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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Mar 1892, p. 5

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Tg£ VICTORIA WAZDÈR9 LlksB, JEPI;DAT, MARCH 4,1199t20 Hu H5 SOTHERANt ieàIl sftote, and lioneY Broker. Fire and Lule Insurance Agent NOTICE. A1 Iint.eVnd i ,uaii.g eareguarabusiness of REAL ESTATE, MONEY LOINING liud INSURANCE, 1inlvite evorybody wbho May hâve busiLiess ln any o9 the sbové linos to all uand cea me. KtPrlI,4rtot !"vn Propertipestor Sae e,, svn thoin sdveatised wthoul C3oël, lis I anaeku xio c1arge oxcopt when a lait' i ,éffatod. t:e'PartiAs havlug Propsrty tu RouI viii ba¶'o their wants attucldd t u d no .barge madeouatil Tenant Is providod. CýWFarties wanting 10 Boy oirenoutare *ordiaiiy iavitedd 10 ce» et my office and Io'k .,ver rny liste. ga'Workiug mon, Moebanies anti oIheiri; ouppliod wllh EBouses or Lats on ilb. InstaliiiODIPlan. MoWETl TO LOAN ou Mrîgage t loweit cor- MONZT TO LOAN on Apeovd Endoed Notes MORTOAGES DOUQHT AND SOL. SCAL EST &TB boubt and .old ounowmleou. pROPtRTIES Runtfd and Tenaute procurait on oibot notice. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Vcant lois for hai ahiblooki ou Ksnt Stmst, go fo ne4a h .1~00t tui% dep; viii be od iu lots teý luit et s ressoniblo pice, aud on «"p tenus o pay. ent. Vacant lot on thé corner of Llndnay and miuel grSts,.4000, wllI lis lOitadfor 21 70511 wth build- lIn pTflOee Vacant Iuté for prIvate dwelllugs lu North, South sud lait Word@, asud mouey advuaSd for bulIiag porpos. SLrge two noly brick dwelibng lu the $4#0 Noib Wrd ltb aiVmodomulmprove. S 'n ieacea of tend viii pantad itb thfri tiées aodui nsmn iai abrubbUty. A3 2O0 to erbr1k dwelici4en sn Il miain ocyAvenueaes. h ondacr ai ld. mleiu an ad poild vagtable garda. i '(1Nioi If @tory brick dvslIt iing vb m. $ 60Pil@oouvnhiie Loi vit plan ti #nt.. nd ,hvmhts. pid gagrdon. 1 (12 et0v? white brick cottage, nie ]&vu adgood cardon. If utovy white brick Goie noofsd $ .,5 0oelillg._ 1 @O~ tory ro-i brick dvellx, oayon. $1,75le toutecollegletc Intituts, geod le. tlty. ne V' Oancd a bau toryGocthiea noolod $9,50 One and a bal!tol'y brick vemeored * 80 D O~~u- t-" biht, brick cottage. 8155 Oneadawhll iig. brick Gothie $30( Irrrnedwelllag. oeeelghtb acre lotInl $ North' l War. $500 Frai&meîlweling iluEst Word. J. H.SOOTHERANS erIPP .I C I'.Ry Ticket ( ofice,1MKent-st., W.t. Llndgsy 1 GRâND T-RUNK R'y Both th. method and remulte when Syrup of Fiçe 18 taken; it is plessant and refreshing to,1he taule and acta tem effectually, d"pla colds, head- aches and foyers and cures habituai constipation. Syrup of Figo sth ony remedy fiskndeepo duced, plead1ng tb thetaste andi se- ceptable tb th. stomach, prlnptin ité action and truly beneficial 'n its effecte, pregaredonly from the most heathy ana agreeabIe subsitancesito I any excellent qualities commend il tn, Zland have made il the mail polrremcedy known. P0rup f I* for sale in 75o bottles by aIlIeading druggists. Any reliable druggisot