TREI X VJ roueR THEp.CHRiSTIAN RauoJ O )urr# tOUllo"« Vthon qon th* RO4,maud,à FOR ALI. SORTS'OP' XX VOOO41nSt, ,a ibi;w suliiga ...~..~ 810as oit .eî*"a- e tIq cède * t1e ~~ ~ usjot. .uiu o~u~ ~ w à Nfemelh Tent PUonWbh Si »Ov.l  VOL" The ment Bbbatii vo'bwried Cars. , eUs _ ibepfttft »te- th qwiMage Baud as NetvMiadI»u e oWé bueught ws ovr. &Bd laid thon rn t k" of.» i;# vâ -@kno nt__ AlteAcepoUu fue h i 80coiflyLTiiere vasinu al that Crowd. ir j~ t"esi 1 W-0ei h&,ve o..e kWr' It IPoulS Uke t9e îÎe I $ht b - bngh bt se emfy aPWsuddeigh. o Sa lIPrvlulo azc¶ dvsoryassistance ço"U. - ef face, snd ibaiva.tiithfa.atofPany. b4 a oompetm.t esuinerorengineersa p- EIOILNNY. arhOjOr.T O b il wiah that nov mnY Lord Teaua would -it^db heltt lao f ras.1n o"g m Oft omgregatlofl ab the Brookyn aberace o through ihisasudiae, anid take i ue bridge building sadrepofring uposa sinti. t,<su pw 'ait -as O a misa mornng asi wlth fervor Ibis hymu: lvr o9et sdgran hmon hie 110 PinCiple, snd lpon a eornprehenslve sud EW pUi0'â9.- A ot 9'StoIo tgu < Is My faili look§ up t 'flh*e, brow., The cedar lua a fit -rsfuge for birda oeoorioal Pl"u for the whole Stàte; tbfird. beglis to a5iTvi, (d94iog 0bflah Thoulam of yareto brightest plumage a.nd mwiftest wing. ly, I woulà have the State eltier o wn or efery 'ne, ma n d wSêq, .lad in bk4ikét Thou larnb diCavney sée., tlievfly i ýhey üy1 "Al fowi ef every onltrai and mliintain nmre throngb higissyssat Soafth- ëumam a" f 2Now hear me whilo I pray.; winY tingte rncpltowns l in h iteaktn 'btebu tIo na Tae llMygAgaiwy;48n.: imakhat' h l mycm.State, sud oonneoting these' with Uthe prin- the eagea, othera are uaVy bineor myrtie Oh lot me froin thla d&Y You aay, "Suppose a man hbu te go on ç ip&owns ef neighboring States, viiere grena, 1jiped wiii uoas'iet, orîmueon, or zas-, Be whoIýy Thinet eruiohea; suppose hoeina biid, suppose ho là ihey are moat needed, eÉther for great pub- roua, and smrne ro s& Iigit bine or' taWD7 May 1'hy rich g1.u. ipar dut; suppose that nine.tenths ofthhem lite lie exigencies or for the greateat genert. brown. Arouad thbe vaitla tied s long, Etrength ta my fainting huart, bus been wated." Thon I asuvr, corne usn. The Statos would thus promote the y nte oaffbne rmo, creô My »4a Inspire; vlth orutches ; corne, old mon, blind and equilizatian and the general reduotion eit or whstever color the veiser preoon; On11 As Thou hast died for mr 1 t * é mcre te Jeans. If you wonid 5WOOP expense et coustruction aud maintenance of the head is a toque sléo et knit.ted wooi, snd 0, may rny love te Thee your hand arouad before your blind ayant these main ronde, sud wonJd give a profit. soinevhat like s Turkiah cap' but thora la Pure, warm, and changelels bo, theé6i im;yen would touoh wouid b. able examplo aud a etrang incentive to the a tassel atitacied tu the top whicih 11g1a A living dmrO1 the. Oromas. lai ard tor an aged mari or adjacent tawns ta contruct botter contri- down ta the ear. whlilf e'm dar-k mzoI tread, vomau te have greva old witbont religion. butory roada as feeders te the main onos. The nmou wear black stockiags, knicker- And griefs around me spread, Their tante lu gone. The poah andth wodhaehetaoiie th exens bockers, snd buff meocasins ; the womea Be Thou