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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Jun 1892, p. 7

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T~I8 vIoeornkWÂs~ 1.1 M. 189$ CHRISTIAN SI801»MJ Y -= t5t0E ANSCLMNi IDA fE E Ob MM810 d lé dow th.reaaMdctitbit. I I& bau he Iaut« Wteirthat 5,>horisI tbàg ta4la tdm vood. M h o ~ PARAGRAPMED INFORMATION PROM tha e t.cIty of 4ondiio, that ste". valu bu tke a à» d',l 1ý1â11" it $,250,000, mmd the osibe fr ood alon. ls Mmhoarti hougo oft I riat V n L AN& mi. . rleprvails for foraging the thec urt ho gd 1o out aisus a ano. o i n aeneIu oc preek-.tiat le. Mi.Dr.T&IUSO IereOU.ftmlos11- Um i.. ela e art et o e Uth »0Habite aMdanon» or ofAil sorte 02 a borne conte "a shillins awvueý. aià s a ON forte Laavhag Ver thse Iami» ra. « ailitthe tuas buy ; vwi0 t ; a O utau4"hm&da high etmWod obnadt# e t rl poil aare4 utuag titi tt Tise rens f ~Aocilatio msoi i, ars -nstcsiof Rupela thO eprenant Sit tlise adand nd tnnand ndcrrw rmI v fFitIg ,EeovCroi, =9<nay *111iho :No inM idgil pnkr y , ah- a rm tStimn ChuitianHerlde ollf ~ h«d to foot7,w»dsirtusebloth td oleo. aitîsîn u Animale and Imanimat. or race; tie rnis to bc exercised by t he amd lua tivoy suallure. eats.m ajoity ; nrstricteil freedom of c ri ,* ÂtnOn 8 t da , ti ti fr ., y ba l bution ~~Thee Brut titias, thin, Yeu have te do, O 2tt..b7 Zl r1 On jjS<> ylat u avsbumthnt b a b ihiMYibaronla BÎoOILI'zç, N. Y., June 12, lStL.-t)i..Christian yonng tmantChristian Youing Vo. ipr oThec ;teIoal ml.nLofM- gwa a ufssng aidefo Taimage profaosd hia sermon thisi. n'ring man, JettuLo oto work ini the service of the 1Thecremationiste have ans orgetnnow ter iiilabor inecespary for th. e'!bt of = bi on an adjacent fars. on ithe wtta statement to the effect thitiho Lord fI ,-nu Weintotabc a happy Christian. ealled the Urti. the! cnril:îv ii e îeduced to a miii)l iei ,andi 21t,4sMY Odaimfor lous onl contents asai d would oil on Wedne.day next for EuropWhen au armny gens ont, there are aiaylTe nît.s1d ingdom ha. neither pot.co. cqU4yap uti>xeunong all.<Luot t g to uni to nm atsaction, aji(l to-day, the; sud right b. able te bc prosent at the dl- tragilers fallg off lier@ and tiser., tmre leura nor natural gan. the abilibies of each. Mat, Mr. S. Corneil bas a Chaque for the tribution in the famnine.tricken district& of laineitthey are taaind iok, but a great Tq hnu greesae h aLPe Ammaen rame nov on the stocke abt Mo 0 Y éli n .I inbordse Russi of te ChrstanHeral relif gareursure th montex. e oti e faue sy cftIsemttimsn, anpl Rusiaof ueChraban erid elefCarg "Y anbecanse they are afraid te Bght and Pert feruit-grov"ers ln the world. nvloîeson dùty there, vii> keep con- prht a imn of thesettlanemeoopand thay eonsiating of three million pouindaof 1B1oni , tee 184Y te aMarih.AlLer awhile Lh. lazy nva nov Lb. faso te nsrac Cmpnyi and other supplie$ whioh goecieut this mon on the roai hear the. boomin¶1 cf the I àwtah uion ils New York 111h1stant wateîî to prevent ail foî'igners and inMy c01". F Ci vi po e. sn.frhui u ieha i.motc ocittehire sitars for use at home wey o ssbed.me fteUie tiisfo, w neet yetutn hi nuac week on the steamahip Leu,, ahartîtred for gulotorbr, and ma eonher e&b onesou dingo. outering the yard. nxi the rat io i business te Mr. Corneil. the purpome. He coiigratulated the Ameni- y ossblecîrmis c