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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Jun 1892, p. 3

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Shop Lindsay. PIJREST9 STROMIGEST9 lESTe Colâwàino n Alum, Ammas ie IL W. CLLTT. Toronto. ont. Llberail-Jonervatlve AmiS ation of Bait Victoria. Th e aunn al moeeing'of thi.asociaion was heid at Fénelon Fois, May 251h, 1892, for the poupome of electing offleers for the &sal uasooltlon. The Président, Mr. Jon. MeAthur. tondamI bis v..Igns* tion w hic vas reinota Il»aooeptad and a vote of ihanku vu igiven fWrpudueviesu. Mr?. J. D. Neylor, who bha.beaom 5eoety o! tbe aeasootation for à numbur Mof y aloi, tndered hi§ eaiufgnmilon l in m but It vus Dot m.oepted.-. ihe felr cil ars werê unsu&"lonu oled vw:- Prosident, Mr. J. 13. Erve,à OLc>eUak Vîoo-Presidanlu, Mr. Wàu. Mr~ Fenelon Falla, and Dr. Cornwai1l,Oa. iuee; Mr. J. D. Na7lor, Fenelon, réel11 md seoresar and 'rasurer. A num oebo other offleers voe appoinfed, and the seuretary was requmsted tu oommurdeate with certain peans In thé rldin2g la re- gard tu maiLlera of importanos. A large nom ber présent exprmu.ed tbeir ,s) mpathV with thous thst are belma on- duly persectitedl by the unebridma.like 3ocduot of a lev aitrooratu froma whomà be %ter thinge were iooked for, wblle otheis tbougbt il mot oitrange st ml whm the peruseutors and êhoircolisegues af i - morous fur ire. trade or annexation with a people thai recocalzo lynoix 1mw m utifiable, the bribery of jurise, and pur- chatse of tenators and congre@ men no crimne, und oppose an3?hiflg relatiug le freu trade or botter terme ateoe Great Irtaiin and ber colonies. Au djourn. Lrent vas mde.oth b.e aUcof the Prot- düi-t. J. D. NAYLOR, Seoretary. 13110Lio eo EA,,r OKwooD.-8.SB.. No. 10.-Hàouer iroll for week endide May, 27th 1892:- Senior Thrd-Annie Barker, Edo& DeQeer, Eiais Siater. junior Third- Ad& WVhite, Florence Longfled, Mariha Taims. Sucond lo,-Theoma SIaler, James Longiold, Wilif eBarri. Paré Second-Hmrrlet Timme, Maud DeGeer, Florence Miater, Leah Oopperwalte and Selina Patterson, equal. Piret Cos- iiobble Farley, VIA& Oolwell, George. Copperwaite, May Tîmme, and Nelson Loogfieid, equal» E. Bntoà.», teacher. J ANITVILLE.-StbndlDg Of thé pupils in the lower division of Janoîville 8011001, 3.S, No. 7. Némes lu aider ofi met:-] ïl Clam-ânole MoQUAl, Zella MoQuAl, M-N!,,tl lld-îw, Herbert MoQifl, Bennie ..yr, 4.rtie ioGill, Wriie Byere, Min- r. P, t.1i-Henry Jmekett, \Vl~tMoGilli, Hldon Johautono, Erva ý,cGjiil, Ssples Haladay, Effie Hobba, 3fivri,' MloGili, Florence MaGili. Jr. Ic~ , AnjoByers. Sr. I-Harry il nair Jaokmtt, Jennie Oswold, Ilerbert Jlhustone, John Pal, Oâwold .WrUGil, Ilýlllrd MoGill, Jimmie Hal- .vl, '.\pgneMcQîll, John Byerm, ObaijoMoNohErma Johntne, Annle 3lboOi, Cbarlie Jobustoine, Làwrenos WriRht, Wibert MoGiII, Milton Wright. 