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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Mar 1892, p. 7

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AGLOWING DSORIPTION O SDr. Talma0 l inou Ah. * » e AbrtiIltPt. Theoeto im WéUIaguO th ew s uwprhS 'a M o 4a Whoàcoo*pt the GospeL congregtlan et the Tabernacle ibis mom- ing litened ta a giowlng description of 0*i zfalnificenc of Boloinou, which, Dr. 'Il mage likened to the. glane. aof theii. hna religion, which would, ho. mid, b. asur. prise tua alWho tried it for thenmslvu. Nie text rau.: L. Kinga 10: 7, '<Bhold the hall wus nat told me." Solomon lied nuaived that Jercéaloin abould be thé conter of aIl sacred, regal, and commercial magnificence..IfH.eset hlmsfilf to work, and monopolsadit th surrounding deort as. a highwd*y for bis caravane. Ho bilit the City of Pal- myr. &round one of the principal "~Ils of the East, no that. &Il the long tt*lns of merchandiso frc Lb. eRast were abligod to &top tera, pay toll,a-id lbave part di tlir realth in the hande of 86lomuln' me- chants. ne manned the frtross 'hap. sacua at tba chiof lord of' the Euiphrateo, and put ider guard overytiiing that passed there. The thrce great productis of Pales. tlne-winc pressaci from the richoat clus- ters and colobrateci all a world *Vér ; cil whicl' le in that bot. country' the enfine aubstittr for butter and lard, and waa prescd f romn the olive branches until every trco ln the country becanw an ail weU; aud honoy, which wus the entire subs4titi4t*Sfor sugar-these tîhree great producta of the country Solomon cxportod, and received in return fruits and preocous Woodsanad the. animale of every clime. Ho went down to Ezionl-geber and or. dored a fieot of shipa ta be costruoted, ovorsaw the wc>kmen, and watched thé. latinching of the flotilla which wau ta go ont on inor&' than a yoars voyage '. to bring, homne the wealth of the thon knawn world. Ho heard thatite Egyptian horses rer. large and 'awift, aud long-mnaed and rounl.linibcid, and lio re.olved ta, purahas. them, giving ighty.five dollar. pieefor thein, puttixg the best of those -omi hi. owni stail, and uelling tho surplus ta for. eign poten tatas at groat profit. lie leard that there wus the bout ai tim. ber on Moiut ~Lebanon, and hoe sent out one hundred and eighty tbousand men te hew down the torout and drag the tim- ber through the mountalu gorges, ta conà- struet in into rafts ta be fioated ta Jappa, sud frein t.henco ta b. drawn by ox.tiams twcnity-fi%,e miles arou tho land ta .lerusadem. Ho beard that thoro rore beautiftil flowors in other lands. Helsment for themn, plantcd them in his own gar. don8, and to this vory day there are fiuwers foundd in the ruine uf that city suah as arc tu bu found inl no other part of Palevitiliu, the liiocal descendante uf the vcry lowers that Solomon plaxtcd. Ho hourdi that ini foreign grovas thore were birile of tha ebouet voice and muet luxuri- ant wingm. lic sent ont Ipcopjlc te catch thonti aîd hring them there, and ho put thein into hie cages.. Stand baok naw and mue this lonxg fralm of caniels couing up to the kixig's gate, aud4 the ox-traiu:s tramlegypt, gold and iiivrr and precious atones, and bout of ev h oof, and bird. ot every ,ving, and ri e vory scale 1 Sos the pctcouks trut tii cedars, and the horsemxen run, mi hochuxxriots wheel I1 llark Lu the -ir- 'ra !