andUiteaSnmanf omonnIntzeba y etrmticoine« iunrn oan people en the generous spirit evinoed and aya: "W. have won thse day!1" Then Lady Semeret daintily speakis of Ameri- mmc ut î4i'eud thaIL iâ 15 deirutu w' keep 3R MIHB . liy this magnificent gif t to the atarving they haëten up. Mev brave they are after cas"h hpp conr ofteanrsecret. Atny Yankee eau get by theilsenti J S MITCHBLL., 892 copie. Misa sermon vwu from the taxi, the battie la over. Pon at fighiting hut hope." nel P-"mv b-rh it M'.pr;l f i p ahArl 82 e mle. 6:1i: "Put on the whol tarner of grand at *huzzas" Se tiser. are tragglors Foreign pbh'sicians are nom- experiment- p)eutâ fhave beel ejeutu I<O1-911Lii2 preinises. 'Lm OXTÀIIO BTEAMOAT OOXNT. c~~~ H."in altmr the Lord's hout. There cone ing with fli l ympb as a pieveutive of A XEINE There in a intii. ext a grest raitlletf g(aye of darkness and battie. WVfere are hydrophobia. A XEINE ahielasand helmets and aworde. Soidier.l the ? W.e aULbh roll cf the hoat. They A Russian eau plead inf ncv for it long - are getting ready for battie. W. -have had Make no anuvèe but aften syilie there time, as lie does flot corne o,, ge t itl ieilow fa Dlnn,.r for Two Cost 1,000 1Francs receently tu thîs charoi now enlistments, cones a day -of triumph Is the church,, and 26 yeîtrs nid. aisi1 Va, EîiJoyed by the Mity. sud 1Ialhal nidrrpjs inysteif tu those in tbf. thev area&li about. "Hluzza huzza! Did't Women, Professar Buchner, of Darm- Ilîîteresting adveutures have îlut been andotey îu~e vho renîîtiîg n ho WC give it tu themns ataiit, mets forfh, live longer tlian mnen. But numr:s in niy existence," Lise. Chester arylr !id, anti who.miy cc l hemaelves 1 i fîveariother word nf caunsel tu givtàflot en match, as it ver.oi L-ýdi h onro i o to be as '01,islréai recîuiltm. thons who have just enteted Christian lifs, Ail the clîjekens in the western petrt cof relrge ftth on e i ieie, îlr. iii M'yfil' i*),ýof11uiîsai is, hold hefore and tlîat in, li faithfun uprzylr Yon French Guinctit are penfectly vild. It crossing lier feet cînfortahly ' but 1 eau >11v ., very fîlgil Du .. ) n mig, l s eli, bussine&@ inen, st:trt ont in iî1uil oIndo.wiîaclrd uyeoeta apee nl it u DAIL'Y FOR RuCHES"MI~ si;y' 1 Icould IWa i liut hbtman, lt. înorîîins ithont fooi nd ud ect te lbefein ie r. mer, îîîîd vbfch, I îhink, je sonmeylr u;'t or peak éehiLiii 1111<, or flàiAl the con-itromîg ail îhat. laj- îînigisi as vell ab- of the nrdinary rmn. We wî-ru ùi P. aigiMcent New Steamer Mo.rtiot t thin one.'*Say à"f e mthe stain froi fod ai- ta week ai uxpeet te nigloleit o guesîs ven t hea a the ti:iiu. Onoe îîorning I muont ait; Lord ,Je.-s- .Chriat, fi-l;fot paitîtrn. By b. tnîg jîysleally, as ta b. strong vitis. noîtHîbors weîît. ta ieep, la the vay a I11>, îI~ n il ic rte bseou tlpravi-r. .The oenly vay Il) get an> evlpape.- vinda up ius account of a my hî,k r myun ti. Rue- 1 rew oui.-- ~ ki p rnonIl.oil tir Glnys sic, erais Ailvel Part. - tg . O N OR T.K IN ait iny In."lu tiier woîifs y ou wlll strnîgtLit itc the seu lsl by praycn, and the lU7 ab.cegoie Mr. Fairman, Who Nt psî noyver L- uny more ae Christîin thbaïs ycu only uifeo.ne bet that Clîristian tisat lit .\ehantu and around the wîodIs near boy , aîî<i fie immedi i,- mB lmimnz ONDAY, APRISI 25TK, w1l l bve Co.j atrivi- t-,ý-. . if yunbuild a unjndaion la wrîmîli -verything and that w1uî îs werth la rw a tree reseni:,ilin l appear- "i i ol alwh ý7acu tev î îimZTvetO8G&M.Tf,sf andPotHpst1.0&M.n îwYe2 r.