my guide; 1 grapé have foni their Reavor. They May that -of this scherne cf rond betterment in the am ermcsis ag ubro h Bld darkuesL turii to day, omehow fruit duos net taate as it used ta tax levy, sa thatpart cf il hould be appor- guesatstiike along their "saleds,"1 dragging d Wlpe scrrow's tearsawuy Their hearing geta deteotive, and they misa tioned ta the whole State, part to the coun- them througb the grounds' . The gueste 'rm Thretraîlà airont deal that lasaid la their prononce. ties through which ths radeî ran, and part gaLber, ta the number Of 700 or 800, in the Thoir triends bave ail gans, aud evry te the townm. And, turther, 1 would have hlo oo h alweeteaia r Wheu ends lifc's transielit drearn, body @soma au strailge. The werid enis titis tax levy kepé, amal sud the inventmient situaied.- Near at bond la Lbe nînk, lighted wht'n, cleath'a colil, sullen streamrn te go away trom tbem, and tbey are left adequate and quickly made by the business with torches, where thae who did net Istull o'er me roll, ail alon.. They begin te teel intoW7 ma'mthdobaowg the meny o want te take tb. punge dovn the aide. cmn Illest Savlour, then ini lave, whea yen coame into the. rornwhere they logmans. t o od nthe b. eiy pondenj?7 ihemmeives. Noar tiecilides s huge Fear and distrust re:nove; ae n hymoetercar evuiy ut cf the profits by these sharing them.- iei buiit, tramntire. te eight corda oft A0, nscr aeaed andlsu ay, IIhopo I arn net la the way. C.A . PpintoMao oum. eod beiug pilod ia the form of a pyramid.1 Aasoe ot.Alu ! that. father aud maiber huld ever opwhahe wahFo wnt ta attend tibm "aihoee"1 Dr. Talrnage's ubjaut. w-us the refuge ot. bc la the wav. Wbou yen wera ick, sud The Villain. but who are straid ta go dawn the lildea or1 fered by thoC Lhristianî rcligioî tu lpeopleofet tey at al îîight reaking you, singing tu During that portion et Edward S. net able te skate keep close te the buge &il agesansd cvery variety of character. to yen, administoring te yen, dld they Willard's London career wiici wus given burning pile and vatch the roat. Thera His texi vas Ezokial 17:223: "A gaadly ibink that yen were la the way? Are yen up ta the playing et viliain parts, he vas may net hc a brectth of air moving, but the codar, and under iL saah dwell aIl fowl eftîired of the old people? Do youen 5a<p mucb eut by 'bus men, cab drivera glass often shows tbe weroury twenty de- Th evsr w nf eag." aryl r thoin up quick and sharp? Yen wili be aud ethars as a very cald.blaoded persan groo ateby zero; no athat thoe standing Thane eixr cf Leanon is a oya te e.o curmed te the boue for yaur ingratitude and indeed. Thase feliows feit that % man wba near the fire are obligod te turu rapidly ,osf n i t heu.Amiiiary fot oed the ceva- unkindumu was auch a villain on the stage muet be "«a oaci portion et #,ii body tovard tie beat ofnri th e es a msnd sry ontrod ir on Oh, li inhardl ta e b.oid ithout religion bad 'un' 1"eat hsirt, and they hinted dark ta keep frein freezin;. Torches are tuck cieturic cars ndon eueteathrty.