(azo uporu the danuce Ntstop- Vigto look ino the wondars of ti e temple, &top rigxt~ on to the causeway, and pais up te Solonon's palace 1 livreîive find ourselves amid a collection of hnîiiiurgi on which the king lad lavlsh- ed tewoalth of rnany empire. Thc geut. jus of Hiram, the architeot, and of the. other artiste in bere seon in tho long lino of corridors and aspended gallery and the, approacch tu the throno. Traceried window opposite tho oeried window. Brnnzod orna- mont% l)urting into lotus sud lily and pomegranate. Chapiers surroundod bj netwo-k o! baves in which imitation fruit seaed ad usponded ai luhanging baskets. ,with eurinsity seokers. Wbat is that lon procession approaching Jerusaleni? 1 think frcxm the' pomp of it there muet be royalty in the train. I smmli the breail of the spices which are brought as pro- seutm, and I hear the. ahout of thé drivers, andi 1 sec the dust-ccvered caravan ohowni that they came ironi far away. *iy Ahe nens Up Latii.h palace. Tii. Qumis. Sheba advances. Lt a&U the people ome ont to seç. Let theini ghty mmuco tb. land corne out on the pàiIaus ornldowa Let Soloinon aome dora tie itaire of the -palB.'ýe hoforo the queon bas allght.d Shak eouot »e cinnaînon sud h. safros the ca'xnaxint and the frauklneens, mai pusi t into the treasur. hou... Tue mi tho diamnonds until zhoy glitter in th un. The Queen of Sheba aâligits. 8h.e çhr thé PPaJacc'. Sho rashos at tie bath. tbe aits dovn t the. banquet. The î<uIpbear ban. The u ,eat às.xokc.i. You heax' the dath o!raters Iransthu moltena. es. ah. ris..f rom the banquet, aad wMl tbrough tihe oonervatorie., andid M I lb., architecture, Nut ah. aa.kS.l mmy étrnge questions, as iii 2rmfl &bou th reiin aof t.he bren, i, a M n md ltèe. bmu aa MIvm ê Liord Ood. aio luov.rwh.Im&f h "hik thati the SA t he pelo ~be hrMèd ,,lie IL Qîw,, hall. sreve Ilatlymh. oes. Sun ms s N-. ml nM.K a" i boua. hto 0, k p te W$ a e rt bo1ou'l o -0 auMmdition, leu *mil M li rcaïvhe h nait h, me. mrdmaeamon gayi lohstalYed"n es t , muplsl oswil& bt o mnpu *0e*7. l capall7 fW sublimer enotilon. Af t tr iai XsGd'le PM.44M t zutaoly ho Oemw491f48~~ , pleuqe4p-j ý Womén have neelvd the. Gospel thon aiL'A- ruhêrm oeen-no d' rok, xor 5 4,al ursY the. dlstrsised and the pon aofbath se* Wl ei«b tbou wdud'l only feit Land yî"d palg neee surtsSs. i tho.. Who have uta friesda oetJ,ù The lob, tWAIlu thtriste hy sght, etier uatpf~ie-1Iwfi aka Lat iai am o epl f 9in e toul eatatbu eidéln ît ui, wiadd ,erYiarghly -t. cthe uaturi'lre and hlgh socilpoalholo li a Al " Wa a lud'Idml ih ear and tenar aif.t ai.. e~ Wth nmre infernal Sery ftas, ont thr r i. ee ed, i aeWbm gIm. nould iaurch thy smolng Dryden iosqu i ri -whm, rosAlua0 Iftoeaeto o oe h aespirit t been iavored cofiortune -6r, ai I igitA at LieShudnn o y ae.Pedflic uoth %àyte deaavth botter put it, favoreô o ', unrettder l'h.d6o1thtou adee deepisenb'me"o'rha ynêb Ame yi liy ail you have and anl W é xpec o o b. tla heMay~L ten dormiacee dAnit