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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Apr 1892, p. 7

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2~ui d d)8 A A4~A>S& uÂNDS Y, ~a»AX, APMIL 22, ±~>92 j ~ e *~ DEATII AN'ADVÂNTA(IE0 ~Why o.ienIv.sMasswil, cmd her e tambwr. ofundi& sosbos. T-HE ANNUAL. 'M 'U ORUMON~ J itlti aét L w. Uu tO RUhShrI W e tngw mI hsmi mmg TrHE BROOKCLYN4 TAe!ACM .ce t*W7 tadIishlMMOuS dh rka r uotfi, lIs uujr lie but that rOfkhet lb vtouYslosb. Indeed 1 k»w sciaice m e Pr.dTasa do foec us. Qed nedl aflo t ry thâttaaiib hma ut bom rL.ffer 1 ebod ~ Tw TumagePreobes ~ ~ whenho. eontrivod your hadiy moeban. luaI eombe Of 18»9 sld t@ideia&fftha1sc aoim Text: "snroiy the Bitteiflese remt je tagsi. Mind yen, I belieei'.th a11 susto- Munil fsnwusepuab e i i iof theru palgotrOwii at, Gadand Mighty >Mercy lathe smuet n iluyiool t u balare theausnda of tombe in aur Qreènwood whih o, of ~it'-A raid a nsd wit. the. Psalnislt bit 'Iwo ard Laurel 11111 and Monrt AnIiori rith a".crqur »j~t'rmM oiiteQuit the Bartt. are tearfuily and ;onderfully Ïmade." mr oihdstn u nr laoaemrn strsdeuo hoeoeb rv But, I believe Ik wtLst eoa suad inaaarv aud mare foliaged survouading, b e er onde. ntthrfr h r ýin0 Ka.YX Y., April. 17. -Being Esu. will get us botter physical, eqiiipmont. In but es f veut dcwn the. stopsa of the UpB iemtfih o vreyaaopoie tor~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i maunîg h 3oky aencecu .possible for inou ta mako improvemont ed tomb Of Christ on maujrotura irom Miutta0 b.e oe Of the leadiig pond flsh. Theyr- irgtUili iiid h.aen imvted te bring flover. in aimait anything and God net ablo te Calvary I said te myseif, Tsist.tmbi tn lrur cmmn cai Ba «a gr~g make Imprvomenta lu msns physical0of&IL tombe. ÂArourid thus stand more stu- appearirnce, bigamîhtbur u o ti u i ut Uithepulpit and wreaths ot maoh rSball canalbhastis givo away pendons incidents than aroand aygrv c ygia n a e abu ti. ibuto otht vi i oipt h tr -eu.ge l1miexpress trains ? Shal slow ltter ail the. orld mince death entered iW' I on, cjjlael cat il, aheir, tleshl is whit.e and tai b . : led ()t.inTuetto white ravpl Ace te telegra hy, that places $au could flot breathoeuily for overmaater- of t, xil" qtalitye. i$-ne nuiy îhink tii.y riiestuî. ""lliiiIa,'s of t hé i'scisco and NewV ork vithin s minute ing ernetion as I valked down the four areoinly the cilacunci cat, but sniills net the. cuîgr ' ulsinî'( 'ocT ;îie a amuiiie?. atlephone crumlig tops tili vs came abreaut cf cas-, as îîîey wiii fnot prpagate in a 'smasl -ýý1rtlythe f *i take the sonaad c f IL voesisxty miles sud the niche in wbich I thiak Christ WaU p... i, .vMille the lMe cia fBah will, snd PaiMLyUi 'î. rî, eah i iîstaaaly bigbauli anothcr voice, and buried. 1 meaaured the aupuichre and sl, v llcn oîlv oie icar old ini im- .s rva ., ýgt. x!,d the eaîiy objection I God, who made man, who dloes these fotîd it fourteen anul a haif fec'î long, eight n (- i qutiiUes. They preteet. their livc- ..,-x lat ta bail tinta11uttured tilge, net hbcuable tu iiînDrovo tho mnamifeet igli, nineftet widse. II. ja aifamily it*ld y>tguutii ttîcy eau care for lii. ,itis rci aIigir hiMBeif Wittli ixfinite vulociticsansd in- Lomand îlseeans Lu have Icea bljtto hold ahnîîc-.h ia.gan ight L se j~, Nvi it'lt ~, h15 tuc, ii ~finite multiplication ? Beneficient death five bodies. u.1retc wsyththetnad ifhs itifilsinhrg ali1l1 ' iaîc tni t ii wh il t.wasu eoc uta btteofteeltl e ncag a .Yo.rs ago a legeuul ceres in snd makeý4 necessary re- tuanib Was emnpty, athte(lotir of tlae rock o, ;, a rent înui'ing about iu soarch off food. 