Il PAIIIII là t*0 mm C~ a um lbrah. me hie as m B m "h vowueàroyai *ou&""' eni l alu& ls Me trs the âeiup b. mi t 0 bt là iti 11.YOMoung pn u ha tb. Prenoh pito-lIamnte hM mma-&miracle of goainup4wi.f«* *0 bol al »twand the &lW eloth1 Eh. lazont vill neyer t"ks Ienerobut a*0 viii eone -the Orant aroduO=Of Me UW@ and bulider cf boapltelal@h. vu cou. Mkea rtinbolf Jesubut bOy $he dd ldia forth lwe hU.urnp4iot. Wb"a epowu vWgu u ~ oDémoe popleu1 Thr. te ne "ci no the Mn utcils building s boqdtu ou an invumuson Oapicd's aemoaIg&»w on hAm.n'.eu truck tbe Mm n lu bMg th girl-but bu finlbui op vltb the InPresiaê thatthu building of a boopitsl vould b. Joué t4w ting to do-for emou.- At thor lui meetingfh. suoceoded lu mu1n the girl thni tat th* action 09 thu CMIYwuva isrgoy due o bis oxUsems. lie tben callui huW attention ta the prowuctofai e hopitel md trifflng viti thué4r1, lnok ber edyloo opon the Matta i Nov, wbat vere MyfI *oaasnd dollars to him bo"ldoliaItrans coudient goulus sud niarvulouis boautyl Ibua veighins luoro against love, hu mmet ai imusff &ain. But ânon bcbu rokeouta efruu. --Ged, but thatl lega friand et hers via le just mane.-! vii have hlm Ibrevu ever the. taffrai luteth*am I Pi gir.a thaumnd dollars to b. on liaI ommllto tzal gent ber abrasi-gi. IW ynoS bdl "lThoro's vub-fool. If I1oould do oo tiing for ber ah. vould f111 ferle pages vlth protées anda tub ful oftursMotior of <lo, but 111 il ftI.» Ho openod the "or, toppei acrmu thé hall, aud sutereti Ibthe oL. Beretunui vith Mdinnie Webb. Bbc vas notquite the mamneas when vs lest onv ber. Ber equ vers rad au vitb vospigi. Bbc vas Dow truiy alunu lu thé. varhi. Fer angtiof light was on the océa, sud years lsy b.. twusn them. Piai. bai nol forg,,ttun ber, but tbcy wve rSlly seuMtd by barriusu iffcut ta pa. Ber brother, fur whom abs bad cared for me ion g, lied Wbee mbïM within the wuek. Ami Dow, the di ne" «we have a burdea to love sud lom upoul1 Il wus true liaI vo ienlnie bsd "e «»Jodupn br-nnber way hm-hc bu ldid wlth smue oroumrmtlon-be di write ber dligtful sud dlloate 11111. notas, the construction cf whloh Il wvould b. base trcamqou te roeom. And thon bov ofton and how aarnegty e would wite t. hlm, wben ail othor résuoaufellei ber, Ibat lie mugt nover orne te lb. achool, be. cause Re. mev liaI bu vould neyer gel out salve! 1 Wbon the gIrl and! the. master enterai the room Spanero tur'.od suddenly upon ber, as il tospoak to berInbisausuallybhahsbtonue& Boie mmediately droppu.! bis impatient manner, and la a volceas m mooti as thé- breathing of àa shehi-to ltseours of lie girl -bedo ber ait clown and! "rost.I The girl, with aurpriuo on her face, obuyed. Spanero twnbled a book for à moment, bltohed hi@ chair, clerci is tirait, sud un- téemi upoti a dramatio performance u in w" bavas cleIrly lnoxperlmed. "Miss Webb," ho sai, et lest, vhen bu bal plit!lllt'd bis cempalga,'il supposa I bave b'ie'i, ery crousud atm vlth you &t times. I'-Iongud painflprio-"I au uotalwayi;t4o. !bavebssnuuklndto Te., My 1P.