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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Apr 1892, p. 2

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SHILOH'S 8 ý*- ~T-.J CONSU MMTONM +*MN. mob à madjy 01, Gi ma ]ome CURE«.a"É"u.ica î0 vtr'el la tht lcr f ndila ott h@ 15BueEumInwsoue 0tns i.s r» 4 Wm.um uido It. amglts arc .uth<èidto jul lon a pi' Ith&# Ur. 3eupu efovoup"1bed vfl AnEgiheoaeus. " Ib mùua ilk ,atel.tt tat ea other m eu r Ci' - e CutiS *OI i 1 sl te, portiSts sud an B t " e # go m § I l a .uuiùiy mbd.Thnt it map heome hIbva r-t of . V" Ifag ' l.n.diara, for wometàwho imut lesdo'ie .drink ques.. se à pdtors, it a iastOlousI tZpouSe Mtis adoeuept of Ibo coll.gft maitube..lion. Tser ane Uited, th.y are là au. plciaàmle Boulie Frectemb bu»780 h tho tutIi&ed ates end Canada. I U hbm But« <Of Hon. E lw rd Blake and Sir es, hy are radj frle , Bah$figb id m.Caugh, Sorc Tlirat, or Brcwit., use 14lmfoe DittI.1Wilson baup for sons ten*m e auei Msai efeuy et1 h.n nations. But iher à vil) cure ynu. If votir cld hbu the Croup, la*ed la position.and Dow à buer ef Sii h v ib r h nd e , 10 S Sib y as oehopi~zCuuqh,*î.eit.hproniptlly, endireiCl 'oMet Y.,i OSttUit f Dr. à ue. Il you 3rend .it inildious dîiumBy*t'fl bave aprived sud ave br out nosure thet o aipvepon whloh vi i oer Cèsmumfion tge . Aàk your Drngla frpleedpon their pedest,09. The portrait étuillé duwn tb. te. Tb&$ wesp@U la the SHILOiI's CUR, Prîce 1a cts., go W. MA bolts of Sir John MmOinnrl t ObA p160d" ballot paper lu lbe poillg booth," Ssou,. If yotir Lung %farc mre or Bakl%% p.i .ofirt, the llken -on fi.perfect, philo- IW uâ~Pat.r, price 35 O th e sî*eitiu &##aiment la Isb'olâ l 'Iho 1ons' Juvenlie Work. sa M. autbua O isby1. To tue Editor li The Citizen. icitg Ari , M.Hmh KC.aiy .. Six,-In yen! taIssue f Feb. 2'71,bSbire Ageno fOr ppeais ibias tatement, "That there te A/F.~dIbMWI ~praostoity no Band ef Hope oovem nt W»ue oBaL.-We dij1't set or inthe Dominion." Peiapi yn hv bear an.o, a1haulo:h rpipe say there wam ', ever heard of snob a place in the Do. a greit weddmnag a convie of vooeea go. in ininion ms Nova Sotta, andi if net why 0ooIAVRAIrO the' v>etbt'erboodt. W. wit-hi hein ucnof ecourse yen have anoihoard et the grand j oy, whoosver ibey may bh. Thisougt>% army of the Band cf Hope thatlet work- lui lhTeîH, etc. te b.e eoOurageittnt tor a ew othîra >dyudtte upcsc b S When n Oee tOU Onaa atm nthe &Win é tdvone h asieso h IIO )Ar k idithora e i,,'ro ason w y thers an GQtand Division oft he Boune' of Tempe. ',' 1tikto vi trou 0f un ie r t b s m ig nou olS va Scmash. We0 have in H all. .., ntiegve ftltofchirýututh TITBIT.-They say smre pro ont ax asandtti iruuouîbover a tbuant mom. lon 1- ab oiipple, vj, m @kb &îote onuWedueu'-bers eftbheBand ef Hope iu oonneoîîen ~r~ ~dey nlubî. WWo wnder wbo val it.?. wîîh thid order, and ti c.ee incounectien li-li'it utnn et n?.mioentie paper in thé The Patron# cf Indues£ry bld their ms..