Who may not have it on hband will rocure it promptly for any one Zh wishes to try il. Manufaturcd only by thq CAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CG., % BAmn YEA3M. in U OO, OA .t A. RIlumuTE*, Am lL~s Bign of the MMi Saw, BOUTE ais MOIT STEEN. AXESAXE HANDLES Cross Çut Saws, Buck Ssws, Platform Sosies, Lanterne, Skates sud Strap-, Gunis and Âmmunition, Winter Mitte, Cow Chains, Halter Chaizis, Rape Halters, Scoop Shovels, Carpet Swcepers. English anýd American Cutlery at right prioes. lYlcLennau & Co.à Agents for the celebratad SORANTON OOAIL Dalvered odest ial es Llnd.ay. Nov 26. IMOI-14-IYF. KILLABUT & KzNicsDT are seoiig Corson'i lime, thé. buti l tho msrt'.mt, at 12 cents Per bu bel, in qusullîlea -121<. Wheau b g ioes into batu l e iawsa fiphts Wilh cmý:t Seclier atîac.1 twill rmn to AU point. ueitu lii IINITOIAÂND DiAKOTA eXCarsionheta esur. of * ~~ Api.d wiîh îre-m"I.l by ut reaionthlo lices ai. c l'il~B D L h TiEXrU.N' si;tuarkt-23 3 T O B I Theimn vho neter prays for e sinnor vill Ailal l~t, lfa enevoir try ta cave ans, tu Car Jhi,,în ISorth-w'est OUI ClORE. ,general agent for thie Sier Sewiu MishineCo.,is edv ta empopin Territories.agentsi ilHunirpremtintel district@. Office, i Adea'e bluck, Kent Sr., Lindsy.-93.lv. ho TORONTO At 9 1.M. A religiou thal consiats only ln idece duosII ntiake nybdy botter. t 17Vt ÏRi E)D &Y Furns3-Alit eptiriug niethy sudqucy donc; alea tuictusud îrna'tioîila mde nup je.the I i - i\ m li td April, 1892, laltes t t'e. Miss Wîl.aovnc 17 Aihert street. 4 douos urtb af Union scoo.-4tf P 'vi, NO)RTE:113AY. Drive the dovil eut cf th. family and ho wili bave Dun hue auyvh-re. iot ov %r', ivntion apply ta RY.COUNT IN NoRTH Vicior.iA.-There is F. . AVOI., soutel taik uf a recouru uin t t urth, but ubat 0 Tii"'! kerent. Exotwti5 ffliof Liait.. ha.boitthiuag ta do with the. stock@ cf ciover _____________________________ and timothy that Higiabothani hes for @alia V-PJ o oi m4The mon that proves It it era le no hall _____________________________ i i'. devil's bot frieud t FR! UAY. MARCH 4, 1892. M9iRS MITCHELL baviag bought a large stockv _______________of vitier ri-iuoiy tegivrit groat beigaieulh th. mane. Bri n&lac saprep&M dtei makil LO("A L JtOTTIiNGS. doreoes snatd mantu l ibmthelitest styles. Ccli and îuenect the îtock.-1O if fIER, .4D DR URAZ.Ba o e .devil vho ha in voli drs.ed. Smille7ils batob uik.ROYrAL HOTEL RaUTAURANT, coronrcf Kout à IARilàq3 ICKNMf2.00e otrsand Lindsay setets, peiied iu full bisst fon A'o MRtAELENEti200aPo tai h. eaman. A niai bilaoffane providid. f boo 'tart....2.f.Ovotors cookod in evory styleAas deied. È Aoyi t 62 1< nt Asoot, Lindeav, tb. Fovîs cf ail kiadoa useson. T. MCCONNULL,t Pl'C ta 90t thoqtnt vitlue lu bots sud ahoos, proprteor. -1 Wf. rubbonî, et . Prkini k Ca.-24 .t. If people do Dat respect 30U l la betianse The. devil dosbis bet vork lu hie Sunday jeu do not ruisel yooa'elf ciothes.GOLI> AND PoRCKAz.