True Eo lu that eulghteDe Ula0 *Wbch a permon .M omzSt smt Value krm a givefi ou*$a Having your doue by DR IT ON BROSO is a good illustrationl. BocauSe you thus bave it done right; just as it should be.. Because you have it dons prd'nipt- ' y. lecause of tbe satisfaction that3 work well dons affords. C B3ecause the Price is moderato. This is an age of progroe. Thec bools and method s of bygome days are of ittie use now. "The world do move," and we must try to koop up with il. Old.fashioned appliancos and old.fashioned ways are too imper. (sot and too slow. The watch. maker. like anyý other skilled arti- sa&4 must be wide awake to mod- «à improvements if ho doosn't want to get bluemouldy or drop out of sight altogethor. Our REPAIR Department has always been kopt "lup to date." No machinery or appliances ne. cessary or advantageous for the successfut performance of Watch Repairing is wanting in it. We are enabled to do ail work botter and quickor than most shopa outaide of tho cities; and there is much work that we do that cannot be done at al oxcept in a few of the best city establish- monts. Have your Watch ropairod at Britton aBros' Foot of Kent street, Lindsay. Dke ilnrii ailet ilDAI, ÂPRIL Soi 189 à riaa salon isf tia ame t m â A Union non$ eun svui; A union of bomteud àaosof Laid àas thé tagamiUmm, . se" 4 AP. OiBOZL Mrt. J. D. Edgar, M. P., ho vIe recita poetrv and vep bétonre d. ictonsof, North Victoria turing Ilut Febrsé m a introduccd a vonderiul motion lateo e RLouse of Commons. Scanda!, as snycne might knov le the buttes o et msag. But, Mr. Edgar suits a aourseihtb vîthout adwittlng of the rasponsîbelOy or faflure resulting fatally bc him, voli allov lnquiry iluthOe cendubot tO genéral élections for about ovesty use-. teraI districts. Beotesnet maIeisitae charges; but înersly séys hoi enformed anti balleves" that i A. P. Camo ti somethlnir. Hun. Bir John Thomflpeca ?nt u tht teoIe court.sbidbecsruama h pover te inquirei lu*0eleetl= s; zh f Mrt. Edgar ver. suncere ho eboai "ka tdfinite Oharges. A"Y sué venu b. f ully and kciulcely luvaatigatci Geveront. It rem-&is' t b. sein vhetber or e Mrt. Edgar vil pay tIc mmly vitother or mol he vil fellot definite chargea fer wviicih. malehoul reeponaible. If ho doëse homa b= fMcde mut kaovtheyvwill nocive peeiy and thoroughin lvestigation. Ricenti, lMr. Jon b dtohe % uM.P., for Norfolk hbu becs swbg hbmiO Bufaloin latar of anniuc. Me1W Charlton. unlike blé fMente Uni. lo wVitt, M. P.P., eoflisz, aMi .8 Maolonald ef Turuto. douinsl«à4,i baéeon Csuadlau autiuece m le Ibus": of annezation. ViserMa injter, leo crossesthe. Une* ndsu baut wqn»M lato Canada. The plans cof OÜAefr laid Titcy ptp u &Pm s sinises skldrm #m web 8*0 vay fore#0 ll k comdw budbu N mie Tcêm, *2 - 4tI m~*wbg ,o 6qOuitai oli b. eome""i tIi coud"' orl nbsà M obeid t*6 h souw, PVOgmO$tttoii f tLesTory 0ppoXL .ta b» iv br 0 0W ho a»ie 1w ffDl.4s,4 LM hiID0OMM@SM Canaduàou mammneatiODo fiS u% id they mal b. certain Men*hIIit vin! »mon- taI no obatrute ou*u'oh pat Of the CUited B"te&## juto,doit "Bau." Would yen kinti. 