-te feel tlîis werîd gin; away, and thinga about it aud pretended ta teed rather boresud there smong the4rees, and wben a fiv budedyerollogrotbod notbiîîg botter comn;. If thera be any unisete hen hoe appeared near. The rois puf etf wind mayes the fismo the shadowa branches, all the year lu luxuriant toiage, bore who bave gene far on wlthout Christ,. that brought hinm the monttterne in this ef the pinos sud ipmuceas dance upea the The smre branches that bent in the bumi I addreas yen deferentiaiiy. Yeu hava lino wua that et the Spider in -The Silver mevw like linge atautic gablins. cane that D)avid aw sweeping over tound tii a teugi world for aid peaple. King," and before that piece was hall NTEBIE Leaorock aver the hen.d et Alas1! o have aches and pains, aud îno îhraugh its run Mr. Wiîard wau known byci rESIE the American travaller. Thîis menarci Christ Le mothe thein. I vaut ta give yen everybody as "Tho Spider."Bahtbgn ldinasrofaos et the forest, witiî itm boafy fingera, plucksa cn otrta htyula n ti n ih i idtkntebafo i adr hr epea osatyecn the honora of a thonsand yesrs, sdand nebotedtanibt enaana. L 5 uanihthoha aka he'b Ttrmei.lade, hee eolian cntireynae- sprnkls tem ponitsownuplfte brwthe cane that Lie Bible speaks et wheu h borne tate a thasîre, sud, as umnal, mat asu adingudd ecdiosnd Thie oine lontrs- apriohnko e thrnpon ts alewnuittedf brow, aya, "Thy rad and tby staff, Lhey cornfort cbatted viLli the, driver. When the con-.f t pl i e - gup heI w"" ast tbaugh morned upL balleulh e Han me." I waat te give yen botter spectacles ductor cama after him tare Mr. Willard of te eoae ning toboggai s c er had eau lnncd uan Lhann, sd't tia these yen nov look ihreugb. ItLaiS badcd a coin ever bis eboulder. The e h eedn ooaacah sr weerising upwith alli loîîg.arrned tespirituial eyesigbi ot divine grae..change was put into bis hand, sud implywTh had et tseond een rail sou er strength te take beld et the hille whence litChrist yl net think thai yen 'are ln tho ly feeling iL Mr. Willard detected a sheri t- evhensofthand eo for al wdbtorare came. Oh 1 what a fiue îplaceefor bird. te aynetce yenstanadntremblefortb tIi. aart estin 1Ini! hotbeLdays they caeethither- 1 sa Dc yu e tebewtth ai.wtngfrti untaodw.Te th agle. the dove, Lb. swallev, the apâr ar. l7et ofed age ? Lay iqin Chrimt's hesom. "Sixpenca mare," hoesnid, %vithout lock. valUa; er himpyar r yt o ou. he many sullüeynw htyurcman n ron.aov valis on eitber side, sud thera are rev, sud the raven. Thora la te et ofus ions sud ohiidren are goe? I tbink Christ I Ihiuk tiat'a rigit, air," said tbe cou-torw fCiee atrat ih h a compîlote fascination lu Lie structure sud bas thpm. They are ate lu bis keeplu;. dnctar. iery tCie.lnen elgtu habts f Nds.The ocm nt tier etVery isoon ha viii taesyen wbere they "lSixpence mare, pies..," said Mr. Wil. teea hog i vt oae eat hnHae-vrvicillatin; ae.srmladAn expert toboggauor viii take tvo or carti tiien Hosvcii-everrb . I tae bold cf yaur auad ry ta arsveetly.trelaisuobsvhclutî;hm tveeu tiie tva. Ne wonder ihat Audubon, Ilead yen te a place viere yen can put The coaductor caunted the change, apolo telu ront wbiishe trvhimetint ewn wiih his gunt, tramped Lhroîîgb ail et thei down aiR yaur bardon. Go with me. giled and added the required ixpence.ifot hlhatrw msfdwn Americati forests, in earci et uew speci. Only s littie while longer, sud yeur igbt Wheu Mr. Willard geL down at the end ci exteudiu; one foot boblnd te steer