« I "No, air; fDot aSé 1 hlub now of," sMMi li girl, wth a terrible untmuli laid ou the aItar o à female huart. Thon opunlng bu gray.blmae oyu Widor, a if noklug fers umoe. tliug good t. say, à* e uidinluhr Gacli Itouula Pa ngmmn lte~u vus-ht lu more than 1 vorn t. I ymar To Ibis ho replWci vi *MN anamipias& 4.~ tnderns. Wel, grl,Iam a butrd ma1but mre. limes 1 Ihink battu tIba I d1 . wovIbav oit«tenIught"-eètd b ie ekildaee htim-"'of liaI fout et jouro-tbe m *a Iot l turnud.t That Wva ebard oiraks.Th@ girPe cq« openad vry vids.. ele"k. 4e. e iabM obapoùllq wa t cflestbutr. 1% vu oo mai. den. Ueér lide droupui, ani thmU» *0b« teurs rused from Ibeir fonataine, undi *0 utaiesieffort to bide ber vhite nortbern feu would not supprous thectg*docf gie-lb. o bai ge .forth i Spanero turns ed othwtbewb pokcer et bua, but he did not fNe bece dmt nal. "'Child, 1am abrutal 1 amn ol %Mdi t. bemg klud. I dont kuev boy. Iangolng lu hava elen ltunch moi" That aanad tbe cbbt samut e"wari. "Dry your tsars, my ebild, anidlHot.I mie. every "a, adif 1Ishuld, usa lou versbuta giL Y«om sa Oya;W wt, a"i *16i.attuecua & euimp wu t" jou te tludhopuauay. "111%0 doral y« bav.-4 moi%, y..«s Tm vusu d, vS vais. Upsuno lftbhW Mad vulta hlkm pIvaI. tom Sedimal eu te Wjoybomg t. eumurdlnsrj esetBk meoneum euilie montierPm tk a baisov. N ah. svayfroakuou obmg M inu rber. am *0 0"* fo lob udhgq~g TisAtuebisiOb" vs u b , 4d r PU& 7W cre wu esa lf u hes éwwlaa mathfLI u Iam nu pudas à" Md. As gbkgOn klu lm Moy et appe m sablg treuils. Enry day a tianesf arn'WbtàemotiWs e id. t. bain amuin âm busmmWeIv. adra, sud retomnu. at migI vill aoft.o vrof 10o ami cousus, bul viia5 pusimussiA. Love bai mo ot M t. la plime-non a da'em Maierausaorin vu no alangu lIa scaey amy om. ise bai buown htm e esr boere venurocoginConradIffonli, tu li aider, thiner, Ém unAvahAd. TIsa the dosars mi oiesbm oga l visor *01 Omism ut g" p brasior ié,ls B1dbu pon matesMm ev w*0 meuorand uiIf ho tomr cash have lwaugbI t. hlm tbc svcot rumodyfor wvllcb.oyeanir, lveu dbave hom sicly pré - d Amila oms et t*0 us. lAmmenotus vW"a de muquthe Occamt. Relu.néFlorence 11w v werds mislSa "4* 0 * Theb i re » nlu J"asas w«417 ltbleuspntlsguloye@verbhmeinu *0 yuum liaI a#pt Thc - uebas put f orth t haves md bomeymesan inare u d. pu 1e mare ual hippy. Cannai vorks bard- er lim aver, ainAumorsquiet lhon b.has la .11bers. N e ruais our 1Um1e lumtra usie *b0., vitbUlsàvord t. i methur, gous mi t.hmlia, m W.longf 'rthat sumu Iote sWb* lab iblng you ed ackns.'