'A-ý4U)<1ilo:Ti ý, ut moval to mako wely for these '1ii ,gone, and thle sii,Iit si re.îaîî"1 in. j,îýlai ie ct i hlianad cariwill hrive te- l, 1)ui'~îlv t ho ui of sapoaaaturîdaaja eaîat. oasoor 'ho dlay iliat cialist rose i~ :nt~rhgoimer lit Uhcsainiepond]. I have hdîe Miv J:fiat of br dna'vasa parslotw prucesa of gettialginformation muet thae tcpîuIclre was dcmolished forever, and tîîg<aher foi- the past few years and they r' v. inf t i e 1r dunly ana er have a sabstitua.e. l'lrou la proloxaged no rowel of earthiy m.Lsonry eau ever ru- arc doua r veli. Vith the car eaob varie- !ii" l i v. ' Lordî, in Iutuor g,:a',vas atudy va iearned the ialphabet, and thon bol it. Anad the rutpture of those rocks, ty mus. 1ie k separate or t1aey become i1i iu -the eari andt-i vuonie w er to spell, an thlen we lered, and tLe sîaap of tliatg srmn eulcai d mixed, especialiy if they are intended fer ntIli 101 uaacsad off humblî,e and tie eye traveis froin word to word the sî.ep cf theliicea'itted but iriuiriphant I believe t9ot ilovery 100-acre isrm bad ~. île lti~ iuîlaces * and fromn page te page, ati] ve take wiiole fuot ufthei risen Jeisuas we to-day celebrate.îc .A terifl tliIiag. (~ld,,îi lî:agy iaîlinnia ay tu maial the book, an(i, if frein that viti a îxlaiaîof wîvrsli,iaip tin t als(f, sy one ..... acre udrwater,th an.I eil ilsi lU wati,ie rtittivei l ian. a3 jui cuaîju~ iasi.î lualt un cfahîs n hok off four or fByelituadret rges, wa viailo wvith ail Uie nationujs if Cliistùndon, wouid bc more evnly diotributcd ; that the amui -.1 w MNitry, àl aeieil k-havone d neor two profita lu adeas, and tli the shlliiing hlats cf lîcaven va evaeton rom U iose nds auric he air, aw t, Iiiafwcut n s-we feci vo hatve doue veli. lcre muet chiant,, "Nov is Christ riscia froanUc at saon omi aita aJpif the airt c Ililll 4i Ivir i lîiielf litLteUia înitul offh me s er ay and more satisfactory cati becoîne the lit-et fruits of them .that destroy disease germa anti contribute to co~k, îî,l " a't m~a ian t a wjof taking ini auil's ulliverse of Llouglts lept botter healtlî ; that. Ue ic îcrnes cf vater ca.,no 1wwt iiail niglitat th and faute and cîncdons and inforinaaiui.and the evaporation frein it wouiti affect fit i-iiig.lit- liav~e Iapillow La resa, on. I.htorires i îî~ I):vîîc uskŽd ierBut Liis catinot latie n. with your brain a in . U SI I TJRF in eir pl aroacu atitreUik itali' tlai lkdia:t st tiNana * 1' es a FIE. beTnteiill arossud haiit ou farme Ai Ilic w ayu <flit1r14 aati a oîdlerundur the present facility. TIis l hhvaccination for snia.ipox, if overtaken by (Ioît il ati il t teaidaivauntol ierouîtî mss inthe upper cavity off the seuil, atînAdEPRMNTWIHHA EN drouta, viii suifer cs( frein it. taIc i' ' l Oit . ~~kiil. il sIaedtek ed at te xtreiuaaîy of the nervona aystcm-A XEI NTW CH ASB N A pond off vater atda tu the houty and gave lirt it loakd.Alal akd &i conter off perceptiona and sensation cari- SUCCESSFULLY CONDI.ICTED. commercial value of aamy farna. Ne article wts tdtiailierteut, ue îe>s wmu t lie pr ot. endure mnieethan it lnov endures. But o_____ f diet is more heaitbfui thaaî Bah ; with fraîîî, oigt î'haiilgttrc zagia tolslie hoa cdoai make a better brain. and ho seuds ap elsokdwt iho am ablti t îe hliil wthe tutliigloait oSeh Death te reniove Lis laferior brain that h h apa omml.tdFsa its isine trick te have fish any tay tlaat they &It wî gi'îîail d io lier o liîisn. 