î vulb aibirs. We are proudto taoiv ibat Vi 1.rWted..9 it)airotici§ very two v> ehiiandion Mondav tbere are sabout one hundred and fortv 'u~~u.thm ~drwM~~S&C â,eainuis. $Om8 ;IVù PZcLta.I oeBandé ai Hoe.oouneoitd wîîb S ns of .I<atY~. NoW Yerk. H7-l ions tâke pliole.. Alil frmera bould joinD. Tem pérance throngbont ibis province, .... r Bryeun, a former master Inu unr with a member.hip inuaberiqsioveral &Obuui. in.... fuw.' ut hia u4a.)y fribudo ai tboneauds. It ie alsc a falot tffltihe twe E oé aise m a o asia i a short viait. every section cf ibis Province for smre yeits bave bave boit allotteti ao part of MZLLRRuK. bhir dùty the visitation of the achools, PI I?~ ~G suerai saoepatby te fait fer Mr. andi andi b addresses and the distribution of POW ERE ~Mno. oKse cut(avan, in the lois of their temo-prance piper., have enlietedth ie Iu- POWDEREDbuîgbtt Soyear.old son frooe dîphtbeiia. terest of Iohîbldren. A@ Sono af Tom Weare platidte icara that Mis. and pernne. we are prend of tsala,Dosoause the1 Miss MoKee are recoverive. mottaotiuur eider la mot simply prohibi- A destructive fire tock place ou Rico. tion, but annihilatien cf the troffie, an e t., e12 Sa'urdsiy ovanîne, April 2ad, coel,..nd ta vbieh prohtbitory mnacaetns are Putains Ur. 1. S. Nedaw's simplemeont ouly prefatori work, a position %bat eau L Y varerecum d damagina the majulang ouly bie attatneti andi resaincti by aun ao- PUREST 8TRON IT, UO. Phtoîoarbbgaille. .Ili Was *bonst fie,,tivi autagoialum ef the cvii, luspirîti by ________________l'oetr tatue rfred t.0h u- ith1eenie viglre anc the dri nk f slber iPBIDAT, APRL 15, 1892 lmon teome vs bieoty noitidiktae w elv lh.n &ItheB Ocin as v b a s dmagw b îe etenst y." ourîfr.nf peoeen a ±irdtO~11two aout $60. r. ndouma a laltte W. S. SAfNDoeeefrS u. ase, am loir Ml Graveh"oanaad »beni" thtbi ls',ene c h cd$60 tac c b.Grn Srie out'"8~ xta tkr trjsuran oi, veii andth geluote :0a. HuÉifl fr N.S.5 hesypa m ui' 'vii k tnWelon's stock w.asda culaMe the areito tis fte i - oceain.a d t'Ah W tnu '~ Ithedrîp cf liquor. cf aorr$00 e a ti ne Theuranc . l Mn. Wthe lrs, M.PP.,ofte d rne nd U K" d v -~ 'hîng ronianito, f rsu W als'& m ae lrer, o e d y nà .' voe n b aa tee od rst ot o A 1 C4 ~ <r i4i.rntam mT. ApB. 001lai, vas da p d o the exsat o n Yollnve at er n . T is y, .Ld tmvohs5rt . sod &bot $60.M r. mym ab&uani sdau WO lt6 W.nlh S.iretiND .. l g dt imr 1 o-ho @%il o, earj.nt e vdus lb. a t fo i uo n à Muoh ly.Had # 00 -o fte r cie Nvu 1. an, cîm r . nhro in tînnartu 810D0.Mr.Hli a. oN8.6" Te pr eLm o Ai 11T' "a y k > Iw Abutioncarda" v s yeug mane t gtabiLo , ani atL n r tuý,Amsir, d iur. omasoter100. Heort u nopinîtnganejy Mr.BokWats, M.dPaP.,rgeroirculation i fl~r-'eig, bîg D," the esteinsof t h potsuîoiano. Hîs an welmîlrtk ctte olety. teufHul- R ni 0e-4,vixpT84or , muréto, cluytubapi Iti e.l ag e&tn tevin as l lhine binadle me6h.isolaàs uite-î . fvî a .' it'ry in> du o t e p a t fi o o isu fi lnu ge esa it- wi h b.Bubn, m d At i. mai t a =6 00 Al a k t'y nnn hen. min. ing fos 0111 a u ofi, o ai T e sn l ao DroRiha r bezdiso" e rne a egsoi 'i. - it ,w fb esordPur.m sto f thv m e aio rnt g , fr ou joe eut B o"b as popu aation e r circlat io tss lt i~ m s tht ii, a luîot 0bi n vD" h sîaî o u o ute a lli c îS te tta r. ai y "Tlindr 1 boo fte e ry n i - tu ,è déath se ttie