1I-MaRgie llobbo, Allan MOGIII, 000il .Rtchardean, Bernie Rehili, Gortge Hes hip, Allaiu Gili, iWinnie Hemulp. III- Willii 1illaday, Irens MoGIIJ, Loyd Jostone. MINNiE L. CARI lemehber. l',(rt te ro Buininci, May 189A, 1892. The telephone demI, by vbleb tho Oulanlo Tt bephoico Company la to ho absorhod b? the Bell, wam pracllaîlîy oommoumomted last nlgh aI thbmSamnuailmesellne thlb. former, Thon. vms a goal citomdame09cf shaehldera sud Président KSII&7'5i report, whioh we. give bebov,- placel1 beltve the meeting in a very eem l 1 thm pissent position et Ibe ompaO ulmd thm rmmuons ton tho demi uvl b Diretois aie l.adlmg. ufter à ver>' full and butni bouuea vith oxplanaleas tram th. PrealdeulMmai mouuborm et lb. Board, thé report VU 1 nunaniousiy dopted. The toliovlng lah lhe full text et tbe Prosdenîs report:-1 2'o Ilic kreod of the Odis oulphOI U;EiTLnxg,-In prosenthM Ioe ou Ibm £rat annual report of th. trikmmaellons of Our compan>', I regret IthsI manot oas- gralulate vTonon Ibm rsali cf lest ui.O OP$raticas. The estimâtes turulebel ne bp thm gentlemen vbo nnderlooi l*. eon- stractien f ut ev ystom provel mtopitei unreliabie..-Tbcplant imstsladfet asling $9,000 svia premiied sud "W 1peed cost us mmmii>, if mot quie, donNe th &Mount, To Ibiscamo fai &loeove our 1a3? the whole bome atouar promet peel- lien, for 111elas eut ndsadnîcu"i t1he rate vbtoh voboalula.d tleField a dividend upon mu lnveslmsui ofl89»W000& altagther iCaUffiloul nnair"bing air. Youn dirostors dorng lb.p#»l lu have dvoîod man Ieura v obily te thé ménagement oethéb 80 »4 mm have fonihen coldred tlb. ceana <u on isr ovnpermebm at d1 vls ibé banis. lua = e~to lbthe 'ip vilsi*0b. vm 1oT ebsldu,, *07> l oonnel, md a MM oni a dévoile. M» 7m emo I m oais thl.re otr.elmu a os 1, umeia l m la shire »B" A ie t amu wmile p hvVepaut' J thu m nb4 téi u ham O m i aslmdeiruà i àodoe sovt ebave lbhea fomiso etkaqw9 b.6as"Moom 0g " bpllm thèt for omewmî~i~lby~e ~mc ~g,<V1iol glvun lb ublic i o &-M Ileul rvle4i f"msd.U ugOlalon 1 ak Ibsi cvii, süm»- etnlbf Emisiof 1ovnL helder wviInvestigéte for himelthIb I bas Four E.Sl Hmon@m",$ pardon$" remmena oh"have led te the prenamnt mpol e ond, tmklg bia bat .0 srrender, mnd vill openly and above ounrmvlilmog ltheaylum a mothor 50 bcoad maie amy rée.olons ibm>' my ou imier, be- vue igab mmootod lla hemarn filt to qaion tibmmomeof thIbm orridor bythe wuofoltheEmpor of the Oomapay. If Ibtis le done Ibère vil! be Punch, Mmd ln the umre venu éTake Dome "Roty la batlslplmg oYerj eue liai off jour kat, i." @'Wby ?" again amked tb. promeutspi tho Im onee letake my friemid. BouneI am the ou et nadir .zl"gei imumeanmtheIbmEmperor ef Osîman,." "Of lb. The balance aboit mmd audltor's report, Emperor et Q.ramauv 2 Buiel>', whe vbîoh, 1 regret te say, aromeo tint avouable, lui I bad the h«or te moi jour Royal are ubultlod horevib xfor peur inapte- Rlgbneu, poouuèe tbe son et the Bm lien., - peor ofet1h. French? " "Ahvol-je.," J,ù as. DRkn> , Proadeont. De tammened. But roeoverlng aI onee la regard le lb. future polioy ofethIe lvom bis .mbarrasmreni, b. dded Aloi Telenhon. CoemDuy,_ uotblng bu. bnfghtly. I"That vam by aneIber mother." boomdeoAodmervii hodon. unlil lb. metn=of lh. Board. Thoos ve ndermtamd tle. mide vork- ofg etb.local tllphous oomnpany knov thal Pimaldent Kendry sud hie board et dieeoes bave louicbî a good figbi, sud that if. muocur had bien possible thv vould ba"e gu i I. Wbile lbe officiais = ca!