witi. mens. Geoiogiais have se yoars i ilcame agalu, sud your bcaring will the. lino bee heard Lie driver say ta Lie cou-Tefits oc fbsnocsndte :fiuding the tracta of a bird'm dlay lu Lb.!cae& gain, sud 'ith the trength et an ductar, with infinite disgusi: "WVot a properly made, mier. the toboggan viii msw redmadtn.Teei nuho immortél atbleto, yen vili stop on th*o hioeming mug yen muet ho Le iry Liai an precisien. God'a architecture in a sripe'm bill or as aeeto ovn ocuce n 'ia1Dutyuko h htiWy The truth is, vion e firsi pnges ai- sgreuse's foot ta confound al the universi- hpaveme;n ae eaen. h4 n cutes ;no h'i Ithîen S piver. h t hat in."bymeut sheer dovu au if miel frem a cannon, lie. Musiciana have, viii clefs snd bar, hth esepeangt l evn;n htm'i pie. btsvo' a" le sensation 15 that yoar heart sud mutime triedte ctai b. auud 1 th .fhl.<n ueo oksfer aid people. DwellingWon'.Sau u(is.ueoceyarco ;uportra, suid wol'in. Ame n Lb.f rith-ntgo hat g , thora for ages n ne e iii aay, «"Fnthei, yenoual ttsI hia ne cnm r cmn pyu hot nd oices is s thwaiwet the esvea sudknow notilu;about this ; stol) hback ; yen During her firsiten yearm the girl onicys your oyes avini sud your brais raela. The child naie saaalwa h ae;adare lu the way 1" Oh, boy munuy dear eld as muai troedorn as a boy. Liko a boy, s firmi experiencs la net "divine," iL is bide- grndtather goees eut vithi shaudtuli etfolks Jeans bu put ta sloopi1 How sweetiv veers lier hîir iu a long "pigiail," sud tre. eus. But the mad exhilaratien et iL seon crunibm t eteod tie anow-birda. The Bible heoiha closed their eyes 1I low gouîîy quently gees about in boy'. attire, especial. entera your veina, aud preently tiers in for isfîlioforihoogca aluins Te ir.foided ihoir arma 1 How ho bas put bie ly whore thora are ne mous in the faînily, ye n l aheLie vend ne outdoor sport like cf the Bible are uaL desd snd atuffod, 1k. baud con their alent beartsansd said, "Remi fer in that came the Chinese wish te main. Lie toboggan. Thora are smrn accidents' those et thcernuseîîm, but living hîrda, with nov tirsd, ired piignirn. It s la ai vr. tain Lb. illusion tai the bous, is not viii. lu ibese ico trongis. A very pretty girl fiutteriîig wingsansd plumage. IlBeboid the Ths tears viii neyer stant again. Huai!1 eut male descendants. Durin; ibis ime bas bad bier cieek tenui open because tie towis ut tie air," says Christ. "'Thongi bush Il" Se be gives bis beiaved sloep. I aime, ne mater whai lier station, she à la c iusteoraman ra mb s returninq ta- thon exait thyssîf au thte agle, sud tieugi tiut the moat heautiful abject ci% earth la traineri in aIl housebold dutiea and veman'. begganer. Tva Senatera trons Lie iurber thon met thy nemi amen; the sttirs, ibence au cld Christia-the bair white, net witi baudierafts, vrites Professer ArendtinlutLb districts, wbe bad heen threateniug fer will 1 brin; theo dovu," axciairna Ohadiai. the ftoesmoet inior, but the blesserna cf the Ohantauquan. A bigi value is put an ho yearm te tako "a plunge dowu, bad tuas Gacot thon'esy o Davig dscn e i lite. I neyer teel serry fer a Chris. cemlng demoaner, deceut beariîîg and experience. peaock1. gys ol. Dviddecries ietiaaid man. Wby teel aorry for tioecs. othing, sud ia msuy baumes it im considor- Tiey