ÂîwTOOTR CROWNs - liARitIAGE sLzciamm-J. Brillon (of the Theitei rs ttf îachinil),.id dPorosin fraiof riton ras. omliore. Linds.y,2 crovus te neinrai route. at prectilid by Mn. 01e Ke mtemet. licaust. &M$2t0'Do.1 n Groaa.teathe.moeç portent nov knoova 10 et LI sreo. -770tf.douiiltry. 19 producwe ýxeot deplileeseof Mj la oatfsfisesgviaFOU ounot naturel îcoth crovus D ni hbave Rond roa's 550 its f sca ecid, but oan sudeseair Grums-28-t.1', 1lWw8WM. cmwî emnv nhend trom Thte gohd beudîs of on amhrella us not ad.t sara a largo nunuber (115) of Uncshled for mine I1viten it la ralniuu< bard. pfficuea; îb in ar e tov éfor ais 10 c ove cet Lqco t<:nD o w x.-This vsek we are ssii- cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n fnmu.Nvlmelm o egiî tlgthos. famous vom.e e ana girl*' 60 et. the runs. papoerud plaIte trams @tor.. 'Ça- Garmuan Feu ltippt-rs for 25 aIe We arc 138. Rant trot, opmoite Veilons botel.bon uteadans'petilvlr Lindsay, Pub loch, 1892.-21.tt. gouod thlakia 01@4 s wdae sl &l w i tr Nobody m'en gels ta b.osny botter tatan lbsy gouda60 i e nt o. adre sidt f n W vaut l b.. vnt Tour trede. JonNterew &à 51551, DaIy MAI Olt SAX Hroiiw. M.P.. dld gocul mer. Blockt, nex ul aW4ru& lji P. .-22 f vice ta 1h. liberal conpviic cause in Bust Aloufai nova pavi, Gi,, n. ibis day oui Sima. as vok.Hieadd.aes en a e6 datiy bred"' The man ebo prais ia loica diRrassien of the trade question lira praver vii lvii'. De ibond ss7in amen te lit the former'a itandîaolpt, andS coiuald etfaili vitb bis braoil u-ale' carry conviction ta thOn nulosatbborniv de Tas LxiomitA? PitgurmitIAL WOXAIÇ'a ts Sio gainst bing covnod.-Ozillia -p l 'suAtYSoa!va uqt Pichet. tt.she teti.hQ'O'i.- W.,î,dillo, an Tao-&. Iut doent u't aa ai, auj whiltr telPut it dayvehnubury 23 d Ï Aiti mumber of dee oa ntomlc'fi'timlaltes vi ree.nt. l al iessnoo of lhe CItFISE PAMTR? MflrîN.-A meeting preuldet. Mrà Haoua .iUxWndi. 10k the nf tbe paronsi f th@ S;ar ccitee ftot chair. Tb@ loiloi'Vogu .1tre vrw ellocti for Ve@rlu, ma'viii hob. ld lu tho fectony 00 tie enulnau Vyir:-Prme.do.nt, M»i. D. 3. Tta alcMe b17 lb. A simitar meeting Mlutype. Ud ,,%vîa"P n5miletg. Mms viii l eld ia the. Ulnvamillefacîory oniHn ua.thelge lo. RiesLindsay', lire. evening ai ','ednoday Minch 9tb. À fati Gsiieva,, Kttfi.id. fWr. McAaiije. Wu"- attendauce Of ptrons le requeeîed et bath ville; Treamooe.r, 0o 0.. MaPhedosi. mpet IngaRauigon. neu.l-ie MoL-anu The. Chinttea vbo iooke baok viII seau Lindsay. 'lTer. ttor*uv l.entl oo» Bit'. vaut ta gn heck hre m oniiîo tnelao?5.iiy THEn APPOINrMENT af Hon, John Dabson vitb a totael meuàbýrshlî> of 487. Contnîbu. of Llndey. tath.Ibm Snq. viii iva a usisfec- tiens Vire esut tii lthé gneiltreffmnr.v tînuà throughont the caid Nesaîhe District. smonuîing toiS8.000. snd boidre tht. 8240 lu mcakle«ag ato s ppOiuîmeut4, Eut 'vorth of ciothinal vas st n te e urib Tinibmnehotdnut b.oenîoked. Mg H.A. ilu (ltober la - Thm tveIniou meting IV rd sud lMr. D, Cbishoha, af tits ovn u, addrassed hi Roi J McOmn'hy, a have srong aims, sl eectiona etfiter trcturned misionav'v rou Chi»e. The n. Il VwooluS