> ive expvestiom te ibeur relief Ibai tb laIolaover, lb.>' retire Doi vithomi honora. Tb@ public vill echo Iboir con- gratillailns Ihaltbey hav" given ibeir patrons sanexcellent service, and Ibal ln Irving th. expoimont of ohesp Ilophene menotIey lavo given àIl evor> anse of enuccepoi md the repuit le ot due to amy lanloft ibore. . The -.rrar mmt la ma mio me oned sesnob wviii hobed viti Tory general aidsation. Velooity of Meteors. It has boeen dmonatrated Ibat whill Lbe gresteol velockt>' lmpazîd od a acanonbal momi>' ezmodm 000 mtis a secod-about 1,509sà"osau boni; moteons frenm Pce peu@.. liste tbé air witb a vlooity, itlelaolalmod, of 40,M»00. mémorndé 60,000 meos pcvrsond. This tremeudous sped raimus the lemperaturo ofthle air aI eues te 4,000 or 6,000 dgou centigrade, oausling lu many eues a complot@ destmo" o f the. metooite bj combustion. Vîthin the lut tvo yeurs il bas beau do. anonsliatuulInte aufacica of al sensible poople, that Barvard Branbilal Syrup bac at- talmuda ane amd reputatlcun nane accoided to amy ethen caugh riedy. Its voîk ln aIl pas bus baen swft and unie; and thi.e peed vibh vhklsh R ond Dmre hau flovu, ln truly ,uarvvdlous. Bavard BronchialSyrna . bacome thc lammly cougli emedj lan e ell.egualed Osuadian holuce. Owlng le the grest puvty of its compoatlon. Il eam aafly be eft where thec vaunfi couanueilwhcn isquiied. Il con-, tsam» Do polsenuus lro4lmnts, sud dace mot 1k. . other coogh prcpavatiom s usaate or 1sickon, Doring tiIsecamon af tho vear, ne home in sf without a bote of Ibis wanderfnl e'viup, whioh sbould b. taken et once vbaa the iai symptoas aveffol. Our masîpramincal doo- tors prioeb It. knowlug tha t il nover talla. -87-2. Irish Golloqulal Wît. Richard AsceRing, vîlîlu taBel- £ravia, glas I mauiadmit IbalIishmbwit is ofien cet he melmordant amd *von ardoalo klnd. Was ibere ever more ar- doute aIrai. of description tbmm Ihât )'Connell gave of Pool s bloodlomsnems ? 'Hm amiele vwu 11km Ibm milver plate on a cofi." Ot anoîber amd lowor quallty, bunI good of Ia kind, la the followlng flsb- wife's acasr; A friond of mime vas waiting hlm turn ta be mervod in a flab. Iblnp, while a litile woazened aid gentle- man pîiaed mvory tub ln the sbep. «"How much i. til-&nd thi-and this-and tbis 1" e., etc., il thc examprîted shop- waman .xelsimed :«Ah' Go au out of tbat wid ye 1 Il ian'l fish je vant, but inforatioln 11" A journaliai laid me that ho once overbeard Ibis passagc of arms boîvoma a ceachman sud a beggar-mam oussido th. Foui Courls, Dublin. A4.tIbm boergar vusvwiig for aime aI the carri- &go door, tIbu coaebrm u urued round le ory sharpi>' te hlm. "Qaome, My man, miie