bh at upright on ths. toboggan, <lesoietioti hy ayiug, III arn like a poil. pon whcm Lie gîcnies et Lia eternal world ed a peint of hanar fer tho daughter Le b. sud oesof them ssid, "Let bier go 1" Thon cen of the widerness; 1 arn liko an are about ta bursi ? TIi.y ara gain; ta tie able te prepare a largo part et lier dcwry tiere vws a puif et powdered ice dowa the ovi ot tha desort; I watah and am goodiy oder. Thougi iboir wings are viii ber evu baud. track, sud Ive black objecta rollin; dovu ass a parrov aienrte p<în .Lis bouse, iesvy viti aie, Qed aisîl renew their While te Chines. girl may h o e am for. atter an empty sled. Tbey vere cnt and top." "Yea, Lb.eaerta lu tho H.aien trength 11km an ougle, sud liey shall makre tunaiethan s Enrepean chiid, duin; thon brniued sud left thLe gratiudeby lie back sudet i r apo, sud ie andthobsereie r nesith Le cedar. l"Ahi towl etevery yearm et improssionablo ciildheod, ibe gate. Tohogganing bsginm taelsîskenatai1i; and he raie, nd he walovobsrvethe Win.y)Chiasse parents, wii tev exceptions, corn. then the gueuLa ga ta Lie refectory, viere timeof hoi coing bu mypeole now Tien. are hospitéasfcr "Incurables." mit the irai vrong te their daugiters by they geL upper viihciarei.'cup, ciempagrà, met ths judgmeut oethLe Lard." Bo maye Whou mon are iopclmasiy sîcta, Lhey are lettin; Lbern grev up witbont any acboel. or nmorn ther vins, wvicinI served by zoih lury eiiniaosis Cia U a ies.Tbank (ad i thoien inebt. Ii;g. Thiaappliu espocislly te Lie noti; attendants ia iîvery. avin, Ui swet hafs c iak au lm r où*eue troke efthLe hammusof etGod'@ tmath Commander Carateusen himol prealacd al g5'"*- the piveinent, and the bit hetvosu ishie e halu foll ané ho lm trooo over. ibis dinner, and, au soon au ths cadet'@ i bave nover had auy complainte treir Leeth, his momenîum la irronstible. It is Mmrcy 1 Mercy i Mercy 1 Tiore la ne bedy bad beén reoved, gave Lie order Liai thefaulty, sud I iner thai yeur bohavier said tatilthoycung mugt be sîlevié te dopti it cannes taîîom, Uîere ta ne icigit more vine b. breagit asdéthe, érinkin; ie vwu goerallysaisascLory. Absorbed lu s0w their 'wild ost."> I have noioed h osnot soie, uherO e Di.n lfity îî au. ooca ued. ba"m as I have bien I could net exerciao titat those who acw thair wild est. seiéom net COMuspLa Itae. ry stand undmr thiasue, é ftehee atebtai fîhierisionver ouenap a lry te raime any otier iud et crep. TienS oodîy mcedansd mec the locks fingwtb ahe hudhv dnprae are ivo OPPOsite ésatiaies. Il yen me litier. Tlieyaue ten viii itht e 06O l>Uëtenay b. enéoe ncomuctbustiblebut I bave trnsiod tote iocd effocta 0f Isaitailn, ud vnnde, sd uhk su kvdlpplug thons lu a olntiinoft uiigtstE ealy training. And I have been gmnerou Roig t Hoven yo ha btte tae te tPt'tioo nd ousedand d in tva asoles, tle. wfth you, hava 1 net, as regards m% ng etraîglît road, sud uoi t 'te tgo ta Bo"ton moed,togu SU0io OS.,b geolo o o ïfoe by the way o ewovOreans. Wiatis t be sorne once feted on osuaso,wmre w bv t tae hstory oet tiis multitude et Young rPoo fiAse. e mi'fetrtlonbut t ti.Abaitoituu. Hveynorm ny pie areuud me Le.dsy?I vilttaa. yen b' came Rdock aette look-"al f oet.a' oafos Q lnof h Abnyateftor." ur1 ae', yoyu rcd* Yonrlas tb. baud sud showvu a gloious saue. W41. - rnaf.