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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Mar 1892, p. 1

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Trii Mabu L LJobbing promPU tly«WW * WomuS.mLNGIsS BUG- Ir1U8,budm la TmEBIL a Lbudt!un&". per l'r ium lni Âdvanoe, 5o, a Oopy. LINDSAY, ON?," I PU JEDAT noumI Sore hands, raw fingerst cracked ikin 1 What pain and misery mnany women sufer through the use of injurions soapa and powdersl These troubles don't exist where "SUNLIGHT" BOAP is used. On the testmony of eminent scientios IT CANNOT INJURE THE bMOBT DELICATE SKIN. Soap, which hurts the skifl MUST HURT TRIg CLOTRIS, hence it should be avoded. "SUN LIG HT" bas been awarded 6 Gold Medals. and other honora for purity and excrience. Let this induce you to try it next washday, purposes. and for ail domestic1 Remember the n-ame1 'SunlightD0 OURP OROAIS, PIANOS AIND SEWIFO TG INES are guaranteed superior to any others made in Canada, and unsur- passed by any mnade in America or no sale. We do flot pretend to sell at coat to PAWN oùt inferior goods on the public; but, we do mli cheaper (according to quality) than any other person, in the business. The large number of our sales proves that our goods are appreciated. Our motto is--."The beat is always the .cheapest." Mr "Poor Goods are dear at any price." Samples can be seen at No. 170 Kent St. West. W.W.0OGAN ,C A s AEnt Ladu R THE OHE&P MAN'S NEWý SPRJNG STOCK. Isnow very nesrly comploe, and For Quality, Style and Price It isg second to no stock in Ontario. I have bought the. greatet bulk Of My new Apring stock auider very peculiar circurnstancee, the resumlt of which will permit me to vell u at aulight advmne on WHOLE- In DRESS CO0DS I amn showing thse very istest styles. In STA PLE G00DS my prices are the lowest. Ini GENTS' FURNISHINOS I carry thse largeit stock in town. In MEN'S and BOYS' RATS and CAPS you coan depènd on me for the. latoat. RIEÂDY-1VADE OCLOTHING, In this department I do not buy tihe gooda in thse rogular way. If I do not secure a baikrupt stock, I San always witis my ready cash ecure a job lino at clearing prie.. This aocouata for the. startling price I 8011l clothing at. Ithas been said, owig, I nup pose. to thse large stock I carry and thse very cheap prijes I sl clothing at, that I arn selling on commission for a wholesale clethingh ous.. Never mind whst they say, I wilI continue to psy SPOT CASH and seur. smre ot the IFLjTYTM8S That are always in thse market fur cash buyers, and give my ouritomera tise cheapest clothing in Ontario. Men's Tweed Suits for Serge s Wool Pants for Boys' Two-pieoe Suits for Space wil ot sllow me tsi enumerate say more price.. SPecial Prices to pedlars snd defalds. Letter orders receive prompt attention. me1 j $p2.60 $2,50 75 75 OARTERe THE OHEA? MÂN1 Sign o Golden Lion, Lindsay vDYuTISE in, thvW ~t1WUGK lt1892. .1'~S lumapeas ru~ ~é le ut..