dinule snngz..................... .. Kra W Waiters R4clîatiou ...................... Mis Brown Sag............. ........ .t..r Fttzg talAý SECOND PART. Duett ... .............. Me and Mise Match Sancg...................... ... lMr aegmch,-ri Readiug .................. Mr J B Kaoviicu Sag...................... ra G H Hopkitns 8Su .............................. Mr i>itiv iLcitatian .................. Mr G W B-a&l Siang---------------------. ......M Saddium Part Sang ............ Te Choit Goal Ba4vo 16e Qimeeén. The kini of religion that tilts in the long rua la the kini ibat never havIs and graws becaune there i.ne puddirg an vush day. HOoiRoaTO WaioM HONOR Iis DUE -When the velcome tlinge vers receuvei ou Taes- dey that tho oh and tried conraetvtiveof theb liberal.ccnseevaii'a inla Victoria, Jau Dobaon, hlidbeen caiiei la the Sonate, a 1ev afi@ inlmauyfriands, arnug vham va-ru bill varbhip, Mayor Ray, E D Onde. and F. D Maore, vent ta work vitb a viii, the reemit buing an impromptu auer vue givi ta the Hon. J tàu Dobeon, Victoria'. honourd eonaervatiro leader. At nias oaccak a happy and joyone a'aupany met lilMt. Murphy'. retauraànt. smnorvhom tvemolice-d &B. John D ,béon, Cas. Faithairai, M P.. SBooth Victoria, Mjot Somu Bonbn. M P.,,Nor b Vtctoria, Maîr Rai, Thon. Be.i. Wm. Wood@. J' R Duadami x- M.P., Dr. Daigi ass, Roeve. Kulte, Lb-rt Sylvester, Richaid Sylvester, Dongali! Sinclair, Harri Ferituson, Robt Bammal), Woreu Woraley, mai msny others. lal about îizty.flvo rmt ta do honor te a vorthy citixin. lMorenRay accu- pied- the chair vbioh pasuitian hbe iîled as a gond aid tariyai bo eau do. Thu vlce chair vas cocupiai by %bat bard wvuukiag tory 'B8ob" J.,bnman. onsetfthe bravent et tbe brayé. After the gond thinga hal busa disa o f a nabet et sentiments vere pr",iiand nuspouided l, tho final, s la the ruile Ilu ail ensetrvatve meetings, "The Quee»»~. tshicvas hearili rempcinded te hi ahe coapsai singing "Gai Save the Qaeen," Numerama toasta, voluateur and othur, ve gaven, vbicb van. suitabl nuamouodmi ta. i li repons ofaireseo elia boilg approprîale. Rfra îboagb ho vas h. came te honar Mr. D ,béou, vho ae an honored ctzen et Lied. #qy bmovwuplueed ita ses ealilcd tethe Sonais. Attur a pleasat evlg tbe partv bréks upai yaiinitang "GaiSave the Que..," andl'AuId Lang Svyn." lins DE. HîoiuinoTHaàiDiA» -Àlarge eireIs et ftiuide viii nia e is îcebn l uxpro&a siens&1 aor elt Bnttheb.deatb ut au estîrnablo Jady, Ur&. igiaboubom. rellel et thu tate Dr. A Higlubothouu, The dolatb cflKrmBliila. hoîbain doue mot ome uuexp-etodii, aan bu bai ben su mai!for e uuaimr ai years; ber dmtb, hov..vwu vuaieuasi vh" m re. VaHaji epidemiloetoS lfiaat-.uzs Sbdi e t 8 ooak 'est oigbât, roeiait uber .anadlei, nusa ethe imt, mail dwteIDp*u rui.ing Io luat Oas vho bai basan ber support tougb lits. The d.osasrd lady vas býrûn a . bill, Co. Osimu luelai, 94Si.hJUins, 1822, abs vas martathelblaie Dr. And'v Higluinbea 1842, and vithhlsm ete CJ mada an thaq yî an Tb.y camne te résdela Bel leville lu 187&. 0f six obîhdusa. fouir asm .euh liinge- Dr Haainbotbsn et Brailfod, Uir Audrou lHiglnbotbSo, dtunbt l lndiay, and M«l'unie nd miMisa UMinte efIbis clip UMsm, gniibmidashbb rm.on thé 12b th abitiormay cf the "sth cf Dr. Hîgiabohma. aud on -.héemas day et the vas-k.UKrLandr" H*imhaoham maivea an 1 bmecliy on 8.adai aighil. and Dr. 'g ln. lbotbaumai ut aght. *Tii. fumri tâsies u to-motrow afte-vaaouu sOttSIanooik.-BIWh. Imiillmucr, eaiiapub, Ii i189. The met thet san Innoosu ibid oua ne ucp and boom* a d@vii, t'ubît Iomeleproffl 1eomsb te a aiî,efflbi pouepée Ùtb huà NEIL MoPHADEN@ 106 Kent Street. LINDSAY. Opposite the Post Offloeô "Âugust Flowe r"9 This is the quetype- What l talye ou Ittie ItForrboy'lips. And be lu ItFo? noworset "n!ebl- ger, older, balder-hed ed boys. if is an 'nteroation pont. "«What is it for?" we con- tinuafl cry from the cradie to the grave. So with this littie introduc- n srowe turn and ask: '"What 18 UGUST FowxR EoR ?Il As easily answered 'as asked : It is for Dys- ppa.It is a special remedy for the Sitoàmach and Liver. Nothing more than this; but this brixuful. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. Welknow it will. We have reasons for knowing it. Twenty years ago it started in a small country town. To-day it has an honored place in every city and country store, possesses one of the largest manu- facturing plants in the country and seils everywhere. Why is this ? The reason is as simple as a child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, and does it right along-it cures Dyspepsia. 