a, 1* %u ~ij dbmpitmm ts 4~ si* ictaiix vagin IRIDAY, MAY ,18M2. r Miss <jiove and HBeWork. lyvangltuêGrove Stood at the iloTe pornghor Dtsmond Dyma; >emother looked on, ae. Wbils fat brother John Etod gaztng wtth vondaitng q@& 4& Nov 11111e ILIta.Grove Sh@ dealy di lave A dets oracostume ca y- And mothor, ah. amue Whenovei the chld Ber kili ta ths vork tid apply. Rte Ths flueaitflrnoon, Wth stick aud vtth %mau Tie dyo ahe wva loley tendtmgl; 'Twue Fut Nayy Blue, p. Se rtch and so true, Ver whioh abs wu. ogerilyb.mdtug Neoto bthe pot Sbégenly iddrop À Ada i bu rench vool aMgedru; 'Twaa boid tu die, Rins. snd thon put Up to dr~y, And retorsi quise t. uuflaou, The uelghboru around Have &Il qulckly tounA à-IrWhat gonde w ith dy« saaieb.dom*; And now thy &Il oun, And nover refuie- Thone dye that stand *" aansd am 'e!? The moral tanght hom Should &il vomen chutr, It refte o o0Dy rare; The agents are miai, sa îl Butnusefal te &Il Are the Diamoud Dyu fadaises amdtaob. - Foreign .News Items, U-8. Munster Porter hba beau notifiai te rétur a bItilly. The ntt.d Slatos vhlakoy truastunoi liai lut yar $4, 728827. Forest irree a atng au Immniioaoutc ofdatuago La Pinit. Germany vilii luttatei. u»mtt" O UMola to supvlea. Anarcbiam. liréeucae@ of mmalpox voe ropore& ta IÇ«w York Cty on Saturday. I1l~~ Tii.gret miner' trtke ta Duhbs, lu. urated on March 12, ooninuu. À disaitrona cyclone vitted irgtnla Fr1. 0,0* dy ight. Several luevéersaut. Ioiu Rer. H. Allen, for 22 Yeu§m aitIc of tb. Brtish Quarterly Revtev, fumai. George Wilke, knovu mi tbé king eofIbm forgera, le dead in Now Yok tho a frsturo At i...t 40 mon have beamkflola the conflicts beiveen Wyoming oattiomoh aud cattle thioves. The State cf Mattoo Grosse, Brail, bu p:rclimed ttesit a ropubliloundai ltheamiof Thé maaing of Ruamian treope onu th German frontier caua comuldarabie ia»a §iton inEurope. À de&Datoh frein Bira Leone, mye I Britisah have capturda ud detroyMiTouXe lu thé intorior. Policeman Thomas lavania wvuaattueko by à madman in Nov York on Thuraday and .eriouly Injuri. The diffclty regardtmg Ameriloonmia alonarlea lu th. Carolne I"dan bu hiena mtalslooriy arrangad. Yire aI Notova, lapas, on Xaruk .22 dutroyed tb. temple sud lover sud 1,800 louga.La., P0,000. The nouai Eut«er neuvres thélbrilfi Vluteera voe. toppe in o onuoquamo0e coniued rnoatorm. &toral mon vore kiled b7 the. aploofonoo thé Mooalc povdor miii ni aai ruo ,Pi.j en Wedoeday morninig. Minneapolis te exctai oyer lb. imoova! 't of a1041.ooiety of Aumobtata bomsparena organization la lun<Chiago. IgIt là stimasi thât 258 lil. a u*1lutbV the Misissippi bcd.. vhtle 8,000 Jammla uM bomeleai andinlu ndaiet food. TIAaft b a -bev 1o.Buk-a1-op. lino e héef l ri rsine umuI of lb. remi»"suth.eabmah- Ibrete et à aMi. a Bobum8ev m ailla. bave vsltedmamsiB Eoorebmdbm tbsy151$ taowy imomm bayi eta ï iCuàemà7 Mr. Blowsbu ie a e uilent fi toumably l éE, b mt!!!![oe, Md vu an tain -iieapm-adusu. ompeuy Maibal th.