peur ragueout oet ibal1"'The beggai, ritb a wllbering glaces sI the o ehoan's. tyvery. retonted, "Moenage! Tboy're me >wn, mmo m ?,1 Oaa. more, aibout a dozen jeasemgoau Bagllsh teilov.traveller, vlth vbomx I vas rnîurnins from Dublin laBradford, aaid, to me: "RBeally, thoam-Irieh foilewm ave a quman loi 1InlaMorrlsem ote!, whéemI wus sîavlag, thoeewvieàapeau vaiter, se fil that ha could hardi>' eravi about, and 1 sad of hlm (se lne tood ou the otop la &@eo-me off) le lb. Barman: "Thal paon fellow lookssbeookligly il!1' 'ochi 1 11! sure'. l&dimdtheo vo eths, oul>' ho',WR me, ,' is oc i w ti t i i 0i tg IL 1 E lrLavai?, smn Insh lady.'Who Hived ihlr e mie rou lis AmoeoonBleb- Mogivau la lhéprovideul bfabil of! hp. togm 8, tioguo f poerhtehlu eml lire quarter mine mould moI nepir to Boao oteor lthfour lime. c e wuedm00 mot a mateh .od t5 * 4 tAIw u ber tus>',hiob va ntbImp4Jvby bu oM Tur agovihocéia malob. H3r v"mt i kepIi et IthbIU lre. monlbm, oe, w #pO *buf* et ?Sulate hi% 8tSflUlZUmWde*a I be pUMrOfl Vb~ I a onm oeUnts tl Hmv 48AJIOV Mes MouleIlb box trom IbOPM pre, Mmd & M&Mlii'rom g»s boxuh tuok Il, m4lSAlb. sau«er0 MM$ U làk tromers. !Boa, smdans " ho 8=6à ismogulrumb. homdo au b. Mull mtab. W"lieMdl 2à p ", osdlreLv#tT. Dc light, l' ualemeStU eflle;«"rrpDobhrWebai m, hum lba, , cp W. C,.T. U. 'Pou Qo d dRomo Mmd Native Land' For the Obldren. I bave jusit been resinlg an Incident lu the lité of (Jardina Mauni, vhieh brougbi le m md tho ubjeci vhloh voix se ahI>'advooale la lhe Citizen, thpel>' lb. v on mnaehldren. AI- =bnhpreaeblng empranco, the Cardi Wm vas mol a total abstalmor until some, lime mter ho bau ldentlffed himelU vllb the lempemos Movomemi. lb vas ai à meeting ef semoéaube.! ehildren vbom ho *an' gaing to enrol nndou tbo temper- mu banner, and maber apsaking tle bom ofet lhe oflb. drlikhabit, sud thc toue. of good euample, ho aaid , .Nov 1ot us km..! dovu aud taie lb. piodge.1' Thoehidren kaîll down, 1he Cardinal aoang them, and lb.>' repomldthb pl6dge mter blrnand vhmu ihey gol up, a littIlogirl vbo'vwu not Ibmh Cardinal, in that improisive mmmivr peculiar ta obildren, mid: "Nov ve are tempérance UleIi on." His Ernnom Otton umed te spah:of ibis, boy h. badl cerne to take Ibm pledge unconditionally; and he mid, hauietamg il, urrennai- od by ebildren vhose seuls ver. nstain. ed b>' sm5 Il made bis pledge doubi>' bimdlmg, and ho vould keev il nutil tb. day et bia destb. W. hein a greait deal m&id aibout tbm Influono. of theo blidren (nov boilas trained) Whiou thsy boose men and vomen, but moi me mueh upon thoir influenc, an the préet genération. If I mi>' ho pardoumd for voterîlg ug, my ova wenk in thm peut, I would sel mthing in the vovld lnspirsd me like the hright, mparkliag es ofetb.childroi, the grand pomibiliea tbal la>' befona tbemm il savod from tb. suavez and pilfaliseofthIb liquon Iraffie, hotb ln the bornmmd tbe Iliced saoonsaof urcantry'. Whou lh. W.O.T.U. ef Pioton vere diocussimg Ibm subjeot of peitlouhzjg the lova council aginstt ho imuing of licou- sec for abeps, &ail ve.ilafavon of préent lh. pétition; il vau loirné èprotection, and wbat voman would mot proteol ber home. The question ai ilue vas Who abaîl proeut the pétition? Nover vas there a moreoconsarivalito graoup et vornn Ian coosiluted tht lithoe coin- pan; bey wold mol for the venid du anytbing unwomamly or unladylike.