8themay pltin a superier brain. "%WeiI," yo Iliastory anad Hatts-What It Lokst lke are wanted. A fish pond acde toe b omne trec ivoae cuiijîilt'tl ta stay there. After ssy, l'duosa stthUat destroy the idea of a attractions of the farmin and tniikc it a a îVrilo u l)tt catile alumg landti tld Lie resu rrection of tiie presena. body VI Oh, ne. -Ilow Faim Fl Ponds aAre Coni;truert- piessauter place for the sons snd daughtera pour w-oumt im mrll ii go wiah hi. But lu viihbethie old factery witii ew machin- cd- Their Fleamuro andt Value. skteanhoe ai, a place ahteba,We eu utîo atr o oloue orery, new driviiag îvhuc, i, îcvbande, novýa1 n boeal lcet ih hr iîc si lot iilwa t t o o th eat our levure and uew powers. l)ou't. you mue? BSe Ilia years gene by, vhen al aur laktes, ie the boy that dees net like Le go augling Thit, lo îltro ne at "tel i go wDah. 1 suppose t.he duliesa, htman brain after tho pends, rivera and creeks abeunded with for the finny trusT Tif iosil oDah:11wl owt resurrecaionary procees will have more Bash, there vas ne. needt o pay amy atten- Tho ice iiarvest sioesoff many pends viii yen ifyou will firet cliunb U p ite my ,per kaîewiedge, more aentenees, more brillija- tien te the cultivatien off the inny tribe. psy botter than auy crop that could ho tro' ad hiig lie low afewpeaa bfoezc,, more breadth off sving tian uîny Sir As our waters have year tîy year hecome grown (onithe. ground occupied by the pend. 1 start.' lTais ho cansomted ta do, but 'înm HiltnoHecilorsa mure thinly stocked, it has beceme noces- My ice crop lant vinter vas vorth more havng lizîhei ait th trsho otiti etNewton or Faraday or Agasiz evor held in sary te pay nse attention te the uropa- than double the. beat crap off grain I coûid &gain canne dewn. Thon the troubles ef the martel etate, or al aheir intellectuel gatien antdcicuitivation of f ah. Ouîr ovn have grovu on the land. Every faramer th'ie plîyit:iea liar ieath intste mmder powera combiued. Yen ses Ged has just snd othur (lovernînemîts have passeil laveshaoula lay iu s supply ai ice for use in the Thephyicinslial ln atints te iiidr-oîîly beguua te build jeu. Tii. palacee oiprotoctaaîg thie Bah at spit%%iiigscason ; dairy department off the farm ; it viii psy ake, Utarobusinsl hovt in wiftr me t- your znature lias oniy the toutîdatioji laid, tley laave aise establislaii cheriesa a 8Ood dividsud sud lu the. laeated suct es upl et them, the oi me ti d sdpart off the lover story, and ouîy part where large nîtanhers are annaiiuiiy liatched. seau h is inaj aysaluzury lu the.houtso. sue ol o gttetod cuaton s, .d of one wlndow, but the greât arebiteot bas and pîtîceti in public waters or dispeaed OSlcIN~PN~ in ail thu professionsanocutiss made i. draft et viiat you wilil>obc iien tf te parties ue lhauve private ponds or CNIUTO 7PN thhe tAlhaembsanetrom for Aie youuohvno as Sireamaq. Many ponds are constructeti by imply ver. ci.iu on, andi the earth get over- right wlaen ho mid : "h dotia net yet Sp- It vas tloight, lut many years hoes, building a dam acroas a gulch or- ravine, rovded, anti fre aIl the casrt.h the ory ner wtat ve shall bc." Biesad bo Deaa,îlhîîpsîleL re i ahome on the wbich usuali>' doesavery weii uesthere vontu U: «"Oh, fer Desth 1 Whers n .bct remavosrco aidwuintie Death? PThon tue people came ta the. pourfor it ei b al iniraces. Andi vho tarin tiiliaartiht'ialy contructei pend. oceemchvao cmig ou iimes vomn atibogetibe teletdeth escnd hasnet l bs miern againît hindrauces?1 Itistiow saatuat.ablislied faut that such can te Off freshets Lu enJaIlge"t'laccbnkel fromàà the tree luerympetsthy o tdevmsWceno g a u ardov. esîaccessfully ad pofitably doue, thua giv. If sncb bc the. eue tho botter vay le te dam ah. coseotet te lt oat cernadovu o uop tam ve gel dizz>', sud if ve go [aor iîag toefarmier tile most healthfîml food temtamhgrupliscossd the cnse ud tht vs at t ho e dshnonId nova veot suffoated. If men veald go slchange froua, sait pork se univorsll' irorn the backvater b y means of an apen eue condition, anihtwsta osold bigh up tii.