-.s.t, w embride Mlssu t fie zas Seine and Lot for Bale. Aà oc cmoblbe ho»anmd eop e nofl and ,a 1b Iinbo f atyra omviumiet 1teiOh*t Notic, te Creditors NoliOP la her.by alven by the ftcutrm ci tbe Wim cf Jaes..oupla..e c f the Township 0? Nmnyqo. la UtheOtunir o Dura Teamma o ccci- ed. bc eaU credllors and otbare havln4 ta aanatj Ibo asate of thb. id doeem.dto "" Uln. the '"me, duly veirI-d 10 Jam a Lt. Frnklin P?.. Ô? 10 Dal.1 .Ymtlouo, Eq.. Dmbay'?.0 theIi.Exeu tone .9the nid dsoos.ed on or b.foý4eIb 3h tfort affhr uhlcb date th.e Ibulorn lproose4. la dIa tribut* the Mgt% of b.cimWa"tI. aisougeMosW. tI.. on, led Ihereto, bavlng regard Only tb the lalme of whlcb ih.y %hall thon have ntm.alic, at»%lathey viii o be fiable for amy muela ao dl.lnbuted 10 a'.y peue0cfWhouc atim Ibey @halli Mton hava no". 11100EU& 3ACKSO1I. BUlluton for ls.uoMs mmrb 4tb. 1M9.-258. Ju4LoAia Sah. ot Tam Property. PubsOafrT 10 a Jùdt-meait 0# Iii. Obahm ioey vi- sin ni Ibo 51gb cout ai justica lis Bboa1n vW. libes tbe followlng vbluabîe hum prov.tty lu tbm Township, f MaiVers aud Cý uby afDur"afiwlll ha tiffored for ma1s by PutilaAuclion eaIhe1h. Mtereà Chambonra lthébmCourt Houe, Llnday, rDu Sturdsy. th inteeebday of, ath, 1872, et à o'olook ln Ibm afiernoon, wfth ibm approval of IbhéMater of the Court at lnduay Pérceit1. LoIl#o. 19. la the lath Concussion of Ibe Tlownahip of Maver,,200 sos@ more or leu., about 100 acres oluerd. momufly under cuitIvatton. balance slubered. &bout 26 acres hardwood and mlzod "iber ma 7 miI aceamuae and coder. Threlàion tbis parcel a fuame houe, fnac bain and trmestable. t ocl hrbami hs lua atuatu conveulmt o#blbubsad poctotage. on* mile from PFleetwoodU,Si milos f romn P a nd fail9 alles from Lndmqr, witb good roadi and lu a good agr loultural dstrict larcel 2. The South hbau of Lot No. 20 lu Ibm 131h Conomion ofh mauvero, aforesald, 100 acres, Moro or los, about 10 are. cloarod Ibe balance la cOVertd with codar and amuas, alluale dlrcclut Eof ohPar- lerm. of lo-10 por coul. of Ibm puteoaaemcneY on day of sale. and Ibo balance uitbîn 80 day. thure. aller. (arrangements mav b. mude for a portion of Ibm purchamo mouey rémaloing on mortgags, funl oondiiosaà ill bc road aI the lime oh mle, ,FIor fnortbr pulîculars and conditions ofhmsalp- Pf la eurs Sarrau à M.Laugblln, plantifs eniim rNuits oore & Jackso,, aiaIsfor Ibe Onoial Guardiai. Llnusy Daed Ibis Snd' day cf Februay. 189. IW, W. DEAN, Auction Sale Yaluable (garm Townmblp off Maversinu the Couaty of Duzham. Tns Exooua,. of the if l <f Jame opeléad. 0f th. mid Townablp ohfMnvore Yeoman dooased, %iàI offe: for salesb blic eAuot(oi ab Ibe VILLAGE 0F FRANKLIN, la Ibm said Townsbip cf Mauve:.ou Friday, the 8th Day of April, '92, à1 meven oclook lu Ibm forenamu. the follownaçpro per. uiambiv : theM ORTR E3ISU O7 LOT UN. UR i WEt4T-BR&M sa Ibe TWELFrH COICES. BMON of ho nisad TOWNuHIP OF MA1IVEE, con. lalalng I'NU HUWDRID ACRES mors or lui Ths protuarty ta thuéte glîbin vuo mile of tbe Vil- lue ciE mIalenklmd nitiblufour mlis et 1h VU- lagmsofoh eit any and Ommeo, sud about twelve miles. hrm Ib@Town- fLinda'. at machf ai b feucel mmla a 1ood market. TheiM ilala a btlama. Abouta&« lae uoo ndcdr cultivation aud wsli natord, am *th- balance cv«« minh mlmd limbe:. Thore ar on