horecelvod vitit greel f&vr.porî etn e1 Y .SI n55,ltn u Il opc Times. muivo de t uhoi a.y emn u nhUIdrtn cvy fori Piteoeso 00«09188 toe b 1,Il hi. viat kind of vealier la uesd- sd te make a vhesî orop, or pou' may atm*v befare pou «et 1. A VERT EI'JOYARBLE TIME Vus apitî lest Wsdnueoy evsnbng et the retidance of Mr. W H. Kennedy, saventntden flet isSun- day mobool aetlite Salem eppointmeut of Lind. »y mau%. The seool toit lthe ueedofai snov lbrerv sud Mn. Kennedy sud hie estmable vife kladly uffered Iheir hous la inlheit l baîd a basket social. Il vas a succua io .veny sens. ai the terni: net nly did the tissade lu Ibé Salem eighibevbood trotin I large nomions bat lisp ver@ posent front Lindsaay Petrbnoe Bobcapgeon. Jnetvulle, etc. Allenr rfresbmftnte vers servmd, a ipro. gramme et vocal Mddinstrumeuw lmuuzc sud rollatioDa vwu reudened Who enu prOeoltâ a aboy isut happien in bis fiat Div boots ihan Columabus vwu vit ho dimereeArmerles. Do Van go 70 JoaHNSTON & sîaaoî'a fer ovsttbing in boots sud @bomst Evrj hîdi Oise doe. Ws viii te» voni wby-behoPueva bougit oer f6oO vuirtit ot goode et as rats on lte 'dollar vitici Priahiesus ta sehi oesper Ibsa aIl othor». Pilmqs of buote ail aver tho shep et nnli'belf pri@ e 10moki roonu for nov geoode enrivlng daàily. Ebeni kinaocf rabbere lui epnnng are fraund ber#% e .baive tome sýpools lines of Wouena' Frnoh Ki&i Boots mode for us and neyer eltown in Linday befote, Aek ta se@ them, On third cnaigeent of lianks and vehîsein an the. vay. We mal Ithels at Ruug. ni -fit whii b itee 6mt aitouhasbty de, pat uLre - .J 1111T 1 & SigS On , Soce seoie t Druv & à -24-Iif. Eviny msEla espinsilefon vitlho daci Do yai w' §Pl a vie Bol t. G. er on mi pi th, fil ni ou i ab di au 'I la et cc si a, T2 "6German The right aide in aivayà the. auonuagt aide Dmatter how week ih looks. PAz-isLEa mCmum n laHigiabothaui'a mutation et Cod fLirz011-22 8. Thank Gad for what yau ha"e ever, time Du ak Hlm for what you vuant W. W'. LooAis mold thue organe in Ivo delà t wetk. God gooda wii oeil. GIRL WAIÇTED. -Good dining roe)m girl bbnted. EIJqalre t Vairons' HOTKL, Liud- W. -24 1. Rév. J. J. Baker of Walkerton* viii proach thé ba.pduî harch et Sondai moing d ev.oiug. RaiD CaxRzi's advertiaemsnt r. Div Irivig goda vich ill b. fuund on ltheltiâ ail of ihis innés. W. P. B.-This stand@ for White Pins laliam, the greatcough remedy, 25 onte, et lginbolham'o.-22 8. No motter how fusil a &in il. folev itsand viiilied pon eîraigbt Io the devil. ST. AitDEzw'ài CHUROEc.-Commuflion air. [c viil bu. huld on S.bbath next;preparatory b'vie IhIae venlng. Fridsy. FînR oxasCLAMIUnISTL'ret Noelande'. isutiful gold and poulin Ucrevas Iuuerted. eth painlsmsiy extracted.-24 %f. Wn< 'rau jARE lu wattcf good roliable Date asud àhoae go t Parking & (Co.. 52 Ker.t oct, Llndaay. end don's you forget it. 249f. People vho do Dot feel et home in a prayer istlng woula fui out of place ln heaven. Two slght room houss, 1,17comfortahls, o ent iD Linkse termes. Apply to Mns. D. kOliver, corner of luduay and Gloelsi Wte.