\thirty uîî e v i i l l ay iothinug is e tact tîîat tise îîat îei lot ame the Eîulisb oak, yhîjnLfuriiseaex- me ki MifIyodsiation v iittei accu m rrvabourat GTRTam. s bonsPort h Btsuda.mVen à si . 1Ifl tbuild lt euîîdation praa udl ie otiser doca. ceiýnt butu-î-. migle. mI dbai ntownA-hi':ýn BRliINend ait 9 .4op. ., dgturay 1.5 p.m. z v-îe ii: ît i,d by ;eulie bndreul teet, yen Anotiien verd of cunsui I huave te give. 'tiieru isluiîîimmense ganlen in China that sligiit:), fer a number cf yeu-ml, and pr..îî';b. OexnTs iRocheter wfthhsîy trains fur si ointe wîfiifîîve i, lar g e heîî,o. If yoîi resolve te Be fsiLliful in Bible reasarcli. A groat elOilacea 1un1 irea of 50,000 square miles. It ly Nwnild nover bave becîrie betîi-i<c- on New York Coentrat and &Il diverulng lvi. OÀZ.a lit- oilii ;eiiddling Ofhristian, yuti vili lmi goed books-are nov coning eut, im tII meoiland sud is filleui with lakes, quairieîl vitishim lhed wve ut orig o ohseadWdeyMrs bcieu tn4dIing Crsia.'I h u çicit rend halt of themn. At every l>etîuls uand canali.!,, al u audyEvsnig froml ochester. hià'glhtaspiration in s world i irection you revolutica et the prnlnîg pess hey are Joui-iali,'n ils 1>usia la ili in an iîfîtn-. uîlg. between A nericanu ;à!)&oad thaï in TH BOUG R TIMETS AND BAGOA E CHEOKS vil i never aucoejdlu buines. If, you ooming. They cover aur parler tables, ti. state. Tiiere vas net a îîeweplaper ini the maîîy cases wotid flot exiat at houe.10 At ai'Y bonm Agent. or on beerd. have ne higis uîfratlon la religions thîngs and areinlur aistting reomeanmd libra. country until tise return af thse shah ffront rate, I gave hlm Lishe desireil permission, T111811ORTE KINlouoncf Lhe la-goaL, wwiterat ynviineyer auceoed lu religion. Yeu rien. (lorieus bocks Lise> are. We his tripi te Europe about Lvo yearà ago. and vo strolled along, enjiiî îthe eand "il mosntpeerful steamer, on the lakaes. LhdI hluaes riglit ta aspire Le the vere' hlîgiseutthank (lad eveny day for Lise vork ef the A Lnde-hearted Parisiou lady ilium liailegayety sa peculiar ta the Piti, - h ulevandsai byEbetriitysd modern troughout style af Christian character. 1 rovm your Christian printing preu. But I. ha vs hon pet dog comfortable in cofd veatiier by At the Maison D-, viete lIiad expect- . s Bd~ A. _ itoa ece otapt o hitin t on. os. o lkt.ON fre ilon.reahe eu s ati c Chimtmn hoght. that perhapi tise follovena et clothiîîg it vitis as embrîlderoîl fîir-liiîîeîl cdhlm Le leave me. lo e rnlkethat leh.o.r, GILDEUBLEVE, Poar Roms attalument vhioh Yen msy take, and I de- Crit sometins allow titis religions blanket and decerating it'i littIe loesamnd would lie glid ta vait %vhile 1 rt-fon s-- Oenral mansjsrKIemd. liberatefy 5S7 that you 5may lebotter l ttre t. talte thein attention front feet vith eotandce d ockig.4. ral haLeMusat I confe at L lf' vas plain.-410AL IF. v. IAYLOR. Aget man thssu vu Paul, on David, an 'Summer. Gods Word, sud thora mai net lie as Tie aten tank or coler lisi hich tie ing uysef upn Ihaing naïade sntiiig EL fieid or )nddridgo-a botter veni tisn much Bible neadlag an tiser. cugist te lie. drnking vater is kept abonidb. lined cf a ~conquest cf a formsnly imdiffeent flannais More or Charlotte Elzabths. Whs Resd thse Bible snd IL brings Yen into thee ftispeceain, and iii uheuld b. emptled acquaîntance? Hie patience *as angelic, Go As M ETHEE1M Dot? Diliih.y have a monopoly eofGh&l. association et Lb. best people that ever and tisoruîingly eieansd eveny morning bc.