Ilorue bhoeing a Jobbing proPtlY *S . ..................................................................................4. Uo a Oopy. .r. 4 LINDIAT, r r. JUNEI0~1892. Vol. XXXVI.-Whole No. 1838 We - cour I the~ Oounty -Over. Qeaseless Toiloea FrrTrace. ENTER? RISE ND ENERGY ARE GOOD TEA Are with you in the lothing Trade. They are here to ahatter olci values, to fracture old foyotisabu Olothing, to open the eyeu of the buyers of Goods. to show the people how muai a dollar will retur hmwe expended with men who know Lheir business of:sU-..lers, and know yon know yours as buyes TkT1~ARE ÂNXIOUS 'T~ AIRE ALmWAYS X~GIROW BETTER W ARE STSIDWT VV.JJTO PLEASE. VJ! SQUARE. VV A ND BETTEIR. ShL ROIS Throw asîde your ideas that Ready-made Olothing 18 bot what it should be. We kllow it is. ekowta style, fit and finish are as muoh a part of our Goods as of the best tailor-made garnients. Capital, skill, detrrs have made Ready-made CIothýng the equal of the best. Hustle here! Husti with us! We'l] hustie tool Our goods must.'be hustled! We'11 pay you to do your share of the hustling! -We have turned into our Store a new Plum pioked up at Headquarters, $65000 Worth of Olothinw that we Wholesale are Oost. selling at actual OOME ONEs COME ALL. THESE GOODS M«UST FLY% c3- oei a- i THE WONDERF«UL. CHEAF MEN, LTNDSAY, ORILLIAe BRA NTFORD BELLE-VILLE, PETERBOR09 TORONTO UIb~cu~?~~irrrIMARY LOUIUSE BOWNANVILLE, lune 3rd, x892. MR. W. W. LOGAN, Lindsay: DEÂR Si,-Referriflg to your inquitYý,, re ru mor in your locality about our Company, w. beg to'ýay that we are now putting up quite an addition ta aur fàptory, and have made contracta for lumbr for séveral years in advance. We "0e se nding a twaeUler to Australie % ad Germany to openl Up andincrease our trade there.\ýý We have laîely put lin about S,,oo Worth of Machinery, and have gotten out new patents and p t. terni for pianos, and have increased the nuxnber of mms in aur employ. Our gooda wiIl not only b. the best but the cheapest accordhzzgta qusiity i the market. We have no heitatisn i sayig tliat long mter the present generation have pausd&ava the DmilimO Organ and Piano Co, vilf continue *0 8ftu the best instrumente in the world. Tourstrmly, 1. O. aer. COY, EYEYFUDÂY MORKING At tbe Office Cambridge St,, South of the Marlt, IAN EUHI .IDMITORA» ?OPErOIL 'àfe1 eod mmu for I'renob mvr M&s.ood hoWui outtbouse accmmedation. lest j ag..Apyt UAOW & rMe iva . O. lune 894, iN--IS 1 Fror Sle. That won kuovu proMri lu Lttie italuoued ami popl by the aueorber. There are ivo lot mcltlflg two.athi of au ucr, on whlch la a gc hou".se, f«elIykept as à botol, wth Rod tab = a»d irvnfshia ession glymet aionce If de- dsire.For pa:tonlal tV the wner ou the ]Umte Bodn, ianSth, lut-U84 qOrooeat of e i.County e« votice lu e bZgiven laithe Id2iipeal <ounoi cfteOetpwor5' ttObcfle Goun 44cfVkO*arl vi mesS lu lmcOUN %=L Ut B R EECOURT Hgo«% ,LINIBY, ou Tuumayt the z4th cf June, 1892 Mt 2 ee* p.