-24.tf At the annuel meeting e1t he provincial rnd orange lou4gs of Ontario saut st Napamee n Toesdy lut , Bro. J. H. Dulontere of ldinnawu nenlmotly elscted Grand aester. HoGKDT MATCH.- A very interesting hockey atch vas played on .Wodaeedal evemng *îveen Lindsay andS Poterboro the former leatlng thé latter by 3 goals 1 ..... Ou .onday svenlng, Knroh ?th., a match vill b. ayed belvîsu a tein from Beverton sud ho Liudaey team. Tus FILAS Tzoars.-Xr, Miler, ths isrgstlc manager for the Hon. John Dobsom, n his business hars, bcd th. Union Jack latig on Mandel over the oid store. It bslmg me laut day lainbthe d prsmisem. lr. diltir, tras tu, hus mlitary instincts, Rave ip the oid tnns vth @Il the honore of var, ,lors flying, etc. Y. M.C A. Noru.-The young men% Meet- ng lest Saudav alterneon va. vell atsndea. ir George Wilder gove a ver, intenuting Bible ret-ding on ths toplo "Whal a Christian iouid be ....". M. J J 0Hantons vii ad. tees th. meeting next Bandair et 4 15 on tbe lbjeot 011o0Wshall a ponne aui aus.hie way."1 Tb@ orchestre viii sd lbe inging. Ml1 yeune mon are oordiaily lnviled. SPRaNG! Spiaiu ! - Nov stylos of hutai New stylseof ties. New styles of collars, @e.. et [cCtimnmon'oo,in sadsme vsrley. S.otha [aint New York styles in etiff hala. All ibades just 10 band. Hate for ths millions, nUIu3enciDF aI 30 centsa,&Il shaps,shads nuS styie.-24. A SPLZNDlID CHÂNon.-800 acre ferra for tae Vsar the lova of Saltcoste, ?Manitoba. Field notes-Soil No. A. 1, uioh mazndy loa, àfew mnutes walk from a potoffios. Siopea one foot ta the bundrod ta the sonth. Furty ares of gond limber on the property; asena ne'er failig streant runi scrosthe corner. Torme eay. Wouid taire smai Ontario farm in part pav. &ppiy 10 this office for partiez- laîî.-24 4. Wtt. gcOMiLLÂN,ý, the emigration commis. jouer for Manitoba Government je in town. and yull b. fton et ths Benson Hanse, from tmte to time, dnricg Jànurty snd February. Mlr. Mchfillan has beau ton yeare in Manitoba and wili be glati ta moet or corrspond vith ail who purpoomu mating vhersethis sprig A@ he ie a practicalimnu, and vili go out vth one of the 9pviog ercursçon's. this ie au excellent nportuinity ta get assistance aud advic.- No man filled with tihe Holy Ghost aven hb. to presch tory long ta ompty boebes. B OitSESWÀN4TED -The undenaigned is pré. pare-d to but' cartioge and tiotdle bonues 16 tu 16J bondi. vitb gond style and action. Will buy fait trottine bancos; heavy drcuuht bornes <>,eî 1 600 ibm., and morne 1,450 to 1,500 Ibo. AlI horses muet be mound e'q d night. Briag horpes earIv. 1 viii to ai. V i ith'î hntol, Lindsay, Saturday, MAarch bib. 1892. S CùTroN, hors@ brayer. Pe'rmnnt eddress, 61 Oatario Sb., Toronto. -24 1 ' ON TzsiDty EVsNIýno let Manch lot, s very plesnt elipuini vas &pont bythe.]aies of tho bapliot church snd thpin frisRuds, lu the lecture room of the charch. Th. mission ciralo held their buginess meeting inu the aftsr- RUNÂWÂY -On Wedneidei e tcsm beisagi lu 10 M .