I v r 2 !I y tI~ À * i i dl et thaetù v*e WV theod«7z'né M j esca oelboP5 e. t th rofl * ý* whillest varylng diatanofl aois un iamalla sa"isgro<apodtet wblost or Osothe té .artse"-what me"rylies cm oulSêldellgbtmlu 1 On the caruor sa«iW V at "COmiSSDAby Menlgbt," witlz a briàk- red antiquity vixible la Lb. foragzund M for Su lamy 6"Iapâae"$te U inc fb genlus drew on the roti-bodeti BpRUls 4ge for ou many Amoren aciers ens-y S*zr- day aiteranon. The othor twa roens *Abt w., mon""nc a a pat 0i1he qut, worm the privaIs ion- glé Cd spenoo, *bilch Do man or woms a d @ver entertiutifaes we »ow k120w, ud th. ltlIefotu-by.slx deu, where PFinle w« sui- paot i sep to, tb. groat dtrimont et the oaai, andi wood anti rata. One morcing, juut before our story optas, thé. 1gw had kcokat inlane &roundt 10bis satisfaction; andi as a sort of punctuatlc&' mark in hls dally activltlos, kiakoti ever the ésas! of on@ of the brcad-wluners lu calot. Hevlng wilnossd tbhe pocted look ef grief snd despair on the face of the victins, ho ro- turnoti ta bis office. -Ther. the master founti a Young woman aweltlng hlm-ans whe had evidontly seen snme îwmnty suminers anti but lew winters. 8h. baci sntored quletly sud seetet herueif wlthout requeit. Opanoro passeasoti wbat we may tercu %trengtb In bis eyes," andtheb.penetrallon of blé glanes waa an unaflocteti elenient of bis persoae powors..Re looked et the young womau, anti beyond the rernarkablo beauty ho saw chereowr distntly wrltten, snd howevwr dangerous it may prove .10 domin- S, thie niaïterul always »dsee l.ompan. klp 0f1stregtb. PuUlg his beerd wllbjnoue show ef Icà- patience, tbe Tiger noddsdt te girl, sud .iIgsmted witthe b. lgtea linge of respect' la btmane: 'Mm rs my ho somotblng I can do for yen, youug wogman1" "Tes,stir, thtla,if you are th. heeti of Wbs sobool." "S8ohooli This la net eachbool, missi Itl a workahep-& aîciefor gindlng-a toua- dry. Tou want.oy stiuppos." '«Tes, i; I wlsh tec en ough la-"l "AUl rlgbt, Yon nesti notxplain. Wbet oa ySudol" "Oh, Ieu sketch l pIn pethMsd bave smmo ual. - " "No," qulckly reponlthé b ma@We, wtlh a motof the ud asif teward off a Sl- ami1y; "show ttom te Plnle-ho bua u My fora aM wapinte." ffle. Lamant mxntblbave esked wbo Plu- mas wam, but she tidti a S bc*asitinotblng "Yonng womau," Spaeoro naid, atter a paousé 'wo bave no use for perspective bore As! su$d, Ibis i Da ac soool otart-it là a fectory. Cm nyen blondi Cen you mir, grand? ouayen .teesoed f rom som green -eoky bina frei lavender? Andi bow mach do YOD weull" 'I douet know," tbe girl answered pr ompt- Iy. IlEnoUhte buy bresd snd provîde a p"acein.wbloh to ut Il." 