' ~S? -i We Have 'Eui, The boat value in Ladldtod Gentlemen'# WATCI4ES in town. re bae àaplsidid stock ofBOA Gl filled, Silver and nickel vatobea et ail pricea trout 07.00 upurd 30 suah value buba boom oe in lLiuA. Our watuh traide la aesumlng large pro. r rtiunea:nd ve are bout on maklng tzrZ stll.If extra clospmcu anA extra <ooA value viiido ibi l saal b. dons.- "THE MIDLLND, " (Oui speolal atal) bas proved miel a unocesi that vs are prepatuni mu othen spacialtios ut iiar mout ladA ah. public vili inld that Etitton Brus'. spocibl vatabea cannaI bu sur- passed AitWHânzet athébpuces quottel. THE MTDL AND fl adsesta aider tor ne by th. Elgin Watwb Co., anA sveny movernont beausthe lnccriptiun, "'The Midand," Bîlalon Bras., Lin. la>. Ont. Our abject hu leb asa oie 'Tu Un. LàND ' a hig h clus rather than a obeap watoh, and it in inteudail tor raillwy mon and thoee vho re uire and coa appreolate àlait5claiu rts e Bring or send us your vatch ol ock an jellery Whou mairteare usAded. The îepairing <f finla vaobeaand clocha, and of al kinds of jewellory lu a strong teaturs ai oui busineas. Articlea sent by mail fu repaira receive the sa&me curetaI attention ce if left b> the ovnsr in poteau. W. tend ostirnaieai the coat ai repaias betore beginuing the vork wboeueas tmmcii dci.. 'ýu. Te 2 or 2000 miles arc &alaile t s h posa office makos ditasnat btcs -Bros. Britton Foot of Kent Street. Liadsay, Pib.. 17th, 1892. tht ~pu ~iirgtei J.ELLUAY, MARC R 18, AmIS. A union of herte sud a atou etf banda A union none cmii eeev; A union of homm.., and %auniftotn ad$ Ad ahef. iu ,Bnrr:sn UwsO. omme." 2129P&kVRR PEROUSON dirAlle. lu another co ltama vs publiaI a letton trom Mr. Dwaoun 'rluis vWho van deputy returaing officen in No. 3, poiling tub-division, Fueimton, et th. lt élection. Mr. Peter Forguson l.a àreidenb of Carrinptun, North Dakota, Whoue nans vas on the votera' 11.. Wben ho came te vote hé vue ubjected to by Mr. Hughes' saratirnuor, Who demanded that h. hs avorn. It ceorne Mr FergusondiA flot liko this mode ot procedur. and lorth- vith tuahod into print. W. fuir>, loy. ever, bha. <mîot a Roland for an Oliver, and thait ho has comseout second buat It ia not tho pri'coedlnge iu thée polllng booth, huwover, ta whlob v sh al uiect attentio n, ae the traightiarvi a u .aBer lu which Mr. Talmie glvu sbis version of the mater muet carry onviction te suer> ees, unua ta aborne Who eu mnothln gnod lu a libéral oconseivative, but te the qustion, ihat ont vho ba celured hie intention of bscomtug sauAmerlmna eltînon, "urenaunclng ail alleglames ote Queun ut Great Dri andnA aada," han thie coneummate ehesl, sce uco0161na1s lmbasb>sous menus sot cn the votera' li, ta come and vote tor *usuler ef Paella ment lun a unti> vhioh h. lmuAs. eerted. The eleetlo la uIa&0althe anioguarde agabut cu a peooeedlgtiaé séere possible te devise, but û»s;ait of dulng au viieq the opportnnlty adore la vînt vo ouidomn. Ve lad nu taIW vith the Canadians Who Prêter *0 . uslb. barlng vepublie ta tRie land of thei b4s' tram gaInu thora sud bing tm etu-**e oocntry et their adoption, but W* trenl Dotbhoaur" Canadien diAv*0 