à&" Imm MWat 1h.PlaN' denmb tualeu,4boit b w. thé dlStd4 ud vsu Wio ek «P The fret object, upeae " W " There wtre four othabeiuM- Ru rIentlcd eemat. e s aur the in»su vàà à*holl.11. s suésnt of bis "goda& me, aaci' ho reschod hblin, scd *W1 WMÉte floor. 11Hold 1» red u.1OOthSV" beld the lanter-'» a bav eou' i.odMo thon eut frei bor. » "i a $y je où?*' . Most auroly ve have.", "Thon stand aide sud lot me go.l «,just as 7011S7gay. edoon &M01'te and yeu rnay qo ln adrance" I Tonlad o«,- returnei BFurt. %'~ vil £follew. ' 44Au yod My." Thus speking the mmauhlsleith* Prisai te hie fot, and led hlm out freint* 1hoel In a fev moments more thé etheus vnt eut &acs, sud Rurio preparedte follOW.NE hoard the priêut curalngt but h. o 0110d that oe ofe the othirs led hlm off., The youtb îteppod forth lato lbe passage.but b. did fot place theh fllet confidence lu' wIat i. b.d board. Nte reohod 1h. foot the. $taire, amd the. etheru voesnearly lp. Re startod te follev thea, sud had neariy gslned the top, when a qulck, llghtnlng 1k. *hadow fltted belote hlm. H. vould bave started back, bub 'tas Itolote. Theoe camo à blow upon hhieai, suad vlth à duli, crashing senato i he auk dovu.Res realizod that ho vas turuei ove; aud *&ta roeowuasbeilu aei about hle arme.. But the prîsener had no beea tully mIna. nid. He roturneod toiconseousnesmaos lb.>' llfted hlm be hle font, sud i f&Mai mpue was te try ani force. iboucnasndier, bue tbis ho could flot do. He gusi up nov, and ho found oui>' Ivo men vith hlm> suad t.hoy van maska upon their faces. Tho>' were atout, powerful mon, and their very bearing vas murdereus, sud his bout uunk vithîn hlm. IlCorne," naid one. of them. IlYou'll go with us. W. von't force jeu if youl1 walk." "Ilut% uheret"'aaked Ihe yeuth. "Wbat Mean you ?" ',yeu'il se vhen 70U got there. But theo's ne time le vaste , no come. What could the prisoner do?1 Hlm bands woro frmi>' bound behlud bina, sud hie great streugth availmi net a bit. H. knew that ho oould mt rit, no h. slmply bowod bis headi lu token of smb. mission, and prppared te follov hlms oeu* ducora. But tii.y loftIhlm not te follow at wlll. They toek hlm b>' elhier arm, and thuis led hlm mvi>'. Re rememberedi the room int vhlch h. bad been firet onducted on the evenlng ef bàs capture, but ho vas net dotainod there.For hbon a long crn. dor led off te vhene a vlug of the buldinug had been partiy lorn avay, sud tb.y ocame te a large etroulat apaituient, in the. centre of whiah vau a deep basin where, iunjean gene by, peeple hai hbean veut te bath@.. The vallu iooked grlm snd ragged by lhe feoblo raya ef thé Isutern, sud telb. hli vlnd came moanlng threugh thé. cracks sud crevîces In the docaylu insent>'.