*~' r <~Jïob- miSfs u11n i )avig of busimeluthe on- ud OMMte S W. do botter nowç- -a o" itvimd " w«uc bh19nmdtf mako them botter and -O&Bmu fte.logn,* ddmbe hà'W« advertiuo thomn botter. Al'W W hegm thet la tWIO t o dO in mUuh cf bluf A S~~ou '4di thoue 1I A Y- J The exact truth il# thore 0100.1rsq& uauibl eri a"d.toulb hoU are no perfect watches whlch have beein o *01 P100181 th*e 1MW W" 'tl" 1'm h Watchrnakifll- lu anex- nawd ofmildestre& TO.rhese Iboed tu *9 e pmtepoIl* 0 hi oushwy porimental art, mot an !tie bacMl, as the germanarecaUld, 13 vice. tahresteb.é Pon ufl lc. *I.et exact scienlce or a0 i cret are too srnaflt o sien wltb the dévotionasd ah *1he Wu Of whueÏ01e eom enete proceas. What hu been n 1dOLW yebut tey are very mich 'u" ,bo .t.%dW am h .w cm ee te sea do. eknW ihtl aulve jus thle aime, ud cnter the bd sO d"sen bi to b. doue, who know? bd l o1od, lu lthe air wethhat noble flOU As *l0 "ucMWWwl cn W. are apt ta do MOre rethe, sud ctbz g et pote o oi lihoical musa mho ri fdi W than our sbire of the lthe "skia. Theuc ,e t te l bis me aqm» omv vhloh has b., mmd ablisrsmmb.,n don.whre they fiston aui ncreaewith UD*ik bu b omSad a ~ ' ave lqà,t e 0éa-- u,..m àhR mo Ou secîlwachs b rghtful rapidity. 'rien, «Manofitmcpratios f« * hio e m10 Our special watcheà to- q~~~~yrup cornes in, bosssen tbakl Itb oacn uiOM Wtenm*u aw day are up ta to-day's lhompeishmhOieplaceS UhoUohUf VTi a o bu sd knowldgo--as nor peor- they have, sud so2Qr an sd vasthi hlslaie n 0Housof cer- S nIw t~ fitinasaysd u soothe thtinashort ime consump- mos u 1.ol@oisiktable vies tbe Hou.. ..lhtS p p uornerespects loirer than tvsbcm erpofm e l.*mo o Cida, hoo a basisol any other. They are old btusbwl fitenerhodm o .Anbd7-à WSb'ut mn botter this year than lut thonuaisWho aMe axtously valhisg honghuapei aagh thh arg oun m~a m umo1-es *« o -will b. botter StRlinlu h»Ipt i Wil uy d the m Ofroe so@rpcetug ona éhb.k bed cf uap!. rubblu. u&a m*s oh l m, «ui the future; but if you 6" trui a a ne Inahhuth la ormt, a . rom wielgrb.bomisauion.bck.A W Iw"aa thlnk ta wait unlil lthe @dlth levwoz%%1l:in m lu"aste, &fID$aenthe b izuprovomouts §hall have var.than te ruivri"Thora la alwa7u a Imo&muioh.,Thah&,b u.] ite ail«boom made you'11 »ver hpycnoounacf bovng peo&Urme , uu ebs iai eIs ",Uasa om gel a watch. eîtiZn;, we lend a hHue vos t in làbutéohole a roi mue to Muaàffilion broor hi.; &uc "'a boUboked 1y a .aiîbaL "SI mAsdlldmo -re Or la % 1u _________ You cari, howovor, get a 148Mli. . P W êti ina watch to-day so good ova74DMVT BZÂImb osu At ID muidbe 4 .turne ih that it will satisfy you Emdu aiar aigof B.N.P. Ne; M " ià" 1U4 or -thé aouu smith mot only to-day but for a Lord sou»lbux7'rumb tum"Mn&oa u evsls , 1,ev, Uhh__ dmi fl. eyera.aI 1f. lime. tb. great question of brate In Bd" tuham The awamlMsulutug o et asomusr iceustiy." Od o ubko h 11ersy emkehi fbua f p Loige dncf heuxly e t i t IdI (ise ex84c0udti O te b. belto, the M ouatesSaté a. i1 of Cuethu lasS -c, nlltes' havtsg aMxuntsh Either of aur specimi Irbutr"%, Md vhlé 'te auppertor amd- thaodsno Jml..N'"I7.OOmriAnd Stigaa PISM -ltMy uSAU4hth, watchea the <Midlandt rance *boy afêou thor in ls support, aiîlse'lokte~~aku Ormlm os îuglh a;L n pet 'fte.Alt or tho "Victoria" will Wvbu. appffI ho l.rcthPu"l Igil .o O. -TeDliO lU=iLi, fKipa fl Uuu mh saliufyamy reasonabbo eratMnMA .xporlonce th" i au themu tth e uae u t buelma a O. at .'