%fola b. trasactencORmral budum T. EIGHU, - aW ý e-l=Gs,= -e H"In receatly purcbasei the steamer NarZ LODI"e. [Mulu a pocioaa ta m«UgeLr famtiy excu> tiea s reasonable rates durtng ab prement pleuri suesn. This bright lUtil etea« merb eau remit. reainteil and itai up. in a 5*'làabream i vilthei tlmsandno pains vii b.» ,puM toleadd to *a ou ffolandmieure ai patîmna. Lindsay, June 7, 18ML-88- Troet VaIl.y N#àvIt4on Cern 1898. TinE TABLE. 'ses Ocuencn, u TureayJune 20à, the ESTURION, ILindsay an& Bobesygeon, BrStUEeBONPOKF T VIiiin a foluui6 MWforth noe: lmve beaygem aM 4-M0 U, mi 3. 10!%.m Ezelgoà Iiudays, i"M lie0imer vini 1«" Ulullq icha. eiwp da*v aMiBoboaygees 75 ce, retum ickets, Singfle ticketsb lveaZhisoMdi urgsupel 8 oemis, rebma tikele4cent&. ligl tckeats bsSvSbýob7cM and Ulurge. P oinU et.,reoto= ceOMM. I3u tIckeb ts .1 udei vaiseau le mre 14= O Oe AT6on«. Mdm U enro~ cet beal.ver tuAmapin t. Ue~~IL . O.N0%s obagm N. AME heiu~ J.?. cf cal meilolnial v~ bosdota~o me sfrauel eatluigei * 'k. gpI0~'1 w" m~ n. n..~.L. S Un.~ A....~.A S p of ~igs. houa ~e Iex.stle mmd muOclIlsi ~wnIê n<e. ameblusi ~l*i lb luhos ulaste 15.w~ ~ le mss le i. dhusm aida eu mi bina-i emalapatlu ~ RITCHIE'S OLD STAND9 KENT ST.3 LUNDSAYR Banquet ta the Grand Orange ho vau mort thmn pl«eeand ud a prend ot StcGk Notes. !Adg, atMonteal the reception aud the banquet. It vas grati. Lod~e at ontrel. jfying te sec hhat the uteuse bitterais. 'hici Thoroughbred 2 yean old bull for ervie, Major Samuel Huizhes, M..P., S. Clark hart disttnguised Montreal vu as ing svay, Sir Roger, (13403) Donion S.H.H. B., inaa Wallsce, K.P., snd E. P. Clark% .P,ç an sd ho hoped ta e.eihe day when the princi. dark red vith rich yellow bide, wau bred by r.spnde tetietoasa popoetiet te* plu of aithe crier vould b. sufficieutly vol B.PReazin, Linden Ville7, now on the pro- m p u ed e t e t ute pr pou et the M on i o wu te sveep It altogether avay. The p ety of h e p resent o wner, A . . Sm ith, lo lysa- banquet. Blow in a svuoVels of the erder wu advancing. Inuhe high office of 20. concesson 6, Eldon. Out of 6 cowe epeechs :- the lad members of the. eider vers t e lu1ta year ouly tva vexe returxaed sud all ave Y The touti of the. 'DOriciOn and Provincial mea. Toepoetmgt feel proud tiat or viii cave-a5.4. Legiaisturce" vas reeponded te by Major tii7 ey zr rugemaudOsadian citizena. SauelHuges, IL P., and as hea poke he They bcd corne irom thc e Westvithot fémia v t o A m ý t s 0look@deilti.mme olil Sam Hughes as ho did beaSuse doop lu heir heurta ver. the. princi- avto ryN ts w vi he ormaeil lacroime atika vià the valiant plcu of Ora-ngeiam, dearrthou 1f.. Il vue (ieo i etecrin itesio champions of 1h. Montuireius jeuisa ga, 1for Iherne prnuiplee lutthle Derry Boys shut Oni ea-of the butndxausioneft he fo ob before ho vue Major. Ho spokre ai British 1 the gaies. "1While vo follov the piluciples il.V h ida tetwaffrBb institutionsansd of thefr ioumdations. The ai Orangele., thosame er »ait8.30 &.m. ou Tuesday uext. le. Brtsh Pallament prvies te the lime of tho. Orangi.m vili nyer die outi. u mrkable cees ba al ndevrtisemuri *William III. vouli not bon-r cmprleon vit dnyalepa-hlalTtou , asuerkela.,mdti eo- lia- aia Iterparli.