teascf isladals-c u0. thé. Lard nha blesaed ibis Queeui af Sheba. Rsnsffered iL,,lhaLho may tise rbt aeityl IsxÈ h dita 'Certalnly you are eat aaiamod t6> ho fud Ând take a firM e;, sure stand; . Iaacg.A g îMrron ;«M wbiteu thei. luilii.queus eman. an la tsA Or, rt nl u-taemrbly thl499, h~ u'mke siàMm.ulook aid aid %toma; Christ hau had 13ia impenlalied in a li 1Mav boncefoth bain ta usa lits wlup. addlug, in ye - $V44 Yoni ta ils in l ge-Elizabeth'Chitina, Qumout of Frits. And judgo non.sbat; but nalt and à" îiiepiiyuologicl al adar.fo dla; Maia Feodorovna, Queenoai'Rusie;g WiLh bopfl plty, uot diadaini Pobi throlà a.' more prtol omfli Marie, Empresof Franc.; Helena, the io. The. depti cf lte abyes may b. perlai mothe af Constantine; Arcadia, The monture of the hight cf pain,' ~ hc otêtee e~lst train bUtgrol'fortunes ý',iilding publia And love, aud glory liat may raies-, fenng, snd tie greater -parI f.et. iol lu > i t hbi lin od*lnoplc,,,a t iliug fon. the The soul ta ocod in after da"~à.Poo. Ibs a>' ldue to lte iset Abat i mgi où eauîvîsi a it i toof ueen Clalilda, ___________peai' i g." loadlng ionriiubaid sud tire.busand pt A ElebPieda. his assmid warin te Ch risanatlîsn; A curions tory ai lant tneres corne.h Elizabeth of Bcrgundly. giving bier jewel. frosn Australia. A divor tengage. u inte .. .- ed gborsta s begger add soattenlng greal poari flahery lu tie viiitv oi TorresW fôrlunes arnong lie dislnessed; Prince SîraiLs came serais in. the. Oýroweoiiàai Albert, iinglug "1Rock -ai Agei"lutnwork tie nreek ai s large vdsaclimbedkied Windsor CaiLle, and Queeca Victoria, la- li the s.tud. Cnnlosity nid hope ai Suâd- i cognita, reading Lie Soiptuneta s dyiug ing sometbing ta rejja hlm for bis tropbie pauper. induoed hlm La make i. çarefil' examIna- I bleu God taI Lthe day in coming rien lion o! the siip., The searc was. v*ry i royal y ilii bdng aul lA., c4toues, aud fruitici af reuits. The vosel prove4 a b.o t muol& IL li a rmpüiesd palitng ail au aid Spanisi East Indiaman, sud a'parb s iis pitlatan ud sctiptu%4 Mils statuàry, af its cargo was silver specie la dollar. "of a sud arahfteteuro alsi t. julllan sd con. periu~d about seventy yeans ago. Sa iq Lthe quel aIli Is àceptnui; and tii. quecus af diucovery la a proflound secret,kuaéwnonlyW tie earti, lut long liue cf sdvance, mena- La s iew, wia are non euigaged li exploithtg incuse fillng the air aud tiihe lsladon the wreclc La.cousidorable advantsgc.,* niti gold sbali approaci Jennualein, sud recent steamer from Australie brought tola them gaLes @hallhob. isted, sud tic greal Landan a large quantity oi Lie apeele, r burden ai spiandan shall be liitid into 'tie smountiug lu value ta many thouiaitd palace of hils greater tien Solouuau. pounds, aud thon. is more ta iollaw. *IL is Again, my suhieci. esches me niatini. xtremely imprabable, howcvor, liat lie TRILÂTE SisM OBELL MAOKENZIU. *earnuetnosa iui the searci af Inuti. Do you discovcry au much lnger b. concealed, t kuiow nier. Bihaas ? IL vas ln Abys- LîitLbraî'îes la the Wortd. Old &go causes disease by setting up inis, or somesy in the. southerui part oa Thelargest librarv la the world. s Liat changes lu lie issues nicimale hem Arabîs Foi. I lu cnasi I wu a great aThoarsihcnan har f2,W-lsble ta pervertod action, as la tie trans- wyoff tram Jeruaem. To geLt ram ter. WParis, whiboosans16p,00d auip,00, formation of barmlcas narts laIe cancer- ta7 000 pnintodbocks sudt160,00smaausornpry.ou. gronlte; or beucapable ai resisting ta cruale ai hs tacraa sccutryBetweeu the Iniperial Library at St. Peters.