4b G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'frWoodburyNj. MANITOBA ÀXD DAxOTA exourianiaesuap- led with prîumad hay at tessooabii pricea at D. TitEXTON'S, ait Market -23 8. Mit D. C. TBnvw LindaaVa noted poulry fonceur, shipped thio wesk B pair of Houdan chickens, a cockoelsud bon ta Vancouver, B.0., ho hu alaeo ardèrs booked for Earope, sud soveral for Manitoba and the North Weït. Thora are people who daai.tu love the Lord who would apologisesthéb.dovil il thoy ttnon«hs tbov voe n luhie WaY. FIEz. -On 'Woeduîday night lta the frame dveiling ownsd and accnpied by Mr. T H joues, on Adelaide etreet, sonth wrd, w4 totaliy destroyed by firo, together wlth ail tho contenta. The fire wase iaumed b! tho explo. sion of a laoep iter the famlly had retired. FOOT BÂLL.-On Saturdayl est a fouit bal maaoh vas played between the oolleîite t4eond team a&nu the Opa Station teain. The @smue temme played at Ope Station the Saturday bofore, The firet match resulted in in à Ranms for Llodery by tva goals lao oe. The second mateh as a lie sa neither @ide *cured. The gans as witnsesed by quite B number of, apectators. ORBDIT SÂL&-EXtenlUBve Credit Sale on Tharsday, March ôth, of throughbred and high grade cattie. conslsting of 100 bead horses sud fera implomonts, t Em Grave farm, haif a mile we..t cf Little Britain, the property ot John Dix à Sons. Lunch from 12 ta 1 o'clock; sale la commences at1 o'cldL(k sharp. Ternie. 8 monthd credit wil1 h.i givtin hv parties furniieiog np;roired joint notes with iutererit froin date if Lut pald when duo. A diacount of 6 per cenat. allowed for cRsh. ELIAS BOWnS, aîtIÎon6tr. A CONCERT-la aid cf St, Paul's ohurcb, wil ho hoiti Fidsy evenitit, Match 4th, in the Sundai achool rooni ai 8 o'coack. Ad. mission 15 et@ * children 10 e. Henriettas, Damiers, Sateens,. Cashmeres, Cote Chevals, Chaliies and Crepons, Diagonals. Dress Silks inBlack and Colored Gros Grains, Bengaines and Satin Merveilleaux. Cottons, Ginghams, Towelings, Our Stock is being constantly replenished in Cettonadtes, Shirtings, Flanneilettes, Tickings, Linens, and ail other S tapies. We havea fulll une of Hosiery, Gloves, and general Haberdashery. A full stock of Black and Mourning Goods always kept on hand. QuaIity, quantity, and variety unsurpassed in the trade, TERMS CASH. Lindsay, Feb. 17th, 1892.-l802-ly. AEIL mJfcPN*PEvg 106 Kent St.. Opposite the Post Office, Lindsay. AND SURROUNOINO I COU NIRYE The Ulolidmy season beinz over FAIRWEA.THER & CO., MIntfacturing Frriers of Lindsay ad Petrboro. hiîve decider en s,311 their large stock of Fii3 Fur-. AT A GRPIAT S&CRIF[CE t mnake roern f.wn.fue stocc of lHim and CaDs f' ttie spring trade. Stock of Fura c:mpri-ies L.ADIES' SHOULDE9* CAPES Mink, Per- bian Lam) { Astrat-hati Boukhara,. Plucked j~ - Caps, Gauntiets, Storm Cullars, etc., Seal Opic@- surfa, Combina- tion. Fuirs, 34u ffit, to Yxnata'h. Gants' Fur Coats la Coon, Bulgaritn Limb, Coricn Lr' Waxnbat, etc. Choice lot of' Robes consisting of Vi,k O, Bufflulo, Black and Grey Goat, Wambatu and Bear. Ftur reînode1eil and repired. Cail and inp6ect stock. Hîghest price paid for Raw IFur.. Fairweather & Co'y Ftirriers of Lid-iy and Peterbciro. 'Lindsay, .)anu ary 14th. 1892--g-13- These Saws ar .e made from the beet Nickie Steel Sprinag, temper- ; warranted; require no set. We also keep in stock a f line of SRELF RàABi ana everything in the BUILDING LINO. MOIS 1 c~wc~c~ i ~m, c~ ~La ~tT bavemmeMyid ke*0Ferryf he d V I Do 0c'illW Se i l y At u ,M.E R R C .W ad a I»t.ree0eddPeople 11e mde andaru.H .1,oae i ssm vieBatisru thal for 118Py l atoi the0.W. e ee tluay-Snd aflvin ri. Itob rela patent nte b Wo fn the Saaaàlamy Lotiondu. Sa11o . Gegry -1ggst Sfl0-iye h cllfi i A-a, i M WIBN JACQUES GARTI Firet ascended the St. Lawrence, the remedy in & il among the Indiana was the clear gum exudixig f rom hi jP tree, mixecl with Maple syrup. and the French settier- ing its be",eficist Pffects in curingt PiiatouiAry crtmp quickly adopted it aa a household remsedy. This a;cta a great measuire for the wonderfiil populanity of th- cough and cold remei3y known as White P.n6 Balgçttu t made frora White Pine> Pine Tar, etc., and iF3 Dot onl,, mended as a remedy of remarka.ble power in the -"i coughs, colds, and ali lung affections, bat its balsamia, ing and expectorant properties make if, a valuable rema- the treatment of consumption., HISIEBIWEAE' S Lindsay, Febe 179 1892t JUST RECEIVED, a large shipment of Prints and Spring Drees Goods Consisting of Black and Colored