'Hsow mach msa YOD dot" I"Vory litle et Brut, I ahould tblnk." "Bo shoulti 1," nid tb. Tiger wllh a grn- tbough Il muel ho onfeasetitha t UgcrSkl dom plu. ,,MTy nule laugbt me-"ff "Nees'mmnd lb. anc!.9 miss." Se l.d bu loto the workroo mn, sud thé *angs faoes thone flgbtng for lits, on net mne cd whiob couldt heosesthe bloomu cf hor or happtnen. lhegavehba aplace anditoti ber o pépar th graunti for a magnlfloasa boto hon on be oopy oes!e. "And put on tb. aky and thon brIug t to me. Dcn't tond any other part et It-that girl oves- tbere wltthéIbmgem. foot wil take il mcxl. ltwectjy minutes she bob Itlo thlb ogk»--abso1utlb.thwovcuiwork shu bati CHAPTER I. VZUMILLIOllf ET FmII aCE ()yà;G icmnyen ar' wJkn;tobard." vllngs are g"ling.19 e Holieturneti anti lfti - out uponthe brick Wlll * "8h. lessvlisntly neltbot vos-m uer bterfy- Iiti thé and iwlll ai oiher an oarly grave Or "' te Weil, il ur wos-k farme msamafSr ta blussdt taie "Tigor," sé1h. toleèra si0116 lu thful ioat, Mdtitrodeonet cf lb. «wcrkrecm lunta.othOM ffsutIebail. - Th naie te whlob the "Tige" laid cdaims by Christia -ght andtimp gowui LmOa psa mr; and, asitIs cisrctio nl atesihab wae « Spaniard. What wus wortbl cethlb rouet-k, wbbcb I à aiocswdforth, WfA that blé bal, wui ligilt, bedlmIos antibisépean round sud pordty. Rilmestablishment wauentwltb wbloh tb. worM wèea,and tie!l, butl 111!. cqaslte -acommercial art o"or s-facor-wbleb- enminsyeufn acy. A"nthe l. ime lb. above unimporlunt words wes- uttereti a Young Wonsan, or girl, wa aki s b« brush àlmble wtlb amnlugtcdm et "lups." 71» youmg womsu atitredsti dtot c.- the -ocesacsulocaveramaiios wth the b-lueuse ho wusla me ws esiu olaihe W.ltare oret r"ppls. Meais tltnet praporly apelt b thoc. M«c, poaibly. Thettmssalt hé sc is wau dévsloped trou gos-rme fW"ch Is wus Me. Very f.w persans aqasmbt wuttar méta thlisoomtayf ront 11M te 1816but werefamIiar wltb tdu ltle-"MXy Lady or Lsmine." IbIs sr o u lus anti beutlfa womunwu aluhducommercial "Ant go" et Ieon spaen u 184 asmbla se ris te -h& n i tffl OWy, whers *m- Was "tdon.lua il" hy thie dos., ounonta-ad sut by routine ooloringi, a yoanggirl wss esrng tl bwowtb lo grow poma" atiW« pako, U a st4usg atoneto tems. Not thaet wbat lais blue blonds of Boston sllid 't e l" Pwus cultiva"et.No, tb. compensation recevMtiwss was ubada, w«" ybarts an a rigt o bebared thed PoIlera o io. Thon. of oou-se. taieswas se mach a yard for spreuilng tsaunratlng ibatiows over lh, caves in wblc ch ans atdti sigle eolojs-, rogartileeorethlb.whole. Mias Helon lamont wus cly ocà of mu f.etOrslunlt.eproductioant ofhwork, sut golu. rarely gs-micea tis - wsncb où- oumolans. "Pinot*, why do you mol oto breakbfas? "iWby, tilt yen lblnk I badtim' hon te breakfastMins Lamuti" replist a&gmuer l7 pale ant idsetios youtb whc bou hâ a d- dromot. 