& W. e lobrate t1h. 1tye laute Povilc v tareeOpr couta orae n promises te prove no exception. Every th t f l h ei ldl n .h w n r n t e a a arrangem ent for lh. couvenience ef thoe vho baile of the Boymne t smply beaemil vwsuip ue a ,sd te th. BritlishEmpire, th.e«rosi. attend beu o made. A vehiole vii1 m uet a vlctery. but bosu su ivltory secureil the est the vorîti hu ever mma." Ho vas prend tie but a-nd covoy the baskets ta lie Park olvil sud religions librty vo nov ejoy. It ai the Montreal Orugemeu sud aie prend w ée ht ad ol ae ilb rvdd vas net à purely Protestant vioiory. Reman oM the boye vh, braloly nached alog S. Aver lmàmetingud c lal e vildbored . Catiolies cldod viliWilliam ilutlb. cansd James aütre te liat ha. They bad bousAf r nh of mooto. Tviela b o .ded bysD. fr tic principles vici v e.foueit for on pla-ced ammd. abau n laIbis ciybut lhey neoi Oaw*U o ex rsonut he a la anuouce s x ac tiai omaio."1 Ho moie of lhe early mOinE neDt b. o auy longez. Tii. Hon. Eduard ta ica-ve slaorly for santher field f labor. Pgu on the continent ln he ivelftl id lBlake mil said liai lie ban hait beaunrevov? Everoneo ieicibeen benefited directly or thirteenli ceunrie%, vie. thonsanis sud tans by tie passgof eti incorporaton at of au idirectlyb teArmy uhould buy ai lott of tionsands aif ronolimen feul fer lie cause Orange Order ln tie Domiolon Parliameniy y i et Protoetlswm; W. remembor Willim III They vere as iree nov as lu any part of tticas5 tickeCame, sxpeetlng a pleasant and especlly beaum ha foueit fer the principla. Dominion. They ve. aendilg thau..Profiable "rn. Tickets 25 sud 15 cents, Se. er individual liberty, ici brouet civil sud oeth@i estimation of lie people of Canada by POstere fer further particulers- 1oifuleslberty. William vas Dot alwsys s manly, Strsgitorvari course, ud by s luelyin luies balles, but cvon hi& defeut. open, hontat avoca-or of thir»rluolplos. Bay of Quinte CJonférence. mnoumuIR WEAXN TO rWI ]CMENT. Wiv aboulil Oraugem e intorfered vithl Sem pouo ovaeas ma ettic lioaet Tboy vers .Briai subjeots. 4"We wie to Ticetolevlmg lis thefinal draft oi stations:. 