& CHAPTECR XVIII 011E poople kil- cMOale e o et. - bonsméby mpplug. but tii. lu aien.!, beallby, trou- a 9 hend kloakkng lie rep&-atthle I don etfLeon spener'. office. ¶Il taperei nltlbur ai begiunlng. mer IetItle oui. Wi- ont messe or iminuendo, ilvas a egood square khock. Il bai e Mfr. Spanero nudanstood k fie vas expuollng .Iamoedlately aller lie biti ofthle brilIlmalbospîtalbi une, he imed ànote, asa roult et wbieb vu have Ibis puumuling oethle pencalu l n act Luon Spuemo bai bo omng up" bis own ailA- ty Alartt fmkg questions in varions mood un toes-to un re cbler Au or oz- prusuveuous 130 arome ielibosty, almpod lihlyl uWon the am la relleve the mev upon t*0 atUff vib oi heu ovn bis panlaloona, galois! *the trimls ut his shirt front labo agmoaful tel.!, mcelhéi bis ydiiov bord Md pausali 4Sr. Tic dflaty mmigrâce wvthlcb *0 idm vu- houas. mm*90 - most Tb@ oo*gmllllly ihvilolthe Inobe psa*0ieam lli ouAi bave éronami Im j= o a Ym Poabm&i. "I bae th*0 lmas et moolig-" suggust. adia affbhightmus, bêlas. lté@einsagar "lin, 1Isau ThUepliaPukins, Patine, Étr, 09tbcoàftm sMs.w M, batith pal- M* Of bis mOirwv recoy, but bis value, l1*. bis buodking, wvaSopr murA-l "T«m ane M. Penkua, e-M "A bacleoir, a, sbacelomi My bombâtus porlte t senoaaamms" Toorda> lic Tiger veudbave andls "rI e oya6 emte, M. Ponkhis. "Tiy iti, uje&Vi 11I ii eua aquans t. tisetto." Wi tllmthe pela ou. hm"ardhi hm It vu pasumunho.!New Tank, ami ramias folova, alos'auelm rtho uaédrmu Ev Dnaa S-Tour am Ibaud. Osar COfcUs Mfur"nomemuataIprésent capablà et 011kg jour dermnm. Tbo mas yen vau lleun ouli Amorcs, To m vin BouSan mev, vamklng ou à frlfhgcase, aàpoumo vIe viiiamaver al ju nqlrm ne lu familier %saIl prU.15OSt BuYopU Iasgusu, ami bas varboi U -essk *8 mAl n d=o il *9 peu tu im &D TarM ma rusraI l b rom.- *à@ ntte a Pmrof g» mutietloa fsi wI u mthlm41e 1ev]FTarI bMuon , 0à- tmtusi.Tho.vmut ma mumcfmdum tw tmig o lIms a lib $-OMM@, OittiS lO vwk vhs A, i tocéletia, vi lad«u s= sYe l= e avas'. »selceis aml lidJon U11 beu m egi la b clàmillo "'Séo,ao, a ju Auoicmadi&"I i tru Nu voav M & neWl e b "Bu PMtmluliivclwuIia'mleldoblé.hW viaih M r o.!." OY.a lis v d btm "téa "MIln is boItr t. ulou PnoIo. fo1 mach ben remce." "-rmtee, I vil h. onli e reani Mr. "Xev," rosnai *0 pmlai, li t bMM au. "As toie gelun~ ve gonnel, 1I ocUi mot be of munIe.," sali Pomai. Il .âlps a U" 1e cmpremai. "Km ~b"'- ~,"rejeoia *0a Tiges, a mcv liIe ssadi g lu viklés about lbis oe" of etcourses n-ot-ie e tflevw-çufcr.roftmine, hhrougb k.e muohlnallou, veuli put a ameR tarbus Ato, thebande orcm eeWho aMiWe*&" 'In thsa shnI, M. Spenura-comejeu )uov a ae l morviMco people ar te olau et plain lail." 6Di yen ~vmr us Leuer VAIkima, Es. Pemlual" quenle.! tb.e rdtisIus sdsaMg ove 0quetiou vhiel va stul beobaaare- ]y