-lie offects ai cold sud olier exterual agen- inieated with bandits, and go serass blister- hurg anti the BriLti Museum thore is net lusn deost. Why did uaLtithe Queeu of much~ differenca. In the British Museum cis ; or more pranc ta wutiug wniai lhe ýi Shea e tay at home and seud a comnttee thora areabao<ut 1,500,000 volumes. The. oxbatsted systemu Suds IL umore sud more t la enquira about 'this uew religion, sud Royal Library ai Munich has non smre- difficuit ta ropair.b hava the delegates report lu regard La Liat thiîîg aver 900,000, but this i,îclîdes mnauy Organe like Lb. braiu sud Liehe at-f religion anud nealth of King Solomnan? pamphlets; te Royal Library at Berlin which arease iL non, banka ton Lie stoning t Sic' wauted ta es for hersait and heun coutains 800,000 volumes ; thte librany aI up sud distribution ai vital enegy-be- for herseIl. She cauld noL do thia Copenhageat, 510,000 ; the library aI Dres. came worn ont, sud physiologicai bauk- by work af committee..$ho toit sic doit, 50f),000; the University Library ai ,nnptcy resuîts. GataingnoTii.special euiemy a! aid ae, inflamma- lie ass.p ton hous.ndklngdOtfl5 Urmsny, 600,000. The Ryal 1ke Sheba, il ah. wantcd ea ronch rLibrary eut Vienna lias 401),000 volu mes, sud to ,o telungs, la due La weakness ai t than any neveu by Oriental thutties, a"'., ite University Library in the sanie city Lehat obudwt oao ieiiy sic wautcd a coanuset nith the jawols a 7000vooe;fIBdaPsi h ni- th Le ugi. ritemortification ai tic eternity.. Brnxg out tie camei. Put an vcrsity Lii'rary hbas 300,000 books, the cor- tet sud au lacc Leqlegcs of iret l te spicca. Galion up the joweis of the respouding . iirary at Crxcown earîy tc he agdreiacusqnesfdfiin thruncansd put Les aon tic caravan. Start amme number, anti at Prague' 2050. l blaod aunppiy, associated nith locali degen-i non ; no ime ta b. lait. (load on Lie ;eration of tissue.. camis. Wien I osea that caravain, dust Destroyed by Fire. non PA3Ri.Y5IS COMES I. eovared, neary snd exhaused, trudging There is s poil that the nan sta Ti.releloeIireaicysnlg.i oui serais the desent sud among th. banadits recentiy ,iscovered ia a planet that le being nay undon an unnonted lacrease ilthLe until it reacica Jeruaalem, I say, "Ther. destroyeîî hy fine. This posbility is ack force ai tie bhiodcarrent ; tins %. fit ai issun earueat seeken aiLe? Lie truth." ed up by the tact tiat non stars do uaL angor or aven s suddeu mavement may b. Again, my aubject imprcsses une niti laat long,: but graduaily die ont like a cool, îolanwed by lieding haLo the. brsiui-pop-' the tact that religion in a surprise ta si lag ember. Who knana but the smre tbiuig niari ycalled "spoplexy" or l'parayi one 1ha1 gala il. -This .tary of the nen may happen La cur panch aneof theso day.? stroke"-on a