4i bcd ual issuYou louve duerom." It1io nol darte bgo &fier tdu Tige-A up." Thé persan etidreaseti by AIése Lament wui aYaung Dan awhoalsopt et duembool, bailteti re, blcck.d the Tlger's boots ant idil van eus linea et wos-k tor- lbé wner oftheb boots. Tho boy was liot a glant. Th. lw«nly ye&rg of lits thulîtasr permitted'i hm by an uuhappy fate, ha ei lui *da thia uklelon wltb aimait vlewleéé fles-cud hîs beartilees face was &4 Irenipartint wax, train wc blab ahe u. n. upaeoliglitocftwelustmu@i ytw. PInule was ne bîttuty. b tltlltew mcmwer.abto col: et him tû ili-t tune wtbhoutocsslng tbe second glaiice. The seond giuce osgn.rlly endet i wth a slgh. Dît you ever looklo to anc ofthIou ust shape et the enite-chromo penlodi Noi.WeII, 19ut ailook aroundt bistieon, matie brilliant witb smirtlsi alra pinal W"le il rue! artiste latinchuti terorss. I% wua cday wbeu @Véry happybornc czps-.uedmoc ia hbapplus by lb.puschas. ai "cils," mors or loms uuly réedt teu "pet master"- more or les. lldtumu, cati mure or lmua very. lblag"elle. by eSmnanuothdut.alscon sudfr:untly woubd almoat bmcok & persa do M Wo w licufor duébs-stline-anIsa bafrm tith iey worm trou dué bs-néof lb. ceebrtudt "Ladtioo," or "Vo.bwah. Icor," or so lair fume, umakable, la Ibis lnltermeng ist, whieh began witb duheous-:an1 m twM theu nIs-o. din ci te obcromo ci the km teiyv ycsart p,1asegmtblrnhougaiofe i ooia epobu ÎTIo Mt sy, un met fhmer l pàlml tb. thuader asd tip t rua clot dowm ta due tlyresty et serbwos'-.t, Imelve ahilinogs a dosent lThéaubolllnllo Yom Mo ega enluut twn haditot=-<ls A tmyosvolu~aîs, wth a Awpnfly h wh o antilutteTo cfPs agro ng île peahLa-tyecosucIn Nebga CHAPTER il u TELLI RuS MOTEUR ABOUT Zr. lite andti g, ofet ves sbory, mutl bavesos Iing le do,sMds@0w. have laene a few radl brohora, MU mercbaqb antilawyoran t idu - ta'laailabonrea, snd bb"isur itentiy antier a proton. wilbb wbioh our o0.17 ananue coms wllb l*a Mmmis-es oettdu put bore rcS-tieti. We Caneut cotais ailOucheareolerewMl the me ofethdues-ti&.Orneeoft ths4 at lesat, wus a stockbrokw--on t.hebeugep et Bosto.Tb. stocka, bewever, la whlé due ides- Van des- Neel d"I1 were sl"i Sew York Cemntr!ur Michilgan Contaai NFs- worm th"ytdu it crackllng perd. mou la lrot ca uti At geJwità coupe. et. luobinents-bat relaietdu prospective vaine et dueusul shlp-Iead cf Malum ogatianti Clugbssm a Inluothus- wcrda, t.eIMder Van de Nos-Iaswu duteut In"trlamus Nia 'waber stock" yillt ict ideutia an ri sbawli and lacis, antiaen upo. ipices. Tb@e Eder Van ter- Nart wuas tinsd la 1887 bis graoeful wldew wus a lady of W ysar, witb silvery hais-, anti with aprlghtiy &top. Ne teee bore liuos upon It, bat ber ttu-wuwailil litho, gracefal anti petite. The down lau office was preidet oveby àamso. Andthlbwsonwus net an artisI ur c drummer.13o wus lboroagbly reil. Ant yet, ho wua patron et eves-y cilameut wbloh veait etivano. due bigaer luntet fBaos -Qescfibase mmnWho worm laylng tdu foandatians broedly for tbat grand dcvebcp- meant et oulture whlehbuhaimatie Baste. td Albems ot Amos-Icu. Hoever, la buylng amg Wsling hs bandicdt he "lros staff." Tais la net a mecu insinuation upon modem stocks-lt ,Je ueroly c stalemeul thal b. aither decil lu "marglas"-nor wrote Belng Young, haudsome ant ielb, antiecfa faul~y wllb e perpendicular linoage (gooot rical tenu for blgh up, ho patreaisoti art anti lu lus-n was patronlasti hy Il. H.anti Sv"-e l1km hlm ioaght ouI due peintor, lb. bout- inaker, Iboes-bymes- andthdusongsrem-end matie them fs-fonds. Anti bis beautiful motber, Who"s amiable wcys wero su Win. mng ta theo slaugor wllblu Iheir geasi fol. low.ti up bls whlwa lu this respect wlth a fclfkfulnées. anti love wblcb make motber- bocti se holy a baud. This model cf Young masauline «xelleno 'as noualfroifsaubis Irioksa turing boybocd ne wu aitul oa colloge not a lbouan i"le tram Bostcn whou I16 yeansofop tgnleyse before uuns mesy opona. E went alusolu- troduetiblaUsefto a reves-enti signer pro.- centar antireisereibsnaineas Conra- not Van don ost-btClain Noiti. Nos- titi bis cousad. kmow lm -bvàay oMma One day Ibis sps-gbtlcba brUWMbtf other chape beome witb=bufor a vsAt ly fouri At vsyosc utawt u twaepeet ftas-edDutoeddolsu da" t 01 enceatry, Os!lst ubai-peupt plin "Nos-lb." Andt ti hé01.1 uÙ4 la, bu dOU nIee rtelikekd lb.boys ways-,et ta*s-m . a regmentfboye home wSbb hlmli'zm due houas tta cmonagéelbut la bi mai bug bis Dme ple inuted Blutes *"NS*Lb" Thie wlieow sud son, afles-lbthes" et dug father, continum t te Uv* ne oub.ci e brlclyard, or anoeul hcuseo% b bov'-s bookedt h, thon "Amorlotu Eay"-a nee whioh wus s-apldà*@lspêrlug "4Kotaier," nid tdu mc. orn y1 e entes-st lb. uftting rmea, I Ibave Mes my mud to e nany" The motaies- ooi a iflma mouI-'. wua a splendid Wlow te ok et, cf mewim hoighikt ly buRtf4 Oépliu.,b* or oallai. o ï» i bm etu&,", pi bl"i ~ 4L h. wl*m PA~le.Tht%:do ne s"Y lbug*l Th" osvoplugNii BtS .ot tuta 1*9 COU ee btae RaqV4 thlb uidig "W.ll, wbao de, yet wntl3Buà wu net a"MAtia pmae ýWOM ave spohe. te Mny or 1h. othor uuttgssts 111 baesmi» we*ct uMy romu Whl.h1 wlsh Plmis ta brlng bore-Ibs vc.n& 100oycunsmmalbalyMt*at bumt to g wllh yen?" nid b0cmmnwit aoowWL 4Welhob.can't go." "'Thon 1 ahail mot b. bersln the mornng," abs repliet. Mies lainet baci burowfl rosions for boardlng lb. lien-or taie tiges- wberever the fo'snd hlm tu lber way, and àA wvu net taie irs attaek. The ye afSpanero lurnetispcn lber wltb su unwontsd lire tu tlbsm-at liaut t lie expeiena. For a momentlihe tiltnet sny & word. t in passible that lho onjoyet laie spiritlnlu Iis beautif . inspiration t bchd como into hà m "Mies Lanont, are you auppocsdte ru Ibis eoUtalihmetlt" 4"1qe, air." "'Thon permit me te suggesl Ibal yen bite nomo streot youth te do yeur ors-ntis," nid épanero, lurnlng le bis letiger. 