« "There," apokeoeeof the guIdes, au ho esot hbisuteru upen the top oet h. broken, Columa; 'Ivo vii stop heme" The words vote apoken lu a sert ot hnshed unanorelful toue, sud RuH attiol hon utd foarfull>' upon hlm. lio guao upon the mnu whe had speken, sud he &&W that ho vas preparlng te throv off hlm pelisse, vhlob ho had thuî tan venu. Asicon0àas .thls was off, ho meved te vhere hie compan. Ion steod, and commencemi vhîuperlng Could Rurlo mlstako longer? What tes- ion, but eue, old theoe have beom far briuglug him te sach a Place? To the. lot, where the bamîn had eue. emptled Itmeit, thon. val a dark, d.ep, cave-like place, &# the mouth et whloh a beap et nubblsh bai colîcted. What a place lu vbîcb te ide & desd body' 1 So tbought Ruile. Bat he vau startled front -the dark reverle b>'0, Oh 1 vbat vouA ld mhai' là lst vas beyond pra$ig for. Ytlho. ba hisieel. HulnlIÉIe u . Iooed teutic an 10 c m qlae.1PaIW of hlm, sud 1the $ohe , vnu ofabemi, ai*»4. base ihst lbe clber ymIme a. lkc.v thon thlic>' theraeuniUiBAIL 44 bis001 i 'Wba mow#b k "Iuk càO*$il iep hIob * emd hem thé leu il ü ba5cdma Ni ho piob mwtf *4 ud.1a a Moment mqx ho vo.efed by a oMveM- ien hetuemo the tue, or vilain nualuer eme bai repi, uheugitlb tqne b ish veto.pialmlilmled üIhoh l4amvt PaM mill ueingvilihlm ï, chael 1 liloisel r1-grosned aunber euelm 64n s b.qobe Runla e, uli hihm soraibllng up ouCa fiel. "HOie)» relurcei nuinher tva. yHa * e repped hlm?'l va do moltàhoos e trarbe. "em pentet dcvil f. "Eaut vbere'B tic lanionu T" fon. put Il ot.I "EuBty'cmom«hte hoave kaockud hlm dovu, jeu Clov."$ "Mie? Why-be kioked me over." doW.ii-be iodged b>' me sud kiolisi ovon 1h. laùuer." "4But viers i. ho nov T" "HEsageue. 1Hank 1t1Ha, 1I gUcat4ejvt ugaugbl hlm. Don't jeu hein f" --yus-Ibe>ve caugbî sombeij." "-Ami et course lbes hlm. Ho vent liaI v ay.Lt'.go snd fini--» Re dii net finish the sentence, for at liaI moment a veice came up lu thander toues;s sud Il sai: "Geai Qed 1" gaspod villin namboran.. "1What le hat 1" ",Rurle 1 Rurila1" "B>' the.living <eh t that le net trous an> of eut mon t" utlerte hsecond vîllain "Ha 1thei.>'are cerming Ibis vs>'1' "RBurie ! Rurile1, "«Wber. shall vo fiee T" cnlod Michael "lTioesin but ono place"' returusi Oral. "Nouse, lunbtheuIle draving-room. Coe -lot'. findit1. Oh, ourses on that gan, usakor'm heu? If hbibi nôt lb.>' ver>'devîl, thon he'a a bound partner of bie. 'Have jeu touud the. outrance, Michael? "INo. It'. neaan jos somnevhere.Can't jeu- Ha IlI uin" Aithat moment the glare et a flsmlng torah fiasbed tbrougb the gleemof tho place, sud lhe bye villainsateci tovealei. A dozamu tont mon, il well arinsi, appoarod lu bis oui>' passage b>' ubici lb.y couli usake tisir escape, -fer to have foi mb li te iravlag.reorn et vhich lb.>' bad spoken veudavailithem uotbing. "Ne, vIilsal" hutei Valdimir lh% mouk, rasin slu mflamlug Ieucbh hgb above hie besi vith bhlaltIbaud, vie lu bis igit h. vavsd a boavy saven "Wiero lm Ruile "Rote 1 bote!" cried aur hboe.starfln torvard jute thelargor roem. "4Whab I Safl -alil-vel?" utlonei Vaimir. "Aye-my nobl«oetfnrilude. But, oh, outI off tbis aocurei bond frein mj anme. Il uetuo the flasi. 0 . The nope was quleki>' talion off, sud thon the yoath smbraeed bis dliverer.. NO questions vote aslis thons. Oui>' a feu sincene lianlis vere utored, sud tien at- mtilon vas turnei toe b.Ivevilas vho jet stoci .trembling near lhem. The>' bai net attempted au escape, fer th. va>' va bleckod up. They weve oaecuted, sud tien the part>' burumi ava> trous the place; a"i u lie>'vont Rurlo gave the. moult an se- ceunt et the mannen lu vhich ho hbisoen eutrappud,ad ot th. ovents wvicb bai traumpînci ine. "Merolfal Neavsntal" josel&teValiuir, as Rurilecloed bis acoount of tho mimer In vhlcb b. bai overceme the tva mun vbo bai Ihougt te murder hlm."Il vusa mrrov esepe." "But 1 mlght not bave escaped vîthout jour cemlng,' the youth.ati, '"for lie>' veudautel>'barvo touad me. WIth mj bauds lsshed biini mecas 1h.