hepreaisé kt hué, brmmad stble.Tb@ po Ibm proisU bavldaub ilItua leamas hioh niII expreen tii. usai day a<if M u n mx. Purobamm vil! bave tb. lgbt to ente: sud do flI plouashln immécditey ~sitrbvo.I, and hae etitlled 1 fui p A&ulIo as Ibm Pitot day ohfMaacb mazi. TESMS-Tmn par oult. of Ibm purobsas maury clonanmd Ihm balanes niIbln cms manIb Inàemofl nitbuut, inlcroal lFor futher artloularms d ctou 0 of aie apptI to Jmes LjI1m, iaq., Franklin P.O.. or tu Davi J"uu , q.,BmIby P 0O, or to the wWner md. MOORE à JACIION, Soliotoes for Ezeutora, maroh dei e9 - 2&&8 In tbanking our numerous custo mers for their very liberal patron. age since ccrning to Lindsay, wt would remind them that we art better than ever prepared tý supply Builders and Farmers witi ail kinds of Har'dwar'e, Paints, Qi Varnish Glass, plain and stained. IN SURANGI Se CORNEII The largst < moles giy van i s mar hdec,5 Uic gowuhi of Voum oIeslmor.O, h.m a"ànafr.W f WoeIik '~a1k I ,,Im um mp.e Sn at s uts M vu wea »mmt ath.e rmebug bes- * bm lape..,waDmma"s hisemm- ewe MssM14 mouseholte the EmpeeSe: UTOIVr mi4lýr d id musss " -Tr e m m m w w W o m M U t e h a v e eserel 1 wllulPive" eRnte." The emmnapuot Ia Ibstwhoa Gea. couut lms bmovabif, thé Mana. mmiaWur a4 Dur au, wu spiiled off Ibié rermble uomos, u pem muetigsllon toumd tbt wbt ha prelgufaira. wl the ,fact ta 1h. casçé wm Mqisue4theéusmankaetof impererWilia te the Cms. lThe Czar lb., ammousdt itei preemce Go. Von SohwerMlîa h. German mmbumalor nt St. P.terarg, end, af 1er re- omutlug t hi, the tstement aide by X. de Qlorm, mald. TU1 jour Esnperor thal whon JI* vanto tu bogia pulvunzlg I nul thion ,kWt à mi" mon am m aicshe frontian iti Volg xXX'VIa"'Whole No. 182P *Pwogms. capiabis te the mtomch Mmd Iealbhy iu t., mture ad elmé.ts Pfflmza thee ualitie syrop t Fig.ila 40, ome prfeet laxative Mmd mcml goulu ilregtiehn. Boolecy Noies Beguar moathly meeting ot IR.B.P., N. 262j this svoulugFUlday 11h. RogularelmuofdHomoeOtrole No@ 84, on amday 141h. ÀAnne meting in Toronto of aupramo oi. oie Ommdiman ader off Home Oircica, Taeodsy Report for the wek ending Bstnrdy nlght, Ia«. F.. 1892, from Linday obemretry:- The Grippe 1 ne . F<P1 wth eali ts terrer. lisimking mmd bsvo inun midat. This ecr4 wbloh ,hlted ns aMarI twe 7«ea go. la wV"hde usw la à mar dréadmdfot. lu oue respecte our people uudomtpnd the~ troublesomte uaalady botter slow th» ten it firt appoarod. It in aekqowl@dW dby ail th.t prnampt action ic meo.ammy, ne that prlmerv syniptoma may bt ebeekod. Brouchical affection@, cough sud mnrs thecet ar ge.rally foremrura âid lb.d. éré o a atvessti.at" of êirippe. sud .bould b. ouefuiy sud 1teMiIgently sîîanded Io. Lot u en~gIp Impree. u pou ail ibe great necpoity of riddlog themmelvea of wvit avimne msy terni aitht colda. Tii... uacke on the bronchial tube%, irritation off the touailu sud îhroat, thst fitfloough, ère sure indieation. thst thoenu. mi grippe ham bqgunta effeot an eutrauce At this particular lime simple yet i-ffective meaurcos neoff Waat Importanee. in order that t.he groat nervau syntem be enabied t u atain ias vital snergy sud r.ower. h fi n ccdled by TEMP~TEh isus. u... p..u. t Mjindue-, .