e~~LuAry of Jliudi bsbwasd ite ezote rioe <h he n ior a e-t iu0r >lnlyviiatenedf rtse ear a o 5auu u vryCnda osine Ao.biul Seuf- m hî-li'a est lu due, W. R. Yeu a md of M e u . W ir@ the, . onthegiea d goit enid ssue of 5Cama Aol oloia. val rn tme no w .T IiIt lmn, H. 8kik> c dinPIiivoee heoms qsti on that viii th .Exîî1o-îl-11 wh-lxre te ndhm, aNtrs m .Bieo ceia aînrble spultiol north ettes.l Bcni - N Y- Be.oPi ao@beare r biha i et Bbcr elauvt e rs ie. a i b ss e t a d c i i I a h LOan5PTLee, the nt-dee i r.a. B.ei as to henueîiiv lqo tafe uthospneat,9n 1 , hoY m e-e deseu )iY. ol tee tended our @v are u bthank uta î iaîd utoCanad a." Tadieni s ci emn-; G tif an n t wn b s a r e aidI e f l e t. b e l e t t a î h n dihmia i l 0 7 h a r , n s p ît n g . v h r i b a Ifbonynu t vldo e- ha W.noRdYoi ung, adh e ler @. a.ou, et bislareihin rs gown su fC le *u %Ci.t l m e oinveiet rm A . . g -t, . ]ELam son . S ie , duia inesy , aeo retqu esto the l l -Nt Im pran u . Retîad« M. Ia7R4tai n 8 Lrzf. bAced& p il ee lSa tte ti oe ttProvinal eeigera Douit M M~coaiidba bena erni r,.es Os. 21. oVths.dsr @g f naucahilu n e tideva apls trst nov 3e-ut ai hi p s-. t ls i!yyau e dI>ING avlta -oA vir les nt qogafiti m et o u r iedm Uni .a *#ui.* '& The telie as esa on ei Yugoccunneti on weaes t, asth o lse,. Tn e ead uhore vs thlecate OUA itm hn n adabt n al teM new oln hi n.wno'd y Ik h k . a '-- . ii.. by. er.Sts, a dmee tng e r ywHaut, n aile..e'v).r4&00 as a r mte risidenO. et nofanigM i Aiene-GenlLgiy *noec10 <r-u'-,' aathhoo@Tiioves000- ackoto SudoLs-loieur 09oovaofc E oIl Ma Wthe ln 9 re s rentotion...................y -baitrey Gaene ri timofibkfour .h M.ntonI-t i , v Mtha@ b DauMa rosi . o es2u ea t feiiim.itoramnchuiseto i owabl lafnteredivin Cr@u 0 'i %"é,'fotibh$l sucolb eris, hid DzYG BiaELee-Ae Mpngates isie tcveain fa théim u icipal duttne ii..rîolue a@bea Stoevnt ooed nk. Te âerslMny v a oiew Th'masîhsacrMn. upper, ou-t an W Ipel( I)J trlî hu b. hm ho as npbfre y h ev uhope T .li -B.for ithy, nier forlaut, andb.At .40M..laî '. . heurthe bousine sf Mtr.th nvîteti Shos se byAil ey "poedic giveyte Ma TSo Sn î o i uei.AS six ào'clck b. rie ai S Île vdvialepnes Ibo l.i -hAiras ~1Pîrs n t er Itheurocan vîli iheir asiasîula, Mn. Thovu ]dottnl,# '~ #. tiu%111 ivin Po. il W. OU &i ollodand 0 bsthof arti pahtrlrme anaton ?" be-of lilto ivn J1'1 'iimat'of l@ .~rsga, ~jj "1.578 MtlS. D H Renehisabead-resi; Mie tssfa v' 1, 4"*, Ho w A acco mpa nied MiM e oli, plnsb alburm; M r J G Kelly, "ile olv iia O t ivr?"4 Id lay Me-4 dii'Pillard, a bigbt smd uail anti peppr urcet;ise J Guiduer, mo58 i les 0f lloi lv tger oll r ad wi',m tu:~~'I , i, 1 W1i, etond 0afi eOcidebd bedecu set; Mr anti Mn J LiSîls, set dvpaat lsitgiir u s o> ut' di rt, u ve. vilmm. Mn. and i dabse; Mis a nioe bMîabeil, table ooî ioîh houin ull ud make. Tbatlaol ~ ~t.in <e ";' mvs, wbsllknuvm fa,. anti mantis drite; Mt@ W Cuninghamoe ee grog bil."laoy otie.;M Arr-'rop~,wîh e aum voe Blle hotIe ani bnos; i ~ Beader, if you neeti Mats about Ii cifire1sa? . &&&(À miulpuver; Alfredi Kelly,beoad.neaî MUisa Ls Bale,îi.oo.tepan.qeionlhttespt ti mlbue, a.ild--j.i ýeêIas' viulintat and bistmule et; Mmas. uHddon, set aéier sud read il oeaslonmlly. l vouldit* i %-vu il a w iiy CokV4r csOm ie i.;M ~jJsnmt~ ton mon viti usoo shovels tb threv ,. £ '<ti f.eane t@@ b. saIsi dishes ies Sarah Jaickoons, obeese plaie; aasuo e sfs m "ai aun înîiî,gt-vt l' ugeant vIldiecetMiG hlblnson, dWalg-oom lau1M n for Uquor.