« poilisofettrust ta be mers.. U. e.,.a vfs 1mw Mai thmu IsOgIlara11ê, meurs, hicslm.u@""eeae vutrin0.as a et ý h u nl@ uo f b* isatI eWj.u 1 & asfmerai ~ hae Sais ateross ai v ivs &hbou ire,M069AtIy e luamount. Vis tora cmtr MdWLIO hoeshéout ta *0s Couaîy 020 u omsous Musna rus,.ofoomarvM@ltovnsblp. B ovaei a grsm a MWMav le lMount, aMi vas pulmmu d mijuis. softhlb peo hèes, for U Tus lobésr. lu eevhle Uesbis Dame. vu amiliela' uBobeay. gPma sd lb. tousubipi a"uoflh.thst pis"e.ne loft Canada tor Calforiela vltb bis taMl U 171, lhlmktng Ibat a mlii., 1iméte vu lu prove hie healtI As bse ufserod trou s deumi-Bmvrl Examiner April 286b. Neow(ondlm&ud's Ulky Behavlor. .Tborn vus a slShél InmouratheaI ilqm sontllut vsek About thé, retumal et Nevtoumihaaltea osp> the oset Oms- ia te, a rêut er othe status que bstoie tb. lt. dlgareuento Inasmuob as lb. ieum emel te luply IbsI a oeuf ereme âba capgs.bei bjCanaisam suth relava te b.atu que offéesea a0so lIMion penuw éuiqraulIt fbthéconter- eauë. This i. not qui.@oireoL , The auee oa r omisee s ame trou léb. Imponlm Goveimnet ami vas promplhy moisi auby the Cnadien Gov. erupeu aplmtag itChaise Toupim As Camia reprosentatvs, las eing uadietool Ibatlion. MKr. Ravel, vbo vwu fa Loulou as It.elime, vouhi uspie. unul Netouudll an d Ibaît tb.Imper. tl Govevumeul ooli appoint a » se mtaive. Uniorluamlsly on. Z Hmrysy hloft London before the seutersase vwu lheily airmugmi, mad ne fovîher aedeu vas tabon u u IaIdirsstlou. The offer made by Canada reoeasly for a re- luva te the statua queovasvhell'y unen- itienal andi ontéicsd no proviso vIal- over for a eoufsreuoe, eltbougb it vas, me doubt, bopol hstif t 1115Prennt un- fuleaily atitude et the coloalu ltowavi. @Ach eller ooli h. aspunisifor 1h18 ys@or and te lboreisufci hinga restoea morm »tlomaent fhe ozlaline dlffioultlsa mal be reétbol. Nevtoudilaui, boy- ever, toseadelerulnsd te mals leaidue rn mon lIai Canada@ ohjeeti o lb.th tbeL oie mi egoiaet amyf ulhini vIet- sver le salerai lote, ani, therefoSte pusnt oulool for a»Y Immeoilts aur- SThinga for Lettei-WiiterB 1 Remember. No geutleman or lady @ver mités anm suenymeai latter. D Dont *11 Tour lellers vllh apologies i a meus repetitlone. Avvoil rtlug vlth a peaui, or wtth b olher thb îss or bluo.blaob luI. 1 la mkovlodfng lb. eiept et s busi- aon latter give lb. date of l. In busInoesorrespodnu Il lu bottei net to villa ou bell elle. et lbe page. The ohief requlis etofa bhu eta letter tie loausuex plWtneo and i sea- nom Eo.pl tu vritfag datessami mus of moayld onuaguras in thé body of a latter. Egven bunia« mm shoul heop an ezase opj of .