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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 May 1892, p. 7

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REV. OR. TAL.MAGO D8U<IIfto PHILL.IPIANS 2 9. Dociaratit Ou 0r ltheas et christ-. Saose.Sheuld be EeauUto îght1, 5&M Eudurlng-A P.weiffl I BltOOICLYN, N. Y, ilai 1, SLTI muruinq Dr. Taîrnagedbaceurssd from alb text Philliplana 2, 9: "The Bane whlob je abovee e'rY Dmre Paul ilathors mekling rapturaa at u- thumlticdmerptlon 6j lbe maine oft Christ. There are mèel[y worldly Dmres thabt sou. timneo thril you through'and throqigh. Snellhu eaDa.mre cf Henry Clay te a Kentuokian, the nazne cf Wilim Wrt ta " Virginiun, the Dmre of Daniel Webster te a New Englander. By comnmn proverb we have corne ta beolUýo eduit "there là nathlng in a nms"; and No parent. sometim at et babptisal altar give titesite thoir ohidren, reobles of the fitet thât that tille, that Dmre, viii be a iietiune hindrauce or a lifetime li Yau ]lave ne rlghîte giveyour cbild a namo Iaoking lher ini euphany or moral monng. It je a sin ta cal! a child Jehoia. kiuuu, ur Tiglath-pileser.-or by anything tluat~ is dimagreeable. Beceuse vou hiave h~ ait exasperating name yourmelf'ia no reason m-hy y<n it ahuit!i iflict it upon your pro. geny. luu iotvm often in it that we ose a iumu fu i or jargon rattIijj2g dova fram fgetierttion to gemeratian, imply because a .ioug wifle ago seine ane happened ta b. atfllictd %witlu it. Institutions and great entcrpruists soinetimes vithaut sufflient delilierati ou take nomenclature. Mlighty t destuties hiav't been decided hy a naine.i Witme we muusy, by a long course of Chrie- i» i bvuvior, get over the miafortune aof ' huiviuug luen bIî,tltized with the naine et a olst'tur cheut, how inunclitbtter it f itou' 1I inuvo heen if vs coulci have &Il tart- dý cil tif -wxithonît any esuch ouctimbrance 1 Wi, 'n Puul, in my text and in other pau- isagtes, of Scripture, burst forth in aspira- tionls of adminration for the naine of CJhrist, n 1 wanut te inquire vhat are the eluaracteris- tics of uliuu appellation, "The naine vhioh is above every naine." In the firet place, Ol speakiuug to you in regard te the naine et Ct Christ, 1 want te tell you it is an eauy nmre. Yotiare sometimes introduced La people with ion g and unpronounceabie ai nmres, and y0u h ave te hlsen cautioumly hi to gui, the names, and yju have toa ee i thein pronnuunced tva or tlure imes befoe-lu yeti risk trying te utter thoin; but within hi the irst, Lwo yeera the litle child foidsitil & bands and look* upward, and laya "Jeans." '10 Ca»i it ho that in aIl thi. churcli Ibis af moruing there are representatîvea of amy hi househoh(i whereiu the children are familier au «with the naines cf the father and niother oV, and brother and lster, yet know nalhing .. about "lthat naine which lna bove eveyla naine " Sametirnes yen farget the nmres of a quite familiar friend, and yen have te WC think before yen geL iL; but cen you imi- ac agino amy freak of intellect b y which yiou lb should forget the nmrneof Jeaus ? Tht Col word seems Lu fit the tangue ini every dia- mli lect. Down te aId ago, wlien the voieia Wý treinulous, and uneertain, and indistinct, mai eve» tueuu this regal word iiîd potent uts- al borance. te' Whvuu an aged father waa dying, one af thi the children caime and said, "Father, do i8i you L-now nie ?" and in the delirium cf Co the last 4ickuiesa h. said, "No, I dan't know lai you. .