=. ..... Bron -) -MI H-.e0.-.... 370.4 .......... rliday chiai, Syiup éboula be noed wi'hrut deIay, The lubecrlber o*m at Iea ousmaud lot, aihuaim on "0 e mor mu Md nSDubm gaires.. Polad'a Dark Hour. loneet.... 0..-0.5 ...... ,Thnraday whéever tho throat sud bron châti tub..ste Thé ou lse l !.4not1eah beImIWarmeogt day muaoff 28. ......... riday lu amy degrec threatemied, and wbea the firet Foer hrbhor erliulaiq., ~ ~I. Lovuow. Match 7.-A dptoh freinWsu. OoldeSt 41i di 12,15...Wedueday symptoma off cough mnd iryltati,,n sre toit. MW oapu hst off lait the Poluah xvoutloniata The week of 200.5 This great remmdy gives almout menritt relief DAVMIL H. bave Dmnextreoly active in prepptlmg ul..mAnION, IN Nsu ad fortifipe.every week part. &sa auevidence ffl.ard nzt4-thé doctrbu0Fea Jv.PolulaMOUE aIl cam. Gantt ali of r ai n 1day 0.00 Of it. populavitv and usefulues, ne mas amy LIalu!, lob. es off t h abtants,sud the suthorilllc ave nte n< dj.Jthst the manufacturer@ are un.b1e at pt<'.ent taken éesere ameaumm auppresathe turlher Gîat eet on 0 do das.27t1fally aupply tbe demarid which bas a-iseu notice la hri i.rebe mauilgénmral a dof thm idées. Ont of the éape tk ratnIsh fowi ey 2.7ais ite advent cf the grippe. It le simple moe ci o f bnt="ât*hec Fakin Lamber Go.. bjr the militaiTythtwart 1h. eue"cs. i r1h. w el on 2lu .ia oe mpomition. free trom cvery iLjntloua 51 Uudau mg tiaràa byauon M.,' darpeante1bilmot oldier. s etprlvate ne- Tta amsdc Tm. 9.à28. marcotte, and se xtremply reliîbîs that ev.ry ""oit, ~m>i>of L wo. B Ilatà elèe lleL telym, noman ad chila canu e it witb tho Parhimiboni, lawIb$ftenti eh Liuadmy. on xuudale Provnauj nydiscussion of pI-nste bnlng about gucstatoufety, and recel vs mîmoet instant re. 18hIb Mach, 189,%1*0 àmbOf ai OO ek IltuBSU mn organisaI movement against 1he.-Czar'. Death of Mr. Jas. Beatv, er.. ex.- ni.Sec that yuu procurc s buttle wiihout IL IL TAMy OUTZ suthonty, .M.P., Toronto, In hie Ninety- "ly, Morphy Nuis, l'rmaIe. Noté <lufinite mewé trait. olomd iuthé put tourth Year. Dated Mardit, i -fb t on day@ pointei tu a stop off terrible signifie- Mercierites Pra.otica.lly Extir. ________________________ mus urii Ibem ext week or Ina. Gem. Jameis Beaty, ai., nho died at hie résidence, pated. FrZMator b&ls Or 10 o ui s M Gomîke hau rêturned 1teWauasnHi@ opsmly 17 1Paler strict, Pakdale, on Saturdiy ator- LaZit" expruol intoutton la te bang a bnanu o emebi "o h xrm po 4yas ri 8LZZLBETDOTO OA For sale or te reains L N.o. , isamcu su, principal Polilh citiffeoWho are unfrlndly Inn u adurachivod ke oxtoe andinoi-op 9 73r. OLYS ISBttA E lE UT F AITA ocam"g 100 m mores;;%- d" to ] 10 umelaarais. This roîlvai ot the anful Hia ia1anactiv sud aay ite sd inspar. Y IN For fun Ieprti èlan* j e* aokono 0mmonles iff Kouiavif lun1868, omug inably ocunmeetadwith 1h. blatory off the ct, TIE NXW BOUSE AT LZAST 37. priU15.orCby I@W 1h. ean niWhu Polah ntioal feeling in ua"Bain lu oouty Cavan, Jrland, Scatombar KXTEZAL.March 8 -The couvativeu 1 lm a p*, loi;excptlIv high, mutl praduceDo . 