-mduEi g!'ssiet. ci-o m uîmf la the maln of hond- y Veals, lememae et; M &MtA-ioe Urs Mni 1 sii rè'.o'vp ypung la-1ien, vitb Menu, syrup jag; Mr Thom. Dovuey, I&v obl t -i ti i .u 41 i i' i v yii - t o ms . M n . P ll a r d és ilv e r u p o sou - b od e ; M n T S te v i r i, p r .. 1 D n s o m j b u h 4 qz.. u ." m 'iuv catge lh u. die. olt serve dueb mand upoon; M is. M orts Jik. Don m a tbeill àymoncetlb u Wor > ý 1 I , si pj 'î'h e t s d v e r t is lni b o is 1 4 s o n , ée h e e se p i s ; M rn B a r~ y a n d l v a i s o o Î T I o I o r i - ev -g 111 a 'i-ra'ed Ind ien *5â e . L va, éiver boîter disu; M r loba sud v D n -$ s sh e s tu oor. i O i b Os' I... ' x-; ii,, uter,," msud *"Tomi ooek U iL ieI'nît.îka d, sUie, ie pot; M r T m wD oué e pd to a m m 0 1 ' i " 'f I pv ,rp q ,t u l7 r e c tiv e l c o 2 W a n ti u l n e a b @ , s2 2 4 ? b u t te r d lu b ; D i t I " I P M Y Pfè ton&oeto athlb.Mi5Puloye bi'i'dlah; rsie, D '6.manjeuimpuu Wudiau.I vstre-' i femitwhsoedluary painW; Mr jH O. Lé Kralla, s iont l à@ à à hmm. M."Isv 1 t1 s. e sl 619 4 e4i fr rou ver, M nJ B n St bl e m ev.; M nr _ thé' 14- --o res. tC.0. 1pUig..n, W Palli, Préserve Mr Jsimse. mmtisi ~tab*r.o, su po of U daifl uigaml«1 ait ,vou, e4t biaoseblMe E*b a. be30bar m5 ,t l. -lite Jg t ià L U .. A s o a u O o0 . à d k b è A ' w p t > Mn. PIlla <1 'au a Pomamé utlilmp. a posMdo M b w lmb.11EàE. 6&40 pri&o*;I1e Po th* rétbe M o I M î I od st. SiilItubttin andsèe i elc,e~:uo%~ ~m oougg dle $hi »MMthle f Xtae ab Uiswun MT$.U " -4 buus n S l ue u , Il loive4h41,e f W," EVEV Al1 or talingo h1mpbyuleapobor5fla<ifl& aheuî PILL&. i l! ruitoar* h loué at egu, boih b ah. theith EVERTIWVGA. o m 'n 1t orsin$auad. Irg ,lritii. eni lkasa. ven n'&egleted. VAUIM MEM hould lake ihese Pnr& tR D, t ! I TIIO will cure the i-e- uulimfponhfuiad hbite. msd strengtbA tee TOURSOWO, EN shm ni mnake ilium rogular. For maie by aIl druggluts, or *111 b. sent ufcu receipt of pnieu (We0. per box),.by addressing 2'KE DRC. WIL;IA1f8' ME». CO. Broc&le.Ont. jACKSON Pàlaî, Chicago, viii retain s one ef Ite permanent attractions the building vhioh Japon vill ireet for Its headquarters et the Exposition. The building will b. motieleti aller oeofet masi lamons anti arabitecturaiiy unique cf Japani'. aoieni temples, anti viîh ite surronnélng gardon viii c06t #70,000. Ahout 40,000 square fi-et wiii be aoccpicti. The South Park oommissiouers bave ae- orptedthelb. cir et S. Tegima, represen.