\A nothler child came and eaid, 'Father, WE do you k u e 9'" "Ne',"iho said, IIdon't tre know you " Then the village pastor came "0 i andtid, "]o vou knw me ?" He aadner "'No, I don't, think I ever saw yen." Thon b. saîd the uinistor, "Dj)o ypu knew Jean. ?"I Wi "fOh, yes PI îaid the d$ng iat, .1 know a" JIestts, chiiof among ton Lhousand ia he, and sen, th.e oe altogether lovely." Yea, for ail BrIG e;ee an(t for ail languages, and foi ail cen- &PU ditions J eus' la an easy name. app But I remark fnrlher in regard te thia MI] naine cf Christ, that iL lu a beautiful naine. The Now you have notieed that you cannaI dis. wril asgociate a naome tramlthe character of tb. te c lpcrèioi who hau it. There are nmreDmres, pari for instance, Ihat arc repulaive te my ear. in t Thosc* namesae attractive ta yeur soir. tect What is the difféence ? Nhy, 1 happein- st, . ed to kno nmrepersoa.of LimaI naine vhs Pros were cross, or saur, or qneor, or uneympa. tb.r thetic, and the porlons yen have heppemsd "EBi te know of that naine were kind and ail,i ,oiial. Since, thon, we cannot disasocate ail1 a nainue froin the charactor cf the porson Oon" vho lvis the namne, that conideration bond inakes the naine of Jean. unspeakably Sa beautiful. I cannot praneunce Ihat marne@ by in your premenco, but yen think ot Bethîs. fctI hein and Gethsemane and Golgctha, end theix you %ce hii loving face and yeti heer bhi' (t1t tender voice, and yeu f561 his genti. tone. iblg As soon as I prennne hie nao. nlu r c.nd6il lSPeopls are te roigil. Sore.l~o turns I ouuud Word Jeaus, andI hear it in t ic i) 01 GeLbeen&neadte th gran tl%,talry, and thon 1 ipeak bis lte fi haillt, aad it ia aIl erppie with g ldies. lo~ auusl -ring with hacanna. (Mrlou, oiet lakt. ail the glanre, cf bookbindery and in -a:tb put thif around b.ae ean which thel fort.M lm a r nted. On Chriamma morning fui Iii wreatlu iL ou thé veil. Lot it drip tram beentif harp'a striug and let il thunder out lithe 1 Organ's diapaaon. Sound il alLen, seund fo Lard, woll until over star shall aeem le chine Mornil i, and overy foyer shah îzeem le broathe eoft h@ iL, and mountaîn and sc, and de y. didii nigbt, and earth and heaven aceiaiqt.fi J~hg te aux cimnt, 'Blessed b. hie ;lonieus nain taé,ji nsti over." "The naine vhiob je above ov*y,and wa nane" te thel Rave yeu ever beard in a Mol1td1aîils sil' ehureh, duing a time o f revival, scoresof eofa10" seuls coeie lcthe aller and cry eut for and el rnrcy nder lthe paer et juat Ivo lin ., of p itô gloriouî old John Woîley? Lord, Jeute m ih ~over cau, 1wu5 In baren oreartor sy.vill bd Toe b.ropenîbmg coul, ;te î1 exhaelo c mimet imvai4 , te oSunday.sooaîgirl.,to àjoMoins anawwviîe octogenartan, it inbutiM. jeu onI The aged muan ornesin tram a loog mlk §b It and ho renulouIyp lb.hedooý B*i- à herne, and ho bblb. onBuui nail and ho th% cn mt ~ e. to bis chiltr..