- It vue an innovation mot la ho thonghî of for a vernan le addieus Ihm lavn concil. One proposed thal the petition, should be placed aintb ande ofam oncîllor le pic. ment il; anothen .uggemled that a lawyer hould boe egaged te advocate the cause; the larger numben belloved thst the mimistere of 1he Gospel werm jusL tbm ans ta proet the petition. The lady pîoiding badl moi expresed ber mid on the subject, ber Ibougt'vce tinau n- tiyelq duffoennidirmtion. tSue rocognized a more potoul agono>' Ihan lied been named. Sb. bcd jumi boom appaed la .for ber mnd on Ibe ubjeet. Thsi heur fer tbe childran's mooline vbieb vu 10 tollow bad juil arrtved; mmd 1h07 came trou PiLg ln from the sebools. With obocked uttmrnce amd tmiful oye eh. 1esid: "Ladis, look at thome ohidimn; a uppose eue eftlhemvas under msentance of destb, samd vo worm boére dlscussiug wbo sbenld present a pelitien for iLs ne. prieve-wonld vs oboose mcaofet hc Par lies monlioned Io-da>'? If tbe child a 1oun ovu, vho oould plemd 1er hlm an a moîber oould? Who oeuld resch Ibm beart et lb. jndge anesfoivelY as thé mohen? Wbo vould s»y Il vasun- vomaul>' or unladyli te plor for our 1cbildronV' Sl hon Lmkel Ibmquestion# "S4-hah vo preoeuthIm etition onselvomi' .mad Il vu au n umzUIMUVOlq ibal thé .ladluee omd pemb.W 106 POUba, Ibm ) be>' .hould me@$ on th elu ni ;question for J11ayèr ad ooogeiberî Lu théi sonnaùei mm. , lDepu"»i01 docision; Ibsir PrOmnos wu a màté àappéeeL 1tuprolaomclIOI é eloqunt liai su>' onda oonld oxpros. t& « v ben tIbDm Dnen8î11 viebeing atite 1thone childuon ver au imporatlaeloi : lu lie von. Tbh mino vole tu mai i tiogollm, but 74 uW #40 ver] S a,d l tnp 0geltheir ier ormd oïldi a b"Moto evole tfe b.BiU At our Pub Fe li@ maes agiIbm unaama bitlmpori 1-sangs, sud ogave arenlg problbllo o n tallons. UM" a athemnéo nt o b"im ~ai v 1 Wroi. nalgho ouda mn ot luiduced te go te a lemporaud 4 Roouue. la 6"baitue 10 ov e lt»1. tt il 8,000 Inaballmnte a bau d -t uma ýobt o n o t o, tbrnè budro4v 10 "einà a balanc of power. &T- -- u5M I17I- boom fwtiuht iwa ud e t r ubles.- 2g-, XOIburne Armube* ofQuinine Wfmetfa train of cvite in the aihfpo of otetiDate colda. cooughn, ung ublei, eThora fa nu uei»dy ge prompt u th*.lb eaustic» ,ioatl s@d plimut, at*1'bordoe'4 dLwrec 0itEmuldic wih Wlld Cherr a,,.Hy PvphoePhht*s, whioh in th-ittutan sd boatC bifflicm uf anti.dol mumptive ,.,ndlus. ?Iwo.600.