-tor after thnee-quartsrs cf an isoun ho greet- in grace? Did Lhry have a privats ke> livsd. Yenutand lier. Moses, sud lean t ore the freais vater and ice are put. in. ed me in the mane amiable mannon, andlh tise place te get yonr of the latorehlouse cf Godas menu,' Doa 111 meekneus, beside Job and loiîmîi hia Tise annuai repart tif tise suPerntendent s.sked me te lunch vitis hlm at tise CafeI God niant yen out fnom tise glailuess and patience, bouae Paul and catch sernething of trec planting la Pari iveà tise number Cambon. Cisaming man 1 I refleeted a ~ T 1 oous owhich Lhey vers introduced1i cfahlsentisn.lasm, bemoide Christ snd yon t ros lat a 8,65,oais of wisioh ne-nmoment, then accepted, sI knev etura- tn.Yen have js the sasme promises, feel hle love. Aad yet how itrange itils ofprenti an tiaitcs f 3.T87,unIig6osvoi ea oltnW aa-~ V Ill - LUJjJIJL jusL the saute Christ, j uit the sinm eOI tisat a great many moaea given Lhi expenditune for maintenance la $50,840. tisô beut, a hurried, unaatiaiyiig ruitâît. New patea siigdmllj froim nglis, hbont, juaL thse smme@ocf pfresent aua violelilves te the amualtfag of Liat bock . lsedc utigfo"notieoe e 'Asit vas, I iad an extremely pleananb Caadiansd Amenlean manisets. everlusting love, and if yen fait short ot I cannot undontaad IL.btfrlt onrtycvrni what îhîey wero--ay, if yen cdu net coins np Tise.lsa aîhip ab se" and la trouble. k.ep hafr.a cenr, w ovn i Lme.wssu rd airablin cao cfte Le the point vidis tiey neaciieti and go ha.-Tise ostain saitise coare au t tiseir NviL' closeiy vith s in snd setiug iL aven a ,,. iadovyi, uud Mn.fI a r n oimue- oUgPprCrli a Ceti Crsthn&u>M ato oiad esaea it] of hotseb aer. Tin plan vili keep ths DétitnnieifI s vr io u u- Ctla aorsCrnr, n yousd t-it ln net becau.Crsthsast end e eo rd. o r-n l odba u iTo aime preveit it 1 thiik tIis vas oun Principal topic cf ocrts. yen out fronasy point ef menai sud spirit-. imaman. Yeune u ns pd give tome gonond htade iefaetm rvii tconversation. 1 vas iurpnlaod La flnd hum prie.«m taeneunt usoes al ealevation, but boause yen delifeatly counssl, vhloh lu kindly taken. That is ail fraomi drying. aucis a tnavelled, cultivated mani sud so ia-dStlsusitusme. refused tu taire i. nlghti. But suppos, nstead oi doiîg bilat, D)r. Landes- Branton ueclarea that cold estgatlkrThlucwu xe- Wlîei Lb. war-vsua.l of Chisit'& Chus-oh ln the midet c Il hLie trouble, yen pick n vier ia a vaîsalfe stimunlanît to a sia letleu the a La nd Ti e nie a.e- 'zom 5 ots. a Boli up. coites iLe oglory blinnlg its cncv sud it. th .orly compares ht la ois board andl pitc ~evenybody, and yl noften sendtise puléa silo «<dieu aL Lthe botel, I sn sure it vas No troubl, te show gcoda Remember I have paieîger, t wllnetcone u 1k.n orIl l ver Lise Laffrail?1 Oh, yen say, that la fo 6L 00 visen sipped, a vineglasatvitb sincere regret on beth aides, panticu-. tise Bsit lin.. IEXPÏRSS WAGONS la River yacht, beautlfully painted and adora- daitandy. But lài Lsas menu as titis? Her.s aime. But viisth rothf on, iL semal more larly as heovw. %bout leaving Paris for Lon- iJndsay. sd, swinging itatise boat bouses aiter à