> scond tie Matterhorn or fennd on the table. ditch or pipe conduet Lie vater in just the never itleit or take lier away, andi on LImaI Ment Blanc or Himasy, but vhat dieas- lu many ceuntries off Europe almost quautitios wanted te the pond, vhich ay condition leat vau aiiovod te corne dovu, tor have baua oportad asuthoy camne tam- every veli-to-de farmner vihuab st&Il à thon lbelocated at jour pieasureonou ither and ho kept hie word sud neyer removed bllng dovu. Or, I h lb.' vet downutoc suitabie Place bas s pond anti grews his ite the bedaetftth. vatercourse sud beyond beran d f rvl at re on a l s -a" fa, uak te the explosion ai the fire tampe, 1ovu Bah ; mah in aise th. case in orne the meach cf ha overfiaw. About e lu that iogr mmoeb tfthhsad ses thi. diefigured badines fthe .peor tatsoff the United States to-day. Our haifote i.pnd hould lho from nothin1 tha~~ ~~ trsaola. mantaebust fo tsminier. at tiiebottom oni tiie citai haît. ,Canadian farnacrs have been cautiously ex- t te ee ncciic eeqartero thetruh tat men e pescit n tis Then thers are the cliinatologiaal hit- perinieutiug vith Bah for the. paut ow the pend irom eighte tinches to Monter moring, vhhah clebrates thei. mi. - sud ve fBut vere one inre- Ibm.. ftetdeop, sud the.other quarter surrection et Christ as uar ceuîing resur-i rancefs. UmorW . a gluln uprop"ations dce inte s lecalty îlîoy .re l tear tram thre te six foot deep, sddee rcin-tlîat oue of the. gruidest sacaveathea o exprainliseroioe. WJ hobottr ;bUmtaedthe idhwar migit eciorat e b. a eour divine ammner moorobr, sud mach sion esdtaee.Teeprmesn elt ol .bttla ies0"'t i.Bhara batel a broot ef t-iiiown disiortera..lu asaabsud our formers sro getting dc'wu te vator iu the vimter sud ceci vater te e. yrmissimu tu quit it. Sity -four persoa.snupnsaebigcntute n tett necsieba eVsîr>' iittae@topu off tbis p lanet. Thrty smuer ipreadi Ilts wsnge sud batcel l u i Whonsaeben cerutdl Iett u pexc ess i e ato t milionîirape ver pr bar tu pano..foyers sUC u satrokes, sud epriug sud au. ever>' part cf lhe country. I arn amait Wiupnsaethoi'aokdi milio a eosteam ery ail oad beereit aet lamu upéoad tlirit inga andi hatch ouIt aiy lri receipt of luquimmos as te the fBai necesary te rebort te artificial footing, sud ssaseme uud thd efoe lo aaiasdvilssed tsvnasu atadaptet sud mant profitable for pen&thd e i.carju are neteahIl ail rtioaiar viat jeu mothar cargo, ad a thepasmngeof lrm «dw5 -sréd l&wns n thoir came, thoconstruction oetpons, etc. give thean; Ibmarmatilydevour auj kind ri-train muaetbe" h in erder te bave hatches out pneumonies sud Runéian Iviirif> veajdewxh x- fgat-ie vonul'bo-bid anther cempauy et paisesgers oeîîtr it, se gri~pes. and teclimat. off thia vorîdt a a jsilrie fly ivae ta idesheit atmael. otgatome sud m avhoh shy oiboiepe an îba ibstemewoami W a, vauld happen e ndcd a t. evir>' matathe voan prafitablee Bah, vith a sketch off their histor> fino..They spavuinuimmense quasîuutes, auocanstsmr f mma, aksu sst tra fr nc a superoD ah er ther and tiintroduction into America. d.paading upon th. lemporature cf the m..ahoui t as>'there ferever ?Wia rnfrnit epro eha'vatiier CAM. valsa turing May, Jb adJuly. Ih.