111h *1798, ho came tu Canada nien 20 705mB bave anept the probvince. The hKorofeuitca April lot, ML1-Iee .foual lmpn onu Irogbout the cv<ize WîneroutaI lock, stockand barrel, asudscoare- nonl. Uudor other conditions It noul off avc.asd started ln thc leather busiaca.inla roa' ur fthi nli eez Oonwat0m8. probébly gond the Pales laie attemPtild ment.tht. oity nith his brother.lu.iaw, 'William hungriiy aI Ibm treasury bonobes, from nhich -roollon to be put dows nlth nholle MMaIa Amtrong. He cannaI on thc business tor 1h07 bave beou fitrever expellosd. n.asy muohlàs.. Pndwl cotolous off .î î many lens u ster Mi. Armtrong'. dctb, ln The victovy in te complotess aimoet te Aflonme bcemBnh1892.os My7Oi ba l ftrmop.m eloibron moni. t utthe premiea on King stre@tosecrtopposite the have bInuexpooted. Il vas «ecîallthought gllous meto Té have osean oe a vI .nia!Modc o her lime u n elin,1h.' Clyde hotel. lun12hoecommencetob.pub- that the Qovermant nould have beau sus- lofas Nalr-y »êdmanbe&tg w ieh iemae v h ona.ctio ffTcLeader, first as a weo.Xîy, but talmud bat nev*r ni th su .tronq a voice. irmdsmng North 'Tiotoris, sMd louitmal otr dali povaton, eapimi lbut *. . gaflen1858 a.ésall oaae.The Leader Thoro are 73 tsentheu .Qubec Lgs- fotervaenlth ole them W. Joina.thé onntmcoveil excuse for elsughtor. But was ctiteI nt difféent période by Charles tone. At midai btheraturablond t hu:- evma mon thaofBulgsra, thW. 7mai Polial iuds. George Shoppard. Chance Bmlfond Blraight Couservatives returLed iucludlng xmiwo, XM"eh h, 1892, nie .u Mr nularihea , thon he old sud George Grsgg. It wus the exPonat o01aKU tb, mInutera, 55. I regret ver, anmotlaieabe tantwnbemcxlywtbe ytonwolan. Camervative urbnoplu a u n iducteil Merclorima 15, lncludiag Mercier, liheyhn youpeioalj o-dy u el ~ inI re t Ibir banda the deatinlea off th. nx er ilh mach vigoz for aal litr. The Colo, sud Bernatchez, ex minuster.. ynposcam y mot hearleourslmato.l u»mI % iIvlot ih bal a long and' prospérous cartor. Indépendants pledtzed tu Oppose Mercier longt my yntreusla amoelâuion hand silo. I - , uiuately peamel mb Mr. Bestyla bands,,ne sud hbe génie icc!uting George Wsshingtou loma then mmre"tomhvesaer lun tom nd. hbalthh.Patriot, aller whlch Il nus amalga- Stéphae, nia stands clectod fpr Rnuiti.gton. In tnalame noet as va ger1h. ml au. DuyWoD.-Tho ffolloning puPilu Ièm ni ted nith lhe Leader, publishil uatl 1878. Givinq lhe Merciezites the thrco imdepcnd- 1 wu in hé m»d .w helt . mantintfor good conduot dam ite month M. Bealy ns. ooanoced la bis time nith ants thcy eau only show 18 gaint a solid lise O ooh M11,AMIPIOor. lard, Jounes OCOlium, Iutzie Burgme, institution@ et the city, sud tba sveuy active mente MNmmAi. Imatcha. .1892. Jonni Gon, Clesvéland Bell Levinc& ruilt a politU duwcplafia Fr=1ZZTI OTEL Lot me jois mi vole It~ i te lhnomng o f Calon, Clara Tbaun. W viillis ThMIa ll Ee c. sm o u adimucipal faeiorra. Fore e OitemniMont I 4ral nes n Toroule VollogliseInstitute boyu nie cou. Gov, Norman Kennedy, Ma msks n velyandheWniOs the ctoeinomlàoem is ccu tmtieul l u onres1i