- lative of tbe mikado, le giv<e the structure te Chicago en condition Ibat l ha kept permanent andti n repair, and thai oee noom it, t be devoltd to a publice ahibit of Japanes. voika ai art, vbich thé Japunese izoverement ages te rîplenieh tram imze la time-Soientiflo American. BlOM WîllToi. Geod blood i vii show ite quality. Se viii bad blooti, the oueinA a bealthp body andi ruti- dy conaplexion, the olherin lfiibeal th, blotohes, pimplus. halls and i rme, ad ire. qu."ntly lu intenter foi-m. asabers, sbrnoassiu enyipiai,> Soofalcus diuseas sait rbenu, été. Eveny oegam et thebody depends upe the bluet for forernd vitslilp. anti la b ut scmntily servet vhes tbm bieadfa impure. No nemady la se paient s a blcati-purilier on more napidly produces nev andi hemthy-bloot ibm. Burdock Bleod Bitters, v'-cb neutral- ises the vitalitng power of tbis &Hl important flaid. ÂAau instance of tbf.i-mea at btMr. J. a. lNeff. of Al«ema mille, Ont.. vaîs ina récent lhuer:, SIRO,- per &go 1 vas trou. bIed vith spots briakimil ont &Hl ove- my bcy. thé sifuet et b.d bload. I sonaulteti tbrie différnt d ttnit wha gave me medielue but li mteuorsome. 1 wu ativhautto try BB.-B. and sitar coing tva bottie. 1 notiosi tbé spots geltiuule.. 1 cntinuit thénus of B B. B. * vhlcetitrely curea me, ivimi me aise a apléed ati ppetit.. 8minoethen 1 voulti use ne aller meulis.n. -80-8. Milburn'u Aroniatie quinine Wl,. fortifies tb. syutein agait attacha ef gé, chilis, bilions feyer, damb m.affl ud1k.trouble.- 25. Mn. J. E. Humplirey, 46 Bond Street To. rentoe, pBurdeck Blondi Bitteru vrought s ecaîplete cunee ofdvqsppa in hi.cmasftsr au éIuelied faiîe--.-3 . Neyer a"w theiibewela tu roain constIpa- B.d luti "dome«VU Moenu&.National Pisa ae unmsrpased mi a nemiay for omstpatims- 1%0 saisegasé bave a tkw .e" FA=M m -cz vaimabi. OWN PPEETIUtS se 0. H. HOPRUNS LINDSAY MARBLE WORK8i R. CHAMBERS lttmîraWei vesua. aU kabelet- is de cu pare p ieues waapm*uamseas.- W0115-In Msr cf *h. ma"tdu Osmbrldg a., OppedtmMatbUs fflkiag bout.. RARDIVARE n thanking our numerous custo- mers for their very liberal patron- ige since coming to Lindsay, we h'ould ' reniind théim that we Ère etter than ever prepa-ed to ;upply Builders and Farmers with ail kiries of Hardware, Paint> MIlS, Varnieh Glass, plain and stamned. r« gwood4 Calhou INSIJRANCE ~ CORNEILI IbOl bit M~L ~aw:bm. * ww-..~sm 4W, àe. VW@111140» Ut eii Tki i rot-9m Aà«ela tivumi Bise Llmdma. Lliay.okag ediriaie ÈN !ùS<Wy, ?e Dai MaLPI*lE, IVIRB H OTUL. kmb--Wmm m siortîm Smer ofair cla bo« usel lAtasap Corna«es f 5~hi05SdmIsY Oucou imr au10 a . o8 lent amm abldgeirmito.A r-ca Venmr %w~5phnscoînmualauion. urusea alwave te attcmdaaoii9E iSTCH' ZB. .3. WILdON, lOBES bUSE L 1 lb QUI aI I-9 lftrmary, ]Edlbuarh. Orir tan bboebYt o .li ,ir5f.lvn is »I4,1 OCprudeIs. «Ofce sud r.atdeo-ad54thé bie tiairuunue b VOMM fgugaad Lindsay atnek-176&.1 I erut aolicits a ahane et publie Patronag. - i 8,1 lpar ay.Bue.sUvery sud stage iRe. lu 8 A ME UBROWS, N.-D. (I. ., Iueu li rauà tsmi oleMd z entr oî, t hysolsaPATTIE'8 HOTEL, ree"&. Ocbeeml"-211ià veil knavu botel bas. bien mptevedl Oie. fficesud eà"deoiiaDla wltraiot-dm ordr foihe rpa4on of P 0" ceasd red eucoe, am el tret. noed d ea r nt i ffl G "- .'ng and attentiv e Set.