lastise vemiel efthtis world going on vitis neadily. dan, and our renewed acqnaintanoe vouid pleausrc excunsion. Oh, no. it viii be sixteen hnndr.d millions cf passengers, Tise barber cf New Haven, England, pro- have te b. auiepended unitil we met in Ciii and seootthe Cheap Express Wagons. flsiela vuseiI caming with a sahervycargo ouiedand driven la thse tepeat, snd at senti au excesllent exemple ot the exitensive New York. Mr sister retnraed froua Aise greateit ln towa fer Sportiag fronîst Ciiti,ir Latdia, Lb. marks cf dt. twhéotite e eant hlp Liseinfluai cames nuse cf plastic utiiet concreto, this mateniai a shopping expuditioa later iiLi aftaler- Go-du, et., sud Lthe hli i ane stopula t-sails rent, ig- snd he take. heid of tb. only compats ansd hIlibeea almoat exaluaively nsed ia tise neon, sud I gave hon a grapluc accouait et gingi pl --,punipa aIl vorkinig te ksep h. tries ta piLahis 15overbeard. ItLajecou- construction cf Lsat masmive lireakysten. isv I alieut tise moiniuig, concluding, Buse Bale, Croquet Sets, Lally ber ilot,,talvarks knooked sway. 1Ilise temptîMb.y o oerything tisatitnlaCen. 'yptologiste ame coatinuaif y makins 'And hon. la Lb. moutel you vanted,' unL melleSticks, etc. suais a vi'ssei eomlng sud get ont mu> ainsi temptible.nree yu auj botter Iligit? freslis scquislbiens et ofkuovedge. A Valu- baud gliding saLe my pcrW i t vas emp- boat andl pais owanda ion, and 1I shout : Dring h on If yen have. HRave yens an ab lle finul cf ikeletona hclonging to t-he ty f %y purs hd disasppered vithaut a Don' forget tisebc. Wall Paperait ",Aisy, captai. I1 What are yen goiegte ter comifot te gîte ust Dring IL or if yen founth i, dyuty visa n.aently made ini Egyjît. ear in tise material to mark iLs exiL. Ilied do witis theso shlvened tinmbeni?1That have. Have Yen san botter hope ? Drng Tisi l ise0sarliemi knewii date ot Egyptiuneist tairen iL ont atter leaving the hanis- G .M TH R L was a beautîful ahip when y ou veut ont, iL on if y on have, aud Lthon yen may have romains. oru ; of tisat I vuai ament certain ; there- I ET E E L but you lhave uued t." l"Oib'"leaes tise this Bible sud I abilneyer vaut il agala. For asvers hemormisuge treim the noise b-y fore Dry poceot muai have berspicked en Kent St., opposiePaît Office, Lindsay captait], 11I havesa âue cargaouinboard, sud But 1 oaa Liinis cf a meser tluinîg tisa holding the.armetofthe patient np ever route. I rernembered a arowil et peuple 'nUR Ed5Bt.AgitM 1, e by tiait round trip I have mnaie eu $hât, sud bilai ia au old mari gcln11along ou tis e had for ts minutes éa time. A Lise Rue Daunou, visicis jammed tise narrav___________________ fortunes." 8 1beliee t L ill b. vbu tise 1the mountalus vitis s staff li nseboand ud mail piece off leswrapped lu muelun sud idevaiks, but Mr. Fairmami hadl been lie- A bor tif li-aveu. It vîlI cerne bosing upon 1ou suddsnfy. Ige la ori Id, jusL able te uslîy givo relief, me, I woudersd. My sister sdvimed me-te O R A E ait th. inarko of a great streiss ot veather. 1 pick hie way eut aiid tise rocksansd piro. Inorder te deotermine vhat influence tihe write tauim at 0once.- Perisape we could Ton Freekisru Yen caui ses bv the tory loihsfetbt il cipîces, Jluig on hi. ataf vitis on@ baud moon han on .srtiquakes, Captain de %fon-t. &top hlm ofeore ho loft Lise ciL7. 