outUinu. for reply. "Nlo, sir, novu." "Bis lus a "tly fe fra lawyer-by the vay, do yen tiAta ju osa bell a bartMe ariminal by looknlnthe *0 fs" "I1 bave liought m, If 1 ou pge M ejil a aMI, trong lok." Tic Spanlaud diual ozucély 1.t bis eje fall, but hbu et sI the0doiveaiclous.!the draft. "I1 wini," b. sai on retmnlug froua the stove, "that yen vouAi lok Wilkinsatralgbl in tic oye and write jour convictions. Of cm oure I at n'oa tblet yeasbaii sol ou thuma. A mu an ta avysaffordtot. erm a fortune on uluple conviction&." "INctunlus bols a bure.! bubalir-ltIsl out of rny Iue" uggustesl Porkis quJolly. "lCorlainly, sud I voli not bavu yeu wa poue for s maoment liaI my observation vms a hut, or uven asuaggestion." Whou Tbeopbflurn Perina peaua!out le vas t ualehse.! vilhi@isprincipal. Whou Thuophilus Perkins bad clos.! lhe dean Er. Loon Bpaur vas une ploasi vIl "If Spebus voeagentleuuan I voulibiMn blm to nick hebie iFlece. The iqt wvubrasi enough--e 11111. tobroui.» AM inusl>, Ilt qulre»a elargfo frtune te bribe Provldeaci" VIaI a bl«eci lg Ai liaI Provimao osnualb. tuareVa.!lu aivauml - W EL TEVE WTHWIN Slummum lime laeous agaia, and! lb. bot sum a i lppusrnug ta *0tes4wtwaof!tlis city. As lie prince cf day mos bis reung plae a cool brosse coas An trou *0 sua- aM meuaniaenjoy t vile tIli home,ater h iofltie dey lsa venaMi forgotten. muid the. birouge a mmlnetior vaj, e pruusming every nstiouallty, iai. sund et&- li ev dimoovur our frluud, Rubenb Piule, for bai il net beomo necesrary for hlm fa bave Ivo naines, aud! iii b. ual maidoly ilmoomtliaI Bubunl mej bave boum eet lie aId famihj nanof et vl b.ho uv T=ue las <rosIchsugslu bie apposa... Ho la e an i saboy--nom svamsy ololb.!v l ba ani uyss. An aivatar- eus hirsute appeniage la edcrnlug bis uppon lip, and the ohar,,pale fae sud comMuaIt eyes are evldeunces of a developlmg manIo.. fie vas well set upan bis limbe, adi nov le 1e boy te use tlies. vas ne "lms.ta" uexpreeson ta is bodaimnndih. follov bis noum me oloSlj AI lb. Om m ', vile E Nis. vouh doubtlhus bave telke.! vii hlm #â au eide mater, pumiapa aie@veuinet bave tiui h t.ocoautober bmovfthber quit@ an buely, and A ifse shouli, *0 yeumg mm veli bave mamtoumiup t. 1berIllif miy, talon ber an, am i o.hWer tah" du bnsue lai jusl baughl a bandran d MS> ton k. velu Jamanmahirougi moi" Ueivn l ÉIing b Wis vdmo *0 sinu-us. - cl le i t. 4. w Ê siwvem IlI iM hoal t lfer yen, HlR" "Temlu ~bp uvgOs aM Md*s 1leaobmoa yie mw fu m irme,s ë ma o Poc Stgrl,"Uli malmt ieIl as "fuinvr' t. toit 111.Butl mewva.hep- pion. Mls iiebomv t ah. avul-lut ebs Mli mow la*0 ve w*te .b. loved. à"i bhavelie girl, e dan.!isi "I 1.11e ye, -Wlmls.1Ibeilov jeu-' sudIfî1caoU imater or yen wbat you ii for me, 14 teS, auidbgi. Su aeuveimonw o bôv, oermgol Mi Ibroail. l