'amoralglevilnsn Wlim eo'oui oua vay vitheut odsndlug any AINTO STI. # "Oh Dorry vafl" andi "Xe surrunder" tellaàanc. btv r e on agnn r. #Wy lahâ hma peuttimi w. ot in lî thonprinoiles for any eue.» He apoeoet tle Vauulgton, John W. Talion; Wilfid, t epeople thinu. lBcd Willam III. lutst lai. avatei of oa-asIte. aileve«hun le John H. Oke; Maniea, John Paver; Little ,4 Boyspuble opinion venlihbaV gine t bull up a greai country, andi it wa- going ta Brilain, Benjamin Grearix,, J. S. Irvison Shlm; Jmm wclv ,mhavo bieni. Clrk, m pthe vas icne i Wlaon, B.A. ; Oakvaod. William Burno, R.B; 't tOfl -aeliobooaoyith ouetiapfer kr.Ho pal i& ltlerlng tnte te tihe Beàverion, Wlliam Tuoker; Atherley, Alez. <h forbedr prI«. sThe polen oetCrugemen c ont nreel for holding truc te X. Campbell; Dalrymple, Charles H. Caon; idfrtît raile u nthfo 1 andthepicpu9 h nttto.I uBehn .G %]A;Victoria Road. »vW* ila inovu am thre OMaIS of-._î j_ llfying le notice liai lhs evidoce of intense C. ]EL Fuan; oeboeek, lHenry <C. Garbursi; Stisas priacipls e asm clrong masv. Re nggg i blernems sd bcetillity oforuma er as uNorland. IL S. Frlick. gblgtry cOMlrd he Nic oria th fIrela& Md tipnalng saya.Xi vwue evlng te> the*Ignoreance LUlDOATDISTRICTI. *T i0sai et prolsiala ersm urdersilu cld etthe princlules ef lie eider on tho part of blei.Tie Nmiethrlen l potetaut, a vilasRoian<J-lilis 1 ILiauy-Cmbridge souestThomas M. bMeï. T ITM o Irémd a ad w th Pmtgmtl, we u-OMM'stiO"' thaOCmpbell; James Grossner, John A.. Rogers, b.ob..o cft the Dilai «Mr. ne ratm oue e lii st he udio 5.51351 Il h-bu oousS Isperannuaieti; Queeushooet, Nevton Hill; *8 mv. dusi of *0 Màtrgi 'nuM i te Ot. rnol 0a e enaet IsOamee, Orislopha L Thompson, A. L. - - Enoiss m rn , Th@ or #m lacples ae immortel and eboand udnUtBroum; Janetll.,Robert J. Fail; Duneford, oBlats Mo a-va eroL h L»M«Bd i& .rvswu v. àcg la mnO" W. J. Sonadora; Cambra-y, Moses Melierell; à, *Mia did ad mua fair pla ndeqil rits Tenelon Talla, David N. MoCamua; Bob- * "j »isetismioIb as" -ua& ».,. te aUlmoedsasd cses. Tecr« vro- %%M* ire. iahé0" t Dwsd ylis oino moygeon, Thomas Snowdon, H. B. Rave, S. bMt ar1oéLi Sallabu& oul an r med fteDmno eDoua, u ted; KinniamiJohn P. alwf lie vo eké po vfath wa]W»ow e ursg;; a M en, W. H. Luorvi; Stanhape, 1a Mat- Mai u toniershe u àt 0th* rda 01@iC thle daY. la csVoe* S, tOn Da-viti (. Day, mdr.uperintendent af .Aiq maes Md «"edma - S udpiUugacha"%smSt lam * @"Ol M egeSu iadon; Heliburton, J. M. AX Speuce; È»ýM pu . xcitic tm se'la re sig ate e'p ' 1 i WberfcresJ. A. Berry, undon liee spcrnu tUIIiu u1.e tStieiier deZ à* ' m' ?? e a ttu a e1 le teal t of Haliburton; Goodu-ham, W. P. W"i la mm* Imm, bo eges.unier auperinieu et ofKinueunt. p1eac*t but bo elà f. t Im wu NILEILSexmi4, H. iagahey, Frank J. w.uu urne_ os *.b . 1a. mana"il vo l iM 1fo- licAniame and IL .Bémioili go te college. se ame. la l8 radis ed in *4 cm tu comak.mois he esaued by èdck kidàcys. Dz. Dia iral*o sa.DoUs 111w PM ill iiremovo t. Ny, liu peofenU mo n lie kidueva tus7 impurt Aoéaa orema ibissAItiesyamby iyn tir VU m mndebaePmdm SPer Ânnumin inAdvênoe. I OU8ÂLL SINCLAIR, WA4osoN8, LUGHS9 BUQG-c GaIs, and CUTTRBS, baahmdamela tire . a f. 't HELEORE I ê.f~ Bt I e' PARIbS GREEN INSEOT POWDEIRI AT EZGM aerE.ev'S. AdverUse / 1 . . m lit