mépister the maên vho, if temporealdeeshile lIste, stili hie rctist.Oujda aid wR Dot rennrincas aisiaume te 9b am et ile birth. Mt>o i atr esua. are oun the othée id. of a.km; ui mm en eave lad te eMe»aM Vote et * an ie, t I he .fhew< w sdGmsel .Utbe.P ~f)Pall AosuteMsd (à) àutesok a # tibhu . a lu 11EMplBeO-1ter, sMd sieo s4psly pep4be Bereler? sd 90. oseffla aave parsy» Ma.lgubera Daaae.hmlas Aur- ."it mie im "eh fer «.1 fusai. lat, Wmast enbW «00«6#d àuuiudle dlg geulemmsd i lul sauaine %f Fret. el. dem ILP.# et Aibérit Kr. llaen.LP. et 8t. Johns, ud Mr. Dmep aies cf thés ieltane r vium .te la&@ pers ja aIe Oâtarla bataue genlmom vers mut htadly reselved tiio sMd rotera yul 4014e. upictoas of tbe god pesoneet parth, M.ee. anMraI. ambsrld. £sporteisate abat aà. 'blue. Os&"vuo rme vbere It vueexpeeleA a hght vssld asmpiesboavees Ni. Fluber, turuurip rtur s mmsi, sud Mr. Diet. cou- oerv*tlse. Thor t ld by r abosiWhite# x. P. e C" Ult., editer of the Nan. quei Gatste, vas emopsd et N. Clarke Walliaseé. FlQoobiue, NI', sJ G 3 Srgese, 11F, GI8lBer, UP, aid L P Krilbe .et The EmpIre. The »wvi taoh. id Drame un Woedad aveal abcat tIe ,lutterais abuve named ewor m «"ls a. Tààl vas ouaveped te Mr. Flubai sud h. fsrâtht ooilepw&d Mr. Dpur vas abu elatei by as& olamtsalc. The dis lugut&hedptrt> met vitb e grand recpiosa t ta atusinToquabileai Quebso. and vtue r lahI'y r"osuA î al. tuab mtt md gé ile., These laerobsoues et camsvatse apeaker have donse mincI goalley la abs minda of Sah. Doapnlecethat proint0llm vlhl brs tertsale of the refunpart. Mr. Bmg<hee hu rnavo la ihe Rouesfaora reor o as a lbor miud otbea tarte prednoae importod anociaîly by Suvonmadiend a u seet oet he @topebelag kta uregard %0 Degotiui lo ie teth bsee»outheabt triteutw Ontario foraure sud millers. lir. 8814hes aises lamaud eoissuefoi roeura@ .hovic hé îsquannlaiof alasc 8tâtos porib, le suad baroo eeiull> lmporte loato Camado. Trisotj.et la te have tabs dus on thons pr"otiteiuacsed ta mive outro iarsa abshneta e sursth.iove home markots. Mr. ]Fàltlalrn pos.entoci thé petition reviv. lng aud extendltag the Lindsay, goboaygbou sud Pontypol rtlivay. Thé grana fortahi. raid viliius aide a s snes ahe charter la revlved. gosume. Nrédlth snA Willoughby member of th. Local igeloltefai somrtre vers la ()tava recoenl, mnd &tond favorable ompat. ton vlahabsir breibron ut anseCas s Otta& Tvole anoohlag mon au éé- and. Stdli abs> cme. Oc Tued'> amolr laob of vîctorlone toirtu vers lntrodoeod te th. floue.. Among tIsse voe Hoa.. JbhmCsi. son, thu vi tr lanWut Huan.The ipplause 8retuai these us 4 ue adeafsnîag. OTaesdai nlght au informel bau et vau tondesabte0 ivaaMlot*". Dr. Forgnean P£ M P., aof M ellitud vu obiruan. Ho v. abip auppott. b> the avo nombie gueuta. and iesi by 0Cl. Tyrvhlta M IP.. De Sproule . P., sud Othonià Anse i yable svenbng vwu oenon tospechdAsonq, Victorias moto. bure pertormlng thsir part oiafeth tmia. Ths Doulalci of (Jsnada RBleAsocition "»et ais Wodneedaplu a uitai mu Bit l Ezcellescp Lotd Stnloe nA lon. 1K Boveli, aleiter af iiulal, vers prousit sud joineli la tht, proesedlg. colonel. ah. Honorable