* Ualusmeletteis vIieh hoI deuptoh.. in opeacle sOer.sontalnug moneys th1e latter ubonhi bu fuueiataly souate 1 ani tbe arme ML. Xetlevm about onsa ovu affoila, requir. lng an amuer, uboui lv las 030Melna imi lauPal0 roea npestmge. Shot souismo.m mie selr tae vile bm long otsi, bousemmreuiitibis froorve. Ail lelterataIAret te b mvered é bouli b. amersi promptly. Buaon t ilaera te day tbe arérsivel. Nover wvillea letter vhsu yen are 1mb- t ornug uaieu goât ezOllmeul; or 702 le il Imoet eu rlelyvîte l FO pU vUI irepuent fnéztday. se# sal alarohl linuths lslmIejm 2Og m mé ae ée *la*a ob mi.y u la à whiItwomvu à groleimberet I g p oplew 017,0 tmme s oi g Ta ub 5 ouspoleObv§m uloub iy 5 ,o. çw lb et Ibui uumb"s mv l. In y« dt" upsu- 'le. T s" v0,ed b.1 ol mmcl motnly seui ote usuel promius Svif 0f u mai i quse osselb - PO"@ touChrst Tgje h latout, Il ha mai t t hi roomise - Iybéta bso voa Ibsy bemu la psy .s tr stlbu sdlvsMoro ew umIgb. brav Dtia g f o me Chrud i lu ls"u bedsoue p ~Ou fla Chrst. h Lsti l Tamil succhal u.Ighborh oot bâro »eM& eb deep me y isr elis atby ouli miwtoi uu&W ovu n Ohialte n n vevt mue, sud ley appofnlabli IraI i the oomliteee$bat vsr.sPsulaly 1neel fui unlil Ieir »so, emembèe chaoul inu eass. The Piaymimellugomulttse dil.a voil faf thLully. Tbé mottongsvoe opousi ani elosel anthe0 appolutbel lime, brichâ hymne verso hossa, ami lb. bible readlng (ralh h». a a smmc) vus à fauilli11eierW Mowbilsthée Lookeut om-ttee vuas aI ork. Kzadly Invita- tiounas fe i vsute iauthé ousq people Ami thos. Invitation§ vers gisu lu jual s harty a maumer as thougb thsy vs. levitmg those jyumg peopis le apend an oveulug Mtoiefovu bcu& Andi&ailéeb wvbt yb.j e teftlu Qd for thé power of Me. %:: t le"ut*Pma thea, aMi throuh bsuupu thefi eoupaaons. Thé Sociai oommltse-Bmolalsoin- ultîse I1 1hbâtir eeue &&y, Prayer meeting, Lookeut, aselci sommillbes, asllv solite ve usubers! Ah 1 mi Irisai, jeu forget porbaps thet tbsis la ao rmLrustgAI uuv o . oîl Ibat mai bc doue for Qed by tvo paronme ho put themasivestu God'a bande tâtho mer do hie vorit thrcugh Ibsu. Tho Boitai somâtee iils Iw ork fmht0y.N slrauger vas ahlowsi tls"ve u etthe 1aervloes vilhoul aà honnbi m.nhaks sud 1an invitationu l velurn. Quit. a number 1of msaeoiase mmbera meu. fte their .moely. Those vho baià a lent te, aina. tm vn ers plaod ou a muais sommllles, vhils olheia vho oould ebteu floe ea v oe glyos lob.ut of.1dsooiaduhoglb .Ohurvehaivtlthe do. it rooma fa the b tsfnîlj. Thei putois beutau vvy : ooc gilsel n Y the beauty &bi lb. alen-- Imm toe 0 es y.unpeople bo bai busgo îbong f thlm Who boa ions oompuratlvely nseUtIlle hs blp tbsu, ou. sud somamrée theinsive.te 9 he demi Baviour, vbo b.d given evon Ris Ideso to s. Ye durv aill b. grsmt objeot 1 ftbh1 aoloy vus mot belug aooopltahd, for