. FOUEma@ 1whwl eHinJethé huzuan being.gross Inglmd cannot figbtthe ". ldtra ojus t, .o14h is., o.o JulI Laiue'lersjournal ,tth a muet et protsotghs poltcy Of hoeile coumb i thi Afte the buase. ci tbe district le concaîm iabg tislu lptioa et CampL~ Uéibth Yu 1 this lu welworth aa mnproteotion, po1tcqof ber OW9,0"as'bh oanel oamoà visib oaufffiAd@ko." m t vhofhi oamu I H PB C lokn it.Coead *ea oonsithi. fmct la reognpisol by h. *500 5 ton&@"qioti. "mimou e ietho nu mldeef a Brt lookng ito. orneuurir ..u~ t HOo Oble N, 84 iatem uinVa& Min Hart@ l.a agirl all Nothing can stand bofi uee us about it. mon vho are mdminlatering ber a&&ira *1th ~.eulg lJu.11. a buitI j mihm rio. i én von oseUtuwy botter L i ii b.o for *a e ontqy.ShoulI lodselauutinbsma fl pu. uoitko6a. non o09lb0 illuaratlosa acoom- *0 ioonarvatlve party la the îordmtimng lancela hob. ltut cter iciehoval. D R lIN lectonsahb. anoceful it le ol uslikly The NPARASOLS, th.abaduty viDii.mpuelon theAfood PARASOLS. f T0 pioducts of *thé United Statam-turiffoi a 5 5(5.ef f k",r sla h6ois far angb ue =m'a9 n- tériff agd»t the l"8mn-Wna" iouwaguiq poume to t«ePIais "ul. u7"it tarf gmsa O. emtu ntis e agni position rifgau i ht"u»plaeteth Ibm - M kas tha" "aAre on thel l BR~~. ~ommercIal ar égalat Groa Bittain.Wharf o on "],mouulic wt i hanesit " 1e ,laby *p pm">i Ar onouhe mn OmbMda ai aser colonima could tuaà ahorhat lbrai psoprov" théIbmpepldetfui rem*= iigve yom a mampla um tflp him aupl Enlad vthailhi f~~isdm wlh ia lh~bave ngohniiIl saeri atoe amautor mrolooougba. tim sppi anlu wth61 te Muor book. 1.9., àooufmutabloeelos ANmgda 'o ýe alaaul Zi" poucta ulqui. Tho& *the beneiat, o b boIhavebe lumhwmall bla Moatbiles as P -zz Za be dérirsé rou Inter-Imper rla ue rade the tracs ola itou he orarmepl fa léi Lu adprotection mimaI thé est of théb. p,_ovuut e i ou*0mabu hgeUW hie ~ l boi epot oLeu la th é acq0f i rm w U. , P rin tshe4t it ________________vorld vouib.al aosuIhoae o eaipea.uetelb vrthut.111 Pst".AII doshe1hit. Çiaoï% u " dimporte, have bues mutviti a spiuiletfhoslttyhou . Xnua-Is Omim, a*îrida).MaY 21h, -amie_____ crlas qura vW" se à ---v--..lie vite -of Mr. DaM f#b.fa ainaa MlDAY, JUNE 1100. m 4 MiDi4AT 0910AG0. pslgaby.law tmaliqu thévbe~ ani et wn-nzi>mXMi a o th Pthtta heMole df"*lvim dNM. 0Um. Wy~ea ou.z At the.WorlI'a Pair, Canada la toho" mav e ~l.vb lotiW"hla mutwveas Te inat ndmos tmp a largespace, wvbk inob idOoubt b. us- Me. On Taimy t l' "w owmulmTe ietad otcml quirel a pnopulyteoteks as «mrd«iu tPo Pelamm Bboar- Eovu-No5vnrr-Os a t aI., by surdi pool xhibiting or arluled s.hatugaI9.80 9Mm. aeen b.tle Lv. Jobs Power, as the reidespe ot the Md lzuscenh produotlons. Cama oa tlgI vswdu by XSKaIo t7h les UWO M 1Nu. James Kolmdoo LeiP. manufctureaivu!thea have an Opporun. mam ore avarth lb hafmi purmit thé. NON ]rot N a@ei oKweyn, $Il of Mai. Corne in and leamn what lb.O vOU o @ il tho eifeetion taer hé Wis oler, dosa kC. TMpsu to hIoblcoui îsobtnry bas bi bought Nayerthéesdepuhel Md la aabou t lme.M Jume lai, etAvouadl. D.moi outr Ohio. A ito f honteami a xn sd héadée tas vol! sne ceuparatire obopuel.. huu.od ilà mi" l ometiblese, ihuersobmv ofs.o Oile,Énthéa k A xiam of home aius.oftLaAsDairy &M teri,1os wveulioula«tcurî! trou lhe doob dom t glriv ai owin tèOviU<E j, etghncf, Md Min AMi l* fa& E8Z155 UNNW. herel." ald mimer"iproluota, viii aiWe bru lu- ho lthtsd oumtae. fiesLs vo mde Avoudol.. A vaditarlmiW oWin - a = ~portat facot lth@Canadien oxhibl. lbMe a o Our boal vouli havele ol7 tiiues'amusto er.M» ào*bsfeturma Of 252119 54 JOJMZNUN. Ail Pa""u cnmji>tng -si- n eies sleaidMag s h b*0 blv.Wal equlul Mdaitrstins .eoy -1Icomplaiso09 la, if 1 vrdoné g ainre. Sir John Thompionbasmoceirl hiefer th. pair ahoul communboteitbh fmatu10 ee .Wharf, @@mu ely b a Prooosr SunIz! f Olav, bu ioculihavlh e bd dogalap" me la h wumuiu.