&M bb 'lOI Anlhey çy t j~ rasl awayirespeu.on foyer lunsu ont t eouly lthe oui- bloom etfbeaem Oh 1 wu itmot bseulitul ithn a ehild itad " abr playrnete wvas andti venîto lbe houa., aidait. classa rapon lime boadoetlber dying pl&yrnaie, th "d tothe e14 rîy-Mte, S"' an yn rig t ? ad 0 yi«girlj "Ise golng ho Jean. ." h Mdthe1 girl tmat vas veil, as site bonI ever le the partn LUa le ber drpig plap «'Weil. "0 foruare gon u an, MI 10 to ïm. It s a utifui *I wûLtbe~roth Ii'ipe of cbldbaod or oa lips ait olad sean. Wimen My ther dpiap, lime village minisitor saidtota quoting aven hic piilov Ibis passage:4, la a taitbfnl seplmg ait worthy ofaîl ac talIon, lhatchrCmist Jeasa cain m vorîdto save iniers," aidt lier. Ire aLop Tmon iny tatmer finichedthlie quotatia: sa ing, '«et imuI amn chiot. Bu ut I emarh &ain, in regard le naine oi Christ, timat is a mîghty ne Rothscildt la cnaine migbty rn tirec mrecial vcnlt, Silliman la a naine mig in lime celentiflo vonid, Ir-vias iuz rnigimty lailte iterar7 ver-lt, a iuj in li me an rgbty r im te paliticai vi: Wellington la a naine migitty lu thme t tar-y waorît ; but vimere in ailLimhe car-lb name Bru potent te lift, eandtthrill,i arouse, anud r-clip, and biess, ats te mi Jeans? Wluy, time soand tt onee ne unlirset Seul, andt timev Newton or face on siip*s teck ; eudtIhat one nemie Lay, whilo 1 spoak, roidsa a iundret r ln seuls a ncien omnipotent speil. i noms in En glendtot-day ineans mere ti Victori.ru Ger-iany that naine te-c means mere timen Enpcror William. migbty naine! Ihave seen a man bount barutaneut nf time devil ant captiveocf ail evil hbl %t ime aound et that naine tesi dova haoklom arrn arcm ont forerer f b ave seen a man cvercarne of mistartu urd trial, every kint cf troaubles bat b )ut et lime soant af thet naine limel lrppet andthlie clouta partct, aeut Îbu r-si cf otrarie!giatnespour-et up las sou!. IE bave seon a man liartenet lna lelity, tefleu t ofQed, fll af jeer a- off, jooemcf Lthe judgxnent day, r-eaul 1eterniLy, et lime sond et Limai ns Umcb, and caver, eut gr-cen, and kne âd veop, and repent, anudpray, and be vu, andi rejoice, ant triunpm. But I -rer-k agaiu, tho naine ci Chri ai enturing nme. You gelavor t] once efthLie graveperd ait pan pull t] mods bcck fr-arn lie n mtailias mcar tded fr-arn lie tasebstone, cnt pou wv bat Walter Bcott's "Oitd Mortliity" va, me alomg ait necimisel IL se LmaI yc Lfimt r-eally fiadt ral vmthlie nome i m'hy tiat va. lie nmrnefethie greaet ani alllime tovninlu thlie ceuntry,j limhe State, nov eimost fadet tram tI )mbstone. And oea lie greatoat nainesq àla wor-ld elimher have per-ishet or are pi: ring. Gregory -VI., Sancmo et Spaii tnrad I. of Germaiy, Richaerd I. ci Esi int, Catimariueetofassie. Those mi ore once migbly, cnt they madeeLthe ecrt imble. Wmo caresfor Limnnow? Non paon as te do timn reveremîce. But t] Ime of Chitinl endurinf forever. IL vi preservet lunlime vanit s fine art. Ther l beoalter Beilinju te sketch th nt lime baplisu of Christ, endutoh onuzinos te show Christ r'isiting tIl irite lu prison, ait otmer Gloîtosb ci Lime vision viîb lime Crucifixion.I i1 be presorvet lunLime world's liter-dure lsi vii b. aImer Alexander Pcpes t4 îte Lime 1"Moaiam," cntdoLimer Dr. Youngi celebr-ete His Iriampli, eut other Ccv ra te ing His love. It viii be preserveý the varld'u grand aut elaborate areli etare, andi Proleutantisin ahali ihave il Mark's eut itu St. Peter's. It saaIbc 3envet lunlime vorld'a literetune, fte gre viilb. otmer Paiepa le write tlb rltdenco. et Chnistianity. ' More ltau it yuli ho embaimed intlb. burt. ci tb. gWd af earlb, eut