111 amnpreparlng work whlcbh leIno@ u touch. Ho must go or no one." Andt te bs-ltant eyuofe the girl thon* with a new ligbl. "Miss Lamant, I wlll attendt t my basins -yen i Vi seconfine yonnsslf t ouM ewn." "And ti Iaeffort 1 willl taes bs boy wllb nu." . h* e r tra b ochair lule wblch abs hati soateci hersait aulnvlted, anti s as psiudthelb.door the. turnetianti sait, wltk raregrce andtat; I will alwaymremesa- ber Ibis kintinon." Wb h .u "Ilft lb. romntlb. iger gfbrt bim"Ief togate, jumpe o thé &. brwals0 wllb sergy and muttbeoti varioséethf a Sponisaianti French. Evldenlly eus isu- gugewol t a nwe l.thsmanti ef bbc 0009". When b. finally setlellstoldbbiscair qel b. congsesdcIl bis ds tielaactian lots 1h. wcrds: "WeIl, Ithet--i puppy esat sy c.ylblug Whho .dcn't kmow enythiagi" w» AM i"l, butl du vela oet i Dulcai bunor wouiddty pst-enéaffecotion, anti age a "$Thasm's the e v*yWliow Webe-* *'Oh, mother, apre du wldows." "Làoek ouIais," abs nid, cattdmg hm "Mter Smid thd8u4 n,9gOfn ven te w Lndw udplueklngt l.lovestro ans ct ber cheoue plants, "I suppoeensy c. bas ~ ~ ~ h c ea-yis!bschas-ctes." "Ai fer Itanc-" "I de netknw. Ton ami!.!" "TYe, COwa; 1 ami!. homeisyou bave msc a face-andt tclwlli h oues-standard et obuacw ter tidmecschanges." Anti du tuother lcugheopasetfber happy 11111. leughs-d oJvee bo W so. *1 supposi s-1 wl wallo n tdéu mo<n" .'Os- o.somsgaz-tenus-s iugiter." Anti thé MMIM ay bbrew ber arm araund imi sut looketi hlm lutu tfacs ps-cadi>. 11 tailnk ah. l ao a olymem, m< thon. Gooti ulgt; ym vii ig e asleop wboss 1 ne,' tai-r.' Ho too blinseif eway, antic hit heour lIes- passo tduvmsy spot wbere he bcd iss the tacsoves-wble o bibd ovldently ho.. day-tr.sir4 Oa"ge mortels we-s.il cf AMtI uotàér Y Wcld»h. sagait berbei et n eenly boam, nid ber prayeranti slepl " Il 'a ewdm; tdmbostet any, douait- IM&-A" tiwhc. upc.the ta-llis, clethot lu groom, mmc th. bird. lun bine uti goli wllb uorul om&s.gMsd dumsdt ils yellow beaur *brougb d u avus, laie mother rose, wwlog wby abe bat elepl seoweil i OATRIIL dw, plums, wu ae Ifr~ vin g 10My litus home.If yo us- a young vous lu- ilee ofla Crut awkwcs- boy, you ~, cousIt go to my s-oum anti ms ailmy aut. le9vos-k." 4 4mt bl& ant avaivesdt" saithte iienier youI4 4"I ed boas-liy am ial mm ibs .0" doma Md tebis wonkte las ~ctuI ui or etmms cmpank«s MOMÉ, M bned É~sllero e.es d uiktlitt o *tadtAeR«OI' veui e liw m a co' ai u. "ou-w. ~ ,~u.i I ais- Mit aimen a$ , , «D«a sumu." . 66W sUo*S' t was laitheb.feeling 1halu8î.b» o -euilwa sisraiger t6 Ibe o = =Itakm t hhmwilb au nmas bendenme-6C cOMMrse Acrifice ba tot cou sous tinie.'«ocnrad, you are on the thIbresheliov e." tesà, 1 believoI am. 1saiod onougb, totes-MnsAsours-anti a faitmarne. I1c --ilyear moltI" ni ma mmNos-lb, wilb downcaul syes "Tus, oesuwlbb aur quemgg." Andthae son arome antipremsthet sfaceofetbsmethen ta bis lips. No as esh.onlaftidi a nti!ho b.d kisustibaer e-antioves- agafin.Andtiheb niether icam t thie liglt bair trou biA hrow. Thc d u Wn omn comlng--be know Itwauser. 