Intâe-e u grataiste jeu on jo su et aacceam. sud Wbo Alex. McCullum, Jeule Thoaton, George Company. Ho vus practlosili the foutnterof vioma iistory. The Windsor sud St. look founard nIfi pliaur%0 1 hh lntg et Youa. .Olive Thuistoz, Relis Gemu Jn, the Toronto Général hospital sud for s num- Lsnrence Hall, nha're retns finr the differ- your volet e stlotil n ieho ne a Il dis- Chapeau. H. PAMTSON. locher. ber of lensswuaon the Bomil off Trustent off ont cotatione esabonn. nero îhrwngtd nîth casuel tbm Riel neclilsu. W. 0.G. HIJN, Peli LL-Thm follonlng report givea that institutiou. In Politie ho vasasRefor. «sMr politicas ansd buainpes, mer. Mmwt cgz 0-mer» ntof F teey . alia ins.8eN..h@mer untIx!the cliuerv iaou% la MmIic ej in Il*B.oubo wheu it Su $d, im188o9, ltie ol n SS.V. ,te dismunsionofft ha teck mactive part w dm v u.25. To.day lb i)e*PBouch- A oopyof T»m VicTRu AWsrn of 1Umb. iMarismdBro&k(Maladc's). Tie»nmIm la the êta dey& Along nlth OÙ Pianotaisi erville Cabinet bas nit itila tnijority aI the goy. Ont., reeivelby iù lest nek, sunounco are«frange a ncrIer off mrit --Sr 7Feurl Heu. Robert Baldin aMd othoM u. V hle lentoff 87. tho eloetouof cfdtima I ajor Si. Boaghe, Clum.-noetiorXCIAS14 Jerry Aunal.,Howard questiov us attled ,eholookh sition Oti T l'hond off Montréal. out of 8 unembeis éiloof Tnu Wàunu, te lie Ottava paul-s. Bas, fIlm Ca.mpbel l nd uc MoLes.. 1h. Comomvtive Party, lnienT other nes a7 utrmight Canservatires 10 Quebec, a amur. lAcapt out rtulatlous, Majo.- Jr Fsrth (lao-Nellie Annl%aggaleBron formera. Hoevia eleolel sa*eoeba Off thc turnoyer of 4 ia their ftyvr rtedef,st Off Fanmmg10ReMins, chremIeo. Joule nli, Cors Stone sud Bila Buges. firat ParaianoftCamad for Biut Toronto McSb»è nsu Montréal Centre te a notable ?MngSu $d olma.-Annlc Jonoil, Alela Mia"bli 1367. masud via nel ar ssecond til..fir tustumo DALaTEPLE, MSEIi 9lhs1892. Lîsalo Covlo. Mincie Fraucie, Mimais Mor. Ilial oomslitu@ncV. Prenlously. la 1847, ho Of the lianlreal candidates Bond sud 1 oomgrslulste yen la vour suceusela WLé ihalî, John Hepburn. DouaslMoLema, WiliICton for M.P., butvasdeftted. lu 1856, 100, Boadrsu nl late Iheir Iepo.ire. ing jour seat. Il vwugrect joj tlehailthe Iolndoo. hAmhie Bron, Dun Bron, bo tomfor Logialative ocunclman for Saugoon, Mercier wmu01f ttd ilaBnsveuture by s brsthroa; sudmalyenyoun.g bel jo u plNallie Hanrison sud Mary Brova. 2ad clase 1but vas &plu défaie& o 80Howus sc ierlées Jmajority of 825, «iOn. JoB»EEMCOMIN. -Geo Btone, Edgar Hepburn. John Brown, 1eleo e te i Co O~Uacl.ITho li1beral. graisseabut eue s @Mt.Pontiac, DALTELU Meo Ii,182. jobs Clarke, Robent Qonie. Puat Il-RImer Dru 1.t ioet187 iliuiho hl b oenlvcii 1 I acugraimilste Tmufa Yeur moue Md mal Saut.oisiaBrawn, Eddie Fouler, liabel Hsp. airer appreed of rosoning tu arms te enfonceI hope Ten vili liong bl thé set aMd b.pro&" hun, Amlis Burger% 'Horburt Hmrrlom, themcontention off thon vhe oe lle3,10 b. te sIvston &rniy 1Notes. Partut. Il u inaja givs ae the greseultFinlusln-eoge JensU and Wlllie Brown- Réformerai, hoa mtel Witihehm and vu aus pîsiaur o 1hm rof jour auo .Aimago atteudotAmef, fr tiiémonth 86. 