1 looked PlMBuan leac k Specha, BDi outi tan t.coits ite giony tîtat hs u audgulding iimeit vuthte liglît in th5 e nsani hâtecollectadiinfomation of 60,000 atthe cdock ; iL vasstnikiig four. U'H. etiw, e asn bc reSovlilt driven by as&terni and duhi Iihehum-. illher. Ycugome n say, "Fatier,you Ieartisqnaies, sud hbna amnved at tise conelu-. leaves at ix,' 1 murmured, hopefully. ImsiÎÎw by applylng nea ; u te ait nomemuc s aitise voyagelun sai teb. loteYou are s long vsy irons alors tisaiaur satellite boas moeffect upon yl ted for hillaraznedistely.' Tise., ne- BZY* nougli vif i Lb.elîsbor blieneriesmd."If ye hou." "«Y.u," heopUie.And tissu yen tisesephenomena. j rnmb.ing : 'But I do't knev lisi d*Taxi&lreokleILotion i afoîfiod wîts hlm l hon ." Alm@ s : Tat .isby tise bond sud Inari hlm home. Ho, arc io pleatitul lu Queensland, dres. Io iL not proyokingT I vent aven Oul*o Sure snd EfeehL f luiidwt i nhues l lhlg ira ito ry kiad of you. Dut suppose in- Anîbralia, tisat Lisy oaa b. bought at 02 tethe vindow, sud gazed absutly eut. 1I PUCE 25C. DEM SOTML Uc not lie satimfed te b.cf iissthei. Cistalami tead o that youiisould matoisthe stafffros esci. A veli-brokois animal eauslie haf bal beau vatohiag passera by fer tmre soidby belT-uî!glm. ail arunul&bout yen. Be more thon bhq lmsbaudé sud burl IL over tise rocks, and for 85. Wlld hers. verrun tise. colony, imte, feeliug desl depressed, vison sud- have ovcr boeenfer Christ. mauth ie lusmiumu and ble* IL out ? Thtan sd visen aptured sellait ancticu for aboutdenly I canght sighlb etMr. Fibirman bur- Mse:cond word of oniel te tùswe ol b u"yt 1h pibe il 1 $15 a dozen. rying ien; o n tise opposieaide. Wh&iGsJaHY L n t et tred n n Christian lie tise oluno e let01ontem t b.ecath I. JThise ofetronihsteel castings for marine inck 1 Wîtisout s yard et expîsuaticu e ANtoiON 15 abtî om&sl peru= losassociations Il Ibn have a9 a ts, gite IL te uns. asdmt &tinterI m L t ise udw th and Lake oytuniLsee tbat are ueful ms IfnJ ave s botter let, give IL te hlm. agnawr s mn, bt e abuortian es a l adt benefof cuit.iroLybuutgetaail asloclace on tedrbss-p tncfIlb.tGes.t' - betfi it . itay outof rm, a rs o - mWh n od uu --. thé obéi of5 Btheeatottheaéutag sud e vseconds I bmd aventaken bhai, A lwap kone à li mrbm mi et Booka et ter ol teriyu Cseaati ouv. n é» heeu W =of .1 :le made for tise hL8Iu s I îad hle tryhUg te regain ns breath, man. vq éoiptn &kà of-hl ;ie1 aud20aer cend. ofthe at4t* mved in nquL,% BerlyenW01oI 1à,a, teTlis Chithuassciaio@tet2 vef. ete btin I ou tona v0y is vanta dte otno mes xced20,0pani tg"u barn s olda et o uMs factser aru he n o lman m gi t p '# eIf' 1 1tuisise W md e Q d to uL b. rsa. -Ti esgat n ut et ts6 l aie___&asel.tr ar t .e1 'l.p.... rop_ _ t._~' 'h miscitian sahve asycn hratam, esduglba oo vsls lla pecon oss. 1_64_rasg temontLass by islyf.e Rvoeranvdi olesAbesWaal& WNM a g i l emu î v o i et . A v i i (l î, i i u tetehL s h f PNe, P r i s a b r c k , a s b is n s o l d L e B a r o n R e L i s -L-P .A- - *5 . Over LIII jit su d sl isg edita i u c M. G ern, ChiefIof ethte Paris d este tive aiild, f Frankfo t, for £10,000, Tie pro- mry expression. 'Pas-..3 P otty la o m f * NToeu . &.MU . . 