-18194 0 f T k stret Offie b ur-O to 10.80 oa...; Liia. J te &0PM. an 7 te8 p.m. 1GraduaisOf University ot Trinî:y Col, Toi-enta; ROYAL HQGTEL, NMaber of CdofetPhYMaOl&ans urgeons. Ont.; uIndeaY, ia i ur mowunbouns buas ou recontly -'lae pbyalolau t.' g kwood &aiium, Kingâton. tmprovedl, and fa h. .iery wal suuted ftohL. se-»' Gran~d Trn a g'surgeon Ltadsay Dlirict. ommodattaa af th*a publie. Table unaurpamad. mm à' "but et ll<ruo-mand 0%Cigogod atannsd attentive 1~athesierswum 9-ntt.ndance tit0ii. KOCO"NNELL, KINMOUIIT 3UBE, G. H. HOPKINS, Klnmotn Josephs Bovîti, proPristar. Thea aboie tiSuoeeomm toa Mrtin à Bopil) pr.se h,.receutlY bOen Itttd u n lu ood stylo to Fer-. clisboLet, and tbe publiecacn ha aur,(,- Barriste sSocior, etc. Omoaa-wlfllm St., Llnd. ot the boit accommodation al, îery ru.a,nahle ratas. "y, <>nt.-164. The bart4s upplied wlth ai] teL beat brnd£alltquir. M O O B E & J A C S O N m d o lgar. L arge stabli'- ma d hod s ud an àtter tirr'. (Bucemanl te Htedapmb à &acko) Bu-lieraSi- T ESO D N fO -citons, etc. Oilice, 'A7lilAn Street, Lindsay.TH N W E tî S, P. D. MOORE. ALEX. JACUIBO. CharlOtte 5treet - Peterbor,. lOiI-IyThis 1lia new bouse, and la onueof tb. bentuqlipped MSWYS ANDERSON, ln Petrar.It la conventunt tin bots G.T R.an C.PR. taion, a vulas near the market. BtL Ba rriatera, Slictorû.a, l1niton'a Blcck, Kent wabrnmîe, and aIl modern conventenees. Terme: Sir-et, Llnai. MA".y te i-uate urretrte. 1.00 perdavy-1670-ly Jui]% ovir. N yDnNALD R. AmBaoses. ~ L~liÀN.THE WAVERLFJY BOUSE. Corner of Kent sud Lindsay Streeta, Lindsay. Paaet i & oV.c unyr,-wTlca.rtornan blck",'bu The a"mofthLie pruprieton of tise Wavenley la ta Pver e cut7' i tor . -,i'-. &enu b k .it second ta no botoi oute-ide af the cîtîs,. & ove Weev -tro Âlca..a arre ut tise publiclepatron& g6elu reaïeettuily bollcitc-d. -,Lb' ;ï ~LICRY, Every attention pald tu Lb. co,îveîiiuuce of guests. Gitabîbing, coaxanodîdus aheds, and large >ard Bar..i.~- AI.(r -yaat-.v Setetor u Obsury. noomn, wttb attentive bustiers alwaya on band. - by t lan'aiterreut rate.MLOM oGE R ARTH1}l ,OL'A. tO'LLEAET. LltadsaJulv Sut1M9.-1787-sf Propnlton, BARRN ~i LICAUGHINQUEEN'S HOTEL BuTIAm lcite, &a. &o, oftooBakis BI iteunrta swthaut a rival lu ibis district as a Baristra oiolinasi.. c.,offce Baen' Bock. summer resoitîofamillleandîae beinilfuill> .tuoiod lent StiLîuy, opposite VOlteb'@ Hotel. JOIM A. A eharming place for the huntsmata tise 'petuna Bàaaom, IL J. MoLàueum. . sd tbe flsbenm. Ii.lavay iluths primitive tom-eut P. .-Privas. sud Company*mtuada te loan at and ln a beutiful littie village peaaesslag a ralwy toweat oui-mat rate&.. *-'--'- M1- - 11- --.7 's i Iii 4ottt ~ PRESTON & CURRY, §ucoomrs &o Curryà&Smith), Barrintern.Soflttor., mit i«e. OfBies-Wood & Keblbock, Mii- brook, bfa., md Bethau un Mondayo. Mony ta linD at lovai rais., MONEY TO LOAN. Mnylent on Mortgage, and Motgagei negotlated Sagb= ban satOôpen cent. J A. V. Pazmra, B.A., LL.B. MONEY TO LOAN. SItr&Wlgt es.ait thvoay loweut eur- remi rates. A' lageaoutiofiTrust Fuuds for lnveement, pay- able o termi ta suit the borrower. li. G. H. HOPKINS. Baiilter. Lindsay. MONE'Y TO LOAN. - At , b, b snd pe oet.Wo are now loaulng mone onu"-la..01.. ~n d business properticeai the above rates, and on ather goo.i .ecuritiea at 10w. M cureù raios. iortzqmanad Notes nc'gotiated. ftaBAMON à àU UGHLIN, Barristes,,etc., Lindsay. Ont. Auffusi lai, m109-iy. tomm u eau hi olst aioe by making peruonai Ofntu tmte lanaen, Town sud VIllae ln a Kaie Io edamp for pantio.iara. DR. W. KENNY, Vetirlary urgoo. Oradmu Oarle VMeterl ak m s~Tor- ~~ ento. ig=tedmambarcf on- tareîetnmryNadeai Au- clati,.0"us sd ----nu WaLÉM' U=oisNl. Lidav. MarelUnd Iss. DB. BROAD, TETE RAT SUEGON. graduas. Ontile Vt. tutMaOefl.