a v,Zubam.lsnne et evunbed <èls.w àBas tb. tel-lae varmli vomI.! lbveeti-I hustorj b~ls tIeu verds. lM» bd addreusoihersiftol pi. mad fier-aMmi*ve a.!obejuci the imalmmos "Habenl," é*0 fli et Wlu»"Tou An very pod-bul I dor ual 1mev f I b. nlgi-i 1 qmpu eigt But y'u are very k.! t. m" "Am 1, Vinulol Thm itAI s bucunse ju are vemy goai t. me." "Bul Hubert, tink once,-! amn but a poor, seibbGoelic gArLAni IbAul eof yen.-yen vioa aratri eot l». iahI!TijlmXwre yau vasal" "Nul WianMl, do you liAuk t*0 vorl 1 tan going lt. o, al bale evay 0seet a <alni as jeu miel Tial et aIl jeu bave done for mut ThAul of Helen!1 Are weuso vomi, aleeri" "I"dono me,' a. aidfly. "Illia lis vomI.! pebape." "lWelI, latle doesr, tour net. lMm.big venid viiinet gesboveau me and mny 11011e peInte. WheI geobe a cierk on a mUnai saar>yen viii b. on.ecdt *0bug kov uma thebCity.- Tien a iaine sbot athwwtbar face, mnd *0e1<11 e«tmniui out on the meoetlite msay a mils ta show vio" bappinous vl t. Ani sa their vccing praspe is, it Canai Naticoul.!have t"aien e lmI. sans aIt tiI, urlnel But lien WAnnuiuWebb vas nt- RElu iAmonti Upc. *0 ossa lis> male.! blir ifférent basqusNetsl onNU.! brl* iir slips t. ponste 0bomalsdak-cy" i vdov, vIe wua munonIuiaeles v " iiilier lod- anr1"ha Piaule, wvb. lilk uls h. -thebevu n m p mas iuvsns i.raud bi.!.. b> lhe vaum w vhlé lais pglortoumly oaS-. Ail " s alnsai>dt pW met c ce t. a miis ht ?@le mou ie va>'houe; balut M tu àqumriuqf 0ctyvlsr. lis lyl.liw mtomesm buodluvhm a e agon toué pa. hies dolir ea mm m rm revunl&e. sturmeuiquicl, and lier.,Jul m tbongb le beia buain.bldy fteo trest Md a slouPs for nil vot, vas« b of the veuIS-ftab, sae vas ashon- auoim buidmebutlàk.@yu spmled i*iia Plante w u onluilumi t. fa. u Min- mi igwItPIN Mds, m mi 9I.dia otrécé OMtmg àtiu t"Boy, f 1I id mot ~ iaIt de bisai eta w. vau uyour viao, I voum My lIaI yo M reatai nowisl As.myou ahmaletuMr "Tr-es. -o113 Mdmi et lmal ia y" l vSi be ame. lus ufrel.!et vIel "4Wehl, vRE, by yuml> be, *.p lut I il m tials .ou-2olllg t. y.." e e uiidreauy, as tiemgi t vurf avery peck duel t. bimmi ad le viebW let t ver. e t "N4oý RunS, jus lwmm astbl ifyuhssev 1ev ps gPt 00I. laIs 113 and'scu" "o mev Igmoamous.r " bc# 1.*0 vor moaut of liscmua 1,46 ai b» mo I-I bavehourd. et15mw "Wbo au >001" ioamdoi théboy, mi- aimb#, twwmgwSpaa*0 atrmgomun Md lbee >alse.! tnbisa aawor. ~reihB*0 OU ma, atten a leq i~ *~~* Ies blet Who 1 un mt~hoqm. .11bare m b- i tmo oweipby1 you I ove, utt 4*1VI* -~I1 "f1 -a,' a -'. , fu obpui Xian" bo6l -..