'W. peoted off "ig a nebal. At ou@ tintewii'. Tho S.A. bsnquet off Monda, laI surpuiied ROBEnT 8. moOn.txn0 . LLAIexUN, tomcber. returing te bis hante froi thle Bank o ef isail expectations. Those vhs> îttend'flitho. MAEWOS,MaO189£ .9. P%eot niicb ho wu a saffecter, ho wu t oughly enjoyed thoeelves. the uuatitesa and a teg al i a ssîemrti. BloigCarpetes Md Rugis 0»38E»ETO nm BEOT duasîci itb h he ail arrangements vers ïa tle on yardtilate moue mpor ines.tiabut lie Party dletallail fon liaI vork refuasm Icanuled.out calling forth explreseionu Of aP. tin one o vhsla puod 10 bole Morosif ore thlg apt emme ia ooc e fies le u cuitlproal oa&Iaid ies. 'Wurdé off eLcotirageMlt froud. 1MMnoo MCDOUOALL. butmaaslways tieceheapeat, nnllea Mar is vi inM.Bmt, afoc%, vrs p ra nd@mb rom thlie itena piésent foundan echo in s ~~Patlinluber domestlo departmol inlathe@ Off hi&. rlgMr. Bsy' eg basnuthe heartu at lb. people snd the addrepe off ânn M.mrcs North 4-6189. Match Ladino' Home Journal. The more cartersieosu aso lrofortun letd.one Majur Scott onutho «Life and cuatonnaoff 1he àl me le a ma ise ogs s iom lmîbsI on@,& meaus are, tb. more égéen. lime vus me off thc volt tMon tatic poeple off Ncnfourdland" vswub ful fintereat. Ste the o n y yenbave eséve' on our 0r uet t5l~îaoîacde eosa .ct.The Army take thia oppartuniy ot ten deriag tr y la sE1. YtMdDONAaflin ,>urobaae. The be tile hll tbis <citnareligion, Nr. Body vwu bcugil up s thoirn etacn hauka ta al nia bore snV ebare îsn ~rhssid.111 ouinst qmo on oe et h a heîmau. balt dtcr oumin t. tus ocouany la making thia banquet aa iucc.i-theteby ehoslllr t ety 0rpé& ànoes-wvoa mut Chnisiaiaty on ail tIbual susmommrjon thoir crk vit renened vigor. The. $75 cturvd oT tW&tlduuW he is mI r imaIs mooi lugesin esept 1»VMs It âi Es& e tsrtea sui manaaluol a comgrugtian la PrnOoes apeaka louder thon nords off the cou- camais ý dollar more per-yard thon one off cOMMOn îi i clfertoiualy 60 yesu A membsi ot fiaence et ail igbl.minded people in the i. ve edonse I.pril eplésol<ouilats 11-11 1 si 1 mmd nie bave aboy atYomeuhave their001. txtre, but Ik .111 be obesper lu the snd. the (Orange orber ho naikel ina 2th off Jaly movememl. 1Ifidoace s»rnmmsave rN" ie"oilin Rueotohelieuire .off the ncom san bisprooeaonlin 1820 compoiel Oh 12 persans. MLBe TN thle Hanse offOammoaomali Bal nbll made from a body Brucoels, mi a bor- B.lug a popular sud effective speaker end de. 4 RRTN tât R biivesamasîheir ixpreos ioff loyalIt, Mmd der ho match. They shoula ha tasol h aler, hbe lsyed an important Por Bt hé il I M O tailTe .Ward. i nas mni togelber s..cllheusof OCmandmldovu. Japsanse cotton rucgs, proly smd peuzlimg questions of hf iie. HO amum&> TEE folloviag ane tiec frera of the COuntY aubjicli efthle Queen. Icauot but notIce durable, coî ront thiée lesix dollars. ie acoou s« tsillai 10 thin country, aMd Orange Iodge. District. 