Gmo. lrkpearloh MUP., of Kingston, vas te. e ectetiprosîdent, a apleudid seles Iot. AMang abh* LM MusalsuaOaiC. mol! are N. j ,r Dennisuat' ut Peterboro, sud Major Sam ilughes of Liadssp, 1botat i flesu. Col O*r ai Turounse va precrat ad vas vuiccmi-d bi usai aid fiends. Tb*e "old rs hiablée" Colonel SBéera.0al lioPhore«an sd col. Wattu* ver. rc.elosaed ta their Important no4tu The bsamnal mastaeviii bln at OLtava su Angusaet 2th. la le probable Col. Fred NMes. et Montreal milii cammoomi ahi.74e1% i Bll.tese, aid thit M»J 'r Walter Macdonald cf Tarantoesti ho aint. luthsrte gond mon 1o. lrkpatrick luncbed tbs exécutive cea of itah.Auoolatlon sitar ah. procea. lte vers user. fLoint. Willluacof LIaesviii aind ta bogien presti«s aete, as ha laeoonfai tou ta go aste s 101y tl pear. asPbi Clark Wals le cîsîrmu fn heai li Aorato coamttes Ihis Yper sotin. 1Dr. <promis aifGrM te i. cau of aiAgilcul. tore and Colonfasin. Mr# Wood ef Brook ille le obhatrman of lailvapa ud OCaaés ommittee 'be tMaritime proiauloo asIse are yul. ont etopslan ap o llovi. tmt ud amb ale gsiemsàl a ud iil ot emw*i 4sild e bslaewbms, m ai uoi. e ea HoMo et Oommae, Otalnve w rnVA&Mau% 8~ BIAM mu fo a W w ber 1111011111110!01TI effl ball et musa . d h.elde ped qat>Spa uaet a nd OMM FéaIg~.evscu el* we4*yià" aie<se al vn urte il fam mipe $h b vsvers as il.éhev asulees iehelsi but les tle bs ho vsuld have bu. preebt bhm u veau etpasse. w c.tavoiable and dieegieeahle ft as, Io a1l At. expie..ber vavimmt sMd emit absée lu â .atILMO kd udaet rgmaisM Du%" e cek ber d#psiamfefr h beidset home. ou Wedaetda9. làa&m. h"a.VIII, bd abat althosaih mIedépaté o mrllee .« bh Ameleasèeeh bus ia vIia ceunt> Manda. mmir, veru boarted aMd trus, Duruuuzâ.- ViphbeiaMmd Germe mouton îsase Ses am'mg the obildmen of Y.l- vertonsem éte bohlldte hbe o1sed t «Ote hâpreal 5 the diieaie. Mi lasse Hebbs puroh«ase *Primoe am of mutrse lWanad sema %bhin te hie brother. im4lav, Kt. Wa Wlddowa, ate of Ortvuight, but nov of Dakota. VxaîMe.-Janetvlle ires favcaedlauc wsek wtah s uiitrou Kr. John Littie, lat* of Clark township, but nov ef Simyner Mr. Litalewua a vloome gueut amang iets ua friande hbe, uf ih li hmba at amaber. sit au anabsence etfesvetee. peau.ia." Isuse Robbéecithial village, vlth ave of ber obidrea, bas <sue to Dakota on a visit te ber friande. Heîr eaura le flot expeoted te abs end of sprl.g ..Wr. D W. Meuhl and vifè of "hi village ame vislttmg sbek fulead, mi. Thomas Calas of lPalestine. ACCIET-à sévèe o ccident lofe)!lire Danba. He.sllp of tait village vbile ottlag rattera la the c.a. p; be ont a deep <uh la the uDpr pat of bisafot, ocaating the voe.o wbhebh caed is a <rualaie afblod, aMd bu aid iaIdh.over toinme limé e oin@.e op" a g1So Wa Vrdr. OurmàyÂ.-It becemes ouaraid dut> te chreaeleahé dsath ef acothber ofsur resident& in the plisoncf John Rip, vbodeparald tht. fa on Match 7h1. att %e sdssued egeof U Feaos Be ueborainCa Omny Coran. Irelsod, fuom wboeh placeehoe aovd te, York State, remslnicg tbers ouly tva peui..Prefuen the UnIon J-sak, lie caine toanaada cicr 80 purs sil.e.sttIlog itaIh. township off tapte for 1 le ye, bnt moied trou therewte Bdon vii his wtfo aMd son John, 18 peaomgo. aie primer dliedov.