> eto I ceuid mot have eseaped." "Trus-Irut," noluteVslilmliienght. fIuli>. "Iîvwaanarovchsuot Bmuttle oves'no.'9 "1Ani bey gmifnei jeu lhe kiuovlp .et mi viereaboutal"" sei Ruile "rl oxpisin Il te o yn uea vhave lim BEtt di I undenstmi jeu te a,>' laI the aumpbackoi prIesa vu ihoer? "Ne3cme * 'A y ue. viii btheate1 imm 4-vs h1- ai * bié. doa.àa_ r~ ~see~- nm "oh, 0" 4blea tne " egu e b ae. me e r «g àjc f r n liu *'8 e Mr* ou hm1il O n,"Cnle RIle Tmlrm Dm i the.amomk co m mb url upon sote do. Re hai buuasseestet- tend te, sud b. coMM nmot ut eu&'m ho hurnled ava>'sas quioly k ès pecdbl ta avoalA tbthouks liaI vmw. sowèei upon hlm. Aller Valdimr wr vs e Rurle mt do1M and relatid te hlm motisi 611 thai bai 00, curred mince théil day o onb"h. otWbber te go sudéme. lhe count. 8he trembled feartul>'ly behorélated the dishelieulai.- lempté Ihal bai! bien maie upen hlm ; sud vion ho Wba eoiud.d, ah. mt ton a tev moments 1k.eue lu s paluful lane. IlAnd do yGu Iink," ah. sali ai louel, vhil. a ccii shudder rau through heW trames "that the Dake o eh ulatvaslb.cnse of 1 amn mure et 1l, my mother." "Tien jeu are net mate jet." 'Bat I ahal ee the Empero.' "I have 801Mnhlmt my monII <t1 Ah-sund vhatsaiid h 1 IlWyhj-ais .i if ve couli fini out vbo bi doue you burin ho veuld punish Ihein. Thon I askei hlm-suppose Il vas a duke; snd heo..i lu that case ho bouli have te looki Into tb. malter. Oh, 1I tsarlbtsvouli net dane te pulilth povorful Olp&.» " lPerhape net; but jet, us> mother, I vii give hlm atout toor botter thlnge. Yel," lhé >'eutb eentnued,ilu& a maitous, Il ii. in eue fer viicm I care more Ibmn self, sud vhos la nov vithîn the wlcked duke'u pover. Oh, as elabis beond my power ofthe Em. petonr' "Net abselutelj beyoui bis pover, h oie?" the mothor aaked. IlWhy-of course Peter bas the power te set naiid. auj vrdalilp, but -'tweuid net h. polIo>' for hMite interfern luhb.dometilea aiffaire of hlm poverfal nobles. I t..l mute that bis beutwoald bld hlm lIntere; but bis judigment veau dOppose IL . ou have issu Reslisi 1" 'And vas ab* unbappy vhen ahe kn.v liaI I val msslugr? IlAh, Ruile 1" returumi .h mother, vîth a knling eye, "jeyu de net knov boy thal noble girl laves yen. Oh, bboutaawva almoal broken vien îhs kuov that evil hai befallen jeunl1" The vldov bi Itlal ber mini te tell et the @se. hîcb bai trsusplrod upc. lhe duks's. coming iâto the maideu'm presence whou ah. vas liste, but ah. thought a second lIme ore the apoke; sud ii lb." eoncluded net te speak et Il at present, for ah. knsv 'tvouli oui>' srve te gve boren addiilsipain vithout hetovlng an>' benoîtl. "B>' heavens 1"utterod Rurile, aithe eni et a trouhled revente, and aI the m lime oiuping bis banda vebemeuily> te.' gther-, "vwas ivor mai manieo uurround.d b>' impenoteable myster>' hefore 1 Tus meuklas-- iya good.man. Rehbuaserved me vell, sud I am sure ho venud serve me marte if ppertunit>' off.ned. But vhoishe? Rav, yen fcnnd eut sujthlng couo.rumg hlm r» 41I1bave net, mi'@me 41But la ltvotiaM e? 