large vessol may hecome 1religion la Jemusaleun, and ai Lb. glcry Itlibas beon decreed, yen knoo, that the dilated lato a kind ai hoflon ball, cslled Wai King Solomcu, nie vau a type ai earti shall bu detrayed by lira, aud Lte'IJan aucna wieh oaus.. pain and rChilu-thast ory rals oni aud oandsud la isngnage of Lb. doores leadi La the conclu- imoubiesomo ocomplications by pressure on tlid by every tnveler comin« balk tram alan Liat the wiole hing wiii be conauru- lie parti in Il. ueigiboricad, and may at 1Jerussiem. Tii. nova gais an lie ring of mated lu a very ahort space af timo. Net lust bursl, nithbau imnuediate fatal .- eely silp.and with ev.ry canevan, sud you a ew ocepties sud others have arguod liat .suit.1 jkutow a &tomryenlarges as it in retold, muid suci s catastrophe is impossible, but iL in The. changes vroughl by aid ageinlatihe by tbe lime tual story geté dova ia 1 he not. A silght exceua cf bydragan in aur et. structure oethle brain sien theuselves et s ouliers part af Arabla, Feuix, muid th .maiphee ould nenden iL as combustible as Birut in subleitaltionus af dispoeition and Queeuof BIlhabeau. i, iL muetihb.aa ire- naturel gsi.-Pittiburg Gazette. lintellect, suai as ireoiutiou, Llmidily, Ià- s mmdciii &tory. And yeh Ibis quecut de. vo D.uoish an 014 Trading Post. itability, unureamonable suspicion, avarice, la n.,l regard tu it, alhhougabs@e hd Steps are beil taken La tear down thei -tliaI "gad old.geutlemaiiy vice," as g teard no maithm»d ad item anticipations aid John Jacob Aster log trading pont at Byront cellei ,--ganrlity, béas ai memory, I ralseulno bihtIhe l-tii hall vas sot Fond du Lac. The. fort was haut la Lb. confusion cf hogili, and alite oharacters k_ tld her. sarby day. aiflte Aster Fut (Cmpany and fcflget wniah itleralure train Homer dons- Sagoreligion la aInsys a surprise ta ael vasthe ieadquartena ion Inadors ta ithe nard has delighted bL artoirai a nt tis atesil. The atory af grlc es rt c! Lake Supeniar. Il i. propased ta In a more sdvancedotage liee seucle aidstoy. pouue.precie ILvIAt. dmo.a- b.t mae-ny 1r1Le imene1eangs l li brl isd a Mvapnous arins auneer iluh lb dof.1ym r pIrtual bond l'h.amtap 4< te jgps* I. Woo. ifage hmdany approiéàmof airvietwus t». l Té at mlm ivlsg PeÇbo 'a'*# éèleo M&Yua r$0467 tay mmam, 'i4mmqUWAO(ei 'é' Tt. étcDûaci *st (n%" Lm. if IP» Y m p0ent a t h.* 'ire Persos in 4sss k y nundhbt'O yeu oose ao lt,~a, uéim 0"l oUeoaahal OL wu. b Im *l uou i ydga"udc of144 mq d1hé io 4 0,0' paad thc goodomis idGeé-"Th. hal-tit I, ~,~ ,a half iai10Wme m W. X W*lI. » W a -tg*$ 1w aU& UhoutI se god tWiha s wbhilaM - o #l 5i!OkB. v Upg, t-,' ' - la sLioliai on thell ber IbisaMt e fdiseai.ê m&"q - *t.isn tmoê71bêItby . u - m tà ~itdnohra lthe b.dg f au twa t.ie et Eedgaumleî ; and Aî0M là a kw*I.n faisly lu the montiiof hanaS nitoit funmoretitan ttreceninnie. bs bomulia writ. lack et bain. The Bourbena me, and Ahi hhick Up ai Abs gUsburp, areother instance. lu pointz. Oom«uption, gant, liauty and coincer M. th elsease iai sien lie greateal boudulas ta maxinuf, illes. 