-nid 1.00 por Nover mUow be boweois go romain onsutipa- ted lut seniouseMI damue. National PISi«ar *THIC VICTORIA WAIRDERP, , ve t tI.Y morning cjsmgrig tiel. aiuci tào marketsw n ob prlntlug donc ln modern stl>e&t moderato BATROr'A)tfIMQ I ai.dte Outaldo fus. h< .....le r5 Ea o0lumu", by the81 OO1MERCI AL A1SDTAL NOM1OU Ton uat dIu fO M tffeute.,acpand meaure, nMd Io o urS"imac lauionais. Six Iml&u M 'SixUlaesduadu, gitlfifmm ...........log Prom iii lto-r.dâN mln ' Mbo.tim..... . oYi Naci ubOquent Issia..... 1 over ton 074 10ns~Po. ie.. hé abuuet te b rho é5fl th. meupli. umuod.br-a male cf moli moparl (1 11ae Mate C» IP84 To ut u lmo for SM lsetoù, ve ses for lme tia S41 tebuittins rus viaarc mt rugula &dvatusn unleu t spool aangumeni. Adverlumonlathe t altfi Inabtrona v be lnscied until foribdd, .&ndohia ocodlnl. Odis for dUmuMctUi 1g av«Uitliple mua ho àeilvered st ticeo016ce tie morndng preons b t publi. Cation. AUl aiverislemntl ram non-reoiOnt piosc ot&ge.muet ho poi forinlaaivance, or sffiolot depsti mde M» ure 000 officel1m. Sam. Efuheu. ,Woo ]Vfl.iO-M. BZ 18L Breeder of purebred Berkehires of thie fineat strainis. Young Plo alv»"e .4'1 ; tviiîdlgree. Ecars bia) à,kept for vle lufor youflg stock lov. i.tf - I "Buokhache the 'cauengera meana the kid- of the syatem. negs are in "Delay -18 trouble. Dodd'a dangeroua. Neg- Kidney Pille glue lected kidney promp t relief."i troubles resu it 4175per cent. in Bad. Blood, o iease i la nsa, intan os aused bDys§ý9skà iueran disardered hi, - the moat dan- nea. gerous of ail, "ight as well Brighte Dteeoe, try to have a Diabetes and healith y City Drooy" wit ho ut aewer- 'The a bout age as good diseases cannot healh when the exiat where hldneya are Dodd's idney' eloggod, they are Pilla are used.' Sold by aU de0ners or sentbY naloleep of prSe ocents.&e b x i o'$. Dr. 1- A. Sinti C. ornt. ri.-,o book cmliiiKidneyTaL Fam ot bale or to gteat sod â bdf Es-A. tgao ..& ** iw liW!ftE*( - PEOPRIETOB, *tCet» lb à %* M W il bb e t lu~ i nm E.JAff u eW ' . L )b artime te mml .vrvod-My gSk o Hameau, uJopWhips, Trunks and Valisa h ln Im rumaoLe -e = . n» omeetml; ohà raey, IL :1.. o. 100 muces *Mr oncdal ovxbqa o "exaw' , 0* rmv ---",*dig auos mît mcmlla Erltos'. block Mr loba Shot, Osamux O ulu or lOM MU R& 30N . lu, mut jc uoà;.MaNo. 20, multetsdmai ird Woi. uu a 09oSmah m onthinla Baiea bic i., Mr; IL MMUn. mmrtay. Boor Bi OOIuL-rmplam Camp, No. 40, mute second and fourth Thnn.iay f euh moth, lu Asocaton Hall, ovr Blls store.. P. EltoheU. Secretry. Jaines Kelth. Chieo. HOuGios, No. bd, meetings huAi cmnsecond Mon. day cf oaci menti ln Dobeon's blcek. SienS Ummi Wo2u ut n a u 4th Thuraimys, la =Hsll ovor Woode store. W. H. Groce, ETM.&L ABo*sx Ne 1108 meeo on te second uni fouu*i uesmy.oSo;ai mcmli lu Wooda bled. A. Y. D NeGasit»,ocrtry. T. M.C. A. -Motinga on cor. ent uni Cambrdge et&., Iuurdq. um udy, 4.15 p.m. Rea. ing rooma oen &. 9m.n .to,10> P.m. Young mon s-Aa v elcome.