<%Toroto* egaterea mamber of On- Ovc-Wiiîn timi ortb, la Eklioha Ternes. 1 p sibegaa r W mp ropyatsiaded te. hrg.mederate Lm *Januar, $rd 185.-IlIL. PETER MIToHELL., Aulgmi Aoamnau la oti on, etcic T. A. MIfDDLETON, tIf lresu AcidntIsiruceAgnt 4get fer OFFIC-Hfoitorn Mo. holt 1,IbriPe B"I ef the PeOBUeo, Upsta lrki FUGI IMCELL Feoaain It mi Ue lusurauefmS isi lature- Mdaas 94 u 0e sdovs la-eilto tmil lamd IFor Sal. lovEraIchois tl.of hrmdt ,Gi-aslng -ami Tlm- IAN SUDAB BunelIvii-.-5aru. imrdus Iidmuliset te WiliM atnue& RccssaovS Mr. addummn. îuulib; strmacithreugb the Umàaw, Apeah. Sea, 1-7-mu-1 UIOTIOU[IIS la epsithte c nru&d Highesit price paid in eush for WOOI.1 FU LPT D, GUYS 1 VR >1< Ve saZi-eubleand tai gins - muAzlU ei...arz- lcr.I 0121gli-enMi nch bore eowm u gofs i a(oi b nilagr. Kgr hc 1 do htg0 t h hcefa.e ba-.. à Md are poredte ore g e t. . 4 ais nd r a ut e n r t G ~ i , ~ ~ l r M mia bon.d for sf05 g en sa $ Si ýllC A i. l pt e o u te d l a a w o r k s z a l k e m z . , î e s ~ m terIs. A tm niion of &H ~ LUIS Roi4flf()ty. -N l a e f r o m t S t e l E R O a s 1 t 0 ' i î - i a E . iaud-Pli tha".ewdc'.r e CI4p'tti in 'tb. attendatit sicb]. Wtl kf. - prnviinco- ! -Id tar - 0 , , i. , i la iatuin, duv-v .'- r e c e l v i i i in. . u n i i î t i . " - t~d - ' iiil;tî, F ar i, v House andi Lot 38Fwae a n d c i i. . C L. F u r t a . 1 '. 257T Kà l-on: ýji- für health, elca Agency foi tO.ovra P, cilic,,sada&Ilthe canvauntenco, af modem ; WV W W 5 % lits. Charges aurprlultagly moderato. Tise very place ta "UBpend a Happy Holiday 1' The pi-oprieton la Rooni Paper sumlanto accommodas. aIl ne coan. and partie. oom- lag ta atay a feu deys are ruquested te to mmunloatoi Opposite Veitc by Peut or vire. IFive hour, rail f nom Toronto. The hotlla is uplievth uveny aocommodation. andta 8-l goed table!. Ike ti WPreaBues ta andt fi-arnstation J, NEELANDS M.R.O.D.S., ONT., DiENTIST, LINDSAY Bsy the aïd of tihe newu bydro-carbon gis turnace ho maa make ladestructîble porcelain fllingsand i-stor. brokun sMd decayud tuetb to thoir original shape, octour anad Color by ibis pracue. Uid roots oaa bave porcelain crowns attached oaasequentiy theru la no plate roqulred. Gss-vitsaz.»d air, adualalstered wfth gi-mat sncesà for neariy 23 years. oxtnactlng teeth fer thousands of persona w-thout a particle of pain.ao e s the latent appr.,ved appilancea for adm snatering the ga&. Re atudled euid.r Dr. Cotton of New Torx;ab*h. zvm.r or pu f1cr extracting teetb, who ha.m àitsed fil te over 160,000 persons and net a fatal eaue. Mr noelands usée. BeUl. Loal Anaetbetic tor extnactlng teaiua. Mr. ceisade la now uslag a new style of f oroep wWateti he bad expne.aly manufacturaid while on bis laitvWaita New York, which remevo te teoth uihout Injury te the guns or jaw, tbe gums beaulng up beautituly la a fuw daya ad ne aubes- quent trouble. ArtIleai t6euhIi taerted on a&U the iopular baseis aad by thée mont approved atyleii and appllamace. ton their ,etentlon and oatont. 