their molive momeubibproli l Ii ou- t taed ocly tvotlhe«. They nov bogma te enquire lIe I be vcklug oet1he Frayer. -1meeting, Lookent a S oial sommlttese i (wbloh verseatilI sompoasi et oniy oui rv. frMonde) to me vbsre thé. tiuuble lay. Their fint imovsy wu It l.th Lookout Ir ommitse lad tovgotten le me thel Ihero wone ne bomontesatau Ibeir imemlim voeu, but ébat ail ibould bo pisai as nemi te ftlIsador as pomeible. Quito ofîsu Ivo or lf hrsobad dopped fa ouI cf more suriouity sud oSeupled thoso asla, aui thefiil àet Inlereal, a i hetaut Ihat ne visible , ipression bei boom.mais upea lb.., meemmd partly te explela vby il v ata lb.th leader elton vent homneamami»dwearj Agaln, monu alter tlb. soey bai be '- fomécsd, ioial.soumittlied a deolisi à batinuordor te gel the youms: People lu. Mmo baWlb met méj. of Minlg Is Mo emiobte membei0»asby eu», beouNi *eu mouu sbom Nov omutmm vrmo. formel, Md s es vas t bt eam uve meulai *moa 1»b.on smm soIliUê Mdeon Iiosl *&p&Tbs e bm 4p le.iiif lbe lght b. taupin » . - -Ib tb1.1kmml su.a 1Êwsieotor of Persons. IMIëI e %*'OUI 'Pls,- leuhWI Ii v=.13v . =2 a lgbtbuer pmplW "hoar-IlaIrfailll- m et ua em iM l e u hIihIkami lbow w. Sameis bat:: ObrUê adsvl "a Pe*o~o vIt as. "teduc mmd aany vmshr:lb~e boo»lflout Meu& a vb. b.dwa = boma ta »n"l.4i '_$ 1 -,, ., otbeemaing uilw*ilb Goi'a voalmil Ma e arad I au4 "Nw cd M1 i gody. mach iosat l mme bemne apM dvviMP C the fadividuai usubene 51i Aumi Illa by tibtais sflvualsi erio Mmm OeeU anUwio ethel Il vil bu toit b? othars, bat te.lmy la lWB"ng le people bave suesi Ou onmmre of kh- lns Isit vilS bm -for Mr vect tu the chorarin etlaeb.verhithetthlb. MamIs uay sali upen them ta paro v. Tb.y are mua.lnte iýdoiesome by ons& Thsy some te uany bard placsses vh lhsp se19d mot ecsslua115frou* su0 1tb but the, iàIl QOrnai» 1-UAN. Md EAvWumL te. ku.v hal*vu Jouas, le their bile miba ls eWsuls.gau &bout Ibsu, belptng Ibsulu in Ibair dlifkates, toi, "H. vu leumptlifaail poit elase an r." They May nover reseh the hfflgt bur that il la the. privilogeoL01 ons *Md iawgbters et àsRing t s"îli; bul Mr, Meu I au sure.*Ibouen lb. spet' lanb thealere mersees, outil %bey sban vrnisse the tulfilhust of lb. prou"ue "4Wbcmeosvi@hall sente. us befère umm, hlm shall the Bon oetMmNanefosa boe ths Angola et Gel."1 s'il kuovItsév"Y vus iisry WhounJas uses. BellI knov Ib fees grsv vearj Whou linJeause.O 13*1I1mev vwal grilet. oppreosi8us Oh 1 bey Hta arma vill ntlans Whou jew onasmes Gmm.nx,-I hav e usa agsd'a Yellov (>11 for my ebiblatu a uni l cuai tbsm. 1 bave nover been botbsred vitS lbom dme RMa Klevi, TVietoule, D.C-4 . BSoeaTuOaM fMIg GnsTmm.i-1 bd ag uerimavery mueh tram tontomtory rhauslame hlel Ibrougbk vrong trostment tBOIT ulvruaaie sciai1ou my band ad iest.Wtb tbsm1 fellredor