- . Ký Caihoun, Gea soc. W. C T. U. mutasM Motonday of ovry monti la tie Y. XMC. A. roomu t 8.80 p.m. Tua BeuuaaocnoS Lcomo Ive remen Um"eutl tic 8neS& llevery alternai. Satudy at 1.80 o'clock p.m. A MoArthni, Seoeetary. Tma Bmeeawoonor Lacoorv m Ionaummut la ons' Hall, orner cf ent and Cambrdge streete, Lludsuy, every alternat. Satnrdav ove». ing t 8Solock. A. Millr, Chief Engins«r. Jas. Clgg, fluai Assistant Englacer. DEOTEEIBooD or RuaILE pTAInKn, meute la Truc Blne ilali, corner ent ad Wlliam structs, on tic-second ani Saurai Sund&"ysut £ c'clock ;.m. Qoa. Josam, Mater; W. ABBM. socreturv. BOX 10. Fror Sale. lh. aito recentlyocecupîiedby the.North tar hotel, conaiting of about 25 sres vitistables theen atmit i tetonsip f baton, Temseu. A wn O8EPH CALHOUN, Lindsay or to Ma"ci nd, 189.-24-18 Park Lots 8 sud 4, veut cf Abet teet Llns5y oatalung, ine acres. Wil ho renei ckuaP for a 1.ru f resus. qf ecuamry, i. a suitable tenant. For. hBumw* *"at Mru, vuk l bs4b xoiad ok.mreothe employed. ThL. lo mofleTwO' lvuhd. AU11 ION& anb Oi <s ock 'M um ni oaviib.onvnc tht it la the 1arge.t to ahonês lieu, ~Md bu v ku 1pesaerIlu ahm y pige.intovn. m epî'ubeling o*e lbuOhO4 I vuosoui ?,i.otiuamplaceilavour ordor t oncmsud.,.It m.9»MIR IOW iL 1i~.R 5lNDbtq tompgy dame. »o.fO ge t heu Pluoe. Olv me &acAIL JAMES LITTLJ. Llnday, Dm . 11 1M-lI. NEW Se Je PETTY9 -GOODS!l m The Jeweler Is howîng New Goode in Wedding Bing, 18 k, ftilly guaranteed with our own stamp. Gold Keepers. Gem and Diamond Rings. Watches. The best value in gold filled caues, with any American movement made. Be. our special watch in Silver Screw Bezzel, with -United Stateu Watch Co's movement. W. have ail the numbers inhe cele. brated BOSS SPECTACLES. No fancy prices on our Spex. Our Rèp à,' e in Watchefs, Clocks and Jewelry is stili the largest in town. S. J r]TTY The Jeweler, NeZoor to the Daley Hlouse. Kent street. Lindsay. February 7th, 1891. Organs Repaîred and Tuned, SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDU Ari 2, t woubep Rfoe . N. SISSONS LINDSAY MARBIE -WORKSO R. CHAMBERS murunU~ bti M*sUdrai. BMstlstepromptly glven &Il kinde of cemetery Iarbie Table Topo. WasliTOIe. Mantol Pieceutc. s ucaty. ;llnapusollovk-an &Bl houli see ltadi- sl1a n ompae roplo before parueiang euse- WOIKS--Iu resu ot the market ou Cambuidge St., oppceoMattievu packing hou-- - - LINDSAY, ONT. OUYR MRANTS.PIANOS SEIWING ZXACHUNES are guaranteed superior to any others made in Canada, and unsurpassed by an>y made in America or no sale. J.RIGGSLIDA Wo bave the right goode. Do not have le munilt imtendimg purchsera b, pretending to se-l manufatureeOf and dealr «11 at coal, or vholecabc pricos, non evee 20 on 30 per cent, les tian any other d,éaler who je 4doing a bogitimate businse. Intelhgaevt poople viii mot be roped In by 8uunna"d fr Eunian Hair Goods, balderd.oh. But we do sIlI cheaper (accord.ing to qnsiity) than üaï o',hr p(3rscn irtbîL buai. mes in the county of Victoria. olain and fanoy htîr pins, j ew- dry, musical instruments, and fanoy goods generally. Ilso agent, for the British N.6 Kent tbt. laat. B EA liAN! are dear at any Price." Samples can be seen at No. 17o Kent St. West. wo W.LOGA N, Generul Agent, Lindsay. WMr et DeiT et! And we are stil pleaqiiig he public wîth our LARDINE 'Lrt maes Suc famous heavy Bodied Oil for ail MIachinery.Th whuei men. Theinethodi arc Or ownexcl usvlya leI once use it always. tebereanytbgrfMnMcCOLL'S RENOWNED CYLINDER OIL I, aelly, qulekir, peranotivreser»han no equal f.