0f ti.he h- e0ditary tranismiussiou cf gout, nearly every, noble fainU'inlaEurope cau show Abs maiL oclive proof. Wiîii regard ta cancer thi ca s a qt zse dean; but statistica prove itha iteredily eau be mare or leu. diatluctly mad& outin a consIderable proportion af thase rit a lUvictime tt leýdea. l'h. Bonsparte temily fuiubes s remark- éble exampie ai b thenediiamy transmis- Mon ai cancer. On.eaofteparents ai Na. pleou tb. Firmatdimd af cancer oaihli ier or etemacb. Ho himacli died af cancer et ime îtomacb, nici alia prorcilftalta is brter Lucien ant t hii slaLom, te beau- 1mbu Peullae »orgheu. A -h.reditary tendenay te disease zmay noL show it»Ueliill an advauiced period af life,' as ProtessanHuxley, lu is ciarmiag enta- biographicai shetcht u lately tLd us LiaI a pecullir movemeni *of Lie bauds vicit sùri babituail i imaLien bas recently emw itself in hlm. Tii moral ta b. drawm tram tiese facti as tatifha menhasieson La suspect Ihat hoelaberits a L.uideucy te a particulan dis- unie, he should b. caretul le avoid expo. ugi iimuehila Lte conditions wbici layon iti deveiopmeni. Ho siould asa b. mnunofa bis po.teriiy, actual or posai- Monl peopleue tbeir bodies au if tiey woe tbein property life simpl. Titis in bardly tair La thein descendants. A man should undoubtedly 'treai hie bodya thougit il re r ictly eulailed, and Lthi rigitu ai bis hitemshmould, ., aistafau possi- ble, respected. If the attack af Lhe diseai. cen by any means b. kepl off, iL is passible that in trne tie famiy taitmey b. eliminated. A Bit of :'atitiCal1 Lore. Do yau kuon niat a 11pea-pod" le, lu ma- ue partance i. jý5 d VUcý , Ui.hinda niand amoug te Mainee bbter fisbermen, being alike at bath antis and about fourteen feel long an top, bult af codai' with ak timbers. Beating the Butchens. Tiero le a man at Catasautjua who rasIs cats aud eats tiem ; net becauso ho vanta La nid the ten o!fte caLs, but becanse tiey are geoil cating, atid, rien steak m 20 cents a poad, cieap, tac. -Alleuitoa Ps.) Critie- Tan teke. ubr r p~~~M14z%ýpl ak pciBI. Tan&l-ekleLotimI Bale, Sure and EfocteL. PUICE 25u..FER .OrTL SalI IbY a..l Ti iîgglslm GJ. HOYLE, GANNINGON. àlrays kesisà ftul sortment of Book& of ëvM ldemïpip% &aI kinda of sohool reauiotss wools, lgrn Wooh, Zephrand Io@ Wl. MoMle rbroidery silk Timasi asd flow« hIs, e tc., ~XUi laatsmmta, Mluailivra Album. MWiha md Jeu., ooda of .viq du. oripion.G. J. HOYLE, Fout OOn amhm GANADIAN PAOIFIO RAILWAY. Oaiu~e md Qbu ~ 9. Im Ottea-....L LUam.M1.09.. - 8. p.. IN...ILIOSa.. V a*m..... L pu.8.005... i.9a. Mns UeAY E - -. - Liav Ualon.. UJO... S...10 M N * ount - .0 a. .1 .. UV*p.n ..e5a.. 1.1 mrerB-. AnUR OasaaeR4SPU. 4.A.mL41é. "Oiu - .iiu.S u ru. hl Esis IE RIEVISEID AND MNDD IIT 18 YOUB FÂULT tiat the boy deesn't underataud the mes'oin)g ofthLe nord b. bas sneountered, or hnois nathiug cf the. man ho bai haen reading about You seem snuicyed hioaute ho bas- unterrupted yo nuhle yoîn vere reusding thc paper. Does net paritcf Lie-annoyano. ast rom tie tact Abat yon dou'i known youmaei 1 Thc viole troubla for bath yoD sud .th,- boy roobd b. obviated if yen culy hsd a good Euieyclopedia a inte bouse. Yen can't afford iL. Read aur announcemeul and yen nil ees liat yon eau, h. yen ever so pma. THE ENOYOLOPIEOUA. BRITTANICA Revised and