aIl the groat le ai Heven. Simalilimhe omancipated kmai ever for-gel vimo set liii fi-e1 dl lthe blint sman ever foi-g et lime divine rician vite gave liii aigiml? Simall tht ant vandering ever fer-gel wima brouybt nt home? Wby, te meke the wrr-Ifor- tubai nm@ c ouidoto b. mrap ailthe auoi, aid brin dcvi a&U lim chu-chime teon, lu the spirit cf unversel arie, bhrougb ltho geâ tea ven ait put the lh ta ail lteeples ait maniens and wes, unîl inlutb.evful conflagration à«ven vent dcvi aidthlie people corna te look upen lime cliamret ruine; but &thon they voulit ith ie naineof ewbudeve,it ltse fr'<&i. de viii chie foi-lb troruluanadst fUI, cntdpu viiiloek up lule facerie c h l and-' »Yp, ' y lime ratasi&abi-glttar4, tito ng Star, tbe Star et Jeopb, lb. Star Redeerner. 1Som oday pan vil bu ag an£ the ouatalu. limaI ton lu ulight im l a oi-es ai 1 sat »intngurptlie round binket Hiver place viîo slte valet frai trinhlos ler on lte rock, anti front obslces 'e pou vWi b. drlukig l io n 0 s-eslu oy ast 1yen viii oit cto eoo M <i"r d eutau' l"lir my Lor, l ao uthéit.1ot f Liing ats." Brneda pou là 1*0 1" MdRterIse i1 eavs 5~~I~I a àt ett o ueC tsbiasv de.~ ? vl t a e s a i ~ U e t , l a N a v n o O $-'" ' m m3up u . o u e v - - -*- V 3 . w u u ~aIiI, IIUÉ ýhqjI. Thé-s t soitl~à...PO5I, ams u t u nmi on.Am iiea enMb.PaUSsýs . vldaw ii Mehoha? - Lin aoiu&unes70mwà tI&_46___ a *0er vi 0sk110y0r11.e du.-aUmlm Ihfinhj 011 rs e tthn ,Xer Vishie on oealeit upngth. fr eyèirradia Mewqar oï*M ue a,& -ou m" matMe theO a*md enW4 II]» ont, 4MyLod, e-owfnt4tremr is ltriS'rrirê ihu i Lorend Tbiabe" Te S n tl over Obls Wb" d e %suy oo" sa4d..v e as i elàa s I h lt q oero itbrig- ofte l. Ih o lookt.bett ;ere a n ipraan. M erftha mot e wu eialI ofmDo thea Qi oglesrt ai ohaU e An gb il la omentlhuhb alher vas d tea theboéth.emr Vber Thce benlutenh tno My aten, a Be grelc l ib t e aldvriwlbarts ~~~,ta nll cedrn.O orn e tay, aid dh , o n te oholer moîher boVUn te Shuli vfnd aah,î t mû. aut r hanfa- IY4.tho mes vietethatero am ay ib porions i nfthas ber 1.omforbe.ar blime T e 4 give chialen g 70U t esin l1 me Ibi oru - v n y h r f r , t b i l lbecin s mt are yf s o e y i y 'lut@, ing vbsther God la good, and vbeîher and mare dependent upon ber nieller. bites? adbrblgîhuso tgiv. Christ le Procleus, and viether the Holy Th rang b fl ale t. t develop ber avu EL» heaven a speil divine enongh for tbis 1 "mre, Gimoot la omnipotent. Came, my brother, I pavers, ch.lee.rned tle b&hi. lado nolbung FoPm o tebo mnre cf the spring cmnti intechallenge yen. Cerne, and ;vo wyl kneel et on bier cvi account. telonl. efla eai wu the lcter et maercy. Yen kne on one aide Al Ibis, ef course, loft Margaret very aveu u ud et Lb. th aller and I vil hkneel on thme ather lily grounndod in aIliber studies, aid ne- Whouem l nss brightuensanad the days gi-ev 'Thià aide efthlie aller cf rnercy, and vo viii mot flocled upon ber standing lu ber examins.A- ndlong, ioc .geL np fri onr kuoes unîi aur sins are lien., BO thet ehle made BlowP HL ~At dlitlJe 'ids break out hinlppling songiy ihepardoned and ve are able tLe ascrîbe ail lut tLhoe moîhen, aaharned la ueo ber lag . îpsd. houer tLathLimame-.yon proneuneîmg il aid iind, look ber eut cf achool, ad nd e Q, woL b ropn ve ieblie nby 1 Pranuumcing it-"îhe naine vbieh la