ssvenyesmdaring vhlcb aise 1 bai mithor shoo mci setkng os. I comuaoi"l B.B.P. exlaraaily andiIntwsays sois« th* pills îlao, end 1am may me Ibt he scias aru eutiieowe curilha"mibeau fer sous time. 1 bellove lhe bitters.srsvais msaet mvhuggl* i rm . Amu aBAu, rvom'a crnuaAcîcu P.O., 02t-8 iUibur'. Cod Liver Oit Imisa I Wild Cherry md Bypoi>bosphlis hthe ania sud bout oicuro@isi uh. oel.. bomneuma bronebilla suâd @alme. Prme M&. Md 81.00 pir btti.-82. ilbaru'm A"outloQuinine Wlns faill the q8tom &*W o f Iebiles bilionsf~,'. bune andM blVO - Worm.ns ma i acmose'ncng cma dram. lrsomesé aWorm POvdets Preott Ib »md ma. the chil itgbt aid bWatbY--t-& by_! amHg..hat Jobum'W g dom la moi. aphlaKmit t U usIS..9 u8 coixEGIA AIDLUAL O!1 SiE MM M aamtpuyFm...*.... ..* oz0 mm mih mdai, &à tmU ......- hvS ém mISe!Uei'S 'ls...... ... hé rhi~~lebk........... Hu uarcf toe *03 i 590migaasei Om M s h 0 a " W » ré tQrod.u.Ini ; bvaeàvry foâ range c *6uesleamima. = a 1 - I %igow mi beietk lbmers a metelama drem W., Spma . u uuemaaNa.Wmwu.Po Ii =u18te muIiugdoue vhether goodu 1,~ ~ ~~~~~o â, , ~ U aeas eso 0 âtdimllalmsu guemteei.Yeuagmonsoae oui this mi10oe eiaamsaihl&.Oessokfi l. ê icita Mjout enugh te kecp echêrtif Md ~ssiialovbod@Îm Obte b d.. vthet li.Crolmo. tWlion baud, Que toi aIau haass ?aap usL. 6001)6j"alORE1 avhs, u ot l hmand miboîter pilo Im %mm mo .Wè u ral4t m- e k tufom MR »â uwI My e"sn yle", e, lU116 no. 29m mob oàbuntll4mas. saI ICity Harness Shop, Lindsay. JAMES LITTLE, m PBROPRBTOB t ~~mwgasmiriwai~ Hsvk~ e leutiitbai. 1 rovoblgl arhela U aâbu W d M94uuiyc aéuaIl mas i"don.. -mou >.imloh% osé om ue. voodvbie &àaomNo~é. snob * md. !.E.A. Uea7s udv -U PMa » tut ro.uopasdlly am to 10 p.».. Youg v m. CL mi. Un Nm --.. &WNmié es e MD ««Y liceadin. flrmM . ai là 'Uaocemmr d Kial sd Gmr~ ebask,,efltflwmoiuiaou- 84g 8 = A. mi«., 01. Eglin Je wn Fqg, i"Ut moir. raElM»c&184 eem ;L.d vnlm m ti, s e aiosmi Sd omr*S Sniayetai wewl vit m. oJe. z NireW. Lu., Iais For amI Zra =uaiaIW PIOPBUem o l" miao umarteisi.0. IL NOPKIN, WILLIAM HoKUcE, WOOVILLE.OT. »ZBO1L Breeder of purebred Berkabires of the. fineutrmms. Tow Plgu alway. tu, wPertlh podigro..ha For MARRIED LADIES OnIy. IILUYSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. nbe Paulan Naihal Appliace Co. 15 Qo enSt. HU W nurnmenA COMPLETE NOVELs Thoe P..ala orf Maor Klgore, Bry oung & AM= .a.cu The 1.bruvy(lUS!)number vlcoutat a" meh.Royaflat, By Wiiam WaiL The Naroh<2809 nub, vil otaiua A S@tdier' Secret, le ay a Eeb Ktag. Pu $àbbiami Nsvos«lu mim» ee im s eus, $&«p Tsar. @ubsoeuiidl rooitvsdab hS0m Oo f i"spa"«. in thanking our numerous custo- mers for their very liberal patron- age ince coming te Lindsay, we wouid remind them that we are botter than ever prepared to supply Builders and Farmers with al kindm of - Hardware, Paints, Ofis, Varnish Glass, plain and stained. 