- wtitlti happan te a rail-train if OoneWho nover fickle, aud neyer tbe ocit sud aoyer niqutreolytsvaabtth leetecapeteMabIelgntfto perchaes« à ticket bcld 5val» eau l. oolsuad neyer toc ilght sud noyer t» ni la quit rec n ontlyibs as Aut 1h. 11ev holb ciale ue mcm n.llin aet h te&asigneat b1An latuI.U ar 5ave o I héta M o i 1fs a a rv upne sL isnsb enlmn ccrevo as ils.e sethis lm f IlAiw ami vo oa s>' d«.mt e bl isca osei i brîves auj nkind t er,lL laver>'proli, 10 hie mulei, b>' th. rhV4 ugof a bei,wiisel bappn h ths vmîtIf il ieoamelit mae blulet ?vealin usa h 1Etfori pré.sud makeea a pid grovlh, the. quaaiby et lu%, or oaliing, "Fhsh, y "b'" My pat t nover departead from il ? Tii. grave in ofl aulae? lut ida thfr lp e .mea ont m, rias te fayorably wvh h&nlord meach auedm onofnlemipe nucli a beniedltion sasthe or adie. Wbat Ilsthse vazteforchange et zones, 7lm il et " of ndee Onutufr~s itcnk that shiplu the.Blaok Sasm tvtp> i asts oîoupeoo. mi em i s utaeaeau- ume.dalla' orihigof the profit, alÎ olb evtt oaisi eb ienigvitb hier vareiels land dosa..-venu met v*" to vllbcul leiieIf the %go? ToTeemauy pasmaers. Wba s avu eb udfeétpiécue atobu bpesn oe r oceto omrci v wc a u thé maten vih liaI steamer on lthe thilel hse. Boyorpiee >- sgtam u tprsu on r 0oatc outule vsIiw smas Thasmes, vlîieh a tev jease agaveut dvà12 Ude, qem bteciscOse' beevanfwla pepular sud profitable sasthe carp. Mai>' Mach more m4çht be vrillen. Hoping Ibis vii 60 lires Tc uu vpssenm~ft» S vttotg, elvsceatunrites go the camp le maid te have beok short article viii b.osu lusenîlve le Moayj tdssd betvo u iseas or ltroducot into Europe frean Central Aia 5fermfer t-e engage lu tbis miseaan Nov Iisved e ui' sîP, whloh vin âhuii leob. the orPermi&. The>' amrenonued by Anis- profitable indumir>' le lh. aie cf lhe viles laus nomre six îhcassad yjre ag. 16 . l *"'P 's ol 5 ynbfr Crsad Fi 50 -W. K r RxmuM ,Beumville. là mailing at the mate of masu>'huma miles 5tasse Ming cr the nmrnnom or thelotir er0 eaCbhris.Te Olsargsia n i _________ su boum. Itlas tmeghted vîti mon"@ m o 5f@evénihg. Whis demith May' net adis fHu m aehocap fisiieien, mlm- I 11111Amther Cctaoidenae. ad citias, sud bas inite statrous »d r pporuîîte b. hoinman>' ilacesh&4p f:l0 atetirage about ixteun huudred million lie Imm* liane, m > uneq id oae ig land no i'b«Use ti0 f a fala thbe MostIn aBeake ocunli, Peunyivanlîasail"ti songra.Ho mn>'arecoanng boar, o? nsatameotu vil b.o these auos tisai ecelet Pend fis knuevu ote c omît. villfge lu EillIngla., rsldems amanol "l uncasr _bo li a re gomni'"dm k.hviiaontl betià ai isn Camp ano msd te bave beeu introducedto t liag, a living tulfiiuuautoetla remurbasi have-î- fi m imes Q &Mounttan el an s hép@ak iiss.tene __Amîiinn 2 M2-7 aEsiad10,l rnsooalece efue vlgu fd - 1 ------»--- la t no ou.. foIbiscivoulue r. apisirai>' batOfte Utnited A___________________ burdenu, aud abat eneagi tosise, sut uffin.15 u e MtOfset Clraysvuan wo d o' 1-'ainlFshCmiso tLieuta ,A'eo 5-iaWg <i <fltt îtiijaatcstutif , raoîi îpauga, statue u fmet i>'ta lvud BStes anti cotributedt te eformsation cf sud beau cloudeti hy eneugh demite, sttmk ssaa Ute oemaelldî i al ti>9lation te the Mutern ef t-h" ee5 curuddh eog ytries. W* .51frlàa ailve ait moving, ant munnlig ilt-her w Ih arethe rin s1 nte uaîonll vr'mmglablvsonc89 e ate - about the aiîotuess cf l ut bl W@f«v . aet- ast lemWili ft nol b.ossier o n d tamBeaué frot 2states vere suppîhat. ,GoW eII., namod Heiegern,vho vasde-, aCi 4Agfi ausone irevouîd realls a ifba ta .imakie »reurction body ont n e t h l', f uwni ar lie applicautu liat lu- laW ute ho tlb. iestnIpersen lu tb. iit qiita'tmng sliugi. If ve ami lia chutd. alant duel cf Use cumbebodcy th5ah toreasie 1 4 ioleno stimtatedththa ved. Orne cftie Kiug's courtiers vwg r , i cfe,', ane at a banquet, and tbila vaste make 7our body over fivo or six o~1r tie ae 1,s74.I>' l nooo am e d _ M. rttati o-tpouc eso i ~ l a lii' tu But ouse t he ~ igu imes vulle ilvswu nmationul, - United Statue sleae, th bgiIhe ijudgma vouit pronounca uglier Ibi mi we euiht t o«ldiat t ' s" ing, câllnlg, talllug orlalsng 1 55b nn ote9ote0ud, hr r n IQdh iaataatmy uît evelopet i ii Yankee ingenu- Heideggr. l'h. court-ler vas albee teandttei nd chrcouraes of food al i y ns ufour or ive bodies b.