above weak pretencoetci natracting ber et The star-lit sky the rastling fielda of cern, ovr ae1hoe..The matIai-s vuwng friLime fresienlng tibla Mangareî va. pneîly and amiable, and mmea, tane. Se Madle Un àFree.vimen elle had became olgiteeu yers aid, The sun-flecked shadowa cf the stately trees, coin- As flaine treani upward, Beorny louiging ber banu a.aked in marriage by a warthy The rneliov Ihunder and the fallimg rain, Igty timeugimî Young mai. Thme varnl, doUdouos, bapPY aummer rein, ainle Files up Ii he The molimer gave e conditional consent ; When the gr-am briglitens and the days gi-av toeu Thu od and Savieur, vho has truly and sasthe yeumg man iived et smedis- And ntiti dsbrakout liippîing mang 1 orld, Wi-enght tance, a correapondence vas began, cf course, mili- Aiteout cf death, amd to us, loving brougimt under the oye cf Lthe umetier. Oh, beauly manifold, tram mai-mbll nigiml, Ae a reah, nov world, aninlutmp aeet cians Iîvwu thon Lim e miother reabized ho*w Dawn's fil'uh, nooa blaze amdsnet on and cagAnd madle us fr-e. defective ber daugiter's education bced der lightl lane been. Site vas une ble Le write a crediiabie Oh, fatir, familier featuros, chan gos aveet lame As i2yacinth makes vay froi ont lthe dark, letter. Her messages, a.saielleiowed thelni0f her reviving seasons, alarma and aleet, abiis My soul awakes, la ber mother, vere ill-Liougimt, ili-expresa- And golden chaihs, a. star-t the whoels eta. At thought of thce, like sap beneat thlie bark; ed, even -ill.apell"d. sadLmetbr F-mlrough spaendbydrbeface, mil- Rs otetiln ruhadmao rkAs littl violets in field and park. "Thmis viii nover do," si h mte.Wben the grass brrghtonm, vimen Lime daya * haL LaLewhei thuhan ead aik, Site began te write lier daugbter's respanesgi-av long, than Au Ne op aestahie letters efthlie ycurig man te im n d Aid 1bIle birds break culti rippling sang! 'day A thou goest upvard timiongh lte mamel, sitle was betrotmod. Her own vit and teli- Oh, spame. ciL7 cf expression ch&r-acterizod thora, C>hhappy Emithl Oh, Home s0 veil be- We caii the sky, anduite Young man vau cbarmed. Once laved i jobLike Jnquil perfnrne oftly feus the gi-ce; embarked upon such a course cf deceit, lime Wbat recarnpense have we, frein thee re- ite, It B aver-stucha nd b g u every pl c , m eLier daer o mt m ake a confess on. Th o n o e ae th l v rs e s he v ta e hbis rrsvuawnadace, poung man birnuelir as an excellent vniter, The hope cof indin' evei-y banished soul ree. race, O thon on bîgim.and hic efforts upunred Lb, motimer ta lier Wo loveaiing o-dly and fornIhi ýune mo' nt brilliant efforts as a correspondent. Gladly vo lui-n f rom thee and al the bliss, lie; Hadal thon not risen, Ibere vould ho mc joy After titis ciarring carrespoudence, lime Even at thy laveieat,, wheu te days ai-o Be& Upan earlh'a md ; ,Young people vero married. Neither lime lonug thani oud ire aLlil wîtb us a vound or toy, inother uer Lime daughter dared camionlime Aid lle Li-ds break eut liiippling gang. An cloud vithoul the sun-O bobeo0 boy, fraud. Neither b " 1moant mach" aItIthe mn-) etia o mather pare, with noc 07. beginning, but bath haed gene very deep Itaced Right i. anOue od I bte a course of decoption. The office boy carne in aid gave e thump Ieam Thou Qed and king, didstl "mîngli nlime The ycnng iusbend va acon