ýo Apin &I th 41ig V &Wtà* «M ànw to-daj wae srprid t obm "WeU, I bhm. ibugit I aboulé ii .te I o yu u.whine abont titis thin;, non r gairtc ëng htifrsiEiWath o-day vrmnrpmlaod4eoimme rvli uq ero about it ; but ceule, Young men sud méd. lu ibis geef'l odi, Ti la @t t tzl i oénir'brtawoedonae ytmnE »eaya o v tns, Jcsels awunts y%.U. a.u i ov j~ bird. s, tibuitésatidosa net hésliié e' vlIi 5nedevioe te maoure ltoir heuuty. "lmiTit. pnetiy enpU51vemHrau bi ViC a liiIu;ls sutîllo love; oto'c' Taev onttlnlTdytbq vie provlded vlth m&mD WTic esa; h'à" put bà badâin li. Reliugion vii lmlt ne handeuffa on youn in tie next airel. Lovliny th*e patern. psiavh ho epnhoeyteo ekt u ioebo m st a wrias, nn hicpph,on ynîir test, nn brW ébrooffatoen116 bjIenu I %tie hre le*etvd. Thm .h#"e bec:2 dlicnwW, il isi ,on your foreheal.lîti rbn.a t»motg, isli U' for .* ,Iutmndimtsail oitw" aSwti~ h4 I ent thT cughi Lhe Iiesvieoaîsvtogm thin i fS hbon is4 tis Mu8 4 ~ ~ ot~* Sha'vrkuow te ue0 a dying girl.-H3« brde autm m. Olg h niPMW 1p à fi ,eLon the pilev J,7- t . i lO av iu èl L b I eerc,:t ltirge 1oulid cye hé have aven tho "tbA7* Bet lest eny et its 1i Me;. Lovié ngs giti-'.Oh 1 te have ot Stood al areund Lie be<i tryhu; te hm Csma l ion hacha. ger mth, conid snoi, <lie r ortui mb§84 UP; sud Muenoaren le W q ft OM tueot tatien or motion vu truil $ so salé, "PAMBY, bow do yti y'~ "4sIý 1 Mr unIilI1awnUm. dd Igot atogced ffie venid mîs'ýt e iyyngay.To ý4A- hhMMb »i n a sbreut peekat, __ * poul* <>«la a"lpaper box, epenec EIt, ineadde mbif"-___Lfl *~ ~~h Gu'ch.Mié, izupusiveiy, "have sa Levage for them Gmip. "Tbm*u' a lied celé yoa've g-gai" ad & hi- SOVOunt4ee6kiag ad gentleeman le a youug folu" he hm met caauahly. "Wozst ILever isé," anoeeéthe y,'<>R i r -Tya plucheo! as" rged teohr R V S D A fishing ln bis vomi peeket fers aE VI SE Dox. Tier va efine pavder iluit, sud heoeffered àl iuviugl'. s"IL is noe kill-er-cure' Lblng. Sos boy it gois." Thc yaaag msu muuffed a tiuy piuci ap là nm nulive minutes he toit reliavd. SThal'a voudîntul," be sahé. c"If you'vc gel sOOP1 me epoy the Lome aus afortune Le oe cf Lhe cemmoaesb et barba," aaid ho. "hI la sen ceap, thai iL osa b. bo:îgbt hy the, ton if yon vaut thai muait. IL cuned;-me cf' the grîp, snd 1 bilieve h la Liehe si Lbiug goin;." ' "Wbst do yen caîl iL ?"1 "Germen levage. AUl the druggists bae i. For a dime yen can get s box et IL pavdored, large onougb te aune s viele tamily of Lie ;nip. IL la me cemumon tai is value bus been overlooked. Yen tnv ià sud yen tell ahi youn trienda. German*1ev. ago inas sure cure for Lie grip, "-New York Times. Sir Edwin Arneid's Way. Aitheugi a nevapaper man by profession, Sir Edwin Arnold bais decliued te ho inter. vieved by neovaper men mince bis arrival in New York. He la uuifermly ceurteons to lhe - frateraity sud graetuliy excuses j-f bimseit trota taîking about himself on Ltse pies et medeaty or hacta cf time. A youug literary manvie vas deing bis heat te ceara a iivelibood by that uncertain means tanovu te the newepaper -business as "free-lancing" l'P Ut YOTTR PAUT thst the boy ilcu called on Sir Edwin the other day and aaked for an interview about Japan, saying that it would mean money to hiin