1'uua- born of pensons ar e waring te"iimade by Mn. lNeel- sud& aT. r 20 yoman d never r.quired repalra PrIionf nom $1e ta 00% for su upper or unde sai Persoa fram a distance utU plem ne d post acrd bâtore coming. OFFIC-lent at-mut, Luxdsy. nearly opposite tbe Slmmsn Hous W. H. OROSS, - . D . §: . M . . 0 . D .5& o n t Dentialndsay. Thse popular GOLD sud POBCZ- tIN CEONINGSystem <vitheut plai) praetimed br ur. Gs-cssvtg-mat mtisfatioa taa large aum- ber of pensons ArU&alaiTeeib laeried by ibm mosntsppreved umihedasud pnluciplaa for acrn preton or nt. ec"a aulu.dmnbillltv su ei; on Goid aivnsCiuied aimaon ail te brmîsu denta Bubjbu%-An d aitlthe loemai lvIngprnu. AUl mi oS teeth imlabai suM ed s. lb. meuteh b Ur. Quces bmaaif, or unden Ma pensenai aupervlaton, wbioh ls vl ccuai for th.esatafaction givea by hi. venk. Tise Introduction from time ta lime of tee lateat apiacafer the admlalatitou ef Vitailped Air sud amablea Kr. Gros. toa snounce oensLtmly lu. usssiug msuce..lu tee us. of tem eanssstei os.N pain, no accidenta, ne tom-ngums, cnaequeusly, n __________ion. Mbout mothoda cf prssevlog tee naburai ieth bp Sltag vitis gold sud eteer relisise materlmia bas bern madé a siudy for naariv Thity jean by Mr. GOes., ami qeeaMeatioM d ci umre in givm.by hlm to tbh braiMo f bus bualuem. No unmenuy ovin Kennedy% Mai,,ent-SK. ansd ne spehedmore bis vorL-la2 P e a Lo " n O Uo W a vGr .t b & l Thes uadmuguuaM eWepan.d te veave bei bisu- keta, Sali vdth. al a acy flovened b.d apnead Sl vld bmsd a&Hbiiad oaurow t' Pnel, Lvibed, plat d Mi f Rae 15 arpei. bit an,_ mms. epetrd. SAMUEL HVTVHIsO c.6,1891-7-9 peolon iia ILITTILU BRITiAi Sash and Door Factory smvuguâaum ibm interesiof MB.& 0F»j NU DRla th asb sud Paotfact a lutte ffl Oumviicaryanm ebusnoaa asla tep, ma oeby M"Iciatiuien te homme.. ta mth ja ahest Price paid for (*od Shingle Boite. parte« bu"04l te bili t1Ido vil!taemanatMe »d sas uhat1 udefMr them luinbeavpetpi heteriparebuMa bus VICTORIA LAIJNDRY ~ ~ci ar A ~ksuraî&k 'e-J L nav .-» -~ hat If woodwin's ýand Picturt- Stoa. h's Rlotel, Lîndsay M.AKINS WILLIAM 'STtBBT. LINDSÂ&y saw. mand Shingla I-"i 14a--iir o Prleur Mii, Sto.a eSngingJ anmd Stemms Ptirrpe Have à iarle se-eurtînn I 0 -1 i,.~' [liti ISURANcI LUMP'! (Eetbj.iabed 185.) Sup....a.....adad.....731,00O Po.....c...e. lfrc--------97.72,&9A46m New business for 1887......... 8O4 c Endewmcnts Patti te iving PLicy Holdars Canada tor the yean,1882--"4.d cs S8 tee .Tna------- --------s. ,4 By aSU teCanade ndB 0lasC. scoin- blnd.......... ........... 1018 Oie GovMnment Reports Pagea56, 58,~ 68 and 72 1 SieumnEndovmunt In the i£tu» Jeux Db. mflacitVlY, Ln dy. là lu .s... -ene a i A gent FOR, ltnsect Stinge bore Eyes. Eruptions Sore Feet Piles g emale om plat nts mosq.uito Bites ,Ll-amn-at lon - 1 The1 0 h- ol Be 18 I ~. nommubmc= ý.ý X £ L-J , . ý lm-ly ýlaov POU"IR- my

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