-ir Enrine Cylinders. -Give it a trial and seu i t'c your- iouu'e~. 'l~i~r~.self~. Bewa e otimitat;ors of Lardiu'. )MîIde on lyby teisil the trahi o evils e.ýee the resiut r-v. etc. forever cnre<\ c OL R S,& C . To on o l it :&e.th. deVel's.- n isti, îsm.-ss-m. ment u lofe to every orgsn sud To pI~~e. utai methodi _______________________________________ Ixzodat ,nrV âctac.Fslure im- possIble.. referenoa. Bok. epas Ouasu profamile (a e)f eV-=Adrsa RIE MEDIAL CG..BUWWALO, . uiCimbing Our Back giu, KInowlsoll BroB. IBul motup te ur boot topie vo. Ilte a poor way to mdverdum on.e busicepi by ne. finiilg t cuoherb-t 7 ..fnd Iatqtto -A-a1ienee;Uni -v.1-11 .r Irasa. Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Agen". $5750 will buy two btorey solid bslek lve lnemeat tormea. elwig WO tout per annuin, sitnaled iu coune of tovu. A goad luvestment. Va.ual Fm hmuae or te oie adib 1*Mea h t ~ t s d In «Wmflest a i!w 0. a.U Business hn aur malta. Trat every mmm lainlp mnd lhe mime. 1on wil find one stock complete and price. riehi.Geai stock et milmery, the vory lstosî. Dresa mid mantle maklg dame la shop, sudi h er vonteImbustyles. Groc.rv stock tomplete, GMue-us a cl. Es ZZ VEREX. $40)00 will purchase one cf the fin.-Littho BrttuluMaj sy2ftb, 1S9-180U cml rst1 n aNorth Wmnd, with Ive $1700 will buy 1i storey brick 0 0O1OJu A. 2, " B 1 d'w.Dig amiadditonson'venieiilly ail- uct.dla Nrhi mnd.At the LindsaYW oollen Mills. $1200 Will buY either of two brick fl augs, 8 sud 9 reemie, lu South W rd. à mle m éit at e ih n w scl m r ,m rD e $850 viii buy brick Cottage ii W. have purabas e baboismlemdiflm hmviA c n a.lpoe SgonibWard, kve miauleswalk tram Pont carding and eplmnuag machines fvcm out Maniposa mille, mnd sre nov ina a position ÀOROO. aohurn ouI a botter alas f okt t even donc bers betone. W. have had a loVg W. have fonsamle and te remlsolid bnlck,brili expernen lalb. usimuand as seub dmprmnet vili receive aur caredai attention viead d rame dwelingu ami vacant wo are mure ve congive eut oustamner~satisfaction. Our primes fonrnisnutacurrig lais -la aul parts oftelb , a ilpnices san ovwi b. foimd as loy am am mili in the Dominion. Iterme tq suit lte vanta etfamY lutendîiigpur- 1buu alaaoulsi ROLL CARDUNO A SPECIALTYR mINSURANCES plac Pire, ýiMe id ldlrhskos t loveut et Oul~rMuus a "ils-r- IWoolleiI Goods,. CottonadOeF Shirtings) etc., etc. varup ind.11 0m9as p ai I godma pI hap. Mare thon 30 différent kindm JA mods trou pme*Wo. Asuva hien4 io rua the jean round w. vant a largo q U anlIt i ue -w o ! f r w i e v il p > t mbe l oa i prioe, 2 o ints outre vhom BEOS. c < - WIImSm A i -i - Orde AYD w 0 L 1 ýA, m OIL! MACHINE ava 1

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