- tlu viysilis lte inearth bis chant. teb be and'Lil on. W. are hore lu o» mov dtan îîmça more omnipotence t-ai v aeem nt aur 'atham'a buut uStor aeTiiere are lbree variein offOcam lis pion, Theuethrme isays b.ostulil noom upaair. lby ae' bt- he hoare ise vii t î!a n tieseuuretoi body.>*country, viz.:a "al, Mirrer an Leasher. - soUi>'rauaokhug Whitflciapeiý, 81. Idm beorttere, Ym, av fudilsf r s eur- b te Sulevaiety lhe entire o bd>'nlasud ailier quarters or London mueBlfie» uposeebotter tur-iisitrection bodyin lnusnov.. Surgecuesud coveret viîh quetet b y tles vs, f,:i e siume. Bon». Why do vo vaut t ta t>'imithe anherco: phYsilOlglste s>'hies arma iofise ic:ie:s sud i inwers, luSt-. Qileé lie futiud an oIt vuas frvir wen thoeaare Patipaîshî inet <m s olisitheuses i tho te 0u s aiigfor aur occupano>' T Wîaî & undersîsu - Tse>' are sarcliug via t ibue coneuto to i ebc put. up tsim Heidegge. Wheu iuercy tat tticiro lsa alignîîaîiou te mathîy Part§ vers mate for, but bave ici fouit b. lheb. bthUe Ivo vore lreught tac. to fae lb. eet inMksro o ut. I oatell t-issu.TIse>'are lie p -if the varie- Jldu deised tl iltvasimpassible te physcau mniclinei. O îr odi i bv e te snin r o t héko u ti f r ot! n g. T setie a t v er>' d e vblobwvem a hby of t ie t-ile et vendrous owr u tise a ve >' nais f Iai. nt4 ov urplus part. cf Ibimuci t-h. "MqPereePu a Lontou." A friand cof Il us f he# n w éreus a é o te m reproîfi. It le claimet b>' soute t.it t i u <g ted tt ailaivrhi ilmtei.Thae rehou,,,tall ueut- vn M od ili b. temoust-ràoed whon te leor-it- te m*grva fa a athem et the Sit-be oi ois e bonnt a i e u outîi b na, u,<lt«t..srny us. The birds lOié oa hà ecitrtff . <>éhervarleties. Tishe vlh lia'have and lath lo au 41ues ilgive hlm vas bave itlth a iorth anti air fer travel, If viat 1 bave b4ess sag lung le a, we MOU hime bu beeau ute st4s(soryT. snbtah. wu Uniuoudv> desiaieb@ je Wviiishtils tik tt liace ue lurhlm ou it, ahUs.Lord and b. thrlll. t i mo.L X W. 0BlemtmalàI18", Use cai- *wtism. wîli îîuareU"(ic tre soe fOa thleftat t-bt-eus ovuta>' cf escape corneLuofthe M 1~bM iE-IM4MSACovnet ru f"ai,îîa~ct aneoffQedta0"asIf Our iyvue nÇoin Ist vMiWhu Or- 6Ocle binste Staeste "aibVnelnt'toi fa: 0 .îî l'hi', -li (. i ' 01 tiig. t) a h fflbe ic easito 10 I ý r l t a lo* ýï w à e fde t p uz ç la 1i -i ,or a noye t lun au>' eY dnasil -î moI'ai n j Is. *droit Machin- br.aîîm, I veuld t va u t 10 t u ~ lv» . whose lqdb v t m n ui S l a i besist -tise " a evh itrI- i or> t mna reut 'nl ig baltler, cars cf lie hete t1ietti lhetv Tises îy . l, , eu of i s érét orsth fire rer ov t orbiou ib t -e vi eutLa, an>' (irhtl à ilt e ut., v o 18b"ovpu*t *1115iletoi <go ad hir à 4Mvdfrto *tm »Imv«.aWY o* , îlWt Om hgliIL W *t-bis -orI oirTu as, visci cas hme Plhn' hoa-ÉW ""uuda &fev lesOt Off, vili bu rautvet f« t-ungOur Yfu f~tb sa aiouaaube rtam mte casier.he Thoseeihm, les vii b rmevd tn oe m& MM t enI lie aifer ba ue rliee'sMMcève Ii501 magieplus w lIisliInet lash elat n %%y nbwn me aM". or de anyting i fluems, 'anv m8«11et1 bossu"00"o a& my lit>' s, au Macbhela M. la lm poabical lamuguge, aM>' bean, vieb is Bab Ob mtreatg ote, gets a puainluilniesho oumetd. »this pain varne me aGite otri.l vili il. I tauke the hit, Lry te raitrauu temper, sud te b. materati l 1 hinge. There in suother va>' thi bat huart has Seat a 900d eue te an.. A medicai frieut oce toit me liatiti might 'carry mo off an> &ay,' juat as if mv poor bearî vara au ndertakter. 