'gîit je&" Andin se ie uaverusa Until tbslr droop. ing lido woveno nelonger romain spart, sud lieus bavlng fuI r.urd.rmd up Ibelu Iaki t Ood, asdudaked hiehslp for the future. lie>' ritlred te theln nspetîvi place. c rer. Runlc bai strauge irnsansd for the lite of hlm be couli net tell vbetber tii.> vers good or bai. Once ho dremei that b. vas a dk. himmeit, sud liai h. bsd a vite vioceface ho. bai ocver me 8b. v« ouint rais. lien li l t h. e M'a @M aasperfonusdI.Thea ai. roemm 1h. oectnuctioui, sud Rarte started on be- h.ldig theiâ fac tValdiuilr the meuhk AnditIben Valilufimeemito gay:. "Al Mbi 1 bav don. for lie..Do jen lîke Il T" AUi Ru.Ile a-e e bot ess eu 0 - Cale, CO~I1BIIOU, DIoea~oes, EnuetaAie., - ami ~ W~at~aa~ ~ ~maum C~uwsxr~, ?TNurray Serait, N. T. ma TW l SWige»MYQ "Z.buuiyr& ut te sante 'chast by c eauton.11to Mui *ahaqpcpê, pouusu sen o14>mi bey. kepi hlm" "Eu t>' Cid4 tle*deva blessait hwçrk. tgfor liaIuma. 1We veut la" it ta i kil l te hbuo, iid 1 ied au of tve heurs toi Teot a i dVi*N bui.t 0 ais dii neM corneM4sud I engaai hersgo "tAnidlid lie 'prove treacherns oned gla n dion pu"'o "Ne, mi>' lod-- Utsei hein ial,, but lie> ' ve. Iatortptai ' lthiIson monk, uSao mge boced, iby'ms oe "Wsi Doyen mms htValilm came lieue?> 4-ÂAd wM a bondiet amed mmn " Thon, b>' lieRode, thoWes trooir sem.vwberse1r "tI ha ont viat te lilal, us>'lord," nêerned Savotane, linsanesa>', perploxed tans. -"Tice ly mm o hsareabsout sae Leako Totrna sMd fredérie Visha; sud lie>'au ire al>'ont futl mo." "4But yeu -0 Plalul> laI Ibeoemuti bave heen trm,, oer' t"exoalm.i bie duke, passioubl. 4"oh, heu 1 vonld 1k. te kuovîthermmnt And i ilhis menk cari> off lb. gum.makerIr "1lie dii. And ho captutei tour 'etfeut Min. I oesoped vitheut bolng ccn." 'Tial la forlunateý-" 'I mcman haI-he Monuh ii Det ecuse -uer dii sujetf bis foilovers. But lb. gun-makor "v me." "4Ani de jeu thinliio mietruted yen bi auj baud in lbé m&Dter et bis lu- prisouenelT" " I shouli judas ao,'! teturned the priest, vllb a peculiar tinge et vengeance about the lips. dgThe vlWau kocokei me dovu."g ilHail, "8Aje-the moment ho miv me." "But do jou thluk ho kuova anjliug about ilt"'r "$0o ». 1do.uot tbink he dos& 1 Hoeomn 44 hon vm'fl beopruwcrodfor h- il jour oua mon aie le bo depeudod uu.But leivo Chat teins. l'%lfix liaI uter vili the Empoer. lilM@e hlm tI i vrj day, andihoaure ho siallibavos& sten>rIt eat0 domIno>' al evidence vic i ihse tUovmO Oa bhalai up."» " But I mueI fiee, in>'lord." "4Net Yet, Savotano. I muet bav, jour belp vithina aven>' shortllime. B>' lie lins Ged I svear, that the Counubes.PRama. i Vaidal ahaR hobe u i ie vithin lie present veeli.rn plae tlie mal et tact upon liaI malter et onc& e. or net, ton I kuov m>yInfuence over lie Emponor vii shilli ju tram ml bain. WbY, Péers vouli soonoe. ls ilght baud Iban 1ocm Me.' "oThon mosl sure)>' 1 vilromain, mj lord, for 1 mubviale ttorus liaihs eeremonj for yen. But wie la lhis bisol usoak-tblm Valdlmir ?" The duke taridacrme.