5atgwood4 Caihouhi 2513M 112 RI MIneLna ~ .owlson Bros.' Real Estat, Inaurance and Financial Agon. $5750 vi o w soe oi $400m ii ofseoi olm&i~ $100 stu.l orey brick pu 0 ~$Iwo0 Vinibuy éeisr cftwo brick tain *àmta laon r.8 "9 O aSouth WW&d I80yl b9y brick Cottage i f .lv esomi a ll bA rk, Mon shaer. ime Ouir ie MURA Eu11h 'vus zmiE - -AD~ MXyStock of Hameau, GoilR&, Whips, Trunks and Veàiis bu laro, vaRslosnu tu.aiobse ba plaeta toua. Hima . eils,, aapcal huase atan lm& obU10b by »ues OdDSUbMe OOh i mplGom. Tb»15 là v hkweisi. An 1I a* b Iu lcaaim e=jo miy. viiomwW $ i *t tbe imig$M o acc/C bua berlkamhp u5mduad"oSmd mm my. pin tohi L u. y xpenmabeing -louai Iepeflmll. EdrMgpe =ml. u»150plaus. Sr eh* o IL 12M UMiu&jAgES LITTLL1 NEW ýS. je PBTY m GrOODS!el .- The Jeweler Ia howing New Goode in Weddi Bing.. 18 k, faily guarantA.ed w-ith oui owu stamp. Gold Keepers. Lm ad Dihmond Ringo. Watchos. Tiie boat value in gold filled cames,. with any Ameuican mov-meît made. Se. Our special watch in Silver Screw Bezzel, with Uite~d Status Wateh (Jo'. movement. We hebve ail the numberi in th,' ce le- brated BOSS SPECTÂCLB8. No fancy prices on our Sr'pex. 9 ur Bepair Trade in Watches, Clocksanmd Jewelry i.s tili the> irrge.t fir town. S. J. PIETTYI The Jeweler, Next door to the Daley House. Kent etreet. Ltniuay, FebrSary111h, 1891. Organs ]Repaîred and Tuued. sATlISFACTIrON OUARANTrEEn Ordora by mail pîomptly attlled ita. 1R.1 N. SISSON» - - LINDSAY, ON P OUOR. MRANS. PIA170S AND $EWING lKÂCEflYEbz are guaranteed suiperior îco any others made in Canada, and unsurpassed by aîy îmade 1. i America or no sale. W. bave tho rlght geodu. Do ne baye le insuit intendtng purebaasru by prete'ndit -I et oul, or wholeuie prie% mor ovon 20 or 30 Pe1r cent- lese tban any other d. a'.l* dolmg a bogltet businms Intellignt people viii mot b. ropsdinl by auch n. ' bsldavdaib. BDut vs do anelobspar (acoondng to qualtty) than amy allier peam r, . nm in fah@ ounty ef Victoria. Remember,--"'The best ia always the cheapest." EJ "Poor Gý .ods are dear at any pice." Simples can be seen at No. 17o Kent St. West. W.We LOGAfr 'Do youw ant, a newf suit?9 See our stock of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds. New Styl .r Ordered Suits. Blacok Worated Pants to Order, 04 0C! Boys' Buits, Ready toW Ail sises. from five years up to Mensé New styles and ' of Hlalifax Tweeds and Serges at low prices. Fine T,, Worsteds, firat clans goods. We invite inspection cf the New patterns, mone ver fine gilt papers,'borders to' HoasEs e rR SALE-A team cf general purpose, black bot t 1 and well matched, for sale, L..L ~i# ~s04 Auril 3011. 1898 BR( SI 0't I~'SWÂ}U Paper il L :1 m im! jrà&m iiâi--7 l' lý- 1 YbôiWýS iý %eg.