17 vprear th. e sils of the. "progrmme, th&t 1* uy be suboltted for the apprev&l oft he peadtsu heouly Jobn chalton, )&.P,, for NertolkI on hie neit visit te jour contr. Besure tht 1* la Mode clear and comprehesefre, se*hers vil be De Mis ' dertang 10. A programme nomevhat almilar 10 the Orne Fou propose, theugh of an indefinite and inoomplete charater, sMd hâvtng a50 my smes, Wb dou't kuov vhat *0 oeil 1*, vas premeted in the "lopera"of Canaian politic Dot long &go. The late lameuted oonservatlve oblef gala, Sir John bfacdorald, anti ethers of hie party, deflned à am lesting direct to what vos hors propose. The Hon. ECdvard Blake, on.e of""he Canou"Lib- craie" &Woausietet inuillncidatlng 1*. tutui. "dues ith the maême deduotion. many of the nevepapers et your oouutry admit- ted that thie programme if f ully carriedi out voniti eventuaily leai *0 vhab Fou "aY vould eucounter Do obstruction on the parb of-the United Statos. And Cm- nadians bellevuni *0betrot vhat Sir John Kaodeuansd Hoa. Edvard Blake saîi, vhioh feud a ready bcoolu the ludependeut, Amerlosu prois, exprosse theméelves in lauguège that oould uot b. mieunderstoot, eovinciugt a sentiment cf loyalty to Britain and Brtlsh couneotlon- te Canada wlt% i l preseut asoiations, political aud commeercial, that vill net soon b. forgOttou. liees e are deePlp impressed that sometime st least vill yet @la s, eoe the "aunexatl o graMme"i 1vuiOl Marry poitiosi p "yL= &aadaOC ,nctory. Oball ve break the plght of youth, And piediemusto au a love f No 1 Wehotd our falth andtruth, TI.ust±7 otheGoâ abome at= Oadiumfirnuy stend, Rond lte fag of fatheirludl1 BrittaIbor e nt u bur fank Hitan ur I s iou eubr Rond the fag et fashilani lu the bour of pwuaMdn riai, la th. gstewlngcf oh. steru Britai=risi bove ont hea Ser broéu ohieli sud shollerln m«@6 stand Cauadlsn, f rmil asmni Bon" o". figof fth.rlsnlt 0 trinne Kugdom of "h.brave 1 0 eI-.gbb fakind eofth . I 0 ,Pire of th land Md ave 1 Onr hearu. Our bwmau O a ée f.oh. Stand Cndi, fwmll stand, Round he f tatherlani I la *0 Puétof Apil hbh,Mr. Peter Verguesof Garlagtc, Nortit Dakoti, undotierkie *0 rop yte a ler O"alap. pemd tu mà@. commeet T»m Wà.uz>ofet1 Matcob , fhem DanOs Toi", Wvoe lad been deputy..tmbumg lr ab poli- iug seub.dlvsslcNo. S. Fenleaà. et Ibe lIe eelon lu Na outI vicore. Peterc amot eta th r.paylulw D---an mma"ne "e a eTmi WÂnam céstaf *aek for the bief comment, »i premme bites vma mdte on ttber trou Me.1 Toieais Oh. edocumment ébéé vu al>ub lile n cuctlo Oerewil Oh.latter bing acertllci opir of the os* tokqp lbr Peter Fergus on Isho ie his. lutmis Ofetbfflug a ela IOh. unlted stbl. Wbat s»IMM te have MWoussih r, of Kr. icguiS magint Tm .. D Wana here vitiab" ab" oe vito baid clorei hies ulesi»or cfhi. semim mas merIssu dtlu m resarg aul thalns .bce, e ofremit Hui- taia ocd Qanada," bai O. emsmuatme chiéte M .cerne *0s eoate*vota *Ia Ies bai h rvm àwoceeetiIaigau es tb. If ne. i.qum a culeaMa aitaly ted Ui ovewUmesm OmWeO letter, mai àit rwce la Tum Waausenho vil! famth" lu selfi tle ho sali toe bà aetmon of oh. Vaited SBia ise 0ta edth&ti be .bas de. àlaWeibis icteclo tioo sgeibid%V"h , oime, mi tustsIslouls & .* ds, bat wchiamssci bus iatmoioslm 0 44MW bu as rfgh 8a , w' .to " bom, Théew"wàâg l ie, of the Oppogsm a 4aý .eoa"! 