- home e nosd ofaOpean away. Fj tanaMr.yTholmaChnnomage1 vé as ons. IotntoT&5nT ATYcTION5aLe was aetil dIMPOTA T aUTh Xteiv maie et n W E Munpy' edtthxelsn iv age ekopar.lW. 19 Mhorsoh tura tc.n 1kh pmaffl. 9 Rouaseot. on Tursdsy, l.o henromses892. KatBesnlon Thuld, eail musîho sod19. Js H, Liennon, actîone. LxlnhaAt's C1utum, -On Frlday .venlng the jont ecramittes oftheb. otizens *ud curling club @nt.rtalued the vell-knovn Fîsysîle rick, the winneis of the Challenge Cap et the international bonspeiliet Wininlpeg,eaIa bain. quel ln the Simpson Houas. The specioue dini08 roo vwas tastcfully docoratd vitb fi tgs, streamers ai red, vhit.esud blue. vhiie th. stars sei rpps, in honoraci Ihose cunlers &acrasethe listé, vho met lu fiendiy contas!. et Winnipeg, Ihair brtbtsu of the broota sud atoes of our owa Dominion, 1found a plae inl the decortions as il sbauld. do, Mayon Roy ocoapled the chair, on bis rlhî hein. i«st" lb. viotonloas rink compoead of John Fiaveile, sial; W Simpson. J3oelnun sd J Me- NILla; os hit loft voeesatod Mn Dili, U S. consul; Mr MoMillen, emigratitin agent for the Province of Manitoba, sud the Hon. John Dobeon. The vice-chair in th.unuavoidible absence oftheb preaident cf the club, Dr. Poole, vwu cccupled by Mrnteson, the papotai and efficient secrotary. Aftsi lbhe tables lied beau clsaned th. ýfollowingsnti- ment e e.propae ed uitabiy reetponded 10 ;-"Tbe Quoca;," **The President of the United States;" "The Goveruor Genoel cf Cânada and thiiLiutensut.Governar ci On. tario;" "Our Mutuel Institution@; "Ou0r Victoriens Riuk;" -The Manitoba sud Ontario Branches of tbe Royal Caledouiau Curling Club;" "Our Viiting CarIera;" -The Lind- mcv Curling Club;," "The LeeSrued Prof@s mica§;" ~Commerce sud Manufictures;" "The Ladies." Senator Dobaon. respouding la Ibet of the Gj)vernor-General, vas vitty and humroni. as au aid Irish gentleman caoud bo. Mr. F;aele. lu reaponding ta the sentiment of -'Our Victoriasu RirAk," nomindod the corn- 1pany that atbough the victorius rnik as tca.ei iPIv-it,'is, that the viotory d'pended as »mucb on ecch individual momber of the rink c.i il uid ou hlm the skip. sud ho wu@ pir ud ta tcy thate ecti rumbor of the rink toit end pisyed as if the victory cu-peudud on their individuel efforts A complimi'utary sddross vas thon pre. uented toalMr. Fiavelle, ta whtch hu neplied in bie ainsI happy manuer, Tho musical paît ufthebu .-'ening vas attended tin by Metiens. Ht, R. Riatet, and J. P,,uy, vbîle Mr. Matia Rave c parody of Romeo and Juliet, vhich vent ta mark hlm a. a pieuhliio amateur in musical airclos. The eveuiog vas wouud np by miugtg 'Auld Lang Svue,." sud *God Save the Q com." & NEV SrRîNoG oonSset Pogue'e, Little s Britaun. A car iaad of ,ult an baud. Corne i et once if Von vaut bargaina. loi NEIL McPHAD1EN.,' B Kent Street. LINDSAY. O.pi eosite the Pci st 0fflce. JUST IRECEIVED, a large shipment of Prints and. Spring Dress Gcîods 1 have been aE Asthma. sufeérer from As- ma and severe Colds every Winter, and last faIX rnY friends as wefl as myseif thought