Amended, bI Aie incet completesud diversifled library cf eutertaitung and intErestirg iitt-rature ever isuied from tlbe prs. Yen v'lI fine s'meihing to attrpet si fi ivteî',,i pu n n every page. if von gre foud of bihtorv, it contuiris tie lineet ecclli-cticn et tumurieB in tie u-orld, ounbracing cverv nîsticu cf saieut sud modei m tînti. Are ;,ou inter- estcd lu SciencelThe Enucopo 'i%,Britianica Revised sud Ami xôeé wîi lii yen,- in dean, undenstandable Euteliâb, a1l abut &LY science Vccmsy v t(-4 teîuu >Aie yen eurions about uxuooanioal unventionsr? Aoain Lie Enavcloroedn 15it s e-0%te p our bii;a momneur's turving of ils pages h'ings the prepfer heacliî g ti, %otir -le,à;9 ad thera befr-ro yen lies a crruple!e sud exbatistiv sccunît ei thet' ir' sur jeet, In abont, whether yon vaut amust mett for an idle boum, oud isuoî feru- nioî'Fert eue moments, or qnick informaticr. abiut arV mattt r as ta wl'ich .-zor-.art, :m doubt, van bave lie mesue lun1lhese bocks of gratlivng ,u esn THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED IL. moyen f honsand paus are filhed wiih fite plotunes. atud it coutatus o;f-r 8,ào,00 noridp. The informiation eounpiled in ibis "Cyelopoedia" repretü,,ts tb,- --it ul wkrk of 1000 ai tic ableet viters ai tie uinetuenti century. AllurL2er '-C> eoioedïas" are tram ic ta trenty -ears b.biud tie ditte af the issue ofci Us Rrand weck, whiah mac completed inlu1890. HOW YOU MAY PAY FOR TH E 900 KS We offer to deliver to your address a complete set oý THE ENCY- -- .-".i-..r àyin- r.m %w n..N --:---J --1 THE VICTORIA WARDER, for one year, at the followinz prie-s:- Encyclopiedia bouud in Cloth and Paper, for one vear $2600, pay- able as followe: $2.00 on delivery of the first five volumes, and $2.00 per month for one year. Encyclopoedia bound in Full Sheep and Paper, for one year $31.20, payable as fooUons: $2.40 on delivery of the firât five volumes, and $2.40 per month or one year. EncyciopSodia bound in Half Seal Morocco and Paper. for on e year $38,80, payable as foliews: $2.60 on delivery of -the first five volumes, ana $2.60 per month for one vear. Where Full A.mount is Paid at Once. Where the- full amouDt va paid at time of deliver.v an allowance is made-the Cloth uet fcw $24.50 instead of 26.00; the Full Library Bheep for $28.50 insitead of $81.20; and the ilf *'eaI Morocco for $81,50 iDstead of $33.80. Advertise in The Warderi The anadian Otice & Sohool Se A V ER LY, PRI8TON, - >ONTARIO VICTOBIA BOAD, Nanufaturen o Office,Ucol Church, and Lodge In preparod ta suuly FURNITURE ANID UNDEBTAKING lna& ait I.branche. Afull suppl on band ai .&U tunes. HfavIng nowcompleted My HEA"s I i prepw" od a upply undortaklng l inl&U .4branche. a f uU uppi? of Purnitura always on hand. knatr NORLANID. Hanse of Ail Nations for BIood. Have been irougl bm re Mutno er cl ime BARGAINSI WlIevln, - sudu aaIs né:. &enboýlu m wh W elYte Ue .,i brns.I o p uba mubu ami qui, l okis, uiitk V" irs oe 2CARLSo- 1 4US Thi pEEIEOT AIToÂI" hool Doik Theo ^lamid bet. &WAWde i«G.d NMda athe, Jarnca ExhIbltion. Ibo scboo De*of "i.Oompauy cannaib.exela sof Appetiti, . Sou st.a"h,

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