41 "I wh.hcb" isaye get SA , la5Utb.4 q conservialvêowoa aev* ~ hlm a letter hcn k hm', emabhou-0s anevwed mi, lotter.' Âmid the ibom of lavuerOa oo- ed tiIs sslly Sir KulgIt Mt udiaturb sud rmd th. Glob. # Mrt. Fairbalr male that yen" yeaui hlm Mry other nai, ,hovecefuibt that if Tou c0l! him sa rilhcM l!h ocMk» yen devu. n lé is"ma ht ho 002d carrY ythrec mcnailu Oh Houesearounn the buildings, sud, although -hi lochs as if h. could do it, bis fricude have beau teying te fâgre ont vhero he vouli got hie hold on uh ànma" aRo 3Maclen- nan, Friser, of Guy&boro',"sudbig Bob Watson wvenMae. BE Iaa big, brosi- shouldered, handeoine mam vith ourliug hiaschbeard sud> hait, botit sllhtly strcskcdvlith giay. He laafarmer nov, but vas Moseom Boyd's foreman once, aud a perfect glant vitit the axc sud ou the drive. Hae ortory ih of the wnggd, homely sort, bubt he vealtit of affetion vith whlch the Govemmeut supporters have eudoved hlm maIes hie epeiohi moit pepular. Ewound up to nlgh bysayliig that ho had beau eléoted te support the Gev- crament, and 10vwu a pretil oroec vote that ho wonld not <ive te support 10. Ottava. dtion pwfeslngfreetraie oereuMova ls idmalison Englisit rode. Thcy proveilw air iuity, by vetlng Mgal itM. 4sle reiclut4on. liai thcy votait for0 sat gentlemau's rooolut@i n itiai of poaing h, atter their oun buseombe ce vis voteti doua 10 venu hbave prevce cm friendly to their "'profei prefes. rns."' They have very 110*1. ballst feund Walson'sa d Ine ted" betoie the iefus. Tha" etiou h bben on th. onnan piper for rcks4 vot day alter dey hie cotion sud t Ir. Mullock's on oh.aime su VaeIn esedbhy. Hovever. Insu"adof ýp.arly lutheu mvmt) overnuent. TaWsay mvtheabrougit anet msJa rl motioa, -bat s oseof v»at cofide c t h. Gévemmmt. S xolag Il *0 suusply. That emaa Poting dovu n bàot ,'ff £« di he lply vaut te admit Tiala i ;wIno eh Jeit dourm " Cmiua. am lettre the Canadien industIe.m essie. gendies aMd Fairirmm cde wous rpe. r airbaura falzly enuilaed th Elu yhm ridiculeof 8wMr iehard Dortvrigb0 s&d hms a"lies i vatiui !Ictw lut eO elecl é w vsue"di rovFm tht the Oanadia price. veu oer àita thse Yankee. A eauuayof Mr. Falrbalrasopeeclah*gin u"If Imme Mud theiviole vIlmbepubli Capt. l'rimbnt Ctadelia Mr . Wà. blcÂwthnr visib t he apthis vee onimportant busiess. 0b IS mae ai eore su Interviwv vus Boss.. Bovcl, Minlseocf Milites;Bon. J. à. )ulaaet, haleterof Public Worhs, mai ]Ron. J.C MwesnSoetrc. lse Mdt prosented msny ooffnl sente bo shothOe tuiesiyfrÎ6 imediate constuctlcaet lb. pomo Y"alis i slvybridge belov Oh. étale, se te évoi a 6"evlng" btldg The Nc ahuelve argumna aivsca by Ompé. Orandeli sud lit. MoÂw. So le ea- miasme vire dm " à, -s euviii bu tte it he GandTraui mflty Oh vouk. We a get ia.s intrcdeclne th. vow4myg=mle Thelb Minlter ve .eh poiuutomia_ mioh. ilgbe CaI tcàuOnul ah imtsrvlbu ei Il Railvy Depaitmusat tIeldgi th. «"184 ahBobesgis pm t m~ u1 - - uase.PFy Os.we 4& navIg satioÎsElib uae k tt a etop of' M»setIcs î rePort, baveuw- a pem' q W b thé viol. mm tar ammmvhm à sebrigIt. sovera oter u.ewm e<  A* " laeth blit ýmiP0 threpgh the »Wr» $ Heu Mabcn "av temte PM ~Sffl !ma 9bd up0 1 MnsIf D! q*uoumye Ste atbasi Sunight 'Boop, Anbcy sui.s ia wt»e nom SWLO' es obi hi Ameulsis fermer ha b.d ne us.. (User, kst.