because of rny feeble condition, and great distress from constanit cough- ing, and inability to raise sny of the accurnulated matter frorn my lungs, that my time was close at hand. When neauly worn out foe want of sleep and rest, a friend recoormend- ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee's German Gontle, Syrup. I amn con- fident it saved my- Refreshlflg life. Almost the first Sieep. dose gave mue great relief and a gentie re- freshing sleep1such as I had not had for weeks. My eough begaiu immedi- ately to loosen and pass away, and I found miyseif rapidly gning in health and weight. li _p;eased to inform thee 'unsolicite-that I arn in excellent health and do cer- tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syrup. C. B. SriciLNuy, Picton. Ontario." enriettas, t miers, Lteens, Ca.shmere-s, Cote Clievals, Challies and serges, Crepons, Diagonale t. Dres silks in Blak and Colored Gros Grains, Bengalines andl Satin. Morve Mlea.ux. îttons, inghams, >wehingse Our Stock is being constantly replenished in Cottonades, shftgs Fln nnellettes, T iokitigs, Linens, and ail other Stapleii. À. ful stock of Black and Mourning Goods always kept on hand. Qtality,, îqulntit y, and ý variety- surpassed in the trade, TERMS CASH. 106 n t.. Opp!etPat Jipflins ni DE Sa oc Gi T!c unDs Tha Efoliday season being over F iAjlMWwE¶vxI ER &C(O., Mthnufacturing FurrierFi of. idndsa and Pet.orboro. riave deetded ta sotiL their la.re W ockr of Fiaf% Fttrt AT A. GRE A? SAGRIPICIJ to make roorn fi )r m fine stoc c of 'anIs sand Cav 9 for the spring trade. Stock o aF Frs eom-, ri'ies LADIES' SHOULDER COLS Sable, PIscked Caps, Gauntets, SI.orm Coll!ara, etc... Seal oppof-t sum, Combin~a- tion. MuW to rnat h. Gent.i' Ftir Coa ts- la Coon, Bulgi&rian Lamnb, Gorsi ca Wambat, etc. Bttffto, Black and Grey Gclat, 'IfVambat ao Bear. stock. Ria ghest price paid for Raw 1'urg. TII iers of Lind3ay and Peterboro. Presh buik oystons et Mis. B. F. Jewetl'.- 1 1 9 If. 11hn abd te ssy thet tb. dovil may atay Furt nlu r n hartosu il tette tell Cliiel te stay ont. Lind.ay, 3 anury 24h. 1892-8-1 . Itcit cured lu 30 minutes bv Woolfoid'a Satary Lotion. Seld by B. Gregory. -1800 IV. Thon, la noesncb thing en doing rigitt until Yen bave made up yoarn d t stop doing vrong. The Rav. Mr. Hill priacites a speciel unr. mon le ciildren nul Suaday morning ianltse Qun et. ahanait, We viii guarantee ltaI Von cma tek. car ---7 Emuisien of C . Liven -Oilseeas y as nev .-J~ milk. Cal at Higlnbotbam'a-223. W vA Gad mode lbe sue tb give ilgitt, bth.c gave. eveni min lté right te put sitatters on hice vindg diapoésetiof my voolea îectory, sud ~~ atviug up business hec., I requin a&Ilscoants due me te b. pad on or betore Api laot J. W. WÂu.AO-19-tt. These Saws are made frorn th. e bes People vbo try te bide bobind oreincter warranted; require no set. We ais keep il incburob, viii tri te do ltse Mare tbin a. adeeyhigi thé judgment.an eyt'ngi t 8«ocaur lesdcre la vemoa'a Dongola kid, buttonsd hooas e$1.0, 1he bst valus t ite j C r W ooty, Perkins &k(Co., 52 Kont etreet. ________________________________ Lndos. ,fret dean vernt at Kennedy &à(Co. 