î 5t0 peImm 1<I l.-aving abr» coblidren ta maniat thei ne, tva doughteîe, msrrlmd, Co*Mie. Sddn Baàllîleboro. and lMre.Kwnsëdp township of Hlope;be à cnJohn oalili lys.ontabsffem.. la pooitios h. vaisa toumch ob srvtlv,aad an Orantapm 6pelaru. go vu buuledin ds Thoma' buîrvlng ground, Ruiley. Soaois -Lé, Grippe $titi hautleg scod .Rasbreakinauop... Qit.e a plumant ise et i'roclsar Cavw'mIlatanceors, Wu veut th.qnu@uolu.. . Thes bvs a&l base irom thé osatia ..EVry persan hu salle aise <at Huhe reeem~dNorfaVictolts. Key he~lulngw b thusalvs a It.,lavua Wood huesIl abs go tuav 0110 the mâalewà'a publiccosurt Allam revel, aoog aod @pot; Thone le ne door viahont a llght, No fae vithaul a smlle." eaab wu thé llv.lp sppotruno. cf Kr. Aloi. îsobtieiresiduho. and il& amrrouadtnge, alec the j elaua mcvi of thos oagregaamd ibert, on thé eveaing cf the 8ch ilai. The oeooslo vuaa gsthýriog ai the puunagpeople eofDDatten, uài<bl and Lixton to exohageocngutlatios and easuamorate thé grli.d triomph or Mr. fluettes. and the prilotlis taie,&aceseherlah éo deaily, at tbs recoeua lection f. gétbei. log vas largeand tharcnghlt roprueeatative, thora einetngtouasaones ouag perse. tront the hase cofceob pràtriorto libersl.oncéesvativo in thbsusrronn disticlt. Gusu snd dacing vrs ahsprincipal feutures prodff. iv. of sSsant;flotsaimsaed conservé- ioue,smail delaih'logmuesiem oduied Iv snob ibis muloton s s le 1mb. Mr Noise jar. Y.uuag sud Mr. Porteir, and a tastefmîly pré. pareil lench linrashedb the vortal>houties. and bu« very samiable déanghere coutailuteli d.broui te catîtue aboir individuel mites ote a gqregato ile sadelg othersand ai1 eveniola svu: "Soncd thé timbrel, etrike the lyre Waeahelruoeseblet of lie Tqil glide.1.à Mfl bum.. mot. Teins. mit medialue r the levain, md b> S Ais. ~. I suiferai anA nervesa - *~Wd* Iww*B me e if.im E oAe., PWIIMMSê SMosal D lss Vmovier WEA.T Mali i vlfla thée seuntu eau beat Kt. Hoiseb m enl lbëada o(vdlocklt go les. than tbfee asudeges dring ah* lut sim veoke. Vhob vil a là* . ext u, william Noubiuhiue eJaut ville to veeudo.W.eutemd tohtimahe ntoia vieai trieMnde ltt he.. Pminoxa-Uit Wllh.aDavia bu mas» tu Goaulvesd te rui. e. W" vanMi.Davb evey mucesta bit nea b»&e Mu &Dm 81:210uit bu lbs ureeue tetqbeu &$Jiu Cae- "Thie ismema t'as Os.te s uMplSouth. vhere e uthe mur »trev neetsite hut, faitlmtiklmg test pIlatWtiteoape.pmaklor thumade ol doàlsiefSer hihg ovasi13B...--..lr Tom EL.Sasbu .bipateu tlhh be.old ritgr cn tb# turf 4Tomp yGalwat..' H.la nov the proni e - of-srai eug 4"iver DutL" vaLua-At thé . Mi s hepe aK" 1làthe absvle of 1ev. P. A, MoLud, V., of s dougîter. XAoCUo, -At Opeen .fVedmeda>, Mé iiit, thsevi.ai Mr. lob& Jokom, eola CnSx-Wrneva-At te metbodiat ver. oosq% ae, ldiani, b bs eRes. J. INorgaa, Ilebrua idicbMir. Robert Wtlson Crashs, ta ;mis Cathariue Wlddevm, ell ai the township of Tay. UoWouâ-Diéueaa~-On filaier lOtb, bv the. ev.Noes Clark rector cf 8t. Pauilà chut_ é, ltruit, Ur. Gérald J, No. Nan, emsendm 1t b.e lv. j. mouseohi ai Poq rt , ut. . lt.lai" aseI 91 Brady.oereetIletrait. mmeon-Onuu.On T«ey autonm Mani llà, i89 M ,Cuttoplii!." ath. erM. dm«mofethé %% s'fsîub« rN. Jm«ou C . mine, Iv th e s. -William IR stevene, Min. N. E Cuaauge& oforvood. teleov. Wm. Silae«.um auftm. Kzse-Re0x"u.aOuWedmedsy, MisI% $th. b> the 8ev. DeJ. Oreatr, lt he pro sea et a goodi> nuaeber oet Monda Md adumet ainZc eure. Lattis Bitain al, cvi, Frr»nesLeulesa, poOn"t a dtei et Ue. CarollnesRdua.te Visait King, Lq., ail of Naipasa fat., ea St. Jsba'saunm§% ?ont POs. b> abs Riv. John NelieesoUrM. William S. Mot «7 Eanv«e aMis. Ln"a io. ealitalggu4 em sotur of Kr. Samuel T. SvTeO-At IAUua, on Wodady, MaoIb 181-b Y.IabeleKornul. relet of the laie Vihi ad iss, 4ed886 yesre icon Un thsi>,M" rh Oth, 189f William 3X LOgis, qed49 pesta Md9 montbe. I UmOAcHN.-ODXmnda>. M th a. s.so f A. P. D Ua4ehen, mamr cft kf ih MnIet MtralLias>,spd10 OAEIIL - Lndua,,on Msnajy Marah Iah, M008 eCampbelli,nue'of ethé Rats Daniel Cmmo pllIqd 6 M r Hu4a-Is Lledas. os Nondsy. Nérol 1dai, lOm, Usu a q"ol4vidow of ahe ats willam, luey VOLuas-At tho )(MONseuibve, Match lsab Ella, T.nttdsightei of BUT. P A. sud Ums. eYod.& I 5.-At Fonss a oFbmv tiat. LA1 vite of Kr Wm Ba$l,@Pd as peu, le A»A*-Ne LegIrdhielme, on Unbey, Mté8* Me.J.SjAd.., fspd lffn.d-]W rusese. MX19"1" 'th Fos. IL K. XKàmu&ia .wihe.b ee. KuOgmu.~4n Mi I 41 8e M REMO VAL. I, have removed my Stock of- Groceries, Wineo,,Liquors, etc,, to Opposite Corner of Kent, and Willilam JOH7N DOBSONO ainuay. Feba 261, 1892. Groceries & Provis ions ~0OfImBMJIjjn We bave just reoeived a ohoice stock comprising Sugars', Spices, Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, Etc. We keep the. largest stock of Groceries ini Lindsay andl therefore can satisfy your wants to perfection. AWORD £ABPOUT OUR TEAS. W. bave always -made Tea ont leading article at !eading prices, and we need flot say more now than that our stock was nover botter assorted than at present, compiising ail our popular brands, so well and favorably known throughout the whole county A BONANZA IN CHINA, CIROCKERY AND GLASS WÂIB This departinent la replets with a varied and extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our Fancy China and Glassware are all new and beautiful designs, and at such low prices as, were neyer of. féred in Lindsay before. A.OMPBELL L4udey, Decm"«be % Mh 19. Sprîng, GTentie Springl You wil find us at the top in the Fry Goods lUne with more New Novelti Fresh Styles, uniquie, attractive and beautifsil Gooda than evez. OUR ESORMOUS STOCKK-0F SEASONABLE GOODS 18 OPENED AND READYB Suoh ~aliti. d suoh puices we have nevr befor been able to offer our customers. à. thoroughly firat-olau stock of IL&DtIS' CAPES, JACETSo MANTLECLOTHS -~hP~Ie toI a The smû is abieing 80 bd«ghtly you will have ta proteot your fao, a yes £r m ts buunlnraya. 800 ou> new s8hapei of KEN&S SPfflNG HATS, amvlstion ini boaty, Iut and oheapneel. ~QBUSi LACE bURAIS BLINDS, Etc. ffl*-Itàdng éatireof urhoumsksqêg'-dopartment. d 'ad' made Olothing ;y for a dollar than has ever stock, and no inducements affý ,ey'e 11L j .1 Oba lobl Othe 'w' 't