'WOIl, sait I te mysoif, 'if Ibis beaso, I lbatbutter ~i myhceart le Qed, gel a nov eue, snd slow My' life te ho uIted > a.ave aunabienesa'off «::usChrist. This viiiate me iront bsart-breakl«ug sicesan sd make me cou- tent either te litre or diseas Goti doter, mines. Yes, it ihua goo t hing for me tisa 1 bad a bad ieart, for Guod's grace lias con- verte this.veakuasa of my intu suregti' "*Infamous and Diagz-acefai."l R.ceutiy the General Medical Council et Great Britain struck froin the Dentista' R. giâLer Lie naineoff a praca.itiener who in.- sertet an atitertisemeait in a neweDaper. The dentiat brought action t6 compel Liii restoratton of hie namne and for damages The case vas carrnedto the lîighest court anti it decidect thatLte ceuncil is eutitled under the Dentiste Act te erasi tic naine off amy porsen provedtc L "have been gmilty cf infamous or disgrace, fui contact in a professional respect," and ativertîaing in a newapaper le tieciared 6"in- famous anti disgtacefui." Tbis ie a epecica. off proffessionai tyranuy vlîîch ebould net be tolerated in a free country. Sanguine Financiers. lie Waya and Meatis Couîmittee off the Columbiau Exposition estimates the total expenses of thc show au b22,000,000, anti the receipta at $24,000,000. To- get at the latter figures, 30,000,0)00 admissions at 50 centa each are counted on, andt $7,000,000 ha the amount looked for f rom concessions. It tics. figures shouid ha realizeti, thero vouit have te be five Limes as iany visitons as Ihare vers at the last Paris Exposition, sud thie concessions voulti hring more than seventesu limes as mu2h moue>'. It is stri- dent tiat the. Chicago Wasand Means Committee in s very sanguine aggregatien ofL financiers. lioUsetic Spelapçg. Mr. Dnrbcrov, off Illineis, has intreducet a. meolution te the American Houa. direct- 'u abs public printen, vho is saiti te issue tie largest amunt off pritited mattor pub- liahotionuthe continent, teutuse viat the worthy Congreasmau vouit cali "fouetic' apeling. The resolutiou provides thami the public printer usil use this kind et ortho- grapiy : Demagog, syuagog, hypecrit, re- quisit, cigaret, roset, gazet, program, gram, alfabet, pragraf, fotograf, esthetic, subpeua, etc. %hie ilis adoptiug lingu- latio legislaicu, Congrese migit aise re- forua tie French, German snd Chine.. isuguagos. SuccesionTaxes lu Canada. Eaca province liaI has stoptedthe mac- cesmion tas has geeoee stop furauhen than Mn. Movat. Otanjro exempteti fromn ita eratien Lie proport>' off usar relatives up te $100,000. Nov Brunswick reduce t tus bv one-isîf, making ahe exemaption 8.50,000. ;ova Scotia in nov adoptinir a sciieme off succession taxes in vhicii the exemption is W25,000. In this province the tax rangee froua tvo sud a bef te five ver' ceut. wn ie lu Nova Boetta i viilrac ton per cent. iQuebec viii taIse a -mach largon simare, if il fixes lie t-as accortiug te lie necassities off the. Ireaur>'. YOUR ÏFAOE osa preces, 9 re~ Piales. Black Suoèhs, E101 ou$s,eue malEfm*" mUiSenZOG. Pie 3U@TlU Bailby ad flmnglb. Go Je HOYLE, GANNINGTONQ IlUsybmsMsafuin ueermes1s S oks sf nez'aj ib f11nho W=41s= pk Wamtles WIn ls Timasie suad loer OI1 '~usiosl I anssts Mse, hvss 1----c ooa 1v. A. "~~~U OhaaL.-- 84 ..LISau Nou.Foslpccblaont Il m i ut ro Limbv>. 