1h'ige urd primary hov #moeofftheiepei t he UniedI 5151% Th.p aregood for boa roome, balh-roomi vbsa is mite lied la 1829 ho vas Ieft vit ledge No. 975, for te .curr"'t 'seRr :-Cru'uty vie an bll .aough *texpress bemismesu ltlg-oe Bybsdsm ni Iacildren.UnMia Mslonîy, the daugiter, Officeru- Jau. Mortim",r, NV C M; J R Ei - vla lb aluatca t b. romut iai ud nimeverou anie. l 10. bm oe tiej m l hliving, but the aon, William, hoa.beau kkine, D C. M,; Oco Train, Chsýp.: Jas Lurai,- ciwt$ iut o ttéPréettineAn bv 5 oueuafodtu 5 eademI a numbor offYcan. H.R e ner mouliel Bec.8cy; M. Brovwn, Trees; Wm Stewart. take thé libety off part olte Ivsmn;feulk aeeele g iiise Caîarine Bexbj. ba is ee.Cont- D of C: P R Sivi zer, Lct; Th iu Merqales sud nectvlîmdunlerdateso F U01hrontà frilil do motWest oi, &l rd ciaauhandb hem hice bs ouabold affaire for mamy yeane. J W Goulu. D.1ui.v c'tlnlieclurt",. vho bus boan fanrjoembua oethé sUnited l ni h aiiteaie»eve eie rm uie n17 ijtR .k e .M > State.. ol0b t lyl.mm.a ivrO M. Bmaty crstrxbale.a187 DitolOfe' - I Ekn.WD , 2. Ht.on "lAllen aeltoomgntulabTs ou diamoUds. &A. iullOrient&!l mg la a nben 80 jean of ae i hsclaIWuî Davidson. P.M; W Pâ!'jb Cniap; Jas e saa!! lc10l~, n~oursomt vi.0yo torever- la elsct.ing oeelb. panliou n ta mii eieunimpairel au!til tIbre. Laua..DWiret Bec S ;R MK'd Fin~- ;etory. Il inll, holee% axe agolrapt@- Ian bose liai th. colora tina noh, sued yesre mgo, vhcu bis memory bagou ta fuil. Secy; Win. Duuagar , s; PP Stzr, Dir- re soattead do crsditIte hlm.iff mm lie bave some brigilmos. Ia geDora, visau isMbath vasduse0te eexhum'ation off ex- off Cen.; Aà Gibauu, Ltc; J N GuiIdDtlluti. o 1rîllag. I bo upom lldeo a. a àtriumph e oing asipels, baec liegroundvwonh i rme old age.-Tornuto Empie. i L.muer. h ~riitone rag prinocipie. Coadon ratier ligit, snd the colora tomevihat non""*"~'- LAOL N 975 -J R Et-kine, W X¶; Wm t oh el su o uglntt vu ussho j uc îplwîisnW lo eiltRtisthe 1Seat.__- limore' D %f; Winî Pi.n.b, Oh'aiP; J A Lucns, li Ibi" csuatnj. Theresait offth.»rasant eoan, sud you viii not ftee! tb. nool off h.. IRcDcy u ia&î ot"ec; Th content somie c laI t reomaoff NOMlih aiung out lb. sunlight lhieagh feur ef Bàwain-Match 8 -The tecontil la EÏeti Gouid. Trië-; iH V a L i D ilC;y, B) Veinanteullligent sud hue te Briih s.Simoce vas couladed tho day, Mi. Bonuett' e arLs t-,W ..r~ ~Ci well me thoonuIntenats. I m liaI sld sso f f 6bin oftmingtotg.g -----m ryet""x "ene tfoa tm Uth I T Mpopuisr kao ito raiereolbellots. tome 30 off nblch noe VBÀ Mlk UMOuul. Wlhif, laml» i r.,EsuaetV& tsvorn sd10 in faar ofDr. e <gz.ert morte 0f the lassent. eofIbs eeumy, **y1 Saes uyu nz te tire. Black facem1, Bpobn. I cuTepePùle ArebýlngclllSWY coldastt le bolwlum b tbat Sy. Vii TM o & a tciull lI ---11eaD b mspiopein bbif cleliW runnoelmg ezir oe m et u p u 0 H avesy« sei o! aIl ttbi gese, .PitsisNWe Huron. .destb ofo! nicaf nr i ' r1-idî'i a o t ot snis n am eoihIe amhe a'?lspn f i.Gporge Campbâil, who te,. Idnda fssii Iim Ilsell Mr I m bat OhonmetaotlemwHuo Lbmlev. el a is pru o f u, nfivêti nt F.he cu. ""hnL %_ -- auaru __a . bersLno. M t aha s8ep-Àtoards prtnea ea tsoe La Gr ipptsI taig Udmerfu i, -f- ý- 1 1 BMIW% :BIC3-

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