1 am mstiseti, abs gently nid; --but I do mot U1k.to bave my uan dwoll in tbougbt upen a Young weuan wbom b. doms net even knew." "Bleu yau, moIbor," rqgliet Conradi, witb a rlnglng lagh wblchebedeti ohe. gars-et, 1"I atm DMinulovewittb thisYoung lady-Il wus enly a treou wblcb ber face put Intomy minti; Shwaa anly the slory of a face. No. Iamnottalmvsoeeadlyasbat!" Thorameoangle an lb. mothers'Mtac, but tbere wui à visy bs-cd ane in berhlart. Se. temmbes-ted as7 oflb.epua wben *0 t u-gauing c acertain Young ve4Nort--wbsaBoit.. wusquit. a sue- 44c ,My se.," *ab1&muI"wo wmllbave te face ' îdngr weev, antiface Our nelgb boes-daugblsrs, tpe. Tons-blaMmS- Brner dutt am ouM~~e ster. b.m lways mar- sidluW . a lth sMm f paenital irecioonsanti *awMa 4 tilr omceptIon et due wful «b» *eaganot Ibs vezantoemtyoatk, .PlantedeBsfête anti pwloniic, e!t ver atid isughltuL.ReH. ai gassi MUps *0 .cEe anti bikseulWcU MM as WUl b allastionetfa tirsai ne vas um. ifsasaIof the girlbjr hbs s ite. b. aB C8, dae ymystifal Alli" hob. upoketeber 'ulhout iftnbisb -"And ,Mis a moit, Maslbges heA' are bnoul lemmlIp lo Afewse art,"bs sulkeel, o* se "âwwme* tw bAu why bu wmscIIs ne atber unie-ýUulLà 40oomefot *du 1h11 tti. eon au@oMl "4"dbam ySa nover workod anywbers hd~u mohmbgirlwbo bad Doten"Otteb 1No, beosuse panero alwuys tolti me about IL BoUzetUUe ho speaks ta me %tud- "ToRd YOD about wbatl"saeti taie Young ",About how 'cube' were worked, to dealà as nomu as pomibl to make way for new -Anti yau bellovedti Iis?" nid Helen, Iooklng Solo hià face lu profounti wondier. "HR o iCked me down if h. tbought I did. ual bellevo what bho bld me." "lAnti haye you ,:eve- talked withlbthoe paliners dm'ing aD, Ihees yearal' aaked lbe astoulshed girl. 111 board one ofthe mm sny once Ibal Spanero tld hlm. tha 1 was a 11111e daf t once anti bad nover recoverei. I ased Spanero wabe h ieant by daft' aterwari, anti be ilew at mo wltb bis hife. Bo I nover aakced agaf n." .Hedi looked aet the boy for a moment and for ab%instant Il occurred te ber that ponlhly ho wus not of atroag mind. Bul or ail tais ien eat the achool, she bat f, -nd tbis boy the mosl intelligent witbln eaIlmilbeirange, and se determlnod te know morsetofhlm. 1Thon Finale recalloti ber te taie tapie, "lae "lWhat, Pinnil l'That mon kWl boys by werking themx te déath if lb.> baie no parental" "No,""nidthe girl, indignant>'. "Pinnie, dld you reaill>nover bave any eue tu love "lTo whall" besked i th à carions io*k en bis face. "To love yo.-Akeo en? "«Oh, yes " ho. nid saffi> ,1"Itlink your pes lveme. I Utay b> Ithora aler yen The girl turnoti upan hlm in tbe street, sud a palier apreati ovor ber faee-follawed by deep crimson flubhe, even le ber mnowy Doek. What titi s cbildish talk aesn- wbat lnlquity bailthers been bers Ihat Ibis mystery or ite shouit eppear lu lb. ver'y bout et a ellyl 14TO, MmsLament.", But sie tid not continue. WauIl passibl, af 1e ait, that the. boy was of unsounti.d? Oh@. changed thesubjeot. Anti s ey 17walketi and Wteld uiIl tboy roachotheb. ulakirts et th. city. "Pinnie,""am id, "Iamtioingall ta1.k. kWg-do you nover chat?" "Na, I thlnk nol. "But I know thore je a desp tbonght in y0u Hl trned hie OYes away, sud slowly whis- perei, I"Thon. mey bae been once, but 1 bave laittt' "Xo, PinnIe, 11la Dot but--lt inlaid a.id@ for all these years, anti wo w'i finti il." "Miss Lanant." 