0 . ILTOHUTT, p»Wymo~ Jvi% uoeLndsy g GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. LIEMUT fl&TIO. u.alsumia isaml e o wti Hopevw a E5b NUa Tb Eso Polnlienote Peu nop,ftes te Por Hop, <rm L & p.. te Immssas aonPou.p i or L mmidnOak i~ ~~M amae-L1~ VICTOR«UPIA IARDER IN CONNECTION WITHI THEw M ENYLPk(DIA RJEVISED AND? AMENDED. se IT I8 YOUB FAULT that the boy dnon't understaind the meaoing -4 the word h. has oooountered, or knows nothiug of the man ho bas baeL re.diut about. Yon eom annoyed beaause hot bas interropted you while you were realini; the paper. Do not part of &be aunoyano. arise from lthe faot Ihat von don't know Vourselt The whole trouble for tfotb y, i and the; boy woold ho obviae- là cuoni7y bad a Rood Encyclopeaia in the bouse. Yon oan't afford it. Read our announeement ana you will eoe tl'at von con, b. you ever 5» paor. THE ENCYCLOPMOIA BRITTANICA Revised and Amended, lIothe mont eemplet* &mad dlersified librarv of entortairing sind frtfrc ftir g lite rature ever issued from ltb. presi. Yon wl mfid sometbing te attrect smd intereat jeu en owery page. If you are fond of hiftory, it contains the finest collection of tkitorju in th. world, ombroeimp oyerv'ration of &notent and modern tins 5 . AIF I~on inter. ested in Soleneol The Enevoloem<ii Brittanica Revieod sud Awe»8d& u il, teilyen, i clear, underatandable Englisb, &il about any scienevou may %ish tc Arey ~ yeu ourlous about mniolal inventioup? Âualn fthe Enocoltedis i& re«k. b ou band; a momobt's turang of its pages briage the prop.r heaazg tus vour esa, aMd tbers beforo Iou lies a complote and exhaustive aeccount of the ectis. Eue 30. Iol short, whelher pou vaut amusement for an idle hour,, oid Insunetaoi, fur tuatu- ona moments, or quick informationD about sov malter s to wbich ien a"- la deuil, vou hat* tbe meao ns uthe». books of gratifying pour dm w THE WORK IS ILLUSTRAT) Its moyen thoumsd paues arile sdwitlhfine plotures. snd l oeo ffl O' words. The Information compfled iu ibis "CVobopmdia" repmsols lb. esifl of 1000 eft1h. ablul .rtem of lbe niutetuh century. Ail orber 'ylpMs are fromin ve le lwenly yesrm behind 1he date of thceisu e ofIbis grand utork, which vau complele ilm 89. HOWYOU MAY PAY FOR THE 130OKS W. offer to deliver to your addreus a complote uet of THH EUCY- CLOPEDIÂ BRITTÂNICA, royised and aended, together with THE VICTORIA WA RDERI for one yvear, at the fôllowmng prioee_ý- Encyclopwâda bouud ini Oloth and Paper, for one year $26.00, pay- able as follows: $2.00 on delivery of the firet five volumes, and $2.00 per xuonth fer one year. Encyclopseda bound in Pull Bheep and Pair, for one year $1) payable as follows: *2.40 on delivery of- the firet five volumes, and *2.40 per month for one year.# EncyclopSedia bound in Haif Seal Morocco and Paper, for one year $88,80, payable as follewe: $2.60 on delivery of the. first five volume., sudi 82.60 per month for one vear. Where Fuil Âmount is Paid at Onlce. Where the full amount le paid at lime of delivery an allowance je made-the Cloth uet for *24.50 instead of 26.00; the Fîull Library Sheep for $28.50 inètead of $81.20; -and ti.heall Keal Morocco for $81.50 iustead of $38-80. NORLAND.inTeWde House of AUl Nations for Blood.Adeis fave bon throvgb .the , but now fw oor Muc.Th The Canadian office & Sohool BARGAI NS!1 mre «ve offéesiLu lie Oty o0Nan.1q o loms lto dub ou viii veser u>'I si sok releu, vioikeple7aadc )CARL'SS - a'fvsdSm t bel~ R.aSMIM La as ferasoai .0" HEVTUboots o ore Do' a iti liehealsoim put of ms b $Jsa potmd0ofmUT Us TUa& Fmiv fini meusrnhflaom vib bug.rup of GOOD8, GBRCRIU,% meS A"» SHOES 9ADY-SUPI VLOTHY1 MIBY, TINW"& ,GLu Wà». aiTs AND» CaPS BSBONUM - la' m Prk 0at elof un ~ m A. . H- A Furnituare Co., Limited. PEUSTO4, - OINTARIO fteemmo eW. OSlsbisdt Co., EaaufAurerao 0 fce l hee. urch, snd Lod 1 ?; -ar Thé "Puaoe AuvexÂTIo" Sehool Desi no e sud bout Avan" tise Gu i sS at the Jamais.Exhlbltiom. 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