*0.fioot, ami for nome uMoments ho eontlased paeing te adtre. Wbe b. tppd hobreugit bis ibade tgethervlhsa Mborgello move- Meu%, sd Ic.ktng*0h.pdUetdm >lf eh. tee. h. Midit 41Loetausnk ho. vhs .aia;vhbMt- Wmana or dcvill, 0"ior salai 11 desIn bIdta i i have the pover. Mdi ilnueIL. As Wirie of lhe ely I have lb. pcv- Wi te aireal hlm Upou euspcion et9cemapl- »Y>. l111 doit i Whene is ho.mov1" "I kuov m"l "6XNver mmad, Ilite thie Emperor dnmt. lml 0tud>' W# pha,. MdMic 6lmea»M t, " ho b.cateu t. B>' mwat, lm b. k~d thimn ujeurc.I OMM balvlsbei et #bi 1 lvWODU baye bien. dp .4lafmjm~SabotAdo~bei * ~~~ ~~ lu l4 .. ~I )7 ~I ,rtor« sumo ï,aii a * hm '- prMd- aué â 'Odwwàmiuwatts bae. ; - fmlsuir.Wie 011 ahan<u M gotheà '<Tffor . Xe wu iMa me l, ho aias noîCasS neyh?"on e"I-mem liai jY« eaubut ho siaie t ot&Aje-jo e r ibt, Zenebie. W. viii go Ibis Vary' nlght" The.amcreRomalini pouderei upon Ibis nov mclv. 1th. Mn ope$ep.i .dorive trous IL. Ero long sh. ceuversed more frool> with ber attondant, sud ifl to hat olh amile wouhi atruggle for a moment upon ber face. -Y.t ah. bai gleoin> moments, tee. Rer ftes vut99deepi>' fixed. te bo Tic aftrneon psssed mv.>', and an lie absd0et ofnigbt galbweeiover th. groat ail>' the îve girls veto salir.' Zenoblo gatheisi tegetier snoe articles of ciobhing on vouli h. neoici, ani thon proceoici te prepare ber mittes. for the advenlure. l"Feir ua,' aie said, ns ahc drev on Rosaiini'm robe et fur, *for there eau bo ne danger verso thon that vo fise tram. Tt>' oui>' ta remember that yen fiee frein the duke's foui enibrace !" This erved le nervi the fair young coun- toms ap la the tank, sud ber trame ceaied its trembllug. "*I saoilnet taller nov," ai, aaid. *$But shall vo fini tb. Emperor aI IbI, late houn ?" *'esa me, 'tic mot labo. But even if vo do notse.. hlm lo-uight voe au doit ilutle.. motuing. We shalh fini pleut>' lu lb. impeial ,palace, vie vill abeiter uns ll thon."» The girls vote uo e rsi>, sud ail thal remininci as toe tarI on their, straugo mis- sien. Wit.h noineles. stops tbey heu Ithe apartinent vioe the>' had dresaci sud pro- c.eded a.loug the corridor te the greal staîrcase. Zenobie knev there venud e les, dager thon.- than ta go dovu tie othor vay arng th. servants. Haviug descend. ad theso statua lie>' came le the groat hall vhich openei eue vay loto thbe mious. Tic>' booli th. fermer course, sud veteouo in lb. court..- The on!>' trouble nev vas in pasalug lie porter's loige at the-gale, for lb.>' kucw lhe <test <ste vasual open, snd te gain the streott1h.>' muet puis lirongi lhe room wlierc the ponter alwaya atayed. Zeoebia went ai su ad leolici in. The perter est by theOrfie piaying vith bis dog. "«My mietrus," vhispered tbe girl, as aie came back, ' "oldJohn la lu th. laige, sud vo ne.d bave ne icar. Ho le a simple, gool-nalnrod feliev, sud I amn sune Ieam get b>' hlm. ]Do jeu go lu advauco--ceven up jour taeo--dou't look at him; sud-be sure jeu ion'l tnemble. Loavo It 8ail te me. Remouabor nov; vou bave-" 1"Four net. Zenebi.. Go ou." Boeon tbey ratl, and vhen tie> reaaohei lb. loigo Rosalini vent in firsI snd stooci b>' lie vieket, vhiie Zouebie folhoi, sud opened lhe door liaI iookedi mb tb. porioer'oin. "'Goei Johu," aie ullered, lunauxîu. toe., Icoin snd open the vicket ton me quick. My>'geai mistresa le ver>' 1%Iasd Tilia sudlIare coing forthie ocler. Coa. -4»e quAsI.' "ýBut vi>' iodt smornettlii.mngor aeked John, sas ho tarted up sud forami bis dog bock.