- to io AM w 1 cbvor w uasa e oe W, ho'aIl f btba orus" u1dora. oMdr dy "Ne dklab Pt Ol vsr It. But wehre ail hua- U7 md banala rhind to fel ou1. "kamsWe i Ue," an.! b.. bMa bud vernIdeva lt. lis depti etoC. of hie lie*0id -ma ater sPoculla 1g I evm% a sl inluhe bsse" But hmtess untolwhioi I just bak.ed. Tou cm b* " lIbot.potoes Md 1ton him t.ton. il sud glve yen sIa oe's v orth i ai ub fer yS M aliiu urs. A".!I viMt e p ë "Oh, bleu Y994 Miai0&r.MAY t 0 gei mgis guerul y=".» Am.!off the yaug cm ns.. "N3ov vs'mubot elmup," mi Btb, se h - o.. «L"The coh pewlor liug bas ne rma smdvein uts yuar1q.And! lie hm ame I deeVul aup Spebara ouli0.1y gAve me m b imscuion the ralie. " Andi îoingay, lb. ciimui: "If ho mase .dai the racket viii b. e .!. But mcllurMSI1fy the lbAg anyvay. I buove IM pstAIt up for myssif mai kop fly os IL." lieo eo coompllsbod 11111e beggar ii *@ thlug au. probably did net- get on t. StMus.!encft thejoke for mana .wekL. Cmaling qulotly out Ato tiec fspeeaI the neurof t* restaurant, Stab drev from bis pool. a a p"zlnMd an.!the0mai et ofth darknous eomopllabsdàafuelntormesuring wbli co ul.! net bave boeniions by lhs rai.. et uurvoylng. AIt h. clous of Isa ork b. ooul.!d.tetoau inch just bow fer .il wus tram thecoellar valU to the vault waiLl At 12 o'clock tlie Ughta vers ont aItihe rastauradthdeb.canili t in the privato roomi At 1 o'clock Speters sud Stub passe. througi lie rsturant sas beore, roppei lbrougb lie trap, UtI thair dark lanternaan. alertai for the reue ni o e scoller. Sudienly tlpeters gave a short, sharp yoll, as af pain; and at aImait Preciffely the sain Instant Stab shautei, sud bogan 10 heup up sud dov sas if a logion ofetlte dovils were gnawiag at bis legs. Thon b. fiercely bruèd a aswarm of unies. demons trom bim shouldera ud ciot.iing. Tbey evoe snlppoi aI hJà face bere heo ouli strike Ibom Col 6«Seters," crie.! Stub. Iî"C fight or diel' '*My Ood, ye.," b. answered, breatialoely, svlttly running bis banda over bis body mnd! méid, ani jumping Up and dova. Tie rats vore et liem 1 Prom lii. darknos swarinei an ermy ber- ribla lu île numbers, ts cruel teeti, ils agile motioms To attempt ta figbt lieu meaat an usrly sxbausumtls-o gAve np meant a horrible duaà, and! every lime tbeir coli fast or poisonous fangs reaceistheb. fouia shap brS s uboraiAuthe mini of the Ont tablud tie froply. To hock- a doms. trou bhm body memtaI a or moresprmng frein nowhoeeblte ts110r placs. 1'iolr laterna. voetf 1111e une. Otul drew a wrsach tram bis bell ami dosmt savage b1ows-of mwouniing bin- mu1t, biscatUle eusstanding him lu geai aIMdai Auhe gicoin. ormunaey hho a.! teks.bsetraph1 some-.thane btoS, and be w vauder hl ui ule cu. But for ail liaI *b nai vasufreeuing iAutais velas vili lie awtui tact starlug bAmin A tac àw liaI buIsa molasl t fmch uxoulion wveu amnish hm! Blt ow muai varse it vas for Spuhr.! Tio bung ry vermin gatberei aroudni usinY y greuter numbS a, an. overy moment ho yellud vAlu pain wni igbt easmre frosi ell strack bel aMd fary tlebis fi Ho