aatoih.d an the bar-se editar's desk. Me gane,") te find tiat hi. vifs va. an ignorant pr. "There'. a jay outaide se vents toauo eel, Fa 'aec (Ceau, ail fear, ceaee1) son, incapable ai vribing even a sensible yon," hoe annaunced. Forlov-o us--mol la give Virgil's faine bIter. Ho quealiemed bier eharply, and "Show Lime jay in," reepomded Lime hans. Or Croesus' voaltm, net la mako Weil lhe eh.e canfessed ber faull. oditar, and lime jay vas ahovu lu. -lame, "'Mamnia alvayu dom. thinge for me," "Good mrnimg," ho said, coming for- the Oj v.lm alunt fram eeorued h e eesaid, ielpesly. yard boitatingly. "Are you lhe bars., teuécr volpao The haabend fud bie vite aise incapable editor ?" kr Fer- peaco, for JOoue Liat the slave migimî et earing for e hoasehald. Sime presemtbpi " am," repiied limat gentlemen gracions- ,lob lieent fer ber mather ta corne an i be vit bjy. ni In lie u ber ; lhougm Lie imriband, imving iad no0 "Weil, yen vilexcuse me, I hope," Lime Not limaI ail voe fri u siould alveys fly, fercible a esson a. ta ber- deceiîfalmeas, lvitor- prcoeded viit more an les. uncer- 'au Or- golden ccps vilirSyrien rasses vie eould nyrgrbe ihssiinad ant,"utIal ntoiqr fyuha lI& In every field, bal iu tmp peace la die dsie eadbrvtmssiinadjtit,"u en ul nur fyule Mt An rise-be ree idialie.heardanytming cf the rumor that hereatter1 in1Ai -a- e re is n. Thme marriage va. cm anbhappy one. The mont of Lime hors. races vere la ho r-an dur- luo -MuieFiaaeEgn iobe lives cf the tva peumg people lied iug Lent 7"a of Thinge Worth Knowlng. been nlterly spoilod by Ibis tendeney ounlthe , No, I ladn'I," exchaimed Lthe berme Bnr- Il in a good idea te, have a diet o lernone part af a motimer la spore ber child unpleas. editer vithlinbtaieut. "lCen pou tell me LE, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u so-o ihaykn ffs.atlaks and deprive lier cf nouriahing, lu- aiytming about it ?" g- Time true piysiologicai method cf reeling in mnien. ad r i ofimi.-eîhu "omething; I guese." <Ibis very modest- ls _________1).. 1h haras or scalde in Le et once excînde the air "Wliat'a lime abject in meking Lime M ie cserbti 1fur[capdptao dlerm' Ilue nnce an the Lebor Problem. cane 7"an dLbheI. e. ;oteut bis pencil a. varniab, wieo ue gpaute, or anythingch Limepubt lgehr liaolamm'ntciye ePorimapa hevery varsî influence oethlielimevisi 1 iearseftgehr ,itatl ot u1l otaLied. ;idiers, bovever, ila b. hfonnd in lime effeci "It'a because Lent lua arecognizet teaui ie A çlean pacte may b. madle cf tva p ar-la' ai the spectacle cf Iheir livos on vimat la ad-"p ho gain tragacanîim aid one part povdered calot "liJe labor problem.'" 4Te labor Wime I reoditor rot mei mý-I-*»i 4.-.ak.. k. ,ILU.-.tia âer naitll> - prabbein laftUly lime prebleinicf rnalg' ho Kéfir sea ni.Vau seven ier iacyd io eaet b eie a-tthe manuel lbbreru ai lime vorld cnetmare thon that jay did, al et -vhiclitheb. ho sitencj witb lime saule. To provent caur- vrth their lot. uIny ýjud#mezib is ilan hiorse edilar peid for. -Detroit Froc Prias, to ing add c tg drpa a carbolieaid. insaluble probloni. Nedisceveriea af in- It ventions viii ovr solve il as long as pepa. A Sooety Eho. 