- *<eaumeO 'Ivouli lako thon. longer to de li. ennuid thon 'twill us. But ion't de"al u.tWM ýeth'bo se»ne&g" lhb onet poiler bai etiste net te allov lie ceunItes. te paouout, but hb. lbeu meot 0t9liai nov.lHebai knova tic put.é glir ùar'a oilhd, »d mo venli iii leve ben liat he ni»gt notiavoatoppi ber even bai h. kaouu d» use lma vaislagte pas att. At umileit, h. cýMlit roefuse e iment roqU«% ,mah - eamiq*, . vfekê futPm-làaloom. 1 WINELI M~aLIBRY, DRESSÂN 914NTLIE MAKING. . Great bgrgaiu» given ina ai departments, especially in Winter Milli- ncry. Se i . now prepared to make HATS AND BONNETS in the Iatejst fshions having secured 'a first-class Trimmer. New Cuttiig Systeoz Special attention -given to Evening, Wedding, and Stret costumes, a.nd made in the latest styles. Alcustomers from -a distance waited upon on Saturdays. Ail orders prornptly attended to. ROOS-Ova Wamuet& o's Dry Gooda Stais, Dohny Biock next door to A. ESgibothWm'sDrug Store. FARMERS, ATTENTION, H.avlug mc«Mitii. Aue.q at Tioted Rosi fer the lU88EY &ud HARRIS Campanie% I sm propaeud te su,>ply Furmeva vth the boit farm Implemeats at M mcesand Terni which Cant be Beaten À toU»a to e oiirs alvays on band. I vi» adu keep on baud Organe, SewinR Machin@, Wa.hing Macinu, e. ainrance effected lu the beet Enalieh companies. I amn aiea agent for the sala of monument.sud hoadistoues. both marbie und granite. Osl an ses e cbefère purchasing eliaehero. SJOS. V. STAPLES, Victoria Road. Victoria Lad, Nov. 4tb, 1891. -7.26 There is Those who have used it say that there is nothing like -Elixir of Aniseed, for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, andl al Lung troubles. One bottie will generally cure the most severe cold. It is pleasant to take, safe, sure and effective. Put up at (*REGORY' S DRUG STORE# Organs Repaired and Tuned, SATISFACTION OUARANTEEDM ors It>' Duan picuptly attwed t. B. N. SISSONI ZSOL Boots, Millinery tnd Tea. 1See our great drives ini FELT BOOTS to olear stock. DBJ«iSS AND MÂNTLE .MÂKING IN PULL BLÂST. MILLINeRY inigreat vaxiety. See our 30c. TECA; it je in great favor. um&fu4jn nlM L. m& THE MANUFAOT.URER8'j LIFE & ACCIDENT INSRÂNXICOXPÂNIES. Oomùe~ÂutoeledCapital aa4oh. Ies ,. .,..,...$3,0,0 3.. WÂILÂAOtt Agoet, Lindsay. I.j..dEID s~viLt 00. 3arr c~E3~E L. I.. 'i Nothillg Lîke It. - -]LINDSAY, ONT. URE CIENTia Go. he Crt ViI can beein ben fin lue.!, diatel' a it~ the mad eV -la Dr. en, Th. col 'Iai off tex joy top jus' tho dov has dus ligt Coli the the iBay foui 'th cd wro righ seve ninE oe coui nevE whi! the trac lies, 1 be ha v fron p'Cc righ My 1 1col and, bark hasti dowi had wheî atool, wish 1 lii wit h ers,.ý ditioi the c( tramI yard, Goa the that Up v ste, told 0fth fwi illus. BouFS back, joy over ever need that and tý forgiv 'fanc inHe goxng manf Whoa a niai ly fro te SOL Reav jey 1 ever abu &cho save<