and that hi8 circumatances just then were flot au prooperous au they might be. III cannot break through my inflexible ruie about interviews," rcplied Sir Edwini, "obut 1 cannot uend you awvay einpty-hand- ed. Here are a few verses1 have just writ- ten. Make whatever use of them you pieau." Thereupon the author of -~The Liglit of Amia"handed. bis visitor a short manuscript poem on a religions suIJject, which the "Ifree-lance" proniptly sold to at religions weekly for $W0. -New York Herald. Crossing fthe Fee-t The way people cross their feet is often indicative of character. Neat people tu ually put their riglit foot ovcr the left, while disordèr1y people generally put the loft foot over the right. Evervhody knows how mucb character is expressed in tii. w.aring of the bat, and why ehould it bu thougbt uurprising if a man should teli wbm.t ha in by the wav e lie t>îs is faaot7 IUL.UPA.DIA rp AMENDED. esn't nuderataind the meaning ofthe wora ho bas eveountered, or n kes uothing cf tb. man lbe bas bhaut reading about. You seemn snnyed hesuso be bas intomupted yen while yen were roadiug the papon. D"ýe net part ef lhs annoyanee aniset rou lihe tact tiat ven don't know voursoîts Ttc viole trouble for boti you aud tic, boy wonid ho obviateé if you enlly bad ? ;i 'od EneyclopaBdia in lie bouse. Yon csn't afford IL. Beaé aur ennonnoemn nsd yen viii meLtai von eau, bo yen even mo poor. THE ENCYOLOPIEDUA BRITTANICA Revised and Amended, Io thoesment complets sud divorsilisd library et entertaiing ansd interF,[tirg lite rature aven susd froru lie pros4. Yen v'lll i-',sooehing te attract nid intercast ycn an eveny page. if von ane fend ef hitorn, IL centaine; the finest cçihectiùu cf bistenies lu th. wvend. embracin; evenv nation ot saient snd mcdern tinis. Are Non inter. euted lu SciencelThe Et-cvclopieiiia Brittanica Revised aud Amecndei vwiiteil yen, in dlean, understeudabie Engklieb, aIl about eniv tciene -vu may witeb t cly. Are yen ourions about meohanioal inventionk? Aumain tb Einovelai redis is rend.',ta our baud; s mdr.eLt'a lurning cf ifs pages bring. the prop(rti îadiL-g to veur eyes, and hbere before you lies s c ýmpItte uLd exhaustive aecourt ûcthfe uuîirt- sut jeat. lu short, vhether yen vaut amusement for an idle heur, mcoid linctruetioa fer more enr- ens moments, or quick infoimatiou abüttu eny malter as te vitich ,Ç ou are in doubt, von bave tbe motus lu thesef..books et gratifSing ycur doine. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED Ils savon sheuaand p&&,es ari filied vith fine pleturos, snd il centains ave? 8,00,000 wends. The information eampiled in tis "Cyclopredia" repreFeuleH the csre-iui work cf 1000 ai thes ablesi uniterseoft he uiluteenti oenlnry. Ail îther '-Ct'c1oroediam" are fnem fLv.e tv enty yeare bobiné the-date of the isîsue et tbiîe crani wcrk, vbioi YOIIR FACE1.1 as completed in 1890. Tan Feke abr O K Mkpe""HOWYOMYAFRH'OK ab"u y yappaying W Tant% Orokncl otion "mici[ 25c. !>En *o"u 3Sold by &J I fliigla Go J. HOYLE,- CANNINOTONt jaIws mék. afunl aasortment of Booka of Si'ory dé.oeptloNsU kinda aofmohool t% ou W0ol1% Fngsrlng roroca, ZOPisud Ie@ Wools, NUfou&lembroidery mL14i TÛIIMsd Fowe louv.., etc., auluai Iuftmmmte. 