's Dry goode stors.-24.11. If veut seul la e it wll mt b booeu lte churc in ula ,1of hypocrites& bal bocanu yo0a have rejaoled Christ.TH SOWER HAS sert«e of spécal metopgaie te commesnce No SECOND CHANCE. VV El in te Quen et. chancit nzl Snday evoning p. ..en. ,.,. mks t ... . of th te ho oullaustidunlng tic folloving week. A sang service by titi choir assited iy Mr. Gumuting aMdiMin Nartitoole viii ne giron. E Z8 UR M W Firetasci Put îa goed Mia amy eommunulsd bi& ~among th lie vili mbke bis neighbors eli liaIthey ______ oultht te lire botter titan tiey do. bave Mnade and kept Fcrr's Seed temx 1l ia quite probable liaI yeu may need bis the Largestin uthecworid-Merlt Teils. ing its lb service o a physician soin. day; but jonoa Ferry's Seed Annual for 3898 qwckly ai posîpone lie Umne indiaitely Dy ksoping pour tellUthewhole Seti story -$*nt frSai hesagreat nM threugit the Use cf Aye's Saisepenilà. p»..M.FERRY & CO.,Windc!,qr Onnade fàrq l asution ta botter thon cure.-ft . adef- Titraire presoiters vite vouid probebiy mende. raîber sée a neigibontng chuithbava dova coughv,c hauân ee it hé" a revival. ing s,'ad EnglitSpavu& Liniment rêmve« %11 bard, @Otat or calionud lumps and blemishu frein ýf heras, biaod spavîn. ourbe spilote, ring boua, A Cure fer Constlpr,1atil t iadace.e« il seaLy, stifls, apreins, ore and sveilea Tir: s La ne, while lu thle ookzy Maoutl- la titroat, cougita, etc. BSa" $50)by cuose u aiOna iiacovered a rct>t that wiau c0mbrne'd ,d botule. Warranted lte mos% voadenful wit)x u4icr hlerba, naikea au en'y andi certain ýrblemiah onro even uown. Bod by E.*Gis. Quvzt 5)r eiutiîratitiu. , l iiin tua foriii Of n o ry -i O O ly id s eiIn outg an l le ves ,itiii know n avLatie's Themeawh e la~'mii Mcll I wi cure mialr heatiaciiO aboTemaie as ie@ oinvild ah eind, ;o ul niht.liir the o ' ivo ana kid- sbnlt eslum on th.st h idésb ijd s sud ar oai ong op lte cin icion il Ln et arottn stmp n th batleffe i oniders. Druggits 59)1 Iit M 50 cents j Local M Bga Pm.t a package.-12-iv t Nick]e Steel Spring, texpext Li:. y n~ stoka ne of SRELI? Hj4ý the BUILDINrG LINE. 'N JACQUEs (CART cended the St. Lawrence, the rernedy ini ie Intdianaswae the clear gum exuding f rom Il :d vith Miaple syru Ps szidthe French *tk- bereficial effects ini curing Padlmoia»ry cc.a"P idupted il. as a household remedy. This av't' atiasure for the woaderful popularityoft ti-- d cold remedy known as Whitft Pins Bal'-oîî' )m White Pine, Pine Tai'. etc., atid je mot onu as a remedy of rernarkable power in th." colds, and ail unq affections,, but ils balaroi expectorant propertiee make it a valuable r w the treatment of cunaiîua.ption. ESINDWHAW â~ duay, Fob, 17. 1892a s s I t a o : 1 Lindesy, Feb. 17t*h, l892.-802-ly. i TO TH E PEOPLE OF Li NOSAI! AND SURROUN DING COU NTRY$ 106 Kent St.. Opposit e the Post f Moe, Lind»y.ý iduys Febe 17o 1892,

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