irsv a long kballe ttheu*m Bul auii they Sza-crvding apo'jn hlm, runine up his lugs, ou bie arme, Lis clotlss. As b. lune.! ovur t. scrie theinf ram the calves et bis legs, oliors vouAi lunp char coves' bis bady I Tbq oeveumappe.! at tih ai liaI etruck thon' an.! ohuag tethe*0 fugues 111 s&Wu witi lie olier ban.!.But wby sley A lbom"cd took lhe dead vermm's place 1 It wax a desporale, a terrible battis. At à"1 Spsters gave au uneomcinus oey for bell>. it 'vas aSoebd ii hdespair. "-MT Goc. Stul. . t e but aimomnt more 1" "2,n~ uc;,purdur," suai$tub, * "n wita y.. ,tue Loy--"i.!up yoar huart ? The gmat cli gladiator, bisaiug fum àeay p: "Ind u& Upour-Mng tfram hil, 'mn?' Sautai I-eU - me.' hr ----"gB-B- ~ N. A. £, N.D., Ifl~~~.&uuWu. N. T. Su hIIdren, -One. cMO-PUiao, EfblStosel IXrleeKaiots 4k. WATCU4MAKERSe ENORAVERS». W. MvU i!rMi.. o oustusi a t .M w e o.a tly rsplenlshing our stock In&U ite d.. ps,.utsmdths viiM v id F à"se«ne ud in 0 dltstetpatteras *Bd styles, Iure sai udy. vil b.surpdeautoelidho, uhoaplyvo e Olm iyou ont. Looklng vüiii uer ne oblgation te puechoos. Look aud w.lcomo. Our stock coulasofe WATOHI8, OLOOKS. JICWZLBY, YANCY GOODS. TOY8. SPUO TAMILS "e .AUl kMde ofWatchs loecke sud J.v.iry Clusnd, Rep.iRud epoiisbed, Gided, ut.. Our esputatisa sei W"athmker s la vil kaown, sud vo refui von tb sI ont outofeté. Piîaslou s e sousistent vith gd verkmaimahip and sccordina btwce k doue. You euabe toi.! th. oout vhs eu thejob Wii.. ou moud auythlmg ini aur lime, try us yen e»aot do butter. HUGHÂN & C0O Ifezt de'or to the Onterto Bang., FARMERS, ATTENTION, RevunUm&t sau ul b.Aa et Vicorina Rusi fêt thé. KÂ8EY sand HÂRRIS ComMuieg, I saspt.uu te topW lsFamm bwUIth e bout Faim IMPlemeutS St M Mi a3sd Tenus whieb Vaut be Beaten A tu» steakOfiBOP*@a elvays ouba"d.IvilMidm kuuPon hand'Organs, Sevtr ngMachines, Wauhing liublus, etc. IlancBo effucte.! in the bout Eoglish companies. 1 am siso aiezt farhe l@bof ouaimen.t@ sud huatouu, both marbls sud granitu. oel miau -me beforu purehmia« lssvhuru. JOS. V. STIPLES, Victoria Itoad. Vietasie Ruas, Nov. 4t1, 1891. -7 24 Rylày 's >'V Hardware, 22 Rent Street, Nails, Paper, Paint, Olis, Glass, Putty, ]Locks, Hinges, and Garden Tools of ail kinds. One door Est of Benson House. Seed s* - -Seeds Good, Genuine, Beliable Seeds of every description. AT HJGINBOTIIAM'S. DRUO STOREB Lin"ay. ÂApril 20,1892. THE MANUFAGTURBERS' LI FE &ACCIDENT I19SURANCIE COMPÂNIES. Combinod ÂtoizdCapital sud 6" oo .... . ......... 08,00O J. W. WÂLLÂO Eit Agent, Lindsay. Ve . m OJEJnmo Bkh mmt rlonus mNITURK EZû' A IONNGENTLCo# %SUT T.LINDSAYO i~3biet mak8re tfflbe tùalhow IL ~%~ÇN a Mi j t,,. ~ .1 i I th te soi s et li bof, an, bru ,nul pal la sen to i dro, in 1 hli ay th.e for1 Mrau anad and IL IL th tr that b t