'lotion continues la prias close on tho ta He vasaoncetoftimose nicety-nice 1111e1e veihabbe produola ai bumai indusîr-y. Time YO lRyA go en vima aivapsaenuver bunLime atilted cou- cansa.oai Lie disaatisfaction efthLie mason.. AC ff- ventional phrase aiflime day, vimetimer the viîim their- condition may change from age ~E-oSuil td nbjct a gddyor-grae.ta age, but lime diasaistaclion vili continue, 'PiMpias, Black Speoi, Dia' . Aid aime vas a bail girl vime boaketdcvi n and t lme rnwili b. always laid on thoae el@," an be renumvolx i te on hlm tram ber gracetul heigimt and mr.i-- vb have c larger aliare of the vorld's ab"F iby appIying 0c o muret in a ucrrowfuli voice: -1geod Limai etbera. But tier. la me ques- M.--rJ r "It'. tee bad ta, be se high up hiltee u ion aitimhe exiaîimg diaconteut ma, * Tan & Ereckie Lotion oe worbd, Mr. Blenk, ion' t i" 1aid nal uureeaonably, aggr-avated by tito Baie% Sure aid EfeolmaL a And ire said villi hie. uouelhappy tacility spectacle cf lbe enjepseent by Lime groving fPauc 25. PEu morn.u tf of respanse :t ide clas of thbe bonefit * ofthlie - Saldby mulrinwjmta 6t "Net a tell, mot a 1.1," aid thon visimet cociel and polilical .a rgenizalionu, vil- i d ho hadm't said it. eut amp contribution vortb menti*on a e 1 te the trouble aid 0011 cf mabntaiming ofU~ miiy u~ A Hunsan Endurance. thone organisations. The. taxes paid by lime 9W ,,t The Bey. Dr. Fourthly-The capecily ai anitail or routier clam ci-e but e trifling flANNINGTA Il thlb huan orgaiin ta stand e prolangot relanu lunreality fer lte .ecanity timey Paoe, aI@rain ilawovefnl. 1 preachet a sermon secsfor persen and preperîy. Tire vark-. Aivei ber> m fll msertmnt of Booko of * anoe Ibm.. heurs i a b allong, and vam orm&aiflime vanld pravidete lm i vsimpolice, ovéry dumorpUo i l&Hk"udofetchosi 19asfr-ehabhehclome as vien I begai. 1i1vith courtsaofjus alnd means of trevel, roquisiteg, ZBon eola, llgarng 4 have alvays loaket apan il as e momlnt e- u in ot, oery a..pcy vhlcb makes Ibeir Vo Z, opliyand los Woela, 0 menkeble instance oi humai endurance. ejoyrnentpaOuble, fer anme lu cash vbicb floeLe broliy i, I-Thme Rey. Dr. Goodman-Il va., budee. tb.y oVandhardly pap ta a pon club. T'i"nd matn" 5i k 2But e cangreglien ltatinl under gaod ceo--Boaaanabbp or umesnablp, th. masses ioavss, etc.. a Irai vil cometimes ondure a greal de&L raent tbilemore and more. It givec more ao'Kuisal nabtrmt, Mmml, Iisaun b cnvy an, air ef reapectability aid rational- AIbmsBhn ady«q so MImappUeti Truth. ity. They uaY that even if e good doience hmDii niPna ot.e vrrts IlJut lok t hm 1 sai, &nf. 1&Tr.m»y beimade for iuequality cf conditions I Rivers-Wlip, grest Cumar, mai 1 That'. rusaiteo tai 6i", »aotltng eloar -TROS. O. &TOHUlTs bis~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~od gM!at lltl h unet n.o-h h.ijmes, Umdmv ig i Tube Belycen nplan rthe an t ue.en 1àG-lAND TRUNK RAILWAY. belvween France and ]ngiant la tasusn d t lbia 0svr, Iftâq . I w t v a tub a, éa o bout Iire f ot lunifd= , beto e lim es vo mi dlueter, b rnamaai tool cbisa t* aros the cne Iýë bm -o s it Mve of lb.ae . lit,. f A ~ecf Neestài. b ffl nomfl*hm Voe loem oe-I mdsrtmmtibetpouiavo Da k; eseits*fdé by hM M r q e * Mm 5 h d i 5 U I N TUE Rogqe $cab dou&, mis ~~Mlàf=:Lhs INCN CTIA IVADE THE ENCYCLOPLEDIA REVISED AND AMENLED. / '!, t 't, I - -'7 F.' f IT I8 YOUB FÂULT that the boly doen't understand the Mean~ in- the w.Drd lie hma emcountered, or knows tbothing of the man ho bas biter re>d!