- At Lindsay myosTburaye appointmnt of arbihator on tht. code ' )twwh ules, Mldaim1"ho bd ol £ '1t te taesJeumeSai,1892, JSoeh WtIlIa. ffgd 47 ree question; and lbe Ho3mo.0. Lbu. appotel by lb. Dominion Goreun. thI .hulaisoinne ho ideo s cegoa. jurMd amntahe. Tuppor bas been tutrutel viti t " mont as comstonor ho aniupo ailmat-.Kuobliesboasmintpublicmaila Ibme Wxm& -lu Baily. os Thuris, Jase hors preparatory ho lbe Canadien "ith !!PuilUsortipea o toe 5monopo 92à& 19&. eoeaW bite.,vif, cf W. J. of proparlng the case tho b. ubîittol by gaotaabmum ofebu. INbuiseatoal e white, @Wdle yuara Canada. WItb such mesnr»preae-tndma ho oattend thésPair as lb. Domi.te-@ iiiy o f the peuplOetfLind dOB U- nc,--sOen o tiy ouri ntereate vs haen.ssne hôo 1mai on reprosenlahivo. uosamg ouslnv. Il pen a n a plil 21, ua-a mee donugblarofMay.H ol ollsumapro pote m mu"Mt ho me o a ', aiaii yuagrer otam8daM.W.I the reoalt. The appotmtunto mest vithi The Prolousor should have lb.he o&t? m09uavor hortot m mora Ialaad, N mis18 Oun,mo s u. and May STt Why basmanadbeboitl e nomaim taadlg te db. Egh makot, vh"tob ile1110110,8,simd other countites ln ber acta et bmwoohm b m bt !loum, .rmutin e s mcam o,~ ,~~1~~~wm O rEJI5tml In It lmok . of odty or vamt 0* yin- duunml anl lus aimulaiepmoiuoh n. Cut!t pathby liaIbuas oauer t o b. outirld "rh. Otaio (3oWnumî abeuli ma.- p t a lm mai Tu bd te bounteOus lomtioahu lb.h* fAy MiSerth#advhnbtiy o i ~~~in thm st1 amurltinofhthie liulm solfaui»tes 1«deOfeaL oh M. Defnohoin l aIà ey lIU~I shtoken RusatmnsYNo, st ahUmi1I16l mtlai" aMys*0iTorcs»O eR4 Xa lvr::4 ta~~~~~_ boaseapll-bopolimv-nu alfeM.:~hib ineillaf tm ste wý bas mot boum popeuly agIMalsd ma se "is. sasbono doobt lia as =cfBhb"IÔW w1»th q5*am anungelby il" mpmdalvo slampouhm« M boarte coul d h@mua Cac igvtoh au raia vitnue.selhi doublase lh em11 sol umll. m .PURmuubhMd,àamifi r t oi lb.Xx m fu . mntvaI ho umdour t Îlb." P pblaiola phâ thé 11.agi h àvoi m ot b. vise le h m9u suce ltuuams a moem s ht vml ». mmeaseuyhmor s smat il ta nol b!eoig le hiMa»d. mIatboeosb m as l mvasnoeu<i aloamsto l.mkmlom mb.q io. mw*vlesamb"... cf~~ lb. i !!i~v Summer SPRING son with bargains Li±nue the season with bar gains. r* wMl end the season witli ýbargains. ie leading and representative styles Yes we got them on thie mn, for Spring and Summer. AND HÂARD TIMES MUST GO. bre our magnient new goods and marvelons prices. UNSHADES & P1VBRELLÂS They are going. Examine aur styles and pric is. Lteens, Delainwi oy Dresa Goods. ete assriment of new ana popula, fstyles Gyeo on. 3, and you ever laid your pleamsu, satisfaction ana eoonomy there is in buying oui ,eady-made In me] R y is' youths' and boys' DEPARTM EN? dd]Ckng feainre of our stock. s3 vo should put on aur stock, b i, f are e n n bouhaa We have set prices on these woie it smail and e asily over- to attraot buymr of taste and a * !,iShing* Blinda, Lace Lfl8 and OUrtan POlOBa %adard otplu o ie la bêabsolte ruers. *baft UMod ou dStok fiborougby omplte un every fuature, Ir Of ou od, i I " %hai jlo the very lowest we oan Y" & W*AglU b tb .oevand Hosiery should fit »ril ma im ..hfr4ulos dos st ~h6 Ihs. ua"MI. h mark the Gloves vsndHosiery meff tua~ $<I f i nf*seHsiery and Gloves. 1< affey BAR GAIN S OUR