18 M L ~U :M1 10011Z uv-u-itî,'Il f ëi seag,ta ib nd oeemaat a i ltr> mustacît, dru es1 mode i ll b.ho e dd labuilding a n w o *stammered, ickng blankly d% =me , But, 1? .j1< f e &.M Ip.u L P it I si ne haLltiey trud, iLitl, teahl.uabiy and la g.enrlîy isoon vîtis àtheaten. The geblet la ef îolicUaiver, my dean Mnr. Chuster, I Iiive nusberuteS bom IL u eue., IL41 f0I1 y agie. ?oI 8lix nOe ai1burntag cigar betv.un his fingoni. Mr. i saperbiy haied and ornamentod. isiead for thuse yers ' s4â«M» ...,-OMi.@. LIUi. Ilr Yongciil t wiite1Gomarseuli itigi he e> n "osaiom, te ud' e. wul 'a 1d eu j silence, "5tOiilu(lf il t.11 seicite o-nh.dsi fLsu islgs visicis i euhigaziag gat tise Otus Nthere.abo 'I Wo-Pot'ol. mi il6m>M. LIS seuM. tue wvilithe yumg.1i118lhicis anet1blnk simpeeutobmyn benld noneoevearsilshiîyhais-udocfw* bon no lmsiu iitw>euatura . Ido 1 lu vingat taiiesîoa -Hyof fips i&haïr1 evpetople know o.Il yen are ins Pull- I gasped, unn.oliviugsy.'Bt1w O LM g U uti <,t W euutuum1dîi hï à ehialyi Pt îîf cald sman car get a pîîîov fuom tise poter, ~ vtsyn pu 4 ai". .XAO 1")t vattY014 9, ake ibis Caution I have tise Ioor-vslkei's rois.onou psdpley-vitug ellu " 'edSwiq -5Jb vsnee ymleYsvbybw Itim Zs rm>wopi Illkfit Ii triv:Fo:v it:;st av 1& Ft n d tor, r bs lY s ci vili . O. M.& TO RETTtbi wh » y p tW is eb a ra" a'i Mlumlil low if ylî ) tl , ét itskp tise au- Editon cf prohibition Ps mr-Thi5 ouim.iooieW br p iv$ue .poem, n. igsuâd,(numa llad einslyY 'I row">, Bu wiiluthu.,inla u, I vaut yen et jours calied "A Sgmile ain0a Tear" vou,$ obtaîied une yolr c05t. îten Carrie in NevpoîtL. RN UK MW 11m tg 1 "o-al ouit "tiard in titis mater -do feu cur papeu. Tise Fans ara tise oui> people in" at "*Thon tise irutît f-iileifllovin ume. TMs ](s ) t, tIrulgol f eueC ritom- trgi frc W ohaea'ur cadthe LlU TUT oE i ntir fi o u J cain a Jmitcetel W ond-becootributo-W hy notnae Afrng vise have s cune ncy i mali diffrences I .. A n t o ed bes s ou dm a,, iiiaIlyotr iSiOttiliîmEdto-I arn afnald nmrneof ouruboul bec aTs as mîb o niy toc doan nov. Tise clouer du. M&,.slif ' V tax i W<'îul If eu iit u imsl 114 tiat y en - ens mlght rnlanden tand tie itile sud ta e £of ion, vuught into pioces e si bling plicate l ad t.naded au hlm m itaken ide util. L S e d u e b t e. v s om m y, T enliuYuîd I1ae.s agreat many Ffueu-aeield'@ Wasington. it1fa ied y, and isad cslmly iunuhed manised 3.S5méohoesutPeut Unom m tv _y for the spirn, sudm 100wnt lèlmid flipy sceunitut1)(1 Pruîiuiof tleum. Thsir Mbeep, Ssephes-diniansd fega ise manissipricescf a viîe y p a oiseluntepstn tcse mm'.ei#hul, g .M rnsa eltu iilinthujitLun life fin adu up of 1 m'Thine are su d te bisein Sp" "Il Noe Who vsebas co@ uilste contact vîtis *sund fianc.".-I.R.MoVicisar, l a Hrq nOO and tt- un ctvaetuspruiat u millonLis=e wi4 hAliosos reporta ern omte boansavgev'sBazar. - .3 1» ti iu u~ dcpîinujncy vwheu 1 il vîîî tuktçie~, teuded by about titi> thouusad ieati. vmr~wsed tLe ho by Hsnry 17nomoau 114îY tisas. li n n.acassaeut oetLoi pîntusl suad guardeul b> tl ty Mossaitdqrî Wmmm l-o teutseNg, rte is MtIs ey ~I ,oq dupdency in a jtàdgunent ut Ood upon 0e rno-- ieiaa*mIiu ie.u <ifmu.Whoarne Lhap a epel Oei-lt owsB6ma,.uso 4th Sge wftlte tel wNm8w1lafl4, 'u' c lnasto-day t Tolus m Maî d £ vreevlvhreo ls, TheIf show%" French. "a 4gi 5th£4 - RienoetJeul, Ohrat md la idIs, sud j the neo i 1ri "7r fiit pruseipîu tstIivîe m«', tir ý 0.1 mai visen Ihilhlà feu *P deïi '.tu" mLoeembis bairs abuMat# b#am Iuuro.htg be ver r 1 on 0.4 es.tbumod »vli* ', 4> w, , ,, UsP "moL faaSmsou el>ab il M #M b e e ~ j h I a w e y~~' 1 a Gall and see. AU are invited to Grand Diaplay of Milinery, Drewsand Mande makinq. MIe ifiteff hei bies go liefras isopublia tis> ae@shm necoeved s lange 'and vaînable stock et Surier Mil'-'ety fr-ew u.