1h. boy replled wllha hui> beart. "I sanetmes lbink se. Rethe- 9. feeling 3e pro ment when I do not tbln." Helln b.d men a like expressIon on bis face h1-Once, wboss ho looket upon a painting, of bimsf, whlch she bat quickly putlan avos lmramumnent. Mme intelectualmty bat bec. p*Infufly 1-egnifet, but from tbat platane Pinulo bati caughl an inspiration. Bbc nid notblng te ban. Ho dropped the band Ihat ho bcd takon andi conimueti, moking slow!> anti cars! aily: "Thorn. re imai-heu bth rouanlite you have sotkon a oosM wv-ani a big tact opeus wlde, anti I - hat 1 have livet lu prison--anti Whou I wanlteto go out 1-1- 81111abs ulteretnot a word. E owasnol Om et ber footing in such depths. The trOam Of lite et which se hati spoken was mati.up et pleasant hopes playing bideanti- suek wltb th. commen facte Of lite. "Thon I tiare net-I-1" Ho broke oir, anti began again. "I tare netstop beyont-but I think, core- dues, vSr7, very bard-e-t wh&t. I bardly know." 81111 Helen koipt siloncewieunto tb. moment "I think et those wbo have meen ant lketi 'with the chlldren, and taie flower, anthe, wootis whlch w. Paint And I think that perbapsif 1 I bd seen the great sea, anthb ibipe, anti the lite yau anti Othens talk et- thon 1 mlght bave. thnuglit-is thatthe sua, )ioo Lament? -lasit? That is thesai1" Ho bad litet bis eyes--and tbey reste-i upc. thie waters et thbby, la siglit of which tlbai bcd ee by the turuing ofta ecrne. 'bey steppet. He stGo&d motionlese anti iPeoches, anti with flxed Star. anti banda te bie Oeys, shul eut th.e ther worlti-and gazeti upan the reclin et wators-uncancous et 'ber prosence. Ohmat .wel.gI-T ai l.-uhoael Tiiere 18 Notliing Lîke It. Those who have used it say that there is nothing like Elifrof Aniseed, for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and al Lung troubles. One bottie wiIl generally cure the most severe cold. It is pleasant to take, safe, sure and effective. Put up at GREGORY'S DEUG STORE# Organs ]Repaîred andi Tuneds SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDE Ortica 1y ailpromptly atlende t . R. N. SISSON, - - LINDSAY, ONT.* Boots, Millinery and Teae See our grea t drives in FELI BOOTS to clear stock. DR.NSS AND MÂNTLE MA.KING IN PULL BLÂSTO MILLINERY in great variety. See our 30c. TEA; it is in great favor. mueW zntNR1s, Ja n. 5h 5-l5I TH E MAN UFAOTUR8ER8' LI FE & ACCI1D ENT INSURÂNCE COMPÂNIES, Oombmnd Âuthorized Capital Mud o*hermuts . ................$OOO J. -W. WÂLLÂC Et Agent, Lindsay. wu . 