ü,~ alteut. ô seem anaioyed beeuse hlieua mterrupted yen while yen vere reacing t1le paper. Dose not part of the Bflfoyaneê arise tramn the faot thet yen don't know y ourseif ? The whol. trouble for bath yon and the boy wonld be obviaied if ya v v a good Enoyalopoedia in the bouse. "nvhaa Yon oan't afford it. Read aur aunounesment and yon will ses that Von ct, be yen ever no poor. TrHE ENCYCLOPiEDIA BRITTAINICA Reviaed and Amended, sUUOmueomIi lin * OiM6rsifedHfbrinof entertaininj ued 1 x~~xlitfrature evor isaued from tb. press. Yon will find aometbing ta attract an2d ivtercEt yen on ,very p ee.f von are fond, of hiator'y, it oontains tbe finest collection2 of t-iâtories as 1h 'ord ernbraoing every nation of encient and moadern timr-e. Are Ton inter- ,ated in Soiene? The Enevolopiedit Brittatica Bevised and Aibtmde' wilitel! yon, in clear, underoetmndable Englieli, ail about a»v science Von m*ay wiFi, te Oudy. Are you curions about mechauleel inventions? Again the Encyclir eclite is r'v.to your band; e moment'a turrnng of its pages bringa the proper heaclirg t-) vour eyes, and bhers before yen lies a complet.eand exhaustive accourut cf thr en 1rF Su jéct. In bhort.,whother you want amusement for au idle hour, solid M-structioi. fer nmûre seni- one moments, or quick information about any matter as ta which 30ou art- in daubt, vou have th. meana in those bock. of gratifying pour desire. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRAT&U La neven thousand pause are aU.dei with fine pictures, and it contains over ,oocy wrd.. The information compiled iu this "Cylopdie" represents the cireful ww of 10GO of th. ableot writers cf the netmmh century. Aliother 'iJyciopiedîaa" are fram iv. to twenty year behlnd thé date cf the iassu of tbis grand wcrk, which waa oarplet.d bin 1890. IOWYOU MAYPAYFORTHEZMBOoIcs W. offer to deliver to your addreue a comploe set of TEE ENCY- CLOPEDIÂ BRITTÂNIOÂ, reyised and amended, together with THE VICTORIA WARDER, for one year, at the following prices:- Encyclopoodis bound ini Oloth and Paper, for one year $2600, pay- able s follows: $2.00 on delivery of the first five volumes, and $2.00 per mont.h fer one year. Encyclopoedia bound in Pull Sheep and Paper, for one year $31.20, Payable as follows: 82.40 on delivery of the fiet five volumes, and $2.40 per month for one year. Enscyclopoedia bound in Haif Beal Morocco and Paper. for one year $88,80, payable as follews: *2.60 on delivery of the first five volumes, bId 82.60 per nionth for one vear. Where Pul Amount is Paid at Once. Where the full amount le paid at time of delivery an allowance is nade-the Cloth set for *24.50 instead of 26.00; the Full Library 3hep for *28.50 inetead of $81.20,- and the Haif Seal Morocco for b81.50 'nstead of $38.80. NOIL1AND. Advortise in The Wardor louse of AUl Nations for BloocY. lve bon throUgh l.frbut nov §w blod. ! ne 'ai, ý1 TheJanadfian Office & Sohool PRMJTOI4, - 014TABIO Sum oW. .Stehlachumidt 4 Co., aumbeSwm 0e«;%it cool, Chus-oh, sud ed a L oege fri m the ¶I uam i ir inbiigWhg. Pim " -., ferdi Me mu* un.Smeot dm>If..l» m v m a bomw 1 de mq im Ououa imifbh%« bnm amibe. Io~s~l CARLU& -. ~hrBf beMue ~r Aumàngo" 8ahoei »ask 5.himiauibmi. I Umimi ai lits ~ hitilE. ir am ýse

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