'ndMitlmwsre, Ààbuu, ud l s nmey Goode of overy du. G. .3. ROI=, Pout 0190,4Osmntngtm GANADIAN PACIFLO RAILWAY. . oINS W3T. M. from uKjwuL Exl>uu.Vno& Loue Nntm... 9.0 sm.8.80 p.m. 44 OahoJo. IL46 12.01m.50 fàu& ' hmobmo... .bp.m. 7lî .8 U .8.20 p.M. 11.180im Iuatton.... &66P... 80016.11--1L41a.m. Lu" U 30 an. 8-2pm. 5.00 pmOr « N. !Toonto .. 9.08 &-m. 9.18 P.5.81 p.rn. Pm.PBYIO .,10.40 96.rn..00 p... Pst44 = : .U»&l. m. 11.41 p~r. . flP.rn. Arr qumste o j... 4L81 .26 6. I m l1ai1ll. e' Oiisw..... 48 pýL .2n56.9 . 84 onrusI... -l58.16. .16 &.z mOm-romtpom ta oniy 7lsauce due uouth trons MOIS. il MÂTOHETT, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. diae~àIxi* Port Reps via Eetih , tLre l eB op% il mis, asm hm to TotejrOI Prt Nope ais, tcci Linduy. Stroe tesPtHpevis sUmeb r--,.~y m Wtby Mmsit ie 11 .a 1- M 4m.M bt,,Mm We c'ffer to deliver to your address a complete i3et of THE ENOY- OLOPA~DIA BRITTÂNICA, revised and aniended, t ogetbt'r with THE VICTORIA WARDELI, for one year, at the followinio prices:- Encyclbprndia bound in Cloth anid Paper, for one year $26.00, pay- able as followe: $2.00 on delivery of the. first five volumes, and $'2.00 per n-onth for one year. Encyclopeedia bound in Full Sheep and Paper, for one ye.qr $ 31.20, payable as tollows: $2.40 on delivery of the first five volumes, and $2.40 per month ýor one year. Encyclopoedia bound in Haif Seal Morocco and Paper, for one year $88,80, payable as follows: $2.60 on delivery of the first five volumes, ancd $2 60 per month for one y ear. Where Full Amount is Paid at Once. Where the full amountit lepuid at time of dediven, an alwance is muade-the Cloth set for $24.50 instead of 26.00; the Full Library Sheep for $28.50 instead of $81.20; and the Half 'eal Morocco for $81.50 instead of $33.80. Advertise in The Warder I The (Janadian Olice & Sehool _____________________1 Furniture Co., Limited. S.e A V E R L Y PRBr3TO1., - OSAI F.RBI OAD9 Succeasors te W. StahiRcbmidt & Co., ViCTRIAManufacturers o Offce, Oehoai. Church, and Ledl la prepsredto> gauff0y Furniture. FURNITURE AND UNDEBTAKINO' ins&U itebmauobes. A fui) supplyeonhand ai .&U tmises Having now aempioemd my E BIS I am prmpaed te auppiy nndoruaklug inlU ai 11.branches. tul =n ofplveParnitume always ounad. Platan tnsm e oeas nuai. -1111-17 8. OAVERLY. NORLANDO, House of Ail Nations for Blood. Have boeu u th théa ire, but nov ton biecd. The BARGAINS! Tt eves rd n lbOthety et Nenlud. So blua wbg. w» seMmd ne. 1affords me mach- ~ - par priom Ne d 7mi euviii veeder vby 1 meil abesp? Uupy bmm 1uso I my ovu bvàin.., baj The "PMURMa AuTOMÂTIc" Scicol Doak rlght, bu ey foasmih, salsfer siibave M" iproMè Mnd qulak ue., bishmp besuu.O dovThlb.atest snd bout. Mud Mvynaenasua ub bnli saeonony Awarded the Geld Modal at tse Janala Exhibition. sud 5w y oeisgte Th. Sabool Desks of Q&isComnsy canuot b.naxasied ('A~'C'fer iregli Essty t Design, Adaptsbflty sud CARLfoent'Me*.b 1 er. Bond for cireulans.1021IW tad #s i endm l bMoft., aeti n ham thm& aukfera 'ifO 10» Mm'Sboeteor âomes0 mbet MI tbie a 55 sd o Mr*&TubILm WMSI»w fflvu a augMai DIT 000O GbfRIE8,o mSs Aw 1314x EAYm ] ' mQà - 1 CURE MIL ZU ami St N 'ni 1. - mm S 0 L.os$ of Appotbt, ttiS on, SouwSwm.,f aitual cartmunssi WadcW wd SIkMiOesL bi e . 'lti d. T* != l1W t000 !2ý NT 8