> le a* à"sttlsitilquaaendstiho ne u 111tAmerlea lS" pelAi s màa fSr *8a lieder lise mrlugthe pust l lms me t»cCaneih fu"s. . Etbcd a£-. avi0 ta prvb at e iW&i(Hier -bhm.) emlt a niad Obcqbut fiaIt fiag m cfebhm. apet1cmaaoppo. op* ivebsms k i Mis, v oS. ài a hal et a*mel eeug Whsm Mr. KaWb baop"iche thù d onfr i ai8re bu a t wbn he (Kr. Flbelm) lbd mesvala mtiofil lea&US. Lquhtor.) Mme Mtey l uho re srdty o 1la = e of f ero m e m .oItv d l . Th eaSB r amn tats a »On tt mlb.algt befoet eld. astihoe(Ur. Platnms>e) vuryBle% air Ilcianbd ciot met silir antistaYe ider. (LaahtS ab pÀelOhmi d d a. hissai tnepeipla t mtflU trdeosati. bmuai b. laM d ut oetIs& a tbe mat amaiwlse o'qrvtiv iVAirpsa ho veau neeis.(Hesra. ast oie,. -Iili t r X*N a hbI t ualatb M VelbaM tra tàbatg lUnfer thegeai tara be bi demi tMb me. earrauai thét Wmte a Umid laqht>MiMr ogilliof Hareg.Md bi"aec a4hete aid etateti *et *a re fmet if bu liai»sd bouitt rI m "but sh «caMltf5ratAs ai e aes fumer , ebl e aif cf tii t9hma of*0risiaP jt m"é fer blatte sc6selie lamis cf Camis, Hivus ub"d l M bievete les rat~ muf *!m bd um.(~e hein.) bna le W iatlmld et itde oaball et la omma fo t a tpastoy *0b.? u e t a pourt 'nlTm eiele.s bi- et Ucucebnhimvu a f»d der Tb@ muste m et lswa. le -mmd bell piM Mdstscmm t. miminha lb. usmuanisaeaes et U. m U&ie& W515 iSbIi5/tm U dmc ba akm .muetee -. ifoLnu.-lu LM s.* susée, AMIn lOtb. ibnvtfed Mr.n. 19MiLoet ll Casaila.Pmutstiîf simàs& Ms0u-dm, ce 8»4&1, ApE U l b. I"Ba<LW.W. là. MaClas eoa hai -m hle~,cemsia. A* aMi Laml, pil peare4 aimsi s IID.T remond- xy Book et Groceries, Wiuess Llquori, etoeto Opposite'Oorner of Kent and William streetia. JOHN DO]380NO Lladuav, elb. us1892. Groceries & ]Provisions AR10 Il0 C~ M FBE3I~I~s. We habve jusi reoeivedl a ohoice stock comprng Sugars,' Spices, Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, Eto. W. keep the largest stock of Groceries in Lindsay and therefore oau satisfy your wanta t0 perfection. A l/WOBD .MOUT OUR, TEAS. Iw. tave aIwyA 1 mmd. Tem or loading aricle Bt leading prices, and w. need not say more now thas that tamiock*ii never botter asmorted than at Preomit, comprising aM our popular brands, s0 weil sud favorably knowu througbout the whole couuty ABONÂNZA IN OHINAI COOOKRY AND Thi dpuruet u rplte l ba vafied a" d tnsv asuortment of Fancy and Staplo Goode. Out FmaqChim sudGlaawrea m an sd beautiful desiguis, and at mach low puices as wor neverc 0& fEn" i n Lindsay before A. OAMPBL The-Best of Ever ything, Wonderfully Cheap. nommboe1ha1 x nevest Mylus estMMqueitiei, gete ste.honest Prime, notbing - oldotha voder"lhouse, k»a i~ ids' eander cd loy osh Prie, Dry * G"OM~ On. ouiL ai 4.. -mestIl r"' mi b.oomiagly, Ibsu ab the promeut lime. 1~sDrW Odbau*f ixe Bv Iyobmdltea. AMtrial ad grade in kmà w th favofeIkýfuoe &a bd. udosor. if pl -asto me. utdu uln es1pttrs *é oods mmai&U inthe best appro'ved -»- s tmodem umbkes. Wb Me .wwWlnM to Phu o. èons cnby the lberui oole f qoode w, offer. w h~i" ueMd a"tediqmlut.*en bidlu.gad foe tkefr itertet in regard te ds~m~1 ulêea-o" a rr anaea'rtuep>that caumot --ft Itlt u -wa tokwhere ech ~ ~~~ ~l-2~ llUa i. o wê eemaarfo 000e Bols. Bloc Auibe Babt Onowl ý8. M!tin telb.more endé iu these goods, m angoodi. aito sovest la styles, atw to invite inspeo- We fee! sme Qat the $le $l1 9 $84 Si': 8C itc m our am rb- Ye.