4. ORINSO Dietrio Manger, Petorboro Ohbp URNITURE A~ NIJGENTa4C'ou LIINDSAYO pibinet . Makers. ,*mulý» ILaw 1 * ce MT WORL" ove eeut.DBut Elen wua egirl et rare intelligence. Bbé underelti lnilantly that tin.andti aiew n onu thon.; Z s u w o theasldamant "AU rtgait, girlal&Us-lghtII i tge, ,and b. moppe thde l y wsinkleof et45cresp- lmg ave bis fa*n "You wvii s eaub.able ta emm 85 avsek." Tbe Spanlerd vealtibave lied Juilse paecfuly if ber cotanlecue bat mot light. enot up wllb ploaure. Bo d uboeti upc. ber wosk-and wcs-k- cd vY bard. Nos- tilthéb,àats- Ibis, en- déavor ta aligat ber work te gain a morment'. 01 ¶slou Islit, wbe drestus lublond- tue &W oa sdbiit h. aile etbopo lu 1â hnm f* Ib es e b omaein lat YOD am erealng-whe o éi lthe Valleo the uut ther. lo la bumillty. sud cluimbe emountal lu uuroh etftthe "lgbe If.i" Bas- treema for tb. gasMet!Balt reansof the emealilns hme Dout rpn nthefroty nbt of m àcRU pelo ai elty m surrontet Alon la. montS WMe thors one.&aot bervho tirésmet of botterthînom ut ol no but bat eoeugai ta do IoaMF bis bs-es-ane ti as1 es, *"r wus anc-eue poo, bhài, pale boy, whcms body badtMllt ta psont. a pso s.iislpefor bis soul, ant iIf i"pinule"ve ts-eamoi Of àhlgber lts,ît wvas aerem Peseh S lbeaviuy »eL ebove. Il. But PIdtai as pirations At danmes, wbenHelen lamontvent ta ber quiet ehum ber wÀiACIJi erlookocî bbc boy, tlais ImageOf atae. wbich aiet ove ail due work anti thon rootet pon ber own, mm botes- hbe t1.d beus etr crs.. Antiume day du sai, te besoîf, théét du wolt know more cd* f l è eb bmh m lis seint t Iwo beblat a voIl-bscrlnosalsWly du pus- pou etbi hmissauuc Ou eveung abémid t him g 4"Renuie, Baseaad,"' suit«d Mby "ycwu* r "Tucai, dh«lWbft doc7« u 'r I :1 ~j' I f p t' ~ t' ~t~i 'i Il i~ uNI I 's forInfmn enud Chlldrens ~5ê5'S.' H A. Am, K ., MMIWorms, Cives uleep, a&" promafiS fl ew@ OMMIa. Ii0um y. y.:I , c%=â;ýM mse Tm m a t 1,7 mrY Sreet, N. T.: WINTER -MILLINERY, DRESS AN~D MÂNTLE MÂKING. Great bargains given in ail departments, especially ini Winter Milli- nery. She'is now prepred to make HATS AND BONNETS in the latest fashions having secured a first-class Trimmer. New Cutting System. Special attention given to Evening, Wedding, and Street costumes, and made ini the latest styles. Ail customers from a distance waited upon on Saturdays. Ail orders prornptly attended to. ROOUZ-.Ovor Warner & Cds Dry Go"&a 8tor% Dohény Block, next door to A. Higlbotham'a Drug Store. FARMERS, ATTENTION. Rasvl.g smenu& the Agu"o et Vioteela Ecd for the KAS8EY end HARRIS Compaes,1 a m um -à Ate suiply Frims-with tb. boit Faini Implemeiqts at 1Prim sand Ternis whieh Cani be Beaten A'f~fl stock of Repare always e. bad.1IWill mIskc.p On baud Orgaus. Sowinit ohsMe, Ws.blng UuifsebIs"ec.InauranoS cffocWthe lbut Kngliuh campantes. I a&m s"aagent for thé sal of mosuisots snd hoadstoces, both marbis and granite. Ol sud m me bétone purchuss luswhsrs. Jt»§. Y. STAPILIS, Vlcaoria Itoad.