î, u i < u eais miy psep.ad ltu waut ou htr anumer. -onu Patrons te thear satlafiction, bayiug a finit Cda illiasi. Latest oit-y styles lu dre.. sud mcatlie maig, isborespeciai attention viii h givea te aIL Persan. trom a diatance valted apon on Saurdale. I seil the following makes of PIANOS & RGANS Bell Organ and Pittne Co. I .7 "' ISteinway & Sons Piano Go. Berlin Piano and Organ Co., - __ Weber Piano Co., N.Y. __ D. W. Rarn & Co., Chickering Piano Go. Gerliard, Heintzman & Co. LL Mason & Hamlin SEstey (',rgan >% d Piano C'o. Smith Axneric»n Orgo.n Co. Any othi rmal<e supplie-i to order. The above rnûes of Organs i-niPinoa aTe adnlt:ed by n nalcai JuJi eiand al ntelliazent vd distintereeî'ed p,- p'à- to b. the besi n keii thle knowr,,R' klc. An2d amn aelling thew at leaet 25 pi-r cent. le@@. than aty other ci: Iler lai Viecria Gcmnnty. Offivo-Up italie next door tb Neille Boot sud 8 8 o tore. -68-iy IWUK-U(ver Wanmei & Co's Dry G-l>odv 1tore, Doiseuy Blocis, aext dccl La TUE INC.,CTOIAIVARDE THEENCYCýLOPAIA REVISEBD AND AMENDED. p I 1/ PI I 'il e T18 YOUR FAULT tisatishe boy deeu mnrtad lthe mealng et th. vend ho as oeuntered, or knue . othing ofthtie msn h.o bassenus~liag ont. Yon -m amoyed boanes ho bissntempted enuvle jeu vere réading the paper. good Es 0, tpedyen otise boum "ou oan't aord IL B.ad esYmommn u juvi e ia eu eu, h jeu ever go poor rHE ENOYOLOPRDIA BRITTANICA Revised and Amended, tise met somp eoa"u diversified librry ofe etertslng ad Iiterotlg literature Ut luSued hemn therse.ou. env'iland ometbisng te attiaI snd latereut yon an ve page. If ven are tond oet iltory, ih eM*mrs tie fiuet collection et histories the venld, embraoiag evsry na of et aiàd modern imes. Are vn inter.- ied lu Soleauel Tise Eacyolopudis Brlttamica Beviaed sud Amended vin tell yeu, à ler, udoenstudable EngU, &about »ame ueuMnar viis te atn4y. Art on ourlons about meobaulslInvenions? Ansin tise Enoyelopudia le resd> te jour ad; a mom.ut' turning ofott pages briaga tise proptr headiug te voût i e@, sud iere beloten eu lesa complote sud exhsaustive aceout 0et ntise ulebject. In bort, whetsen yen vaut amusement for an 1dle heui, moUd Insttuetion for more oert- ns moments- or qulok informaiois about ady malter au te visics yeu are la donlit, "Tou bave tise mesue lu tisese books et gratlfying jour desiro. rHE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED à sotes iisouuaud pagea ar e sd vitis âne potures, sm dil àecutaasover 8,600,000 ,ord. Tie information oompiled in tsI. "Cyoloptadia" roprume th ie esmeful verk 1 1GO et tie ablest writers et tie aatoteentis untury. Al otier *Cyolopedia" e fremn Bye te tveat-yjean. boSlad tise dat.eofthlIsueetofibis grand vork, visieli vas oompbeted lun189. IOW YOU MAY PAY FOR THE 130OKS W. offer io doliver to your addre.s a comploe.net of THE'EW(JY- IOPEDIÂ BRITÂICA, revised and amended, together with ME VICTORIÂ WARDER, for one year, at the following prices;:- Encyclopeeda bound in (3loth and Paper, for one year $26.00. pay- bi. as followfs: $2.00 on délivery of the. firet five volumes, and $2.00 or month fer one year. 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